Athonite elders - predictions about the third world war

War is a very terrible phenomenon that can happen both in the life of an individual and of all humanity as a whole. The desire of a person to find out when it will happen and what consequences it will lead to is justified; the Athonite elders made many predictions and most of them came true; what did the Athonite elders say about the third world war.

I would like to start with the fact that in 2012, the Athonite elders declared that there would be a change of power in Ukraine because the servant of God Viktor Yanukovych was repeating what his predecessors did. Two years later, the prophecy came true. This was one of the most recent examples of the elders’ correct assumptions.

Prophecies of Paisius the Holy Mountain about the third world war

One of the most famous prophets is Paisius of Athos. Paisiy was born in 1924. After finishing school, he began serving in the army, and in 1950 he went to Mount Athos, where he completely devoted himself to God. There he spent two thirds of his life. The seer died in 1994 and was buried in the Theological Church. He predicted that World War III would happen quite soon, although he did not indicate an exact date.

The monk said that the war would come from the Mediterranean, and Russia would actively participate in this conflict. Most states, including European ones, will be involved in a hot battle. This will affect even the eastern states, which will gather an army of two hundred million and reach Jerusalem itself. Paisius also stated that Greece would defeat Turkey and take most of its territories, including Constantinople.

Some Turks will become Orthodox, others will immigrate, and others will die in a hot battle. “In a country where the Antichrist and his army will have power, the servant of God will have one salvation,” said Svyatorets.

Video: prophecies of Paisiy Syatogorets about Armageddon and a future war

How the conflict begins

Schimonakh was sure that Turkey and Greece would fight over “six miles of sea relief.” The Turks, according to the elder, will still try to “break through”, but will not enter Hellas, since a great disaster will fall on them from the North.

Thus, the beginning of the conflict will occur in the Aegean Sea, and sooner or later this will happen. The plans of the Turks, according to the schemamonk, will not be fulfilled - they will “collapse,” but war will begin, and this will be a great disaster.

Let us recall that literally 2 years ago Greece decided to announce that it would gradually expand its territorial waters - by just 6 miles. Turkey's response was disappointing: they threatened to view attempts to "expand the borders" as a cause for war.

But there is another option for the development of events: clashes in the Mediterranean Sea. Paisiy mentioned it, but did not voice any details, but experts are sure: there is a reason for the conflict. There are huge gas fields south of Cyprus, and Turkey lays claim to them - in part. And in the neighboring Egyptian sector, Rosneft is taking part in development.

Predictions of Orthodox saints about the third world war

Theodosius of the Caucasus (1948). Theodosius argued that there would be a third world war. Russia will be the main one in it, the whole world will take up arms against the Russians, but it will be able to survive, while losing most of its territory.

John of Kronstadt (1909). He prophesied that Russia would become even more powerful and strong; its enemies would take it into account.

Lavrenty Chernigovsky (1950). Lavrentiy predicted a nuclear conflict, which would also be associated with Russia, which would have heavy losses, but would not completely die. Russia’s main ally will be Belarus, with which it will unite, but Ukraine will not be among the allies and will regret it a lot.

Pelageya Zakharovskaya (1966). The nun said that in the future they will hate Russians and try to get rid of them by all means, and then they will choose the Antichrist.

Elder Joseph (2009). The elder prophesied a war in which Russia would experience many difficulties. The Russian Federation will lose at first, but then there will be its “rebirth”, the people will not lose heart and ultimately Russia will win.

Archbishop Feofan (1940). The priest predicted the resurrection of Russia from the dead. Her faith in Jesus Christ will become even stronger and God himself will choose a wise ruler of the superpower.

Video: predictions of the Athonite elders about the third world war

New in blogs

We live in interesting and at the same time scary times. Something wrong is happening with the world. Every thinking person asks himself the question: “What is happening and how will it all end?” In this article I present the opinions of various people in different eras, from the purely secular to the religious. They all agree on one thing: “The Third World War is already underway and its consequences will be both catastrophic and beneficial”

“For the complete triumph of Freemasonry, three world wars will be needed; in the third of them, the Muslim world will be destroyed, after which we will provoke a gigantic social upheaval, the horrors of which will show everyone the fatality of unbelief. The revolutionary minority will be destroyed, and the majority, disillusioned with Christianity... will receive from us the true light of the teachings of Lucifer."

