Description of the elements according to Feng Shui

In the traditional teachings of Feng Shui, water is the source of vital energy Shi. Therefore, any water source, be it a waterfall, fountain or aquarium, can serve as an ideal storage facility for living water that will bring health, well-being and happiness into your home.

The sound of water will not only have a calming effect on your psychological state while at home, but will also improve the air in the room. Flowing water is calming and good to look at during relaxation, meditation, and rest after a hard and stressful day at work.

It is especially important to have fountains and waterfalls in city apartments, which are made mainly of concrete and plastic. Indeed, in such rooms there is often an energy imbalance. A fountain, waterfall or even a painting of water will help restore the balance between Yin and Yang.

Today we will talk about the importance of water and water sources in our apartments. Which fountain, waterfall or aquarium with fish to choose for placement at home and where to place them most successfully, according to the teachings of Feng Shui.

Which fountain does Feng Shui recommend?

If you decide to install a fountain in your apartment or house, then first you must decide on its shape and the pressure of the stream. A stream of water in a fountain, according to the science of Feng Shui, must necessarily shoot upward, and it can be of any height and force of ejection.

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Fountains can be both tabletop and floor-mounted, in the form of bowls, columns or various compositions. Therefore, when choosing the shape of a fountain, be guided only by your tastes and preferences.

Some companies that manufacture decorative fountains sometimes provide the buyer with the right to choose decorative elements and stands for the fountain. This is very convenient because you can choose the height and shape of the fountain yourself.

If for some reason you do not want to have a fountain at home, then you can replace it with a beautiful waterfall with crystal clear water.

List of elements in the teachings of Feng Shui

According to Chinese philosophers, the basis of the universe is the interaction of the energies of Yin and Yang - two opposite principles - which allows the basis of life - Qi energy - to exist in 5 transformations - Fire, Water, Earth, Metal and Wood. These are the main elements according to Feng Shui.

One of them is predominant and influences the formation of personality to a greater extent than the others. Knowing your element allows you to improve your life and improve your well-being.

Determining your element

They recognize their element by the last digit of their year of birth. This applies to those born between February 20 and January 1. The starting point is the Chinese New Year.

The date of the holiday in the year of birth matters. People born before its onset focus on the previous year. Metal – 0 and 1, Water – 2 and 3, Wood – 4 and 5, Fire – 6 and 7, Earth – 8 and 9.

Element Water

Water – flow of energy, spirituality, contemplation and wealth. It cleanses, pacifies, teaches flexibility. A person with this leading element has a developed intellect, the ability to see and understand the meaning of things. At the same time, he is secretive and mysterious, trying to flow around obstacles.

Compatibility of the Water element with others:

  1. With Fire. Water carries creative energy, and he shares with it his entrepreneurship and activity. To improve mutual understanding, a couple should have Tree symbols at home.
  2. With the Earth.
    Reliable, practical, sensible, but stubborn Earth often hurts sensitive and creative Water, but supports and takes care of it. The element of Metal harmonizes relationships.
  3. With Metal. The elements are related by developed intuition, the ability to empathize and the desire to understand, thanks to which the parties deeply feel each other. Metal protects its couple from the influence of others, Water teaches loyalty, emotional openness, not to be afraid of the new and to easily part with the past.
  4. With Tree.
    The union is characterized by spiritual and intellectual closeness. Wood provides stability and determination, and Water provides the energy of growth and development, the desire for self-expression, and the ability to empathize.
  5. With water. The parties deeply feel each other, understand and share interests, support, strengthen self-confidence and fortitude.

Yin variety

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the elements have varieties of Yin and Yang. Water transformation Yin personifies calmness, upward striving, the ability to absorb and analyze information, and understanding the essence of things. Such people have high learning ability, patience, and strong character. At the same time, they are distinguished by amazing modesty.

Yang variety

This Feng Shui element is distinguished by the irrepressible energy of the seas, turbulent rivers and waterfalls. People of this sign have determination, drive, and the ability to take risks. They have wide interests and many things to do. They are noisy, energetic and bright personalities.

