Spiritual Patrons of Women (find out yours)

Guardian Angel or heavenly patron?

A person is born into the world, and everyone around them rejoices, they choose a name for the newborn and the day when, according to custom, they will take him to church to baptize him. This is how Christians do it. It has been accepted for a long time, but confusion in the concepts of Guardian Angel and heavenly patron still exists today.

Are angels beings higher or lower than humans?

- “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1.1). This is how the biblical story of the creation of the world begins. The word “heaven” here means the creation of an angelic essence, the invisible world of disembodied spirits. "Angel" is a "messenger". This means that disembodied spirits are called upon to communicate the will of God to people, to carry out His orders in caring for the visible world. “Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to serve those who are to inherit salvation?” (Hebrews 1:14).

In the sacrament of Baptism, after prayers of prohibition, the priest turns to God with a request to send an Angel to the person being baptized: “connect a bright Angel to his belly.” Thus, at baptism, God gives every Christian a Guardian Angel, who invisibly protects a person throughout his entire earthly life, instructs him in good deeds, warns against sins, protects him in the terrible hour of death, and after death conveys the soul to God.

They say that angels have no names. What about Archangel Michael?

— The teaching of the Orthodox Church speaks of the existence of a Heavenly hierarchy. It consists of three triads: the first: seraphim, cherubim, “thrones”, the second - “dominations”, “forces”, “authorities”, the third - “principals”, Archangels, angels. But in everyday life, all Heavenly ranks are called angels. We do not know the names of the countless Heavenly host, but we know from Scripture the names of the archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, Selafiel, Jehudiel, Barachiel, Jeremiel. Each of them fulfills its purpose. Archangel Michael (“who is like God”), about whom we know more than about other Heavenly forces, is the leader of the entire Heavenly army. Archangel Gabriel (“man of God”) is the bearer of joyful gospel. Archangel Uriel (“fire of God”), according to legend, was appointed by God to guard Paradise after the Fall and the expulsion of our ancestors. According to the teachings of the holy fathers, he is the enlightener of unbelieving hearts. Archangel Raphael (“God’s help”) is a doctor of human ailments. Archangel Selaphiel (“prayer to God”) calls people to prayer. The name of Archangel Jehudiel (“praise of God”) is known only from legends; it does not appear in the Bible. Archangel Barachiel is God's blessing for every good deed. Archangel Jeremiel (“height of God”) - returns fallen man to God. Thus, the Archangels are evangelists about the great and glorious, they reveal prophecies, the will of God, strengthen faith in people, enlightening their minds with the light of knowledge of the Divine.

Not only every person, but also every family, every pious society, every state has its Guardian Angel. The prophet Moses tells the people of Israel: “When the Most High gave inheritance to the nations and scattered the sons of men, then he set the boundaries of the nations according to the number of the angels of God” (Deuteronomy 32:8).

As an incorporeal spirit, the Guardian Angel has no name. In our prayers we address him like this: “To the Angel of God, my guardian.”

Are Guardian Angel and heavenly patron the same thing?

- In the strict sense of the word, no. Christians call the heavenly patron saint whose name they bear during earthly life. According to the teachings of the Orthodox Church, everyone who enters it is given a Christian name, the bearer of which has been glorified by the Church and canonized. Thus, a Christian has two invisible protectors: the Guardian Angel and the heavenly patron. The day of the Angel is the day of our baptism, and the day of the heavenly patron or name day is the day of remembrance of the saint whose name we bear. Orthodox Christians celebrate both of these days by visiting church, confessing and partaking of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, and doing good deeds.

The more diligently we try to imitate in our lives the heavenly patron whose name we bear, the stronger his invisible intercession for us before God. It should be understood that if we do not live in a Christian way, then in vain we demand help from the Guardian Angel and heavenly patron, in vain we grumble at them and at God, who allegedly do not help us in our affairs.

What does a person's name mean to God?

— A person’s name matters primarily to himself. The Lord, one must think, knows us and everything about us without a name. But nevertheless, already the first people had names, and animals were brought to Adam so that he would give names to dumb creatures, thereby designating them in earthly life. In Christianity, it is customary to name a child in honor of one or another saint, who becomes his heavenly patron. Traditionally, since Old Testament times, the name of a baby is given on the eighth day after his birth, following the example of Christ the Savior, and during baptism (the fortieth day and later) it is pronounced as already existing.

Let's say a boy was born on the tenth of December. His parents chose a name for him according to the church calendar - Nicholas, since on December 19, according to the new style, the memory of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is celebrated. With this name he received holy baptism. From now on, Saint Nicholas the Pleasant is his heavenly patron. It is to him that parents and successors turn with prayer, and later he himself, hoping for the intercession of this holy intercessor before God. “For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are on their prayer” (1 Pet 3:12). In this sense, the name has meaning for both man and God.

