The Good Samaritan from the New Testament: the meaning of the parable

What is a parable

To more accurately understand the meaning of the parable, you need to have an idea of ​​what it is. Turning to the dictionary, we see that a parable is a short story about an everyday event, presented in an allegorical form and containing moral instruction (teaching). V. Dahl formulated this briefly: “Teaching by example” (for example, the story of the Good Samaritan). In the parable, he saw the operating principle of a parabola, focused on the main idea. Great writers and thinkers turned to this genre: Leo Tolstoy, F. Kafka, A. Camus, B. Brecht.

Basil the Great said that the parable shows the path to follow, guides a person, showing the way for a favorable course through life. Jesus answered the life questions of his followers with parables. There aren't many of them. He spoke a parable, but gave no explanation. This is not just like that, since a person must go further on his own.

Parable as a source of wisdom

The above example is enough - they are the majority. So, for example, in the parable of the Good Samaritan, a direct indication is given of how a person should act. Others begin to think and, to their surprise, see the path to the truth. The more one thinks, the clearer and more multifaceted it is. Spiritual development is underway, and a person wants to know what others think about this. There is a process of cognition and internal change in a person. It is to spiritual perfection that God calls, to the pursuit of truth and security, since “... His truth is His shield and fence” (Psalm 90).

For more than two thousand years, people have been reading the Gospel and finding in it a bright source of spiritual development. The wisdom of the Lord is realized gradually. Rereading it for the tenth time, you will, just like the first time, discover new meaning for yourself, wondering and admiring the providence of the incomprehensible power of the Holy Spirit contained in simple words.

Parable of the Samaritan

The New Testament parable of the Good Samaritan is a simple story about who to consider as your neighbor. For Jews, a Jew is a neighbor. For the Jew Jesus, his neighbors were all the people for whose sins he was crucified. His goal is to teach people to be merciful towards the suffering of another person, Jesus tells a parable, which can be briefly summarized as follows:

One Jewish scribe decided to test Jesus by asking him how one could enter the kingdom of heaven. Jesus asked him: “What is written in the law about this?” The scribe who knows him well replies: “Love the blessed God with all your heart, and love your neighbor as yourself.” Jesus' answer was that you must observe this, then you will have the kingdom of heaven. The scribe asked: “Who is your neighbor?” Jesus' answer was the parable of the Good Samaritan. Let's give it briefly.

On the way from Jerusalem to Jericho there was one simple man, a Jew. On the way, robbers attacked him, beat him, took all his things and ran away, leaving him lying on the ground. A Jewish priest passed by, who, seeing him, went on his way further. The man continued to lie on the ground when a Levite (servant of the Jewish temple) passed by. He also passed by without taking part.

A Samaritan passing by did not remain indifferent, took pity on the Jew, washed his wounds with wine and anointed them with oil. Putting him on his donkey, the Good Samaritan took the victim to a hotel, where he took care of him. The next day, when leaving, he gave the owner two denarii, ordering him to continue to treat and feed the man, and if there was not enough money, he promised to pay him extra on the way back.

Having finished the parable, Jesus turned to the questioner: “Who does he think is his neighbor?” To which he replied: “The one who showed mercy.” To this Jesus advised him to go and do the same.

Let's sum it up

Surely the Samaritan could have acted out of love for both the robbers and the travellers, although the actions would have looked very different since the traveler needed mercy and compassion, and the robbers needed to be stopped or even punished. However, if such an action is likely to endanger the Samaritan or his child, one must look at the commandment that first commands: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

If you delve into the meaning of Jesus' teachings, much becomes clear in this world.


The events described in this parable took place more than two thousand years ago. To understand them, some clarification is necessary. First of all, the priest and the Levite are ministers in the Jewish temple. There is a tradition (Law) that prescribes that all Jews are considered close people, obligated to help each other. The priest and the Levite are people who occupy certain positions in the Jewish temple, who thoroughly know the law and traditions, but they do not help the injured Jew.

The Samaritans are heretics for the Jews, whom they considered enemies. It is no coincidence that the parable shows the merciful Samaritan helping the injured Jew, since they were also enemies for the Samaritans. But for Jesus, all people are creatures of God who are equal to each other. Although he did not hide his special attitude towards the Jews.

Who are the Samaritans?

In the 10th century before the birth of Christ, the kingdom of Israel was located on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, which washes the southwestern part of Asia. In those days, the country was ruled by King David and after by his son Solomon. During their reign the country prospered.

The son of Solomon, Rehoboam, who ascended the throne, was distinguished by rare cruelty and tyranny. Unable to withstand his bullying, the ten tribes of Israel (12 in total) did not recognize his power and, under the leadership of Jeroboam, an ally of King Solomon, formed a new state of Israel with its capital Samaria. Based on the name of the capital, the inhabitants began to be called Samaritans.

