The meaning of the icon of the Mother of God Impassable door and what it helps with, where it is better to hang it

In our time, the icon of the Mother of God “The Impassable Door” (sometimes you can find the name of this icon “The Impassable Gate”) is very rare; its original can be seen in the Russian Museum of St. Petersburg. It is assumed that it was written in the 17th century and became widespread in those troubled times of history both in monastic monasteries and among the laity, since people often had to pray for the protection of not only their property, but also their lives.

However, it is necessary to protect not only earthly values, but also spiritual ones, and who else but the Mother of God should we turn to for such protection! The Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, serves as an example of spiritual feat - She sacrificed Her Son in the name of removing original sin from all people, she, having become the Queen of Heaven, continues to be their intercessor, and the icon of the Mother of God “The Impenetrable Door” is another evidence of this.

History of the image creation

This icon was created in the 17th century and became famous not only among monks and clergy, but also among the laity. The author of this image still remains unknown. Historians claim that the icon was painted during the reign of Vasily Shuisky. In those troubled times, people often prayed not only for the protection of their home, but also for the preservation of their lives, so this image of the Virgin Mary became very symbolic.

However, even then, representatives of the clergy said that the icon painter was trying to convey another meaning to believers: not only physical values, but also spiritual ones need protection. Who else should we turn to for help in this matter, if not the Savior or His Mother? For all Christians, the Mother of God was and remains a symbol of true Christian dedication and sacrifice: for the sake of people, She sacrificed Her only Son and still intercedes with Him for all those living today. Contemplating this truly beautiful image, the soul of a Christian feels a desire to improve. The image of the Mother of God evokes bright feelings, a desire to imitate Her feat, to become a person worthy of Her mercy.

The use of icons in everyday life

Orthodox priests recommend purchasing the image of the Mother of God in a church shop, since there it is sold already consecrated. However, you can also buy an icon in a regular store. But before hanging it on the wall, it must be consecrated. Without this ritual, the holy face will not become miraculous, but will be just a beautiful picture on canvas.

From time immemorial, the “Impenetrable Door” icon was hung outside the house, above the front door. It was believed that the image prevented the penetration of enemies and envious people. Today it can be placed inside, at the entrance to the apartment. In this case, it does not matter where the holy face is turned.

The image will also not lose its power if it is placed in the living room, hallway or kitchen. There they allocate a separate corner for it or put it on a shelf next to Orthodox literature. It can also be attached to other icons of the home iconostasis. An important rule must be observed: the Mother of God’s face is placed on the left hand of Jesus Christ.

What does the icon look like?

This is a multi-level composition, in the center of which is the Virgin Mary. The first level of this image depicts a gray-haired old man, symbolizing God the Father. His breath took the form of a snow-white dove descending into the hands of the Virgin Mary. The white bird in this case symbolizes the Holy Spirit. Jesus is depicted as a baby, surrounded by radiance, located at the level of the Virgin's chest. The artist made us understand that the Savior has not yet been born: the Most Pure Virgin carries Her Son under her heart.

The Virgin Mary herself is at an average level. The icon painter emphasizes that the Most Pure Virgin stands above ordinary people. The Mother of God stretches out her hands to heaven, offering a sincere prayer to the Lord. In prayer, She intercedes with the Lord for all people. The Mother of God is surrounded by God's saints. Their faces are turned to the Most Pure Virgin, their hands are also raised in prayer.

The lower tier depicts ordinary lay people who are waiting for the coming of the Savior and praising the Mother of God and Her Son.

