400 questions and answers about faith, church and Christian life

Bible quiz. Part 1.

1. Name the first phrase of Christ on the cross.

  1. thirsty
  2. Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.
  3. Truly I tell you, today you will be with Me in Paradise
  4. Or, Or, lamma sabachthani

2. How many sons were born to Jacob in the land of Canaan?

  1. 1
  2. 5
  3. 12
  4. no one

3. What precious stone is most abundant in the heavenly Jerusalem?

  1. jasper
  2. chrysolite
  3. amethyst
  4. gold

4. What was the very first city in the land of Canaan that was conquered by the Israelites?

  1. Shechem
  2. Jericho
  3. Guy
  4. Bethel

5. Which woman was the wife of her own brother?

  1. Sarah
  2. Rebekah
  3. Esther
  4. Herodias

6. What phrase did the animals say in the book of Revelation?

  1. Sit down and listen
  2. Go and look
  3. Lie down and die
  4. Rise and shine

7. What was the first food the Israelites ate after leaving Egypt?

  1. Passover lamb
  2. Unleavened bread
  3. Perepelov
  4. Manna from heaven

8. What were the names of the Jews who were converted from the Gentiles?

  1. Hellenes
  2. Elamites
  3. Proselytes
  4. Nicolaitans

9. Name the earliest event listed

  1. Jesus' first miracle at Cana in Galilee
  2. Imprisonment of John the Baptist
  3. Jesus Calling the First Disciples
  4. Sermon on the Mount

Part 2

1. With whom did God make His first covenant?

2. What do Moses and Paul have in common?

3. From whom did 12 princes and a large people come?

4. Name the greatest of all people on earth.

5. Which mother fed her baby and received money for it?

6. Name the woman judge of Israel.

7. How is the birth of Jesus related to money?

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