Two tribes, Benjamin and Judah, remained loyal to Rehoboam. Their state became known as Judea. The capital of the kingdom became the city of Jerusalem. As we see, Jews and Samaritans are one nation. They speak the same language - Hebrew.

This is one people, divided into two parts and professing one religion, albeit with some differences. Long-term enmity made them irreconcilable enemies. It is not for nothing that Jesus includes the Good Samaritan in the parable. The meaning of this is that all peoples should live in peace, and especially related ones.

John Marrs

Good Samaritan

Serving others is the price of living on earth.

Muhammad Ali

If you are looking for revenge, dig two graves - one for yourself.

Douglas Horton


- Where are you? — I said quietly into the phone in a calm, measured tone.

— My taxi just stopped in the parking lot, and I'm trying to get rid of some change.

- For what? - I asked.

- Because I don’t need it.

- It's clear. — I raised my eyes to the ceiling. It seemed like a waste of time, and I was worried that it might turn out to be a pro-wielding tactic .

check. But you can’t put pressure on him. - Do what you think is necessary, and remember: I am with you throughout the entire journey.

I heard him mutter something to the driver, then got out and slammed the door behind him. She assumed it was lightly raining outside because, before the taxi drove away, every few seconds I heard the creaking of the windshield wipers wiping water from the windshield.

- How are we doing? - I asked, deliberately using the phrase “with us” rather than “with you” in order to emphasize that we are participating together - if not in a material sense, then at least in a spiritual sense. I didn’t choose the place, so I wondered if he would change his mind when he saw how high it was. In such cases, I had to accept the client's decision. It took a while to get the mood right, but now that it was, I wanted him to stay in the mood until the end. And I tried my best to remind him why he was there and how far we had come.

It was like he read my thoughts.

- Don't worry, I'm not inclined to change my mind.

I sighed with relief.

“It’s true,” he continued. “I’m in the right place and ready.” Now that I'm here and I see that

in front of me, one hundred and ten percent sure that I'm going to do the right thing.

I believed him. I didn't think he ever lied to me because he never had a reason to. He said many times that he was more honest with me than with anyone else he knew, and I listened to it with pride.

- Do you see her yet? - I asked. “She's driving a red Vauxhall Astra, registration number V-nine-eight-seven...

-...T.H.G. Yes, she just flashed her headlights at me. It feels like we're in a spy movie and you've given me a task to give her secret documents. “He laughed nervously, and I pretended to laugh too.

- Okay, let me call her. For now, stay put. We don't want to scare her.

The first call was put on hold when I dialed the number. She answered after seven rings - too long a gap, as it seemed to me.

“Hello,” I began quietly. - How are we doing?

“I don’t know,” she answered. There was no confidence in her voice at all. I've been with enough people in similar situations to detect a high note of anxiety in the words. We need to move forward carefully.

“I’m glad to hear from you,” I said in a soothing tone. — Was the trip good? Do you like this place?

— I arrived here an hour ago and drank a cup of tea in a cafe a little further down the road. — Another red flag. She had free time to think.

“Is there anything else you want to talk about before we get started?” - I asked.

She hesitated.

“I’m really sorry, but now that I’m here, I’m starting to think that maybe I’m doing the wrong thing,” she replied.

I gritted my teeth. We can't let it end like this. We need to reinforce her motivation.

- It's because of the baby, right? - I asked softly.

- Yes.

-Are you worried that you're making a selfish decision?

“Yes,” she repeated, this time barely audible.

I leaned back in my chair.

- This is completely understandable, but you need to realize: it’s not you who are talking, but your hormones. They give you a false sense of opportunity, making you think that everything can be okay in the end if you just wait a while. But listen to someone who has experience. Once the baby is born, things will only get worse for you—much worse. You will be treated even more intensively, which will make life even more cloudy than it is now. You will not be a good mother, and the drugs you took have already affected your child. He will grow up exactly like you, with exactly the same problems, with exactly the same suffering. History will repeat itself. Do you really want to be responsible for this? Unlike you, I see the situation clearly and know: this is exactly how everything will happen. Your child has no chance of happiness in this world. And deep down, you know that too, right?

“You’re right,” she sobbed, no longer trying to fight back the tears.

I was an evil cop, now I need to become good again.

“You know, I think about all of you day and night,” I continued. “I know what a long journey you have come since you found me many weeks ago.” I am proud of your courage and strength. You know that, right?

“Yes,” she answered, but her voice did not contain the conviction that I had hoped for. It's time to change gears.

