How to arrange furniture according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui of a one-room apartment


When approaching the issue of arranging a one-room apartment, the problem of limited space is acute. And you want to turn your home into a cozy, protected corner from everyday troubles and bustle. It is important that the living space is properly furnished, does not embarrass its owner and gives harmony to the surrounding environment. In this case, the methodology and practice of arranging objects and apartment furniture according to the laws of Feng Shui in a one-room apartment is the best fit. Asians are the most aware of using a limited area to create a real source of energy and wealth from their homes.

One-room feng shui

In Feng Shui, great importance is attached to the correct arrangement of space, while the space is clearly divided into a bedroom, kitchen, nursery, and study.
But in Russian realities, this state of affairs is quite rare. Much more common is the “one-room” option, when the bedroom, living room, nursery and office are located in one room. For 30 sq.m. One-room apartment requires considerable talent, ingenuity and ingenuity to apply the art of the ancient Chinese. Of course, you are not able to interfere in the process of building a house or change the location of the plumbing, but you are still able to do something.

Leave only what is necessary

Cleanliness, order and absence of trash are one of the principles of Feng Shui, necessary for the normal circulation of Qi.

Before you start a big cleaning, look at the lunar calendar

. This event must be planned on the waning moon. For a lucky day for you. In this case, it is recommended to sweep the garbage not towards the front door (this way you can sweep away good luck), but towards the kitchen.

Start by throwing out all unnecessary, old, broken things and objects

. Get rid of old things, broken cups, cracked vases and broken sleighs. Do not store old slippers or a permanently broken refrigerator. Donate unclaimed items to needy neighbors or take them to church. There is a rule: if an item in your wardrobe has lain untouched for more than a year, then you don’t need it.

For some Soviet people, who are accustomed to keeping everything, just in case, this is a rather difficult test. If you don’t have the moral strength to throw away something unnecessary, but dear to your heart, put it neatly in drawers and boxes. Label it and put it in the pantry. Ideally, the pantry will be separated from the room by a door. This could be a space on a balcony or loggia, or a closet, or a mezzanine. The main thing is order and cleanliness.

Defining sectors in a room

After you have cleaned your apartment, it's time to think about organizing it properly.

A one-room apartment is a bedroom, a living room, and an office in one room. And this versatility must be taken into account. First, use a compass to determine the directions of the world and decide which sectors (wealth, health, career, family, etc.) you want to activate at the moment. Taking into account your priorities, select the necessary areas of the apartment. This can be done using different wallpapers, lighting or furniture.

For example, in order to activate the knowledge sector, it would be good to put a shelf with books there, the family and marriage sector will emphasize additional consecration, and in the glory sector, place your achievements - medals, diplomas.

The center of the apartment bears a special load. From it, energy disperses to all other sectors. Therefore, it is so important to properly activate this zone. The easiest way to do this is with a rug and/or a bright crystal chandelier.

Sleeping area

The sleeping area requires special attention. While we sleep, our body is filled with strength and health. Therefore, you should not place the bed next to a window or indoor plants (they take energy), or near various equipment (computer, TV, stereo) that produce negative energy.

Do not hang any racks or shelves above the sleeping area. In addition to the fact that piles above the bed interfere with the circulation of energy, they are also unsafe. In small apartments, the bed often simultaneously plays the role of a sofa. Feng Shui does not recommend using transformable furniture. But if there is no other option yet, then a screen will help correct the situation. You can’t do without this piece of furniture in a one-room apartment: at night the screen will enclose your sleeping area, and during the day it will protect your desk.

Kitchen, bathroom, hallway, balcony.

Do not lose sight of the accompanying rooms: kitchen, bathroom, toilet, corridor, pantry and balcony.

In the kitchen it is necessary to separate the element of fire from the element of water. If the stove is located next to the sink, separate these areas with a wooden partition or shelf. The stove must always be clean and in working order. The taps in the sink must be in good working order and not leak. The same applies to sewerage.

Baths and toilets drain energy and well-being. To prevent this, the door to the bathrooms must be tightly closed. In combined bathrooms, separate the plumbing fixtures with a screen. If, due to poor planning, your restrooms are in your health or wealth zone, try to minimize the negative effect of this position. To do this, it is enough to make the doors leading to these rooms as inconspicuous as possible. For example, mirrored, so they seem to disappear. For Feng Shui bathrooms and toilets, a color scheme in tones that are in harmony with the element of Water is appropriate, namely light blue, greenish and white shades.

