“An ascetic is one who moves towards God”

“An ascetic is one who moves towards God”

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill

On June 9, 2021, on the holiday of the 350th anniversary of the discovery of the relics of St. Neil of Stolobensky, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia visited the monastery of the Nilo-Stolobensky Monastery of the Tver Metropolis. At the end of the Liturgy, the Primate of the Russian Church addressed those gathered in the Epiphany Cathedral with a word.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!

I heartily congratulate all of you, dear bishops, fathers, brothers and sisters, mother abbess, all those who arrived here today as pilgrims on a special event in the life of our Church, the Tver Metropolis and this holy monastery. 350 years have passed since the glorification of the holy Venerable Nile of Stolobensky, and all these three and a half centuries the name of the holy ascetic has been carefully preserved not only on the Tver land, but throughout our entire Church.

We know that people usually associate historical memory with those who committed certain important acts that entailed significant consequences for the life of a country, city or region. But Saint Neil of Stolobensky did not do anything in his entire life that, from a secular or state point of view, would be a feat that would entail radical changes for the better in the lives of people, and especially the entire country. What did the Monk Neil do? He arrived on this deserted island and settled here completely alone, digging himself a dugout, having neither a roof over his head nor food. It is not even known how he made fire - he had nothing.

When today someone commits extreme acts in the field of sports or tourism, everyone is amazed: “How is this possible? This is beyond human strength!” But no achievements in extreme sports can even come close to what Reverend Neil accomplished. He lived here for many years, without food, fire, or real shelter - and this in our climate! What did he eat? Some say that these were roots, bark, nuts, mushrooms. But let's imagine that one of us remains in complete solitude throughout the year, without any food. It is impossible to imagine such a person surviving. And Reverend Neil not only survived - he lived life to the fullest here. And the question arises: how to characterize the life of Neil Stolobensky? In just one word: feat. He is an ascetic.

An amazing Russian word is “feat”. Its root is the same as the word “movement”. An ascetic is one who moves. However, no one today would call ascetics those who move around the planet using modern means of transport. There is no feat in such a movement. What kind of movement are we talking about in relation to those who have spent their entire lives in one place, in solitude, without sufficient food, without the support of other people? What kind of feat do we mean?

We often say about people who move intensely and dynamically through life: “What a dynamic person!” This is not entirely correct, since “dynamic” means “strong,” but we use this word to denote an active person, capable of actively moving through life and achieving his goals. We say: “What a dynamic leader! What a dynamic person! How much he manages to do! How quickly he moves through life, and with what success!” Is there a difference in the meaning of the ancient word “ascetic”, from the word “to move”, and the modern concept of “dynamic person”? There is, and the answer to the question of what the difference is is vital for each of us.

Someone who moves to achieve vital, material goals is said to be a “dynamic person,” but it is unlikely that they will say about him that he is an ascetic. We are not talking about a feat when a person moves in space, moves up the career ladder, or moves from strength to strength and from power to power. We never say about such people that they are ascetics. We use this word to call people who in their lives move towards the true goal of existence. An ascetic is one who moves towards God. And it is not at all necessary to move in space - you can live alone on one island for decades, but still be an ascetic, striving for the highest goal of human existence. And if modern people, dynamic and purposeful, set other goals, then they are fussing in vain. For God's court these goals are nothing. Whether a person achieves them or does not achieve them does not matter to God. What matters to God is the achievement of only the goal toward which the Monk Neil of Stolobensky and a host of genuine ascetics strove, who not only strived for the only correct goal of existence, but also achieved it.

Maybe someone, listening to these words, will say: “So, should we all sit alone on the islands, eat mushrooms, bark, and nuts?” I don’t call for this, because none of us are capable of living like this. I do not urge anyone to refuse to achieve human goals, especially those who are endowed with certain abilities, including the ability to lead people. It would be a sin to refuse the calling. But how important it is that the true purpose of life is not obscured by momentary goals determined by the framework of our limited earthly world! And if a person combines his dynamism and ability to achieve life goals with asceticism, the ability to achieve a single godly goal, then we can say that we have before us a man of genius. Such people are glorified today both by the Church and even by those who are far from the Church.