- I think about your family too. They are lucky to have a person like you in their life - so compassionate and so courageous. These are rare qualities, and I know these things are hard to understand at first, but over time, your loved ones begin to realize that you loved them so much that you put their needs before your own. You have told me many times that you will never become the wife that your husband needs. But it’s not your fault, it’s his, for putting you on a pedestal. It is he

did to you. Just keep reminding yourself why you were looking for me in the first place. Together we explored every path before you decided it was the only reasonable path. You move forward and allow everyone you love to do the same. And I really respect you for that.

I repeated these words for so long, week after week, conversation after conversation, slowly building the belief that this was the only way forward. However, on him

less labor was required. There was no possibility of compromise with him. White or black - and no gray. He once told me that I was like a rope that pulled him out of quicksand and put him on the right path.

“You’re right,” she sobbed. - Thank you.

- OK then. Well, blow your nose, take a deep breath, and let's continue together. First, open the door and go to him. “I tried to imagine that I was there with them.” - Now describe in detail what you see in front of you.

“I think it’s him, waiting for me,” she began. - Smiles. And behind him the sun is trying to break through the clouds. Quite cold, but no frost.

I heard the crunch of gravel under her feet, the patter of raindrops on the shoulders of her raincoat, the cries of seagulls in the sky. You could almost smell the salty sea air around them. I switched the phone to his number.

“Hello again,” I said. “She’s heading towards you, but she’s a little more worried than you.” You'll look after her, right?

“Of course,” he answered in such a confident tone that I had never heard from him.

When they first met face to face, I imagined them smiling at each other. She turned on both bells at once and heard the muffled rustling of fabric on fabric - as if they were hugging. I told her to wear a cloak large enough to hide her pregnancy. The last thing I wanted was to scare him away now that we were so close to finishing.

I felt my skin burn as adrenaline flowed through all sixty thousand miles of blood vessels, giving me a kind of euphoria.

“Bid your time. Keep a tight grip because too many things can go wrong.”

I imagined them standing there, complete strangers who didn’t need to talk to communicate. They are united by a common goal, and it was I who brought them together. Their lives will be forever linked to each other because of me. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

- Can you both hear me? - I asked them.

“Yes,” they answered in one voice.

- If you are still satisfied with everything, I would like to stay with you as long as possible. So when you're ready, take a deep breath, then grab your hands and start walking. No matter how difficult it may be, no matter how heavy your feet may feel, hold on to each other for support. Don't turn around and don't stop. We can do this together.

“Thank you,” he said. - Thank you for understanding me. You are an incredible person.

“I was glad to help,” I replied. In the past, when I climaxed, I was much stronger. But he has become too important a part of my life not to feel the pain. Knowing that our journey was coming to an end, I clenched my fists. Now it was up to them to continue the story.

I closed my eyes tightly. She inhaled and exhaled air in time with their breathing as they walked further and further from the car park. The gravel gave way to grass and the rain became heavier. She began to sob, but I was sure that these were tears of happiness. I knew that he squeezed her hand a little tighter, sharing with her the strength that I so appreciated in him.

And then... nothing.

Nothing but the last sounds of their breathing and the sea wind howling through the phones as they fell five hundred and thirty feet into the water below. And as their bodies sank into the sea and their souls soared into the sky, I bit my lower lip hard, tasting blood. Everything is over.

Biblical interpretation

An important point in this parable is to clarify the true meaning of the word “neighbor,” which causes misunderstanding among the scribe. He interprets it literally. A neighbor is a relative, a fellow believer, a fellow tribesman. According to Jesus, a neighbor is a doer of mercy, in our case the Good Samaritan from the New Testament. The point of the parable is to make it clear that every person is a neighbor - both the one who is in trouble and the one who does good.

The Samaritan had with him oil and wine, which were used in the sacred sacrifice to the Lord. Jesus’ words are symbolic that he is not waiting for sacrifice, but for mercy. By treating the wounds intended for the ritual with wine and oil, the Samaritan symbolically brings mercy - a sacrifice to the Lord.

It is important not to deviate from the true path

Nothing should change our ultimate responsibility: to show mercy to those in need, like a Good Samaritan to a beaten man. A Christian should never act outside of love, even towards thieves. Everything must be done with love.

A doctor who amputates a child's arm to save his life is acting out of love. And in the same way, the child is reprimanded and reprimanded by his parents out of love, depending on his actions and the response required.

Interpretation of Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev)

There are many interpretations of this parable by clergy. I would like to dwell a little on Metropolitan Hilarion’s article “Who is my neighbor?” (Orthodoxy and Peace). This is a real sermon about the Good Samaritan. The simplicity and accessibility of the explanation of the parable, its main goal, is striking.

