Peony plant: its miraculous magical and healing properties

Peony plant and its healing properties

As we have already said, Peony is a real healer, and not just a flower. The tincture of its roots is most valued. You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself - it’s not difficult at all. Thanks to this decoction, you will say goodbye to insomnia, fears, phobias and any anxieties in general. Peony is very good at calming the nervous system and helping a person relax.

Moreover, this flower is also used for cosmetic purposes. During the times of ancient Rus', it was used to fight acne, as well as oily skin. In addition, peony root tincture makes an excellent remedy for activating hair growth. This tincture just needs to be rubbed into the scalp from time to time. Then your hair will not only grow well, but also shine with a beautiful shine. This is such a miraculous peony!

Making a peony tincture is very simple. You need to take the roots of the flower, but only after it has bloomed and dropped its seeds. Then you must carefully dig up the roots, wash them and dry them. Then the roots need to be cut into small pieces and stored in a glass jar with a lid. And when you need it, you just need to pour boiling water over a few pieces.

But do not forget that before using Peony for medicinal purposes, you must consult a doctor.

Romance Flower Formula

This formula is contained in the famous “Four Pillars of Destiny” system. This system considers the entire life path of a person, fate and luck. The essence of the method is to select and activate your Patron of Romance. The patrons of romance in the Chinese horoscope are represented by four animals: the Rooster, Rabbit, Horse and Rat.

To find out who patronizes you, you need to determine which animal year you were born in, and then look at the table.

There are several options for using this formula. We will tell you about the simplest.

The simplest thing is to buy a figurine or talisman of your Patron and carry it with you constantly. You can buy a figurine, a coin, a keychain with the image of your animal, you can even just print the image on your computer or cut it out of any magazine and carry it in your pocket. Feng Shui practice shows that this method really works.

Peony plant for protection against evil spirits

Peony has not only strong healing, but also magical properties. It is considered a symbol of modesty and decency. The Chinese are confident that evil spirits will not hang around peonies, since the aroma of this beautiful flower repels any manifestation of darkness and gloom.

By the way, with the help of peony you can also protect your child from all sorts of evil spirits. To do this, you need to string the roots and seeds of this flower on a thread and hang it around his neck. This is one of the most powerful amulets against damage and the evil eye.

Apartment zones

To change a certain area of ​​life and improve it, the teachings of Feng Shui recommends identifying functional areas in the apartment. Proper arrangement of them allows you to collect and direct energy in the right direction.

There are several sectors, each of which is responsible for its own area of ​​life:

  • north – career;
  • south – self-realization, personal success;
  • West – children;
  • east - health;
  • northwest - travel;
  • northeast - wisdom;
  • southwest - love, family, marriage;
  • southeast - wealth, prosperity.

Before activating the zone, you need to get rid of prohibited items that spoil the energy. They are presented in the table below.

ItemWhat an impact
Any products or images with predatorsBring destructive energy
Peacock feathersDespite their beauty, they are considered to bring bad luck
cactiAny sharp objects, in this case plant needles, generate negative energy
Columns in the middle of the roomsThe harmony of space, as well as the entire environment, is disrupted
Open shelves (does not count if closed with glass doors)Draws excessive attention to personal space
Products or images with lonely peopleIn marriage they will bring infidelity of the partner, in loneliness they interfere with the search for family happiness
Crushed mirror (even if it's a design move)When they look into it, they see themselves in parts. Energy also breaks down, which leads to weakening of the body and even illness.

After eliminating negative objects that steal or spoil energy, they begin to activate the selected zone.

Wealth Zone

The wealth zone is located in the southeastern part of the apartment. The main symbol is the money tree, so activation is performed with water so that there is recharge. Small fountains, a vase of flowers, or even a regular bottle of mineral water will do.

In addition to the money tree and water, the zone is activated by other items:

  • ship;
  • Hottei;
  • toad with a coin;
  • individual coins tied with a red ribbon.

Earth symbols destroy energy. Therefore, if you place a living money tree in the wealth zone, the soil in the pot should be covered with artificial lawn or completely covered with shells.

Glory Zone

Those hungry for fame and recognition need to take care of the southern part of the apartment. This is one of the most powerful zones, so it is activated by fire symbols. It is necessary to use red color in design or decoration.

There are several rules to help you correctly activate the glory zone:

  • good lighting, preferably natural;
  • figures or images of birds - crane, eagle, sea eagle;
  • personal awards, even if this is an old school diploma;
  • elements of personal creativity if you plan to gain fame in this direction.

Placed candles, even unlit ones, help. But from time to time you need to let the fire go. The required energy of the flame image is also collected.

Zone of love and marriage

The love zone is given to the entire southwestern space in the house. The main method of activation is the use of paired items. Traditionally, they buy a figure depicting ducks or swans.

But useful items are also capable of generating the necessary energy:

  • chairs;
  • shelves;
  • mugs-plates;
  • stationery pens;
  • notepads and stickers;
  • ottomans or armchairs.

The article provides useful Feng Shui tips for home improvement.

The only thing that is not divided into 2 parts is the bed.