My name is Rimma, born on April 23. Do I have a heavenly patron and when is his day in the church calendar?

— There are two male names, Inna and Rimma, which, apparently, due to the feminine ending, began to be given to girls at birth in Rus'. So your heavenly patron is the holy martyr Rimma, disciple of the Apostle Andrew. He lived in the 1st century and was from Scythia Minor. For spreading the faith of Christ, he was frozen in the river along with the martyrs Inna and Pinna. Their memory is February 2 and July 3 according to the new style.

My daughter's name is Victoria. In the church, the priest refused to give her communion under this name, saying that there was no such name in the church calendar, there was only, for example, Veronica. What do we do? Does the choice of a child's name affect his destiny?

— Until recently, the name Victoria was not in the Orthodox calendar, and girls were most often given the name Nika at baptism. But since 2011, Victoria has been included in the calendar of the Moscow Patriarchate: the memory of Saint Victoria of Corduba is November 30, according to the new style.

Our destinies are in the hands of God. The concept of fate is not from the Christian vocabulary. The Lord created man free, and this gift is never taken away, therefore Christian teaching asserts that we participate in our salvation - “God does not save us without us.” But we bear names, and usually these are the names of holy martyrs, saints, saints, in a word, saints of God. Sometimes (more often this happens in non-religious families) the child is called by a name that really is not in the calendar, for example, Snezhana. But at baptism, if there was one, the name is still given an Orthodox name. So it turns out that a person has, as it were, two names: everyday and church, with which he confesses, receives communion, gets married, etc.

Our Slavic ancestors bore pagan names before adopting Christianity, but after the Baptism of Rus' they received the names from the Byzantine Church that we still have. For a long time in Rus', especially among the lower class, the custom was preserved of giving two names at the birth of a baby: pagan and Christian. The second name was kept secret to avoid witchcraft. A relic of this custom is still alive today: some parents, out of superstition, give their baby one name at birth and another at baptism. It is clear that this superstition has nothing in common with Orthodoxy.

My friends say that my name Rufina is not Russian, but I was baptized in the Orthodox Church. What is my heavenly patron and when is his day in the church calendar?

— In most cases, we all bear not purely Russian names, but Greek, Roman, Persian, and so on, because Christianity came to us from the East. Your name translated from Greek means “reddish,” and your heavenly patroness is the holy martyr Rufina of Caesarea (Cappadocia). She was the mother of the holy martyr Mamant and suffered in the third century. Her memory, and therefore your name day, is September 15 according to the new style.

Can I change my name or be baptized again, since bad people buried me alive in church and put my photo in the grave?

- Calm down, nothing bad happened to you. For us Christians, “God is love” (1 John 4:16), which means that He does not create evil, although He allows its existence among people so that we voluntarily turn to good. Bad people who ordered a church funeral for a living person have done evil, and therefore will receive what they deserve. The Lord fulfills people’s requests that are useful to them, aimed at their good, but never for evil. The sacrament of Baptism is performed once and is not repeated, according to the words of the Apostle: “One God, one faith, one baptism” (Eph 4:5).

On Christmas Eve, my granddaughter was born. They named her Maria. Now the Mother of God Herself will be her Heavenly Patroness?

- No, your granddaughter’s immediate heavenly patron will be one of the holy wives named Mary, whose memory is closest to the girl’s birthday (you must choose this according to the church calendar). In Orthodoxy there is a rule that the names Jesus and Mary are never given in honor of the Savior and His Most Pure Mother. Although, of course, the Most Holy Theotokos is the Intercessor of your granddaughter, as well as of all Christian believers.

Archpriest Vladimir Gofman

When quoting, a link (hyperlink) to the website of the Nizhny Novgorod Metropolis is required.

The meaning of the word patron

As a result, the complete picture of mythological ideas looked like this: the main deity is Rao (god of fire and light); followed by Tel (god of wisdom and patron of the Scientific Guild); Lorra (goddess of beauty and patroness of artists); Mordo (god of strength and patron of the Military Guild); Yuda (god of the Moon and the Workers' Guild) and Cytonna (goddess of ice and patroness of her own cults).

Zeus had children: Apollo - the god of light, patron of sciences and arts, Artemis - goddess of forests and hunting, Pallas Athena, born from the head of Zeus, - goddess of wisdom, patroness of crafts and knowledge, lame Hephaestus - god of the blacksmith and mechanic, Aphrodite - goddess love and beauty, Ares - the god of war, Hermes - the messenger of the gods, the closest assistant and confidant of Zeus, the patron of trade and navigation.

