Feng Shui Knowledge and Wisdom Zone

1. A wish map is a tool that will help you achieve what you want from this life. The most important thing in creating this map is a clear representation of our goals and desires. How to make a wish card according to Feng Shui

Before you start making a map, you need to stock up on a sheet of Whatman paper, markers, magazines, scissors and your photographs. Next, select from the magazines what you want to receive. For example: a car you like, a house, furniture, jewelry and a relationship you would like to have.

It is very important when choosing the desired pictures to be guided only by your desires and dreams. Sometimes, when drawing up a wish map, people, without knowing it, pass off other people’s desires as their own, and when these desires are fulfilled, they do not feel satisfaction and joy.

Try to make the pictures colorful, radiate joy, beauty and abundance. Gloomy pictures with negative scenes cannot be pasted onto the wish card.

If you know how to draw, then it is better to draw all your desires with your own hand, then you will get an even faster effect. Instead of whatman paper and pencils, you can make a wish map on your computer using Photoshop. And you can place such an electronic wish card directly on your computer desktop.

Also, in the corner of the wish card, write some kind of affirmation so that every time you look at the card you can read it. For example: Every day I get closer and closer to my goals.

Since we are talking about a Feng Shui wish map, you should arrange all the pictures according to the Bagua grid. In the center of the Whatman paper, stick a photo of yourself in which you are happy and especially beautiful. Pictures related to material well-being should be pasted in the upper left corner. Place images of your favorite people in the upper right corner. After all, this angle is responsible for relationships, love and marriage. If you want to gain fame and glory, then directly above your photo paste a picture or photo that you associate with fame, popularity and fame. Under your photo, you can paste pictures that relate to your work and career. Just before choosing these pictures, you will have to turn on your imagination and think about who you want to work with, how you want to see yourself in the future. Maybe you want to sit in a big office and be a serious person, or you want to get creative and organize your own exhibition. Each person should have his own dreams and goals to which he must go, regardless of what others think about this.

Now that the wish map has been drawn up, the stage of visualizing what you want begins.

In order for your dreams to come true, it is not enough to simply cut out pictures and paste them on a piece of whatman paper. By doing this you are only giving a signal to the Universe, but in order for what you want to come true, you need to visualize that you already have it. For example, you want the coolest car of the latest brand. Then you need to imagine what color it is, what material the interior of your car is decorated with, how you get behind the wheel of this car every day, etc. You must imagine everything down to the smallest detail. Feel the feelings you will experience when you have the car you want. Or maybe you want to attract love into your life? Then visualize the person you want to see next to you. Write down the traits that he should have and imagine how you would like your relationship to develop.

Progress of work with the circle of creation

If you have precisely determined your desire and the date of achieving success, pick up the Ba Gua grid to understand which sector you will have to work with in direct contact. Now think through the affirmation in the present tense, so that you can then say it affirmatively.

The next step is the circle of creation that you create yourself. And this circle, according to Fen, is made up of household items, where metal is a spoon, wood is a kitchen spatula, earth is a clay jug or vase, water is a jar of water, fire is a burning candle. You can replace it with other objects, or depict it more simply - arrange the pictures into your own places. This will do too. Candles can be taken according to the color of the sectors that are activated to fulfill a wish. White color is universal, suitable for any request.

When the time for the hairdryer ritual is over, turn to the symbols and the Universe, thank you for your help. Put out the candle. Leave the circle of creation for a week in the zone that was activated. Every day, alone, work with the desire to change the water for fresh water again. Don’t forget to thank your helpers in the ritual.

Five elements

So, the time has come to figure out what the five elements are in Feng Shui, the embodiment and influence of their energy in various objects and symbols.


Water is one of the main elements of Feng Shui.

If you need this element to correct an imbalance in the house, then you need to use real water, and not its image. Clean circulating water is much more effective than standing water. This is why it is recommended to use fountains and aquariums in every Feng Shui school. This is a good way of placing water in a place where there is usually none.

Blue or black in large quantities can replace the energy of water on a vibrational level. So if you paint the walls in a room, for example, blue, it will create the energy of that element.


This is a feng shui element that is somewhat misunderstood. Wooden furniture, for example, is mostly passive, so it won't cause any harm even if it is placed throughout the apartment, including the floors.

If you want to use wood as a balancing element, then a live plant is quite suitable. A painting or carpet in green tones will not only decorate the room, but will also become a source of energy for the tree.


This is a contradictory element, and its location can bring either a lot of benefit or harm.

Most people from Western countries who have not thoroughly studied the art of Feng Shui do not know how to properly use this element. In Chinese culture, the color red symbolizes happiness, wealth and success.

Beyond any cultural or psychological associations, fire vibrations produce more heat. Painting doors red to make up for the lack of this element is a common myth in Feng Shui - such actions will not bring any benefit.

