Audit of premises according to Feng Shui

Lev Igelnik is one of the first Russians who began to deeply study and professionally practice Feng Shui. His numerous performances and publications since 1995 have contributed to the development of widespread interest in this art in Russia.

His first book, “The Energy of Your Home,” was the first book about Feng Shui by a Russian-speaking author and aroused great interest. Books “Feng Shui. The Art of Living” and “Feng Shui for Business People” went through two editions each. The book “Indian Vastu and Chinese Feng Shui” is devoted to a comparison of two ancient sciences about the energy of living space. The two-volume Feng Shui Textbook, designed not only for beginners, but also for specialists, is the first real Feng Shui textbook, which has no analogues not only in Russian, but also in English.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Lev Igelnik is distinguished by the rigor of his approach and analysis of unique information, rules and recommendations of Feng Shui that have come down to us from past centuries. In his books, he adapts ancient Eastern teachings to Western culture and, in particular, to life in large modern cities.

Currently he specializes in feng shui auditing of the design and construction of large facilities in Russia, the CIS countries and Western Europe. He also runs a school of professional skills in Moscow and conducts master classes in Russian cities.

Since 2007, he has been the Chairman of the International Feng Shui Expert Council.

What is written about me above is taken from the last page of my Feng Shui Textbook. On a personal note, I would like to add the following.

I have been practicing Feng Shui professionally for a long time and love my job. I am convinced that Feng Shui brings real benefits to people and I am very glad to be convinced of this again and again, seeing the results of my work.

I believe that all types of activities related to the impact on the energy of people and the space around them should be performed not so much for the sake of a fee, although this is a prerequisite, but for the sake of a real desire to help people become happier and more prosperous. Feng Shui consultation is a unique and individual job, and I believe that payment for such work should be meaningful to the client. It is in this case that the client takes the consultation seriously, values ​​its results and invests his own energy in this work. I say that the payment should be meaningful to the client, but this does not mean that it should be very high. This is why I try to never talk about money on the phone and do not calculate fees based on the number of square meters of an apartment or house. I always try to see the object of research, talk with the potential client, find out what he expects from the consultation, what questions he wants answered. Then I tell him what exactly I can help him with, together we specify the task and only after that I can evaluate my work.

I do not give advice over the phone and the Internet only because in this case it is impossible to do what I said above, which means it is impossible to give honest, qualified, professional advice.

My strong point is working with real estate - with apartments, houses and offices, shops, hotels, banks, shopping and office centers. It is this work that I am particularly good at and brings satisfaction. It is in this work that I have a lot of experience.

Of course, this does not mean that I do not take into account the characteristics of the people living in these houses and the employees working in these offices. Without this, the consultation would be ineffective. Of course, I calculate the natal energy charts of residents and employees, but I do it as deeply as necessary in a particular case to solve a specific problem. If a person's natal chart shows an energetic imbalance that could affect their health, then I always discuss these issues with the client in as much detail as I can. However, I am not a doctor and do not consider myself qualified to make a diagnosis or recommend treatment. Also, I do not consider myself to have the right to give recommendations for correcting a person’s destiny, the probable trends of which are determined by the Pillars of Fate and the Pillars of Luck. When necessary, I discuss these issues with the client, but in these cases I simply provide information that I can see from the calculations and express my point of view, which is not a strong recommendation.

Believe me, I have no desire to force a consultation on you, so I work only with those who really want it, who really need it, who really believe in it, who care, who consider it important, and only when I can really help .

I wish you happiness, prosperity and good luck!

I provide consultations on the following issues:

  • choosing a favorably located plot in a country village or a favorable apartment in a house,
  • choosing the most suitable place on the site to build a house and its orientation in space,
  • designing a house and planning a house or apartment so that they are energetically favorable specifically for your family, taking into account its composition and wishes,
  • developing the design of a house or apartment so that it is not only beautiful, but also brings you real benefits, taking into account your preferences,
  • optimal placement of services in the office,
  • office planning and design,
  • selection of partners and key employees,
  • development of an optimal, from an energy point of view, structure of a cottage village,
  • Feng Shui audit of the design and construction of large facilities, such as shops and restaurants, multi-storey residential buildings, shopping and office centers, hotels, banks, villages, etc.
  • professional education.

