How to protect yourself and your family from damage? Powerful protection against damage

The question of how to protect yourself from the evil eye worries many people these days and is unlikely to ever lose its relevance. We all live in society and it is impossible to exclude contact with other people, including our ill-wishers. But protection from the evil eye and damage is available to everyone: even if you cannot or do not want to perform special rituals, simple tips will help you avoid negative effects on your energy.

The question of how to protect yourself from the evil eye can be solved without the help of complex and time-consuming conspiracies; it is enough to follow simple rules in everyday life or use an effective amulet against negativity. This way, you can protect not only yourself, but also your loved ones from any negativity.

How to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage yourself

You can protect yourself from the evil eye, damage or envy with a talisman, energetically, with the help of prayer or a conspiracy. The most famous methods:

  1. Herbal amulets. Certain varieties of herbs are collected, mixed and placed in a small bottle or cloth bag. It is recommended to carry the resulting talisman with you. This is an ideal defense against ordinary envy.
  2. Rune amulets. The most well-known protection against the evil eye, envy and damage is objects with protective runes applied to them. You can either carry this item with you or leave it in a special place at home.
  3. Prayers, such as the Lord's Prayer, which are considered universal in Orthodoxy. Christians are generally advised to think less about evil eyes and superstitions. The priests themselves claim that this is not Christian, firstly, and, secondly, faith is the best defense against other people’s witchcraft or envy, especially if you pray regularly.
  4. Energy protection or meditation aimed at protecting the biofield. With a strong personal energy field, you are not afraid of the evil eye, damage, or the envy of others. You can only be exposed to the evil eye. That is, when a person thinks so persistently that someone is harming him that he smooths over or curses himself.
  5. Talisman candles against the evil eye, damage, to eliminate gossip or envy. Candles programmed for a specific action can be easily purchased at any esoteric store.

Important! Protection from damage is useful, but the desire to protect oneself should not border on persecution mania. An extremely small number of people are even potentially of interest to those who practice black magic.

How to protect yourself with mirror protection

Wait until the celestial body goes beyond the horizon and, placing seven identical mirrors opposite each other, sit in the space between them.
You also need to purchase 7 white wax candles. These attributes are installed opposite each reflective surface and set on fire. Your ritual place must be outlined in a circle with chalk.

When the preparatory stage is completed, the sorcerer needs to conduct a meditation session, thereby clearing his own thoughts and feelings of extraneous emotions.

Then they begin to imagine that a person lives exactly the life he wants. No one is able to harm him or interfere with his plans.

When the concentration session is completed, the mirrors turn away from the caster (reflective objects must be turned counterclockwise). One turned away mirror = one extinguished candle. Used candles should be collected and hidden in the far corner of the home, and reflectors should be broken into pieces somewhere in a deserted place.

You can also create a pocket talisman from a small mirror, which should be carried in a leather case.

How to install energy protection

You can provide protection from damage, curses, the evil eye, other people’s envy and simply protect yourself from negativity by installing energy protection. On average, all methods related to energy protection are similar to meditation to one degree or another.

Method of protection against the evil eye, damage and envy “Wall”

A simple method to protect yourself from damage and the evil eye is to build a wall between yourself and your ill-wisher. You need to do this:

  1. As soon as you notice that someone is looking intently and unkindly, you should imagine that your face and body are enveloped in rays of sunlight or moonlight.
  2. At the same time, they create a wall of white or mirror brick between themselves and the enemy.
  3. They hold it as long as they are close to the “bad” person and up to an hour after parting with him.

Instead of a wall, you can protect yourself with a full-length mirror or a stormy waterfall. So any evil eye, damage and banal envy will return to the one who sends them.

Method of protection against envy, damage and the evil eye “Rings”

Energy protection from the evil eye sometimes requires not meditation, but a specific interlace of fingers.

First option: the thumb of the left hand is connected to the thumb of the right hand, and the index fingers too, to form a ring. The remaining fingers are kept superimposed on each other.

Second option: on the right hand, connect the thumb and index finger and stick it into the left palm. The same ring is made from the fingers of the left hand, intertwining it with the first. Some attribute the origin of this method to the ancient Indians.

Important! If we imagine that when the rings are closed, the biofield “closes”, the protection can be more effective. Then envy, damage or the evil eye will not affect the person.

Protection from damage, evil eye and envy “Butterfly Cocoon”

To use this method of protection from curses, damage, the evil eye or envy, you will need to master the visualization technique.

