Orthodox prayers before starting any good deed

Believers are confident that any business begun should have the blessing of the Lord. In order to receive it, you need to read a special prayer. Every Christian remembers that everything created on earth is the work of the Lord. That is why, without a doubt, earthly life belongs to the Creator. Therefore, a person cannot control everything that happens around him. It is for this reason that various unforeseen circumstances often arise in life. This explains the need for prayer before starting any business.

Orthodox prayers before starting any business

In the Orthodox Church, most often, before starting any business, turn to the Holy Spirit. Prayer texts can be found in any prayer book. It is believed that this type of prayer must be learned by heart in order to pronounce them without hesitation if necessary.

It is also permissible to say briefly before starting any task:

“God bless!”

In addition, you can offer a prayer appeal before starting any business to other saints:

  • To Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, who worked hard all his life and constantly provided help to people in need and those who needed his support.
  • To the Great Martyr Tryphon, who earned the trust of ordinary people with his effective assistance in finding work and in ensuring that a person could perform his work duties efficiently.
  • To the Guardian Angel, who is appointed by God at the birth of a person in order to protect the body from illnesses and the soul from temptations.
  • To one’s own patron saint, that is, to the Saint whose name was given at birth.
  • To the Most Holy Theotokos, the patroness of all those asking for help.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel to start a successful business

If you decide to start a business, you definitely need to enlist the support of your Guardian Angel.
When taking the first steps in new endeavors, it is difficult to figure out what is right and what is wrong. Unfortunately, on the path to success a person is surrounded by competitors and envious people. God's Intercessor will protect a person from such people. Start any business with a three-day fast that will cleanse your body and mind. It is advisable to order a prayer for health. Any business requires great physical and mental dedication. The Lord will make sure that the body does not fail, and that there are enough nerves to withstand future trials.

During Lent, it is advisable not to start any important tasks, especially if they are related to obtaining long-term results. It is believed that this is not the best time to start a business. It is better to devote this time to caring for your soul, getting rid of sins and cleansing your thoughts of everything bad.

As believers testify, the work before which the prayer was read goes much better. Hidden opportunities will open up for you, and help will come to you in difficult times. With the help of prayer, we connect with the Lord, asking him for protection and help.

Prayer before starting something especially important

After the prayer is read, before starting any work, it is necessary to do the work honestly and efficiently. Prayer should not be treated as a magic spell. Higher Powers will never do anything for a praying person; they can only guide in the right direction and support. Prayer gives strength, it is necessary for a feeling of confidence, but it never cancels what a person must do on his own.

The main prayer before starting work sounds like this:

“Heavenly King, Great Comforter, Soul of Truth. You are the creator of the earthly world everywhere and in everything, so you can fulfill everything. Treasure of blessings and life, Giver, come and dwell in me, cleanse me from all filth, and save, Lord, my soul. Bless, Almighty, and help me, Your unworthy and sinful servant (my own name), to complete the work that I plan to begin, for Your glory. Lord, All-Merciful Savior of mankind, Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of Your Beginning Father, You have spoken with Your most pure lips that we mortals cannot accomplish anything worthwhile without Your help. My Lord, I believe and accept Your will. With a sincere heart and prayer from my soul, I fall before Your image and pray for Your goodness. Help me and support me in the work I have begun, so that it will be for the benefit of other people and for the glory of Your Holy Name. Amen".

How to pray correctly before starting any business?

The Prophet David commanded that a person must work from morning until evening in order to provide himself with food. Every working day should begin with prayer before starting any work and begin work only after asking for blessings.

There are certain rules that every Christian must follow when starting to pray:

  • You need to pray regularly , and not just when the need arises. Be sure to read the morning and evening rules, as well as read prayers before and after meals.
  • The text can be read from a prayer book , but it is better to learn it by heart, especially since it is quite meek. The main thing is to deeply feel and understand the meaning.
  • A prayer read without understanding will not be heard . You cannot receive grace by mechanically repeating a memorized text. A believer must understand every word spoken in order to pass it through his heart.
  • It is advisable to read the prayer in a low voice . This will make it easier to concentrate and remember it. You need to put aside extraneous thoughts, calm down, and only after that begin a conversation with God.
  • Resentment, irritation and sins are barriers that can prevent us from being heard. Therefore, you need to confess and receive communion as often as possible.
  • Before starting a big undertaking, it is advisable to fast , accompanied by reading the Psalter. This will strengthen your strength.

Prayers before reading the Psalter and Gospel

Church ministers recommend starting your Bible study by reading the Gospel of the Psalms. Of course, an unprepared person may have many difficulties in doing this. Therefore, you need to do it correctly.

The following recommendations should be observed:

  • The first thing you need to remember is to be responsible. That is, reading the Gospel and Psalms should be approached very seriously and with full responsibility. If you do this out of idle curiosity and with bias, then there will be no benefit from reading the Sacred Texts.
  • Secondly, it is important to be conscientious about your work. It is important to awaken in your soul the desire to read; only with this approach will you be able to delve into the meaning of texts and deeply understand them.

The clergy are confident that it is possible to understand the Gospel and the psalms only if one recites a special prayer before starting the reading. It can conditionally be considered the key to the read church text. It is important to remember that when reading the Bible, you should always read the chapter to the end.

