MODERN MIRACLES ACCORDING TO THE PRAYERS OF ST. RIGHT JOHN OF KRONSTADT. The sisters of St. John's Monastery collect stories of miraculous help through the prayers of the saint.

Miracles Given by Jesus

God's miracles in no way violate the laws of nature that the Creator Himself established. All unusual phenomena refer to special actions of God, which humanity cannot yet explain.

Quite recently, mobile phones seemed fantastic, laser treatment was beyond the scope of the human mind, but now these are the most ordinary things.

The concept of miracles includes cases of healing, resurrection, curbing natural phenomena and many others that cannot be explained from the point of view of scientific research.

Read about miracles:

  • Zoya's standing
  • Barnaul miracle
  • Lanchang Miracle

The Lord reveals the miracles of Jesus Christ to faithful people as they become church members and join the life of the Church.

Miracles as the power of God's grace

Jesus left examples of Christian miracles as a gift to his disciples:

  • turning water into wine;
  • walking on water;
  • stopping storms;
  • reviving the dead;
  • feeding thousands of people with a few loaves of bread.

Reading the New Testament, you can find more than one evidence of miracles performed through the prayers of Christ and His disciples from different angles. The first inexplicable action was the very birth of Jesus, both God and man, from the Holy Spirit.


A miraculous healing affected a woman who suffered from bleeding for 12 years, spent all her savings on doctors and was healed by one touch of the hem of the savior’s robe. Faith saved her. (Matthew 9:20)

The cleansing of the leper (Matthew 8:2), when a man suffering from leprosy said that if the Savior wanted, he could heal him. The sick man did not doubt the power of Jesus, he gave Him the right to this and submitted to the Divine will. Heal if you want.

Giving sight to a man born blind as evidence of God's glory (John 9:1-33)

Miracles of Jesus Christ's Healing

Restoring friends of the paralytic (Mark 2:1-12)

Jesus gave hearing to the deaf, freed them from demons, restored sick bones, no one who asked Christ for healing was refused. During sermons on the mountains and in the deserts, everyone who followed the Teacher was healed.

The New Testament describes miraculous healings performed by the apostles through the power of Jesus. (Mark 3:15)

Important! The miracles of healing have not lost their power even now, because the apostles left instructions on how to act in case of illness.

Through the prayers of Peter and John, the lame man began to walk. In the name of Jesus Paul, Philip and all the apostles healed.

If any of you suffers, let him pray. If anyone is happy, let him sing psalms. If any of you is sick, let him call the elders of the Church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will heal the sick person, and the Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sins, they will forgive him. Confess your faults to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed: the fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. (James 5:13-16)

Miracles happen - about the power of prayer for a suffering person and a humble person

The rector of the temple in the name of St. Cosmas and Damian Rimsky, that at the National Cancer Institute, priest Evgeniy Mileshkin talks about “ordinary people” who “lived like everyone else,” were not interested in the Church, but when faced with trouble, they came to the understanding that without God’s help they could endure it, endure it , what is sent to them is impossible.

“The Monk Silouan of Athos once said: “I used to think that the Lord hears and fulfills the will of only the perfect. And then I became convinced that there was no – and the Lord listens to sinners. When they have humility. Because humility attracts the grace of God.” Father, every day you communicate with people who are experiencing incredible pain, both physical and mental. Does prayer become a support for such people, does it help them in their troubles?

— Prayer is not a separate piece of our life or a separate episode of a picture. Prayer is part of the whole, which, naturally, should be born from a person’s faith. If a person believes, then the manifestation of faith is his communication with God, which occurs through prayer.

Faith in the Gospel is compared to a mustard seed - that seed that is invisible at first, but then a huge tree can grow from it. Of course, this process can be lengthy. But until a person matures, it is important that he has sincere prayer.

We see here, in the children's department of the Cancer Institute, how “new kids” constantly arrive. Ordinary people who were not previously interested in the Church or any religious issues, as they say, “lived like everyone else.” And here, faced with trouble, they understand that they cannot cope on their own, that they need some kind of help. Without God's help, it is impossible to endure, to endure what is sent to them.

And we see how a person takes the first steps towards faith. So a person comes to church - at least to light a candle, then - to communicate with the priest, then - to the service, to stand and at least somehow pray. And only after that he comes to repentance, realizes his shortcomings, shortcomings, understands why his heart is heavy, and comes to his first Confession.

Having been freed from sins, having received purity from Communion, a person is reborn. Prayer of repentance, prayer of thanksgiving, prayer for one’s children is the natural state of man.

When a person lives his ordinary daily life, well, muttering “Our Father” under his breath, it is unlikely that this will be of any benefit. And when a person himself comes to repentance, to faith, even if it is a thorny path, but this is the true path to God.

— Maybe remember some example of the healing of a child or the spiritual transformation of his parents through prayers?

— Yes, through the sincere prayers of parents, there are manifestations of God’s grace. One boy had Ewing's sarcoma of the knee (a very difficult disease to treat). I remember how his mother prayed so fervently for him that sometimes you would come to the service (the service in our church is early, it starts at 7 am), and the woman would already be on her knees in front of the church. He will remain on his knees throughout the service, praying.