Albert Pike (1809 - 1891) - lawyer, military man, writer, prominent Freemason, reformer of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. For his services as an officer in the Army of the Confederate States of America, a monument was erected to him in Washington.

When did the chain of events that we are witnessing now begin?


Alexander Prokhanov, editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Zavtra”: Apocalypse tomorrow

– The trigger has already been pulled, which should be followed by a whole chain of disasters. Following Lebanon, Syria and Iran should be included in the war. Attacks on Iran by America and Israel will inevitably interrupt oil supplies to China and Europe. Their economy will collapse. This will lead to chaos across vast Asian spaces.

The Americans, of course, pressed the detonator of this new apocalypse They believe that they have the power to control chaos. But the United States no longer even controls its underbelly, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Mexico. We can only hope that Russia will not be drawn into this global nightmare.


Alexander Vladimirov, Major General, Vice-President of the College of Military Experts of Russia: This is a clash of civilizations

– This war is absolutely meaningless for both sides. And therefore it is especially dangerous, as it has no logic. But its biggest danger is that Israel (and perhaps Iran already) has a nuclear bomb and could use it. And this will mean the beginning of a new world war , since other countries will not be able to remain indifferent to such a global and murderous clash of civilizations.”

D. Makhnaev, “THE USA STARTED THE WAR IN LEBANON” (Business newspaper “Vzglyad”, 09/04/2006,

“According to Leonid Ivashov, vice-president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, the world community today is undergoing a radical metamorphosis: “a system that was formed on the basis of a balance of forces and interests is being broken,” and it is being replaced by a “ global dictatorship .” Thanks to the efforts of a number of Western countries and primarily the United States, “the ideology of democracy, freedom and justice is being replaced by the ideology of global fascism”... “Israel is destined to be the strike force of global fascism ,” says Leonid Ivashov.”


“For Leonid Ivashov, Vice President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, current events are reminiscent of the emergence of the Second World War in the late 30s. At the same time, Ivashov believes that now the world community is “radically changing its essence.” “Today, the system that was formed on the basis of the balance of forces and interests – the Westphalian-Postdam system – is being broken, completely destroyed, and today a system of global dictatorship is being established in the world,” Ivashov said.”

4. L. Ivashov, “ISRAELI-LEBANESE CONFLICT: WHO IS BEHIND THE SCENES?” (electronic publication “Strategic Culture Foundation”, 08/04/2006,

“To answer the question of what is happening in the Middle East, it is important to consider what forces are behind the operation of the Israeli armed forces in Lebanon and what they are striving for. Israel would not have dared to undertake such large-scale military action without US cover and assistance. The third entity interested in the operation is Great Britain as an ally of the United States (represented by T. Blair and his team), an active participant in political games in the Greater Middle East. And yet, these three states are not the main organizers of the bloody drama. The main subject is the global financial oligarchy, which is in the political shadow , consistently and persistently changing the political and socio-economic structure of the planetary community in its own interests. The famous American economist Lyndon LaRouche calls this force “ the global financial dictatorship of bankers .”


“The Middle East now resembles ... the “indomitable planet” from the works of science fiction writer Harry Harrison. This conflict will grow and grow, and therefore the rattle of resolutions made around it serves only one purpose - so that the people who make these resolutions feel that they are doing it for a reason, that something depends on them, that they -they participate, but, in general, in fact, it’s pathetic and shameful. We must admit that the third world war has begun and live with this new reality.”

