Description and meaning of the All-Seeing Eye icon, what it helps with and where to hang it

  1. “All-Seeing Eye”: the meaning of the symbol
  2. Icon “All-Seeing Eye”: what it helps with, where to hang it

Many Christian icons carry a deep meaning, when every detail of the image and the entire composition as a whole are filled with hidden symbols, references, and allusions. They allow you to dive deeper into the shown face or scene from Holy Scripture and comprehend their meaning. This is exactly the relic that will be discussed in our article - from here you will find out what this shrine represents, what it protects from, and where it is best located.

Description and history of origin

Before you pray to this image, you need to familiarize yourself with its origin and description. The icon was first noticed in the Vladimir lands, where it was created by local famous craftsmen. That is why the image is made in the style of Vladimir icon painting, which is known for its beauty and simplicity of composition.

A distinctive feature of the “All-Seeing Eye” is its symbolism, which differs slightly from the principles of canonical iconography. Therefore, some symbolic keys have different explanations. This image is considered a remake, as it first appeared only three hundred years ago. Therefore, the “Watching and All-Seeing Eye” contains not only Christian symbols and God’s commandments, but also has a conceptual author’s meaning. It is thanks to this that the holy image attracts the attention of many people. Its mystery and mysticism makes it popular both among ordinary believers and among the clergy.

Where to hang the icon of the All-Seeing Eye?

This face can be hung in the house where you can see it. It is then that he will have his effect - the presence of the Lord God and his awareness of everything.

Admirers of this divine image claim that if you look at it for a long time, a dome effect appears, which changes consciousness and opens the spiritual world.

If you look at the image in even lighting and with a calm mind, then over time a feeling of rotation of the spheres arises. This image also has such an influence due to the consistency of all elements.

The main thing in faith has always been, is and will be pure prayer coming from the heart. It is also necessary to remember that it is necessary not only to ask, but also to thank!

God bless you!

In this video you will see a variety of variations of the image of the “All-Seeing Eye” icon:

Meaning in Orthodoxy

People who are planning to pray to the “All-Seeing Eye” should become familiar with its meaning in the Orthodox faith. The symbol is very multifaceted and therefore it is not easy to fully understand it. This drawing is complex, and therefore, to understand its meaning, you will have to look at it gradually. You need to move from the central part of the image to its edges.

In the center of the image is Emmanuel, who is the young Son of God. In the next circle you can see the mouth, nose and eyes painted scarlet. All this symbolizes the fact that the Creator is present in the life of every person, sees him and hears his prayers. Next comes a greenish ring, in which many stars are depicted. They symbolize the grace that descended on Christian believers. The outer circle of the “All-Seeing Eye” can be scarlet or dark blue. It is filled with winged seraphim, which depict the righteous and saints praising the Lord.

Use in Ancient Egypt

The image of the human eye as the personification of the Sun and the divine plan was used long before the birth of the Christian religion. More than five thousand years ago, the population of Ancient Egypt worshiped the Eye of the supreme god Ra, which had the following meaning:

  • Force;
  • Flame;
  • Light;
  • Attentiveness;
  • Agility.

The eye of Horus also had a high symbolic meaning

- a deity who patronized the rulers of Egypt, the pharaohs. His organ of vision was the embodiment of:

  • Knowledge;
  • Healings (this is why talismans with the eye of Horus were worn by almost all inhabitants of the Egyptian kingdom - from rulers to ordinary people);
  • Spirituality;
  • Wisdom;
  • Hope for life after death and miraculous healing. When embalming pharaohs, they were given a figurine of an eye, which supposedly helped them come to life in the afterlife.

The eye in the triangle, the meaning of which goes back to the Christian image of the observing God, has now lost its original content.

Video answer: what does the “all-seeing eye” mean?

In this video, Father Alexey Berezovsky will tell you why they sometimes draw a symbol with a triangle, inside of which there is an eye above the crucifixion of Jesus, in icon painting:

Sacred geometry. Energy codes of harmony Prokopenko Iolanta

The All-Seeing Eye in Religions and Cultures

“Look, in the Gospel of Matthew,” she urged. - “If your eye is pure, then your whole body will be bright.” The same thing with the ajna chakra - the “third eye”, which Hindus mark with a point on the forehead, and...

