Feng Shui stones: Meaning. Which feng shui stones suit your horoscope?

Stones in the house according to the zodiac sign

It is advisable to use stones in Feng Shui that protect the inhabitants of the house. Including by date of birth.

  • A Leo who wants to achieve success can decorate his cozy “lair” with amber amulets, and onyx figurines will make the “king of beasts” harmonious and less selfish.
  • The inertia of Pisces will overcome the coral, and jewelry made from milky opal will help these aquatic inhabitants find love and develop creative inclinations.

Dead and living stones

Additionally, astrologers advise dividing stones into “dead” and living (it is for feng shui that this gradation is most important). What does such a division mean in practice?

  • For example, successful “interior” stones for Taurus are striped onyx, lapis lazuli, adularia (moonstone), amazonite, and malachite.

That's what the stars say. However, you need to listen not only to them, but also to your inner voice. By touching different minerals, you can feel a special attraction to one of them. Feng Shui calls these stones “living” - they will protect their owner much more actively and help him.

Properties of stones according to Feng Shui

Intuition will help you choose the stone that suits you, just rely on your inner feelings and follow your sensations. When you pick up “your” stone, you will probably feel an unusual feeling of attraction and pleasure. Reason and intuition will give you a sign that you are on the right path. And if the choice is correct, then it will serve faithfully.

Pay attention to the color of the mineral. It is also no less important. For example, blue shades and purple are designed to help in spiritual terms, self-development, meditation, and so on. Red and pink stones are responsible for sensuality and love. But gold and pyrite are a symbol of money.

If at a certain period of your life you feel a loss of strength, lethargy and weakness, then this means that you lack yang energy. You can fill yourself with masculine energy with the help of transparent precious and semi-precious stones ( rock crystal, sapphire, ruby


They are useful for passive, phlegmatic people; they will help you move through life more confidently, reclaim your living space, without bowing to the blows of fate. The pure, practical yang energy emanating from these stones will strengthen your rationality, help you make the right choice, make an informed decision based on facts.

Your stone will find you: close your eyes, run your hand over the precious jewelry - and your stone will respond with warmth and peace!

If at the moment you feel the need to relax, you feel how overload puts pressure on your soul and body, depriving you of the influx of life-giving energy, you need jewelry with matte or translucent stones

. Carriers of calm yin energy, these minerals will help you achieve peace, relaxation, and will become a kind of restraining principle that will not allow you to spill all the energy to the last drop. Stones can be indispensable when you need to rely more on intuition than on reason.

Feng Shui practitioners classify semi-precious stones not only by the balance of yin and yang forces, but also by connection with the elements. Each element has its own stones and jewelry; they are most effective in enhancing personal qualities, attracting good luck to business and personal life, and creating protective and healing energy covers.


This semi-precious stone is used to attract the life-giving energy of qi. It has a beneficial effect on the organs of vision and helps restore water balance.


The main function of rock crunch is cleansing. By passing sha qi through himself, he transforms it, softening it and saturating it with positive qualities. Rock crystal jewelry thus becomes an effective means of protection against the negative influence of the environment. It will help an unmarried woman find a life partner, strengthen and fill your life with positive energy. Rhinestone softens pain and helps you concentrate.

Lapis lazuli.

The semi-precious lapis lazuli stone is called the “heavenly” stone. Its main property is protection against diseases and strengthening the immune system. It has a healing effect on the cardiovascular, nervous and lymphatic systems.


patronizes creative search and self-realization. To use its potential, you must approach any problem with a creative spark! Opal is demanding of the owner’s personal qualities, and should only be used by strong, strong-willed individuals.


This semi-precious stone belongs to the element of water, its calmest Yin manifestation. Turquoise symbolizes wealth and fertility. This stone “becomes attached” to the owner and changes color as a harbinger of troubles, illnesses or failures.

Moon rock.

Symbolizes the feminine principle of yin. Activates premonition and intuition. Softens emotions, gives peace of mind and helps to calm down.


This gemstone symbolizes the feminine principle, fertility, in this regard it is ideal as a talisman for mothers. Helps to find harmony in the soul, achieving balance between mind and feeling, intuition and knowledge. An emerald, like a diamond, is very demanding of its owner; it will bring prosperity only to a sincere and strong person.


A health stone that acts in two directions - strengthening the body’s defenses and attracting life-giving energy from the outside.


This mineral has healing properties and helps with disorders of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Its unique layered structure helps smooth out energy flows, which brings peace, balance, harmony of feelings and mind into the life of the owner.


called the stone of lovers. A symbol of fidelity and passion, it connects two souls with an invisible thread, leading them to harmonious complementarity. This is a stone of creative search and creative dedication, high achievements and recognition. It will help the modest to express themselves, and the ambitious to direct their passions in the right direction.


protects loyal feelings. It has healing properties and serves as a powerful generator of life-giving qi. At the same time, the owner of garnet jewelry should strictly dose contact with the stone; constantly wearing it gives an excess of active energy, which can lead to fatigue and nervous tension.