Element Wood

The living element Tree symbolizes the beginning of a new life, growth and development. The following table reflects the qualities of Qi energy transformation:

Part of the worldEast
SymbolLiving plants
Negative emotionAnger
Positive traitsPurposefulness, intuition, flexibility, energy, fortitude, responsibility, caring, desire for leadership
Negative qualitiesStubbornness, tendency to aggression, increased demands, does not tolerate restrictions
Life guideFriends

Compatibility of Wood with other elements:

  1. Fire strengthens a partner, helping to fulfill cherished dreams. Wood balances the impulsiveness of Fire. The elements are united by the desire for new experiences and knowledge.
  2. Earth. The progressive and active Tree dries up the conservative Earth. Fire symbols will help harmonize the atmosphere in the family.
  3. Metal. Elements that conflict with each other. The reason is a mutual desire for leadership. It is difficult for the sociable Tree to understand the closed nature of Metal.
  4. Tree. A union of active creative personalities, lovers of new sensations, changes and changes in activity. They easily find common interests and put up with their partner’s hobbies.

Yin variety

The element of the Tree of the Yin variety is personified by vines and other climbing plants, strong and tenacious, but flexible, not going ahead, capable of adapting to any circumstances, possessing enormous inner strength and energy, and a desire for creativity. They are wise, tolerant, artistic and charming individuals. They need reliable support and support. The negative emotion of the sign is anger.

Yang variety

The Yang variety is a powerful tree that will not bend from the wind. These people are strong, do not compromise, adhere to principles, are stubborn and never back down, active, and develop quickly. They do not seek to dominate.

Lack of goals and restrictions lead them to depression, and the negative emotion of the sign manifests itself - anger. The person becomes quite rude. Power, career growth, success, and social position are of great importance.

Element Earth

The earth symbolizes stability, care, protection. People whose element is Earth by date of birth are distinguished by their thoroughness, reliability, and desire to take care of others. They are creative, hardworking, and intelligent.

Possible elemental unions:

  1. Fire and Earth enhance each other's potential and reach unprecedented heights.
  2. Earth. Outwardly restrained, partners are deeply attached to each other, care and strive to become better in the eyes of a loved one.
  3. The combination of Earth and Metal promises a strong union based on mutual assistance, respect and love. Solid Earth supports an ambitious partner in his aspirations, and patient Metal encourages the couple to develop.

Element of Fire according to Feng Shui

The definition of the element of Fire is pure energy without material embodiment. He is characterized by assertiveness and a desire for power.

Those born with Fire are friendly and sociable, charismatic. It is important for them to be the center of attention. These are fast-moving, noisy, impulsive, creative people with good intuition. They do not tolerate loneliness well.

Possible alliances:

  1. With Fire. Partners support each other’s passion, optimism, creative endeavors, and have common hobbies.
  2. With Metal. Fire suppresses and destroys it. Metal seeks to impose its opinion, this leads to conflicts. Humor and symbols of the Earth in the house will soften the situation.

Element Metal according to Feng Shui

Metal has clear shapes that cannot be restored if destroyed. The personality is distinguished by high efficiency, firmness, and is capable of conquering peak after peak. At the same time, she distances herself from others, is cold, and sometimes rude. The element seeks to organize the surrounding space.

The relationship between two metals is based on mutual understanding. This is a union of independent individuals. Despite the outward coldness, people's affection is deep and constant.

The influence of color on a person and his fate

Color has a great influence on a person and is reflected in his character, this is expressed in preferences, inclinations, and temperament.

Each person, in accordance with the leading element, has a dominant color by which he can be perceived. So, the color of Water people is blue, light blue, black, Earth people are yellow, brown, beige, Fire people are shades of red, orange, Metal people are silver, gray, Wood people are shades of green.


How to choose a waterfall for your home

It is very useful to place a water source in the form of a waterfall at home. Choose the shape and height of the waterfall, as well as the fountain, based on your preferences. But, according to Feng Shui, the louder the noise and the more powerful the flow of water, the more spectacular the waterfall will look. But small, quietly murmuring waterfalls have the same calming effect as large waterfalls.

The film made from water also looks elegant. It not only adds elegance to the interior, but is also a very good air humidifier.

And if you want something new and unusual, then buy a waterfall in the form of streams of rain. It can be any height and width.

But if the room is not very large, then it is better to purchase a small waterfall, otherwise a large amount of water in a small room can lead to an imbalance in the energy balance.

Feng Shui colors, wise selection. – Subtleties of Metaphysics

What questions does any follower of Feng Shui ask in the tireless struggle to harmonize their home? The most important question is how to find matches for the five important elements in the full range of colors present in nature, to determine colors according to Feng Shui.

