“Watch and pray so that you do not fall into misfortune”

Signs of the Times

First, if we want to correctly interpret the signs of the times, we must have what can be called the basic knowledge of Orthodoxy. This is knowledge of the Holy Scriptures - both the Old and New Testaments (and not only the text itself, but also church interpretations), knowledge of the writings of the Holy Fathers, knowledge of the history of the Church and various errors and heresies that have tried to distort the correct understanding of the teachings of the Church, especially in recent times. If we don't have this foundation, we will end up unprepared and confused. This is exactly what the Lord calls us to do: prepare, be prepared. Until we have this basic knowledge, we are not prepared and cannot correctly interpret the signs of the times. A few years ago a book was published in English, which became a religious bestseller. Over ten million copies were sold in America. The book is The Last Great Planet Earth by Hal Lindsay, an evangelical Protestant from Texas. In it he gives his rather superficial interpretation of the signs of the times. He believes that we are living before the end of the world. He believes that all around us the signs that our Lord spoke about are now being fulfilled. If you read this book, you will find that sometimes his understanding more or less coincides with the correct, Orthodox understanding, sometimes he is absolutely wrong, and sometimes he is right in some ways and wrong in others. It seems that he is simply guessing, since he reads the Scripture according to his own understanding. He does not have the basic knowledge of an Orthodox Christian, there is no basis in the form of true knowledge of Scripture and the Holy Fathers. Therefore, if you read this book seriously, you will find yourself completely confused. You don't know what to believe anymore. For example, he talks about the millennium that supposedly will pass until the end of the world. He speaks of the rapture, when he assumes Christians will be gathered into heaven before the end of the world, from where they will watch people suffer down there. He talks about the building of the temple in Jerusalem as if it were good, as if it were a preparation for the coming of Christ.

If you read such books (there are many other books like this, but this particular one became a bestseller because the author managed to capture the imagination of people for a certain time) and believe them, then it will turn out that instead of knowing Christ, for which we should understand the signs of the times, you will receive the Antichrist.

Take, for example, the question of the Jerusalem temple itself. It is true that, according to Orthodox prophecies, the temple in Jerusalem will be rebuilt. People like Hal Lindsay or even the fundamentalist Carl McIntyre also talk about building a temple, but they mean that it is being built for Christ, who is to return and rule the world for a thousand years. But they talk about the coming of the Antichrist. The Millennium, according to the Protestant interpretation, being the special thousand-year reign of Christ before the end of the world, is in reality the reign of the Antichrist. In fact, there have already been people who entered the public arena and proclaimed their thousand-year reign, which should last until the end of time. The last of them was Adolf Hitler. This is based on the same chiliastic idea - on the interpretation of the millennium in a secular sense. The real thousand years of the Apocalypse are the life of the Church, which is taking place now, that is, life in Grace, and all who lead it see that, in comparison with external people, this is truly heaven on earth. But this is not the end. This is preparation for the true Kingdom of God, which has no end.

There are now many books available that provide basic Orthodox knowledge. Those who are seriously concerned about studying the signs of the times should first become thoroughly acquainted with some of these books, they should be read, seriously studied - so that they become an urgent necessity.

The best books are the basic spiritual textbooks. First of all, there are Orthodox dogmas, various catechisms. One of the best books is the work of St. John of Damascus (8th century) “An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith,” which includes catechetical explanations. An even earlier work is eighteen catechetical teachings for those preparing for holy baptism by St. Cyril of Jerusalem. He examines in detail the entire creed and teaches what and how the Church believes. There are many catechetical books, both ancient and more modern. Relatively recently, shorter and simpler catechisms appeared in Russian by Metropolitan Platon and Metropolitan Philaret.

There are other books - interpretations of the Holy Scriptures. Among the modern ones, the books by Archbishop Averky are very good.

Then, in addition to these two types of books, catechetical and interpretation of Scripture, there are many more books about Orthodox spiritual life. Let's name "Lavsaik" (telling about how Egyptian monks labored in spiritual warfare), "Dialogue on the life of the Italian Fathers" by St. Gregory the Great, Pope of Rome, the lives of the saints, "The Ladder" of St. John, conversations, instructions and epistles of St. Macarius the Great, Egyptian, books by St. John Cassian, “Philokalia”, “Invisible Warfare” by St. Nicodemus of the Svyatogorets, “My Life in Christ” by St. Righteous John of Kronstadt. These books examine the main issues of spiritual Orthodox life, spiritual warfare, and teach how to recognize the wiles of demons so as not to succumb to their deceit. All of them provide thorough training, after which a person becomes able to understand the signs of the times.