B. Dolgov, “LEBANON: A NEW PHASE OF THE ARAB-ISRAELI CONFLICT” (“Strategic Culture Foundation”, 08/14/2006):

The Israeli operation in Lebanon is only the first phase of a broader plan to suppress all forces opposing Israel in the Middle East, primarily Syria and Iran . Behind this plan are the interests of not only Israel, but also the United States, which considers Israel its main strategic ally in the region . Apparently, the United States (and Israel) hoped that the Israeli military action in Lebanon would provoke Syria and Iran into openly siding with Hesb Allah, which would give Washington the opportunity to strike at these countries, accusing them of supporting “international terrorism.” . This did not happen, although it does not follow from this that such a development of the situation is absolutely excluded in the future. Such an experienced Arabist as E.M. Primakov spoke, in particular, about the possibility of striking Syria and bombing nuclear facilities in Iran in his interview with Russian television.”

A. Areshev, “ON THE WAY TO A GREAT MIDDLE EASTERN WAR” (“Strategic Culture Foundation”, 08/01/2006):

“The situation in the region is a crisis, and the adoption of an anti-Iranian resolution in the UN Security Council will further aggravate the crisis in the region,” said a representative of the Iranian Foreign Ministry. It's hard to disagree with him. Before our eyes, the UN Security Council is turning into an instrument for implementing the foreign policy plans of the American administration... According to the director of the Center for the Study of Modern Iran R. Safarov, only the desire to maintain the positive spirit of negotiations on the nuclear program kept Iran from taking a more active position in the Israeli-Lebanese conflict . “If Iran is deprived of this incentive, then it is quite possible that the current local Israeli-Lebanese conflict could very soon develop into a large regional war with absolutely unpredictable consequences ,” believes R. Safarov, in whose opinion the resolution adopted by the UN Security Council will serve the role of a provocation. The forces capable of preventing the outbreak of a large-scale war in the Middle East are not yet in sight . It seems that the institution of international law has finally ceased to exist. The American administration is defrosting the conflict potential not only in the Middle East, but also on the borders of Russia. This is led by the increased activity of Matthew Bryza in the Karabakh issue, his statements about supporting the actions of official Tbilisi in the Kodori Gorge, and a number of other steps.”

N. Portyakova, “THE PRESIDENT OF IRAN HAS COMPLETED AN ANTI-AMERICAN BLOG” (“Kommersant”, 08/15/2006):

“Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad, who has been harshly suppressing the excessive activity of his fellow citizens on the World Wide Web for several months, at the end of last week acquired his own Internet diary. In the first message, presented on the blog in several languages, the Iranian leader vividly talks about his difficult childhood, the sometimes sad history of his great country and is interested in the opinion of site visitors regarding the desires of the United States and Israel to start a third world war... The Iranian president resorted to his own Internet resource and to the now fashionable practice of interactive voting. The question put forward for general discussion to begin with is: “ Isn’t the attack on Lebanon an expression of the intention of the United States and Israel to start a third world war? “By yesterday, more than 8 thousand network users took part in the voting, 82% of whom answered the question of Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad in the affirmative.”

According to many experts, World War 3 is already underway. How will it go and how will it end?

“My thoughts tell me that many events will happen: the Russians will occupy Turkey, Turkey will disappear from the map, because 1/3 of the Turks will become Christians, 1/3 will die and 1/3 will go to Mesopotamia. The Middle East will become the scene of wars in which the Russians will take part. A lot of blood will be shed, and even the Chinese will cross the Euphrates River, having an army of 200,000,000, and reach Jerusalem. A characteristic sign that these events are approaching will be the destruction of the Omar Mosque, because... its destruction will mean the beginning of work on the reconstruction of Solomon's temple, which was built on that very spot. A great war will take place in Constantinople between Russians and Europeans, and a lot of blood will be shed. Greece will not play a leading role in this war, but Constantinople will be given to it, not because the Russians will revere us, but because there is no better solution, and they will agree together with Greece, and difficult circumstances will put pressure on them. The Greek army will not have time to get there before the city will be given to it. The Jews, since they will have the strength and help of the European leadership, will become insolent and show themselves with shamelessness and pride and will try to rule Europe. Then 2/3 of the Jews will become Christians.” “ During the procession of the Holy Lady in 1992, the umbrella over the icon of Panagia was held by an ensign from Ioannina. When we walked, I was on his right, and on his left was the Elder, who at some point said to the officer : “Come on, pray well, so that you will be a standard bearer in the City (Constantinople) when we enter.”

