Prayer before the court for a successful outcome of the case for yourself, husband, son, daughter

No one is protected from sudden turns of fate. Anyone can get into the dock sometimes in an unexpected way. In such difficult moments, the Lord does not abandon his children, guiding them on the true path. Get God's answer to the questions: “Why? Why me? How did this happen? Where did you slip up? The great power of Orthodox prayer will help you win your case in court.

In the fate of an Orthodox person, situations arise that require going to court. Division of property, unfair actions of authorities, civil disputes and many other problems force a person to turn to the law. Sometimes the court makes an unfair decision. Therefore, to resolve the litigation in your favor, read a prayer before the court for a successful outcome of the case. Only the Lord knows whether a person is right or wrong, and only the Lord’s judgment is righteous, and God’s punishment leads to repentance. The main thing before turning to God is to clear your conscience and admit mistakes honestly to yourself. Only with good thoughts can you begin to pray in order to win your case in court.

A strong prayer to the Lord before the trial

Lord, help, Lord, bless.

Lord save me in my judgment case

Let them be with me at your call -

Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel and Nicholas the Pleasant, God's Helper.

May they protect me from the wrath of the judge

They will protect you from the severity of the law,

They will forgive me my sins, voluntary and involuntary.

They will plead for me with formidable judges, stern guards, and merciless publicans.

How you, our merciful Lord, forgive everyone,

So let them forgive me, God’s servant, and let me go home from the trial.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.


You need to start praying as soon as the conflict begins to flare up. If the matter comes to a hearing, you can read a prayer during the trial. You can pray in your own words or read prayers from a prayer book. The main thing is that the prayer must be sincere, repeated many times, sounding in unison with the soul of the person asking. It will help you get into the right frame of mind, calm your nerves, give you strength, make the judge fair and attentive, and make the decision legal.

Injustice will be restored if the person praying puts aside pride and vanity, looks around and asks himself the question: why did this happen in life?

You can contact the Most Holy Theotokos, Nicholas the Wonderworker.

How to pray correctly if there is a trial coming up

If there is going to be a trial, you need to pray correctly like this:

  1. When starting to pray before the court for a successful outcome of the case, you should examine your own conscience. It is unacceptable for a Christian to ask for help to hide guilt or to go unpunished.
  2. It takes strong faith that the saints will help.
  3. It is a good idea to take a blessing from the priest before the meeting.
  4. The conspiracy is pronounced with soul. Rituals become powerful with sincere appeal to the Creator, and faith gives strength to any prayer.

The offender can make a plea with awareness of his guilt only for repentance, but not for the purpose of hiding his own guilt.

How many times should I pray?

The number of repetitions per day does not matter. A prayer before the court for a favorable outcome of the case is read until it takes effect.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary to win the trial

The Most Holy Theotokos protects the disadvantaged and will not let the arrogant rich people offend the common man, taking advantage of their power and the simplicity of the poor. Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos for a successful outcome of the trial will help you protect yourself from injustice.

The Most Holy Theotokos, who leads us all to the knowledge of reason. Accept the prayers of the unworthy servants of the Lord, who bow with deep faith and tenderness before Your most pure image. Pray to Your Son, the Lord Jesus, to grant wisdom and guide the judges to a fair decision. And to instill in us humility of spirit and submission to fate. Most Holy Theotokos, lead us along the path of truth and the union of warring parties into a union of love for all, deliverance from the darkness of pride to the light of the spirit. We glorify the wisdom and justice of our Lord Jesus Christ and offer him praise. Amen!

Ascension to Nicholas the Pleasant for his daughter before the trial

Reading a prayer to the Holy Saint for your daughter before a court hearing helps prevent negative consequences, only if she is innocent. You cannot read the appeal if she has committed a crime or caused harm to someone. A person who is truly guilty must sincerely repent, suffer a well-deserved punishment, only then can he hope for the support of St. Nicholas.

