Feng Shui tips for the home: Feng Shui zones

General rules for installing a bed according to Feng Shui

Having at least basic knowledge of the ancient science of Feng Shui, you can already make your existence more harmonious. And we recommend starting to change your life for the better from the bedroom, because according to Eastern practice, the bed plays an extremely important role in a person’s life. Therefore, you need to install it correctly so that you wake up cheerful and rested every morning, fall asleep quickly in the evenings, do not experience an unreasonable feeling of anxiety during the day, and do not endanger your health.

And here are some simple but very effective tips from recognized Feng Shui masters, following which you will significantly improve the quality of your life.

Place the bed with the head of the bed facing the wall. This will allow you to feel protected, not only while you sleep, but also while you are awake. If this is not possible, then use a trick by moving a large chest of drawers to the headboard or dividing the bedroom space with a screen.

Under no circumstances should you place a mirror opposite or on the side of the bed, or on the ceiling, so that a sleeping person is reflected in it. Firstly, this is a bad omen, and secondly, this is unacceptable according to Feng Shui, because the mirror increases the amount of negative SHA-QI energy, which accumulates more and more over time, and leads to discord with those closest to you.

The mirror is not positioned correctly

Also, do not place the bed under huge chandeliers, beams, arches and slopes that will hang over it. All this will lead to the fact that the flows of energy circulating in space will be repelled from them, go around them, and attack the sleeper. As a result, a person may experience unconscious fears, panic attacks, and a feeling of depression.

Don't clutter the space under your bed. Air flows should circulate there unhindered. If your sleeping place is equipped with special drawers for things, then make sure that they are not filled with various unnecessary items. The maximum that can be stored in them is clean bed linen. Ideally, the shelves should be empty.

But for a quick and successful marriage, you need to abandon the idea of ​​moving the bed with one side to the wall. Let there be free access to it both on the right and on the left. But you shouldn’t place the bed in the center of the room. Remember about the presence of mandatory support. And yes, to attract love into your life, the place to relax should be a double bed.

Interesting: Stylish bedroom interior in light colors

Feng Shui zones - description and activation

There are several ways to determine the zones of an apartment according to Feng Shui, and all of them one way or another come down to a simple Ba Gua diagram. It has eight sectors around the circumference and one in the middle. These sectors have their own names. It’s just that the layout of the diagram is mirrored relative to the cardinal points. It needs to be drawn on thick paper or printed, and then cut out.

Next, you need to draw an exact plan of the apartment, not forgetting to indicate all the rooms, windows and doors. The cardinal directions need to be plotted on this plan. You can identify them using a compass. But the measurements must be made in a room where there are no radio electronics that can throw the arrow in the wrong direction. After all these activities, all that remains is to compare the Ba Gua diagram and the plan of the apartment (house), not forgetting to turn the diagram over according to the mirror principle.

After such a comparison, you will see in which rooms this or that Feng Shui zone in the apartment is located. If you want to activate them, you need, if possible, to maintain the correct color scheme and place several symbols that are responsible for the selected goal. Remember that you do not need to activate all sectors at once. Start with the 2-3 most desirable ones that require strengthening at a particular moment. Once these areas are established, it will be possible to move on to other sectors.

Feng Shui wealth zone in the apartment

If you want to achieve material well-being, the Feng Shui money zone in your apartment should be activated. It is located in the southeastern part, its element is water. Fish (an image or a real aquarium), an indoor fountain, a money tree, and various talismans will help attract the right energy here. The colors for decorating this room are green, beige, brown and purple. There should be a lot of light and air here, and it is better to get rid of unnecessary trash and disorder.

Feng Shui health zone in the apartment

The center of each home is the health zone according to Feng Shui. It unites all other sectors, but mainly affects a person’s well-being. Agree, it will be difficult for a sick person to achieve success in any area of ​​life. To activate this segment, you will need wooden items. For example, it could be a wooden table on which there is a figurine depicting fruit, or a basket with real fruit. You can also hang a small crystal ball in the center of the apartment, which will direct positive energy in all directions.

Career zone according to Feng Shui in the apartment

In the northern part there is a feng shui career zone. Its nourishing element is metal, its element is water. Colors that activate this sector: white, gray, blue, black. It would be appropriate to place an indoor fountain or aquarium here and decorate it with a turtle mascot. It is advisable to place the computer and telephone in this part of the apartment. Things that remind you of work - a photo of the team, an item with corporate symbols - will not be out of place.

Family zone according to Feng Shui in the apartment

According to the science of Feng Shui, the family zone is towards the east. It corresponds to the color green and its shades, the elements are water and wood. Here you need to place family photos, gifts from relatives, children's crafts (especially made of wood) and drawings. It is prohibited to place photographs of deceased relatives, thorny or dried plants, or stuffed animals in the family area.

Feng Shui children and creativity zone

Western Feng Shui zones in a room are places of creativity, hobbies and children. If you have difficulties in understanding each other with your child or want to reveal your talent, you need to activate this sector. To do this, select the lightest area of ​​the room, place fresh flowers and the child’s drawings here. Also, if you don’t know which Feng Shui zones to activate in the apartment, if you are just planning a child, then the western part of the apartment is what you need.

Feng Shui travel zone in the apartment

This sector, located in the northwest, is responsible not only for travel. Activating Feng Shui zones will also help attract useful people who will help you in difficult situations - Teachers. In this part of the apartment you can hang photos of people who helped you become, as well as figurines of the gods Ganesha and Guin. If you want to see the world, hang landscapes and images of attractions from those countries where you would definitely like to go.

Feng Shui Glory Zone

The southern part of the apartment is the glory zone. Its element is fire, its activation colors are red and green. Ideally, all awards for your achievements should be stored here - cups, medals, certificates, etc. A wooden or metal figurine of a crane, eagle or dove will contribute to even greater achievements and an excellent position in society. For this Feng Shui zone, a bright place is allocated in the apartment.

