Quantum physics explains the existence of hell and heaven from a scientific point of view (4 photos)

The question of the existence of a human soul, its determination in hell or heaven after death remains one of the most important for society. If religion answers this question very simply and clearly, then what is important for scientists is not the view from the point of view of religion, but scientific confirmation of data that can reveal the mysteries of the Universe.

The theory of the immaterial field, which was developed and proven by physicists and mathematicians, confirms the existence of the soul, as well as its preservation and transition to other quantum fields of the Universe.

Scientific theory of the existence of hell and heaven

Scientists have published facts that explain the existence of extraterrestrial worlds for human souls from the point of view of quantum physics. Field theory, developed by Sean Carroll, says that the human soul, after the death of the body, passes into other physical fields. It is transformed into the composition of atoms and electrons or particles similar to them, which, after the death of the bodily shell, simply move into other quantum fields.

Depending on the type of particles, they traverse into their spheres, which scientists call the data storage of the Universe. People may call them hell or heaven, or other concepts, but it has been proven that particles do not disappear forever, but pass into the immaterial fields of the Universe.

Scientists still know little about other intangible worlds, but they are confident that the material part of the Universe, which is still represented by life on planet Earth in the Milky Way galaxy, constitutes only a small part of all worlds that remain outside human knowledge.

Physicists are confident that there is a parallel world that people can sometimes encounter. The presence of mythical creatures that can sometimes cross paths with people is not fiction, but their world is closed from people for some reason.

Scientists confirm: heaven and hell exist!


After the release of the best-selling book Life After Life in 1976, the world was in turmoil - something that had never been offered to readers. Despite the fact that books on such a sensitive topic have appeared on the shelves before, Raymond Moody is considered the first who decided to present the results of his research to the general public. Apparently at the same time, in 1976, the ban on such literature, which at one time had been secretly imposed, was secretly lifted, which led to the oblivion of many, many unique pieces of evidence.

“I looked back and saw that my body was lying without feeling or movement. Just as if someone had taken off his clothes and looked at them, so I looked at my body as if at clothes, and was very surprised at it.”

This is not from Moody's book. This is how in the 10th century Gregory, a student of Vasily the New, described the posthumous state, or rather, “the journey of the soul of Blessed Fedora through ordeals.”

As if from Moody’s book, the story of the poet Arseny Tarkovsky (father of the outstanding film director) was also taken. This happened in January 1944. After several repeated leg amputations, the poet died in a front-line hospital from gangrene. He lay in a small, cramped room with a very low ceiling. The dim light bulb that hung right above the bed did not have a switch, and had to be unscrewed by hand.

One day, while unscrewing a light bulb, Tarkovsky felt that his soul had slipped out of his body - unscrewed, like a light bulb from its socket. Stunned, he looked down and saw himself on the bed - motionless, as if sleeping soundly. As if spellbound, he looked at himself from the outside, when suddenly he wanted to see what was happening in the next room. He began to slowly “leak” through the wall, but suddenly felt that just a little longer and he would never return to his body. This horrified him. He returned, hovered over the bed and with some unusual effort slid into the body, as if into an empty vessel.

Of course, such stories today will not surprise anyone. Although who will remain indifferent when reading, for example, the following lines:

“There is no other thing as beautiful as death. You just move from one state to another, like, say, from school to college.”

“Life is like a prison sentence. Death is like liberation, like leaving prison.”

In such examples, the main reason for the success of Moody's book is that it gives people hope.


However, the sweeping admiration for death alarmed, first of all, theologians. They drew attention to the fact that after reading such books, readers may get the impression that death is completely harmless, and people “out there” will experience entirely pleasant sensations—peace and joy. It turns out, the theologians were perplexed, that both righteous and sinners all equally go straight to heaven. But the same cannot happen, the holy fathers worried.

And they turned out to be right: indeed, not everyone experienced joyful feelings during clinical death. According to Dr. Ring's careful research, only a relatively small percentage are given what Christians call the vision of the Light.

