Trinity rituals and customs, traditions, signs, conspiracies

What traditions and signs are associated with the Feast of the Holy Trinity? When is this holiday celebrated in 2021 and what rites and rituals can be performed on this day?

The Day of the Holy Trinity is associated with the descent of the Holy Spirit to earth many years ago. It was after this event that this holiday began to be celebrated every year. When the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles of Christ, exactly 50 days after the resurrection of Jesus, the Apostles began to speak different languages, and this helped them in the future to carry the word of the Lord throughout the whole world. They were also given the ability to heal people and foresee the future.

Every year we celebrate Trinity exactly 50 days after Easter. This is where the second name of this holiday came from - Pentecost. In 2021, the Orthodox people will celebrate this holiday on June 16. There are many rituals and traditions associated with the Trinity, which we will talk about now. You will learn how you can change your life on this holiday with the help of spells and rituals.

What you can and cannot do during Trinity Week

Trinity Week is continuous. During such periods on Friday and Wednesday it is allowed not to fast. You can eat and drink anything you want, the main thing is not to overdo it. The ban on eating food is imposed only from midnight to morning. You can play weddings. It is believed that marriages concluded during this period are the strongest.

During Trinity Week, medicinal plants acquire special powers. Therefore, traditional healers do not miss the chance to collect them for their decoctions and tinctures.

On holidays, you cannot work hard or do handicrafts (sewing, knitting, embroidery). Carrying out gardening work is considered a grave sin. This may lead to crop failure. To avoid the wrath of higher powers, you should avoid violent disputes and conflicts, and refrain from using swear words.

Rituals for money and wealth

To attract money, write your own name with a needle on a green candle, and under it the amount and the reason why it is needed. The candle is then treated with olive oil, rolled in chopped basil and set on fire. After this they say: “Money is coming to me, my well-being is growing, money will find its way into my wallet!” The candle is left to burn out until the end. The cinder is thrown away at an intersection.

To attract success in financial matters, before going to bed, place one yellow coin in each corner of the bedroom. After this, they read any prayer to the Holy Trinity, ask for help, cross themselves and go to bed. On the day of Ivan Kupala (July 7), they are thrown out into a reservoir in which the water constantly flows and does not stagnate (for example, a stream or river).

Celebration traditions

Most signs for Trinity relate to love. You cannot get married on this holiday, otherwise the church will refuse the wedding. But you can and even need to get married. Our ancestors believed that matchmaking on Trinity Sunday followed by marriage on Pokrov promised a long and happy marriage. A kiss between lovers under a birch tree is considered a good sign. This foreshadows an imminent wedding. Lonely girls listen to the cuckoos on this day. The number of times the bird forges, the number of days it will take until it meets its betrothed.

Preparations for the holiday are made in advance. 1-2 days before, the house and yard are cleaned. After this, they go into nature and collect herbs and young tree branches. They symbolize spring and the continuation of life, so they decorate rooms. The most popular among the people are:

  • oak;
  • maple;
  • Linden;
  • birch;
  • Rowan;
  • thyme;
  • mint;
  • fern;
  • oregano;
  • burdock.

Orthodox Christians celebrate Trinity for 3 days. Representatives of the clergy wear green outfits at this time. At sunset on Saturday, services begin in churches. They last until dawn. On Pentecost, the Gospel of John is read and the liturgy is celebrated.

Believers invite friends and relatives to visit on Trinity Sunday. Favorite dishes are placed on the table and, of course, a loaf of bread, symbolizing fertility and wealth. If desired, the participants of the feast can give each other small gifts (bouquets of flowers or fragrant herbs, icons, incense).

After the festive meal they go into nature. There they burn bonfires, dance and sing. Today in large cities this tradition has been forgotten, but in many villages it is still preserved.

Baking leftovers are used to make crackers. Subsequently, when preparing a wedding loaf, they are crumbled into dough. This will bring happiness to the newlyweds.

The last day of the holiday is the day of the Holy Spirit. During it, water is blessed in churches. The greenery with which the priests decorated the temples is taken home by the believers. They are dried and stored in holy coal for a year. It is believed that they protect the house and its residents from misfortunes.

