Christina's name day (Christina's Angel Day) according to the Orthodox calendar

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If you have been invited to Christina's Angel Day, and you want to surprise this magnificent girl with your attentiveness and an original gift, then first you need to study her tastes and character well.

About name days

As you know, every person baptized in the Catholic or Orthodox Church is named in honor of one or another saint, who is subsequently considered the heavenly patron of the believer. The day of church remembrance of this saint or saint of God becomes what people call Angel Day. Another name for this day is name day. The name Christina is especially lucky in this sense, because there are quite a lot of holy women named by it.

Nevertheless, every woman, like every man, can have only one Angel Day a year. Therefore, when baptizing, you must choose your patroness. To do this, we provide below a list of the main ones revered in the Russian Orthodox Church. Surely there are others, but the trouble is that there is no single list of all the saints in the world - there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions. And new ones are constantly appearing. For each saint on our list, we will attach the date of celebration and a brief biography so that you can decide which one you like best. But first, one more point needs to be noted - in the Eastern Christian tradition, the name Christina is usually transliterated in the Greek manner, namely as Christina. This is his church pronunciation.

Origin and meaning of the name

The patron saint of women with the name Christina is considered to be the holy martyr Christina of Caesarea from the city of Tire. Her father ruled the city during pagan times, in the third century, and dreamed that his daughter would become a priestess of the pagan gods he worshiped.

But since childhood, the girl refused to believe that the wonderful world around her was created by idols. According to legend, an Angel appeared to the girl in childhood and told her about the teachings of Christ, calling her the bride of Christ, who is called to accept the feat of suffering in the name of the Savior of the World.

After the appearance of the Angel, the young girl accepted the teachings of Christ, abandoning the pagan beliefs of her father. This story had a sad continuation. Christina's father turned out to be a very cruel man and, through terrible torture, tried to convince his daughter to renounce her faith in the Savior.

The martyr Christina of Persia endured terrible torture and bodily torture, but her wounds healed instantly, and the girl miraculously remained alive. Observing the miraculous healing of the martyr and her humility, which she showed as a true Christian, many began to believe in the Savior and accepted his Teachings. The living and bright Faith in Christ had to be stopped, so the pagans killed Saint Christina.

Now the martyr Christina of Tire patronizes all those who suffer and endure undeserved insults and persecution in the world. It is believed that the martyr Christina of Nicomedia is able to heal all diseases of the body and spirit. Thousands of believers pray to this saint for a speedy recovery.

In the Orthodox tradition, the names Christina and Christina are considered synonymous.

Christina of Nicomedia

One of the most little-known Christines. Today it is known about her that she was born and preached Christianity in the city of Nikomis, even giving herself the Christian name Christina, for which she died a martyr’s death.

Her memory day is usually celebrated in the summer, June 13th. She is considered the patroness of Christines born in May and in the summer months until August.



Description of the character of the owner

A person’s personality characteristics and character traits are directly related to the energy and history of the name Christina. What character traits does this amazing name enhance and make brighter and more expressive?

strong nature, purposeful, independent character; Outwardly, these people are calm and balanced, but behind their majestic arrogance and calmness hides an extraordinary fiery temperament. Only occasionally, bright manifestations of emotions suggest that this seemingly unapproachable woman has bright feelings and subtle emotionality; Christina is confident that she has been chosen for a high role of serving great goals and ideals, she will perform any job perfectly; there is a risk in dreams of unrealistic ideals of not noticing the simple family happiness that is always close to these amazingly integral and strong women; Christinas are very calculating and pedantic, paying attention to every little detail and trying to calculate the situation several steps ahead, thereby losing the joyful moments of real life.

These women adhere to conservative views and do not tolerate frivolity and rudeness. It is impossible to shake the moral principles of Christina. Often, to their detriment, these people defend their point of view and ideals.

A child named Christina outwardly seems withdrawn and uncommunicative, loves solitude and quiet activities. He is in great need of parental attention and praise and has difficulty adapting to an unfamiliar team. They are diligent and attentive in their studies, but it is necessary to develop the baby’s creative potential.

In family and marriage, these women are the center of the hearth and the custodians of family traditions. For them, their home is a reliable fortress, where they feel calm and confident. They do not tolerate cheating and betrayal, and after a divorce they cannot find a new life partner for a long time.

In work and career, Christina is always the boss, they are simply destined to open their own business, in which they can make all decisions independently. They achieve success in professions that require persistence and attention to detail. These are excellent lawyers, accountants and doctors.

The name Christina in Orthodoxy

The name “Christina” is literally translated as “Christian, admirer of Christ.” In a modern way, it sounds like Christina and remains the most fashionable name in different countries, including abroad.

In pagan times, for any Christian woman this name was associated with feat. After all, calling oneself publicly a Christian meant throwing oneself to pieces for one’s faith. It is for this reason that the Christinas died a martyr’s death for the faith, which is why the church considers them great ascetics and greatly values ​​those who give their daughters this name Christina.

There is an opinion that the church is preparing a name reform. This means that babies can be baptized with any name they like at any time. Therefore, Christinas born in autumn can also take this Christian name for themselves, even though the day of their angel is celebrated in the summer and at the end of winter.