Dr. Rawlings, who has personally resuscitated many dying people, is not so categorical. According to his calculations, the number of people who see darkness or Light is approximately the same. In his book “Beyond Death’s Door,” he talks about a patient who, during cardiac arrest, ended up in... hell:

“During the process of revival, he came to his senses several times, but his heart stopped again. When he was in our world and gained the power of speech, he still saw hell, was in a panic and asked the doctors to continue reviving him. These procedures are painful, and usually patients, returning to earthly life, ask to stop them. Two days later, the patient had no memories of what happened. He forgot everything, he had never been to hell and never seen any hell.”

Charles Garfield, a leading researcher in the field of near-death experiences, agrees with Rawlings: “Not every person dies a pleasant and peaceful death. Among the patients I interviewed, almost as many experienced an unpleasant state (encounters with demon-like creatures) as experienced a pleasant one. Some of them experienced both states."

Along the way, it turned out that people sometimes consciously, and sometimes not, keep silent about their unpleasant posthumous visions. In addition, according to Rawlings, the most terrible visions are automatically erased from memory.

It should be especially noted that in this case science went hand in hand with religion. This once again confirms the truth of the saying: “Little knowledge leads away from God, but great knowledge leads to Him.”


Atheists still do not believe in life after death. Their main objection comes down to the fact that the brain does not die immediately - its reserves last for another 6-8 minutes. And with the fading consciousness, visions occur, which are the same for everyone, since the processes caused by oxygen starvation are also the same. Therefore, they say, everyone talks about the same thing: about floating under the ceiling, about the spectacle of their own bodies, about flying through a long tunnel, at the end of which a bright, kind light shines, about meetings with long-dead relatives and friends.

French psychologist Michel Lerier, author of the book “Eternity in a Past Life,” was not satisfied with this interpretation. Firstly, not everyone’s visions are the same - here atheists are disingenuous, to put it mildly. And secondly, knowing the methods of hypnosis, he decided to probe the brains of his patients. And here it became clear once again that people brought back to life do not remember everything that happened to them. Moreover, obeying the will of the hypnotist, their memory revealed amazing things: it turns out that before waking up in a hospital bed, the patients found themselves... in another era!

The amazed Lerier at first thought that he was receiving information about their previous lives (a phenomenon confirmed by science). But as information accumulated, he noticed a strange feature.

Let's say a robber and murderer, whom doctors saved from a heart attack so that justice could punish him as a edification to others, said under hypnosis that he had been a slave on the Roman galleys for many years: he talked about the terrible beatings of the overseers, the constant pangs of thirst and hunger. And a certain woman, who had never done a single bad thing in her life and always helped the poor, remembered herself in Ancient Egypt, where she had wealth, power and hundreds of servants who would fulfill any desire.

Similar adventures were “remembered” by 205 of the 208 patients examined: during clinical death, for some reason they all found themselves in ancient eras and lived another life there, each their own. The exception was three people who, also experiencing clinical death, remained in their time and led the same life.

Lerier made a conclusion worthy of biblical characters: whoever spent this life with dignity also led a worthy existence in past centuries, and whoever soiled himself with bad deeds received accordingly.

And another conclusion: if the matter was limited to oxygen starvation, then one could expect that hypnosis would cause the same pictures. As we see, this is not at all the case.

But have these people really visited past centuries? Apparently, hell and heaven are within ourselves. By assessing our real actions in advance, we subconsciously prepare for ourselves an “otherworldly destiny” and live it in the short minutes between life and death. However, Lerier is confident that hell and heaven actually exist - in past centuries. And the most mysterious physical substance - time - takes us there. Just in case, he advises you to behave like a human being in this life. To avoid it, so to speak.


A special issue is about suicide. There are no guarantees that books like Life After Life can provoke a voluntary departure to the “other” world. But, as research shows, such attempts do not lead to anything good.

The suicides brought back to life stated that after death they found themselves in some kind of dungeon and felt that they would remain in it for a long time. At the same time, they realized that they were being punished for violating the law, according to which every person must endure a certain share of sorrows on Earth.

One of Moody’s patients, who ended up in an intensive care bed as a result of a suicide attempt, said:

“When I was there, I felt that two things were completely forbidden for me: killing myself or killing another person. If I commit suicide, I will throw his gift in God's face. By killing someone, I will break God’s commandment.”

