Prayer for family well-being and husband's love

How prayer can affect family well-being

The power of a praying wife is great: prayer for her husband helps save the marriage and prevents troubles.
It is necessary to appeal to God and the saints for assistance in personal matters after preliminary preparation. At this time, it is worth freeing yourself from all black thoughts.

Only then will prayer help achieve the following results:

  1. Your heart will soften. You will understand that cursing will not correct the situation; you will become more loyal, which will improve your relationship with your significant other.
  2. A person will cleanse himself spiritually, become kinder, more sympathetic, which will positively affect the attitude of others (including his spouse) towards him.
  3. Troubles will bypass your home. Those who dream of children will get what they want.
  4. The husband will love his wife and take care of her.

The prayer is said not only when problems begin, but also just like that, as a thank you to God and the saints for peace and well-being in the family.

It must be “all that is beneficial to souls and bodies.” There is no point in turning to healers and sorcerers: prayer protects against black magic, envious people and enemies, while dubious rituals provoke their appearance.

What to do if your spouse is unfaithful

In families, not only the husband can become the one who is capable of betrayal. Often a wife can destroy a marriage. If this happened or you simply want to protect a woman from such actions and save the marriage, you can turn to prayer against betrayal of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Appeal against betrayal to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Before you start reading the prayer text, visit the temple and purchase 6 church candles there. Be sure to place one of them near the icon of this saint. Standing in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, cross yourself and read three times a strong Orthodox prayer:

Collect holy water and return home. Wait until your spouse is home and start praying. Lock yourself in one of the rooms, be sure that no one will disturb you.

Place the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on the table, and light 3 candles near it. Pour the brought holy water into a decanter and also place it on the table. Once again, read the same lines as in the temple.

When finished, cross yourself three times. Wait until the candles burn out. The remaining cinders must be collected and taken to the church. Drink some holy water from the decanter.

Petitions for admonition of wife

If your wife cheated, then with the help of prayer for admonition you can still save your family.

You can offer a prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos for your wife. It will help put your beloved woman’s thoughts in order and protect her from actions that are destructive to the marriage. It is better to read this prayer in the temple in front of the image of the Virgin Mary:

Another saint to whom you can offer prayer is Mother Matrona.

A prayer against the betrayal of your beloved husband or wife will definitely help you maintain happiness and love in your family. The main thing is to open your heart, then everything will definitely work out.

Who needs to pray

It is best to recite Orthodox prayer texts for help in the name of the holy saints of God, who will protect you from all adversity.

John the Theologian

The Great Martyr assists in the following matters:

  • in maintaining mutual love and marriage in difficult times;
  • in protection from damage and the evil eye;
  • in fulfillment of plans;
  • for long-term illnesses;
  • in achieving mutual understanding between spouses.

John the Theologian is the youngest of the first twelve disciples of Christ.
There are many prayer texts addressing this holy saint.

One of them is given as an example:

O our apostle and evangelist, confidante of Christ, our intercessor and quick helper in troubles! I pray to you that you beg our God to grant liberation from all sins in our entire life, through actions, phrases, thoughts and our feelings.

Just as you sent down mercy on three men sitting in prison through your petition and help, so also provide us with assistance. At the end of our souls, help us, born in sin, free us from ordeals and constant torment, so that we may be glorified by your intercession. Amen.

Ksenia of Petersburg

This saint helps to overcome difficulties in family relationships and attracts prosperity to the home. You just need to sincerely say the request addressed to her:

O blessed most holy mother Xenia! Staying under the protection of God, having endured hunger and thirst, frost and heat, insults and persecution, having received the gift of insight and creation of grace from God. Now the Holy Temple, like a fragrant flower, glorifies you.

Before your holy face we read you a prayer: hear our request and present it to the Lord. And pray for salvation for those who believe in you for good actions, deliver them from troubles and wrong steps. Give salvation, blessed saint, instruct children and youth in the faith, help educate them in honesty and send them zeal in learning. Free from illness, bring back love and send reconciliation.

Ksenia of Petersburg is an Orthodox holy fool of noble origin.

Peter and Fevronia

The life of this sacred couple is an example of true and pure love.

Therefore, everyone who wants to regain a happy life turns to Peter and Fevronia with prayer:

Chosen saints of God, the city of Murom, intercessors and petitioners for our souls, holy Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia! We earnestly pray to you: as those who have boldness towards the Savior, free us from sorrow, and make us successors to the Kingdom of Heaven, and let us say to you joyfully: Rejoice, holy and famous wonderworkers Peter and Fevronia!

Archangel Barachiel

Archangel Barachiel patronizes established spouses who want to protect their home from negative influences:

O illustrious Barachiel! Standing at the Throne of God, pronouncing His blessings into the churches of God’s faithful servants, pray to the Lord for blessings on our home, that the Lord God may love us and give us health and freedom from hardships, better haste in everything, and victory over our enemies, and protect us. And all this is through your intercession and help.