It must be unified; even 2 separate mattresses spoil the energy. It is also desirable that paired items are not identical, but very similar. If they could not be found, make a small mark, for example, with nail polish, on the hidden part of one of the products.

Children and creativity zone

The children's area is located in the west of the apartment. It is characterized by symbols of the earthly element, so there should be no hint of fire, water or air.

Suitable for this zone:

  • indoor plants in clay or ceramic pots;
  • children's crafts or drawings;
  • images of a happy family (not necessarily people, animals can be used);
  • figurines with storks;
  • bird's nests.

The color scheme should be in pastel shades. Bright colors repel energy, so they are not used even in accessories and talismans.

Zone of assistants, mentors and successful travels

If you want to go on a trip, you need to activate the corresponding zone in the northwest. According to Feng Shui, activation promotes not only tourist trips, but also attracting useful people into life. They can teach you a lot and give useful advice.

Visualization works best in the travel zone. You need to hang photographs or drawings of countries where you would like to go, their attractions or natural landscape.

When planning to search for a mentor, hang up a picture of a famous person whom you would like to be like. For example, when a woman needs willpower and courage, she uses a picture of a warrior, like Athena or Joan of Arc.

Career and life path zone

The quarry zone is in the north and is supported by water symbols. According to Feng Shui, metal works best. Therefore, you need to place metal furniture, different figures and talismans here. If there are none in the house, it is enough to create the appearance of a metal surface - cover the products or interior items with silver paint.

The northern part of the apartment should be free from any manifestation of fire. You cannot even leave matches here, much less place candles or images with flames. Among all the elements, fire has the strongest energy. Therefore, small details can have a greater impact than several water accessories and talismans.

Zone of wisdom and knowledge

When there is no strength or experience to make responsible decisions, the north-eastern part of the apartment is used. Here is the zone of wisdom. The ideal option is when it coincides with the library, otherwise you should hang a small bookshelf. Low-grade literature and magazines are not welcome, as they cannot teach anything.

Classic volumes and scientific encyclopedias are quite suitable.

Family zone

In the southwest there is a zone of family and marriage. If activated, complete mutual understanding is formed between spouses and children. The color is green, and the main items are any that symbolize family happiness. These are photographs, children's drawings, crafts, mostly wooden.

The following cannot be placed in the family area:

  • photographs of deceased relatives, even if they are portraits from famous artists;
  • plants with sharp leaves or cacti, even beautifully blooming ones;
  • stuffed animals, only figurines.

The furniture in the family area should also match - kitchen corners, shared wardrobes, double beds. A wooden table is well suited, around which the whole large family gathers for dinner or at least holidays. Mirrors are acceptable, but only if the family part of the apartment is not located in the bedroom.

Health zone

If you need to improve your health, activate the health zone. It is located in the east, and its main symbol is a large tree. If space does not allow for a large pot with an indoor tree, experts recommend using climbing plants.

Their stems need to be hung on different sides, creating the effect of a crown. The main enemy of the health zone is metal. It is forbidden to have metal objects here, as well as imitation of them. If there is furniture in the area, then only wood or substitutes.

Peony plant to attract love

In Feng Shui, peony is considered a way to attract a betrothed. To do this, you need to place a vase or pot with these flowers in your home. Peony will also help you improve your relationships if they have lost their former fire. Then real passion, loyalty and understanding will reign between you and your partner. Peonies are able to attract harmony into human relationships. But in this matter, the color of plants plays an important role. Thus, pink peonies create romantic energy, red ones create passionate energy, white peonies create trusting energy, and dark ones bring calmness and tranquility.

Balancing the feminine and masculine

The ancient teaching of Feng Shui views the world from the perspective of Yin and Yang. These are not opposite aspects, but complementary ones. This is how you need to treat the feminine and masculine principles. They should not fight among themselves, but harmonize.

Yin and Yang are in balance, although they are polar: like black and white. Each time there is a transformation of opposites into each other, they tend to always be in motion, they flow, which gives rise to a flow of Qi energy.

The balance of emotions, masculine and feminine, helps to develop harmonious relationships in your personal life.

Attracting love according to Feng Shui is a daily work. A person needs to be friendly and harmoniously arrange his personal space. It should have a balance of male and female energy. For example, a single woman should not fill her entire apartment with cute floral patterns, cat figurines and lace. In such a space there is no male energy, attracting a partner is unlikely. You should supplement the space with yang energy: purchase objects of rich colors, “masculine” in energy.

The bedroom is the basis of relationships according to Feng Shui

The bedroom is a symbol of love, sensuality and partnership. Therefore, its arrangement should be given special importance. It is advisable to choose warm, “earthly” shades: yellow, orange.

You cannot use the element of Water in the bedroom, because this can lead to misunderstanding in relationships and betrayal. The elements of Wood and Metal are also undesirable in the bedroom, because they deplete the element of Earth.

The Metal element adds intense sensations in the intimate sphere to the relationships of partners. The element for nourishing the sexual sphere is gold. Therefore, at the entrance to the bedroom, on the door, you should stick gold stars or any paintings with gilding on the frame.

There should be no mirror in the bedroom that reflects the bed. This can take away luck in romantic affairs between spouses.

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