Feng Shui wisdom and knowledge zone

In the northeast, in the zone of wisdom, it is appropriate to place a library or at least a bookcase. This is the most comfortable place to study, learn foreign languages, and acquire new skills. Objects directly related to all these processes will help activate the segment. Whereas it is better to get rid of low-quality literature, glossy magazines and piercing and cutting objects - they negatively affect the energy of knowledge.

Feng Shui Wish Map Zones

In addition to arranging the appropriate talismans around the house and decorating various rooms in the right colors, it is advisable to always have before your eyes a wish map, which is otherwise called a vision board. It is an additional “magnet” for attracting necessary events in your life. The difference between it and a vision board is that the Feng Shui zones in the apartment and on the map will coincide, that is, photographs and other images must be placed in strict accordance with the zones on the Ba Gua diagram, and not chaotically.

So, how to activate Feng Shui zones on the map:

  1. Start from the center of the map: place a photo of yourself here in which you are absolutely happy. This is the health zone.
  2. Place pictures above the center that symbolize your success. This is the glory zone.
  3. Under your photo, in the career area, an image should be depicted that corresponds to the desired profession and professional achievements in the chosen field.
  4. In the upper left corner, in the wealth zone, paste pictures with money and everything related to material wealth.
  5. In the wisdom sector, at the bottom left, you can place an image of a diploma and everything that obtaining the desired education can lead to.
  6. In the family sector, which is located between wealth and study, stick up family photos - yours or just happy married couples, if you don’t have a family.
  7. In the upper right corner, in the love zone, place all the symbols of this feeling - hearts, intertwined hands, kissing lovers. If you have a loved one, be sure to paste his photo.
  8. In the hobby and children's area, located below the love sector, stick pictures with objects that indicate your way of self-expression - books, musical instruments, paints and brushes, etc. If you want children, place here images of pregnant women, newborn babies, as well as what you do to give birth to healthy children - examples of proper nutrition, exercise.
  9. At the bottom right, in the area responsible for assistants and travel, you need to place pictures with places about the travels you dream of. And also a photo of a person who teaches and supports you.

Choosing a bed color according to Feng Shui

In a room for night rest, feminine yin energy should predominate, helping to relieve emotional stress and relaxation. It is characterized by natural and pastel shades, such as peach, lilac, light turquoise, beige, light green, brown, gray. They should dominate the bedroom interior. Metallic tones will successfully complement the color scheme: gold, silver, copper. It is not recommended to overuse shades that carry the energy of water: blue, cyan, turquoise - they are used in additions or decorative elements.

If we talk about what a bed should be like, then you should pay attention not only to the color, but also to the material of manufacture. The ideal solution would be natural wood

It carries positive energy and helps restore strength. People belonging to the element of metal will be closer to this material, although sleeping on a wooden bed will not cause harm.

Bed for a child

Tips and recommendations

Important points to know:

  • Before activating each zone, you need to clear the premises of accumulated negative energy. To do this, carry out a thorough general cleaning, and then walk around the apartment with a wax candle, reading prayers or mantras.
  • Place no more than three Chinese talismans in each sector. If there are too many of them, it will create obstacles to the smooth circulation of positive Qi energy.

Rely on Feng Shui, but don’t make a mistake yourself: think not only about how to activate each zone energetically, but also about what you can do in real life to achieve success in this area.


Choosing the best color when choosing a bedroom design according to Feng Shui

There is a widespread belief that only muted, pastel colors should prevail in the bedroom, and all other shades are not even considered. There is a lot of truth in this statement, but the main rule that Feng Shui advises you to listen to is your own feelings, as well as specific observations. Before choosing a color scheme, you need to try to answer a few simple questions:

  1. How quickly do you fall asleep?
  2. Do you get up easily or more often with difficulty?
  3. Do you wake up at night for unknown reasons?
  4. How good do you feel when you wake up?

The design of the bedroom according to Feng Shui - Yin or Yang - depends on the answers.

Since the bed is the main piece of furniture in the bedroom, it should become a kind of center of attraction

Bedroom in Yin style

This style is optimal for people with deep sleep, who get enough sleep, fall asleep quickly and do not get up during the night from rustling noises and other reasons. This style involves the use of pastel colors in the color of the walls and bed linen:

  • peach;
  • light pink;
  • muted gold;
  • beige.

A Yin-style bedroom is optimal for people with sound sleep, who get enough sleep, fall asleep quickly and do not get up during the night from rustling noises and other reasons.

Yang style bedroom

And this option is optimal for emotional people who sleep rather restlessly at night, toss and turn for a long time before going to bed and can wake up even from faint sounds. In this case, choose the tones:

  • burgundy;
  • muted reds;
  • rich greens;
  • blue - all shades.


A Yang-style bedroom is optimal for emotional people who sleep rather restlessly at night, toss and turn for a long time before going to bed and can wake up even from faint sounds

Let's sum it up

If it seems to you that it is quite difficult to form the Feng Shui of an apartment, the zones of which require so much attention, it is also worth noting that you may not have to change anything in your apartment! Often people, listening to their own instincts, do many things exactly as they should be! Apply a Bagua grid to the floor plan of your apartment and try to see if your own interpretations match the actual picture. In any case, if something is wrong, you can always correct the situation by getting closer to your own happiness and harmony! Once you do this, the desired effect will not be long in coming!

Favorable directions

The question of where to sleep with your head is more complex. An individual approach is important here. Different directions cause different effects. To figure out which bed arrangement is right for you, check out the following list.