Fig5 The prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker before the trial for his daughter has special power and is a powerful Orthodox amulet against injustice and false accusations.

Petitions to the Saint for a daughter who has been justly accused are considered blasphemy. Punishment and troubles can await not only the person praying, but also the one for whom the appeal is being read. You cannot ask to transfer the blame to another person; this is considered a serious sin. At home, you need to read a prayer for your daughter in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, with a lit candle and in absolute silence. It is important to concentrate on prayer and do it away from others.

Prayer for help in legal matters to Saint Nicholas

Nicholas the Wonderworker, the saint - as the Orthodox people affectionately call him, helps to preserve honor and dignity, protects from miscarriage of justice. Once Saint Nicholas saved the lives of people who were unfairly accused. A prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in court will support and guide you in a difficult period of life.

O all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper. Help me, a sinner and a sad person, in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me, the accursed one, beg the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment, so that I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and your merciful intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen

Conspiracies for good luck in court

Plot to win trial on Friday

Read on Fridays, that is, if your trial falls on that day of the week. Before going to court, do the following in your home.

  1. Turn the following household items upside down: basin, frying pan and ladle;
  2. Draw the curtains on the windows;
  3. Do not give salt and bread from home;
  4. Read the words of the following conspiracy three times: at home, on the street, before the court.

Conspiracy words:

I'm getting up on Friday to go to court. The assessors, the punishers themselves, would have kept their tongues silent, would not have muttered at me, would not have been strict, would not have reproached me, but would have let me go home in peace. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy for Friday's court

Read the spell on a handkerchief with which to wipe your face 3 times before the trial:

I will get up and be blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate. I'll go out into the open field, in this open field

Another conspiracy to win the trial

If the trial falls on any other day, do the following: on that day, stand in the center of the room, facing east, or towards the window, and say 3 times:

There is a table under the eastern country, the throne of the Lord. His Lord God is the throne of the powers of heaven, And they cannot see evil and look with their own hands. Kings and queens, princes and princesses, boyars and boyars And all the laity, Orthodox peasants And likewise judges of me, the servant of God (name), I would not dare to see evil, To raise my eyes and eyebrows, And to speak and speak with dashing words, And with hands their rise, the hardness of the heart flared up, and all the guests cannot carry out the business. Heaven and earth, in the Name of the Lord, forever. Amen. Another simple words of prayer work well; they are read before entering the courthouse: The Orthodox world is on trial. Boyars and princes are on trial, I am also on trial, God’s servant (name), With God’s servant (name). In my right hand there is a holy poppy. Whatever I say in court, everything will be like this. My right hand, my right foot, and my right deed. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

When you say the words “right hand”, clench it into a fist, and when you say “right foot”, hit the ground with your right foot.

Prayer to Saint Spyridon

A prayer to Saint Spyridon will help you avoid difficult disputes in court when protecting property interests, so that the matter will be resolved in your favor.

O blessed Saint Spyridon! Beg the mercy of God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us for our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His mercy. Ask us, God's servants (names), from Christ and our God for a peaceful and serene life, mental and physical health. Deliver us from all spiritual and physical troubles, from all yearnings and the devil’s slander. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and beg the Lord to grant us forgiveness of many of our sins, a comfortable and peaceful life, and grant us a shameless and peaceful death and eternal bliss in the future, so that we may continually send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

After the verdict, whatever it may be, the church recommends thanking God and the saints for their help and accepting the outcome as it is. After all, the ways of God are inscrutable, and every event has a positive educational effect on a person. It is not without reason that they say that God sends as many trials as a person can endure.


In the video, the author tells who and why magic and conspiracies do not help. Filmed by the channel “Secrets of Veda”.

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Prayer to the Guardian Angel from legal persecution

By the will of the Lord you were sent to me, my guardian angel, protector and trustee.

Therefore, I appeal to you in difficult times in my prayer, so that you protect me from great trouble.