  1. You need to imagine that a silk thread is growing from the big toe of your right foot.
  2. Next, you should wrap yourself with this thread, like a caterpillar before pupating, without leaving any gaps.
  3. When the cocoon reaches the top of the head, a knot is tied to secure the protection.
  4. Then they imagine that the cocoon, soft on the inside, is hard on the outside and impenetrable to any negativity. If you imagine that the surface is reflective, it will be especially good.

At first it is better to imagine that at this moment the person is in a lying position, with his arms and legs pressed to his body, but later this will not make any difference.

Protection from envy, damage and the evil eye “Religious Symbol”

The technique involves visualizing the main religious symbol that can protect. For Christians it will be a cross, for pagans it will be a graphic symbol or seal of their main god, Wiccans can represent a pentacle, pentagram or triquetra.

A person must mentally surround himself with the necessary symbols on all sides, for starters, as close to the body as possible. Then you need to slowly move them away by about 1 m. In the process, you can imagine that the symbols glow blue, green or gold.

It is advisable to install such protection against the evil eye, envy, damage or curses in the morning and maintain it all day.

Important! If the method does not help or you cannot maintain the required level of concentration, it is better to choose methods that do not require constant attention. Protecting yourself while constantly being distracted is difficult.

Protection from envy, damage and the evil eye “Biofield Cocoon”

To protect yourself in this way, you need visualization skills. Regular training will help you develop such skills.

  1. First, imagine and then feel that there are 4 golden dots at the chest level in front, behind and on the sides.
  2. Mentally they are forced to rotate, first forming a ring around the body, and then a cocoon at arm's length.
  3. You need to feel that a barrier is being formed that is impenetrable from the outside, dense, but not hard.

The entire installation process takes no more than 1.5 minutes. In the process, you can imagine that layers of the biofield of different colors are involved in creating protection, preferably orange, gold or blue, however, if you mentally get purple or lilac colors or a shade of healthy grass, this will also work. In any case, this will protect against the evil eye, envy and even damage.

Prayers for protection from evil, enemies and damage

You can protect yourself from damage and the evil eye, and protect yourself from envy with the help of prayers. However, if you ask a parish priest with a similar question, he will most likely suggest that you think carefully about the fact that witchcraft and belief in it are not compatible with Christianity.

However, such prayers exist to protect yourself and loved ones:

  1. Prayer for protection from the evil eye, damage and envy to Jesus Christ. It sounds like this: “Merciful Lord, Son of God, Jesus Christ! Help me (name) from the burden of envy of enemies and enemies, may there be no sorrowful days ahead. Protect me from all evil. I believe in you with all my soul and earnestly pray for forgiveness of my sins. But do not be angry with my enemies who seek to harm me. Amen".
  2. Prayer to protect yourself from envy, the evil eye or damage to Jesus Christ and the Mother of God: “Jesus Christ, Merciful Son of God, Holy Mother of God, Virgin Mary! Angels, archangels, cherubim and seraphim, I (name) bow to you with respect. I ask forgiveness for all the sins I know and don’t know about. Almighty God, I confess to You, I pray you, cleanse my soul. Deliver me from a bad man, his evil eyes and unkind words. Amen".
  3. Prayer for protection from the evil eye, damage or envy of the Matrona of Moscow. First, in the temple, in front of the image, they briefly pray: “Holy Matrona, deliver me from damage, the evil eye and witchcraft. Amen". Afterwards, at home they take a sip of holy water, light 12 candles, and read the “Our Father”. Then they again pray to Matrona: “Elder Matrona of Moscow, I am turning to you with a request, I, (name). My faith in Christ is strong, so take away my weakness. Forgive me my sins, wicked thoughts. Remove the heavy load from the soul, deliver from the cursed damage. May the Lord heed my request, and may the evil sorcerer repent. Blessed Matrona, take away my pain, restore peace of mind. I’ll wash myself with holy water and immediately protect myself from damage. Amen".

The general rules for reading any prayer are as follows:

  • be sure to read with a candle;
  • if possible, be in front of the icons at this moment;
  • you need to fully concentrate on the process of prayer;
  • a family man should pray not for himself and one family member personally, but for everyone.

Otherwise, the main key is sincere intention. Without it, even an ideal prayer cannot protect.

Important! Praying that the Lord will deliver or protect someone from damage, the evil eye, or a curse made out of envy, if a friend or relative is seriously ill, lives in a way that does not seem right, or unexpectedly moves away, is useless and will not lead to good.

