The “sacred” meaning of numbers in beliefs and teachings. Reference


SACRED NUMBERS IN THE SECRET KNOWLEDGE AND RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD The entire Universe is harmony and the Pythagorean number.
Every religion, from the most ancient to the most recent, reveals the presence of numbers from 1 to 10 in them and explains them in its own way according to its own dogmas. But the fact that “the Universe is harmony and number” was known to the Atlanteans, who passed on this knowledge to our humanity. Well, the numbers that we mistakenly call Arabic have been known to Hindus since time immemorial; from them they came to the Arabs in the new era and only then became known to Europeans.

The numbers 1, 3 and 7 are known as sacred and are most often found in fairy tales, prophecies, and in the texts of sacred scriptures, including the Bible. These three numbers are prime, single and odd, and odd numbers, as Virgil said, are “pleasing to God.” These are male numbers. Even numbers were considered less perfect by the ancients and were considered feminine. Unit 1 is a symbol of integrity, the “Pythagorean monad” that gives birth to everything, including life. With this number he denoted God-Dha, matter – the number 2, and the Universe – the Son of Spirit and matter – the number 12 or 3, as their sum. In all the writings of the most ancient peoples there are triads (3), tetrads (4) of divine Powers, as well as the “seven-fold principles” of the Universe and man, seven circles of hell and earth, seven humanity in the circle of the earth, seven Creations of God, seven souls of the Egyptians, seven deities ready, the seven worlds of the Chaldeans and their seven degrees of spirits and other endless “seven”. Three (3) is a trinity of gods, a characteristic of space; it is past, present and future; birth, growth and dying; This is a triangle, the side face of the pyramid. There is no doubt that the knowledge of the laws of nature by ancient people made the number 7 the main one in the manifested world, both spiritual and material. Seven is the most mysterious number. Everyone knows 7 musical notes, 7 colors of the rainbow, 7 days of the week, 7 planes of existence, 7 wonders of the world, 7 deadly sins, 7 periods of the table of chemical elements, in which the maximum number of electrons in the outer orbit of active atoms is also 7. If on the outer There are 8 electrons in the orbit of an atom, then the atom becomes passive or inert, for example, neon, argon, krypton and other “noble” gases. Even and odd numbers of electrons in the outer orbit also lead to differences in the magnetic properties of solids formed from these atoms. It is believed that the “seven” is the key to understanding the Universe and its structure. Isn’t it strange that pigeon eggs hatch in two weeks (twice seven), chicken eggs in three weeks (three times seven), goose eggs in four weeks (four times seven), and a woman carries a child for about 40 weeks (forty times seven) or 10 lunar months. The number 7 is very closely associated with the Moon, whose occult (hidden) influence constantly manifests itself in septenary cycles - a lunar month is equal to 28 days, or four times seven. It is the Moon that is associated with the occult side of earthly nature, while the Sun is the regulator of manifested (visible) life on earth. In the Apocalypse or Revelation of John the Theologian, the number 7 also often appears: seven angels, seven kings, seven lamps, seven spirits of God, seven thunders, seven stars, testifying to the sevenfold nature of the universe. This also suggests that the author of Revelation was an esotericist. The sevenfold nature of the Universe is very revealingly stated in the Vishnu Purana: “When the first seven appeared on earth, they threw into the soil the seed of everything that grows on earth. Three came first, and four were added to them as soon as the stone became a plant. Then came the second seven, who, guiding the plant jivas (monads of life), created intermediate natures between plants and moving animals. The third seven revealed Chhaya (astral bodies)... The fifth seven enclosed their essence in a material shell (body). Thus the man became Saptaparma." (Saptaparma is a plant with seven leaves. It plays a big role in Buddhism and is called by this name in Eastern esotericism). The number 7 in Greek mythology had the same meaning, but behind a mask. The Greek letter "T" (Tau) is a combination of the number 7 and the letter "G" (gamma). And