And here is the story of a certain Beverly, a 47-year-old woman.

As a child, she suffered a lot of grief from her parents, who constantly abused her. And one day a seven-year-old girl couldn’t stand it: she jumped out of the window. Clinical death occurred, and Beverly looked from somewhere above at the familiar children who surrounded her lifeless body. Suddenly a bright light shone, and an unknown voice said:

- You made a mistake. Your life does not belong to you, and you must return.

“But no one loves me and no one wants to take care of me.”

“It’s true,” the voice answered, “and in the future no one will care about you.” So learn to take care of yourself.

After these words, Beverly saw snow and dry wood around her. There was a whiff of warmth from somewhere, the snow melted, and the dry branches of the tree were covered with leaves and ripe apples. She began to pick apples and eat them with pleasure. And then she realized that both in Nature and in the life of every person there are their own winter and summer, which form a single whole in the Creator’s plan. When Beverly came to life, she began to approach life in a new way. As an adult, she married a good man, gave birth to children and found earthly happiness.

But what happens to those who were not brought back to life? Documentary facts say that they do not stay in the “other” world - they are almost immediately returned to Earth, and they all start over. Sometimes suicides know that they will return. And even when this return happens!

Emilia Lorenz did not want to be a woman so much that she decided to commit suicide. But before drinking the poison, the nineteen-year-old Brazilian girl promised her relatives that she would return to Earth as a man. A little time passed, and her mother, Senora Lorenz, gave birth to a boy, who was named Paulo. When the boy learned to speak, he told his mother that he used to be... Emilia! He “remembered” such details from her life that the parents had no choice but to believe in the incredible: their daughter really returned to the family in the form of Paulo. Experts, having conducted a series of studies and tests, recorded more than a hundred coincidences in the boy’s stories with real facts from Emilia’s life.

Another example. Maria de Oliveiro committed suicide because of unhappy love - she specifically contracted tuberculosis. Before her death, she promised her friend Ida that she would be reborn as her daughter...

Soon Ida actually gave birth to a daughter. As soon as the girl learned to speak, she began to talk about events from Maria’s life, easily recognized former acquaintances, called them by name and remembered the places that she “used to visit” together. Psychologists have found that in 120 cases her memories surprisingly coincided with episodes from Maria’s life...


The books of Moody and his colleagues have become, perhaps, those great revelations that are given in times of spiritual crises, when people are so enslaved by everyday turmoil that they lose the ability to feel the original - invisible, but eternal. We must assume that the Higher Powers decided to provide us with yet another proof of the reality of the spiritual world, so that, having known ourselves, we would be able to understand our purpose in this life.


Category: Articles by Oleg Krasnov.


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The human soul through the prism of religion and science

They have been trying to unravel the mystery of the existence of the soul and its habitation after the death of the human body for more than one century. Currently, there are two theories that try to answer these questions.

Religious theory indicates that after the end of the earthly journey, the soul goes to heaven to God. Her location after death is determined by a person’s actions during life, and only the Lord decides where she will go - to heaven or hell. For believers, death is not considered a grief, because it means the unity of the soul with God.

Scientific theory, on the other hand, tries to provide answers using proven facts as well as research data. And the human soul has been of interest to scientists for a long time as an object of their research.

The professor proved the existence of heaven Moskovsky Komsomolets, 09/22/2010

  1. home
  2. Sergey Vyacheslavovich Savelyev
  3. Interview with S.V. Savelyeva
- I found paradise! It existed on Earth 4.5 million years ago in Northeast Africa. And the lucky ones who lived there were the ancestors of the Australopithecines. This is how I was intrigued by the head of the laboratory for the development of the human nervous system at the Research Institute of Human Morphology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor Sergei SAVELIEV. From his hypothesis, set out in the monograph “The Emergence of the Human Brain,” it follows that: in paradise there was a lot of tasty and tender food; the ancestors of people began to speak out of idleness; Adam and Eve suffered from missing fangs and tooth decay.

Australopithecus jaw, teeth showing signs of caries.