In the first case, you should go to the doctor, in the second, leave it alone, and in the third, find out what happened, and in 70% of cases, don’t bother the person anymore.

Conspiracy against damage at work and for business

People who have their own business (for example, a store) know firsthand what competition is and what scale it can reach.
Some people do not hesitate to resort to help from dark forces in order to prosper their own business. In this case, you need to protect yourself and your work. To do this, you can perform one simple ritual. Come to the church, find the icon of St. Nicholas the Saint there and, after lighting a candle, say a prayer to him three times:

Next, upon arriving home, you should take your clothes, in which you most often appear at the workplace, and clean them with the words:

Having completed such actions, you can be calm about your own work for a period of 6 months. Six months later, the ritual is repeated.

Conspiracies and rituals for protection from the evil eye, damage, envy and witchcraft

You can protect yourself from witchcraft and damage yourself with the help of ritual magic. And if ordinary conspiracies to provide protection from the evil eye or envy can be simple and do not require large expenses, then more or less serious rituals require careful preparation.

Conspiracy against envy and the evil eye on water and a candle

Protection from witchcraft and envy is not always difficult. For this plot you will need a glass of water and a candle. The attributes are placed on the table, the candle is lit. Then read these words:

“The island hides the sea from prying eyes. The temple stands on it, made of silver and gold. That place is sacred, God himself rested there. I will find this temple, touch the altar and make a sacrifice - my faith. At that very moment, all the damage and evil eyes, the devil’s machinations will disappear without a trace. Just as I cannot hold fire in my hands, so the damage cannot hold on me. Just as water rolls off swans, so nothing bad will stick to me. Just as dew dries in the sun, so evil witchcraft will dry up on me. The fire will be extinguished with water, and the damage will be extinguished with my words. Go away from illness. And night and morning, deadly and not, known and invisible. I send them to black lands, where no beast walks, no bird flies, no man steps. My word is strong as steel. Let it be so!".

After reading, the candle should be extinguished without blowing it out, and the water should be drained into the sink, making sure that it does not stagnate.

Important! Protection will be better if you take a shower and use a salt scrub before starting the ritual against damage.

Ritual for protection against damage, evil eye and envy before leaving home

You can protect yourself from the evil eye and the envy of others by performing a daily ritual of protection before leaving the house. You will need a knife or a long knitting needle. On the subject you need to read: “Ill-wishers and envious people, let them stumble upon the edge when they do evil. Let them not have happiness in life if they take away mine. No one will destroy my life, spoil it, or change it. As I said, so it will be, my word is strong. Let it be so".

After this, they draw a circle around themselves with the enchanted thing. Thus, a person puts up an invisible shield that can protect against the negative influences of others. It is especially effective if the enchanted item is new, and it is conjured anew every day.

Locking ritual for protection from damage, the evil eye, and other people's envy

There are two options for the ritual - daily and one-time. You can protect yourself from negativity and envy every day in the process of dressing, when tying shoelaces, a scarf, or fastening buttons and zippers. Performing these actions, read the plot:

“With my deeds I close all the locks. Neither evil, nor dark words, nor envious eyes will pass. Neither on the road, nor at work, neither in the morning, nor in the evening, nor in a dream, unkind people will not have access to me. I lock my words and take the key. Let it be so".

The second option is to light a black candle on the aging moon, closer to the new moon, and take a new, small padlock (for example, the kind used at weddings). They read the same conspiracy against him and lock him up. Afterwards, the key is cleaned with salt, breaking the connection with its enchanted lock, wrapped in a bag or paper and thrown away.

Important! Protecting yourself from the evil eye, damage, and other people's envy is especially important for those who are constantly in sight. At the everyday level, protection is relevant for trade workers, teachers or businessmen.

Protection from the evil eye, damage, envy, with the help of candles and visualization

Before installing the protection, you need to clean it in any convenient way. Afterwards, 3 white candles and a white cloth are prepared for the next full moon.

On the evening of the full moon, you should retire, preferably in the bedroom, and lock the door. Place candles on the floor, making a regular triangle. The top should face west. Place the fabric in the center and stand on it facing in the same direction as the top of the triangle. It is desirable, but not necessary, that the clothes at this moment be without fasteners, belts or natural fabrics. A nightgown or pajamas are fine. Light the candles with one match and say 5 times:

“Clear fire, red flame, protect me from evil attacks, from evil suggestions. Place a shield in front, provide protection in the back. On the sides, above and below, protect from evil. Let it break on the shield and never come back to me. It will dissipate without a trace and will not cause harm to others. Let it be so".