Moreover, it makes no difference whether we are talking about a living space or a study or office. Playing with color is an easy way to move the energy in your home to give the space proper Feng Shui properties.

However, sometimes working with color can be challenging (as many interior decorators and Chinese metaphysics enthusiasts are sure to attest).

Although, finding the right Feng Shui colors for your space is very easy - as you can see in our color list (below). But it can take some work to get the right color to suit you.

Color is a living substance, and its presence in your environment depends on many factors, two of which are the quality of lighting and the color scheme of your home.

Color tips will help you determine your main color scheme to create good energy, and then be sure to experiment until you find the right color for your home!

The best color choices are based on understanding the 5 elements theory. Each shade is considered to be an expression of one of them: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood.

According to the Lo Shu square theory, which describes the energy content of your space, these elements “control” the different areas of your home.

A successful choice of color according to Feng Shui leads to increased nourishment of the main element of a particular area.

We have written this humble guide as a reference for creating harmony in your home. Determine your need to fill it with the energy you need and bring it into your space along with the color of the walls, drapery, works of art, and simply photographs that are dear to you in color.

Feng Shui colors of the tree element

Motto: We live and grow! (can be with or without a comma)

The Wood element represents new life: it is associated with the idea of ​​growth and expansion, as well as the quality of imagination and many creative activities (eg writing, drawing, designing). Since it represents young Qi, it is logical to see it at the beginning of the Elemental cycle.

Its dynamics must expand (The tree must grow). The lush and healing element of Wood brings the energy of good health, vitality and growth. It is also an expression of abundance, which is why it is used as a feng shui remedy for wealth and prosperity.

This is due to the use of plants and the money tree in Feng Shui.

So the attributes of the tree are:

  • height
  • expanding
  • Start
  • new life, young Qi
  • it also has a connection with movement, as wind is considered to be associated with Forest Qi.

Feng Shui colors for Wood:

  • green
  • beige
  • brown

The shape is a rectangle, horizontal or vertical.

The associated planet is Jupiter.

In the Lo Shu square, the Tree occupies the eastern and southeastern sector. The southern region also benefits from the strong presence of the wood element.

The Wood element is associated with the spring season.

Feng Shui Colors of the Element of FIRE


Who would leave a pot unattended on an open fire or electric stove? So the element Fire should not be left without your attention. With proper harmonization, it is able to provide you with support in the professional sphere - to start a successful career and achieve recognition.

We also remembered the Brazilians for good reason - sexual energy and filling your body with warmth are entirely his responsibility. The Fire element is very versatile, hot and fast in nature. Its dynamic is to go up, to rise higher. It is the hottest of the 5 elements and also has the lowest density.

It is therefore not surprising to see that this Element is associated with the spiritual realm, for example, and the idea of ​​channeling. The various attributes of Fire are as follows:

  • moving up
  • hot and fast
  • explosive
  • volatile

Which sector belongs to Fire? The main one is the Southern sector in the Lo Shu square, but the North-East and South-West sectors also really need its favorable energy.

in the Lo Shu square, fire refers to the south direction and this explains the different arrangement of directions on the Chinese compass.

As the Chinese observed the rise of fire and its connection with the south, the South is naturally placed at the top of the compass (Lo Pan) rather than at the bottom as in the Western compass.

So, Feng Shui colors for Fire:

  • red
  • orange
  • purple
  • pink
  • strong yellow
  • chestnut
  • purple, eggplant
  • blue (think of the color of a flame on a gas stove)

Related forms:

triangles stars spikes corner shapes

free-form shapes that are trim rather than bloated

Associated with the planet Mars.

Fire is associated with the summer season, which is usually the hottest of the year

Feng Shui Colors of the Earth Element


If uncontrolled Fire brings unbridled passions, then controlled Earth gives calm, balance, stability and protection. It nourishes your relationships, gives health and overall inner harmony.

The Earth element is dense and one of the most physical. It is heavy in nature and has a special place in the 5 element cycle (more on this later). Its natural dynamics must be complied with.

Think about the different layers that make up soil, for example...

Which sector belongs to the Earth? The main ones are North-East and South-West. As a balancing element, the Earth also rules the center of any room you have.