A prayer before reading the psalms and the Gospel may sound like this:

“Shine with your goodness in our hearts, Great Lover of Mankind, Heavenly Lord, grant us the imperishable light of Your divine understanding, open our thoughts to perceive God’s Scripture. Grant me understanding of Your gospel preachings. Place fear in me, O Lord, so that I will not deviate from Your commandments. Do not allow yourself to succumb to demonic carnal lusts that destroy your spiritual integrity. Let me live for Your pleasure, in order to learn Your wisdom. Only You are the enlightenment of our bodies and souls. I send glory to you, Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen".

Prayer at the end of the task


You are the fulfillment of all good things, my Christ, fill my soul with joy and gladness and save me, for I am the only one who is abundantly merciful, Lord, glory to you. It is worthy that You are truly blessed, the Mother of God, the Ever-Blessed and Most Immaculate and the Mother of our God. We magnify the most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, who gave birth to God the Word without corruption, the real Mother of God Thee.

Translation: Fullness of all blessings, You, my Christ, fill my soul with joy and gladness and save me, O Only Most Merciful, Lord, glory to You. It is truly worthy to praise You, Mother of God, eternally blessed and immaculate and Mother of our God. With honor higher than the Cherubim and incomparably more glorious than the Seraphim, who virginally gave birth to God the Word, the true Mother of God, we glorify You.

Prayer before the start of the working day - going to work

In order for your working day to be successful, you should definitely read a special prayer before going to work. Moreover, if in the morning there is no time for prayer, then before leaving the house you can say a short phrase:

"God bless."

But if there is time, then it is better to read the full prayer appeal to the Holy Spirit or the Savior Jesus Christ. It would be appropriate to pray to other Saints before the start of the working day, like this:

  • Your own Guardian Angel, who is assigned by God to each person at the moment of birth. He is always nearby, so he can support not only spiritually, but also help in any everyday matter.
  • The Most Holy Theotokos, who is the patroness of every believer. The Virgin Mary was a worker during her earthly life, so she always hears prayers for work.
  • Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, who during his lifetime worked hard and provided free help to all people in need.

A strong prayer addressed to the Savior sounds like this:

“Bless, Lord Almighty, Great Lover of Mankind and Giver of blessings to those who have strong faith and love for the Lord in their hearts. Help me, a sinful and unworthy servant of God (my own name), to complete all the deeds planned on this day in order to glorify Your Holy Name. Grant me your support, for you yourself have said that we must seek Your help and you will bestow your goodness on us. Lord Almighty, I believe in my mercy and ask you to guide me on the true path. I accept Your will and glorify Your name. Amen".

]Prayer before work for good luck (before an interview, after a vacation)

In order for success to accompany your work, you need to repeat a special prayer every day. Such a prayer will help you get through difficult times and find a way out of a difficult situation. If necessary, it will help when searching for a job or moving up the career ladder.

A strong prayer that will attract success is addressed to Saint Tryphon. It must be read in front of the icon of the Saint. It is very important that all words sound sincere.

They sound like this:

“Oh, Holy Great Martyr of Christ Tryphon! You are a quick heavenly helper of praying Christians, I, the servant of God (proper name), sincerely appeal to you in front of your image and offer my prayer. Hear me, a sinner and unworthy, and do not refuse your help and support, because you always hear those who honor your memory. You yourself, when dying, said that you would help everyone who turns to you, being in sadness and need. With your God-given power, you will deliver from unfavorable circumstances and misfortunes. I remember how you healed the Roman Caesar from a terrible illness - and that was only one of your miracles. So, hear me and help me, become my helper and protector from the evil one. Be my guiding star, illuminating the path to the Kingdom of Heaven. Pray for me before the Lord, ask him for forgiveness of my voluntary and involuntary sins, may the Almighty give me a blessing in my work to glorify His Holy Name. Amen".

Prayer before the start of the school year (beginning of any teaching)

Education occupies an important place in a person’s life. In Orthodoxy, there is a tradition of offering a special prayer before the start of the school year or any other teaching. This allows you to properly tune in to your studies and receive God’s blessing to gain knowledge.

A strong prayer is directed to God and sounds like this:

“Most kind Lord Almighty, our creator and Great Lover of mankind, I ask you to send down to me, the servant of God (my own name), the grace of Your Holy Spirit, so that I can successfully learn all knowledge. Strengthen my spiritual strength and grant me the concept of the meaning of life and the importance of comprehending science. So that I can easily comprehend the teaching taught to me, and grow towards You, the Creator of the whole world, glorifying Your Name in my prayers. Help me to study well, so as not to upset my parents and be a consolation for them, so that I serve the Holy Church, and my deeds are for the benefit of the Fatherland. Most merciful Lord, send me Your mercy in my studies, grant me understanding and awaken all my natural abilities. Amen"

It is very important, when achieving certain successes in your studies, not to forget to thank the Lord for everything that he gives you. It is not necessary to do this through prayer; you can express gratitude in your own words.

The meaning of petition

Christ taught us: “Knock, seek, ask, and you will be heard.” He hears everyone who turns to Him with a request, so prayer before starting any task will help you find grace.

The most precious and intimate thing every believer has is a conversation with God. Gracious and Great, he will give insight, pointing out our sins, and lead to salvation. A prayer call will definitely be heard if it comes from a pure heart. The Almighty will help us in implementing our plans, if it does not contradict God’s Commandments.

The main thing in prayer is humility and contrition for one’s sins. The Lord does not help people obsessed with pride. Praying that everything will work out, we also ask the Almighty to send us the grace of the Holy Spirit to strengthen us in the fight against sin. Prayer before starting any business will protect us from sadness, sorrow and accidents. At the same time, we receive spiritual comfort.

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