Why dream of praying fervently and reverently in a dream?

Outwardly, prayer may look simple and even unattractive. However, this process is one of the most amazing of all available to people. Prayer has great value and is also part of human culture and consciousness.

That is why we often see ourselves praying in our own dreams. Why do you dream of praying in a dream? If you see a dream where you are praying, then dream books will help you figure out the meaning of this symbol; the main thing is to remember some details.

Common dream meanings

Let's start with the most common interpretations, which are provided in various collections and dream books.

People who have any problems, want to commit some bad act or avoid retribution for their actions can pray in a dream. Such symbolism is very common and can appear in many people. If in reality you can restrain such impulses, then in a dream your subconscious can clearly indicate the accumulated tension that you want to get rid of.

Perhaps the advice here is very simple: if you are experiencing excessive stress, then you should rely on yourself and try to somehow get out of the situation, give yourself some rest and change your environment or usual activity. If we are talking about unseemly actions, then confession and the opportunity to repent will help.

When you dream of prayer, you should pay attention to your emotions after such a dream. Light emotions and positive sensations indicate your relief. In reality you will also receive positive emotions.

Much depends on your faith. For example, for people who are closer to atheism, prayer in a dream indicates the presence of lies and duplicity. You repent of something and are deceiving, or your relatives and friends are spreading some lies about you. At the same time, for adherents of Islam, a dreamed prayer is always a positive sign.

If you see many people praying near you, you should be more careful about your own acquaintances. You don’t know exactly what thoughts and attitudes they have towards you, you need to be more vigilant and understand people better.

Possible plots

In order to interpret what you see in the Morphean kingdom, it is important to know all the details. If you read a prayer in a dream, you need to remember:

  • Where did this happen: in the temple, at home, on the street;
  • what position did you take?
  • what they contemplated around;
  • to whom they prayed;
  • was there an icon in front of you;
  • whether other people were present nearby.

You may have cried or screamed loudly. Such components, not noticeable at first glance, are very significant for interpretation.

Church, cathedral, temple or within them

If you dreamed that you were reading prayers in the house of God, it means that very soon peace and tranquility will come into your life. If you are currently overcoming difficult life situations, seeing a prayer in church promises the imminent onset of a white streak. For atheists, this means that they will soon experience the torment of their conscience.

On the knees

A night vision in which a person prayed on his knees promises a dream come true in the near future. If at the same time you bowed to the ground, you will soon find out what you have lost.

In front of the icon

A dream of praying to a certain icon speaks of salvation through faith. If a person who is not a believer dreams about this, it will mean the need to make some kind of choice in life. For entrepreneurs, this promises the assistance of reputable partners. Also, praying at an icon according to the dream book can be interpreted as putting material wealth in the foreground, pushing spiritual ones back.

Our Father

Praying in dreams is always a good sign. Saying “Our Father” is interpreted as the fulfillment of your most cherished desires or the imminent arrival of wonderful news and events.

Use or read a prayer book

If in your nightly dreams you see a prayer book, it means changes in your personal life for the better are very close. It is possible to quickly meet your soulmate or show signs of attention from the opposite sex. If you observed the presence of many other people, you will probably be lucky enough to attend a magnificent celebration. Also, reading a prayer book in night dreams speaks of a desire to change your life.

Pray out of fear

Praying out of fear is interpreted as a reluctance to achieve any accomplishments.

Until someone asks for it or lends a helping hand. If you dreamed that you prayed before death, then you blame yourself for something. In this case, it is necessary to confess, and the mental torment will be released. If your prayer was accompanied by tears and crying, you are avoiding help from other people, you should reconsider your principles a little.

See or cry out to God

Appealing to God indicates the presence of possible stressful conditions and the need for God's help.

Why do you dream about God?

There are a huge number of interpretations. Some promise us protection, consolation and joy, others, on the contrary, a dark streak in life and failure. Which dream book should you believe?! Analyze what you saw at night, write down what happened after, compare, and your personal dream book will always come to your aid.

Prayer to calm the soul

Doctors believe that our night visions are just a reflection of thoughts and experiences. According to them, nightmares are problems in the nervous system, stress.

There is a special prayer to calm the body and soul; it will help balance the emotional background and get rid of anxiety.

You should read it before falling asleep.

In the church

This sign can be interpreted in two ways, much depends on your own actions. For example, praying with a bow promises various troubles; in reality you will need to be extra vigilant. If you prayed without bowing, then we are talking about something positive, in particular about your gaining a clearer understanding of peace and harmony with the universe.

It should also be noted that such an action as being baptized while praying in a dream. Such a sign speaks of your personal subconscious and even of some torments that may torment you. You probably did something unpleasant and now you repent and want to atone for your guilt, but you don’t know how.

If you visit a temple in a dream and pray, then such a dream may indicate the end of a difficult period. Adversity no longer worries you, you have found a safe haven and can now receive various benefits. Equally, this sign speaks of the opportunity to look at the familiar in a new way and be able to accept any circumstances.

Typical church actions, when you light a candle and cross yourself in front of icons, are also considered equally positive. These symbols are signs of your right path and competent actions; various benefits await you in the future.

It is considered no less favorable to be present at the church service. This sign speaks of internal changes that have happened or are happening to you. You will be able to achieve a lot in terms of internal development and, as a result, you will become happier.

Muslim dream book

In Islam, turning to Allah in a dream is interpreted as the purity of the dreamer’s thoughts and actions. A sleeping person does not wish harm to anyone and does not envy the well-being of others. For the dreamer, it is not the material, but the spiritual component that is important; he is a highly moral and decent citizen.

