Mathematics lesson in 4th grade “Sea voyage to Treasure Island” on the topic “Addition of two-digit numbers with transition through place value”

What is a ship of wealth in Feng Shui philosophy?

According to Feng Shui, a sailboat is a kind of talisman that brings financial well-being to all those who install it in their home.

A ship with sails made of banknotes has become a symbol that bestows success in the financial sector, thanks to the legends of ancient seafaring merchants. Sailors were some of the richest and most successful people of the time. Perhaps this is why the sails of such a talisman ship are a kind of magnet for good luck and prosperity.

To become a truly rich person, it is not enough just to acquire a beautiful attribute. In addition to the fact that according to Feng Shui, a money ship should be filled with various natural expensive stones, it is necessary to choose the right direction in the room where the “magnet” for money will be installed.

The process of creating a painting


Before starting work, mix enough paint for the background. To do this, you need to make two mixtures: white with Prussian blue (approximately 1/1), and white with ciruleum (approximately 1/1). These paints should not be mixed too thoroughly; some heterogeneity (slight striping) will not bother us. Wet the canvas with water from a spray bottle.

We take a large palette knife in our hands and apply paint to the canvas in vertical lines. Apply the paint evenly and quite pasty, pulling it from top to bottom. It is advisable that no traces remain from the work with a palette knife, you need to get a vertical, even and uniform “strokes” going from the top edge of the canvas to the horizon line.

Landscape “Spring Storm”

the horizon line a little lower than the middle of the canvas, so that there is room for a beautiful display of our sailboat in the water, but it should not take up too much space on the canvas, otherwise it will “argue” with our main character.

Below the horizon line, paint can be applied using horizontal movements to show the horizontal plane of the water.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that in our work there is a lit and shaded part .

On the left side of the work you can see a brighter and lighter shade of blue, and even some “rays” of the sun, while on the right the sky is very dark and cloudy. sailboat is the same : on the left it is more illuminated, and on the right it is in the shadows. According to where you have light and shadow in the picture, you should select colors.


When the background is ready, we start painting the ship. Let's place the ship's hull in the center of the canvas, slightly below the horizon line. We outline the hull of the sailboat brown (van dyck), paint on the still damp layer of background paint.

You may have noticed that in the center, where our vessel is located, the paint is applied in a very thin layer, which will not mix with the brown color of the vessel, since it will quickly absorb and have time to dry a little.

Ship seascape
On the left side of the ship's hull there are rays of light - we denote this as a brighter brown - with an admixture of yellow in the middle. It should be taken into account that the lower part of the ship’s hull is more shaded than the upper. That is, we paint the top with a brighter brown shade, the bottom with a darker shade. To show a particularly deep shadow on the right side of the sailboat’s base, we mix a little Prussian blue into the brown.

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Next we outline the masts . We do this with the edge of a palette knife, which has been dipped in brown paint. First, we outline the even verticals of the masts - very lightly, and then we clarify them with more distinct lines.

Next we outline the horizontal lines - the yards on which the sails of our vessel will be attached. We also mark the yard - with the edge of a palette knife and brown paint.

In order to draw an even, beautiful line (vertical or horizontal), your hand movement should be set by the whole body, and not come from the hand or forearm.

You need a confident, fast movement - move your entire arm from the shoulder, even encourage proper arm movement with your torso - this will help create a straight, even line on the canvas.

When the masts and yards are planned, we plan our sails . On a gloomy day, they should have turned grey. We will mute the bright white color of the sails with a calm Neapolitan yellow - in the light, and with dirtier mixtures of this color in the shade. We will mix in brown, red, and the blue color of the lining will also be mixed in here...

How to choose a quality canvas for painting

We also outline the sails, on the still damp blue background. We apply the paint quite pasty, stretching it from top to bottom. And, as I just noticed: on the left - we use Neapolitan yellow, on the right - Neapolitan yellow with the addition of brown Van Dyck, medium yellow, you can add a drop of red.