Those invested with earthly power oppress me, and I have no other defense than the heavenly power, which stands over us all and rules our world.

Holy angel, protect me from oppression and insults from those who have risen above me.

Protect me from their injustice, for for this reason I suffer innocently.

I forgive, as God taught, these people their sins against me, for the Lord has exalted those who were exalted above me and is testing me with this.

All this is the will of God, but from everything that is beyond the will of God, save me, my guardian angel.

I ask you about this in my prayer.


Prayers for acquittal

In everyday disputes (resolving housing issues between children, grandchildren, parents), the intervention of the Saints is not so necessary. But you should order a prayer service for help in cases where a crime has been committed. A spell for good luck in court is effective when a controversial issue is being resolved. But in this case we are not talking about magic, but about pronouncing prayer words in a certain order. A mother's prayer for her son is welcomed. When an accident or murder occurs, the main condition for forgiveness is repentance, sincere repentance. To strengthen faith, as well as the effect of the prayer read, you should not wash, rub, or do other household work on major Church holidays. This rule applies to everyone, not just God-lovers.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for protection

Do not leave me, O my Guardian Angel, do not remember the errors of my youth and my previous sins.

I place my hope in you; you are my fortress, my refuge.

Save me from the snares of the sinner and from the snares of the evil spirit.

You are my patron, given to me at Baptism.

Scatter the enemies surrounding me, enlighten my mind wandering in the darkness, turn your holy face to me, and I will shed tears and prayer before you.

Stretch out your voice to me, O my holy Angel, - I am ready to listen to you; command - and I will fulfill your command; show me the way and I will follow you.

My iniquities have multiplied without number, but pray for me, holy Guardian of my life, breathe into me a living feeling of your love and present to the Lord the tears of my sorrow: but he will not despise my tearful sacrifice and, in his mercy, will forgive me my sins.


Orthodox icons and prayers

Kontakion 1

To the chosen saint of Christ, the all-blessed great martyr Anastasia, we offer a song of praise, for she has great boldness in the Lord to free the faithful from all troubles, sorrows and illnesses, and with love we cry out to her:

Rejoice, all-blessed great martyr Anastasia, holy visitor of prisoners and prayer book for our souls.

Ikos 1

You have become like an angel with a pure mind, having cognized Him who is the eternal beginning and one end of all the visible and invisible desires of all the pious; We, praising your wise teaching from the holy martyr Chrysogonus, cry out to you with love:

Rejoice, thou who has loved the faith of Christ; Rejoice, thou who followed the piety of thy mother Fausta.

Rejoice, having preserved the purity of your virginity; Rejoice, always invisibly guarded by Angels.

Rejoice, having drawn closer to God through your purity.

Rejoice, all-blessed great martyr Anastasia, holy visitor of prisoners and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 2

Saint Anastasia, seeing that many Christians were suffering in prison for the Name and teaching of Jesus Christ, began to serve them with zeal, and to console and heal, I cooperate with God, singing with reverence: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The god-wise Anastasia understood that the whole red world of this world is involved in corruption, and for this reason, having despised bright clothes and valuable utensils, secretly putting on the clothes of the poor, entering into prisons to serve as a confessor of Christ; We, mentally following her, appeal to her with love:

Rejoice, visitor to prisoners in prison; Rejoice, consoler of Christ's confessors.

Rejoice, you who squandered your gold and silver on them; Rejoice, you who have acquired the Kingdom of Heaven.

Rejoice, you who washed the hands and noses of the saints and cleansed their hair; Rejoice, imitator of Christ.

Rejoice, you who healed their ailments; Rejoice, you who buried their bodies honestly.

Rejoice, all-blessed great martyr Anastasia, holy visitor of prisoners and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 3

We are strengthened by strength from above, holy martyr, serve piously to the saints and disgrace the hater of all virtues, the devil, who instigated a slave to reveal your deeds to an unfaithful husband; We, praising your goodness, Anastasia, sing with you: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having great love in the Lord for all those who suffer in prison for the name of Christ, even though they suffered many blows from an unfaithful husband, you finally found a prison for yourself in his house; Also marveling at her courage, we cry out to her:

Rejoice, zealous keeper of the commandments of Christ: Rejoice, having fulfilled this not in word, but also in deed.