You can find out more about the nature of the professional services I provide in the “Professional Services” section. contact me :

  • by landline in Moscow: +7-495-430-9010 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
  • by mobile phone: +7-903-761-6608 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
  • by email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. _

FENG SHUI consultation of residential premises (apartments, houses, commercial premises)

At home, a person relaxes, rests and gains strength. It is in our home that human interaction with the outside world is most pronounced.

I think many will agree with me that each room has its own energy. And the well-being and luck of the people living in it depends on how harmoniously the energy of a home combines with its inhabitants. If it has positive, good energy, then your home is healthy and happy, and is happy to share its happiness with you. A happy, harmonious home, or as the masters say, a home with good Feng Shui, will help you achieve success, climb the career ladder, improve your financial situation, find the love of your life, and start a family.

But if your home is bad, there is no harmony in it, but there are many negative influences, then such a house feels tired and sick. Which, of course, cannot but affect the lives of the owners. If you live in a “sick” house, this can significantly harm your personal life, financial situation, health, etc.

Coming to one house, we begin to feel some kind of inconvenience, tension and we want to leave quickly, but in another place, on the contrary, we want to linger, we feel calm and comfortable. And our task is to make the room in which you spend a lot of time (apartment, office, house) harmonious, to redirect the surrounding energy towards you.

Your well-being and luck will depend on this (so that you don’t work for the apartment, but the apartment works for you). The room should not only be beautiful and cozy, but also bring happiness and success. And the main task of individual consultation is to help you with this. The first thing you need to do is create an energy portrait of your home. This will help you understand if your home is happy and healthy, or maybe neutral, or if your home is feeling bad and needs help urgently. Based on the data obtained, a map of the Wandering Stars San Yuan (Geomantic Table) is compiled, which shows information about the house, the strengths and weaknesses of its energy.

After the consultation, you will receive specific advice and recommendations on how to protect yourself from negative external influences (if necessary), how each family member can not only “make friends” with the house, but also attract positive Energies to their aid.

As a result, you will have a concrete plan on how to make your life more vibrant, joyful, filled with new wonderful opportunities, love and wealth. And then everything will depend only on you and your actions.

Hourly consultation

We also want to offer you another type of consultation, the cost of this consultation does not depend on the total square footage of the apartment, this consultation includes:

  1. Departure, delineation and table of “Wandering Stars” - FROM 5500 rubles, depending on the complexity of the premises (+ departure if the apartment is located outside the ring road)
  2. Consultation on the apartment - 5500 per hour, general characteristics of the premises, corrections are given, your questions - our answers! If it takes less than an hour, you still pay for the first hour in full; each subsequent hour is already calculated, i.e. 1.5 hours 8250 rubles.

FENG SHUI consultation for non-residential premises (office, restaurant, store, etc.)

Feng Shui consultation for commercial premises is in many ways similar to consultation for a home. After all, your office is alive too! Therefore, when analyzing an office, the environment, the energy map of the office, the relationship between the premises itself and the people working in it are taken into account, negative aspects are removed, and recommendations for improvement are given.

Choosing the right office for the Manager and his Deputies, arranging workplaces, meeting rooms, offices of various structures, departments, accounting, cash desk, etc., can improve the performance and manageability of staff, attract new clients and resources, and, as a result, — prosperity of the company and your business. We can also help develop a logo, corporate colors and, if required, a name.

Using various techniques and formulas, you can increase the number of clients and customers, enhance your money luck, and increase your cash flow.