This is a scoundrel, a scoundrel of the first degree: he is a friend of Bulgarin, a protg [1] of Grech (do you hear, not a patron, but a protg of Grech!), a friend of the Puppeteer; an unscrupulous rogue, an envious person, a sycophant, a common scribbler, a patron of mediocrity, an enemy of everything living and talented.

And if on your birthday they commemorate, say, Elijah the Prophet, then without a doubt your patron is Perun, and if one of Saints Blasius or Basil, then your patron is Veles.

For neither the stern patron of warriors, God the Father, nor even the merciful Mother Goddess, as the priests say, regrets patronizing rootless criminals...

And now, on the one hand, the famous king, warrior, philanthropist, patron of painting and art, and on the other, a young woman, his wife Claude, who was not known for her extravagant antics or her adventures, who was not involved in life in one scandal and did not even patronize writers or artists.

He was met here by the senior patron of Manila, Saint Andrew, our junior patroness, Saint Potenciana, and the guards of the city walls, Saint Francis and Saint Dominic.

For neither the stern patron of warriors, God the Father, nor even the merciful Mother Goddess, as the priests say, regrets patronizing rootless criminals...

Crocodiles, snakes and hippopotamuses are traditionally considered the embodiment of world evil - “non-existence and darkness”: evil forces are depicted in the form of these animals - but the good goddess Taurt is also depicted in the form of a hippopotamus, and the patron goddess of Lower (northern) Egypt is also depicted in the form of a snake. in the form of a crocodile or a man with the head of a crocodile - Sebek, lord of floods, the god on whom the harvest depends, the patron of hunters and fishermen.

Spiritual Patrons of Women (find out yours)

She is not necessarily from the religion in which the girl was born. Women discover their spiritual patroness in deep meditation and are sometimes very surprised at the image that comes to them. A spiritual patron helps a woman, protects her, gives her strength and understanding , she is an older Goddess friend with whom you can cry and share, ask for advice. For a woman, this spiritual connection is very important, and with the help of it she can heal loved ones and relatives, because the patroness will give her strength.


Here you will see images and prayers of different spiritual patronesses, meditate on each image, look at it, what feelings it evokes in you, do you like the prayer of this Goddess... when you see yours, you will immediately recognize it, you will have such a pleasant feeling inside , and you might want to cry...

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And the first one I want to talk about is the Virgin Mary.

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Her prayer: Virgin Mary, rejoice! Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among wives and blessed is the fruit of your womb, for you have given birth to the Savior of our souls.

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Lakshmi is the Goddess of prosperity, beauty, abundance. Her beauty is very sweet and attractive. When a woman “befriends” Lakshmi, reads mantras or hymns to her, she becomes more beautiful and successful. Lakshmi has a calm, gentle character, she loves to serve her husband, and always tries to be pleasant to him. If a woman worships Lakshmi, then her character improves, she becomes softer, calmer, more desirable.

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Lakshmi's main mantra:


OM SHRIM HRIM LAKSHMAYE NAMAHA It is auspicious to read it 108 times. Especially if you are going to a party where you need to look irresistible...

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3:818 3:828

Tara is a symbol of compassion and mercy. Tara helps a woman in difficult situations, heals, gives strength and humility. The practitioner of the Tare mantra gains serenity and peace within. If a woman has a connection with Tara, then you can usually see peace on her face, her speech is quiet, kind-hearted. According to legend, this Goddess came from the tear of Avaloketesvara (Buddhist deity) and she symbolizes help to all living things and mercy. For those who practice healing, I can say that this is one of the strongest life-giving energies . I personally have used this Goddess many times when I needed to calm down and recover. She really is very merciful.


The mantra for Tare is: Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha

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Saraswati is the Goddess of knowledge and education, under her egregor are all the arts, music, singing, beautiful speech, the ability to write poetry, dance beautifully... Saraswati is the Goddess - Muse. She is considered to be eternally virgin. A good connection with this Goddess gives a woman inner purity, wisdom, knowledge, understanding of her nature, talents, and eloquence. She has four arms, representing the four cognitive aspects of the human personality: mind, intellect, wakefulness and ego. She holds the scriptures in one hand and a lotus - a symbol of true knowledge - in the other. With her other two hands she plays the music of love and life on a stringed instrument called Viina. She is dressed in white - a symbol of purity - and sits on a white swan, symbolizing a pure lifestyle. One of the most important aspects of this Goddess is inspiration. This quality is very important for a woman - the ability to inspire great deeds! And Saraswati can help you with this.


Her mantra is Om Aim Saraswatyai Namaha. It is auspicious to recite this mantra 108 times on Wednesdays or on the day when you need to pass exams, or give a speech somewhere, make a presentation! I’ll share my personal experience; this mantra always helps me a lot before public speaking! It's nice to know that Goddess Saraswati herself is helping me... Meditate on this image, read the mantra - maybe this is your spiritual patroness!