  • North. Choose this direction of your head if there is a lack of calm and tranquility in your life. It is also recommended if a person is sick. The northern direction promotes recovery.
  • Northeast. Suitable for indecisive people. If you find it difficult to make decisions, then place the bed so that the head of the bed faces northeast.
  • East. We recommend it to those who feel a loss of strength.
  • Southeast. Suitable for modest and uptight people. If you suffer from various complexes, then sleeping in this direction will help you become more self-confident.
  • South. But the south promises material wealth. However, you will have to sleep alone at night.
  • Southwest. This direction will help you become more practical.
  • West. Attracts interesting events into life. Relevant for those who are tired of daily variety. Additionally, the West can help married couples increase their attraction to each other.
  • Northwest. This direction awakens leadership qualities.

Naturally, natural wood is considered the best material for making a bed frame.

As a rule, children are much more susceptible to the influences of the outside world, so the choice of a crib must be more careful.

Location rules

There are several rules that can help organize a comfortable sleeping area:

  • The distance between the bed and other interior items should be at least 50 cm, this ensures free access to the sleeping area.
  • The sleeping area should be hidden from prying eyes, but the doorway should be clearly visible from the bed.
  • If the bed is double, then access to it should be provided from both sides.
  • In a narrow room, a sleeping place installed across the bed limits the space; it is better to place the bed against the wall.
  • In a rectangular room, on the contrary, it is better to place the bed across.
  • The functionality of the sleeping area must correspond to the individual characteristics of the owners. For example, for those who like to read, the bedroom should be equipped with high-quality multi-level lighting.
  • For small bedrooms, a sofa bed with additional storage is an excellent solution. This is not advisable to do according to Feng Shui philosophy, but sometimes it is indispensable for saving space.
  • It is better to highlight the beds as a central area in the bedroom.

In addition to the rules, there are several other tips that can help you decide on a place to place your bed:

  • Owners of feline pets can observe where their pet sleeps. Cats are very sensitive to abnormal zones and do not sleep in those places where the harmful effects of energy on the body occur. If the animal loves to sleep on the bed, this is a good sign, although cats have lost some of their natural instincts due to domestication, they can still be trusted to find their comfort zone.
  • It is not recommended for family people to place a bed near the door; active movement outside the door reduces the quality of sleep and generally interferes with sleep. Beds located next to a window opening create an atmosphere of uneasiness that is felt instinctively; in addition, during the cold season, cold air blows from the windows.
  • Regarding other pieces of furniture. It is advisable to place the TV no closer than three meters from the sleeping area. It is not recommended to install mirrors opposite or next to the bed, this concept is not only dictated by Feng Shui, but in the dark, the reflection in the mirror inspires anxiety and does not allow you to sleep peacefully, the same applies to mirrored ceilings and other reflective surfaces.

How to activate this zone?

Beautiful landscape poster

This can be done with:

  • Various posters, landscapes, photographs or images of spiritual teachers, helpful people and mentors. Here you can place images of various deities, icons of saints and angels. Images of places where you have already been or where you are about to go will be especially appropriate.
  • All kinds of objects in white or metallic colors.
  • Quotes, affirmations and thoughts that may help you on your travels.
  • Items that are directly associated with your spiritual or religious beliefs, intelligent people such as teachers, and through items that are associated with places that have special meaning to you.
  • The Helpers and Travels sector can be easily activated using ordinary metal bells. You just need to call them and ask for help, and it will come from the most incredible sources.

Correct location

A few centuries ago, the bed was placed in the place chosen by the cat. Over time, many theories have emerged, based on the opinions of psychologists, interior designers and feng shui specialists.

Optimal placement of the sleeping bed

Recommendations from professionals are not always applicable to existing realities. The shape of the rooms sometimes leaves no options for successful placement. For example, a room in which the doorway is located opposite a single window. In this situation, air flow will inevitably pass through the bed area. For a bedroom, such a situation is unacceptable.

Good accommodation option

Optimal bed position

The bed should be positioned so that the person lying down has the opportunity to see people entering the room. It is optimal to install the bed diagonally in relation to the door. It is in this position that the sleeper develops a feeling of security and comfort. This is in theory. In practice, these rules do not always work. The location of the bed is determined by the size of the room and its proportions. Accordingly, when choosing a location, a rational position is preferable. Aesthetic and psychological take second place.

In square rooms, the bed is installed along the central axis. Rectangular ones are zoned - bedroom furniture is placed in one part, and a coffee table and pouf in the other. In a studio with a large area, it is advisable to use an “island” layout. It will fill the voids.

From a Feng Shui perspective, the bed should be located near the main wall

According to Feng Shui, the bed should be placed near the main wall. At the same time, there should be no communication nodes or gas pipes behind it. This accommodation option is preferred by the majority of the population of Russia and Europe.

Arrangement of other furniture in the bedroom according to Feng Shui

Often in studios and small apartments a workplace is installed in the bedroom

It is important to understand how often this space will be used. If only to check mail, then there is no problem.

But if the owner plans to spend most of his time at his desk and “earns money” by sitting at it, then it is important to follow the following recommendations. It is important to sit with your back to the wall and facing an open space

As is usually the case in the director’s office, the director will never sit at the table with his face to the wall and his back to the people entering.

It is important to sit with your back to the wall and facing an open space. As is usually the case in the director’s office, the director will never sit at the table with his face to the wall and his back to the people entering.

Influence of cardinal directions

There is another method for arranging a bed in Feng Shui. All cardinal directions have different effects on a person’s physical and emotional state, his thinking and energy level. If a person wants to improve something specific in his own life, then the bed is placed on the side most suitable for this.

If you turn the head of the bed to the north, then the person will develop intuition and paranormal abilities. People who constantly make mistakes, succumb to emotional impulses and do rash acts are advised to sleep on the north side.