Rejoice, ready to lay down your soul for others; Rejoice, you who accepted much bitterness for Christ.

Rejoice. with her patience she became like strong adamant.

Rejoice, all-blessed great martyr Anastasia, holy visitor of prisoners and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 4

Your wicked tormentor husband raised a storm of his rage against you, as a captive and a slave, imputed to you, Saint Anastasia; We, remembering the bitterness from him and your suffering, sing to the Lord who strengthened you: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Blessed Anastasia heard how her holy teacher Chrysogon endured much for Christ, and followed him with her suffering and secretly wrote to him: “Teacher! I’m about to die and there’s nothing else left, but having given up the ghost, I’ll fall dead.” We, marveling at your patience, say to you:

Rejoice, you who did not spare your honest flesh; Rejoice, you who wished to squander your wealth of God for the sake of the poor.

Rejoice, you who act wisely will buy; Rejoice, you who alone have care for those suffering in chains.

Rejoice, you who served them with zeal; Rejoice, thou who fearlessly entered prisons.

Rejoice, you who entered the Heavenly Palace without restraint.

Rejoice, all-blessed great martyr Anastasia, holy visitor of prisoners and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 5

Like a godly star, you appeared in the Roman land, to the Great Martyr Anastasia, visiting those suffering for Christ in prison and strengthening their hearts in faith, so that they may ever cry with you to the Savior of all, God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing you, your God-bearing teacher Chrysogonus, in the confusion and excitement of this world, I commanded you to cry out to you with the prophet: “In every way you are sorrowful, my soul, and in every way you trouble me, trust in God,” but we, remembering your grief and sorrow, even according to God , we call you:

Rejoice, you who have placed all your trust in the Lord; Rejoice, you who endured the cramped conditions of the Kingdom for the sake of the Heavenly One.

Rejoice, through your purity you have been deemed worthy to live in heaven with the Angels; Rejoice, having drawn closer to God through your sorrows.

Rejoice, thou who hast been granted to see with understanding the hair of the Lord Almighty; Rejoice, through your prayers you deliver us from many sorrows.

Rejoice, through your intercession you free us from temptations.

Rejoice, all-blessed great martyr Anastasia, holy visitor of prisoners and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 6

The whole Christian world preaches your honest deeds, Great Martyr Anastasia, and glorifies your suffering, pleases your martyrdom and sings to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

You shone more than the sun with your virtues in the great city of Rome, when the prophecy of your teacher Saint Chrysogon about the death of your godless husband was fulfilled. For being free, you began to care for the martyrs of Christ with great zeal; We, looking with love at your deeds, say to you:

Rejoice, zealous helper of the suffering; Rejoice, you who consoled the friends of Christ with divine words.

Rejoice, teacher, who had great care for three virgins: Agapia, Chionia and Irina; Rejoice, you who strengthened those for the feat of martyrdom.

Rejoice, O venerable One who laid their bodies in the chosen place; Rejoice, you who had sorrow in your mind.

Rejoice, having made your heart the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, completely ignited with the fire of love for God.

Rejoice, you who have found His heavenly cover in the shelter of His blood; Rejoice, for by your courage you have completely overthrown the enemy of salvation.

Rejoice, all-blessed great martyr Anastasia, holy visitor of prisoners and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 7

The desire of Saint Chrysogonus to die for Christ, being fulfilled by God's Providence; When you saw the honorable relics of your teacher, the passion-bearer, lovingly kissing them, you burst into tears, from the depths of your soul singing to God a song: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

Our Lord gave you new grace and strength, when you accepted the feat of moving from city to city, visiting those in chains. We, following your wanderings, touchingly cry out to you:

Rejoice, follower of the footsteps of Christ; Rejoice, servant of many saints.