Thus, the attributes of the Earth are:

  • dense
  • solid
  • physical
  • cumulative

Feng Shui Colors of the Earth Element:

  • light yellow
  • brown (not beige, brown!)
  • earth/sand colors

Associated Planet - Saturn

The shape of the Earth is a square

There is no real earthly season. Rather, the Earth appears in interseasonal periods that last 18 days (4 of them and 72 days). For example, the transition between summer and autumn. This indicates the special status of the Earth element, which is the more binding element, more on this later.

Feng Shui Colors of the Metal Element


A good presence of metallic element in your home will help maintain the energy of calm, clear clarity and eliminate distractions. Metal is flexible, ductile and a real chameleon.

It can be used for both cutting and protection, or as a glamor factor to enhance appearance.

Metal is an element that directly relates to human activity, since without human intervention, a nugget of mined metal cannot become a tool for cutting wood or jewelry.

The dynamics of Metal must contract, in contrast to the growing energy of Wood.

Therefore, the attributes of Metal:

  • contracting
  • flexible
  • adaptive
  • attractive

In the Lo Shu square, Metal is associated with the West and Northwest. The northern area of ​​your home also benefits from the presence of a metal element.

Feng Shui colors for Metal:

  • grey
  • white
  • silver
  • all metallic tones

Associated planet - Venus Round shape: circles, spheres and cylinders

Metal is the autumn season

Feng Shui colors of the WATER element


The element of water is an ancient symbol of abundance, thus it is a powerful feng shui remedy for wealth. Which is connected with the use of fountains and mirrors as Feng Shui tools.

The water element is often restless, like fire. This is the second element most associated with the idea of ​​fast movement. She brings life, but she can also be an unstoppable force of nature.

The water element is closely associated with emotions and the subconscious.

The dynamics of the Water Element should always go to the lowest point, downward, as opposed to the movement of the ascending Fire.

Thus, the attributes of Water are:

  • flow
  • cool
  • liquid
  • constant change
  • inaction

in the Lo Shu square, the water element is associated with the northern sector. The eastern and southeastern parts also benefit from a strong water element.

Feng Shui color for Water:

  • blue (shades of blue - beyond blue fire)
  • black

Associated Planet - Mercury

Shapes - all irregular but seductive shapes, akin to waves

It represents the winter season. It can be seen as the end of the cycle before the transition (through the Earth) and a new cycle beginning with the "Tree in the East"

So here it is, the ultimate Feng Shui color guide to help you create a harmonious and happy home.

and a small note:

Let's go over the issue of the Southern Hemisphere and the Lo Shu square...

We noted that the Chinese Fire Square and its associated direction, South, are at the apex of the compass and Lo Shu square. North, therefore, is below. On seasonality points and placements, some argue that when used in the southern hemisphere, the square should be reversed.

So you would use a regular Lo Shu square in London and, for example, upside down in Australia. The logic is that the summer season is at the opposite time in the southern hemisphere, and that the southern direction is associated with cold rather than warm, while the northern direction is hotter in that hemisphere.

Of course, these differences are real.

This, however, overlooks the fact that Yin/Yang theory and the 5 elements, Qi energy is everywhere on our planet. Remember that Qi and the Lo Shu square have a strong association with magnetism.

You can place South at the top or bottom, but still it is based on the North/South magnetic axis. What is true is that a southerly direction in the southern hemisphere will be associated with colder temperatures, while the north tends to be warmer.

But people, the Earth is round! If you keep going south, you'll eventually encounter some warmth, right? So, remember that the Elements translate into practical terms the theory of the physical Universe, and that the same principles apply everywhere on Earth.

If you start following the logic of the southern hemisphere in the Lo Shu square and invert it, then which square do you use on the equator axis?

Source: %BD-%D1%88%D1%83%D0%B9-%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0 %B9-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B1%D0%BE%D1%80/

Feng Shui meaning of an aquarium

In China and many Asian countries, fish aquariums are the most popular. They can be seen in almost every house in the southeastern sector.

According to Feng Shui, aquariums with fish are a symbol of not only living water, but also well-being, wealth and prosperity. In this case, the color and number of fish are of great importance. The best option is when there is one black fish and eight gold fish in the aquarium.