What to give on Angel's Day

Of course, such a huge number of birthdays and memorial dates does not mean that you can celebrate Angel Day almost every month. If you know for sure that your parents named you not in memory of a specific saint, but in honor of, for example, your beloved grandmother, then you can choose your guardian angel yourself. To do this, you need to open the church calendar and select your namesake whose memorial day is closest to your date of birth. She will become your guardian angel. It is to her that you will direct your prayers for intercession.

If you are invited to celebrate an angel's day, it is worth buying a small gift. You should not give any valuables on a spiritual holiday. For a gift, things directly related to a name or faith are best suited.

Small vignettes or stylized pictures will look beautiful as a gift. Birthday cards for Christine can also be purchased at a craft supply store. But it’s best to make such a present yourself. If there is no creative talent, beautiful candles, a book, or a small icon depicting a saint would be appropriate.

Characteristics of the birthday girl

This name comes from Ancient Greece. From the ancient Greek language it is translated as “dedicated to Christ”, “Christian”, “Christian”. Since childhood, little Kristina has been showing:

talent; kindness; sharp mind; affection; vulnerability.

The little girl perceives the whole world through her prism of kindness and tenderness. Not the kindness that you can read in a book or see in a movie. And the one that can be seen in an ordinary family, when everyone lives in harmony, does not quarrel, does not shout. But when something bad or evil happens around her, Kristinka suffers, trying to reconcile everyone.

Over time, the girl begins to develop her talents, of which she has quite a lot: writes poetry, dances, sings, draws. Through all this she conveys all her feelings.

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As she grows up, she begins to understand what this world really is like. Then she closes herself and no longer tries to fix anything. Christina often creates her own world around herself, a closed space where love, kindness and mutual respect reign.

Christina the Persian martyr life

Christina of Persia lived in the 6th century AD in Persia among the pagans. Imbued with Christian teaching, she fiercely preached it in Persia. At that time the country was full of pagans and actively fought against Christians. At that time, she was at enmity with Christian Byzantium and considered Christians to be traitors to their homeland, was against them and waged a political struggle with them.

For adopting a Christian name - Christina of Persia called herself that, in the pagan world she had a completely different name - she was tortured and died during torture with steel rods. But the church recognized Christina of Persia as a saint and began to venerate her on an equal basis with other saints.

When is Christina's name day according to the church calendar?

The name “Christina” itself translates as “Christian.” This name has Greek roots and gives its owner softness, playfulness, responsiveness and kindness.

Christine's name day is celebrated according to the church calendar:

February 19 – this day marks the day of remembrance of Christina of Caesarea; March 26 and 31 are days in honor of Christina of Persia and Christina of Lampsaki; June 13 – Christine’s summer name day in honor of Christina of Nicomedia; August 6 is the day of Christ of Tire; August 18 is the day of the Martyr Christ.

Christina's name day is not celebrated in the fall. But this does not mean that the name day of Christine, born in the fall, cannot be celebrated - it is better to choose the day of baptism and celebrate it as your name day.

Holy Martyr Christina of Tire

This girl accomplished a real feat for the sake of Christianity. She was born into a noble and noble family of the king of Tire. She was supposed to become an honorary priestess of a pagan temple, but against the wishes of her parents, she converted to Christianity.

No amount of beatings or cruelty from her own father could return her to the path of paganism. As a result, Christina was hacked to death with a sword. But the memory of her was preserved for many years and Christina of Tire became a saint.

The day of her death is celebrated on August 6 and she is considered the conqueror of all Christines born in September and August.

Prayer to the patron saint of Christina

With the establishment of Christianity, it became traditional to name a child in honor of a saint, thereby acquiring patrons and prayer books in them. It is this ascetic of God who helps the child and will prayerfully answer for him before the Lord.

Many families pray and have special reverence for some saint and want to name a child after him.

Such a desire is welcome. At the same time, it would not be amiss to find out the saint on whose day the child was born. After all, you can turn in prayer to two spiritual patrons at once.

Troparion to the Martyr Christina of Tire

Having committed yourself to Christ by the vocation of the Gospel, glorious Christ, you rejected the glory of this world and the passion of sin, but without caring about the body itself, you endured torment valiantly, therefore we honor and glorify your martyrdom, a martyr of the same name with Christ.

Video: Christina's name day

What is she like, Christina?

Before you go to Christina’s name day, it’s worth studying a little about the “subject” of congratulations. This will help surprise such a wonderful girl. Having studied all the intricacies of the name, you can please its owner with a pleasant and original gift.

The name Christina came to us from Ancient Greece. In the Greek language it meant “Christian” or “dedicated to Christ.” Some of the brightest qualities of this girl from a very early age are:

  • kindness;
  • dexterity;
  • vulnerability;
  • giftedness;
  • slowness;
  • desire to achieve a goal.

From a very young age, Christina has been very sensitive to issues of kindness and tenderness. She suffers greatly when people shout and quarrel around her, and tries to reconcile everyone.

Most often, Christina is very talented. A girl with this name necessarily has some kind of creative beginning: she sings, writes poetry, dances, draws, and so on. She does not necessarily realize her skills in the professional sphere. But creativity allows Christina to express her feelings and emotions.

As she gets older, a girl with that name understands more and more that the world is a rather cruel place. Therefore, many adult Christinas grow up withdrawn. They create their own narrow “chamber” world, where not everyone is allowed. It is there that love, mutual respect and boundless kindness reign.

According to the church calendar, Christina’s name day is celebrated several times a year. This is due to the fact that there are at least six female martyrs who sacrificed themselves for the sake of faith. For this they are still revered by the church.

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