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Durga - Goddess of Protection, justice, patroness of women. She is a warrior goddess. For a woman in the modern world, it is sometimes necessary to demonstrate this aspect of her nature. A woman protects the hearth, children, and her piety. It often happens that we, women, cannot refuse men something, or we cannot stop useless communication, or a bad attitude towards ourselves.


Durga is translated as “inaccessible”, this is the energy inside a woman that is needed to say “NO”, to defend her right, to protect herself. If a woman has a good connection with Durga, no one can offend her, Durga will immediately take revenge on the offender. It gives a woman will, energy, the ability to leave and leave the unnecessary. Created by the gods as powerful and invincible, Durga was proud of her body and strength from birth and made a vow to marry only the man who could defeat her in battle. Dressed in red, with a majestic crown on her head, calm and beautiful, yet mounted on a lion and holding weapons in all her eight hands, Durga is the formidable and militant form of the supreme Mother Goddess. The sacred treatise Durga-Chalisa says: “Those who sing your praises with faith and love are spared from grief and need.” The images of powerful and warlike goddesses reflect the power of the universal feminine principle and inspire millions of women and men who worship these goddesses.


Her mantra is “Om Dum Durgae Namaha.” Meditate on her image, perhaps this is exactly the energy that you need now.


This mantra is dedicated to Goddess Durga, who is the Divine Mother and helps us overcome our internal enemies, purify our consciousness, and transform negative energy into positive energy. Durga protects us, dispels negative influences on us, and removes obstacles to our spiritual development. The very name of the Goddess DU-R-GA means: DU - victory over poverty, suffering, hunger, bad habits and obstacles; P - victory over diseases; GA - victory over sins, injustice, cruelty, selfishness, fears.

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I would like to tell you about a very important Goddess, we all receive strength, food, opportunities from her every day... but we only very, very rarely thank her! Bhumi is the Goddess of the Earth and fertility, and not only the earth, the soil on which we walk, but also our planet. Our planet Earth is Bhumi's body, the trees are Her hair, oil is Her blood, the earth we walk on is Her skin. There are sacred zones on the Planet, these are special points on Bhumi’s body, the same as there are on our bodies, because we are created in the image and likeness of God. Bhumi is patient, humble, selfless, she serves absolutely all people, despite the fact that many spit on her, insult her, and pour out slop. There are (thank God!) people who decorate the Earth by planting flowers and shrubs, they throw garbage in special places, she really likes it, it’s a show of respect for the entire feminine essence, as well as respect for motherhood.

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In many ancient traditions, the Earth was revered, gifts were presented to it, and a whole ceremony was held before sowing the field with something. In India, there is still Bhumi Puja - the ceremony of illuminating the earth, various gifts are offered to it, mantras are read, and they praise it as the mother of all things.

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In the Vedic tradition, there was a custom: the first thing after getting out of bed, stepping foot on Mother Earth, they say: “Oh Mother Earth, please forgive us for stepping on You with our feet.”


Bhumi takes care of us, She nourishes us, She grows what we plant on Her body. Therefore, we should start appreciating and loving Mother Earth. After all, since ancient times, she took everything bad from us and took it upon herself, all conspiracies and cleansing rituals are connected with the Earth, Illness and Disease, and problems are buried there... she takes it all upon herself, because she loves us. When we stand barefoot on the ground, She absorbs our negativity, our bad moods. This is especially important for women, because the Earth is the main source of female strength!!! Every woman bears the same fate as the Earth, she feeds, gives birth, raises...


So let's be closer to Bhumi, let's offer our obeisances, our gratitude and express our love!!! Let us, as we walk on the Earth, remember that she is also alive and that she supports you, like an understanding and loving mother!


Having established contact with Goddess Bhumi, you will always feel confident and strong, and the feeling that “the ground has disappeared from under your feet” will leave you forever! And she, like an attentive mother, selfless and patient, will always provide you with room for a new step!

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To communicate with Bhumi , you can directly communicate with the Earth, you can also offer flowers to the altar or image of the Deity, you can communicate with her through the trees... feel what is closer to you! And when you get up in the morning, thank the Earth for helping you, ask her for blessings for the whole day and wish her happiness!!! And may your connection be deep and strong!

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7:514 7:524

Lada is the Slavic Goddess of Love and Beauty, patroness of Feelings and Family, goddess of Abundance and Fertility, Mother of Birth, who helps during childbirth, intercessor of people before the gods, goddess of high human Spirituality.


Dear girls, if you feel that you are missing some of these aspects in life, contact the goddess Lada - she is very supportive of the aspirations of women.