Rejoice, consolation to those who are sorely tested; Rejoice, hope of the unreliable.

Rejoice, thou who with thy gold buys freedom for the faithful from the bonds of prison; Rejoice, you who resolve the bonds of fear through Divine words.

Rejoice, through your prayers you free us from the bonds of sin; Rejoice, named pattern maker.

Rejoice, all-blessed great martyr Anastasia, holy visitor of prisoners and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 8

Your journey with the holy martyr Theodotia has weakened many: healing has been granted to the sick, burial has been prepared for many who have died, and strengthening to the living for greater deeds of virtue; Vouchsafe us unworthy, holy one, to sing intelligently to God with your prayers: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

The whole temple of the prison was filled with many tears and sobs of yours, having always flown in early according to your custom and having not received a single thing from the prisoners who were imprisoned for the name of Christ, all of them were put to death one night by the command of the evil king; We, remembering your sorrow for the friends of God, cry out like this:

Rejoice, you who diligently searched for the servants of Christ in prison; Rejoice, having once again found those in the heavenly villages.

Rejoice, you who took up the cross of the Lord with love on your frame; Rejoice, thou who hast been granted the power to see everywhere with intelligent eyes the eyes of the Lord Almighty.

Rejoice, for your love for your neighbors you have gained great boldness towards God; Rejoice, you who send down healing to the sick.

Rejoice, raising up the half-dead by God’s command; Rejoice, you who were ignorant of Christ’s purity.

Rejoice, glorified great martyr.

Rejoice, all-blessed great martyr Anastasia, holy visitor of prisoners and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 9

I created wicked tormenting advice against you, the invincible passion-bearer, wanting to incline you to idolatry; You fearlessly called out to them: “I am the Servant of Christ, and I sing to Him day and night: Alleluia.”

Ikos 9

The chief priest of the idolatry is with you, although he might catch your holy soul with flattery; But you, having learned all the cunning of the enemy, shamed the tormentor and changed all the evil into good, fearlessly looking at the tools of torment and all the torment; We, marveling at your courage, call your voices tender:

Rejoice, red one who has rejected all this world; Rejoice, you who chose to accept various torments for Christ.

Rejoice, you who wished to go to death with love; Rejoice, you who astonished your tormentors with your patience.

Rejoice, having adorned the Church of Christ with your sufferings; Rejoice, you who have chosen eternal life - Christ.

Rejoice, thou who has put to shame the priest of idols; Rejoice, demons who have straightened your legs.

Rejoice, all-blessed great martyr Anastasia, holy visitor of prisoners and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 10

Make it possible for all those who want to be saved through your prayers, great martyr, before the Lord and ask for remission of the sins of those who honor your suffering, so that we cry with you: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Saint Anastasia loved the Heavenly King with all her heart and was quickly thrown into prison for the Sweetest Jesus, having been consumed by hunger and thirst and strengthened by prayer; Likewise, glorifying that honest suffering, we send to her the following singing:

Rejoice, follower of the passion of Christ; Rejoice, adorned with victorious glory.

Rejoice, having ascended through earthly prison into the Heavenly Palace; Rejoice, thou who art settled there with the martyrs.

Rejoice, you who remember us through your prayer at the Throne of God; Rejoice, soon resolving the bonds of sin.

Rejoice, you who drive away demons from people; Rejoice, teaching thieves on the path of righteousness.

Rejoice, all-blessed great martyr Anastasia, holy visitor of prisoners and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 11

We offer you an all-contrite song, glorifying your suffering for Christ, and we pray to you: holy passion-bearer, ask the merciful Lord for health, long life, and victory and victory over your enemies. Grant to us, who praise your torment, peace and salvation, so that we may sing to God forever: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

With a bright and joyful face you followed the suffering prepared for you from your tormentors, as we call with joy as we think:

Rejoice, starved to death in the prison of Illyria; Rejoice, you who were nourished by your hope - Christ.