therefore, the letter “T” among the Greeks was a symbol of material (or earthly) life and eternal life. Earthly life, for the letter “G” is a symbol of the earth (Gaia), and the number 7 is a symbol associated with life after death. This double T can be expressed in geometric figures, as a combination of a triangle and a square, which are symbols of both the sevenfold Universe and the sevenfold man. The number 6 was considered in ancient times as a symbol of physical nature, for it is a symbol of the six dimensions (north, south, east, west, zenith and nadir), which determine the shape and size of physical bodies. For the same reason, the sixfold also applied to the physical (animal) man, and the sevenfold is the animal man plus his immortal soul. The Heavenly Man is also sixfold, possessing six higher principles, but not having the seventh, lower principle - the material body. The same idea is contained in the Hindu double isosceles triangle - the “seal of Vishnu”. Each triangle in this sign symbolizes the trinity of the highest divine forces, and the triangle facing downward is a symbol of the feminine principle in nature (the symbol of Vishnu or Water), and the triangle facing upward is a symbol of the masculine principle (symbol of Shiva or Fire). It is these two intertwined triangles, erroneously called the “Seal of Solomon” or the “Star of David” by the Jews, that are also the symbol of the Heavenly Man - Adam Kadmon. In ancient Egypt, a six-pointed star was a symbol of secret knowledge (occultism). Surprisingly, this symbol is also used in the Orthodox Christian Church, although it always opposes the occult and magic. This symbol is both a symbol of trinity and sevenfoldness, for with a dot in the center it is a symbol of sevenfoldness; its triangles indicate the number 3 or trinity; two triangles give binary (number 2); a triangle with a dot gives quaternity (number 4); the six ends of the triangles are sixfold (the number 6); the center point gives the number 1; pentadity is formed from the number of triangles (2) and the three sides in the triangle; and the sevenfold and trinity form the number 10 or the Pythagorean decade. Numbers 3 and 4 correspond respectively to the masculine and feminine principles, spirit and matter. Therefore, the trinity is indivisible and invisible, and the quaternity is divisible and is located on the plane of objective existence, that is, visible and knowable. As the ancient alchemists said: “When three and four kiss each other, the square joins its middle part to the nature of the triangle...Only then does it become the container and number of life, Father-Mother, Family.” The fourfoldness was also highly esteemed in the Secret Doctrine. Pythagoras considered it a sacred number, for it comes from a single primary manifestation, or “three in one.” In conjunction with three, it becomes the most perfect and harmonious number 7. It was on the number 7 that Pythagoras based his doctrine of “Harmony and Music of the Spheres,” calling the distance from the Earth to the Moon “tone”; one and a half tones - from Venus to the Sun, etc. – only 7 tones, that is, the harmonic range. The whole melody of nature lies in these seven tones and is therefore called the “Voice of Nature.” Each god of antiquity had his own name, consisting of four letters (a similar name is also called Tetragrammaton). Among the ancient Egyptians it was Teut, among the Arabs - Alla, among the Persians - Sirr, among the Chaldean magicians - Orsi, among the Greeks - Theos and Zeus, among the ancient Turks - Ezar, among the ancient Germans - Gott, among the Scandinavians - Odin, among the Tatars - Itga, among the Jews - YHVH, pronounced in Russian as Jehovah or Yahweh. Therefore, the name of the Tetragrammaton of the Jews is not something out of the ordinary in comparison with other ancient peoples, and Jehovah is only a god among gods. Moreover, Jehovah is the tribal god only of the Jews, as we talked about earlier. Therefore, the insistence of the preachers of the Jehovah's Witnesses sect to involve everyone in it is incomprehensible, annoyingly pestering people everywhere they can and cannot like carrion flies. But this is incomprehensible only to the ignorant; understanding people see in this not only the desire of the “witnesses” to attract as many people as possible to the Jewish religion, but also ideologically to undermine those countries where they are allowed to operate, as well as trivial greed, the pursuit of the “Golden Calf” common to all sects.