By the name of Lada, the ancient Slavs called not only the original goddess of love, but also the entire order of life - Lad, where everything should be fine, that is, good. All people should be able to get along with each other. The wife called her beloved Lado, and he called her Ladushka. “Lada,” people say when they have decided on some important matter, and in ancient times a dowry agreement was called ladnik: lady - engagement, ladylo - matchmaker, ladkanya - wedding song. And even the pancakes that were baked in the spring in honor of resurgent life are from the same root.


Along with the patronage of Love and the embodiment of Beauty, the goddess Lada performs one of the most important functions in the Tribal structure of the World - collecting and escorting the souls of the deceased (each to their own Clan) to the Other World. Lada is extremely supportive of all the aspirations of people, even responding to hatred with love.


In honoring the goddess Lada, one should not confuse family love with romantic love (the patron of which is the goddess Lelya). That is, Lada will help in maintaining and strengthening existing relationships between a man and a woman, relationships within the clan, among relatives and children.


A feature of the worship of Lada is the obligatory dedication (in the name of preservation) of all property and valuable things belonging to the family (which should be inherited) - to the patronage of the goddess Lada. It is believed that all maternity shirts and other family amulets can gain their Power only under the auspices of the goddess Lada.

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Information has been preserved that in pre-Christian times, in the lower part of Kyiv, on Podol, there was a majestic Lada temple. In the center stood a statue of a divinely beautiful woman wearing a pink wreath. Her golden hair was decorated with freshwater pearls, and her long Russian dress, tied at the waist with a golden belt, was covered with precious and complex ornamental embroidery. At the base of the statue, incense smoked and piles of flowers lay, which the attendants replaced with new bouquets every day. It is thanks to traditional sacrifices to the goddess Lada that today there is a custom of giving flowers to beloved women (incarnations of Lada).

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Lelya - Goddess of Youth, Love, Fertility, Childbirth, Guardian of the Family. Lelya is a caring and gentle Patroness of family happiness, marital harmony and all kinds of well-being. Unmarried girls ask her for a good husband. Lelya is the goddess of gentle, tremulous spring breezes, the first flowers, young femininity, therefore she is the patroness of lovers and romantic love.


Her day is Monday, trees are rowan and birch, metal is silver, colors are emerald green and blue, keywords are Love, Water, Attraction. Unlike all other Goddesses and Gods, whose disposition often appears stern or serious, Lele is characterized by a cheerful disposition and playfulness.


Her name is associated with a very wide range of ancient roots , such as “lyalya” (child, girl), “cherish” (take care, please), up to the Sanskrit “lila” - “game”.


The characteristics of the Goddess Lelya include literally boundless love for the Human Race, since other Gods and Goddesses can punish people for any misdeeds, while Lelya, on the contrary, can only contribute to human whims. In Rus' there was a ritual-game dedicated to Lele. In the evening, several dozen women and girls in special white clothes, kept for this occasion, gathered in a large square. They all formed a huge, very solemn round dance and, raising their hands to the sky and slowly stamping their feet, moved in a circle. At the same time, wedding songs were sung. This ritual was performed for mutual understanding with the beloved young man and a happy marriage. There were no men around the round dance even as spectators.

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The girls' holiday Lelnik was also revered by the people. The girls chose the most beautiful one from among them, and she played the role of Lelya. A special turf bench was made for Lelya, in the middle of which Lelya, crowned with a wreath, sat, and offerings were placed on either side of her on the bench. Woven wreaths lay at Lelya’s feet. The girls danced around Lelya, glorifying her as a nurse and giver of the harvest. At the end of the round dance and singing, Lelya gave the girls wreaths.

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In Lelnik they usually told fortunes about marriage. The girls took turns, using beaters, to roll their colored egg towards the image of Lelya. If at the last blow the egg splits on the drop, then the girl will marry successfully. The girls also rolled colored eggs down the mountain at the same time. It was believed that the one whose colored egg rolled the farthest would be the first to get married.

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The custom of decorating utensils and clothing at home with images of birds also goes back to the cult of Lelya . Birds were dedicated to the goddess Lele and were her messengers and servants. This is how the custom arose of baking cookies in the form of larks for the arrival of spring and dishes - ladles and brothers in the form of stylized birds (ducks and swans), and women's amulets in the form of a duck. A wish for love, eternal spring - that’s what it is. What woman would refuse something like this?!

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9:1979 9:9

Lalita - Full Moon Goddess. She personifies the full moon, the flowering of Lunar and feminine power, she is the Mother of Mothers, the Mother of the Universe, tenderly caring for everyone, giving peace, tranquility, contentment. When a child tenderly pronounces the word Mom, joy and happiness immediately brightens his face, and a woman, turning to Lalila, receives support from her, the energy of peace and love. She helps us calm down, understand our desires, and she will help us fulfill them... This is the gentle and warm divine energy of the MOTHER OF THE WORLD.