I can give examples of such people, and first of all, perhaps, the holy blessed Alexander Nevsky, who combined the goal of organizing the earthly life of the Fatherland with the eternal goal of getting closer to God and the spiritual enlightenment of our people. And today our prayer should be that modern people do not lose orientation on the path of life, do not lose the vision of true immutable goals, so that the dynamism of material, visible life does not deprive us of the opportunity to be ascetics of the spirit. Then we, connecting the divine and human, vertical and horizontal, will have an immutable coordinate system and will be able to move along the only correct path in life towards eternal happiness, which is given to us by the Almighty Creator of the world through communication with Him. Amen.


June 10, 2021 Source: Patriarchia.ru

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Who are Orthodox saints and ascetics?

For obvious reasons, the life of Orthodox devotees of piety arouses interest not only among believers, but also among those who are simply interested in church history. Who were they, what were they famous for, why did they choose this particular path in life? For this reason, the Lives of Saints is one of the most popular Orthodox books. Particularly prominent in it is the category of Orthodox saints. The name “saint” evokes an association with the words “light”, “enlightenment”, and such associations come to mind for a reason: after all, Orthodox saints are bishops (bishops, archbishops, metropolitans, patriarchs), canonized by the church not only for their righteous and a godly life, but also for active missionary work in the territories where they were appointed shepherds.

Missionary feat of Orthodox devotees of piety

From time immemorial, being elevated to the high rank of bishop meant not only a high honor, but also a huge responsibility. From the first centuries of Christianity, bishops appointed by the apostles were not only the heads of local churches, but also Orthodox missionaries. Spreading the new faith among the pagans was not just difficult - it was life-threatening. If you read the history of the Christian Church at the time of its inception, it turns out that many Orthodox saints were killed or brutally tortured by crowds of angry pagans, whose idols were brought down from their pedestals before their eyes. Bishops who accepted death for their faith are usually called holy martyrs, and such in the church include Pope Clement, who lived even before the division of churches, Kuksha Pechersky, who enlightened the pagan Slavs and was killed by them, Metropolitan Macarius of Kiev, who accepted death from the Tatars, and other Orthodox Christians saints.

Three Orthodox saints ascetics of piety

Since the main activity of Orthodox saints was education, many of them became famous precisely for their scientific contribution to the Christian Church.

The most famous Orthodox ascetics, whose theological and liturgical works are relevant to this day, are Saints Basil the Great, John Chrysostom and Gregory the Theologian. They are united by their enormous contribution to the development of Orthodox dogmatic theology, liturgics, and worship. Recognizing the merits of these three Orthodox missionaries separately, the church celebrates their memory on one day - February 12.

Tagged with: prayer religion Christianity





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  1. Ascetic - A real or mythical person who, for religious reasons, performed some kind of feat or endured difficult trials. Many religious legends are associated with ascetics. In a figurative sense, he is a selfless person who devotes himself entirely to a cause that pursues high goals. Large encyclopedic dictionary
  2. ascetic - -a, m. 1. One who, for religious reasons, subjected himself to deprivation. Christian ascetics. 2. high. Someone who selflessly strives to achieve high goals at some point. difficult field. A champion of the revolutionary struggle. Devotees of art. Small academic dictionary
  3. ascetic - • great ~ Dictionary of Russian Idioms
  4. ascetic - ascetic, a, m. 1. A monk, an ascetic who has taken a vow of self-denial in the name of serving God. 2. A person who heroically took on hard work or hardships in order to achieve a high goal (high) P. science. | and. ascetic, s. | adj. ascetic, oh, oh. P. labor (selfless). Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  5. ascetic - ascetic m. 1. One who exhausts himself with deprivation and prayers in the name of serving God; hermit. 2. Selfless worker. Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  6. ascetic - Ascetic/nik/. Morphemic-spelling dictionary
  7. ascetic - ascetic -a; m. 1. Relig. A person who exhausts himself with deprivation and prayers in the name of serving God; hermit, recluse. Christian ascetics. 2. High. Someone who selflessly strives to achieve high goals at some point. difficult field. Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
  8. ascetic - noun, number of synonyms: 14 anchorite 8 ascetic 7 fighter 40 activist 17 hermit 2 hermit 5 hermit 20 monk 84 hermit 28 faster 3 hermit 10 hermit 5 hermit 6 toiler 19 Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
  9. ascetic - spelling ascetic, -a Lopatin's Spelling Dictionary
  10. ASCEPT - ASCEIT - English. devotee/ zealot, hero(l)/»ascetic, hermit(2); German Ask/Held. 1. A selfless person who devotes himself entirely to his work and pursues high goals. 2. A person who exposes himself to deprivation for religious reasons; ascetic. Sociological Dictionary
  11. ascetic - Ascetic, ascetics, ascetic, ascetics, ascetic, ascetics, ascetic, ascetics, ascetic, ascetics, ascetic, ascetics Zaliznyak’s Grammar Dictionary
  12. ascetic - ascetic, ascetic, male. (book). 1. Ascetic, a person who, for religious reasons, exposes himself to deprivation (church). “I heard a legend: the chains fell from the shoulders of an ascetic, and the ascetic fell dead.” Nekrasov. 2. transfer Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
  13. ascetic - Anchorite, ascetic, heremit, recluse, monk, hermit, faster, hermit, desert dweller, hermit “Onegin lived as an anchorite” Pushkin cf. !! monk Dictionary of synonyms Abramov