Fire colors that are used in the wrong places can cause accidents, divorces and other unwanted occurrences. This element can be represented by a large object in red, burgundy, hot pink or cranberry color.


This feng shui element is found in any object that is made using earth or stone. Things made of clay, ceramics, brick, marble, concrete also emit vibrations of the elements. Rose quartz and amethyst crystals also represent the element of Earth. This beginning is symbolized by the colors yellow, orange and brown. Artificial crystals do not have healing powers, although their use is very popular in some modern schools of feng shui.


Things made of copper, brass, bronze, tin, steel, silver and gold carry the energy of the metal. White or gray can improve the atmosphere where this element is not enough, but it is still better to use real metal. Furniture and decor in the room often have details made from this material, which will have the corresponding energy.

Metal file cabinets in the workplace can also be used to restore the strength of metal. Simply put, there is no need to buy special Chinese attributes. Even a set of metal golf clubs in an appropriate location can have as much of a positive impact as special copper coins and mandarin duck figurines.

I like people who have a raw piece of copper or brass and feel free to use it, thereby capturing the energy of the metal. 11-13 kilograms of this element is enough to improve the vibration of a room measuring 3 m2. Larger rooms therefore require more metal.

How to perform a ritual to fulfill a wish

1.decide which area of ​​life your desire relates to and determine which sector of your house or apartment corresponds to it. Position yourself in this sector. That is, if you want a romantic relationship, go to the southwestern part of the apartment, money - to the southeastern part, and so on. If you don’t want to deal with this, position yourself in the center of your home.

During the ritual, in order to recharge your energy, hold your hands over the circle. You will feel how energy accumulates there. Personally, I feel a whole column of energy. This happens because we arrange the five elements in such a way that they generate (reinforce) each other, creating a harmonious cycle of creation of everything, including you and me. In feng shui this is called the Wu Xing circle. And we will return to it more than once. In this way, you can also strengthen different areas of life if difficulties arise in any of them or things are not going as you would like.

This wonderful ritual for fulfilling a wish can only help those who have fulfilled it. Therefore, we should not be lazy on the way to our dreams. Let nature itself help you in their implementation! And if you are familiar with this ritual and have performed it before, share your successes and inspire others!

Circle of desires.

On the waxing moon, wear comfortable, clean clothes, choose any surface in your living room. For example, it could be a small table or bedside table. I also advise you to use a small tray; it can be rearranged anywhere, for example, hidden if you have guests (negative looks and inappropriate questions, I think you don’t need it). So, on your tray (you can pronounce your desire and affirmations) place a small cup (glass) with clean water (Water element); next to the right, place a twig, or place a wooden frame or any other small object made of wood (Wood element); then place a red pyramid or candle (Fire element) in a circle; then follows any ceramic or clay product, for example a small vase (Earth element); and any metal object (not a knife or any weapon) closes the circle (Metal element). The circle of desires is closed! Collect these items into a beautiful composition, you should like it.

Feng Shui for making wishes come true

This way of realizing a dream is considered the most powerful in the entire practice of Feng Shui . So before you get started, please read the rules:

First, take your desire into pieces. You must make sure that it passes the environmental test. To do this, think about whether you really need to materialize this desire, whether it is sincere and only yours, and whether it will harm others.

Secondly, do not perform the ritual out of idle curiosity or for any reason. Don't worry, you won't get negative influence, but when you really need help, you won't get it. Masters claim that Fire, Water, Metal, Wood and Earth are living elements, and they do not like it when they are played with.

Thirdly, wait for the waxing moon.

The Circle of Creation is a great Feng Shui tool for fulfilling desires

Once you decide on a desire, refer to the Bagua grid and determine which sector it belongs to. For example, you have long and passionately dreamed of opening your own business. In this case, you need the north, which is responsible for the career. It is there that the ritual will need to be performed.

Formulate your desire in the present tense and without the word “I want.” You probably know that the word “I want” slows down the implementation of your plans and responds in the subconscious in a negative way. Those. if you say “I want to lose weight,” the unconscious calms down with satisfaction, since the dream has already been fulfilled. You already “want”, why work further? It’s the same here: since one of the conditions of the ritual is Faith, it means that you need to put your desire in a favorable form for an unspoken “agreement” with the subconscious.

According to the example, your request will sound something like this: “I open my own business with ease and pleasure.”

As you may have guessed, we will use the energy of the five elements, or rather the power of their interaction, which is reflected by the Circle of Creation. This is what needs to be created.

Take the symbols of the five elements, for example:

Wood - a piece of wood, Water - a glass of water, Metal - a metal object, Fire - a candle, Earth - a clay object, earth.