Iconography of the holy image

Looking at the “Impenetrable Door” icon, it is impossible not to notice the complex artistic composition. The image combines two types: Oranta and Akathist. Moreover, the image consists of three levels:

  1. Upper. Here is an Elder seated on a cloud, symbolizing the Lord himself. Next to him is a white dove, as a sign of the Holy Spirit descending on the Mother of God.
  2. Average. This tier is given to the Mother of God. The Blessed Virgin stands in the center, raising her hands in a gesture of prayer, and the Baby Jesus is depicted at Her chest. The small elevation on which the feet of the Mother of God rest tells us that spiritually She is above all others. Behind is a city and an arch symbolizing the Gates of Heaven. On both sides of the central figure are praying saints along with the righteous.
  3. Lower. Here they depict those who have already left the earthly world. The dead are depicted as if underground, dressed in snow-white funeral robes. Their faces are directed towards the Mother of God, and their hands are folded for prayer. They ask the Heavenly Intercessor to intercede for them before the Lord, and also wait for the birth of Christ, who will lead them through the Gates of Paradise.

Despite the complex composition, the abundance of characters and the almost imperceptible image of the Child, the main figure of this icon is still Jesus Christ.

The “Impenetrable Door” icon symbolizes the Gates of Heaven

The meaning of the “Impenetrable Door” icon

The meaning of this icon is multifaceted. The icon painter praises the spiritual feat of the Mother of God, who revealed the Savior to the world, raised Him, mourned His suffering on the cross and received Him from the cross. The icon also glorifies events related to the earthly life of Jesus Christ: His birth, crucifixion and resurrection. The artist also sought to convey the idea of ​​the second coming of the Son of God.

The mercy of the Mother of God is the door leading to eternal life. A person who does not fulfill God’s commandments, who has a passion for various kinds of sins, will not be able to pass by the Most Pure Virgin into heaven, into the Heavenly Kingdom. This is the meaning of the name of the icon: people who deliberately choose a sinful path cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. The Mother of God will become an impenetrable door for sinners. To enter the heavenly abode, a believer must love the Lord and prove with his life that he has the right to reside in heaven.

Theological significance and dates of veneration

The “Impenetrable Door” icon was painted in honor of the spiritual feat of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who remained innocent even after the birth of Christ. This image also tells us about the earthly ministry of Christ, starting from the Birth and ending with the prophecy of the Second Coming.

The Holy Face is of great importance for Orthodox Christians. It was written to encourage the righteous to strive for the ideal that was the Mother of God. Having remained pure, the Mother of God was awarded the honor of becoming the Intercessor of people in the face of the Lord, and therefore one must turn to Her not only when it is bad, but also in moments of joy.

According to the church calendar, the “Impenetrable Door” icon is venerated twice:

  • January 8 (a festive service is held in the Church of the Mother of God);
  • on the fifth Saturday of the Great Easter Lent (you can pray to the Mother of God at home or visit church).

When you come to the temple to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary, you need to place a lighted candle in front of the holy face, and then sincerely pray. At the same time, one should ask for forgiveness for sins and do not forget to offer gratitude to the Mother of God.

If the church does not have the “Impenetrable Door” icon, you can pray to any other image of the Mother of God.

Author's advice

According to the church calendar, the holy image is venerated twice

Prayer at the “Impenetrable Door” icon

Turning to the Blessed Virgin Mary, believers read the following prayer:

O All-Merciful Lady, Virgin Mother of God! Hear our humble prayer: (request) and lift up to your Son and our God your motherly prayer for the servants of God (names) living in this house, that He may not cast away their sinners from His presence, but as He is merciful, may He forgive them their sins freely and involuntary, may they save them from the temptations of the world, from the snares of the devil and from the attacks of visible enemies, may they create good and serene days, for the Lord is good to all creation, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, glorified forever and ever. Amen.

At first glance, this prayer text may seem short, but this does not mean that such an appeal will not be heard. If a Christian reads a prayer sincerely, pronouncing its words not with his lips, but with his heart, the Most Holy Theotokos will definitely hear him.

Prayer “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice”

Virgin Mary, Rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You, Blessed are You among women and blessed is the Fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.