There are works by modern authors that are akin in spirit to the writings of the Holy Fathers of antiquity. The main examples include two great Russian writers of the 19th century - St. Theophan the Recluse and St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov). The works of these two writers are very important because they convey patristic teaching to modern readers. They answered many questions regarding the understanding of the Holy Fathers. For example, we published in the magazine “The Orthodox Word” the work of St. Ignatius on the ordeals that await the soul after death. Sometimes when reading the Holy Fathers, people have questions, they do not know how to understand what the ancient Fathers said, and these more modern Fathers explain incomprehensible texts.

In addition, there is the history of the Church, which tells about the revelation of the Lord to people, about how the actions of God are manifested in the lives of people. It is very instructive to read about the events of the Old Testament because they foreshadow the events of the New Testament. Along with the New Testament, one should read the history of the New Testament Church. For example, there is the book “History of the Church” by Eusebius (IV century), which traces church history over the first three centuries, in it - a look at history from the point of view of an Orthodox Christian. It is very important to remember what the writers of the ancient Church thought were important in its history: apostles, martyrs, etc.

So, all these various writings help to prepare us for basic Christian knowledge: the catechism, interpretations of Scripture, books on spiritual life, later patristic works written in the same spirit, and the history of the Church. And before you get carried away with reading about what exactly the signs of the times mean, you should have a thorough preparation in all these types of books. They all prepare one to understand the signs of the times. If a person has begun to comprehend knowledge in this way, then correctly interpreting passages of the Bible or something else is not just about adding more and more new knowledge and being able to repeat all new phrases by heart.

Having a dossier on every person, the entire economy in their hands, with the help of the press they take control of us. Already now they can notice from a satellite a thirty-centimeter fish and where it is located. Moreover, they will be able to track any person, knowing all his data, knowing his economic situation. Do you understand what's happening? Only the devil could have thought them up to such a dictatorship that they are going to establish. In the end: either get slapped or go to the end. Three and a half years will be difficult, three and a half years will be easy. What fell from the cart was lost..."

Question: “After 1992 there will be these three and a half years, Father?”

Elder: “It is not given to us to know the timing. But these three and a half years will be difficult. In America they are already putting stamps on dogs, and you can always track them, because these stamps also serve as sensors. You can always determine where each dog is, and you can kill it whenever you want. The same will happen to people! What did you think? By putting a stamp on your hand or forehead, they will know about everyone, where you are, all your data, and all your income and expenses. Only the devil could teach such a dictatorship.

And this code system (credit card). You cannot, as Evangelist John says, neither sell nor buy. Money will also be cancelled. Are you working? Here's the button, here's the score. Then they will refuse cards. They will say that a credit card can be lost, that it can be stolen... It’s much better on your head or on your hand!”

Question: “So, simply put, Father, all mechanisms in general are evidence of the coming of the Antichrist?”

Elder: “No. You see, they are the ones using the mechanisms to strangle the entire world. They want to put the seal of the Antichrist so that all people can be registered. Just like during a war, all the mules and horses are counted and stamps are made with a hot iron.”

Question: “That is, printing makes their work easier; They can always register whoever they want?”

Elder: “Renunciation takes place here. By accepting the seal, a person renounces God. It's the same with passports. If my signature were not required, but, say, they would give me some paper and say: here is your passport - and that’s all, then that’s a different matter. But when the passport has the symbol of the devil, and I myself sign that it is my personal passport, this is no longer a trifle. Therefore I approve of this renunciation.

But those, says Evangelist John and the Holy Fathers, those who do not accept the seal, cannot be tracked down, cannot be found.”

Question: “Can any number really be so important for a person’s salvation?”

Elder: “Oh, my child. If this is a symbol of the devil, as Evangelist John says about it; What can you talk about then! Did we attach any importance to all this before? But now, when we see what is happening... what they are preparing for... So, 2-3 years ago, I talked with one university professor from America... I told him something, wrote something. And now he writes to me: “I returned from some congress in Europe, and as soon as I arrived in Toronto, I remembered what you told me 2-3 years ago. Now we are already opposed to credit cards, they are demanding the introduction of stamps on the forehead and hand.” You understand what's going on.

Eh, my child. This is the devil's seal! By accepting it, you renounce the Seal of Holy Baptism, you put another seal: you deny Christ and accept the seal of the devil.”

Excerpt from a tape recording of a conversation that took place in 1992.

Cell Panaguda. Athos



The demonic storm will be replaced by Divine peace

Behind the worldly spirit of modern “freedom”, the lack of respect for the Church of Christ, elders, parents and teachers who have the fear of God, lies spiritual slavery, confusion and anarchy, leading the world to destruction, to mental and physical catastrophe.