Elder Paisios of Athos

I will cite Islamic sources to confirm these predictions.

Predictions of the famous Arab scientist Musta-Eddin to Sultan Amurat:

“Sovereign! You will live in peace as long as you wish. You will defeat all your enemies; no people will be afraid of you and your kingdom, and no one will gain victory over you; but only as long as you maintain peaceful relations with the people living from midnight to the east. This people is strong and glorious, and its name will thunder throughout the whole world, and everyone will submit to it1. From this great people the power of your inheritance will fall - such is the will of the Most High!”

1. The time appointed by Allah will come when Mecca and Medina and other Arabian cities will be destroyed, and all this will be done by a certain Christian King who will come from the countries of the North. He will occupy Egypt and Palestine. 2. The kingdom of Mohammed will last only until the coming of the Belarusian youths, the white sons of the North, according to the prophecy, which reads like this: “On the tenth indictment, the King will come from the northern countries, take Epthalophon, and reign in it, and there will be the greatest war.” 3. The Turks themselves confess and say that in their Koran there is confirmation that Constantinople will be taken by Christians. These confirmations are: a. The first caliph was Abbass, then the name of the last caliph will begin with the same letters; b. Mohammedans should be wary of that Christian people who have the initial letter P in their name; c. Before the fall of Istanbul, three bloody battles will take place; Christians will defeat the Mohammedans and take the city, and its inhabitants will die from famine and the sword. The Mohammedans will be driven first to Aleppo, then to Damascus. Jerusalem and all the countries belonging to it will be conquered by Christians. These beliefs spread throughout Turkey. They are often found not only among common people, but also penetrate into the upper strata of the Turkish people. The capital's Turks, out of a predominant love for Asia, the cradle of their religion and nation, prefer to be buried on the Asian coast. But a more motivating reason for the Turks’ love to bury themselves in Asia is the following: the Turks have many predictions about the impending fall of the Ottoman Empire, and the predictions of Sultan Soliman and the Arab astronomer Musta Eddin that the entire kingdom will be taken over by the Northern people are especially common among them. They believe these predictions and consider their stay in Europe temporary; for the time must inevitably come when the Christians, the fair-haired victors, will take Istanbul into their power and expel them to Asia. For this reason, all Mohammedans who are at all wealthy try to bury their relatives on the Asian coast, so that the graves of the “true believers” will not be trampled under the feet of the “infidels” when, by the will of Allah, they take Constantinople again. It was probably on this basis that Sultan Abdulmecid said about the Golden Gate to the architect who was restoring the Sofia Mosque in 1849: “Paint over the mosaics as lightly as possible, so that the paint can always be wiped off. Who knows, maybe my successor will want to completely open them."

You ask: “200 million Chinese army, how is this possible?”


“At present,” notes the famous analyst Valery Petrov in the article “Russia has nothing to respond to the Chinese threat” (, November 18, 2004), “the PRC has the most numerous and powerful army in Asia and, perhaps, in all in the world - about 4 million people, but almost 200 million !”

You ask: “How is it possible to transport so many troops through Tibet?”

Maybe. Just look at the construction of East-West highways and railways in China and the colossal amounts of money spent on this.