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Tags: icon Impassable door, icon Impassable door meaning, icon of the Most Holy Theotokos Impassable door, Impassable door, Impassable door icon of the Mother of God

Where to place the icon

Solemn services dedicated to this image are held in the churches of our country twice a year - on the day after Christmas and on Sunday of the Fifth Lenten Week. On other days, believers pray to the Lord and the Mother of God at the home iconostasis. Many Christians wonder where it is better to place this image. Folk customs prescribe hanging this icon on the wall near the front door, but this is not at all mandatory. The icon of the Mother of God “The Impenetrable Door” can be placed in the red corner along with other images.

When praying in front of the “Impenetrable Door” icon or in any other way, a Christian should not forget that help comes not from the icon itself, but from the Heavenly Powers standing behind it. Through touching the image and praying at the icon, believers receive grace from the Lord, the Mother of God and the holy saints of God.

How does the image help and what should we pray to the Mother of God for?

It is known that the Mother of God endowed some of her icons with certain miracle-working capabilities by nature. For example, to get rid of drunkenness they turn to the “Inexhaustible Chalice”.

It is necessary to remember that it is not the icon that creates the miracle, but the Mother of God by the grace she received from the Lord. But her grace is transmitted to believers through the icon. And that is precisely why it is necessary to pray in front of the icon with faith, only then will you get what you want and your prayers will be accepted.

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Before this image you need to pray for:

  • Help in completing the feat of virginity, chastity and celibacy for girls and nuns.
  • The intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos before the Lord for us sinners, so that he would have mercy on us and forgive our sins.
  • Maintaining fidelity and chastity in marriage.
  • Protecting children and pupils with the grace of God from negative flows of information and dangerous people.

We can turn to this image with a request for help and assistance in any matter. And if we sincerely believe, then the mercy of God will descend on us and the Mother of God will help us. After all, it depicts the Mother of God before praying to the Lord for all humanity.

Icon “Impenetrable Door” - home protection

It “closes” your home and residents from witchcraft, negative influences, and unwanted people. Many will stop coming to your house altogether. This face helps keep our souls pure and bright. So, this shrine will find a place in the home iconostasis.

Where to kneel

Before the revolution, the “Impenetrable Door” was more common in monasteries. Later, many monasteries were closed and shrines were destroyed. Not all icons were saved. The oldest and most famous image is located in St. Petersburg.

Photo 4. Sometimes it is very difficult for believers to acquire the desired image, since it is very rare.

If you wish, you can purchase a copy for home use. The priests recommend not to rush to add a face to the iconostasis. The image can be placed in many places in the apartment, including near the entrance or above it, to protect yourself from evil and unkind people. You can praise the Mother of God near her other faces. The Mother of God helps those who constantly read prayers and observe all Christian canons. Many people remember the Mother of God only in moments when they need help. But it's not right. Every morning should begin with prayer and every day should end. In this case, a believer can count on grace and protection from above.

How did the relic of the Virgin Mary appear?

This type of image, also known as “Closed Gates,” originated at the beginning of the 17th century. Domestic historians call this period the Troubles - from 1598 to 1613. There have been many natural disasters, wars, political and social crises. The Moscow Rurik dynasty was cut short, either impostors or conquerors found themselves on the throne, peasants went bankrupt and died due to crop failure, and robbers robbed everyone who got in their way. It is not surprising that people turned to faith as the only consolation and means of salvation.

This is how the “Impenetrable Door” icon arose - a guarantee that the Mother of God protects her devout followers from all evil. Initially, they were located in monasteries - for example, the first such work that has survived to this day was performed by a monk from the city of Solvychegodsk (Arkhangelsk region). Now this relic, painted in tempera (paint made from mineral pigments and egg yolks) on a board measuring 151*66 cm, is in the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg.

Icons that will help protect your home

In the bustle of the world, it is very difficult to find a piece of the bright warmth that is in us, and in the search for faith and support, you need to concentrate. When the face of the saint you are addressing is in front of you, it is much easier for you to concentrate and remember the message that comes from each individual prayer. In prayer we can find a solution to many problems, because when we abstract ourselves from external factors that prevent us from concentrating, the right solution comes much faster. True, the icon is only an intermediary between the earthly world and heaven; grace comes to the believer not from the icon itself, but through it.