Metropolitan Hilarion believes that it is not in vain that the question is asked by a scribe who is well acquainted with the Law. Knowing its contents, he himself does not understand everything in it. Not only do you know the Law, you also need to obey it. It’s good to know God’s commandments, but you need to put them into practice. Therefore, the scribe, who does not understand the meaning, asks: “Who is your neighbor?”

It is not for nothing that the Lord cites the Samaritan as an example, knowing that the Jews abhor these people, despise them, do not touch or talk to them. Jesus is disgusted by this attitude towards people of another nation, of another faith. The meaning of the parable laid down by Christ is that the merciful Samaritan is much closer to the robbed and beaten Jew. The Lord overcomes these kinds of barriers created by people, trying to show that everyone is equal. He wanted to draw the attention of every person to the fact that people of other nationalities or religions observe the Law, but its ministers do not always fulfill it.

love thy neighbour

Many people of other faiths or those who are quite far from believing in the true God have hearts in which love for their neighbor lives. Without knowing it themselves, they fulfill God's commandments. These can be people of any Christian faith, Muslims, Jews, atheists.

As we see, there are many interpretations of the parable of the Good Samaritan. This is a collective, clear example that teaches us to live in the likeness of Jesus Christ, who loved all people and desired their salvation. For their sake, he went to torment to cleanse them of their sins. Everyone, and not just followers of their own or people of a certain nationality. Is it only Jews who reject Gentiles? No. Think of the Crusades or modern Muslim extremism.

Good Samaritan: ironic hero or standard

At first glance, doing good deeds is not difficult. But usually it’s easy only as long as you don’t have to sacrifice something to do it. An ironic phrase is often heard addressed to a person whose good deed was accompanied by infringement of his own interests: “good Samaritan.”

In an era when the main values ​​are a high position in society and the size of a bank account, the above statement has lost its original meaning. When using it, many forget that it came from the Bible. And behind this phrase lies one of the main thoughts of the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Good Samaritan (Catholic fresco)

“The Lord says: “Go and do the same, and do the same as the Good Samaritan.” Today we must hear this call and transform it into active love for God and neighbor” (Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeev).

Let's try to figure out who the Samaritan is and why he is good.

Is Jesus a Samaritan?

There is another interesting interpretation. I would like to say that each person, reading the parable of the Good Samaritan, sees the meaning in it differently. But the Lord does not give any explanations, thereby calling people to understand the parable.

The man who walked from Jericho to Jerusalem is Adam, who represents all of humanity. Jerusalem, where he is going, is the kingdom of heaven. Jericho is earthly life, full of sins, tears and crying. The robbers who attacked the traveler are dark satanic forces. The priest and the Levite are the Old Testament, in which the priest is the Law of Moses, the Levite is the prophets.

Two doctors sent by God - the Law of Moses in the form of a priest, and the prophets in the form of a Levite - passed by one after another. The Law of Moses only came closer, the prophets came and looked, but did not begin to heal, but passed by. And then a good Samaritan appears - this is Jesus Christ, who binds the wounds, lubricates them with oil, takes them to the hotel and asks to look after the sick person.

Why did the Lord call himself a Samaritan? Jesus shows us that you don’t always need to have high titles, positions and dignity, you don’t always need a lot of money to do good, to be merciful. All you need is a kind soul and a desire to help others. Well, if the Lord himself, under the guise of a Samaritan despised by the Jews, acts as a savior, then why don’t we, mere mortals, follow his example?

Unexpected Rescue

He woke up in the morning, in an inn. Below him was a clean bed. His wounds hardly hurt and were carefully bandaged. He did not remember how the Samaritan carefully treated the wounds with medicine, put him on the donkey and walked next to him all night, holding his body. How he carried him in his arms to the owner of the inn and persuaded him to give shelter to the wounded unknown traveler...

And now, having woken up, he saw that the Samaritan was getting ready to leave. And I heard him say to the owner of the inn just before leaving:

“Dear, here I am leaving two denarii for your servants to take care of this unfortunate man.” I'll be back in a few days. And if it turns out that you spent more on caring for the patient, I will reimburse you for all expenses.

The owner took the money and nodded in agreement.

And the Samaritan approached the sick man to say goodbye.

- Why did you save me? - whispered the wounded Jew. “After all, we Jews treat you Samaritans like dogs.” Why do you take care of me as if I were your close relative? The Samaritan smiled back and gently placed his palm on his lips.

- Shut up. You don't need to say much now. I paid the owner for the hotel, now he will take care of you. And by the way, your dog is okay too, can you hear her barking? Get well!

And with these words the Samaritan left. The wounded man looked at the door, which he carefully closed behind him. And for some reason he wanted to cry. And from the yard came the familiar loud barking. It was his dog who guarded the house, waiting for the owner to get better.

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