Dan Brown. "The Lost Symbol"

When the All-Seeing Eye is mentioned, some people remember Masonic organizations, some - about Big Brother, some - about Egyptian symbols. And the first, and the second, and the third will be right in their own way. The All-Seeing Eye is an ancient and powerful symbol with almost incommensurable sacred weight. This symbol is present in almost all nations and religions. The meaning of this symbol comes down to one thing - knowledge of the truth. Whether it is the personification of the solar Egyptian gods or the Great Architect of the Universe, this is the embodiment of the Supreme Mind and the Supreme Truth.

The ancient Greek philosopher Plato called the eye the main solar instrument, capable of intuitive vision. The stars are ten thousand heavenly eyes of the night, personifying vigilance. In architecture, the idea of ​​the All-Seeing Eye was often embodied in the form of an opening that provides access to the heavenly worlds, in the dome of a temple or any other building. Also in some cultures it can mean an androgynous creature - as a combination of a female symbol inside a male one.

In the West, the right eye signifies the Sun, day and future, the left eye signifies the Moon, night and past.

In the East the situation is the opposite. The symbolism of the eye can be taken on by a pheasant feather.

Among the American Indians, the eye of the heart sees everything. This is the eye of the Great Spirit and omniscience.

For Buddhists, the eye symbolizes light and wisdom. The Buddha's third eye, the flaming pearl, is spiritual consciousness and transcendental wisdom.

In Celtic epic, the evil eye, symbolizing evil intentions and envy, is contrasted with a good heart, nobility and compassion.

In Chinese and Japanese symbolism, the left eye is the Sun, the right eye is the Moon.

In Christianity, the eye symbolizes the all-seeing God, omniscience, power, light. The light of the body is the eye (Matt. 6:22). The seven eyes of the Apocalypse are the seven spirits of God. The eye in the triangle represents the Head of God; and in a triangle surrounded by a radiant circle - her infinite holiness.

Heavenly eye of the god Horus

For the Egyptians, the eye has a rather complex symbolism. The Eye of Horus is correlated with the North Star, a symbol of illumination. The eye and eyebrow of this eye signify strength and power. The two eyes are North and South. The right eye is the Sun, the god Ra and Osiris, the left eye is the fickle Moon and the goddess Isis. Horus's left eye was damaged in the fight with Set, and therefore the Moon changes its phases.

In Ancient Greece, the eye symbolizes Apollo, the observer of the heavens, the Sun, which is also the eye of Zeus (Jupiter).

For Hindus, Shiva's third eye (the pearl in the middle of the forehead) represents spiritual consciousness, transcendental wisdom. Varuna's eye is the sun.

In Iranian mythology, the Good Shepherd Yima possesses the eye of the sun and the secret of immortality.

In Islam, the eye of the heart is the spiritual center, the seat of absolute intelligence and enlightenment.

Among the Japanese, the right eye of Iza-nagi gave birth to the moon god.

Among the peoples of Oceania, the sun is a large eyeball. Plato believed that the soul has an eye, and the Truth is visible to him alone.

In Sumerian-Semitic mythology, the eye personifies the Lord of the Sacred Eye, Ea or Enki, where it symbolizes wisdom, omniscience, and wakefulness.

Among the Phoenicians, Kronos had two open and two closed eyes, which means he was constantly awake.

Alchemical woodcut showing the All-Seeing Eye of God floating in the sky

The mystical all-seeing “third eye,” which is sometimes called the “eye of the heart,” symbolizes spiritual vision, which in Hinduism is correlated with the power of fire and the god Shiva, in Buddhism with inner vision, and in Islam with clairvoyance.

Of particular importance in world history is the sacred meaning of the All-Seeing Eye among the Masons. The All-Seeing Eye, or Radiant Delta, is one of the most famous symbols of the Illuminati. It is a triangle with an eye enclosed in it - a sign of enlightenment, a sign of the presence of a Supreme Being. According to Masonic ideology, this symbol is a mathematical point that has no dimensions or exact coordinates, but is found everywhere and fills all boundless space. This is an allegory of the attention that the Supreme Intelligence shows in relation to each member of the lodge, and the attention that a Mason shows in relation to the world around him.