It is possible that the blue background paint will mix a little with the yellow tint of the sails - there is nothing to worry about. If you see that the top and bottom layers of paint mix too much with each other, giving a very distinct “green” - stop, rest, let the paint harden a little, and then continue.

If your background dries very quickly (this depends on the paint layer, time, canvas size, temperature, how you wet the canvas, etc.) - it is likely that the "sail" paint layer will not apply very smoothly to the background, intermittent strokes, etc. In order for the paint, in this case, to lay down in beautiful, even, smooth, glossy strokes, first moisten the background a little with a spray bottle, or with a large brush, which has been lightly dipped in water.

After marking the sails, you can rest a little (15-20 minutes) - drink tea, for example. The paint will dry during this time.

Next, we specify the sails, the ship and everything else.

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We take a large palette knife in our hands and draw vertical (with a slight bend in the shape of a sail in the wind) strokes. We take into account the shape and shades of the sails that may appear in the wind, and take into account light and shadow.

After the sails are outlined, you can proceed to perhaps the most beautiful, and so to speak, charismatic moment of this picture: we outline the many cables and ropes that are undoubtedly present on a sailing ship.

To do this, dip the edge of a short palette knife into paint (white, yellow or brown, or various mixtures of these colors) and draw very fast, clear, curved and beautiful lines. We try to make them look believable, and most importantly, to be fast and confident.

If you have doubts that you will succeed the first time, practice by marking these ropes simply with the edge of a dry palette knife, and only then dip it in paint.


I completely forgot about a very important part of our work - the reflection of our sailboat in the water .

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In order to show the image of our majestic sea vessel, we left quite a lot of space, and it is this “echo of the ship” blurred in the water that gives our picture a special charm and mystery. In recent painting lessons, we quite often wrote displays of objects in water, here everything is even simpler, since the display of a sailboat will be very, very approximate. We paint it with a palette knife, using horizontal movements, using the same paints as the hull of the ship and its sails.


At the end of the work we will paint a small flock of seagulls accompanying our ship. We also paint seagulls with the edge of a palette knife, whitewash or a mixture of white and brown, placing a lot of “birds”. In the center of these seagulls we place small, barely noticeable dots - in a darker shade (brown) - these are the heads of the seagulls.

At the end of the work, we place some more accents, shadow and light on the sails, highlights and shadows on the masts, yards, and the hull of the ship. We emphasize the brightness of the sky on the left and the depth and gloominess on the right. We correct the reflection of the ship in the water.

That's all, the picture is ready.

What a money ship should look like

Having understood the meaning of a ship according to Feng Shui, let’s consider how to choose the right one or make such a talisman with your own hands.
A very important aspect is that it is necessary to correctly determine the model of the ship. Military vessels are not suitable for attracting wealth. Stop your choice only on sailboats. It is they, if you believe the ancient teaching, that will help their owner achieve financial well-being.

By the way, you need to purchase only those talismans that do not have sharp corners and are made without the help of nails.

You can make such a monetary attribute with your own hands. Remember that in order for an ordinary craft to have truly magical properties, it must be made only from metals that have strong energy. It is best, of course, to use gold. However, due to the high cost of this material, you can use wood and cover it with gold paint.

Why a sailboat?

The main character of our picture is a proud sailboat sailing on the sea in cloudy weather. Our lonely sailboat is accompanied only by a flock of seagulls and the rays of the sun barely breaking through the clouds.

Before starting work, I must tell you where the idea of ​​writing this story in such a lively and unusual technique came from:

A few weeks ago, I accidentally found an article about some artist whose name was very unusual and I didn’t remember it at all. The article was short, accompanied by several photographs of the artist’s works. The pictures impressed me very much - they sank into my soul, as they say.

I didn’t have time to search for who this artist was then. A few days later I got into my studio, and, one might say from memory, I wrote “Sailboat.” Today I am creating this painting lesson, and I decided to find the name of this artist and her paintings. So, I did a little searching and found it: this is the Polish artist Justyna Kopania (or Justyna Kopania). Look at her works on the Internet, I think many people will really like them. My “Sailboat” was written based on the works of this artist.