To the benefit. The icon “works” according to a very simple principle. If you take an object and believe that it is capable of healing, and convince another person of this, and then the two of you convince ten more people of this, so that they, in turn, pass this belief further down the chain, then as a result, each believer will invest in this object your energy.

The more we believe and pray, the stronger our state of faith and love, the more the icon absorbs them. Once in a believing family, the icon will certainly “pull” it out of various troubles.

We advise you to study the Prayer to the Icon of the Mother of God “Seeking the Lost”

So, having brought an icon (even a new one) into the house, first of all you need to read a prayer for consecration over it in order to remove the negative energy invested by other people. You never know with what mood they picked up the icon before you, maybe the icon painter was in a bad mood or the seller was jealous that you were able to buy it, and he, with a salary of 1000 hryvnia, can only admire it.

You can also harm yourself with an icon by buying it for the sake of status, as an original painting, as an expensive antique, in order to exalt yourself above others. All this degrades the condition of the icon; it will collapse, lose its properties and, at best, will not bring any good to the owner.

By the way, icons in cars really protect and protect from harm - their energy coincides. But it’s better not to carry icons and similar images in your wallet. Money energy and icon energy are very different and should not be mixed. In addition, icons have a protective function in the first place, and money, passing through thousands of hands, can still have energetic “dirt” on it, and the icon in your wallet will protect it (the wallet) from dirt (that is, from money ).

Most icons have the gift of protection. Some of them can protect not only you, but also your home and family. The presence of such sacred images will protect your home from accidents, negative influences from evil people and visits from robbers. They will also help maintain harmony in the home and good relationships with your family.

Seven-shot icon of the Mother of God. This icon can often be seen in the apartments of believers. It is believed that this particular image of the Mother of God is able to protect the house from the evil eye of envious people, from damage and the evil eye.

Place the icon of the Mother of God above the front door, and then evil spirits will bypass your home, and evil people will not be able to get into your house at all.

Icon of the Mother of God “Burning Bush”. This image of the Mother of God is one of the most ancient. This name of the icon is connected with its history. One day, a shepherd walking a flock of sheep noticed a fire in the distance. Coming closer, he saw a burning thorn bush, but what surprised him most was that the bush was completely undamaged by the fire.

Ostobramsk Icon of the Mother of God. It is one of the best amulets against quarrels and conflicts with household members. It also protects your home from visits from secret enemies. Like the Seven-Arrow Icon, place the Ostobram Icon of the Mother of God above the front door. Then unwanted guests and those who wish you harm will not be able to cross the threshold of your home.

Icon of John the Warrior. To protect your home from robbers and petty thieves, add an image of St. John the Warrior to your iconostasis. This icon is especially necessary for those people who live in disadvantaged areas, whose houses and apartments may be subject to robbery. Those who are afraid that even one of the guests will look at their property should also purchase an icon of the holy martyr John.

The best options for the icon opposite the entrance

Icon painting is a means of spiritual communication with the Higher Powers. The shrine above the front door is a kind of tuning fork, thanks to which the atmosphere of a home is set, where moral principles are revered. You can place any holy image in your home. The choice depends on the residents of the house/apartment.

But there are icons that are revered by believers as a protective barrier from dark thoughts and the envy of people who come to visit.

"Spas on Ubrus"

The Icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands displays the Face of the Lord, imprinted on the handkerchief with which Jesus Christ wiped his face. There is a holy image in every Orthodox church. The meaning of the relic is protection from enemies, healing of seriously ill people.

"Softening Evil Hearts"

The icon bears complete resemblance to the holy image of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows”. The difference lies in the arrangement of the arrows: 3 on the right, 1 on the bottom. The meaning of the holy image is that the Mother of God, despite the misfortunes that befell her, remained humble and meek.

Prayerful appeals to the icon will calm family storms and reconcile children and parents. The Mother of God will help the warring parties find a compromise in their relationship. But this requires sincere faith, a desire to come to peace, mental prayers when leaving home and returning to your native roof.