Unlike fountains and waterfalls, an aquarium must be a certain width and height. Since an aquarium should bring power and wealth to the home, the appropriate size for an aquarium, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, is: height 38 cm, length 38 cm, and the width of an ideal aquarium according to Feng Shui is 26 cm.

The size and inhabitants of the aquarium, of course, are of great importance, but that is not all. You also need to choose the shape and location where the aquarium will be located in the apartment. It is best to place the aquarium in the passage, so you can always see it. Just don't place it in front of the toilet or front door, otherwise all your luck will go down the drain or onto the street. As for the shape of the aquarium, it can be anything, but not triangular.

In Ancient China, there was a legend about how carps swam up the river, overcoming rapids, and those that could not cope with the current became dragons. Since then, the Chinese have considered fish to be a symbol of determination and perseverance. And therefore, if you decide to have fish, then you should install a device in the aquarium that will create a current, and a device that will saturate the water with oxygen.

Water in Feng Shui

The Water element can be used as a protective agent in a variety of forms: in the form of fountains, ponds, small decorative or drinking fountains, aquariums, etc. The influence of the Water element is most pronounced in the Water zone (in the north) and in the Wood zone (in the east and southeast).

According to Chinese tradition, Water is a symbol of money. And a sign of special luck is considered to be an aquarium in which a goldfish, or several fish, swims. But the number of fish must be odd. It’s even better if one of the fish is black - then it will absorb all the negative energy.

If you want to ensure good luck in financial matters, it is better to place an aquarium with water in the south-eastern part of the room. However, it is necessary to constantly ensure that the water is always clean, oxygenated and constantly in motion. And an aquarium with musty water will have the exact opposite effect on the material well-being of all inhabitants of the house or office space.

Where should the water be?

A fountain, waterfall or image of a pond should be located on the left side of the front door (if you are facing it); if the pond is placed on the other side of the front door, then it will begin to attract not only prosperity and happiness to the house, but also other women to your husband. It used to be in China that a successful man should have a large number of concubines. But in our time, a man’s love of love can destroy a family.

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The Five Elements System in Feng Shui

The Five Elements system, or elements, is one of the main foundations. It is believed that the interaction of Yin-Yang allows Qi energy to exist in different forms. And they are called the five elements - Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water.

Nature and the external environment can be described by a system of 5 elements. If you delve into the essence of this theory and learn to understand it, you can achieve amazing results.

In China, since ancient times, the principle of the Five Elements has been widely used - for predicting fate, in martial arts, Qi Gong, and medicine. After all, all objects and phenomena, including emotions, food, and even we ourselves consist of Five Elements !

The Chinese gave this principle the name Wu Xing, which means five transformations, or five phases of Qi energy and divided any life process into five stages of development:

  • The beginning of the journey and growth . During this phase, the Qi energy rapidly grows upward, like a Tree reaching towards the sun. It is persistent and persistent.
  • Then comes the peak of development - like Fire, has a maximum of energy rushing in different directions.
  • The next phase is energy stabilization . She is like the Earth - reliable, powerful, stable.
  • Then inevitably comes decline . Energy acquires the properties of Metal - it is compressed inward, concentrated, and hardened.
  • The end of life and the beginning of a new cycle in development - Water . It flows freely, penetrates inside, and permeates everything around it.

Relationships of 5 elements

Everything must be born, and so our five elements are also born. In the birth cycle, one type of Qi energy helps another to arise, nourishing and strengthening it. Wood intensifies Fire - when wood is thrown into the flame, it burns brighter. From Fire, ashes are formed - the basis for the Earth. Metal appears in the depths of the Earth. He, in turn, helps Water to be born. And Water nourishes the Tree.

In the birth cycle:

  • Tree gives birth to Fire
  • Fire gives birth to Earth
  • Earth gives birth to Metal
  • Metal gives birth to Water
  • Water gives birth to a tree

In the cycle of control, also called the “ cycle of destruction ,” one of the elements controls and suppresses the other to create balance. Metal cuts Wood, controlling its shape, and Wood, in turn, controls the Earth, receiving useful substances from it. Earth stops the flow of Water, Water extinguishes Fire, and Fire melts Metal.

In the control cycle:

  • The tree controls the earth
  • Earth controls Water
  • Water controls Fire
  • Fire controls Metal
  • Metal controls Wood and the cycle ends

Properties of the Five Elements

Each of the elements has its own properties, but the elements are not the materials themselves, but only their comparison with them. The properties that objects have indicate which of the five elements they belong to.