As for storerooms, they should not be used as a dump with a bunch of unnecessary things. The few things you need in everyday life should be kept clean and tidy: a vacuum cleaner, a fan, an ironing board. Free the balcony from all kinds of rags, bottles and broken skis.

Having transformed your apartment, making it cozy and conducive to a pleasant pastime, wait a little and see what happens. Following the house, your life will begin to change. If good events follow, then you did everything right. If not, you still have work to do.

Clean and tightly closed doors: the key to a positive flow of Qi energy

It is unlikely that it will be possible to organize a large-scale redevelopment, but it is quite possible to isolate yourself from the negative impact of some negative zones in the room. First of all, separate areas of your one-room apartment such as the bathroom and pantry with tightly closing doors. Mirrors will help limit the impact of negative energy, as well as visually expand your apartment. It is possible to use them on doors.

An important element in the Feng Shui order of a one-room apartment will also be the entrance doors and the small space that adjoins them. The powerful incoming flow of Qi energy should not linger when entering your home, and must certainly carry favorable and clean energy: for circulation in the room and the influx of new ideas. In this case, it is worth keeping clean near the front door and on a small piece of rug near the shoes, and if possible, wash the doors themselves thoroughly.

View from the window: an important Feng Shui element for the home

A very important element of housing, of course, will be the view from the windows of your home. Any negativity, be it industrial buildings, a cemetery, or an unpleasant looking landfill or other unattractive tinsel, should be naturally fenced off from your vision. The best and most effective way to tightly close opaque curtains or curtains on the windows. You can also place protective talismans and amulets on the windowsill: they will attract the negative effects of negative zones and will not harm your home. The best talismans in such a situation from the point of view of Feng Shui would be a pair of Heavenly Lions or three figurines of Warriors

General and fine cleaning of a one-room apartment according to Feng Shui

Before moving on to the immediate harmonization of space and the correct arrangement of objects, it is worth performing a general cleaning and tidying of the room. Be patient and take time and pick up a broom, mop and dusting rag. You don’t need a lot of effort, so this is the main advantage when cleaning a one-room apartment.

Get rid of old and unnecessary things that you haven’t used for a long time, you can safely give them to someone or give them to friends: these can be used things, old records and CDs, magazines, books, etc. In a word, something you won't need anymore.

Clear shelves, closets and chests of drawers of old items and clothing. The main rule of Feng Shui is: before you attract anything new into your life, you should get rid of the old. Having thoroughly washed everything and cleaned it on the material level, you can begin mental or subtle Feng Shui cleaning of a one-room apartment.

Stock up on candles or incense sticks, fill a spray bottle with salt water and take a glass of clean, but not boiled, water. Light candles or incense, open the windows wide, and walk around the perimeter of the room clockwise from the front door. While walking around, smoke your home with incense and sprinkle open surfaces with salt water.

Salt water will relieve you of negative energy and will also help you fight its effects in the future by being absorbed at a subtle level into the surface. If any salt stains remain visible, you should wipe them with a clean, damp cloth. At the end of the ritual, do not forget to take a shower and wash off foreign energy fields. It will be good if only you are present in the room during the cleansing session. You can take small sips from a glass of clean water to maintain your energy level during the cleansing process.

Once the cleaning is complete, everything should be sparkling, in good working order, tinted, and not showing any clutter or rags.

Ideal arrangement of furniture in the bedroom according to Feng Shui

First of all, you need to place the bed correctly - this is where the creation of a bedroom design begins. We have already discussed how to do this in a separate article.

Now that the place for the bed has been determined, let's move on to the rest of the interior items. Let's start with the most bulky one - a closet or wardrobe. According to the rules of Feng Shui, you should not place it in a niche, and in general it is better to avoid niches in the bedroom. The ideal location of the cabinet is along the wall. Ideally, the wardrobe should occupy the entire wall.

This rule can only be broken if you have a narrow, long room with a small window - this position of the wardrobe will visually lengthen it even more, making it look like a corridor. In this case, it is better to think about a built-in wardrobe, or a small wardrobe that will fit along a short wall.

Now let's talk about the chest of drawers. Feng Shui experts generally do not recommend purchasing it at all if the size of your room does not exceed 12 square meters. In such a tiny room, positive energy will already circulate with difficulty, and a chest of drawers will further complicate the movement of its flow. To store linen, it is better to limit yourself to hanging closed shelves, or allocate space in the closet for pillowcases, sheets and duvet covers.

If the bedroom is large, then the location of the chest of drawers can be any, but the main thing is to place it against the wall. However, it rarely occurs to anyone to place a chest of drawers in the center of the room. A chest of drawers, like other bedroom furniture according to Feng Shui, is better to choose from wood.