Thinking is harmful

“Paradise life”, “live like in paradise”. Homo sapiens have been repeating these phrases for many centuries, and everyone puts their own meaning into the concept of “paradise.” What is it like to really live in paradise? Where did the concept come from and did this paradise even exist?

“It was,” says Professor Savelyev. — Information about him has been stored in our subconscious for many millions of years, however, during this time many details have been erased from the memory of mankind. But the main thing remained: paradise was a glorious place where a person did not need blood and sweat to get food for himself, he was kind, balanced, simple-minded, until he was fed up with abundance and something terrible happened. But more on that a little later. I’ll tell you in order, first - how I got to heaven, exploring the history of the origin of our brain.

So, everyone knows that man naively believes that he is the king of beasts. And he became so thanks to the special mental function of the brain. But how could this happen? After all, in biological evolution there was no place for abstract thinking. Human ancestors only knew what to get food, fill their stomachs, reproduce and escape from wild animals. No abstract thinking is needed for this. In general, our body is designed in such a way that any more or less intense thinking causes great harm to it. When we sleep or just relax, our brain consumes 10% of energy. When we think, we immediately spend 25% of the body’s total reserves.

- Why is our body structured this way?

- Yes, because the ancient creatures were never sure that they would have food tomorrow. Therefore, the body’s task is to save energy as much as possible so that it remains for food production (its modern equivalent is money) and reproduction (that is, the desire for your species to dominate over others).

But then out of nowhere homo sapiens appeared, who sometimes wants to dream, to invent a time machine. And this ability of our brain, as it turns out, is also a product of biological evolution. The question arises: where did such a function come from in our brain?

- Probably, it appeared to better satisfy all the needs you listed above: reproduction, obtaining food, etc.

“As they say, this doesn’t require much intelligence—our ancestors did all this without making much mental effort.” That is, food and reproduction could not possibly become prerequisites for the development of a perfect human brain, a thinking brain. At first glance, it seems that it arose contrary to evolutionary laws. One can, of course, imagine that some intelligent creature, like a breeder, selected people with large brains into a separate reservation, forced them to reproduce there separately from the main mass, create, and then suddenly released them into the wild and they ate everyone else. But this, alas, is not so. Look around you: the most successful are not the smartest. Creators with abstract thinking are rare.

Uncontrolled paradise

- Well then, why did we have a complex brain apparatus?

- Rather, not why, but as a result of what. At some stage, humanity found itself without control of biological evolution, finding itself in very hothouse conditions.

If we look at the dental system of the earliest people - Australopithecus, who lived 4.5 million years ago, we will see that the most interesting thing about them is their teeth. Australopithecines had the same poor teeth, without fangs and with caries, as modern humans. It’s interesting that until now no one has even asked the question: how did this happen? If, according to the traditional version, they ate meat or ground roots with their teeth, then ancient people must have had fangs or ground teeth, like those of elephants and mammoths. If they are not there, it means that ancient people ate some very soft, delicate food.

It is unlikely that 10 million years ago, toothy proconsuls and toumayas (pre-australopithecus primates) were given fresh blood through a tube or used the services of a Chinese cook. So what happened?

This is where we got close to heaven, if you can call it that, because it, as it later turns out, did a very bad job for poor animals, turning them into humans.

So, the ancestor of Australopithecus finds himself in some very comfortable conditions, in which he no longer needed fangs, they became of no use to him.

-What is this place they ended up in??

“As most scientists still believe, the ancestors of people sat in trees, and then, when the forests began to recede, they went out into an open field, where they found a lot of food and root crops. Then, according to the traditional version, man began to hunt using the driven method. No one wonders how the Australopithecines were not eaten back then, because it is impossible to hide from predators in a field.

I believe that the first ancestors of people chose a coastal subtropical zone with a huge number of lakes and channels in the eastern part of Africa, in the area of ​​​​the famous Lake Turkana. They were brought there by protein-rich food - fish spawning in shallow waters, shellfish, quite possibly even some invertebrates.

The period of life in this zone lasted a very long time, so long that the animals' teeth changed and they turned into erect walkers.