Archangel Barachiel is known to people from ancient legends.

Holy Mother of God

The following request is made:

Blessed Lady, take my family under Your protection. Instill peace, love and good thoughts into the hearts of my beloved and our children. Don't let us be separated from our loved ones. And protect our home and all of us living in it from any negative act and diabolical obsession.

At the end of all prayers, praise is pronounced to the Lord God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and they also say “Now and ever and unto ages of ages” and “Amen!”

Orthodox prayer for wife

Those women whose husbands help and support them in everything are immensely happy. And we are not talking about the fact that the husband, after the first request, nails a bunch or corrects plumbing problems (although help in everyday matters is also important) - we are talking about the moral and spiritual support of the wife. In many families, husbands distance themselves and distance themselves from the so-called “women’s” problems associated with housework and raising children. Often such men brush it off and don’t even want to listen about what emotional experiences are troubling their spouse. These are very alarming symptoms, since marriages where there is no spiritual community between the spouses quickly fall apart. The husband’s prayer for his wife, like the wife’s prayer for her husband, can unite the union with spiritual bonds.

Strong prayer for a pregnant wife

Pregnant women need constant care and assistance. Due to a hormonal surge, pregnant women experience frequent mood swings - they can laugh until they cry, and then become mortally offended because of some nonsense. They are often overwhelmed by strange desires - a woman may want fresh strawberries or chicken shawarma in the middle of the night, which she cannot stand in a non-pregnant state, and until her sleepy husband fulfills his strange desire, he will have no peace. Usually men treat such whims with condescension and fulfill them - no matter what you do for your beloved wife. But at the same time, they forget that prayer for a wife is also necessary, since it provides spiritual food and bestows the grace of God.

There is a 100% white way to attract true love into your life and restore family relationships! Many women and men have already tested the effect of a strong amulet of love With its help, you will not only find your soul mate, but also be able to remove quarrels and negativity in the family, for this you need... Read more...

Christian prayer for a sick wife

The Holy Scripture says that faith can move mountains. A strong prayer for your wife can cure any illness. By faith you will be rewarded. In the case of a serious illness, it is usually not only the husband who worries about the sick wife, but also other relatives: parents, children, brothers, sisters. Believers can join forces and read a prayer by agreement; in this case, the husband’s prayer for his wife will be strengthened by prayer support from other relatives.

Text of a husband's prayer for his pregnant wife

Be merciful, Lord, to Thy servant (name), strengthen her spiritual and physical strength, bless the fruit of the womb given to her by You, bless him with Thy Holy Spirit, strengthen and preserve him in the womb until the hour when he should be born, send to Thy servant ( name) Guardian Angel for help and strengthening.

Tagged with: legends prayer religion Christianity





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What prayers should you read?

With the help of blessed words, you can cleanse yourself spiritually and solve a number of different problems.

These can be general appeals to the Lord, such as “Our Father”, “Creed”, “King of Heaven”, and requests addressed to other images.

About happiness in marriage

Wishing happiness in marriage, the wife seeks to pray in front of the images:

  1. "Unfading Color" The Mother of God attracts wealth and prosperity to the family and protects spouses from betrayal.
  2. Holy Trinity. The image establishes harmony between spouses and stops frequent quarrels.
  3. Matrona of Moscow. By asking the icon for mutual understanding with your soulmate, you can expect the fulfillment of your plans.

The unfading color is one of the most beautiful images, radiating tenderness and joy.

For happiness in love between spouses

  1. If your husband’s drinking causes problems in the family, it’s worth reading the prayer text from the icon called “The Inexhaustible Chalice.”
  2. The family icon is also the “Burning Bush”. By turning to her and uttering the name of the Lord, spouses can restore attraction to each other.

About the happiness of children

  1. The “Kazan” icon depicting the Mother of God has always been the patroness of small children and family ties.
  2. Childless women often turn to Matrona of Moscow with requests for children. When children already exist, mothers ask for health, good luck and prosperity for them.

How to save your husband from fornication

Before the prayer is read, a woman must fulfill several conditions.

  1. While reading the prayer, she should be left completely alone. No one should disturb her at this time.
  2. If the reading involves the presence of any attributes: icons, candles, they must be prepared in advance.
  3. The ritual will have a greater effect if both spouses are baptized, but even if this is not the case, it’s okay.

Prayer to Cosma and Damian

The prayer against her husband’s betrayal of Cosma and Damian is one of the most powerful. The power of these saints will help maintain a strong marriage relationship. It helps to heal the mental wound that appears as a result of betrayal by a beloved guy.

Ritual of fidelity

You can perform a small prayer ritual, but it is best to do this during the full moon.