Their names - Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water will help you better understand the essence of the 5 types of Qi energy. But you should not take these words literally.

Otherwise, you will go very far from a correct understanding of this system!

Tree Fire Earth Metal Water
MaterialWood, paperFire, heatCeramics, stoneMetal productsWater, glass
ColorGreenRedBrown, yellowGolden, white, grayBlack blue
FormVertical long rectangleTriangleHorizontal rectangle, squareCircle, sphereWavy irregular shape
Side of the worldEast SoutheastSouthNortheast Southwest
West North-WestNorth

For example, a round white ball is the element of Metal, and if it is black, then it already combines two elements - Metal and Water. A tall wooden cabinet, painted red, represents the elements of Wood and Fire. You can arrange any item yourself in this way and imagine it as a combination of 5 elements!

For Feng Shui purposes in the Five Elements, when creating an interior, color, shape and material are of primary importance, since they are the ones that are perceived first. But in food products, color and shape are no longer so important; taste plays the main role here.

5 elements of feng shui

Feng Shui is gaining more followers every year. People like Chinese philosophy because it brings prosperity to their home.

The basis of the entire teaching is the elements of Feng Shui - Water, Fire, Earth, Wood and Metal and their compatibility. They are in constant interaction and, like the seasons, come to replace each other. Each feng shui element has its own characteristic, and the property of infinite Qi energy. You will soon learn that the five elements differ in shape, color and the aspects they affect you and each room of the house, as well as how the zodiac signs are associated with them.

The first thing in Feng Shui is water. Water is a symbol of birth, wealth and emotionality. Its colors are rich blue and black, and its shape is round. Water finds its manifestation in all liquids and phenomena that have a flow. An excess of energy can also cause destruction, just like water in nature.

The second element is wood. The color of the element is green, the shape is straight. The element finds its manifestation in all objects symbolizing growth, flourishing and creativity.

The third element is fire. She is a source of strength and spirituality. This is a pointed element, red or orange. The element finds its expression in everything that has parts of fire and light. However, fire, due to its powerful energy, can also become the main cause of imbalance and disharmony, and can cause conflicts and misunderstandings.

The fourth element is earth. It symbolizes stability, reliability, self-confidence. The earth element is brown or yellow in color and flat in shape. The element finds its expression in landscapes, stones, and various objects that have a square shape and the desired color. It is useful to use the symbolism of the element in order to strengthen your willpower, increase moral stability and self-control. But even this element, which carries calm and harmony, can negatively affect a person - cause him irritation and increased suspicion.

The fifth element is metal. It symbolizes success and prosperity. This element is white, silver or gold in color, round or dome-shaped. The element manifests itself in any object that contains metal parts and the colors of the element. By directing the element towards yourself, you can improve your financial situation and attract good luck to yourself.

The Five Elements have both Yang energy and Yin properties. Thus, metal can be soft and flexible, as well as hard and inflexible, water can have a smooth surface or be wavy, and even fire can be soft, like a smoldering candle.

You see that all five elements can have a beneficial effect on your life. But it is impossible to simply use all five elements in your home without taking into account their compatibility; an imbalance between them can lead to the exact opposite effect and, moreover, be dangerous.

The five elements have their own calendar according to Feng Shui, that is, their compatibility has a clear order, namely wood, fire, earth, metal and water. In order to increase the effect of each of them, it is enough to place it together with an element close to it. But an increased amount of any of the elements can cause destruction. In this case, according to Feng Shui, it is better to soften them with the help of the opposite element. In order to make your life as harmonious as possible, Feng Shui teaches what the compatibility of all five elements is. Some things enhance their impact on a person, others soften them. You cannot think that you are only interested in the action of one element, and accordingly store the symbols of only this element. As you have already read above, an excess of any of them will lead to unpleasant consequences.

According to Feng Shui, the life of each person is determined by which of the five elements influences the formation of his personality, according to his date of birth. To calculate which element you belong to, just take a calendar. You don’t need anything special except a calculator to calculate by date of birth; you can also calculate this using a special calendar, which shows the ratio based on the year of birth. We also recommend that you pay attention to the fact that each zodiac sign according to the horoscope has its own element.

So, if you were able to find out by your date of birth which element you belong to, then it’s time to get acquainted with the characteristics of each element.