Upright walking is a consequence of fishing

— By the way, why has it become more convenient for a person to walk on two legs?

- Judge for yourself: at four points you won’t be able to get into the water and collect a lot of caviar - you need to straighten up. By the way, bears do the same thing when they hunt fish. Modern primates also walk in water on two legs.

— How does the traditional version explain bipedality?

—What else did our ancestor eat? Did he have apples of paradise?

- Undoubtedly, some paradise plants with juicy fruits grew along the shores, but besides them, the ancients diluted their diet with poultry meat (it was most likely visible or invisible in spawning areas). Well, in addition to the bird meat itself, the first people could eat bird eggs.

There was wild competition in paradise

- But if ancient people had a lot of food, who did they have to compete with?

— When everything is there, competition for females begins. With an abundance of food, the latter, by the way, gradually changed their cycle - from annual to monthly. After all, if it has become possible to feed the young all year round, it means that it is possible to reproduce more often. The next biological pattern that led to competition was dominance: whoever has the thickest and shaggiest female leads the herd. But how could the ancient ancestor of Australopithecus, who was not known for martial arts, establish dominance and attract the best female? Yes, only thanks to speech! Imagine, a male comes to you and tells you that he just went and killed a mammoth, biting it to death with his own frail teeth. You believe him. But in fact, he didn’t go anywhere at all - he lied to get your attention. In my deep conviction, speech arose in this period as a means of lying, a mechanism for simulating action, and after it the brain developed. Judge for yourself, because the information part of any speech is very small. In 9 cases out of 10, people in a conversation pursue completely different goals than those they are talking about.

- It turns out that if we didn’t lie, we wouldn’t learn to speak? How did you even find out that australopithecines could speak?

“Their brains told me about this.” These bipeds had a brain mass of up to 450 grams, which fully allowed them to chirp on some rubble.

- Sorry, but where did you get their brains?

- It's not a problem. After archaeological excavations, many copies of the found skulls of ancient people are made. Not here, of course, but in the West. So, having acquired good specimens of Australopithecus skulls (they were found in large numbers in East Africa), I recreated the surface of their brain. Using it, I have already estimated the lobes due to which a person’s brain began to grow. So, the speech center of Australopithecus was very well developed. I compared his brain with the brains of sick people, microcephalics (brains weighing less than 500 grams), collected in Europe over two centuries, as well as with the brains of modern microcephalics. And what do you think? Modern talking idiots have brain mass that is several tens of grams less than that of people from “paradise.” This means that these human ancestors could well, like microcephalics, joke, primitively deceive each other... Well, then a terrible thing happened - the paradise period ended.

— Did some sin of the Australopithecines lead to this? Who appeared to them in the form of the Serpent-Tempter?

- No, I am far from church dogmas. These creatures sinned for 8 million years, and then suddenly - bang, and in one moment it was all over! No, I don't think it was punishment. Climate changes just happened, their favorite lakes gradually dried up and their favorite food disappeared. Most of the australopithecines, not adapted to anything, then died out. The most nimble and fast began to intensively search for new places for a more or less normal life. Thus began the outbreak of Australopithecines throughout the world. And the brains that they developed during their life in paradise and which turned out to be too large and unclaimed, were later useful when overcoming life’s difficulties - some especially gifted representatives, no, no, and some brilliant ideas arose. Millions of years before modern humans, we evolved into heavier-brained creatures. However, for the majority, it still performs only a primitive function - it works in three directions: eat, reproduce and dominate.

Scientific proof of the existence of the human soul

The first experiment conducted by McDougall Duncan was intended to prove the existence of a soul in the body of a living person. In 1906, he decided to weigh people who were already on the verge of death, and then their body after death. So it was scientifically proven that the soul weighs 21 grams.

Naturally, there were immediately opponents who tried to refute McDougall’s theory, but still his theory is considered confirmed in the present day. Also, scientists, using modern instruments, were able to see a certain substance that leaves the body at the moment of death, and even calculate its density relative to air.

The next stage of research was to determine the location of the soul after the death of a person. This is where the theory of quantum gravity came to the rescue. Physicists believe that this substance, which people call the soul, does not disappear, but ends up in the data storage of the Universe. There she remains until a certain time. All knowledge remains and passes to a new individual along with the soul, so some people can remember their past life.