If you don’t have a chest of drawers, and you prefer to use small cabinets for storing small items, place them on the sides of the head of the bed, but make sure that the sharp corners (if any) are not directed towards your marital bed - this will have a bad effect on family relationships. By the way, there is a special requirement for the height of bedside tables: they should not be higher than the mattress.

And the last point is the location of the dressing table according to Feng Shui. Of course, you need to place it near the bed, but in no case opposite it. Also make sure that there is no window or mirror on the opposite side of the table.

Now let’s summarize what an ideal arrangement of furniture should look like according to Feng Shui: the bed is located according to all the rules, on one side of it there is a low bedside table, on the other there is a dressing table, and opposite the bed there is a spacious wardrobe. If there is a chest of drawers, then it must also stand along the wall.

Bagua zones, Lo Shu magic square and Feng Shui arrangement

Only after carrying out the cleansing ritual and putting the room in order can you begin global structuring and arrangement of objects according to the laws of Feng Shui. What is the advantage of one-room housing in such situations? First of all, the room resembles a regular rectangle or square of the magical figure of Lo Shu, which contains all the necessary zones. When moving on to the layout and placement of objects, you should be guided by common sense and personal comfort, while not forgetting about the areas of Bagua influence. The apartment should equally contain areas for recreation, wealth, love, as well as areas for career, personal time and other things. This is where the main difficulties arise. Combine the impossible within the confines of one room. The main piece of furniture in any apartment is the sleeping area. According to the laws of Feng Shui, folding sofas do not have a favorable effect on married life and relaxation in general. If you live with your significant other, then, if possible, worry about a full double bed. If the conditions are so minimal that you can’t do without a folding sofa, then fold it as little as possible, leaving it open for a long time. In any case, a bed is the best option. Remember that any thing has both four favorable positions and four negative ones. Be sure to take this into account when arranging items in the room. You can confidently hang an Indian dream catcher talisman above your bed to ensure healthy sleep and get rid of negativity. The main thing is not to turn your own apartment into a warehouse and storage of old things. As for the kitchen and cooking area, two elements collide in this place: fire and water, and if they are at a sufficient distance from each other, so much the better. Try to place the sink and stove as far from each other as possible. If this possibility does not exist, use another element for separation - wood. A hanging wooden cutting board between these two elements of the kitchen interior will come in handy.

Putting the “bedroom” in order (according to Feng Shui)

Of course, you cannot organize a separate bedroom in a one-room apartment.
Therefore, we have to use “furniture” reserves. Furniture in such a house is generally a headache for the owners. You can’t put too much, but too little may not be enough. Therefore, transformable furniture is often used in one-room apartments. But Feng Shui does not welcome this approach. But if you have nowhere to go, then at least follow the rules: Do not leave the sofa (on which you sleep) unfolded: let it be in your house in this form only at night. However, when turning a sofa into a bed, make sure that the headboard is not next to indoor flowers, near the front door or near a window, and even more so, near the computer and TV (even when turned off). Do not hang mirrors in the room so that a sleeping person is reflected in them (by any part of the body).

To protect your sleeping area, use screens and partitions: between the sofa and the window, the sofa and the door. If you have a small child and, accordingly, a crib, then do not place it near the window or door and move it away from the desk. As a last resort, build a canopy over the crib and hang curtains on the side walls of the crib.

A simple test to determine the harmony and purity of energy in a room

And finally, after cleaning and arranging in the Feng Shui style, as well as acquiring a sufficient number of faithful talismans and dividing the room into appropriate zones, you can conduct a simple test for the purity of energy and harmony in your own home. Stand in the center of your room and make a simple clap of your hands: if the echo turns out to be loud and ringing, then everything is in order, and you did a great job. If he seems deaf to you, you should probably change something in the room, or seek advice from an appropriate specialist. Remember, competently and lovingly furnished housing will bring you joy and happiness for a long time, and will become a source of money, harmony and vital energy.

Feng Shui Message Series:
Part 1 - Feng Shui Karma of Your Home Part 2 - Dangerous Items for the Wealth Zone. Part 3 - Feng Shui and house plants Part 4 - How to celebrate the New Year according to Feng Shui Part 5 - Feng Shui of a one-room apartment. Part 6 - How to decorate your living room according to Feng Shui. Part 7 - Bedroom according to Feng Shui rules: 6 tips, 20 examples. Part 8 - Symbols of wealth and prosperity.

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