Those individuals who consider the material side of life very important do not sleep on the north side. When the bed is placed on the northeast side, one develops intellectual abilities and receives a good education. It is advisable to sleep with your head on this side for pupils, students and those individuals who are engaged in science, but have problems understanding information. Those people who constantly work with their heads should not sleep on this side; they need proper rest at night. If a person does not fall asleep from thoughts and ideas, then he should also give up the northeast. The eastern side is suitable for almost every person, especially if he has reached old age

People in the east sleep peacefully and well, fall asleep quickly and feel rested in the morning. However, newlyweds should not relax on this side: their sex life will decline, their relationships will deteriorate, people will rapidly move away from each other. The southeastern side is suitable for those individuals who are unable to achieve a certain result for a long time. This side develops determination, perseverance and willpower. It is advisable to place a bed in the southeast for those who want to climb the career ladder, entrepreneurs and losers. The south side allows you to establish communication with others, contacts, will help you make new and very useful acquaintances, communicate with relatives and friends. If it is difficult to find an approach to people, then place the bed with the head of the bed facing south. It is recommended to rest on the southwestern side for people who have problems in their personal lives and relationships with their chosen one. If a person has long dreamed of meeting his soulmate, then it’s time to go to bed on this side. It opens love chakras and activates energy flows. Married couples will also be able to mend long-discorded relationships. The west side is great for people who are concerned about health problems. Soon you will be able to achieve the long-awaited recovery and forget about many troubles. If a person often suffers from loneliness, is in a state of depression, or feels depressed, then they choose the northwestern side for sleep and rest. If you go to bed this way, you are guaranteed a great mood in the morning.

If you follow the rules of the great Chinese sages and the teachings of Feng Shui, then you take care not only of the correct location of the bed, but also of other factors in the room. It is valuable to choose the right color scheme for the room, correctly arrange other furniture in the bedroom, purchase special talismans and, first of all, enjoy life in any situation!

Bright light

Large bright bedroom with a bed located near an unusually shaped window

Even if the room has blinds or blackout curtains, light from the window may shine through cracks or along the edges of the curtains.

You can get up at dawn, which is not bad, for example, on weekdays. On weekends, it will be difficult to fall back to sleep.

Spacious, large and bright bedroom with glass doors and narrow windows with roller blinds for a restful night's sleep

Light can influence the internal clock through the retina of the eyes. Light exposure can delay the body clock, which affects the sleep-wake cycle. Although getting up early is a good habit, bright lights at night will make it difficult to fall asleep. Closing your eyes is not enough; light can penetrate through your eyelids. If there are bright lights on the street. Bright light in the morning will help create a good habit of waking up early, but at the same time you may find it difficult to fall asleep at night. The consequence is fatigue and insomnia. It is advisable to wear a blindfold that is thick enough and comfortable to wear.

Beautiful blindfold for a restful and sound sleep

How to arrange a bed in a bedroom according to Feng Shui

The teaching recommends placing the head of the bed towards the north side, which helps a person who has a prosperous life sleep soundly. Energetic people, single people and teenagers experience relaxation or loneliness. The right position for temperamental sex.

A bed with the head towards the east promotes healthy sleep and gives vital energy to older people. The eastern direction is useful for young couples.

The southern direction of the bed according to Feng Shui is suitable for those seeking a passionate relationship. Not suitable for overly energetic people.

Sleeping with your head facing west is beneficial for improving logical thinking. Energy comes unevenly from the West, which is why a person becomes nervous. This direction is not suitable for children and women.

Where and how to place a bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui:

1). An open ceiling beam above the bed foreshadows ruin, health problems or divorce.

2). For spouses, a one-piece double mattress is chosen, and free space is left around the bed for approaching.

3). When installing a bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui, you must remember that you cannot:

  • sleep with your head or feet towards the door, close to the window, wall, opposite the door and opposite the mirror;
  • not seeing the front door;
  • place the door - window on the line, otherwise protect the position with paired objects on the windowsill and an object between the entrance and the place of sleep;
  • place the head of the head close to the window, otherwise anger and irritability will appear; curtains made of thick fabric, closed at night, will help;
  • install a place to sleep against the wall behind which the bathroom is;
  • Sleeping with your feet towards the other person’s head means career growth and success will not come.

4). To rearrange the bed, take into account the direction of movement of negative energy, taking into account the month, year, date and time.

5). Choose a stable bed design, without swaying or squeaking. It is advisable that there are no storage spaces in it. If with drawers, then not for clothes and shoes, and not for family archives.

6). The folding sofa is not folded up for the day.

7). It is unacceptable to sleep on the old bed of deceased relatives, so as not to repeat their fate.

8). If the bed is diagonal, then a bedside table or pouf with right angles is placed at the foot.

How to calculate an individual number to determine how to place a bed in a bedroom according to Feng Shui:

To do this, add up the numbers of the day, month and year of birth. Add until you get a single digit number.

Example: 04/23/1962.


1+7=8 is the Gua number.

Numbers 1, 3, 4 and 9 for people of the eastern group. It is recommended to sleep with your head facing east, southeast, south and north.

Numbers 2, 6, 7 and 8 are the Western group. It is useful to place the headboard in the west, southwest, northwest and northeast.

The number 5 for a man corresponds to the recommendations of the number 2, and for a woman - the number 8.

If the spouses belong to different groups, then the number of the owner in the family is more important, be it the husband or the wife.

How to determine zones according to Feng Shui

The feng shui zone map is drawn up based on your own house plan and the Bagua grid. A simplified version in Chinese practice is the Lo Shu square, which is more convenient to print (or draw) and is also easier to apply to the apartment diagram. If you use a grid, you will immediately recognize not only the location of the zones, but also clearly understand the colors of the sectors according to Feng Shui.

First, use a compass to determine where north is. Attach the grid to the home plan so that these zones are completely aligned. Mark the remaining sectors. If you don’t have a compass on hand, just determine the east side from the windows and start working from there.

Remember that it is not necessary to decorate the entire space of the house, because Feng Shui works successfully in small areas. You can divide both the room and the desktop into sectors. In addition, the influence of Bagua extends beyond the boundaries of the apartment, which means that zones can be created in the office, at the dacha, and even in the car.

