Sacred Lotus. Why sacred?

Lotus mandala. Peculiarities

A mandala, although it may look like a flower, does not necessarily have to be depicted in the shape of a lotus flower. The lotus mandala is just one of the varieties of mandalas - ancient sacred figures depicting the world order, originally conceived as a tool for talking with the gods during religious rituals.

In the modern world, many functions of the mandala have changed or even been forgotten, but the popularity of these beautiful sacred signs is growing.

The lotus mandala, due to its beauty and grace, is often used in body art, in particular for tattoos . In general, a flower is considered a female symbol, but the lotus is a different story. Perhaps this sign is universal, and its tattoo can be found both on the shoulders of men and on the ankles of women (it’s just that the male version of the flower will be less decorative, more laconic). However, the lotus is depicted on different parts of the body, sometimes without thinking at all about the combination of meanings and the consequences that may come from this.

After all, if we remember the origins (and the fashion for mandalas came to us from the Buddhist tradition), then we can see that in ancient times they were very careful and careful about signs and symbols, using them carefully, in accordance with certain canons and rules. And this is probably true, since sacred symbols are still not just drawings, but, so to speak, “charged objects” - they contain the wisdom of centuries and a careless attitude towards them can bring trouble.

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The magical thinking of our ancestors endowed everything in the world with special meanings, meanings that worked very powerfully. In particular, every part of the human body had such meanings. That is why a lotus mandala tattoo will not be appropriate everywhere.

Lotus in Asian mythology

In Southeast Asia, lotuses and water lilies are also considered sacred. In India, the birthplace of Hinduism and Buddhism, these white and pink flowers are sung in numerous legends. Being a symbol of feminine energy, the lotus also means fertility, the development of creativity and self-knowledge, the spiritual and physical development of each person. Lotus flowers were brought to the temples of “female” goddesses, including the main goddess of the Hindu pantheon - Lakshmi. It is also believed that the gods Brahma and Agni were born from a lotus flower, which gave them purity and solar energy.

The most widespread religion, whose symbol has always been the lotus flower or water lily, is Buddhism. One of the ideas about the origin of the world in Buddhism is that the original universe looked like a golden (solar) lotus. The white lotus has long been considered a symbol of innocence, good intentions and the finality of rebirth. Buddha sitting on a flower forms the “heart of the lotus” - a symbol of purity and perfection.

In Chinese Taoism, which arose long before Buddhism, the lotus personified spiritual improvement and the constant wheel of life, a symbol of continuous existence in development. Subsequently, some Chinese gods began to be depicted sitting on lotus flowers, for example the goddess Guan Yin, who is the patroness of children and women.

Lotus symbol

This image comes from Buddhism, where it personifies purity and the desire for unity with the Universe. Lotus grows in stagnant water or in bodies of water with little current. A pure white or soft pink flower opens on a muddy water surface, rising from the depths of the swamp, representing a metaphorical image of a being in samsara (the cycle of birth and death) and independent of it, untainted, maintaining a connection with the deity, having achieved enlightened wisdom .

As a tattoo, the lotus mandala is designed to protect its wearer not only from external evil forces, but also from one’s own rash actions.

In general, the lotus symbol is self-sufficient and does not require addition by any other signs and figures. But if we are talking about a tattoo, then there may be options: some people like to include an image of a lotus in the composition of symbols on their body, combining it with ornaments of the gods, vegetation, or oriental script.

Why lotus

The Vedas consider the flower a symbol of life on earth, purity, spontaneity, which is why the lotus is a symbol of Buddhism. After all, having passed through the muddy water of the swamps, the lotus continues to be beautiful and independent.

Its petals remain clean and dry. Buddha speaks the same designations about human life. Having gone through all the dirt and suffering, a person with sincere faith still remains pure and beautiful on Earth.

Previously, they made tea from lotus petals or smoked hookah in honor of cleansing from bad thoughts.

Until now, the flower is a symbol of Buddha, personifying chastity.