Meaning of the word companion

The main underwriter of acoustic systems. The main thrower of racks to infinity. Participant of the USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements on stainless alloys. The permanent leader of the “Urodsky brothers” party. A student of the special Order of Kutuzov school of the FBI and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. Three times hero of collectivization and tariffication of the national economy. A worthy successor to the traditions of Popendus folk and Soviet music. The evil poper and the winner of the monster “IU”. Rector of the All-Union Moscow Institute of Metal Devilry and OCE. Head of the Bureau of Destruction and Liquidation. Leading organizer of rolling mills at home. Deputy Minister for Public Utilities. Prize-winner of an extraordinary competition for winners of the national economy. Repeated member of the College of Applauds. Member of the presidium of the council for shaking out dirty linen and washing dirty linen in public. He was rewarded with a certificate and a valuable gift. Activist of the movement “Freedom for the residents of the Moscow Zoo”. Pet of the legendary docker Ivanovich. Discoverer of soap suspension in snow. He is three times a hero of the Anti-Soviet Union and awarded eight Orders of Pilmenin. He showed himself well in the literary field. He also became a co-author of a recently published trilogy, and in his monumental work he created a new direction in literature, the “treatise novel.” Winner of anniversary personalized suspenders. Bloody tyrant of bagels and bagels. Leading choreographer of the Chertanovsky Philharmonic named after the Fourth Hell. Director of the rock opera "Hell's Cauldron for the Young Devil." Founder of the "Rock Against Toilets" movement. Leader of capitalist labor. An associate of Manduleev and Lunaparksky. The founder of the central sobering-up center named after Pechkin. Pet of the 68th special purpose kindergarten. Doctoral candidate of the Fourth Hell. Keeper of the seven keys that lock the seven seas and unlock the hundred cats. Co-author of the creation of the world from coffee grounds. A faithful glass worker from the Ulyuluiskaya mine. Prize-winner of the International Horse Festival for peace and friendship between freaks. Temporarily pregnant on business and connections between the underdeveloped countries of the Wild West and the Tame East. The hero of the novel “Half an hour that shook the air.” The founder of Chukchi writing. The successor of the evil opera singer Modest Mussorgsky, who recently got frosty, which, however, does not matter. Defender of the upper left and lower right corner of the goal of our team, which lost all matches. Tester of a new product for the season - special steel panties that prevent AIDS. I am a follower of Michurin. I crossed cucumbers with tomatoes, the hybrid was called “Natural Soviet Pineapple”. Guide of the exhibition Kvachin Knaki in the national economy.

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  • associate - See comrade... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. companion, comrade, assistant, ally. Ant. adversary, competitor Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Dictionary of synonyms
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  • Companion - m. One who, together with someone else, participates in some important, difficult matter; comrade. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova
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