Many people mistakenly think that ideal feng shui consists of colors in zones and active talismans in every point of the house. In fact, it’s quite normal to make only 2-3 of the most important sectors work, while in the rest a couple of accessories that are suitable in shade and material will be enough.

Feng Shui Wealth Zone

In the modern world, with its constant crises, the ability to attract financial success becomes very important for the majority of the population. Therefore, the question of where the money zone according to Feng Shui has maximum influence is always relevant. The money sector is located on the southeast side of each house. It corresponds to the element of Wood, but at the same time moving Water perfectly nourishes and activates the area.

According to Feng Shui, the money zone can be decorated in green and blue shades. However, you need to be careful with the color of the sky: sometimes it can wash away the flow of finances from the house. The same rule applies to too strong flows of water, such as a waterfall or a mountain rapid.

How to activate your wealth zone

According to Feng Shui, the wealth sector can be activated by placing several talismans at once:

  • Paintings depicting landscape views. Nature on such canvases should not be gray and sad, otherwise the money zone will never be associated with fertility and prosperity. It is better to give preference to images of plants, forests and parks. Picture frames should be selected from natural wood.
  • According to Feng Shui, a zone of wealth is impossible without fresh flowers and green trees in pots or cache-pots. The main symbol of finance is the money tree, i.e. Crassula. It needs to be carefully looked after and properly decorated. So, Chinese coins will be useful. If it is not possible to preserve a living plant, you can make a money tree from metal coins (bills), beads and wire. An important feng shui requirement is that the money zone should not be the location of sick and drying flowers.
  • The water element must protect the money sector according to Feng Shui. Only in its personification should dynamics always be felt. Stagnant water in vases is prohibited in this case. But small aquariums with goldfish and other fish in quantities corresponding to your Gua number will come in handy. The money zone and miniature fountains, as well as photographs with them, are approved.
  • As the simplest talismans, zone 4 according to Feng Shui positively perceives well-groomed figurines of ships, mills, three-toed toads with a coin, and paired fish.
  • Images of the gods of prosperity and prosperity - Hotei, Fu-Sing and Daikoku - would be appropriate. Naturally, we should not forget about the images of money and jewelry. According to Feng Shui, a money zone must contain a money mat, a napkin, a box (at least one of your choice).

Careful design of the financial sector is required if it occurs in a place with bad energy - a closet or toilet. If you are interested in the Feng Shui wealth zone in the office, then approximately the same rules will apply there. True, in addition to the design of the walls and desktop, you should carefully approach the choice of office chair.

As soon as you understand where the feng shui money zone is in your apartment, be sure to do a thorough cleaning there. The wealth sector should be light, clean and spacious.

Feng Shui love zone

The marriage and partnership zone is located in the southwest of the house. It is dominated by the Earth, fueled by the forces of passionate Fire. In this case, it is important to adhere to the principle of pairing any symbols and take care of good lighting of the sector according to Feng Shui. Please note that the love zone is not only associated with sexual partners. Through it you can go out to find a life partner and have positive communication with all the people you know.

For those who already have an established family, the Feng Shui sector of love and marriage will help maintain the brightness and depth of intimate relationships. The area should be decorated in shades of beige, orange, gold, red, and it’s also a good idea to fumigate the sector with the aromas of orange and rose.

How to activate your love zone

Remember how to activate the love zone according to Feng Shui: use peonies and porcelain or ceramic vases with a narrow neck. Lush flowers perfectly support passionate relationships. Please note that such a talisman is not suitable for a family with children, as it begins to be associated with infidelity.

According to Feng Shui, the love zone goes well with any couple and romantic figurines.

According to Feng Shui, the love zone should be in perfect order. It is preferable to use silky and soft fabrics. Electrical appliances, photographs of the deceased, metal objects and aquariums with fountains are prohibited in this sector. When decorating an apartment in this part, do not use white and blue tones in abundance.

Feng Shui Family Zone

Naturally, when considering Bagua zones, one cannot do without the family area of ​​the house. This sector is usually referred to as the east, which is ruled by Wood with the support of Water. The harmony of this zone determines the relationships between household members and family affairs. Please note that Feng Shui recommends activating the family sector when change and growth are needed. If you have suitable stability in this area of ​​your life, approach the design of the zone more carefully. Try to monitor the illumination of the sector and its color scheme (preferably blue-green).

This territory is also connected with ancestors and events from the past, inheritance, and all loved ones. Since many people draw strength from their family, the blockages in the sector lead to deterioration in health.

How to activate the family zone

As Feng Shui advises, the family zone should be activated by a number of important objects:

  • Family portraits with happy faces and smiles.
  • Images of peaches, bamboo, pine.
  • A row of 7 elephants, personifying the strength of the family and wisdom.
  • Family Tree - evergreen myrtle in a pot.
  • A green dragon figurine is a symbol of longevity in relationships and life in general.

According to Feng Shui, the family area can easily be designed as a bedroom or living room for general relaxation. There you can place objects that symbolize the main element of a particular person’s personality. This is done to help a loved one and his speedy recovery.

In the latter case, it is better to choose the symbol of the preceding element. You can also keep a home first aid kit in this sector, but weapons, plants with thorns, insects, stuffed animals and alcohol will not bring anything good to the family area.

Workplace area in feng shui

According to Feng Shui, the Water zone is located on the north side of the apartment and is responsible for a person’s efforts in earning a living. Very often people confuse this sector with the territory of wealth, but the career zone is spiritual development, views on the world and new opportunities.

When studying the answer to the question of how to activate the career zone according to Feng Shui, keep in mind that not only the environment is significant here, but also social fulfillment, the absence of obstacles on the path to what you want. The career zone and the activation of its energy are also necessary to simply increase earnings at work. In this case, you need to think about how to decorate your own office outside the home.

In Feng Shui, the “Career” sector can be activated even in the desktop space. Place your computer, fax, phone, as well as business cards and brochures there.