A gentle lotus, by its immediate appearance in muddy waters, speaks of an internal desire to purify itself. With such a quality of mind, it is not difficult to remain clean, even in the midst of dirt.

Mandala Lotus. Sketch

A lotus design usually consists of several levels.
Making a sketch is quite simple: the base of the mandala is traditional - it is a circle inscribed in a square, which, in turn, is framed by an outer circle. The outer circle is most often red - this is a symbol of fire - the element that cleanses from ignorance and manifests enlightenment. The inner circle is a calm and enlightened life; light, but not particularly bright colors are used here. In the center - the heart of the mandala - there is a lotus of eight petals on which the Buddhas are located. The center can be separated from the inner circle by a network of labyrinths or intricate patterns, which symbolizes the difficult and thorny path of knowledge.

This is the simplest sketch of a lotus mandala; masters can create more complex designs that look very beautiful. However, everyone can try to create their own lotus mandala, armed with the basic knowledge from our article and the appropriate tools.

Universal symbol of spiritual development

Lotus Flower in Egypt The Egyptian symbol for the lotus was called "Sesen".
In Egyptian mythology, the lotus flower was a symbol of the sun, creation and rebirth. Lotus flower in the East In the East, the lotus flower is considered a symbol of spiritual development. The roots of the lotus go into the ground, but it grows upward, reaching for the light, its petals open and a beautiful flower appears. “Om Mani Padme Hum”, which means: “Hail, jewel in the lotus flower,” is the sacred mantra of the Tibetans.

Lotus flower in Christianity In Christianity, the lotus flower was replaced by the white lily, which is associated with Mary as the Queen of Heaven and symbolizes fertility and purity. In the Christian tradition, Archangel Gabriel brings the Annunciation Lily to the Virgin Mary. Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see the Lord.” The teachings of the Master from Galilee, just like the teachings of the great yogis of India, are “cut” from the same fabric of self-awareness.

Lotus flower in Indian yoga In India, the lotus flower symbolizes deity, fertility, wealth, knowledge and enlightenment. It is associated with the goddess of abundance Mahalakshmi, who brings prosperity, purity and generosity. She sits on an open lotus flower and symbolizes purity, beauty and goodness.

Mandala coloring book download

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What does a lotus tattoo mean?

This flower is considered one of the amazing creations of nature, revered in various cultures due to its beauty. Hindu and Buddhist religions consider it one of the purest flowers despite the fact that it grows in muddy waters.

Since the plant is associated with religion and spirituality, the stylized lotus is suitable for people who want to depict a new beginning in life, as well as purity and devotion as part of their faith.

Let's take a closer look at the diverse meanings of lotus tattoos in different cultures and religions.

According to the Buddhist religion, the lotus determines the piety of the soul, since it grows in dirty water, while remaining absolutely pure. In Buddhism, purity of body, spirit and mind is the main meaning attached to the plant. Accordingly, a lotus tattoo for girls and boys has the same meaning, regardless of gender.

The meaning of a lotus tattoo depends on its color.

The color red represents the heart, which implies love and passion. The pink hue symbolizes devotion to the divine, and blue - teaching and reason. The color purple defines mysticism. In addition, it is a symbol of the eightfold path established by religion, which is reflected in its eight petals. The white lotus symbolizes chastity, tranquility and balance, expressed in the spiritual and educational spheres.

The ancient Egyptians viewed lotus tattoos as a symbol of new life and resurrection. Emerging legends say that the beginning of life on the planet was marked by the blossoming of this magical flower.

Asian people revere the flower because of its perfect beauty, which has been an inspiration for poets and artists since ancient times. The lotus tattoo signifies the feminine principle and represents family harmony when it comes to personal relationships.

Western culture associates the meaning of a lotus flower tattoo with the search for truth in life. Among European peoples, this plant signifies a new beginning and rebirth, as it reflects a divine concept.

The lotus tattoo has deep symbolic meaning in Hinduism. According to this religion, the flower means purity and divine beauty, and its opening leaves signify the spiritual awakening and expansion of the human soul. Hindus consider Padma a sacred flower and sometimes add the sign Om to it.

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