Fire people are analytical individuals who rely on their logic in everything. They always have huge ambitions, they are quickly carried away by ideas, but tend to quickly change their hobbies. They especially need those who will support them in all endeavors and empathize with failures. The element of fire is characterized by dryness and ambition. Fire people have quick temper, courage, zeal, and impetuosity. You see that the characteristics of the fire you can see and the character traits are really similar. These qualities are shared by 3 zodiac signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Fire people will always be obsessed with power, striving to be managers and reach the highest positions. They are used to asserting themselves and being unshakable. People, like their patron fire, have too much ardor and heat, which can lead to problems.

Tree people are creative individuals. Such people do not like routine and monotonous work. However, just like fire people, they lack the patience to realize their plans.

Earth people are those who are called reliable, confident, stable. By nature, these individuals are preservatives, therefore they do not like change, unlike fire people. Can work in conditions of constantly repetitive actions. Everything always works like clockwork for them, and is completed when the calendar requires it. The earth zodiac signs are Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.

Metal people are highly organized individuals. They have a very tough character, which is characterized by straightforwardness and fairness. Personalities of this element are always demanding of everyone and everything. You should not conflict with him, because you will not be able to be as tough as your opponent.

Water people are born diplomats with all possible flexibility and loyalty, the exact opposite of what fire demonstrates. These are individuals who are close to scientific activity, and their knowledge is always deep and maximum in any field they choose. They themselves are a constant dynamic, so any stagnation becomes destructive to their happiness. There are three zodiac signs of this element: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

The three signs of the zodiac - Libra, Aquarius and Gemini - obey the element of Air. Each zodiac sign has not only its own element, but special qualities, the intersection of which reveals character.

Not only people, but primarily the areas of the house are subject to the compatibility of the five elements. In order for your home to have good luck in life, you need to use the correct Feng Shui symbols to guide and correct their action. The tree zone is located in the east of the house, here you need to place as much symbolism of wood or water (a friendly element) as possible. In the north of the house there is a water area. The fire zone is located in the southwest of the house. When choosing a painting, opt for sunrise or fire motifs. The northeastern part of the house is in the possession of the element of Earth; to enhance its energy, use images of landscapes, crystal products and ceramic figurines. Each element is balanced by a friendly one, but only taking into account compatibility can the correct symbols be used. Compatibility is usually determined by the proximity of the location in the cycle. The action of each element is also influenced by the calendar and the Flying Stars.

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Personal definition

To find out your element, you need to determine the parity of the year of birth. Being born in an even year implies that you are a Yang-influenced person. An odd year implies that you were born under the influence of Yin.

People who are under the influence of Yang always prefer a dark and gloomy environment. Yin, on the other hand, loves bright and cheerful spaces. Yang energy is light, so it always tries to get closer to dark places. And Yin is dark energy that craves light.

The next way to find out your own element is by date of birth. If the date is between January 1 and February 20, then you need to pay attention to the value of the past year. If you were born after February 20, then you can use the value of the current year.

Focus on the eastern horoscope to understand which feng shui element out of the 5 will suit your zodiac sign.

Correlation with zodiac signs

Each element exists in a certain element. The following table shows 5 symbols that affect a person in one way or another:

  • the following signs are under the influence of earth: Ox, Goat, Dragon and Dog;
  • under the influence of fire there will always be a Snake and a Horse;
  • According to Feng Shui, the element of wood affects the Tiger and Rabbit;
  • Rat and Pig are affected by water;
  • According to Feng Shui, the metal element characterizes such signs as the Monkey and the Rooster.

It is important to determine your element according to Feng Shui out of five, because it is much easier to control your destiny - you should study all its characteristics and compare them with your character traits. Moreover, determining the elements according to Feng Shui does not take as much time as it might seem at first glance.

Color palette

Feng Shui involves not only information about a person, but also his color type. It is the five natural forces that can indicate which color of clothing to choose.

  • People born under the water sign need to stick to blue-blue or black shades.
  • For Earth, brown and beige shades are suitable.
  • If your feng shui element is fiery, then you need to choose red shades.
  • Metal signs should wear clothes in silver shades.
  • The tree symbol implies the use of green colors in the image.

Five elements in feng shui Lesson 1 Five elements in the house


Prediction for Metal Personality 2020

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