All symbols should be approximately equal in size. Arrange the items according to the Circle of Creation.

Before you begin, be sure to light a candle to activate the energy of Fire. Once you are done, sit comfortably next to your Circle of Creation and repeat out loud or mentally your prepared wish statement. Don't be surprised if you suddenly feel a strong warmth coming from him or if an unfamiliar shiver appears in your body. The power of the circle is very great. After five to ten minutes, thank the forces and put out the candle. You can devote more time to the ritual.

Feng Shui masters do not recommend immediately removing the circle after the procedure described above. Leave it for at least a week in your sector, and do not forget to change the water daily. Also – while you have it, repeat the ritual every day for at least five minutes.

The Five Elements and Their Relationships

The relationship between elements or elements can be represented as a cycle. There are four types of cycle: the spawning cycle, the control cycle, the attrition cycle and the adversarial cycle.

Generation Cycle (Xiang Sheng)

Each element feeds and strengthens the next. Necessary to create auspicious.

Wood feeds Fire,

Fire feeds the Earth,

The Earth feeds Metal,

Metal feeds Water,

Water nourishes the Tree.

Sometimes they say that Tree is the son of Water and the mother of Fire.

For example, you can paint a room in the northern sector (water element) gray (metal color). In this way, you activate the labor and career sector, since metal nourishes water.

Cycle of Control or Domination (Xiang Ke)

In this cycle, each element is controlled by another element.

The concept of dominance means that each of the five elements can control and restrain the development of the other.

Thus the Tree controls the Earth,

Earth controls Water,

Water controls Fire,

Fire is controlled by Metal,

Metal controls Wood.

The cycle of control is in addition to the cycle of generation. In fact, is it possible to imagine eternal growth without a regulatory mechanism?

For example, Wood controls the Earth, but the Earth gives birth to Metal, which in turn controls the Wood.

These two cycles can be compared to a horseman: his legs provide the impulse and his arms control.

Cycle of Exhaustion or Destruction (Xiang Cheng)

It is similar to the cycle of control, but here each element feeds the other, while itself weakening and depleting.

This cycle occurs when the balance is disturbed and one element becomes excessive in relation to another.

For example, if you have health problems, pay attention to the eastern sector of the house. If you notice a strong presence of metal elements, such as white paint, metal frames, wrought iron beds, etc., then you urgently need to correct this by removing excess metal, as it destroys the Wood.

Adversary Cycle (Xiang Wu)

The cycle is the opposite of the control cycle. Occurs when one element becomes too strong and opposes the element that should normally limit it. Wood is opposed to Metal, Metal is opposed to Fire, Fire is opposed to Water, Water is opposed to Earth, and Earth is opposed to Wood.

In other words, the first two cycles indicate a normal balance of elements, and the last two indicate an imbalance.


Everything in our world has energy. Energy is in us and around us. It can be both positive and negative, both healing and deadly, both invigorating and depressing. Any energy, even positive, can turn against you. That's why it's so important to understand how it works and learn how to manage it. The Circle of Creation can help you manage energy, the main thing is that it does not turn into the Circle of Destruction.

The Circle of Creation, however, like the Circle of Destruction, includes only five elements - water, fire, metal and wood. These elements are always moving and interacting with each other, and both positive Qi energy and negative Sha energy can be released.

Circle of Creation.

In the Circle of Creation, water feeds a tree, and a tree feeds fire, fire turns into ash (into earth), while earth gives birth to metal, and metal gives birth to water. If the whole cycle goes correctly, then positive Qi energy is generated, which will positively influence your life. It can improve your health and financial situation. Also, positive Qi energy can help you climb the career ladder.

Circle of destruction.

But the circle of destruction brings only misfortune. The Circle of Destruction consists of the same elements as the Circle of Creation. True, these elements interact somewhat differently: water extinguishes fire, and fire melts metal, metal cuts down wood, and wood depletes the earth, and the earth absorbs water. In such a Circle, the elements of Feng Shui destroy each other, thereby generating negative Sha energy, which has a very negative effect on a person’s life. The Circle of Destruction can lead to illness, destroy a marriage, and take away the most precious thing you have in life. Therefore, you need to be more careful with the negative energy of Sha.

How to use the Circle of Creation and Circle of Destruction.

1. Make a wish.

First, make a wish. For example: promotion at work, peace in the family, luck in love, and so on. Now write it on a piece of paper. If your desire does not go against your destiny and it does not harm anyone, then this desire will definitely come true.

2. Choose a location for the Circle of Creation.

The Circle of Creation should be placed in the room or place to which your desire relates. For example: if you want to achieve a promotion at work, then place your Creation Circle in the office; If you wished for peace in the family, then place it in the room where all family members are, preferably in the kitchen.

3. Making a Circle of Creation.

For this we

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