Quote from Irina_Ball's message

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In 1991, Pam began to experience frequent dizziness. Tests showed that she had a brain aneurysm. In this condition, the wall of the brain artery becomes thinner, swells, and can burst at any moment, causing sudden death. The only hope was surgery, and the operation was very complicated. A surgeon from the Arizona Brain Neurosurgery Institute agreed to perform such an operation.

The aneurysm was located at the very base of the brain, and in order to open the brain to such a depth it was necessary to completely stop the work of the brain, the work of the heart, and in general the work of any metabolic processes. The brain did not need to be put to sleep, but stopped completely. All blood had to be pumped out of the head, the body temperature had to be brought to 10-15 degrees. For an hour while the operation continued, Pam was supposed to be in a state of clinical death. The devices should not have recorded a single metabolic process, otherwise the operation could have ended in the death of the woman.

And here is Pam - on the operating table under anesthesia. Her eyes are covered, transmitters are inserted into her ears. A sheet is placed over the face. Only the part of Pam's head that was to be opened remained open... After this, Pam describes what happened to her next. Then there was NOTHING, non-existence... until the moment she heard a very unpleasant sound of a drill, like in a dentist's office. It was her skull that began to be sawed off. And then she seemed to jump out of her head and saw her body from above. She saw a group of surgeons near her body. I saw very clearly the instruments that the surgeons used. Then the nurse said, “Her veins are too thin,” to which the doctor (whom Pam didn’t see that day) replied, “Let’s try the other side.” He began to do something on the side of his body, and Pam then even thought: “What is he doing there? After all, it’s a head operation.” She later found out that this conversation actually took place in the operating room, and the doctor then entered her femoral artery to pump out the blood.

Then Pam felt as if someone was looking at her from behind. She regained her consciousness and saw a luminous point that became larger and larger. She was strongly drawn to the light and she went towards it. She heard the voice of her dead grandmother. Afterwards she saw her uncle and many other people, familiar and unfamiliar. The longer she was there, the more she did not want to go back. Although she knew that she needed to return. Uncle easily pushed her, and she found herself in her body.

Neurosurgeons are convinced that Pam simply could not hear, see, or remember anything because ALL brain functions were disabled. After the operation, Pam became more sympathetic to the grief of others and began to help more those in need.

In February of this year, a book was published about another incredible event. A four-year-old boy named Colton Burpo became seriously ill with the flu. The baby was hospitalized. During an examination at the hospital, it turned out that the boy’s appendix had ruptured and his insides were full of poisons. The surgeon did not give the parents a guarantee that the boy would survive. The boy's father, a local church pastor, asked people to pray for him. The operation took a long time. The boy did not come to his senses for a long time after the operation. Later, the father said that out of the 17 days spent in the hospital, he could only sleep 5 nights. The recovery and improvement occurred so dramatically that none of the hospital staff doubted that they were witnessing a miracle.

When the baby recovered, he began to talk about very unexpected things. He said that he was in heaven and sat on the lap of Jesus. Since he heard about Jesus often, these confessions of his were perceived as a childish fantasy. He once said that angels sang to him when he was in the hospital. This alarmed the parents, because they had never taught their child about angels either in church or at home. They began to listen to what their son said. And then he said that when he was put into surgery, he saw his dad and mom standing in the room in the hospital and praying for him. He described in detail what the parents were wearing, what they said and what the room was like. Everything turned out to be exactly right. as he spoke. However, at that moment the child was... on the operating table. When they asked how he saw them, he said that he was looking at them from above, but for some reason they did not see him.

He also said that he saw many people in heaven and met his sister. She told him that they didn't have time to name her when she died. The baby simply could not know about this. A year before his birth, his mother had a miscarriage, and then his unborn sister died. The parents never told their son about this.

Info in Russian. https://www.directadvert.ru/news/txt/?id=8944&nnn_id=15089048

Skeptics still believe that all visions before death are explained by chemical processes in the brain, which is exposed to hypoxia. How will they explain these cases?

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