And behind the perfect system of “convenient cards” and computer security, hides a worldwide dictatorship, enslavement to the Antichrist. Revelation of John the Theologian, ch. 13, art. 16, reads:

return 37

From the book: Yuri Vorobievsky “The Path to the Apocalypse: Knock on the Golden Gate.” M., 1999. - pp. 363–366.

return 38

The brochure “Signs of the Times 666”, revealing the danger of accepting electronic passport cards, was written by Elder Paisius of Svyatogorets back in 1987 - 18 years ago!.. In the Greek edition (the cover photo of which is posted here) it is not a reprint, but the handwritten document itself Elder's text. Handing it over to his spiritual child for publication, the Elder said: “Everything that I wrote earlier, I gave to the brethren, and they corrected my syntactical and spelling errors. But since what is written here is extremely important, I do not want anyone to doubt it in any way after my death. Let everything remain as it is - with my mistakes and my handwriting, because people know my knowledge of grammar and if they see a text that is free of errors and syntactically impeccable, they can accept the tempting thought and say: “Perhaps those , who corrected the text, changed some words and distorted the meaning, so that it no longer corresponds to the thought of the elder...” On the back cover there is a photograph of an envelope in which one of the believing deputies of the Greek parliament sent the Athonite a sample of a new electronic passport with a bar- code. "Woe!!!" - written on the envelope by the hand of Father Paisius. And three exclamation marks speak for themselves...


There have been more major earthquakes since 1914 than at any other time in recorded history. For more than 1000 years, from 856 AD. e. Before 1914, there were 24 major earthquakes, causing the death of 1,973,000 people. But in 63 years, from 1915 to 1978, 1,600,000 people died in 43 major earthquakes (You Can Live Forever in Heaven on Earth [1989], p. 151).

In 1983, after reading the above-mentioned Watchtower publication, I sent a letter to several earthquake scientists citing the quotation and asking four questions:

  1. Is this statement consistent with your data?
  2. Can the recent increase in the number of recorded earthquakes be explained by the emergence of more advanced research centers such as yours?
  3. According to your data, was there an increase in seismic activity after 1914?
  4. Could the increase in population density on earth be the reason why more people are dying from earthquakes today?

Below are two responses I received to my request. The first came from Japan, from the Earthquake Research Department at the University of Tokyo:

  1. No. It is almost impossible to give an answer based on reliable data on earthquakes around the world, since such data simply does not exist.
  2. Yes.
  3. No. The number of recorded earthquakes has increased, but we cannot say that seismic activity has increased.
  4. There was no answer.

The second answer came from the International Seismological Center in Newbury, UK:

  1. Overall, I would disagree with this quote... The earthquake that claimed the most lives was in China in 1556, killing 850,000 people. Taking this into account, the figure you cite for the period before 1914 seems too modest.
  2. Instrumental recordings began to be kept only at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries.
  3. There is absolutely no seismological data to convince us that more seismic energy has been released since 1914 than during any comparable period in the past.
  4. Considering the population of the planet, this argument seems very serious. I believe that since biblical times the world population has grown 100 times, and population density has become higher.

If you add to this a generalization of the tables given on p. 119-141 of Seismicity of the Earth by Gutenberg and Richter, published in 1949, you will find that in the 11 years after 1914, seismic activity decreased by 37% compared to the 11 years before 1914. Even Jehovah's Witnesses probably know this, since in their reference book Aids To Bible Understanding (1971) on p. 478 they wrote:

Since 1914 AD, and especially since 1948, there has been an increase in the number of earthquakes, especially large ones.

Indeed, since accurate seismological data has only been available for a period of less than 80 years, I believe that the Watchtower Society has nothing to back up the figures it refers to.


While agriculture has made great strides in recent years, it is also true that mankind has witnessed numerous food shortages since 1914 (Watchtower, April 15, 1983, p. 4).

With these words, the Watch Tower Society is trying to show that the famine is also a sign pointing to 1914. In their article they refer several times to J. Borgstrom's book The Hungry Planet

. But this work makes no specific reference to 1914, and notes only a very small increase in famines after 1914 compared to the previous period. But other experts provide much more accurate data, as can be judged by this quote:

Before World War 2, today's starving nations were grain exporters. By the 1950s they became importers!.. Until 1957-59. the world as a whole was fairly well supplied with food. In fact, the volume of agricultural output increased slightly faster than the number of mouths that needed to be fed... then growth began to slow down. By 1958, these countries had exhausted their supply of farmland" (William and Paul Paddock. Famine 1975! America's Decision: Who Will Survive? [1968], pp. 41, 44).

In his book Famine, published in 1981, on p. 22-24, John Robson shows that between 1860 and 1914 there were nine major famines that killed 23,850,000 people, and from 1915 to 1973 there were thirteen major famines that killed only 20,037,400 Human. In addition, Robson notes that the First World War did not cause a single case of famine, but the Second World War caused two.

What follows from all this? Only that the facts once again clearly show: 1914 was not a turning point in the history of famine, and there are no signs pointing to that year. In fact, in the 60 years after 1914, approximately 4,000,000 fewer people died of hunger than in previous years, and the cause of mass deaths did not begin to occur until the late 1950s.

By analyzing other signs, it can be clearly demonstrated that all these disasters - although they continue to this day - do not point to any special role for 1914.

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