The number 5, or pentogram, is associated with the physical man of our fifth humanity. Turned upside down, the pentogram becomes a symbol of witchcraft and Satanism, a sign of the “Left Hand”. This is exactly how the pentogram was located on the first order of the Jewish power of the Bolsheviks - the Order of the Red Banner. The Satanic red star was also the personal seal of Leiba Trotsky. Let us note some more sacred numbers that were especially revered by various peoples in ancient times. 40 is a number often found in the Bible: it rained for forty days during the Flood, Moses served Pharaoh for 40 years, he herded sheep for 40 years, the Jews walked through the desert for 40 years, Ezra wrote the “holy books” for 40 days, after 40 days the soul of the deceased finally leaves our world. 108 is a sacred number, especially in Buddhism, it is present in architectural structures, monuments, drawings, prayer beads, rituals, etc. The angle in the pentagon is 108 degrees, the distance between the Sun and Venus is 108 million km, the side of the base of the Egyptian pyramid of Mikerinus is 108 m, the speed of the Earth around the Sun is 108 x 103 km per hour, the mass of the Sun is 108 x 109 tons, the volume of the Earth is 108 x 1010 km3; the distance traveled by light in 1 hour in a vacuum is 108 x 1010 m, the number of dominoes in the rosary is 108. 144 is a number repeated many times in the Bible, especially in the Revelation of John the Theologian (Rev. 7: 4-9): “And I heard number of those sealed: those sealed were 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel... And behold, the Lamb stood on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000, who had the name of the Father written on their foreheads... And he measured the wall of his city (descending from heaven from God) to be 144 cubits, by human measure." 1440 minutes in a day, 1440 days - a four-year Egyptian year (cycle). But what does the 144,000 saved Bibles with palm branches (a symbol of love and harmony) mean in the days of Armageddon? This number should not be taken literally, it is purely mystical and one of its meanings is the reunification of two Divine principles. The number 144,000 symbolizes the zygote (fertilized egg), because the simplest protein contains 72,000 atoms (male 72,000 + female 72,000 = 144,000). That is, the number 72 is also a human algorithm. And in the teachings of yoga, cosmic energy circulates in a person through 72,000 channels. Love and harmony between a man and a woman conquer time and two people become saved and immortal! Male energy merges with female energy, Matter with Spirit, the internal becomes external, the two become one - 144. 216 - is directly related to the astronomical concept of “saros” (Sumerian word meaning “repetition”) - this is the period after which in one and Solar and lunar eclipses repeat in the same sequence. The shortest, small solar saros lasts 18 years, the large one lasts 54 years, followed by a period of 216 years. They differ from each other in the degree of coincidence in place, time and position of the heavenly bodies. 216 years is that period of time between total eclipses of the Sun, during which everything returns “to normal”, and in the same place, at the same time of year, the Sun, Moon and other planets take their original position. 2160 years is the “sidereal month” of the Zodiac, the number of years that the Solar System is in each zodiac constellation, for example the Age of Pisces, which we are leaving, and the Age of Aquarius, which we are entering. 21,600 years is the period of time through which the planet Nibiru approaches the Earth at a minimum distance. This mysterious planet will be discussed in more detail below. The period of 216 years is also called the “Pythagorean cycle.” During it, as history says, reincarnations of the soul of Pythagoras took place. In total, his soul experienced five incarnations, and the sage remembered not only each of them, but the stay of his soul in the underworld. His first life was that of Aethalides, the son of the god Hermes and the grandson of the god Zeus, so that it is not without reason that he was born “of a seed superior to human nature.” In the teachings of the Gnostics there is a number 318 , it is a symbol of Christ; it can be found in the Old Testament of the Bible as the famous number of 318 proven circumcised servants of Abraham. In the New Testament, the number of Christ is hidden in 153 fish (John 21:6-11), caught on the right side of the boat or read from right to left, minus 33 years of Christ becoming the savior or “Fish” ( I C q U S ) during this period ( 351–33= 318 ). Why "Fish"? In esoteric astrology, the constellation Pisces rules the existence of Judea and is called the constellation of the Messiah. Many people do not know that