Prayer for drunkenness and alcoholism “Inexhaustible Chalice”: for a husband, son, brother or relative

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The history of the appearance of the image is unusual and very interesting. The appearance of this image of the holy icon first occurred in 1878. In Tula, a peasant of this province, a former soldier, had an uncontrollable desire to drink alcoholic beverages.

He drank absolutely everything he had, all his property, and soon became impoverished. He lost his legs from excessive drinking, but he was never able to quit the bad habit of drinking. One day, through a dream, the image of an elder appeared to him and ordered him to go to Serpukhov, to the Church of the Lady Theotokos, where the icon of the Mother of God is located, and order a prayer service for her.

What kind of icon is this?

The “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon is considered one of the core types of depiction of the figure of the Mother of God in iconography. It implies an accurate depiction of the image of the praying Mother of God, whose hands are open and raised upward. This gesture is considered traditional for the prayer pose of Oranta.

In addition to the central image of the Blessed Virgin Mary, with her arms outstretched in a gesture of intercession, in the middle of the icon is the Chalice of Communion, as a symbol of an inexhaustible source of spiritual joy and consolation, and the Infant God in it.

In general, the image symbolizes a reminder to all those in need that they are destined for the Inexhaustible Chalice of God's protection, participation, protection and compassion, which will never run dry.

The history of the appearance of the miraculous image

According to the iconography, the divine face of the All-Tsarina belongs to the “Oranta” type, that is, here the Virgin Mary is represented with her hands raised to the top, and in front of Her is the Son of God, standing in the Communion Cup, which personifies an inexhaustible source of consolation and spiritual joy. The Most Pure Virgin offers prayers for all those who are sinners and proclaims that the Inexhaustible Chalice of divine mercy and help is intended for everyone in need.

The first mentions of the miraculous image of the Mother of God were attested back in the 19th century. According to the existing legend, a peasant suffering from alcoholism had a dream in which a monk ordered the sufferer to visit the church where the icon of the Mother of God for drunkenness is located, bow to her and offer a prayer request for healing.

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For a long time the peasant tried to carry out the instructions of the holy father, because due to his addiction to alcohol, his legs began to be paralyzed and the peasant had to walk the whole way to the miraculous image on his knees.

And only in the Serpukhov monastery did he find this face, but history is silent about where exactly the divine image appeared within the walls of the monastery.

The sufferer bowed and said the necessary prayers and fulfilled all the conditions that the monk spoke about. A sincere prayer request cured the unfortunate man not only of his addiction, but also relieved him of a leg disease.

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The history of the emergence of the miraculous power of icons and prayers

According to legend, one day a man, languishing from drunkenness, had a dream in which a monk ordered him to appear at the temple. An icon called the “Inexhaustible Chalice” was kept in this church. Bowing to the face of the Virgin Mary depicted on it, ask for deliverance from the disease.

The drunkard did not immediately fulfill the order of the servant of God and continued to drink the bitter drink. Soon his legs became paralyzed. Frightened, the peasant got ready for the journey, which he did on his knees, since he could no longer walk.

The man searched for the icon he needed for a long time, until one day he found it in the Serpukhov monastery.

The patient did everything as the monk who appeared in a dream told him: bowing low to the Mother of God, he uttered the necessary words. Sincerity and a great desire to be cured were heard, and the peasant got rid of both the destructive habit and the leg disease.

The first mention of the miraculous power of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon dates back to the 19th century.

Prayer to the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice”

It is known that the prayer to the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice” is very strong and effective, therefore, without a penny in his pocket, and practically without control of his lower limbs, the peasant did not dare to set off. But the elder appeared to him twice, and then three times, threateningly ordering him to carry out his order.

And so, leaning not only on his legs, but also moving his hands, the reserve soldier went to the Serpukhov Monastery.

Having reached the appointed place, he told those living in the monastery about his dreams and asked to serve a prayer service to the icon of the Virgin Mary. But no one in the monastery understood which icon the wanderer was talking about.

And then the monks remembered the icon that hung in one of the aisles of the temple. On the back, on the reverse side, there was an inscription: “The Inexhaustible Chalice.” Seeing Varlaam, who was a student of Saint Alexy, the peasant instantly recognized the elder who came to him in strange dreams. The retired soldier returned home as a completely healthy man.

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The news of the miraculous healing quickly spread throughout the area. People who were possessed by the passion of drunkards, their relatives hurried to offer words of prayer to the icon for the healing of such an illness. More people came to thank her for her great mercy. The prayer for alcoholism “The Inexhaustible Chalice” instantly scattered throughout all nearby settlements.


A prayer for the healing of a drinking person addressed to an icon is of significant importance and can work miracles. Many wives and mothers who turned to the holy face of the Virgin Mary for help received it.

Believers have absolutely no doubt about the miraculous power of prayer and say that it can not only cure alcoholics and drug addicts of their addiction, but change their worldview, regain lost spirituality, be reborn anew and continue their path as a new person.