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You can bring flowers to her image and meditate on it, offer her food, repeat her names, listen to Lalila Sahasranam - a sacred hymn to Lalita describing 1000 of her names and qualities (attached below). Place Her in your heart and constantly remember Her throughout the day, thereby developing a close bond between mother and child. This is especially important for those women who did not receive their mother’s love in childhood, who lack love, affection, and tenderness! You can make up for this loss if you pray to Sri Lalita.

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Before listening to Lalita - Sahasranam, read the translation of the prayer that begins the hymn, and you will understand the greatness of Sri Lalila!


“I meditate on You, the Three-Eyed One, who bathes the Universe with your scarlet radiance, a color similar to sindoor. You are wearing a decorated diadem and the crescent moon shines wonderfully on your hair. I contemplate You, Whose sweet smile reveals the gift of Your availability to those who love You, Your high chest radiates the milk of motherly Love. In Your hand is a cup full of the honey of Eternity, in the other a hibiscus, symbolizing joy, bees hovering around it. Your feet rest on a vessel full of jewels. O Mother Bhavani! May I meditate on You, golden-bodied, beautiful. On Your effulgent face the eyes are like lotus petals, and You are seated on a lotus and holding a golden lotus. You are dressed in yellow robes, oh how beautiful You are in your graceful ornaments! Devotees worship You, who always gives shelter. You are serenity personified. All the gods worship You, O Giver of prosperity! O Supreme Mother! Let me be immersed in the red dawn of Your radiance and experience identity with You as I chant Your Name. May Your red flower-like Image of Great Beauty enlighten my consciousness. May I see You adorned with a red garland, anointed with red sandalwood, whose forehead shines with musk. Your fragrance attracted the bees, O One who holds sugar cane, the arrows, the flowers, the noose and the goad, O One who smiles and enchants everything. Let me realize Oneness with You, surrounded by golden rays of glory, O Goddess like the rising sun!”

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Makosh - Mother of Fate, Mother of the World - Slavic Goddess of fertility and Fate, patroness of women's handicrafts, guards women's fertility, thriftiness and prosperity in the home. She gives everyone justice for their actions , weaving the thread of their future fate from a person’s current affairs.


The cult-worship of Mokosh has 13 annual holidays, therefore it is considered a Lunar cult. Makosh is often depicted in a “horned” headdress, which symbolizes the Moon on the head of the Goddess, which is why her metal is silver, her stone is rock crystal and “moonstone”. She can be celebrated every full moon.


The sign of Mokosh is Lunnitsa - a Slavic female amulet in the form of a partial Moon with its horns up, in the form of a sickle of the month. Lunnitsa protects women in labor and women's health, and is beneficial during childbirth. The symbol of the Goddess is yarn, a ball of wool, a spindle, and when serving this Goddess, she was offered precisely these gifts, as well as honey, milk, bread, cottage cheese, butter and grain. Images of Mokosh were made only from “female woods,” primarily from aspen, which also emphasizes the truly feminine essence of this Goddess, her connection with the female gender.

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Mokosh's Day is Friday; in Orthodoxy, its image merged with Paraskeva Friday, which is also considered the patroness of housewives and wives. One of the days on which Makosh is especially honored is the Friday closest to April 8 - the Prophecy of Mokosh, as well as October 27, Paraskeva Friday itself.


Makosh is also the mistress of the transition from this world to the next, so her face was often depicted on funeral slabs. When Yulia Kiryushina and I went to Old Ryazan, we were able to see with our own eyes several of these slabs in the old cemetery on the banks of the Oka River; the images of the Goddess’s face on them were very well preserved.

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In her lower form, Makosh is the famous Baba Yaga , mother of the winds and mistress of the forest world. Messengers of Mokosh are bees, spiders, ants. If an event related to Mokosh is approaching, its POWER increases around you, and its messengers become visible to you. Therefore, if you see a spider in your house, do not be alarmed, this is a manifestation of the presence of Mokosh’s POWER. Killing a spider means losing luck. If a spider crawls into a house, it is carefully caught, taken outside and released. A bumblebee or a bee flew into the window - also harbingers of an approaching event associated with Makosh. Catching the first bumblebee you saw in spring was always considered great luck for the whole year until next spring. A caught bumblebee should be wrapped in a scarf or rag so that it hums for a while, then it is released. The rag, which then smells of the subtle scent of pollen and honey, is a talisman kept in the house for good luck.


Ants are healers of many diseases, including practically incurable ones. If you slightly disturb a large anthill, then place the palm of your hand close, you will feel the ants “splash” into it in response. Then bring your palm to your nose and take a deep breath - this is how tuberculosis was treated in the old days. Ants cure female infertility - to do this, you need to let the ants bite your hand, repeat this the next day, and do this several times. Large forest ants are used as healers, collecting large heaps of anthills.