And that child, I am sure, was cured precisely through the prayers of his mother, thank God. Yes, the healing process was very difficult, but he recovered. And my mother, having tasted fervent prayer and sincere repentance, having learned that our life is in the hands of God, did not give up prayer. Do you know how often it happens? I received from God what I asked for, and that’s all - the Lord is no longer needed, then man himself...

So the boy, having been healed (he was already 17 years old), came home and returned to normal life. I joined some company and, as they say, “went on the rampage.” And all this time my mother continued to pray for him. And the Lord again, through the prayers of the mother, painfully, but corrected this spiritual sarcoma. The guy’s leg hurt, he had to return to the hospital again, and only here did he finally understand what the ways of the Lord are, and that it was through his mother’s prayers that God saved him.

The guy, who is now 20 years old, has gone through this whole path - difficult, probably not the same as that of his peers - and he himself has found faith. The man who found God with such difficulty also found real prayer.

“We heard a story about one dad under your care, who before his child’s illness was quite hostile to God, but over time he even entered the seminary and became a clergyman. Was there such a case?

- Was. That dad, at the first meeting, literally attacked me with questions: “Why? Why? After all, we do not sin. We are like everyone else, why here???”

We began to meet with him often, talk, he received answers to some questions from me, somewhere the Lord Himself revealed to him. Some time passed, and this pope became like the Apostle Paul. He was a persecutor, but became a zealot. He was inflamed with such zeal that his eyes shone with faith, he almost hugged every book of the holy fathers, read it from cover to cover, stood at services from beginning to end, and prayed all the time.

After their daughter recovered, they came to their home, the man went to the church, and there they saw: a man was burning!.. Soon he became a sexton, as far as I know, simply an irreplaceable person in the parish: he is in the bell tower, he is also a reader, he sings, he serves the censer. The ruling bishop, seeing such jealousy, decided to further lead him along the path of the priesthood.

But, unfortunately, due to recent events (and he is from the Donetsk region), the family simply had to move. But I think that dad did not lose his faith and zeal for God. God has his own ways... Maybe in the future he will be honored to become a priest.

— How did the fate of his daughter turn out?

— I just received a photo today. The girl is unrecognizable - she was a baby, but now she is such a beauty!

— Your charges probably spend a lot of time in the temple...

- Yes. This is a special place. It is very important for us that the stones for the foundation of our temple were laid by a boy with cancer. His name was Sasha. He suffered more than enough pain and trials in his short life; he is a true martyr. Sasha believed in God deeply and sincerely, so he accepted what happened to him without complaining. I think many of us could learn from the patience this boy had.

In many ways, he was supported by his mother, who also drew strength from faith. She told me that when she arrived at the oncology department, she made a prayer rule every evening. Without trying to disturb anyone, but also without being ashamed of your prayer. Some of those present in the department treated this as a whim, some even twirled their fingers at their temples as they passed by Sveta. However, days and weeks passed - and over time, many of those who at first perceived her as an eccentric, as a person not of this world, began to pray next to Sasha’s mother.

— It’s very difficult to tell a person that he has problems, even small ones. How do you tell a child that he may be dying? What about his parents? How do you manage to cope with this?

— You can’t build some kind of algorithms. All this happens completely out of place. The Lord naturally leads both the child and the parents to this.

You know, God does not give tests beyond your strength. If He leads to the cross, then He gives strength to withstand the torment of the cross. Of course, when a person refuses this power, begins to grumble, and turns away from God, this is scary. Nobody can handle this, it's so painful! It is impossible to help a person who has consciously refused God, God’s help.

And vice versa - there are people whom it was the path of illness that led to the knowledge of God. Through their suffering, the suffering of their child, they managed to know the suffering of Christ, to know His mercy, to know His firm hand that guides man. And also to understand the temporary nature of this life and learn that there is eternal life - the Kingdom of Heaven, for which man was created.

Of course, death for us is always a tragedy, because we were not created for death, it is unnatural for us. If a person knows that behind this death there is a birth, behind this death there is no end to existence, that a child moves away from suffering into eternal bliss, then this strengthens and gives strength to the parents to comprehend the disease and everything that is happening...

If you want to help, please contact Father Evgeniy by phone: +38(050)595-52-66.

Card account number: Privatbank card 4149 4377 3448 6317, priest Mileshkin Evgeniy.

The conversation was conducted by Valentina Gordiychuk and Maxim Kostenko

Photo of the website of the Kyiv Metropolis of the UOC

Stories about God's help, about the intercession of the saints!

Hello , dear visitors of the Orthodox island “Family and Faith”!

God's help, through prayers, through the prayers of His saints, happens to many, many believers, and by reading their stories, we strengthen our own faith!

The author of our site, Marina M., sent us a list of stories, which we attach below:

For a long time, about 30 years ago, I suffered from severe back pain,” writes Carolina Z. “At that time I was about 25 years old and kept thinking, how can I continue to live like such a wreck? I was very worried.