How to activate the workplace area

According to Feng Shui, activation of the career zone is possible with a number of talismans:

  • Dragon - on the north side of the apartment helps all kinds of luck in a career, especially in combination with moving water.
  • Amethyst Tree - the career zone in Feng Shui should help improve relationships with colleagues, and this symbol will help you advance in your career without scandals and anger.
  • Wind music - in this case, according to Feng Shui, the quarry area is filled with water energy, and Qi energy favorably listens to the chimes of six metal tubes.
  • Rooster - since Feng Shui of the office workplace is no less important than the home sector, place this figure to suppress gossip and insidious intrigues.

If you are thinking about how to strengthen your career zone according to Feng Shui, keep in mind that Water dominates here, but Metal actively helps it. Therefore, the room should be decorated in blue and black colors. Shades of gray, white, and gold are also allowed.

Feng Shui Glory Zone

In the south there is the Fire sector, which, with the help of Wood, is responsible for a person’s success in life and his achievement of goals. All Feng Shui zones have suitable aromas, and in this case, incense with cinnamon, geranium, cloves or ginger is suitable. This area is decorated in shades of emerald and scarlet. According to Feng Shui, the fame sector favors portraits of idols, diplomas and awards, and flowering plants.

How to activate the glory zone

The following items will help activate the zone:

  • A crystal pyramid that can accumulate energy and reduce the effects of stress.
  • A horse rearing up. To strengthen this zone according to Feng Shui and attract wealth and fame, you can attach a gold coin to the back of the animal;
  • Soaring eagle, which must be in the amount of 9 pieces to realize all ambitions.

The fame zone according to Feng Shui does not tolerate aquariums that provoke negative situations, and trash that forces enthusiasm to leave the house and puts the entire reputation at risk. Crystal lamps can be used to decorate the area. It is also useful here to develop your charisma and spiritual potential.

Zone of helpers and travel in Feng Shui

This corner belongs to the northwestern part of the room. It is controlled by Metal, but activation should be carried out using the elements of the Earth. Strengthening the sector of Feng Shui assistants should be for those who need the favor of important personalities, as well as for those who plan to travel. Fumigate the area with jasmine and maintain a silver-gold color scheme.

How to activate the assistant zone

Activation of the travel sector or feng shui assistant zone occurs with a number of items.

  • The assistants' area may well be decorated with candlesticks and crystals. The strengthening of the sector leads to new proposals. In this area you can pray and turn to the Universe for mercy.
  • If the Feng Shui travel area is important to you to realize your desired trip, be sure to keep drawings of this area in the northwest. Any metal objects will enhance the effect, especially horseshoes and bells.

Feng Shui creativity and children's area

The site belongs to the western part of the apartment and is dominated by the element of Metal, which strengthens and awakens the element of Earth. According to Feng Shui, the children's zone implies the happiness of motherhood, the development and health of children.

However, in the same way, this sector is responsible for the ability to express oneself. Here you can organize a workshop or a nursery, place art objects and musical equipment. The wish map is also an important symbol of creativity in the sector. The creative area is decorated in Feng Shui in beige, white and gray tones.

The sector reacts favorably to round paintings and pieces of furniture without corners, a TV is also acceptable. And water should not be present here.

How to activate the creativity zone (children)

We strengthen the zone with such items as:

  • Children's crafts or any of their toys, as well as photographs, pacifiers.
  • Pomegranate tree, fresh flowers, crystals on scarlet ribbons - for successful conception and a good pregnancy.
  • Wind chimes and hollow air bells are attributes of creativity that stimulate the arrival of inspiration.
  • Figures of cranes and drawings with peaches - to protect the child.
  • Netsuke with babies, horseshoes, metal mobiles.
  • Sculpture of Ganesh - for the realization of all plans.

According to Feng Shui, the “Children” sector should not be accompanied by aggression or suppressive energy. There should also not be an abundance of red tint here.

Feng Shui wisdom zone

The knowledge sector in the northeast is considered by Chinese Feng Shui to be the element of Earth, fueled by the Fire elements. Excellent lighting is needed here, which is provided by crystal lamps. Among the colors, brown, yellow, and ocher shades are distinguished. The aromas of lotus, incense and vanilla look good in this area. But the elements of Water and Wood should not be placed in the knowledge sector.

This side of the house is most suitable for setting up a library, office or school place. The location of an archive or safe is also acceptable. The Northeast is also responsible for self-improvement, developing intuition and practicing meditative practices.

How to activate the wisdom zone

The Feng Shui wisdom zone is activated by all objects that generate intellectual energy:

  • Crystal and quartz crystals.
  • Figures of owls and snakes as a symbol of perpetual motion.
  • Books or dictionaries with textbooks.
  • Any things that are currently being studied.
  • Ceramic and porcelain vases.
  • Globes and lotuses.
  • Pearls in a shell made of natural glass.

Feng Shui health zone

According to Feng Shui, health zones in the house are located in several places at once. On the one hand, if we are talking about the longevity of household members, we need to contact the family sector. Strengthening the children's zone will help save the youngest and closest people from illness. In the central part of the apartment there is an independent health sector. It is put in order for the long life of the owner himself.

The element of Earth dominates here, so plants (especially sunflowers) and landscapes in paintings look good in the center of the house. Don't forget also about green and beige shades in the interior and enhanced lighting.

How to activate your health zone

For the Feng Shui health zone to work, remember how to strengthen the place of power with the help of talismans.

  • Place bamboo branches or purchase a Bonsai tree. On the table you can keep 5 or 9 porcelain peaches or a vase with the same amount of fresh fruit. In China, peach is a talisman of longevity for a sick person.
  • Use images of cranes against a background of pine trees or designs with deer. Since the health sector according to Feng Shui is also a spiritual center and a place of good luck, crystals look great here, spreading Qi energy throughout the apartment.
  • The images of the ancient star elders - Fu-sing, Lu-sing and Shou-sing - can be used in pictures and figurines. Also suitable for activation is a universal talisman - a gourd pumpkin, which is also responsible for large offspring.

