The Sacrament of Confession and Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ

A Word on Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ

The greatest shrine given by God to humanity is the Holy Communion of the Body and Blood of Christ. For the sake of communion, the main divine service of the Church is performed - the Liturgy. Vespers and Matins are auxiliary services; they only prepare the faithful for the Liturgy. The Church service of the Sacrament of Baptism is designed to introduce a person into the Church. In marriage, confession and unction, he is given grace-filled help on the path of salvation. Memorial services and prayer services are also necessary; they fulfill our desire for personal communication with the Lord for various private circumstances. But above all is the Liturgy. It contains all petitions, all our aspirations, both worldly - earthly, and spiritual - Heavenly. It contains prayers for the living and those already gone, the Gospel and church history. At this service, Heaven opens to us. “Oh, Divine, most holy, most heavenly, all-encompassing, centering Heaven and earth, Orthodox Liturgy!” — the holy righteous John of Kronstadt wrote in his diary. Its highest meaning is the transubstantiation of the Holy Gifts and communion. For the sake of this shrine, beautiful temples and majestic cathedrals were erected, wonderful chants were created, walls were decorated with frescoes, and iconostases were painted. Yes, the Liturgy can be celebrated both in the forest and in a quarry, but reverence for the Life-giving Mysteries of the Body and Blood of Christ encouraged and encourages our fellow believers to seek and find worthy forms and surroundings for the dwelling of this Shrine.

The attitude towards Communion reveals our spiritual state, our true Christianity. What spiritual life is, people understand differently. Some people find it in reading books, visiting the theater and art exhibitions. Some people see it in conversations over a cup of coffee about art, politics, or simply “pro-life.” A believer knows that the spiritualization of life depends on union with the absolute spirit - God. This includes prayer, reading the Gospel and the works of the holy fathers, and church service. But the main thing is communion - the most complete and closest union with God. He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood abides in Me, and I in him (John 6:56), the Savior promises.

At the last supper with his disciples, Jesus took bread and, having blessed it, broke it and, giving it to the disciples, said: Take, eat: this is My Body. And, taking the cup and giving thanks, he gave it to them and said: drink from it, all of you, for this is My Blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins (Matthew 26:26-28). Do this in remembrance of Me (Luke 22:19). The first Christians did just that. They gathered together, remembered Christ, His words, the Sacrifice of the Cross and, of course, ate the blessed bread and wine. Later, when the service had already been compiled, many believers received communion at every Liturgy, sometimes, if possible, every day. “It is good and beneficial to commune and receive the holy Body and Blood of Christ every day, because Christ Himself clearly says: He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has eternal life (John 6:54)” - we find in St. Basil the Great. Christians see the goal of life in acquiring a peaceful spirit in the soul, that is, in gathering one’s soul for the Kingdom of Heaven, in shaping one’s personality for eternal life. And true food and true drink for the soul, according to the Savior, is His Most Pure Body and Blood.

We reverently approach the Mystical Meal, having cleansed ourselves by repentance. Let no one dare to take communion with a bad conscience. For whoever eats and drinks unworthily eats and drinks condemnation for himself, without considering the Body of the Lord. That is why many of you are weak and sick, and many are dying (1 Cor. 11:29-30). The Apostle warns that unworthy communion can be harmful not only to the soul, but also to the body, even to the point of death. And therefore, “he knows only one time to begin the Mysteries and Communion, when his conscience is clear.” I remember a case where one person received communion without confession. And immediately I felt incredible fear. He hurried home, remembered that he had a bottle of vodka and wanted to drown out his fear with alcohol, but the fear was so great that the unfortunate man realized that alcohol would not help. Having somehow endured the night, he ran to church early in the morning, saw a man in the meadow mowing the grass, and began to take the scythe from him in order to commit suicide. But he failed and then he began to destroy everything that was nearby. He broke the glass of a car parked at the church gate with a brick. The watchman came out to hear the noise. He saw that the man was not himself, but not drunk, he did not smell of vodka, and called an ambulance. This man spent several months in a psychiatric hospital. And having left it, he came to church and brought repentance.

Communion is preceded not only by confession, but by several days of fasting. Fasting, as it were, takes us out of our usual busy life, gives us the opportunity to concentrate, to place the values ​​of life in their true places. The prayer rule also prepares us for Holy Communion, without which we also cannot receive communion. The rule should not be mechanically read, but read carefully, delving into the words, so that our feelings resonate with the feelings of the saints who wrote these prayers.

There are believers who rarely receive communion, saying: I am unworthy. Of course, we are all unworthy, but this is why we receive communion, so that with God’s help we can overcome our unworthiness. Communion is a fire that consumes sinful habits. “There is fire, you unworthy ones burn.” Everyone prepares to their own extent for receiving the Mysteries of Christ, but one must certainly know what Communion is, and not just mindlessly do what is accepted.