Selecting a room

Choosing an apartment or business premises is a very important matter. We will help you make the right choice when buying (renting) an apartment or office space. In this case, it is advisable to show the consultant several options in one day. Believe me, it is much better to immediately choose a harmonious room than to try to later correct the energies in an unsuccessful one. Such a consultation includes: delineation of the room, a table of Flying Stars and a general description of the room in oral form.


I would like to warn you that we do not provide consultations based on your compass measurements and plans drawn by eye. We also do not carry out consultations by email without first inspecting the premises. The explanation for this is very simple - the consultant must see everything with his own eyes, take accurate compass readings, feel the atmosphere of the place, which cannot be conveyed 100% either by a photograph, or a plan, or your stories. In addition, there are a lot of points that clients may not pay attention to, or, on the contrary, attach too much importance to unimportant details.

The consultation takes place in 2 stages, the first visit, a technical specialist comes to you, he takes all the information from you, takes readings, fills out a special form, indicating your questions and wishes. Measurements are carried out with professional, high-precision equipment, the external environment of the house is inspected, and questions are asked to fill out a Special form. The specialist will also record the birth dates of everyone who lives or works in the inspected premises. The first meeting takes about 1 hour.

Then for about a week (depending on the workload, complexity and volume of work), a report is made, and a second meeting is scheduled (at my home or on weekends in the office), it lasts about 1.5-2 hours, a report is given, everything is explained to you, We answer all your questions. Our goal is to convey to you as much as possible the existing situation and the logic by which adjustments are proposed, therefore oral transmission of information is mandatory. After the consultation, if you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them by phone or email; of course, these questions should be specific to the consultation.

Feng Shui home audit

Feng Shui is a person's earthly luck. Using classical Feng Shui methods, you can evaluate the conditions in which a person lives and how they affect his luck, health, career, money, relationships and well-being in general.

What is included in a Feng Shui consultation?

  • Assessing the impact of the external environment on your home and your life;
  • Assessing the impact of the interior layout of your home on your life;
  • Analysis of the flying stars of housing and, based on it, answers to your questions about relationships, money, health and anything else you ask;
  • Choosing the best location for your bed, desk and stove for you and your family;
  • Recommendations for the current year, as well as 2020 and 2020, for the best and most harmful sectors of your home (These recommendations are given if it is possible to adjust Feng Shui in your home);
  • Determining in your apartment the symbolic stars of noble assistants, peach flowers, places to increase social status and advancement in business, to warm the money star;
  • Select the date for the required rearrangements.

How much does a Feng Shui home audit cost?

The cost of the audit is determined depending on the size of your home and the number of people living in it.

How to order a consultation?

  1. Identify the tasks that are most important to you and that you need help with.
  2. Ask yourself what level of consultation you want. Is it enough for you to know about the favorability/unfavorability of your home? Or are you ready to fully accept responsibility for your life and implement all the recommendations proposed during the consultation, no matter what they are.
  3. If you are ready to attract the desired future into your life, write me an email or use the feedback form located below on this page.
  4. In the letter, indicate the area of ​​your home, the number of residents, and the reason why you need a Feng Shui audit.
  5. Then I name the cost of the work. If a trip to another city is required, the customer bears the costs of travel for the consultant in both directions.
  6. You make a prepayment of 50% and send me the birth dates of all residents, the apartment plan and your address.
  7. We agree on the date of our meeting.
  8. Payment of the second 50% occurs on the day of our meeting.

How does the consultation work?

We meet with you near your home, examine the surrounding area and the apartment itself, talk, discuss problems that need to be solved, and take compass measurements. This takes approximately 40-50 minutes.

Then within 14-16 days you will receive written advice from me. And within a week after that, you can ask me additional questions about your audit.

To sign up for a consultation, find out the cost of a service, or just for an audit, send me an email using the feedback form:

PS Things to remember

Feng Shui audit is a conversation with your apartment about you. Your home will tell you both about your past and your future. The desired future can be formed. If the apartment is not able to give you the future that you want for yourself, then you need to find another apartment. This is about choosing housing according to Feng Shui.

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