Rejoice, having been delivered from drowning on the sea by God’s vision; Rejoice, you who are extended between the four pillars.

Rejoice, thou who has become like the Son of God crucified on the Cross; Rejoice, being burned by fire even to death.

Rejoice, Pattern Maker, loosed from bonds and flesh.

Rejoice, all-blessed great martyr Anastasia, holy visitor of prisoners and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 12

Grant grace from above to all of us who flow with love to your icon, and ask the Lord for forgiveness of our sins, healing for the sick and suffering, and let us all cry out in gratitude to the wondrous God among the saints: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing the feats of your free martyrdom for Christ, we bow to your suffering, venerable great martyr, we honor your holy death and pray to you, extend your help from heaven to us, who live in the darkness of passions and temptations and cry out to you:

Rejoice, holy great martyr; Rejoice, having offered your body as a God-pleasing sacrifice in manifold torments.

Rejoice, turtledove, who flew up to Jerusalem on High; Rejoice, pure and immaculate bride of Christ.

Rejoice, spiritual censer, bringing incense of prayer for us to God; Rejoice, infinite treasury of healings.

Rejoice, abundant cup of God's gifts; Rejoice, all good wishes are speedy to the fulfiller.

Rejoice, bright way of life for all who hope for salvation.

Rejoice, all-blessed great martyr Anastasia, holy visitor of prisoners and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 13

O long-suffering and devoted saint of the Great Martyr Anastasia! Accept our present little prayer from your unworthy servants, offered to you with love, and ask Christ the God of our sinful bonds for permission, so that through your prayers we may be delivered from the wrath of God and eternal condemnation, and may we be worthy in the Kingdom of Heaven, together with you, to sing to God forever: Alleluia .

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos, “Thou art like an angel...” and the 1st kontakion, “The chosen servant of Christ...”.

Prayer during legal proceedings

In Rus', people always said that you should not fight the strong and sue the rich. But what should a person do if suddenly everyone in his life turned against him and brought the “unfortunate and deprived” to court to face punishment and punishment?

What should a person do if they want to plunder his property and go unpunished, and the help of lawyers is incredibly expensive? Here a person can only trust in God’s mercy.

If you find yourself in such a situation, remember the higher powers over which earthly rulers have no power. And in this case, it will not matter at all what you call your God, in what language you address him. The main thing is that you, with all your soul and heart, ask God for help in your business in order to win in court, then luck will be on your side.

What prayers should you read before trial?

If you are an Orthodox Christian, prayers such as a prayer at an icon to increase your mind, a mother’s prayer to protect her son, and prayers to the saints are suitable for you. Let's look at some of them in more detail.

Prayer before the trial for the success of the son at the icon for increased intelligence . Unfortunately, in our law enforcement system, the court makes only two percent of acquittals. This shows how responsible the investigative authorities are in their work, identifying and detaining everyone, not just criminals.

Therefore, the judicial system prefers to impose a guilty verdict more often than to find the real culprit in criminal cases. And innocently convicted people often spend years in prison. To read a miraculous prayer in order to win your son’s lawsuit, you must prayerfully turn to the Lord and the Mother of God. The prayer “Increasing the mind” will help in legal proceedings, make its outcome fair and bring good luck to the life of the prisoner.

A mother's miraculous prayer to protect her son before the court for a successful outcome . Regardless of the criminal case, reading a prayer before the court is necessary for every suffering person who wants to win in court and is seeking protection. And in this case, luck will be on the side of the one who can provide more evidence. But often collecting this forensic evidence causes a lot of hassle.

Often, it is precisely because of low salaries that law enforcement agencies are too lazy to waste time collecting evidence in order to divert suspicion of committing a crime from the son of a poor mother and win the case. In order for the unsolved case not to hang, it is necessary to quickly find someone who will take on the role of the accused. And often criminal acts are blamed on innocent homeless people, teenagers from dysfunctional families, or people who became accidental witnesses to a crime. And the term of imprisonment during arrest can last for many years.