Communion protects against demonic wiles. A demon once appeared to the Monk Macarius of Egypt and said: “If you had worthily accepted what you eat in your meetings, then we could not do anything to you.” If a person does not receive communion, then demons gain considerable power over him. Once a woman turned to St. John Chrysostom, the demon played such a joke on her that, looking at her, the husband saw not his wife, but a horse. The saint said that this happened to her because she had not received communion for six weeks. “It is a disaster for the soul not to partake of the Holy Mysteries for a long time; the soul begins to stink of passions, the strength of which increases the longer we do not communicate with Our Life-Giver (Righteous Saint John of Kronstadt).

Sometimes someone hesitates to take communion, waiting for some special mood. This is mistake. We cannot make spiritual life dependent on our random moods. The Kingdom of Heaven is taken by force, and those who use force take it away (Matthew 11:12) - said the Savior. In spiritual life, a strong and persistent will is especially needed. Communion strengthens our will. The usual rhythm of communion is once every three or four weeks. The Monk Seraphim of Sarov advised communion on all twelve and great holidays and on the day of the Angel. Of course, there are circumstances for more frequent communion. For example, during illness, in dangerous situations, pregnant women. Then the regime is discussed with the priest.

Anyone who, considering himself a believer, does not partake of Christ’s Body and Blood, according to the Savior, does not have eternal life in himself, he is dead to the Kingdom of Heaven. Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink His Blood, you will not have life in you (John 6:53). The Kronstadt shepherd wrote: “If the world did not have the Most Pure Body and Blood of the Lord, it would not have the main good and true life, it would only have a ghost of life; would not have the gift of sanctification.”

“Taste and see that the Lord is good,” we hear at church services. Taste and see, that is, feel how good the Lord is. The communicant feels joy in being united with Christ. Joy of the soul, celebration, change in oneself, unusual freedom and lightness. Maybe not everyone feels this way from their first communion. But if a person is sincere in his desire to unite with the Lord, if he tried to prepare, and reverently accepted the Holy Gifts, then he will certainly receive “this thanksgiving for joy, health and gladness.”

Poems – Congratulations on Valentine's Day

Congratulations on St. Valentine's Day Inessa-Nicole Let me congratulate you on the Day of Love. Hearts in love are rays of light for us, After all, without Love it is so terrible on the Planet, The family hearth smolders - does not burn.

I wish you pure and great Love And let this flame burn in your chest, Who is lonely and does not know happiness - Cupid of an intoxicating arrow.

Let us, people, cherish the Love that we have in our hearts, After all, if we manage to preserve it, we have not lived our lives in vain!

Let me congratulate you on Love Day.

Poems – Congratulations

Today is your birthday, I want to say congratulations to you. I wish you the best, so that you can’t count the joys.

So that every business ends in success, And luck is on your tail. And more time was devoted to fun, so that there would be a bridge across the river of suffering.

So that there is more than enough fun, So that your happiness is always visible. And when you are apart, don’t be bored, and you will never know misfortunes and quarrels.

Always remember this wonderful moment - your sixteenth birthday.

Poems - Congratulations

We want to wish you, dad, from me, from my wife and from my grandson, that all illnesses, misfortunes and boredom will bypass you.

So that at Zakhar’s wedding, when you get up, you say: Come on, granddaughter, pour some. So that we can all see you, Among the most honored guests.

So that you receive congratulations, On your hundredth birthday, on your big anniversary, Surrounded by a dozen great-grandchildren And their very beloved children.

So that on the slope of venerable age, You catch, without hiding a smile, On your favorite pastime, fishing, A golden one with a fishing rod.

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Chapter 7 TEMPTATIONS BEFORE COMMUNION The reader has probably heard statements from ordinary people like “I believe in God, but I don’t believe in priests”, “I pray at home, but I don’t go to church, because all the priests are deceivers”, “They are there in the temple everyone is more sinful than me: what do I care?

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God's mercy be with you!

Congratulations on fasting and on partaking of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

The fruit you have experienced from this will continue until another communion. Pay attention to yourself, and with the Lord before you, surrender yourself to Him. However, not in order to sit with folded hands, but so that, jealous with omnipotent jealousy, one hopes for success from grace alone. – It wouldn’t be a bad idea to leaf through a book about repentance, confession and communion.

Little M. is very grateful for her dear gift from her labors. May God bless her to succeed in all her handicrafts and to work with such perfection that it will be inimitable for others.

I am sending her an icon of St. Great Martyr Panteleimon, and may he be her helper.

God bless you with every blessing!

Your good friend E. Feofan.

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