"Impenetrable Door"

The miraculous icon dates back to the 17th century. The original is kept in the Russian State Museum. In the holy image, the Mother of God is depicted standing on a pedestal, raising her hands in prayer. Behind her is the Church of Christ, the entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven. At its foot are the holy saints. At the bottom of the icon you can see Orthodox believers praying for the forgiveness of sins.

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Prayers to the Mother of God “Impenetrable door” will provide intercession before a robbery attack on a home or the entry of thieves.


In the holy image, the Mother of God is depicted with 7 swords in her hands, symbolically stabbed into her heart: 4 on the right, 3 on the left. The meaning of the icon is the earthly suffering of the Mother of God, who knew about his fate from the birth of her son and was present at his execution.

After praying to the Seven Arrows icon, believing family members will have the strength to withstand the trials and difficulties of life. For a home, an icon is valuable because, according to the prayers of those living in the apartment, it will save the home from the penetration of thieves.

Guardian Angel

An icon with the image of a guardian angel is chosen by name at baptism, if such a name is not in the Saints, then by date of birth. You can choose another saint or heavenly angel as your patron, depending on the requests that will be addressed to him.

Single girls and women can hang an image of Martha of Moscow above the door. In a house where there are seriously ill family members, an icon of Xenia of St. Petersburg, Panteleimon the Healer, is placed above the entrance.

"The Unbreakable Wall"

The original of the holy image is in the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. The mosaic panel depicting the Mother of God with her hands raised in prayer dates back about 8 centuries. During this time, all parts of the temple were destroyed, except for the wall with the icon, which was called the “Unbreakable Wall”.

The holy image above the front door will be a reliable shield of the home if you mentally turn to the Mother of God when entering and leaving the house. The walls of the home will be strong and the roof will not leak. Faith and prayer will protect you from fire, natural disasters, curses of enemies, and the machinations of black magicians and sorcerers.

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

During his lifetime, Nikolai Ugodnik became known for his ability to pacify the elements and warring parties. After his death, his remains began to flow myrrh. Thousands of pilgrims came to the burial site. The Christian Church canonized him as a saint.

Nicholas the Wonderworker is the most revered saint after the Mother of God in the Russian Orthodox Church. He is a prayer book before the Lord for the sins of believers who turn to him for help. The icon above the front door with the face of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker will be a reminder of the duty of believers to pray to God.

Protection and patronage

Most believers believe that the “Impenetrable Door” has a protective function and has the properties of a talisman. This is not entirely true - you need to understand that it is not the icon itself that works miracles, because it is just a board with a picture.

The Mother of God, receiving blessings and grace from God, directs them to those who pray near the shrine, having firm faith. Therefore, it is possible and necessary to keep consecrated images at home, you just need to treat them correctly, without endowing them with some kind of “magical” power.

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How does this rare image help believers? They turn to him in different situations:

  • They pray for forgiveness of sins and pardon of the soul.
  • About preserving the sanctity of marriage, maintaining marital fidelity.
  • About assistance in raising children and wards.
  • Those who have decided to lead a celibate life ask for help in achieving this feat.

Prayer can concern help in any worthy cause. The festive service for this image takes place twice a year - on January 8 (Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary) and in the fifth week of Great Lent (on the day of the Praise of the Virgin Mary).

  • Icon of the Mother of God - goalkeeper;
  • Sovereign Icon - what it helps with;
  • Icon of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary - meaning.

Veneration of the shrine of the Mother of God

The memory of the icon is celebrated twice a year - on January 8 (on the celebration of the Synaxis of the Most Holy Theotokos) and on Saturday of the 5th week of Easter Lent. On these days, the relics are decorated, candles are lit in front of them and prayers are offered in honor of the shrine.

However, when calling on a shrine, you must understand that it is only a conductor of your aspirations. By bowing before the image, you open your soul to the Creator and the Mother of God, and only they have the power to help a person with his problems. Therefore, every prayer should begin with gratitude to the Heavenly Queen.

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