Please note that in China it is customary to build houses with a courtyard inside. In this way, the health area remains free and uncluttered. If you have problems with your well-being, this sector should be cleared of debris, and if the layout allows it, place a round dining table. In Chinese tradition, Feng Shui zones are of great importance. influence the harmonization of human life. However, it should be remembered that the effective operation of 9 zones is possible only if a person has the ability to be organized and clean.

Bed shape and color

These parameters, according to Feng Shui experts, are no less important for a restful sleep than the arrangement of furniture in the bedroom. Ancient Chinese science gives some advice on choosing the color and shape of a bed:

  • The sleeping bed should not have corners, as they accumulate negative energy. It is especially not recommended for married couples to sleep on such a bed, as this provokes conflicts. Preference should be given to rounded shapes or beds with rounded edges.
  • The sides of the sleeping place should be below the level of the mattress. Neglect of this rule leads to constant obstacles, trials and restrictions in travel in a person’s life.
  • There must be a solid mattress on the spouses' bed. Two separate mattresses create a barrier between spouses and a loss of emotional and spiritual connection.
  • The bed must have legs so that positive energy can move freely under it.

There are separate rules regarding the head of the sleeping bed. First you need to choose the right back shape in accordance with the personal qualities and aspirations of the owner:

Oval or semicircularWill bring good luck to officials or businessmen; corresponds to the element “Metal”

Square or rectangularRecommended for people in working professions; symbolizes the element "Earth"

wavyDevelops creative abilities; corresponds to the element “Water”

TriangularRecommended for active people who prefer short sleep; corresponds to the element “Fire”

AsymmetricalSuitable for romantics and people of art; associated with the element "Air"

Colors favorable for the bed are soft pastel colors: such shades help restore strength during sleep and do not overload it emotionally. To harmonize relationships, the color pink is recommended for married couples. It will add cheerfulness to those who are lonely. The same goes for orange and peach.

Red color should be avoided. It excites too much and drives even very calm people crazy. It is better not to use a blue tint. It destroys harmony in a married couple. To improve health, it would be correct to use sky blue, lavender and all shades of green.

Activating the assistant and travel zone

You can activate the assistants and travel sector using the elements of Metal and Earth. This means you can safely use white, gray, silver, gold, brown, yellow and terracotta colors. Decorate the sector using metal objects, porcelain, crystal, ceramics.

Hang wind chimes in the northwestern sector or purchase metal bells. You can strengthen this sector by placing crystals in it - they will collect energy and attract help and support to you.

You can activate the zone of assistants and travel by placing portraits and images of strong and influential people who completely impress you, who you like as individuals. You can also write down advice and motivating quotes from famous people.

In addition, icons and images of guardian angels, heavenly helpers, and saints have a beneficial effect.

If you want to travel, be sure to activate this sector! You can add cut-out magazine or printed photographs of places you dream of visiting. You can even create a kind of travel wish card, supporting each of the photos with a positive affirmation. For example, “Soon I will go on vacation to New Zealand with ease and joy.”

Bed and its choice

They note that it is impossible to ensure high-quality and comfortable sleep on an uncomfortable bed.

That is why they pay close attention to this piece of furniture. Chinese sages note that the ideal bed is chosen taking into account certain factors

  • Corner furniture is great at accumulating negative and negative energy, so it is recommended to opt for a rounded bed or one with corners that are slightly rounded. If a married couple sleeps on a bed with sharp corners, then quarrels and constant conflicts for the family will definitely be guaranteed.
  • The bed must have a headboard. It is not an ordinary piece of furniture decoration. The teachings of Feng Shui claim that it is the headboard that protects the sleeper from the effects of the negative energy of the surrounding space. It is better to give preference to a headboard that does not have bars or holes; it should be solid and very large.
  • The bed does not have high sides, that is, the mattress must be higher than these devices. If you do not listen to the advice of experts, then obstacles and trials will constantly await you in a person’s life, and he will not be able to avoid difficulties. Also, a bed with sides will not allow you to travel or even go on vacation.
  • The matrimonial bed only has a single mattress. If it is divided into two parts, then the spouses will not have mutual understanding, emotional and spiritual intimacy.
  • The bed must have legs so that positive energy can circulate freely under it and give a person joy. At the same time, they do not forget about convenience and comfort.

Correct position of the bed

The teachings of Feng Shui categorically do not recommend placing a bed indoors in such a way that the feet of the sleeper are directed towards the doorway. This sign has been known not only in China, but also in many countries of the world since ancient times. In Russia, it is believed that only dead people are turned with their feet towards the door, so sleeping in this way is considered a very bad omen. If the bed is in this position, and rearranging the furniture is not possible, be sure to place something large and tall between the door and the sleeping area. In a pinch, even a screen or flower will do. After all, then this object will fence off the sleeping place from the door, and negative energy will not penetrate the sleeping person.

It is not suitable to hang or install overly large interior and decorative elements above the bed

Pay attention to large shelves, large chandeliers or lamps. Such objects will negatively affect a person during sleep, suppress his will, as a result he will not get enough sleep and will begin to feel a lack of energy for new achievements. It is strictly forbidden to place a sleeping place in front of mirrors

This arrangement will completely deprive a person of energy and strength, because during sleep the mirror will suck everything out of him. Married couples with this arrangement of the bed can provoke themselves and their chosen one to go to the side and completely break off the relationship.

Under no circumstances should the headboard be near the window. This allows positive energy to flow out. However, they change the situation if they cover the window with thick and light-proof curtains.