  1. Place an icon depicting the face of the Blessed Virgin Mary on the table. You will need a candle, which must be purchased in advance from the temple. It should be placed next to the icon on the table, and in the very center of the table should be placed the towel that was at your wedding ceremony. If you don’t have it left, you can use any other thing that is related to this event.
  2. A crystal vase should be placed on top of this towel (or other selected item). It will need to be filled with water to the very top and add a little holy water.
  3. Lay a black square cloth on the floor. In its middle there should be a chain, which is positioned so as to form a circle, which must be closed. It is better to choose a longer chain so that your beloved husband’s shoes can fit inside the formed circle.
  4. Take off your shoes. Place your left foot on the corner of the square that points in the east direction.

After this, read the “Our Father” prayer 7 times, and then the sacred text addressing the Virgin Mary:

After the prayer against your husband’s infidelity has been read, you need to wash yourself with the water that filled the crystal vase, and sprinkle the remains of it on the man’s shoes used during the ritual. The circuit cannot be disconnected. It must be carefully transferred to the threshold and placed under the rug.

Text about admonishing your husband

You can enlighten your beloved man and guide him on the right path, and prevent betrayal on his part with the help of other holy texts. Before you start reading them, it is important to pay attention to several rules:

  • go to the temple and repent before the icon on which the face of the Savior is depicted;
  • you can stay for confession;
  • An Orthodox prayer to the Almighty against a husband’s infidelity can be read both in church and at home.

This prayer for admonishing your husband from cheating is read three times, after which you need to cross yourself 3 times. It is important that you are able to retire in one of the rooms if the prayer lines are read at home. If a man really loved you, his thoughts will be put in order.

How to say a prayer correctly

If you pronounce the prayer words correctly and follow some rules, you can improve the situation in the family and restore love between spouses:

  1. When going to church, be sure to wear a cross and for women to cover their heads with a scarf.
  2. Before pronouncing prayer words, forgive all offenders.
  3. First, calm down and bring yourself into a balanced state.
  4. Believing that God hears petitions addressed to him through the saints (the most important condition).
  5. Always say the phrase “Save and preserve.”

There is no need to ask God for glory and wealth; this is not as valuable in life as peace, harmony and mutual understanding in the family, love between spouses, and the health of loved ones. It is worth turning to the holy saints with these requests.

Peter and Fevronia of Murom

Since ancient times, Saints Peter and Fevronia have been considered the patrons of marriage and family. This is no coincidence: their life is an example of love and fidelity, patience and wisdom; an example of what is accessible only to people who are pure in heart and humble in God. They say that faithful spouses help everyone who comes to them to pray for the gift of a good groom, family peace, well-being and admonition of the unbelieving spouse. After all, “a wife is prepared for a husband from eternity.”

NB The romantic love story of Saints Peter and Fevronia is described in detail in the ancient Russian story of the priest Ermolai the Prereshny.

Nicholas the Wonderworker

Countless miracles are performed daily in prayers to St. Nicholas the Pleasant: people turn to him in difficult material circumstances; before a difficult long road; before making fateful decisions, when one’s hands have already completely given up. They also say that Nicholas the Wonderworker always helps girls who ask for a prosperous marriage and a happy life with their spouse in love and harmony.

NB According to legend, Saint Nicholas secretly gave three bundles of gold to the father of the family, who, due to poverty and hunger, decided to give his daughters to fornication. This money saved the family from sin and allowed all three daughters to marry safely.

Icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Color”

In front of the “Unfading Color” icon of the Mother of God, they pray for the preservation of purity of thoughts and righteous life, for the right choice of a spouse, for deliverance from carnal warfare. They also pray to her upon marriage and for a happy family life. They say that pure and fiery prayer in front of this icon helps in resolving difficult family problems.

NB The flower on the icon symbolizes the purity of the Most Pure Virgin, whom the Church calls thus: “You are the Root of Virginity and the Unfading Flower of Purity.”

Ksenia Petersburgskaya

According to a long-standing folk legend, Ksenia of Petersburg helps girls find their chosen one and get married.

NB There are many beautiful legends associated with the history of Xenia of St. Petersburg. Here is one of them. One day, the servant of God Ksenia came to visit the Golubev family, mother and daughter, and said to the young girl: “Eh, beauty, you are making coffee here, and your husband is burying his wife on Okhta. Run there quickly." “How so? — she asked, “not only do I have a husband, but I don’t have a fiance either.” “Go,” Ksenia answered sternly. Mother and daughter went to Okhta - and what did they see there? A bitterly sobbing young widower, who, at the sight of the grave mound over the ashes of his beloved wife, lost consciousness and fell unconscious into the arms of Golubev who ran up. The latter tried to bring him to his senses, met him, and a year later young Golubeva became his wife.

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