Rituals for good health

After serving in church, they buy a wax candle, and on the way home they stop at the store for table salt. Arriving home, they light a candle, unpack the pack and say the following text: “Jesus Christ, our Savior, you heal us, help those in need. Give this salt miraculous powers so that when we eat it, we will remember you. So that each crystal of it cleanses our bodies and souls. So that food salted with it will be blessed.” After this, the pack of salt is crossed three times. It is added to all dishes.

If you are more concerned about mental health rather than physical health, they perform a ritual in the swamp. Having come to him, they say the following words: “The forces of life have left me, the melancholy is green, like a swamp. Nothing pleases me, mental pain tears me apart. Take the pain, melancholy and anxiety into this swamp. That's where you belong. And leave my heart and soul alone. You will no longer live in me. And my strength will return." If emotions are bursting, they cry during the ritual. This only increases its effectiveness. Finally, they return home without looking back. Along the way, they treat some animal (preferably a homeless one) with food.

History of the birthday of the Christian Church

The Feast of the Holy Trinity is also called Pentecost. Historically, both holidays fall on the same day - the 50th day after the Resurrection of Christ.

The Feast of Pentecost as an Old Testament holiday, according to scientists, has been known since the second half of the 13th century. BC e. Celebrated in honor of the Sinai Covenant, concluded by God with Moses and all the Israeli people. The Old Testament Pentecost is celebrated in honor of the successful, albeit dramatic in its essence, exodus (exit) of the Israelites from Egypt under the leadership of Moses and receiving God's Ten Commandments.

The event, the result of which was the birth of the Christian Church and the emergence of the Feast of the Holy Trinity, occurred at the end of May in the 30th year AD. e. in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost. This event is described by the Evangelist Luke in the book “Acts of the Holy Apostles.”

The Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles

During the celebration of Pentecost, many Jews living in different countries of the vast Roman Empire arrived in Jerusalem. Huge crowds of pilgrims from all over the world also flocked here. During these days, Jerusalem became multilingual. Not everyone understood the Hebrew language, but everyone wanted to observe religious customs.

For the apostles (the twelve closest disciples of Jesus Christ), the days of Pentecost were days of waiting. After all, even before the crucifixion, in his farewell conversation with them, Jesus said: “I will ask the Father and He will give you another Comforter, may He abide with you forever, the Spirit of Truth... He will teach you everything and remind you of everything that I have told you... He - The Spirit of Truth... The Spirit of Truth, Which comes from the Father, will testify about Me

” (John 14:16-17, 26; 15:26).

For 40 days after the Resurrection, Jesus appeared to his disciples, supported them, and when, before their eyes, the Lord rose above the earth and ascended to God the Father, the apostles experienced a state of grace hitherto unknown to them.

After that memorable day, they gathered daily in a house on Mount Zion in Jerusalem. They prayed and waited, firmly believing that everything would be as Jesus said...

On the tenth day after the Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ, his disciples, as usual, gathered in the Zion Upper Room along with the Blessed Virgin Mary (mother of Jesus) and other believers. According to legend, about 120 people. While praying, all those gathered waited for the Savior to send them the “Promise of the Father,” when they would be clothed with power from above. They did not know how and when the coming of the Comforter Spirit would occur. (Luke 24:49).

Suddenly a noise was heard above the upper room, which simply could not help but pay attention to all the other people who were gathering at that time in the temple for the service of celebrating Pentecost.

Meanwhile, that noise filled the house where the apostles were and at the same time tongues of flame appeared above their heads. Falling down on everyone, the flame did not burn, the flame shone! And yet that’s not what struck me...

The most amazing thing was that the apostles themselves were literally transformed before our eyes. They felt joy and inspiration, they experienced a feeling of immeasurable love for God and a great surge of spiritual strength. When the apostles began to express these feelings with words of gratitude to God, it turned out that they were speaking not in Hebrew, but in other languages, previously unknown to them.

But such a baptism of the apostles with the Holy Spirit and fire was predicted by the prophet John the Baptist (Matt. 3:11)

The apostles, filled with the desire to bring the word of God to people, went out into the crowd, attracted by the incredible noise. And people saw the change that happened to the apostles. God enriched them with faith, patience, love and wisdom.

Why is the Day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit considered the birthday of the Christian Church?

The crowd of people reacted ambiguously to the appearance of the apostles and their behavior. People remembered how the disciples of Christ behaved two months ago, during the arrest of their teacher. Everyone remembered their confusion and the absence of any attempts on their part to protect Christ and help him.