This mineral has protective properties. Not only the owner, but also the immediate environment falls within the sphere of its influence, therefore, before using the “blood of the earth”, you should make sure that hematite is not contraindicated for any of them. Helps make informed decisions, activates rational thinking.


symbolizes love, family happiness. Protects from infidelity. It has healing properties: massage with a carnelian ball strengthens and restores the nervous system.

Rose quartz

has a positive charge of energy, which it generously shares with the owner. It improves vitality well, attracts joy into a person’s life, the ability to admire and be surprised. Rose quartz is suitable for massage and is also excellent for improving the health of the digestive, urinary and cardiovascular systems.

Red jasper.

This semi-precious stone gives health, strengthens the immune system, and protects against damage and the evil eye.

Golden Topazt

– universal protection against diseases. It has a relieving effect on respiratory diseases and asthma attacks.


One of the stones of abundance, citrine is designed to attract financial luck. It restores and strengthens the body's protective aura. Helps restore strength, gives an influx of energy, and promotes effective rest.

Eye of the Tiger

– Sunstone is a powerful protective agent. It sharpens intuition and is an inexhaustible source of creative energy.


This semi-precious stone is believed to provide protection from shocks and stress. It is called the stone of life for its unique protective and healing properties. It is enough to wear jade jewelry for several days so that the energy aura begins to stabilize.


A very influential gemstone with high cleansing potential. Symbol of wealth and power. He is quite demanding of his owner; he will obey only the strong in spirit, but will bring the well-deserved fruits of victory.


A symbol of pure love and fidelity, harmony of spiritual and material. Pearls will help you attract financial success without renouncing higher values ​​and spiritual ideals.


patronizes those who are constantly in search. It doesn’t matter what you are looking for - knowledge, a thing, delving into yourself or studying the world. It recognizes new discoveries, pursuits of knowledge, learning, and so on.


This is a joyful, bright stone. Choose aventurine with sparkles to fill your life with fun.

Amethyst occupies a special place in Feng Shui practice.

. It has a beneficial effect regardless of the personal element. Strong, influential, possessing yang energy, it transforms everything within its radius of action. Under the influence of the sha stone, qi acquires smooth movement and is transformed into beneficial qi, and yin energy into yang. Amethyst is not only energetically strong, but also a very beautiful stone. Jewelry with it will suit the taste of almost any fashionista.

These are the properties that jewelry with stones have according to Feng Shui. If you found the article useful and interesting, be sure to share it with your friends. I would also like to know what topics on fashion shui would be interesting to you? Send your answers via the feedback form or write in the comments. See you soon!

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  • Sectors and stones according to Feng Shui

    South and glory sector

    Any living space is divided into conventional sectors according to the cardinal directions. The South is the sector of Glory, which is protected by Fire. A person who most dreams of career growth, success, recognition should activate this particular zone. It is clear that not everyone can afford products made from ruby ​​or amethyst, but placing a pyramid made of jasper or carnelian in the south of the apartment is also a very good idea. It will be just wonderful if she decorates the fireplace - according to Feng Shui, the combination of two symbols of the fire element will be an additional bonus.

    Southeast and finance

    The Southeast is a zone of financial well-being, which is impossible without stability. To ensure that the financial situation never changes for the worse, it is advisable to place decorative accessories made of marble in this sector - a paperweight, a figurine, a vase. Feng Shui also warmly welcomes and approves of a tree with stones (in the Wealth Sector, a “plant” with leaves of golden pyrite would be ideal).

    Northeast and studies

    A beryl or jasper turtle in the Northeast will help you succeed in your studies.

    North West and friends

    A malachite set would be appropriate in the North-West - it will facilitate communication with new and old friends.

    Feng Shui minerals for love

    Minerals that help to acquire honest and passionate relationships were revered in Feng Shui not only by young girls, but also by mature women. Most often, girls resorted to using delicate rose quartz. It is believed that hearts and spheres made from it perfectly help to attract the chosen one.

    Such talismans should be placed directly in the bedroom or the South-Western sector of Love and Marriage.

    All minerals with a red tint - garnet, jasper, agate, are also appropriate as love assistants. For example, jasper is a mineral of friendliness . Using it, you can find a husband who will also become an excellent friend and companion of similar interests. Red agate will give you an unforgettable experience of having fun together.

    Article on the topic: [Plants in the house] Adiantum: how to care for it correctly?

    Mature women in marriage always want sincerity and depth in their relationship with their spouse, so their choice should be amethyst. This mineral is designed to help penetrate the human subconscious, gain the necessary depth of feelings, and maintain existing relationships. Amethyst talismans placed in the bedroom will help avoid adultery.

    When choosing minerals to attract love and money, you must remember that the choice of a talisman is always made with the heart, intuitively. This is the only way the talisman will give its owner strength.

    Stones in the interior according to Feng Shui (1 video)

    Stones in the interior according to the principles of Feng Shui (9 photos)

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