the first symbol of Christianity was not only a lamb, but also a fish. Jesus was often called a fisherman, as were the apostles, of whom he made “fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). The word "fish" is an abbreviation or anagram of the initial letters of five Greek words: I hsouz X riotoz q eou Y ioz S wthr (Jesus Christ Son of God the Savior), forming the word fish in the Greek alphabet IX q Y S. In addition to the number of Christ in religious scriptures, there is the number of God the Creator equal to 143 , where you can easily see the number π (pi) as equal to 3.14 when rearranging the numbers, and the number of the Holy Spirit is 358. In the Hindu epic Bhagavad Gita there are also numbers of Brahma, symbolizing duration cosmic epochs or "south". They will be discussed in more detail below. 360 – was considered sacred back in the time of the Atlanteans. Then, probably, a year on Earth lasted 360 days, and the calendars of the Sumerians, ancient Egyptians, Mayans, Incas, Hindus and Babylonians consisted of 360 days. According to ancient Indian philosophy, one of the periods of the cosmic calendar, the year of Brahma consists of 360 days and 360 nights (a day or night of Brahma lasts 4,320,000 years). A full angle is 360 degrees, the number of watchtowers on the city wall of ancient Babylon is 360. The great Sumerian saros (circle or repetition) lasts 3600 years. 432 is a number very revered in India, Greece, Egypt and Sumer and was considered the key to understanding many secrets of the Universe, for example the already mentioned life time of Brahma or the Universe. It is curious that there is a relationship between all sacred numbers, not only in the Bible, but also in all the sacred writings of ancient peoples. We have already talked about the 72 interpreters who translated the Old Testament writings into Greek. The number 72 is found in the New Testament as the number of the apostles and disciples of Christ. Considering that in ancient times in Mediterranean countries the day was divided into 12 double hours and the Scripture describes the journey to the third heaven (2 Cor. 12:12), we again get the number 72 (12x2x3). According to the ancient Jewish and early Christian worldview, it was generally accepted that there were 72 languages ​​and nationalities on earth. In addition, the number 72 is a constant or the number of years of precession of the Sun by one degree as it moves along the ecliptic. If the number of degrees of one Zodiac sign is multiplied by the number of years of precession, then we can determine the duration of the Sun's stay in one of the Zodiac signs: 72 ´ 30 ° = 2160 years. The number 72 is the most important in most cosmogonic teachings, and according to the esoteric canon, the use of permutations, transformations and comma movements is allowed when working with numbers. If, for example, we add half of it to the number 72 , we get 108 . In a similar way, the numbers 144, 216, 432, etc. are obtained. The numbers 24, 72, 108, 144 , 216,432 form the esoteric basis of the world order of the Universe. In Pythagorean teaching, all numbers are divided into: perfect, imperfect and super perfect. To find out whether a number belongs to one category or another, the number must be divided into parts and itself so that the sum of the quotients is equal to the original number. For example: the number 8 is imperfect because the sum of its parts after division is less than the original number 8. If eight is divisible by four, two and eight, then the total number after division is seven, and seven is less than eight (2+4+1=7). The first perfect number is six. The sum of its parts after division is equal to the original number (six is ​​divided by 3, 2, 6 and the sum of the quotients is 2+3+1=6). The dedicated Pythagoreans highly valued the six: God created the world in six days; six raised to the third power produces 216; 216 can also be obtained as 72 multiplied by 3. Many Christian sources speak of 72 angelic ranks, names and powers of God. Scholarly rabbis believe that if there is a mention of an angel in Scripture, then the name of God must certainly be there. This assumption grows from the “notarikon” - the teaching of the speaker that inside a single word or sentence there may be other words, which we saw in the example of the anagram words ADAM and IX q Y S .. According to rabbis and kabbalists, three verses (19,20 and 21) the fourteenth chapter of the book of Exodus of Moses, each containing 72 letters, written one above the other in three lines to form the 72 names of God. It is not difficult to understand that the canon of the 9 Christian virtues, the 9 angelic ranks, the 9 domed St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow, as well as the 9 main cathedral of Novomoskovsk in Ukraine