Then you need to imagine a sphere of fire around you, large enough to stretch out your arms without touching it. Some time should be devoted to examining the sphere and strengthening its image in your mind.

Then the candles are extinguished with an extinguisher or with your fingers. The cinders are wrapped in cloth and placed under a pillow or mattress and immediately go to bed. This should protect for at least 6 months. After six months, the ritual is repeated, if necessary.

Important! The triangle needs to be formed with candles so that the inside is spacious enough and the clothes do not catch fire. Otherwise, instead of installing protection, you will have to deal with extinguishing the fire.

Protection against damage to the house threshold

The threshold is one of the most vulnerable places in the house. He is most often damaged, cursed or jinxed, usually out of envy. There are two ways to protect yourself.

First: at noon on Friday, you should take 3 whispers of salt from the salt shaker with your left hand, throw it into the cleaning container and wash the threshold with salt water three times. At the same time, you need to say the following words: “Salt is salted, soaked with water, salt does not rot, damage and envy do not stick to the house. Get out, no one invited you into the house. Let it be so". It is advisable to pour out the remaining water at an intersection or thoroughly flush it down the toilet.

Second method. On any day of the week they sweep the threshold with a broom, repeating “Illnesses and illnesses, sorrows and damage - I sweep everything away. The threshold is swept, blessed by the Lord. Let it be so". This should be done 3 times.

If the threshold is not at least sometimes protected from damage, you can bring someone else’s envy and evil eye home, and then the negativity will spread throughout the entire home.

Morning ritual.

It can also be done independently, but it will provide very strong protection against witchcraft. For such a ritual you will need a sharp object like a thin knife. With this tool you need to approach the window on the east side. After this, draw a star with five points in the air with an object, focusing all your strength and energy in the knife.

You need to believe in the drawn amulet so much that you can feel it and touch it. You should realize for yourself that the star really exists and serves as serious protection. For a stronger result, several stars are usually drawn in turn, so that these amulets jointly protect the home and its inhabitants from various negative influences. If you believe in their power and existence, the stars will become a reliable barrier to any dark magic.

Charms to protect against damage, the evil eye and curses

You can protect yourself and your family from evil people by creating amulets. Simple varieties:

  1. Herbal amulets: to make them, you need a square of black or white fabric 15 by 15 cm, a little salt and herbs (sage, wormwood, or rosemary are suitable). All ingredients are mixed, wrapped in cloth and tied with a thin rope.
  2. "Witch's Bottle" Protective, cleansing herbs (sage, wormwood, rosemary, maybe geranium), salt and nails, pins and pine needles are poured into a jar or bottle, and then the product is buried under the threshold or placed in a visible place at home.
  3. Stone amulets - a bead of black agate, tourmaline or obsidian should always be carried with you in your pocket or pinned to clothing with a safety pin to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage.
  4. You can protect yourself from envy and damage by hanging a homemade wind chime above the door, preferably with a large number of shiny crystal beads and at least one ringing bell. This will protect against everyday evil eyes and damage to envious people;
  5. Runic amulets. For production, a suitable rune is selected, for example, Algiz, and applied to a small wooden plate with red paint or drawn with a red pencil on paper; such an amulet is carried with them.

More complex methods of protection include Slavic protective dolls. To make even a small motanka doll, you need to have minimal needlework skills:

  1. Cut out 3-4 squares of different sizes from colored fabric and 1, medium size, from white. Additionally, make a rectangle for the apron and another square or triangle for the scarf.
  2. A piece of cotton wool is placed in the center of a large square, then tied with red thread, forming a head.
  3. Cover the top with a smaller piece and tie it again. This is how they reach the white square.
  4. It is tied and carefully straightened on the side where the doll’s face is. 2 corners on the sides are lifted, the front and back are pressed to the doll’s body.
  5. An apron is placed in front, tied with red thread, leaving a free end on top, which is folded forward.
  6. The ends sticking out on the sides are slightly folded and tied at the ends, making hands.
  7. A scarf is tied on the head, the more it covers the back, the better. It's also a good idea to make it big enough to tie in a crisscross pattern.

Such a doll is a good protection against the evil eye, strong envy or damage.

Important! It is impossible to protect yourself from ill-wishers and envious people, damage or the evil eye 100%; there will always be a chance that harm will be done somewhere. Therefore, it won’t hurt to make several amulets for more reliable protection.

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