To perform the midday prayer on a fine day is to become famous for your good deeds. If it’s cloudy outside or it’s raining, it means troubles and disagreements with loved ones. If a person does not kneel before Allah in a dream and prays while sitting, it means vain and useless work. Stopping the obligatory prayer before the time means neglecting your obligations to Allah and not keeping your promises to your family. To lead a women's prayer group is to patronize the weak and weak people.

Praying on arable land means a person will soon be able to pay off all his debts. If the sleeper fails to choose a place for the obligatory prayer, this means complete failure and the collapse of all hopes. To perform a collective prayer means the dreamer is surrounded by honest and highly spiritual individuals.

In a latrine, turning to Allah in a dream - according to the Muslim dream book, such a plot is interpreted as committing a grave sin in reality.

On the knees

According to dream books, if you remember a saint in prayer on your knees, then such a sign indicates the opportunity to give up bad habits. If you are simply kneeling or falling to your knees, then such a symbol is interpreted as the loss of some kind of support or a sign of subsequent adversity, for example, financial.

Equally, you can confess something in this position. Then the symbol is favorable, but it indicates your further understanding in reality of your own mistakes, which you can get rid of. Once you re-evaluate yourself and better understand the situation, you will transform yourself and become a better person.

In front of the icon

Much may depend on the icon you choose. For example, a dream where you worship a personal saint to whom you often pray may simply indicate your developed connection with this saint.

In general, the dream book interprets prayer in front of an icon as a sign of future significant decisions that you will need to make. Moreover, you will need to show will and consciousness. Prepare for this, be more reasonable and adhere to moral ideals in order to make the right choice.

Pregnant women should pay attention to such a dream, in particular if you pray to the Mother of God or some holy ascetic. Such a dream indicates a favorable birth and a healthy child.

Appealing to saints in a dream is a positive sign for people of a wide variety of professions. Often such a dream hints at prosperity in business, for example, this promises income for businessmen, and a large harvest for farmers. These dreams can also be interpreted for representatives of other professions.

Standing in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in a dream, you ask for help and pray. Then in reality expect increased strength and improved health.

Interpretation from dream books

As mentioned above, there are a lot of books explaining night dreams, and the rationales in them are different. Some believe in the interpretations of the most famous seers, others try to unravel their visions from a family book passed down from generation to generation. And someone is sure that the subconscious of any person creates its own individual concept of symbols, which may have significant differences with the symbolism of the authors of collections of interpretations. And he trusts his intuition more, paying attention to the events that preceded the dream, and strives to understand his own system of symbols. In this article we will look at several of the most famous interpreters.

According to Miller

Miller Mikhail Aleksandrovich is a healer with 30 years of experience, has a chemical, medical and psychological education. In his explanations, prayer means that you will soon face a difficult choice, where success will depend on the ability to listen and concentrate. You will also have to cope with difficulties with the help of loved ones.

According to Vanga

Vanga is a Bulgarian fortune teller. It is known that in her youth she lost her sight, acquiring the gift of clairvoyance. In her interpretation, a prayer in a dream promises joy and relief.

According to Juno

In the Juno dream book, reading prayers while dozing means only the best: consolation, relief from problems and worries.

According to Freud

Sigmund Freud - psychoanalyst, founder of psychoanalysis. In fact, Freud did not write more than one dream book in his life - everything that you can find on the Internet is the authorship of other people. But Sigmund Freud wrote the book “The Interpretation of Dreams.” In it he explains the basics of interpretation. The theory is very broad.

If you want to study it completely, you can do this using online resources. The main idea is to break down night vision into stages and images. Find out what a person associates each of them with. It is the associations that will be the meaning of what is seen. Freud believed that in dreams we see our desires and aspirations.

Read the Lord's Prayer: why?

The Lord's Prayer in a dream can symbolize the intention to receive forgiveness or the intention to establish oneself in one's own ideals. If you dream of such a prayer, you should understand yourself a little, for example, strengthen your faith and moral principles.

If a child has such a dream, then the child wants to protect himself from the influence of other people.

In general, a prayer such as “Our Father” is a positive symbol; you will receive support in reality. This sign is bright and powerful.

If you are simply reading some kind of prayer, then such a sign may indicate receiving something cherished, achieving some significant goal.

Opinion of the Female Interpreter

To see someone praying in church, but not to take part in it yourself, means that a person will need to make a lot of effort to achieve a good result in his professional activity, because luck and luck left him at the beginning of the path to his intended goals. To kneel and turn to God for material goods is to neglect life and family values. To pray in your own words is to rely only on yourself. Reading a prayer book means turning to God in difficult situations, believing in him with all your heart.

To beg for health for your loved one and his well-being - the dreamer is content with little and always helps his neighbors, he will be rewarded threefold for this. Praying for the dead in a dream means remembering the deceased in real life. Hearing prayer words from your mother in a dream means a blood relative needs the support and help of a sleeping woman.

Memorial service - to sudden enrichment. The funeral service is a favorable period in life. Taking communion means moral and financial prosperity. To be baptized in a dream and say prayer words while standing in front of the icon of the Virgin Mary - a sleeping person will miraculously be able to avoid mortal danger.

If a childless person calls on God in a dream and asks him to give her a son or daughter, the woman’s prayers will soon be heard and she will become a mother in reality. Seeing a dying prayer means a righteous and long life. Running away from evil spirits and not being able to remember even the Lord’s Prayer, dying of fear, means a person will sacrifice his principles and make a deal with his own conscience in order to achieve success in his career and other material values.

See the prayer book

This sign is often interpreted as a sign of the wisdom and experience that you have managed to acquire. In general, this symbol is positive and, moreover, speaks of your progress on your spiritual and life path.

You have strong confidence in your own ideals and know what to strive for. Of course, in such a situation one should not become arrogant, but most people who dream of prayer books are not inclined to this. Therefore, this book in a dream should be interpreted only as a sign of spiritual progress.

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