Do not place a bed near a wall if there is a restroom or bathroom directly behind it. The fact is that positive energy will flow away along with the water. If you have to place the bed near the wall, then the space on the other side is completely freed up

It is important to emphasize that if spouses are going to sleep on the bed, then under no circumstances should it be placed against the wall. There is free space on both sides so that the energy of love circulates as freely as possible.

Position of the bed according to cardinal directions

The teaching of Feng Shui attaches great importance to the position of a person during sleep. It is useful to know where his head is turned at night, because his emotional and physical state is directly dependent on this. How to understand in which direction your head should be positioned while sleeping? To determine the most favorable side of the world for sleep, you need to use one of two correct methods. Calculate your Gua number. It shows the personal energy map of a particular person and uses it to determine the most favorable side of the world.

Unwanted items in the bedroom

It is advisable to enhance the correct placement of the bed with the overall harmonization of the interior. Many items weigh down the space and negate all the efforts spent.

Table 1. What to avoid when arranging a bedroom


Massive things

This category includes bookshelves whose height is more than 1.8 m. Installing such structures above the heads of sleeping people is not acceptable. Any bulky piece of furniture in this area can cause insomnia.

Volumetric chandeliers

Large chandeliers in the bedroom give the room an overly formal status and are considered a source of subconscious anxiety. They give off bright light. Such lighting intensity in a recreation area is not acceptable.


There should be no mirrors opposite or above the sleeping area. In addition to the fact that they distract, according to Feng Shui, any psiche or dressing table is considered an energy reflector. Since during a night's rest a person is freed from negative emotions, the mirror will ricochet this negative energy in the morning. A person may wake up tired and depressed in the morning.

Uncomfortable mattress

A poor-quality foundation will ruin your sleep even on a perfectly placed bed.

TV or computer

The bed should not be located less than 3 m from electrical appliances. Harmful radiation negatively affects the physical well-being of the sleeper.

Bunk bed

A dubious option from a feng shui perspective. It is believed that the person on the lower bunk will be under the psychological and energetic influence of the one sleeping on the top bunk.

Water tanks

It is not advisable to install large water tanks in the sleeping area. It is preferable to place mini fountains and aquariums in the living room.

How to place a bed relative to the door and cardinal directions according to Feng Shui

We spend a lot of time in the bedroom. We gain strength and recover after a hard day. I wanted nothing to interfere with a good rest. It is necessary to thoroughly weigh and think about how to place the bed, what pieces of furniture are needed and how to arrange them. Then it will be cozy, you will get up in the morning in a great mood.

Fans of mirrored ceilings should avoid this idea.

The bedroom should have a light, flat ceiling; no beams should be allowed to hang over the bed.

Now it has become fashionable to create an interior using the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui. According to the rules, the home is divided into zones, they affect us, increase or decrease the flow of Qi energy. The Earth's magnetic field and atmospheric pressure play a significant role. The forces of nature can have a positive impact if we have certain knowledge. The correct position of the bed will contribute to a restful sleep, the body will rest as much as possible after a hard day.

It is necessary to thoroughly weigh and think about how to place the bed, what pieces of furniture are needed and how to arrange them.

Position furniture so that sharp corners do not point towards the bed.

The position of the direction of the headboard is interpreted differently, but most opinions agree. According to Feng Shui, it is better to place the head of the bed towards the east, following the movement of the sun. You sleep with your head towards this side of the world, you become wiser and stronger. The body is completely restored, peace and tranquility comes to the family. Position to the southeast - luck and prosperity will accompany you. Sleep with your head facing southwest - your union will be reliable and long-lasting. If you want to improve your health, choose a position in the south, you can achieve a lot in life.

Now it has become fashionable to create an interior using the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui.

There should be a whole mattress on a double bed.

All the bad energy reflected from it will have a bad effect on sleep.

A position in the northeast will promote spiritual development. Those who want to stabilize their financial situation are advised to place their bed in the west or north, and your children or grandchildren may become famous. Anyone who feels weak and tired should sleep to the north. Sleep in the northwest and you will travel to distant lands. For Chi energy to flow correctly, the bedroom must be clean and comfortable, without debris under the bed or unnecessary objects in the room.

The correct position of the bed will contribute to a restful sleep, the body will rest as much as possible after a hard day.

The bed should not sit entirely on the floor; it must have legs so that energy can pass everywhere.

Among other things, you should adhere to some rules.

You need to position the bed so that your feet are not facing the door.

The bed should be placed diagonally to the doors.

The back of the furniture must be elevated, and the head of the bed must rest against the wall.

Access to the bed must be from both sides, so you will not be left alone

There should be only one approach to a teenager’s bedside so that he can devote all his attention to his studies.

The bedroom should have a light, flat ceiling; no beams should be allowed to hang over the bed.

Position furniture so that sharp corners do not point towards the bed.

Make sure that electrical outlets are mounted away from the headboard.

There should be a whole mattress on a double bed. If you put two, it will symbolize separation and the couple may get divorced.

The bed should not sit entirely on the floor; it must have legs so that energy can pass everywhere

Wash the floor as often as possible, and the space under the bed should not be turned into storage.

According to Chinese science, “odors” from the kitchen and toilet should not penetrate into the bedroom. They have a bad effect on the energy in the room.

There must be bedside tables near the bed, and there should be lamps on them. The rest will be comfortable; favorable Qi energy will be generated near the person.

The position of the direction of the headboard is interpreted differently, but most opinions agree.

There must be bedside tables near the bed, and there should be lamps on them.

If you follow these rules, your sleep will become restful and you will wake up in a great mood.

Feng Shui Helpers and Travel Zone

Details Category: Feng Shui zones in space

The zone of helpers and travel in Feng Shui corresponds to the northwestern direction. Pay attention to this sector if you need help with any decision or task, or if you wholeheartedly want to go on the trip of your dreams.

  • Main element of the sector : Metal
  • Generating element of the sector : Earth
  • Weakening element of the sector : Water
  • Destructive element of the sector : Fire
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