Text of the prayer taken from the prayer book:

Oh, most merciful Lady! We now resort to Your intercession, do not despise our prayers, but graciously hear us: wives, children, mothers; and the serious illness of drunkenness of those possessed, and for this sake from your mother - the Church of Christ and the salvation of those who fall away, brothers and sisters, and heal our relatives. Oh, merciful Mother of God, touch their hearts and quickly raise them from the falls of sin, bring them to saving abstinence. Pray to Your Son, Christ our God, that He may forgive us our sins and not turn His mercy away from His people, but may He strengthen us in sobriety and chastity. Accept, O Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children, of wives who weep for their husbands, of children, orphans and wretches, abandoned by those who have gone astray, and of all of us who fall before Your icon. And may this cry of ours, through Your prayers, come to the throne of the Most High. Cover and protect us from the evil trap and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeals without stumbling, with Your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation, so that the mercy of God will cover us for the endless ages of ages. Amen.

Rules for saying prayer

In order for the prayer to have power, the clergy recommend reading it in a certain way, observing the established order.

A short list of wishes:

  • Before turning to the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon for healing, you must fast for 40 days. At this time, exclude alcohol, smoking, meat dishes, dairy products, butter, eggs, confectionery products that contain animal fats;
  • you need to say the words of the prayer service at least twelve times, turning to the image of the Mother of God depicted on the icon;
  • You can ask for help and intercession all seven days a week, regardless of the time of day: at night, in the morning, during the day, in the evening;
  • It is not advisable to talk about what you are doing. Appeal to the saints is a sacrament, and it is necessary to remain silent in order to avoid negativity from people, for example: unnecessary conversations, gossip, the evil eye, and so on;
  • You should approach the akathist alone without prying eyes. It is best to do this at home while no one is there;
  • the prayer is said standing, with a lit church candle;
  • prerequisite: drink a glass of holy water every day before meals;
  • It is believed that a prayer acquires special power if it is said by an alcoholic person independently: husband, son, brother, daughter, mother, father, but provided that this is done from the bottom of his heart with a sincere desire to overcome the disease;
  • At the same time, one should raise a prayer to the Lord God, to the Christian saints: the great martyr Panteleimon, the healer, and the martyr Boniface.

Icon “Inexhaustible Chalice” - prayer against drunkenness

In the monastery book, records of the healings that occurred are kept. It records cases of healing of the unbaptized and representatives of other religions who read the text of the prayer. This portends positive results in getting rid of drunkenness and drug addiction, even for those who have just set foot on the righteous path and are beginning to fight the addiction.

After all, it is worth noting that alcoholism is not only a physical illness, but also a mental trauma. And we shouldn’t forget about this. If a person does not have the opportunity to find the strength to give up his addiction, then where will he get the strength to pray for his soul, ruined by a bad habit?

Thanks to the family and friends of an addicted person, prayer against drunkenness becomes an important part on the path to healing. Most likely, prayers for drunkenness are addressed only when attempts, persuasion, and medical procedures are left behind without positive results.

People rush around in search of an effective way. They expect immediate healing results from the spoken petition. But it is worth noting that without willpower and true faith, they often despair and give up, because reading prayers for one’s neighbor is not an easy task.

  • Prayer is not a magic potion that heals a severe and deep wound in an instant. Her power is not detectable by human eyes. Mother, they resort to asking the Lord, since this prayer for her son’s drunkenness is strong - “The Inexhaustible Chalice” helps without fail.
  • Anyone suffering from any addiction, for whose fate loved ones will sincerely pray, cannot help but feel the full power of Divine help. He begins to be tormented by remorse, and a frantic struggle between good and evil awakens inside.
  • Therefore, it is not recommended to give up just because a day after reading the prayer, no visible results are visible.
  • If your prayer comes from a pure heart, if you firmly believe that it can help the lost soul of your relative not to commit any further sins, this is an insignificant, but confident step towards the healing of the patient.

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Begin your prayer work after the blessing of the priest. You may have the opportunity to take responsibility and accomplish a great feat: fasting for 40 days.

May the Lord protect you!

How often should you read the prayer?

The more often the call for help in healing is made, the better.

You need to pray daily, following the rules and not expecting a quick result. Who, as much as he can: 20, 30, 40 or more times.

According to priests and people who have gone through this difficult path, the main thing here is patience, perseverance and faith in healing. If hope for a positive result suddenly disappears or the strength of the person asking is abandoned, then you need to gather your will and double your efforts, increasing the number of repetitions of the prayer. The often spoken prayer for deliverance from a serious illness will be heard and salvation will come.


I drank for more than ten years - nothing helped. Thanks to my wife, she prayed and did not leave me. After her trip to Serpukhov, I became disgusted with drinking, and I wanted to meet my old comrades less and less. I began to attend church and prayed as best I could. I didn’t dare turn to the priest, but after confession it became much easier, I felt cleansed.

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My brother drank relentlessly and even grew and smoked marijuana. We fought with him as a family for a long time. The witches said that the evil eye on him was serious. The church and prayers saved us - we stood throughout the services, asking for Oleg’s humility and repentance. He didn’t want to go to church, but after a few weeks he felt better, the Lord heard our prayers and helped him.

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