And I had a dream, Nikolai Ugodnik came in a dream and asked what I was complaining about.

I named my three illnesses, but he replied: “I came to cure you, but only from one illness.” I thought that I looked like I had poor eyesight with glasses, my kidneys were bad, and my spinal disease was serious and unbearably painful.

She complained about her lower back.

He then says: “Lie on your stomach, stretch out, imagine that instead of vertebrae you have a metal rod.”

I did so. And since then nothing has hurt. A very strong Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, he saw how much I needed to be healthy, a lot of things awaited me at that time. Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, pray to God for us.

Svetlana Sh. writes:

Hello , here is my story. Several years ago I worked in a rural suburban school.

I took a bus to the stop of this village, then walked about 2 kilometers to the school.

And my case happened somewhere in February-early March. There was still a lot of snow, but the thaw was beginning.

The road to school is not wide, a country road. Morning. Deserted. People have left for work in the city, some have not yet woken up.

I'm coming. And I see: a pack of wild dogs is moving towards me. I’m very afraid of even one person I meet, but there’s a whole flock of them, and there were probably 10 of them.

There is nowhere to turn, it’s too late to leave.

She literally raised her eyes to the sky and began to read prayers and ask God for help. And so she went through the whole flock. The dogs didn’t even bark, but walked past.

This is probably not a very wonderful story, but for me it is very significant. Like this. Thank you for attention! Glory to the Lord for everything!

Olesya I. writes to us:

I knew about Father Spiridon about a year ago. It felt like Nicholas the Wonderworker introduced me to him, I showed interest in this saint, learned about the shoe, and I also dreamed about the priest himself, his face, and from that day I trusted him completely, under his intercession.

During this year, Spiridon helped me in many issues, large and small. There are moments when a hint comes a second before the event.

And recently, a thought unexpectedly arose, or even Father Spiridon suggested to me (at that moment I was thinking about something else, and then the thought just crashed into my thoughts) - “buy a backpack.”

I had to go on business and thought that I would get by with a bag, and did not attach importance to the backpack. But I decided that it would really be easier to walk with a backpack.

I started looking at the options on the Internet, the shape and color of the backpack.

I wanted to find one that was inexpensive and that the color was dark gray or blue, since light colors would easily stain, and black would blend in with the down jacket.

There was nothing suitable and I abandoned this idea.

But soon a quick option was found and I found exactly what I was looking for (classic backpack shape and interesting color - wet asphalt), and most importantly with a discount and free shipping.

I also used points on my profile and the cost became even lower. I have already received the backpack and am very pleased that the issue was resolved quickly, easily and inexpensively, I couldn’t be happier.

Thank you very much Father Spiridon! This is such a wonderful Patron. Saint Spyridon of Trimyfutsky, pray to God for us.

Olga writes:

Hello .

Probably, many of us, visiting the Cathedral Church and praying to God, are not aware of the great power of the Holy Sacraments of the Church, namely, Unction (blessing of oil).

I happened to go to Church on such a day and underwent this Sacrament.

You will laugh, but my snoring completely disappeared, although I simply prayed with everyone and asked the Lord for forgiveness and healing.

Maybe something else happened in the body, but without such an obvious manifestation.

The priests say that the Grace of the Lord in any case acts through the consecrated oil, which is used to anoint the body and hands of the sick person, but this effect is revealed, according to God’s vision, differently: some are completely healed, others receive relief, and in others the strength is awakened to endure the illness complacently.

Forgiveness of sins, forgotten or unconscious, is granted to the one receiving the unction. Thank God for everything!

Galina says:

I had difficulties.

An icon of Seraphim of Sarov hung in the temple and I began to pray in front of his holy image.

And at night such joy overwhelmed me and I heard a voice - my joy, I felt a strong consolation that I was not alone. And I also thought about how the martyrs withstood torture and when I was praying at home, then quite unexpectedly the Lord showed what love is - the flame of love lights up inside you and you love every single one, I walked like this for three days and then I realized that from such love you can and go to the cross and endure all the torment, you melt from love and don’t need anything worldly anymore. I went to the monastery, entered the church and I was overcome by such grace that words cannot express it, tears of purification and repentance flowed from my eyes and I saw a white dove fly out of the altar. This is how I came to the true Orthodox faith.

Let's pray and go to the Holy Orthodox Church. Thank God for everything.

This is where Ksenia writes. Her husband died of cancer, young, in the prime of his life, loving family, 4 children. How Ksenia fought for the life of her husband, but everything was in vain, the disease quickly ate him up, how Ksenia cried and prayed - Lord, give me back my husband. She knew that she would never again meet a husband like her beloved one. But not even a year had passed and the Lord vouchsafed her to meet a man who was like her late husband, not only externally, but also in character and inwardly in soul. She received such indescribable consolation that she still cannot believe it. The Lord himself returned her husband to her. She believes that this is the real mercy of God. Ksenia has two youngest children, 3 and 2 years old. This is how the Lord gave the children a loving father. Isn't this a miracle? Thank God for everything!

The prayers of Saint Matrona saved the pregnancy!

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