And suddenly people who are completely different in their internal state appear before the residents of Jerusalem and pilgrims. They are full of sincere love for God, they are determined to preach his teachings in different lands throughout the world. They will have enough conviction in the correctness of Christ’s teachings, they will have enough determination, will, knowledge of languages ​​and dedication.

When the Apostle Peter, a former fisherman, famous for the fact that before he could not even put together two words, addressed the audience with his first sermon, it became clear that the Lord himself was speaking through his lips.

Peter reminded those gathered about the fulfillment of ancient prophecies, about the Messiah, about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, about the grace that descended on the apostles during the descent of the Holy Spirit on them. “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

- this is how the Apostle Peter ended his sermon.

Conquered by the fiery speech, the people accepted baptism from the hands of the apostles. The Christian Church that day immediately grew by 3 thousand people. This event became the birthday of the Christian Church. After all, it was from this day that the apostles began to preach the teachings of Christ and convert people to the Christian faith.

In memory of this, the holiday of Pentecost began to be called the day of the descent of the Holy Spirit and the day of the Holy Trinity (among the Orthodox).

After the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, they remained in Jerusalem for quite a long time, then the time came for them to go preach the word of God to other countries.

Apostle Andrew (the First-Called) went to the east. Through Asia Minor and Macedonia he reached the Danube. Passed the Black Sea coast and Crimea. He climbed higher along the Danube, and according to legend, he was also on Novgorod land.

The Apostle Peter preached among the Jews, supporting his sermons with miracles. The Apostle Paul created numerous Christian communities on the Balkan Peninsula and in Italy.

Their mission was difficult and dangerous, even while keeping the commandments given by the Lord, they were subjected to persecution and martyrdom. However, this is a topic for another conversation. And if you are interested in it, mark it in the comments. Agreed?

To summarize this part, I note that from the moment the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles, the Christian Church began to spread its influence in all directions from Jerusalem. The Acts of the Apostles affirmed “that the walls of the Church are built by the Spirit”

Fortune telling and spells for Trinity

On Pentecost you can cast spells all day long. The main thing is to be alone at this time, to be focused and calm. First, they remove everything related to the church - amulet, icons, crosses - away from themselves. They also remove the belts, untie the knots and loosen the collected hair.

How to tell fortunes about the groom and marriage

To find out how long it will take to get married, a girl bakes a bun filled with cereal (any kind). She takes it to the forest and attaches it to a tree with a strong thread. In order not to lose the place, she marks it (for example, ties a bright ribbon). After 3 days the fortuneteller returns. If during this time the baked goods have disappeared, then matchmaking is just around the corner. If you stay, there will be no meeting with your betrothed and no subsequent marriage in the next year.

Girls who don't know how to cook use a ring to tell fortunes (without stones). First, the tablecloth is removed from the table and a basin filled with water is placed in front of it. Then a ring is passed across the table. If it rolls all the way to the edge and falls into the liquid, this is a good sign. This means that in the near future the man will ask you to marry you. Decoration left on the table promises loneliness.

To find out what their future husband will look like, girls tell fortunes in their dreams. They collect 12 different herbs in advance, the medium of which is necessarily fern and thistle. Before going to bed they are placed under the pillow. Then they pronounce the following conspiracy: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me, let's take a walk in the forest!” At night, a fortuneteller dreams of her future husband.

For love

To find out about the feelings of their loved one, girls go to a birch tree and pick a leaf from it. In the evening they say the guy's name 3 times, after which they put it under the pillow, and check it in the morning. If it remains even and smooth, it means the guy is experiencing strong love, and it will help overcome any difficulties. A deformed leaf indicates that the love is mutual. It will lead to marriage, but the future will not be ideal. A torn sheet is a bad sign. He says that soon the roads will diverge.

To fate

The life scenario is predicted using woolen threads. They are cut into pieces 20 cm long and braided, after which they are lowered into a basin filled with water. If the threads unravel, it means that fate will be easy. If they remain intertwined, life will be bright, with a large number of both good and unpleasant events. A drowned spit portends many problems.

Fortune telling with wax is very popular. The beekeeping product is placed in a tablespoon and melted over a candle. When it becomes liquid, it is poured into a container of water. The resulting figure suggests what events will happen in the coming years. Interpretation is carried out intuitively. For example, many people associate a road with moving, a ring with a wedding, a coin with prosperity.