The Mokosh tree is spruce. If you want to address Mokoshi, tune in to address the spruce. This tree is like a tuning fork for tuning a musical instrument to the desired note. Only in this case is our soul tuned to the necessary vibrations. And in order for the Gods to hear us, we need to be in “one tone” with them. Spruce is one of the POWERS of Mokosh, so you can contact the Goddess of Mokosh through the spruce.

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Dear girls, you can contact the Goddess Mokosh with requests for family well-being, the well-being of children, and prosperity in the home. Since she spins the destinies of people, you can ask her for your destiny to be happy, your life to be long, and your health to be good. Through it you can also ask for advice from your ancestors and communicate with your Family.

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Guan Yin is a character in Korean, Japanese and Chinese mythology, a goddess who saves people from all kinds of disasters; giver of children, obstetrician, patroness of the female half of the house. Revered by representatives of almost all faiths of China, in particular, among Buddhists Guan Yin is associated with the bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara.♡ Guan Yin in the Buddhist tradition


In Buddhism, Guan Yin is revered as a compassionate savior, the Bodhisattva of Mercy.


In the Buddhist tradition, the bodhisattva Guan-yin occupies one of the central places. Her name is usually translated as “Hearer of the Sounds of the World.”

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Most often, Guanyin is depicted with four arms, eight arms and eleven faces, a thousand-armed, although the canons also provide for more complex images, up to 84,000-armed and 84,000-faced (they practically never occur).

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Common attributes: a jug with a willow branch, a rope (a symbol of salvation from troubles), a book (“Prajnaparamita”), a rosary, a staff, a trident, a tiger skin skirt (a symbol of fearlessness). The thousand-armed image on each palm has an eye: with them the bodysattva simultaneously sees everyone in trouble in the countless worlds of the Universe, with these hands she saves them.


Guan Yin often appears under the name Guan Tzu Tsai, in both merciful and formidable guise. In the guise of a fighter against evil, in myths and legends, Guan Yin often appears in tandem with Erlanshen.

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Kuan Yin, the beloved mother and divine mediator close to the daily affairs of her devotees, is the Buddhist Madonna whose role in the East is comparable to the role played by Mother Mary in the West. Throughout the Far East, people who revere her seek her help and guidance in every area of ​​life. Altars dedicated to Guan Yin can be found in temples, homes and roadside shrines.

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Guan She Yin's name, as she is often called, means "she who watches the world, or listens to the sounds of the world." According to legend, Guan Yin was about to enter the kingdom of heaven, but stopped at the threshold after hearing the cry of the world.

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Guan Yin is revered as the patroness of women, sailors, merchants, artisans, those subject to criminal prosecution, and those wishing to have offspring. In the hearts of people there lives an unshakable faith in the saving grace and healing powers of Guan Yin. Many believe that simply repeating Kuan Yin's name will instantly attract her presence. Kuan Yin's Crystal Rosary contains her mantras and is a powerful means of attracting her intercession.


In the Buddhist tradition, Guan Yin is the Chinese equivalent in female form of the God of Mercy and Compassion, Avalokiteshvara, who was revered in India and Tibet before the introduction of Mahayana Buddhism to China in the fifth century.

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Devotees invoke the power and merciful intercession of the bodhisattva by reciting the mantra "Om Mani Padme Hum" - "Hail to you, jewel in the lotus", or as it is often translated, "Hail to you, Avalokiteshvara, who is the jewel in the lotus of the believer's heart"!


It is widely believed that Guan Yin was incarnated as the third daughter of Miao Chuan Weng of the Shu dynasty, a ruler of the northern Chinese kingdom who lived around 700 BC. e. According to the legend, the girl was determined to devote herself to religious life and, contrary to the command of her father and the requests of her friends, refused marriage. Eventually, she was allowed to enter the White Bird Nunnery in Langshu Hsien. Here, by order of her father, she was put to the dirtiest jobs, which did not cool her ardent love for God.


Angered by her piety, the emperor ordered his daughter to be executed, but when the sword touched her, it broke into a thousand pieces. Then her father ordered her to be hanged, but when her soul left her body and descended into hell, it turned it into heaven. Carried on a lotus flower to the island of Puto, near Nimpo, she lived for nine years, healing the sick and saving sailors from shipwreck.


It is said that one day, when she heard a rumor about her father's illness, she cut the flesh from her hands and used it as medicine to save his life. In gratitude, he ordered a statue to be created in her honor, commissioning a sculptor to depict her with “perfectly shaped hands and eyes.” However, the sculptor misunderstood, and to this day Guan Yin is sometimes depicted as “with a thousand arms and a thousand eyes,” thus being able to see many people and help them.