Therefore, it is necessary to read a prayer here in order to win your son’s case in court. The prisoner must, in his prayer requests, ask for help from Nicholas the Wonderworker, John the Baptist, and Anastasia the Pattern Maker. The prisoner's relatives should also unite and recite a joint prayer before the trial for good luck.

How to read a prayer before trial?

Before you get ready to read a prayer before your son’s trial, you should know that not every prayer and prayer is a prayer for the trial. Even if you stand in front of an icon in a church and bow, this will not be a prayer, but only an accessory to it. Even reading a prayer from memory or from a book is also not a prayer, but just a tool.

All a person needs while reading a prayer appeal is to fill the soul with feelings so much that the heart does not remain empty and that it is filled with feeling and directed towards God. When all these feelings are collected in a person, prayer can rightfully be called prayer, and it will provide considerable help to the person.

You should also remember that it is necessary to read a prayer for good luck before the court every day throughout the entire duration of the inquiry and investigation. The prayer can be read in any language; you must have an icon of the Virgin Mary and a Christian cross with you. You can pray both in church and at home, and the prisoner himself can turn to God in his cell and even in the courtroom.

The meaning of prayer appeal

Not every believer knows which Saint to pray to in a given situation. Priests advise purchasing special books from the church - prayer books. In them you can find prayers for all occasions, to any of the Saints. For example, before starting litigation, it is best to contact Nicholas the Wonderworker, Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, Anastasia the Pattern Maker.

They are considered the patrons of all the offended and disadvantaged. They help eliminate unfair accusations and help avoid punishment. You can read a specific prayer before the trial, or you can use any text from the prayer book addressed to the Holy Saint. After all, his patronage is one of the strongest in court cases.

The mercy of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker knows no bounds, but it helps everyone in need and always protects all the innocent. You can turn to it for protection against slander, deception, fraud, and injustice of law enforcement agencies. The Great Wonderworker helps to alleviate suffering and take the path of true repentance and correction.

Who was Saint Anastasia and who does she help to this day?

During the reign of one of the most formidable rulers of Rome, Diocletian, many Christians suffered. Faith in the true God was persecuted, outlawed, and its supporters were severely punished. This fate did not spare the righteous girl Anastasia, whose mother was a secret Christian and managed to instill in her daughter faith in Christ.

Great Martyr Anastasia

The young girl chose a difficult ministry for herself - in beggarly clothes, she made her way into prisons and provided assistance to the prisoners languishing there. Her mentor, the learned and pious man Chrysogonus, supported her. Many hardships and misadventures befell the saint, who, moreover, was forcibly married to a pagan.

Until the end of her days, the righteous woman firmly carried out her feat of helping the suffering. In the end, rumors about her reached the cruel ruler Diocletian, and he ordered the execution of the saint of God along with other Christians. This is how she ended her life’s journey, but to this day Christian believers resort to her holy intercession and protection.

Important! Since during her lifetime Anastasia became famous precisely for helping prisoners in prisons, those who are serving time pray to her most of all.

This absolutely means that you cannot ask for help in any other sorrowful situation - the Lord hears all our requests, which come from a pure heart and with great faith. A kind of “specialization” of saints to help in specific situations is a tradition developed over time and through the prayers of believers.

However, they pray to Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker for:

  • release from prison;
  • successful outcome of the trial;
  • defense in case of false accusation;
  • relief of sentence;
  • instruction and admonition of the condemned.

In addition, in the practice of Eastern Christianity, it is common to turn to this saint during pregnancy and childbirth.

How and to whom else can you pray during pregnancy:

  • Prayer before the Mammal Icon
  • Prayer to Matrona of Moscow about pregnancy
  • Is it possible to go to temple during pregnancy?
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