Special properties of the orange vegetable - how are pumpkin amulets made?

Purpose of the figurine

The pumpkin often depicts hieroglyphs or gods that attract good luck, Chinese lucky coins. It is recommended to tie a gourd with a red or gold (yellow) thread; it is advisable to tie a Chinese knot - this will enhance the effect of the amulet.

The main purpose of the figurine is to protect and maintain health, accumulate positive Qi energy, ensuring good mood and well-being for others, and gaining longevity.

Additionally, the purpose is to enhance love feelings and return passion.

In addition, pumpkin can be used as a container for storing water - the water remains clean and fresh for a long time.

Pumpkin (gourd) has other names (depending on the dialect of the Chinese province):

  • calabash;
  • Ho-Lu;
  • U-Low;
  • Wo-Lu.

History of the talisman

Even in past centuries, the Chinese drank water from pumpkins. Clean water was valued; it was considered healing and life-giving. Since ancient times, people have understood that water brings life to Earth, and it must be valued and protected.

It has become common practice to store liquid in a vessel called Hu Lu, so it is generally accepted that pumpkin is a symbol of health and life. Surprisingly, it was convenient to store water in the amulet, because it did not spoil and remained drinkable for a long time. People believed that it would take away all the difficulties of those who drank water from it.

Later, Chinese doctors stored medicines and various decoctions in Hu Lu. Many legends say that Taoist monks used the plant as a trap for evil spirits. Therefore, this talisman has become a sacred vessel that absorbs negative energy. Other legends tell that these same monks collected the energy of the whole world into the plant, and then, if necessary, drew it from there.

This amulet is called differently. For example, Ho Lu, Wu Low, Wu Lu. There are many provinces in China, and each has its own dialect, but the meaning of all these words is the same.

Pumpkins were grown in special conditions; it was considered a sacred rite. Any person could not do this; they underwent special training for this. The specialist had to put his heart and soul into growing the amulet. Only then was the talisman considered endowed with power and healing properties.

Activation of the talisman

After acquiring Ho-Lu, it must be activated:

  • choose the location of the amulet;
  • tell the pumpkin your sincere, kind and sincere wishes, cherished thoughts and requests;
  • place the gourd in the chosen place.

Periodically (especially after recovery), the pumpkin must be reactivated:

  • rinse the talisman with running water;
  • dry (if the material of the figurine is natural dried pumpkin, then it must be dried more thoroughly to avoid mold);
  • take a large candle, place it next to the amulet and burn it completely (an alternative to this procedure is fumigation with incense, medicinal herbs, clean with sea salt, leave in the sun);
  • leave the pumpkin to “rest” for a couple of days;
  • repeat the ritual of telling U-Lou your desires and sincere wishes;
  • return the gourd to the right place.

When replacing a pumpkin, attention should be paid to proper disposal - throw it into running water or bury it in the ground.

How to use gourd pumpkin?

There are only a few ways to use Wu-Lu. Firstly, Feng Shui experts recommend placing it in the sector where the Star of Diseases is located. Every year she “flies” to different zones. You can find out its exact location by looking at the Flying Stars map. The latter is regularly compiled by Feng Shui experts and posted on thematic websites. So, for example, if this year it is directed to the southeast, then the gourd pumpkin should be placed in the same sector of the house. It will protect its inhabitants from diseases and all sorts of ailments, and will also improve health and eliminate all the negative energy that the Star of Diseases carries with it.

In addition, Wu-Lu can be placed or hung by the patient’s bed. Such an amulet will contribute to a faster recovery of a person and save him from a serious illness. If you wish, you can find a special set of hanging gourds in the store that can be conveniently attached to the ceiling.

Finally, it is also worth noting that this amulet is capable of not only getting rid of diseases, but also accumulating negativity. Therefore, at least once a year it needs to be cleansed. To do this, the pumpkin must be washed under running water or covered with salt for 2-3 days, then rinsed with a decoction of medicinal herbs. Before using it, you need to ask for help, and after it has removed the illness from the patient, you must sincerely thank it.


Location of the talisman

The calabash can be placed in any sector:

  • near the bed of a sick person - the amulet will give strength, relieve pain, speed up recovery, and take away negative energy;
  • in the bedroom (in the Love sector) – the talisman will bring harmony to relationships, restore passion, strengthen bonds;
  • near or on the workplace - a gourd will collect negative energy, activate efficiency, and protect from accidents;
  • in the Family sector - will help restore vital energy and relationships between generations.

The only limitation is that you should never place a pumpkin in the bathroom or toilet - this can lead to completely unpredictable consequences and the opposite effect.
Alexander, November 6, 2014.

What does a pumpkin symbolize?

In the mythological aspect, PUMPKIN was a plant of the goddess Zhiva , who was also associated with the hundred (chakra) Belly and was responsible not only for earthly and human fertility (her Autumn holiday is September 22 - 24), but also, being the wife of Dazhdbog, was responsible for prosperity , in the broadest sense of the word.

That is why among the Western Slavs the pumpkin also became a symbol of matchmaking (initially, and only then, when traditions were forgotten, it became a symbol of refusal - the film “Trembita”, the main character gave “Garbuz” as a refusal to the groom).

Pumpkin magic

Among the Bulgarians, dried pumpkin, its flowers and seeds were often used in the magic of increasing wealth , in rituals for successful trade, in calling a child (carrying 3 pumpkin seeds near the womb).