Kuan Yin's service is very real and as old as time. The bodhisattva's vow to remain with humanity is a sacred calling. However, Kuan Yin warns us against taking this vow if we do not fully understand the service of these devotees: “Being one with all life, we understand the needs of all living things, from its highest manifestation to its lowest. This is part of the bodhisattva ideal followed by those who remain to serve humanity.

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Kuan Yin represents the qualities of mercy and compassion for the evolutions of the Earth.


“Mercy is the greatest power in the universe,” says Guan Yin, “it is the power of God’s will... The power of mercy is in intense love, which will dissolve all fear, all doubt, rebellion and rebellion among the people... The mercy of the Law is sometimes very severe, but always patient , is always tolerant, and it helps the flame within the heart to rise and rise and rise to meet Christ.”

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Kuan Yin reminds us: “When you feel the need for more power, more enlightenment, more purity and healing, remember that you receive all these qualities from the heart of God through the action of the flame of mercy itself. After all, through forgiveness comes a renewed opportunity to fulfill the Law, and without forgiveness, success will be very insignificant.”


Therefore, in order to reconnect with God, we need forgiveness.

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Kuan Yin reminds us of another facet of the flame of mercy when he says: “For many of you, I prayed to the Lords of Karma, asked to give you the opportunity to incarnate, to be healthy, not to have injuries and congenital blindness, which manifests itself on the physical plane as a consequence of heavy karma, which some of you have worked. I interceded for you, carrying the flame of mercy, so that, having the freedom of a healthy mind and body, you could seek the light of the Law. Some who were denied this mercy by the Lords of Karma remain today in mental institutions; they were destined to undergo this so that they would experience the agony of the absence of the mind of Christ and know what it means to defile that mind, so that when they return in the next life they will highly value the gift of reason, the ability to use the Holy Word Incarnate through the power of the Logos.

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Guan Yin Bodhisattva is known as the Goddess of Mercy as she animates the God-like qualities of mercy, compassion and forgiveness. She serves on the Karmic Board as a representative of the Seventh (violet) ray. She also served as Chohan of the Seventh Ray for two thousand years until Saint Germain received this position at the end of the eighteenth century.


Kuan Yin ascended thousands of years ago and made a bodhisattva vow to serve planet Earth until all of its evolutions were free. From her ethereal abode, the Temple of Mercy above Beijing, China, she ministers to the souls of humanity, teaching them how to balance karma and fulfill the divine plan through loving service to life and the use of the violet flame.

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The Kuan Yin flame is the same color as orchids - the pink color of divine love mixed with the blue color of God's will. Her flower is a pink-violet lotus, the core of which, being pink, like the flame of mercy, becomes more and more deeply violet at the periphery.

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Her mantra is Om Mani Padme Hum.


Meditate on this image, feel its qualities, discover them in yourself. Perhaps you now need special strength in your life in order to forgive someone, to survive something - ask her about this and the “all-hearing” mother will definitely help you and bring relief to your soul, give you the strength to survive everything!

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Vesta is the patroness of the family hearth, as well as the sacrificial fire. In ancient times, a sacrificial fire was constantly burning in her honor, maintained by the Vestal Virgins. Then it was believed that the spirit of Vesta was in every particle of fire. Vestals were chosen from girls 6-10 years of age. These priestesses were required to remain virgins for at least 30 years. If the vestal violated this condition, then she was walled up alive. The priestesses maintained the sacred fire as the basis of order and stability of the state; they also took part in rituals, made various mixtures from flour, ashes of sacrificial animals and salt. On the first day of the new year, the fire was always extinguished, and then rekindled by rubbing parts of the sacred against each other tree.

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The entrance to the house was also dedicated to Vesta, hence the name “vestibule” . Vesta was also identified with the globe hanging in space, which contains fire. Vesta was considered the goddess of fire as the purest element.


Vesta was depicted with her face covered with a veil, holding a scepter, cup, torch or palladium in her hands.


Vesta, along with Helios (the sun god), is considered an emblem of the sun. Vesta ignites the sacred fire within spiritual aspirants using the sun's rays containing her spirit. Vesta appears on a chariot in the company of Apollo. Every evening they ride in a chariot across the starry sky, penetrating inside those living in spirit. Vesta protects and blesses, bestows magical abilities and qualities.

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Prayer to Vesta:


Our evening dawn, our glorious Vesta, You block the sky when Dazhbog-Yasny goes to rest, You are our beloved Goddess, who gives maidens in marriage, and before that teaches women’s wisdom. Vesta-Zoryushka Clear, come to us in Your Glory, let Your silver rays envelop our souls with warmth and wisdom, filling loving hearts. Every evening we see you on the blue sky in the evening dawns, You are the brightest and dearest to us, Newsushka-Zoryushka, accept our love, which we send to you to Svarga the Blue.

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Peace to Your Soul!

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