are the development of the Christian teaching about the Trinity and the square of this number. Even in Egypt there are great and small nine gods. In Mexico, the Tikal pyramid symbolizes the nine lords of time and the first masters of the universe. In Orthodoxy, during the liturgy, when the sacrament of Communion is performed and the prosphora (bread) turns into the body of Christ, the priest takes out nine particles from the third part of the prosphora in honor of all the saints, like the 9 ranks of angels. The second interesting or hidden number is the number 27. This is the number of the canonical books of the New Testament. The Chinese Book of Changes teaches that to change your life, you need to rearrange 27 items in your house. The ancient Kiev alphabet of St. Sophia Cathedral contains 27 letters; these are also three Egyptian groups of 9 gods. The number 27 indicates the total number of pyramids built in Egypt. The number 27 builds 81 (3´3´3´3), it is the number of the square of squares (32 = 9; 92 =81) or the secret of secrets. The number 3 in cosmogony, a symbol of self-sufficiency, creation, completeness. In addition, the numbers 3, 6 and 9 belong to the so-called power numbers that form the harmony of the Universe. It is probably worth highlighting one more number of the mystical square - this is the number 12. This number is considered sacred in all mysteries. This is the mystery of creation, synthesis, mixing and testing, called the concepts of good and evil. The mysticism of the number 12 can be found in the duodecimal counting of the Mayan Indians, the 12 faces of the Indian god Shiva, the 12 labors of Hercules, the 12 symbols of the Christian faith, the 12 thousand sealed, the 12 tribes of Israel, etc. 9x12 gives the number 108 we already know, interesting. It is interesting to note that a rose contains 108 petals, just like Christ's crown of thorns. (The blackthorn, like the rose, belongs to the cruciferous family). The number 12 also contains a kind of astrological key. Twelve squared gives rise to the number 144. In the number 144, in addition to what was said earlier, both the daily cycle of the planet Earth (24 hours x 60 minutes = 1440) are revealed, as well as the emergence of hydrogen-deficient supernovae of class 1A, when the mass of the original the stars are 1.44 times larger than the sun. What is interesting about esoteric language is that, like Egyptian hieroglyphs, it has several levels, horizons, and semantic meanings. For example, the three crosses of Golgotha ​​speak of development in three worlds (three lives) with which three astrological crosses are associated. The mutable cross is the cross of learning, the secret of the foundations of life, or the unrepentant thief. The fixed cross is the cross of transmutation, the secret of the soul or the repentant thief. The cardinal cross is the cross of eternity, the mystery of the Spirit, the cross of Christ and salvation. And the task of the three crosses is fusion, unity and integration. If we take the Jewish laws of the Torah (365 prohibitions and 248 permissions), then we can interpret these two numbers as: 365 is the number of days in a year, and the sum of prohibitions and permissions is the code of the astral guardian - the Moon, read backwards (613® 316 ). By the way, Jews use a lunisolar calendar. Buddhists live according to the solar calendar and celebrate the New Year 108 strokes of the bell, and this is due to the fact that light travels a distance equal to 108 ´ 1010 m / h . In China, there is a belief that heavenly energy descends to Earth through 216 channels, and earthly energy rises to heaven through 144 channels. Buddhism, like Christianity, embodies a solar religion. Islam, living according to the lunar calendar, expresses the lunar nature and biorhythms of the earth and man. Therefore, the removal of the six seals with which the Bible is “sealed” (Rev. 6:12,13), like other sacred writings of ancient peoples, is not possible without taking into account esoteric knowledge.

Guardian angel sign

Numerologists believe that the number 0 refers to magical signs. It should be treated with a great deal of caution, since it does not have a constant influence on a person’s fate - it can be both a companion of happiness and a harbinger of failure. It symbolizes the fluctuation of positive and negative energies, eternity and infinity. The number 0 is also associated with the beginning of the spiritual path.

With its help, guardian angels try to convey to a person that he needs to listen carefully to himself, take a closer look at the environment to understand how to behave in order to attract success and isolate himself from misfortune. Zero can cause fears of novelty, of inexplicable phenomena.

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