And let us remember the holiday of Halloween, where pumpkin is one of the main elements of the ritual. It is celebrated in Western countries from October 31 to November 1.

This is a late interpretation and modification of a ritual action symbolizing the confrontation between two sisters, the goddess Zhiva (symbol of the passing agrarian year, passing light, grace - the symbol of a pumpkin and the light of a candle) and the goddess Mara, who was responsible for the coming time of darkness, trials, purification , a time when we are all tested for spiritual strength, in case of lack of which during its time, our souls can be taken over by various diseases, darkness, illusions - evil “forces” (its symbols are evil monsters and carnival masks of the Halloween holiday).

Initially, in this ritual, the pumpkin was used not only as a candlestick, however, not containing any frightening faces, but also as a gift and decoration of the house, as a symbol of the grace accumulated over the summer , life, which is revered in this house.

The custom of giving a pumpkin on this day was considered a good omen, because with it you give a piece of light, joy and warmth.

Making a talisman with your own hands

A vegetable amulet will work well if placed near a window.
To make a magic amulet, you need to purchase an ordinary round pumpkin from your own hands or grow it yourself, but purchasing it in stores or supermarkets is not recommended. Practitioners allow the use of both fresh and dried fruit. The easiest way to use it is to place a small pumpkin inside the house near the window. This is an ideal location to absorb negative energies coming from outside. If you have a personal plot, then the large pumpkin is located outside.

If the fruit suddenly becomes covered with cracks, bursts or deteriorates, it means that the protective amulet has served its purpose and absorbed the maximum amount of negativity. The peels must be carefully collected and burned, preferably using an open fire or stove. To replace the old fruit, you need to put a new one in the same place.

According to Feng Shui, it is forbidden to leave a pumpkin in the toilet or bathroom, because instead of prosperity, such a talisman will bring grief to the family.

For medicinal purposes, ancient Chinese healers recommend purchasing young gourd. The fruit is placed at the head of the bed to charge the sick person with positive energy and take away the disease. After recovery, it is not recommended to throw away the pumpkin; it is better to wash it thoroughly in running water and dry it so that it regains its magical properties. To activate the fetus, a paraffin candle is placed nearby. In the future, you can use the gourd again for treatment or protection, for example, by putting it in a desk closet - this will hide a person from envy and gossip.

Another method of making a talisman involves cutting off the neck of the fruit and tying it with a scarlet wool thread. A gold ribbon is suitable as an alternative. Chinese characters for wealth and luck are carved onto the peel using a knife, as well as totemic patron animals or appeals to divine entities. Modern practitioners recommend replacing a natural gourd with an artificial metal or ceramic one, which, due to its shape, carries the same sacred meaning and lasts much longer. To attract money to the family, it is recommended to choose a precious base for the amulet.

Feng Shui talisman gourd gourd Hu Lu

Details Category: Feng Shui talismans

Gourd gourd Hu Lu (other names: lagenaria vulgaris , calabash ) is one of the most famous health talismans in Feng Shui. The gourd is shaped like a figure eight (for the Chinese, 8 is a symbol of constant and growing well-being, good luck and success) and an inverted infinity (an endless, never-ending flow of abundance), which symbolizes the power of this talisman.

Pumpkin as a symbol

Why do some Chinese pharmacies hang a gourd in front of the door?

Through the saying “It’s not clear what kind of medicine is sold in a gourd pumpkin,” you can already understand that this pumpkin is definitely related to medicine. The gourd gourd (Chinese hulu), called “hu” (flask) in ancient times and known among the common people as “hulugua,” is one of the elements of Taoist paraphernalia. Often, when medicine is mentioned in Taoist stories, gourd is also included. One of the “eight Taoist saints” - Li Iron Staff - often carries a gourd filled with miraculous pills over his shoulders; he travels around the world and cures people of illnesses and diseases. In ancient times, Taoists also tended to use the hula as a vessel to store miracle cures.

The mention of “medicinal gourd” can be found in the “History of the Later Han Dynasty”:during the Later Han period, an epidemic raged in the Henan region, the life of the people became unbearable. One day a mysterious old man came here, he opened a tiny shop in one alley selling medicinal herbs, in front of which there was hung a gourd filled with pills that treated just this scourge. This “old man with a flask” had unique knowledge and loved to do good deeds; for anyone who came to him for medical help, the old man took out one pill from a gourd and offered the patient to drink it with water. And thus, everyone who drank the medicine of this “old man with a flask” gradually recovered. One man from Runan, Fei Zhangfang, noticed this old man jumping into a flask (gourd), after everyone left, he realized that this was an unusual person, so he decided to pay him a visit with the purest thoughts, the old man invited him to jump together with him in the flask. From that moment on, Fei Zhangfang began to learn from him to follow his path, the old man with the flask passed on to him all his skills, allowing him to benefit people through medicine.

Hanging a medicinal gourd in front of a Chinese pharmacy has two meanings: first, to openly express your desire to benefit people through medicine. Second, it points to the practical benefits of hulu: the medicine is actually preserved in a gourd much better than in iron boxes, clay pots or wooden boxes, since the gourd has good tightness. It does not allow dampness to easily penetrate inside and makes storing medications dry more convenient.

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