Christian version of the Eye of Providence, enclosed in a triangle symbolizing the Trinity

The All-Seeing Eye is a complex symbolic and allegorical structure that personifies the Great Architect, the All-Seeing Supreme Mind. A pyramid or triangle means the accumulator of all knowledge existing in the world, and the eye is an intermediary between the source of knowledge and its recipient. The eye does not look at the All-Seeing Masonic Eye, but radiates, radiates the Highest knowledge! This symbol is present in the design of every Masonic lodge, and not only that. In 1782, the All-Seeing Eye was adopted as part of the symbolism on the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States of America.

The Eye of Ra - one of the incarnations of the All-Seeing Eye - personified fire and light, capable of burning any enemy, power and authority. Most often it was depicted in the form of a cobra, sometimes with a solar disk and wings, accompanied by the goddesses Nekhbet, Maat, Hathor, Sokhmet, Tefnut, Mehit - goddesses who were among the solar gods.

Medal for the coronation of Nicholas the First

Medal of Elizabeth Petrovna

War against Napoleon 1812

Sevastopol, Museum of the Black Sea Fleet

Reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States

This text is an introductory fragment.

THE ALL-SEEING EYE The Eye of Horus-Horse, the All-Seeing Eye of the Almighty, the Unsleeping Eye, the eye of the Great Architect of the Universe. There is no doubt that the essence of this divine sign is not primitive ritual, but supra-religious, for it exists outside and above all church dogmas. She has more

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Reincarnation in various religions

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Chapter 9. The All-Seeing Eye Her name was Silifskaya or, as the people called her, “The All-Seeing Eye.” She was not a young woman, but she always strived to look good and please others. What her “Eye” was, whether it was really all-seeing, history is silent, but a person, once

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And why does our Central Bank love the Masonic dollar so much?


1 dollar - programming a person’s satanic subconscious

Number "13"

“symbolizes disharmony, disaster, death, ruins; curse; treason; contradiction, inconsistency. As a number that immediately follows the “lucky” number, it is considered (since ancient times) hostile, bringing evil, but at the same time sacred.

In the Middle East 13

a figure of the underworld that brings misfortune to the cosmic order.
In the year 13

months (lunar cycles) are 28 days long (
However, due to religious superstitions, the lunar number 13
is traditionally considered unlucky. Therefore, we have a year with twelve unequal months.

13 is a black number,

because 12 witches take part in the Sabbath.
Thirteenth at these gatherings was the DEVIL.
The number 666 is the number of the Beast (Satan):
Satanic symbols are also encrypted in the Masonic symbolism of the 1 dollar bill: the number of the Beast is the number 666.
For example, the three central layers of a truncated pyramid each consist of 6 stones

(that's how it is on the dollar).

At the bottom of the pyramid is the Roman inscription MDCCLXXVI.

It’s nice to see a person with clear and shiny eyes; one immediately remembers that “the eyes are the mirror of the Soul.” The eye has a rich symbolic basis that is interesting to know and useful to use.

What does it help with?

Before turning to a holy image for help, you need to understand exactly how it helps and in what cases you should pray to it.

It is necessary to pray to the “All-Seeing Eye” in the following cases:

  • Getting rid of ailments. Many people throughout their lives are faced with various diseases that they would like to get rid of. Sometimes medications do not help and you have to use unconventional methods of treatment. Prayer to the icon helps restore health and get rid of illnesses.
  • Home protection. The image protects the home from the evil eye and therefore one must periodically pray to it and ask for protection.
  • Solving family problems. Some married couples face problems and disagreements that can destroy the family. To restore relationships in the family, you need to periodically pray to the icon.
  • Assistance in employment. Sometimes people are unable to quickly find a new job. In such cases, you can pray to the Mother of God in front of the holy icon.

How to properly place it in the house

People who decide to place an image in a room must figure out how to hang it correctly. In modern living spaces, all icons should be placed on separate shelves, which are covered with paper napkins or a light cloth. There should be no foreign objects or photographs near holy images. The only thing that can be placed nearby is embroidered towels or a flower bouquet.

It is necessary to create a free space of one and a half meters in front of the icon. This is enough to conduct kneeling prayer services.

Also, the location of the images is influenced by which icons are already in the room. For example, the face of the Lord should be above all. To the left of him is the image of the Mother of God, and to the right is Nicholas. This principle of hierarchy must be observed without fail.

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