For pregnancy

A wedding ring is an important attribute in the life of a family man, which symbolizes strong love. It is used to find out questions regarding pregnancy. A thread is first tied to it. Holding the latter in her hand, the woman places her elbow on the table and waits for the decoration to stop oscillating. She then asks, “Am I pregnant?” If after this the ring begins to loosen from right to left, the answer is “yes”, and back and forth – “no”. Further, depending on the first answer, the fortuneteller asks: “Will I be able to conceive a child this year?”, “Will I have twins?” And so on. Interrogative sentences should be such that they can be answered unambiguously and clearly: yes or no.

Women living in villages tell fortunes on a woodpile. They come close to it, close their eyes and pull out the first log they come across. Based on the appearance of the latter, the characteristics of the unborn child are predicted. A dark and short log means that the child will be short, dark-haired, and brown-eyed. A heavy log foreshadows a strong, strong and talented baby. The presence of dents, knots and cracks is a sign that the child will have a difficult character. Smooth and smooth wood, on the contrary, hints at humility and peacefulness. If the log is difficult to remove from the bundle, the birth will be difficult.

Spells for a wreath and birch

To speed up the meeting with the betrothed, a wreath is used. They do this at 12 o'clock at night on the eve of Trinity. They collect flowers and herbs in the field and weave decorations from them, uttering the following words in the process: “Beautiful green girls walk on the grass, collect flower-herbs, weave wreaths from them and throw them into the river. The betrothed-mummer, destined for me by fate, and you catch my wreath and bring it to me. Amen!". After this, they go to a pond and lower the finished wreath into it. Upon returning home, they do not talk to anyone and do not turn back, even if there is a rustle or any other sounds.

To restore its former beauty and preserve youth, they charm the birch tree. The procedure is performed equally often by both young girls and adult women. To do this, they go to a birch grove and choose the oldest tree. Placing their palms on it, they pronounce the following spell: “Spirits of nature, strength and power of the birch, protect my body and soul, give me youth. The sun is red, the month is clear, the frosts are strong, the winds are strong, the rivers are fast, hear me and help me restore the lost beauty!”

To become healthier and more beautiful, to please representatives of the opposite sex, on Trinity Sunday, at dawn, you need to go out into the field and if there is dew on the grass, wash yourself with it.

Commemoration of the departed on Trinity Saturday

On Mother's Saturday, Orthodox Christians go to church for a service and light candles there. On this day, the holy fathers read the names of the deceased, which they left in notes (usually a special box is placed for them). During prayers, all thoughts are occupied with the deceased. Believers ask the Lord to forgive their sins and help them find peace. If it was not possible to visit church, prayers are read at home independently.

After this they go to the cemetery. There, the graves are decorated with greenery and decorated with candles. On the way home, treats are distributed to those in need (usually sweets or baked goods). In the evening, a memorial dinner is held for which the whole family gathers. Favorite dishes are placed on the table and, of course, kutya.

Removing damage

Orthodoxy does not welcome any magic, but provides the opportunity for cleansing from evil spirits, damage and other magical actions. Damage is a rather powerful spell, which is sometimes quite difficult to remove. But on the Holy Trinity, you can perform a ritual that will help remove even very strong damage.

  1. To do this, you need to collect a bouquet of wildflowers; you can also take garden flowers, but there must be at least 40 species.
  2. Then, with this bouquet you need to go to church and bless it at the morning and evening services.
  3. It is worth remembering that the ceremony will last 40 days, that is, according to the number of flowers collected.

To perform the ceremony, every day one flower is taken from the collected bouquet and placed in a glass. After which it is watered with sacred water. When all the water from the flower has drained into the glass, then dip your finger in this water and wet the top of your head three times. And then all the water is drunk.

In addition, you need to prepare a small box, into which you need to put one coin after each time. In the end you should get 40 coins in 40 days. After they expire, visit the church again and order yourself a service about health.

Be sure to listen to the entire prayer service, and do this for three days in a row. At the end, candles are lit to Saint Panteleimon, Saint Tryphon and the immortals Cosmas and Dimiam. And the coins that were collected (40 coins) were to be divided among the poor.

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