Painting a winter landscape “Thaw”

Ship of wealth according to Feng Shui

The story tells how Europeans began to enter China in the 19th century, and how the Emperor feared that all the wealth in the Forbidden City would be plundered. The wealth of the Forbidden City was transported to Taiwan on large ships hidden from the British and French. Another feng shui story about rich ships is that when the Chinese returned home from victorious battles, they brought back treasures on their ships.

According to Feng Shui, ships to attract the energy of money are used to attract the influx of goodness.
They usually contain real coins, gold, jewelry and bars (an ancient form of Chinese gold). The symbolic meaning of the ship of wealth is, so to speak, the energy of abundance arriving at your port. Placing a feng shui wealth ship in your home or office will help you gain more wealth and prosperity, as well as increase your business opportunities and profits. Wealth ship for abundance
A sailing ship symbolizes abundance brought by the winds and waters.
During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the sailing ship was a very popular symbol for many companies involved in the trading business, the most famous of which was the East India Trading Company. Back then, unknowingly, many of the company's managers hung a beautiful picture of their sailing ships in their office, thereby channeling the energy of Feng Shui. Every student of colonial history knows how prosperous the East India Company was. Many Chinese banks and companies have also used the sailing ship as their corporate logo. How to Choose a Wealth Ship
Choose a wealth ship that has room to fill it with coins, gems, pieces of gold, and any other symbols of wealth or abundance.
Collect items that speak specifically to you of wealth. Avoid ships with guns - you want a merchant, cargo ship, not a warship. Where to Place Your Wealth Ship
Place it near the entrance on a low coffee table.
It will be a bonus if it moves into your direction of success based on your Gua Number. It is important that the direction of the ship is carefully positioned. How many wealth ships do you need
? You can have more than one ship.
Having more ships symbolizes multiple sources of income. They can be placed in different rooms around your home and office. Maintaining Your Ship of Wealth
When you feel like your ship is too small, it's time to buy something bigger.
It is recommended to avoid stagnation and maintain continuous growth by adding an additional coin or gem to it once a month. If you want to add wealth from all over the world, add foreign currency to the ship. How to Fill Your Wealth Ship
Place any wealth gods, or Guan Gong (Kuan Kung), to bring good fortune of wealth into the home. Guan Gong looks fierce and powerful, helping you overcome any competition. Place the God of Wealth at the front of the ship.

The coins represented wealth for nine generations. Their presence on your ship is important to ensure that your wealth stays in the family for a very long time. Use at least 3 copper, 6 silver and 9 gold coins. Ideally, coins (gold) should be stuck around the ship.

Beautiful lapis lazuli or lapis lazuli stones made from semi-precious stones are useful for activating wealth of good fortune from all over the world. These beads are an important component of your ship.

Crystal symbolizes great wealth and prosperity. It is an excellent representation of the extremely valuable cargo. When you fill your ship with it, it will bring you a rich and luxurious life.

Place real money as much as you want. Include change given to you by someone rich. The qi from the pockets of successful people is always very strong.

A heavenly dragon in flight symbolizes the achievement of wealth and success. Place a golden dragon figurine in your wealth ship to increase your wealth stock.

Gold bars are extremely auspicious because they signify material assets that represent savings and value. Place as many ingots as possible in your ship.

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Amerigo Vespucci

The three-match frigate “Amerigo Vespucci” is by far the most beautiful sailing ship in the world. Launched in 1931, it remains an active training sailing ship for the Italian Navy to this day. At the Leghorn Naval Academy, to which the ship is assigned, officers learn the basics of maritime science with its help.

The beautiful ship crossed the Atlantic Ocean more than once. But to raise all 24 sails of the magnificent ship, 200 people are needed.

Along with other ships of this type, the frigate “Amerigo Vespucci” is a permanent participant in world sailing regattas and sailing ship festivals around the world.


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