And now predictions from Europe:

Rev. Martin Zedeka (+1769)

Listen, my friends, what I will tell you about future times and what the whole world will be surprised with horror. – Constantinople will be taken by Christians without the slightest bloodshed. Internal rebellions, civil strife and incessant unrest will completely ruin the Turkish State; famine and pestilence will be the end of these disasters; they will die of their own accord in the most pitiful manner. The Turks will lose all their lands in Europe and will be forced to retire to Asia, Tunisia, Fesan and Morocco. The restless Poles will be completely pacified. A storm will rise upon them such as they never expected. The Kingdom of Poland will get a new look because many Germans [Bavarians] will move to it. The unfortunate Turks will leave Greece and all of Hungary; their mosques will be ruined, the Alkoran will be destroyed and the tomb of Mohammed will be burned. France will spread its branches and leaves over most of Gaul. Papal Rome will be exhausted. Rome will be occupied by the French; but they will not spread their roots there and will have to yield to another force. The Great Sovereign [Russian Tsar] in Europe will conquer almost all of Asia to His Power, and no enemy force can restrain him. The infidel Mohammedans will be completely exterminated. All of Asia will accept the Christian Faith, and after many centuries of darkness the Light will come to it. Before their destruction, the Turks will be in unspeakable rage, and will try in every possible way to eradicate all Christians; but the Lord God is already preparing a worthy punishment for them. The bloodthirsty enemies of Christians will be amazed by a very small number of Orthodox Christians and in a few years will be completely exterminated.

How does this prediction resonate with I. Kronstadt:

“...There will not be a kingdom more omnipotent than the Russian-Slavic one on earth. With the combined forces of Russia and other countries, Constantinople and Jerusalem will be captured. When Turkey is divided, almost all of it will remain with Russia. Russia, united with many other states, will take Vienna, and about 7 million native Viennese will remain behind the House of Habsburg, and the territory of the Austrian Empire will be established there. France, for its love for the Mother of God, will be given up to 17 million French people with the capital city of Reims, and Paris will be completely destroyed. The House of Napoleon will be given Sardinia, Corsica and Savoy. The permanent count of the global war will be 10 years.

St. Right John of Kronstadt (+1908)

What about Russia itself?

“...Many countries will then take up arms against Russia, but it will survive. This war, which is narrated by the Holy Scriptures and the prophets, will cause the unification of mankind. People will choose a unified government - this will be the threshold of the reign of the Antichrist. Then persecution of Christians will begin in these countries, and when the trains leave from there for Russia, you must be among the first, since many of those who remain will die.”

Elder Hieromonk Seraphim (Vyritsky) (Eternal Life" No.18-19, 1996, No.36-37, etc. 1998)

“Russia will merge into one great sea with the other lands and Slavic tribes, it will form one sea or that huge universal ocean of the people, about which the Lord God from ancient times spoke through the mouth of all the Saints: “The terrible and invincible Kingdom of All-Russian, All-Slavic - Gog and Magog, before which All nations will tremble. And all this is the same as two and two are four, and certainly like God is holy, who from ancient times foretold about him and his formidable dominion over the earth. With the united forces of Russia and other (peoples), Constantinople and Jerusalem will be captured. When Turkey is divided, almost all of it will remain with Russia...”

Holy Venerable Seraphim of Sarov, 1832

The Slavs are loved by God because they will maintain the True Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to the end. At the time of the Antichrist, they will completely reject and not recognize him as the Messiah, and for this they will be rewarded with the great Grace of God: there will be an omnipotent language on earth, and there will be no other Kingdom more omnipotent than the Russian-Slavic on earth. With the combined forces of Russia and other countries, Constantinople and Jerusalem will be captured. When Turkey is divided, almost all of it will remain with Russia. Russia, united with many other states, will take Vienna, and about 7 million native Viennese will remain behind the House of Habsburg, and the territory of the Austrian Empire will be established there. France, for its love for the Mother of God, will be given up to 17 million French people with the capital city of Reims, and Paris will be completely destroyed. The House of Napoleon will be given Sardinia, Corsica and Savoy. The permanent count of the global war will be 10 years.

St. Right John of Kronstadt (+1908)

“Russia will have a new life. And again the righteous will rise from our Land, and again, once again, the Mother of God will show us what to do with the Russian Land. Russia will rise again, but through great difficulties, tears and poverty. If we are poor, but strong in spirit, we will be saved. As a result of the global war, the whole world will pass to the Russians. In World War III, Russia will remain aloof from the conflict without launching retaliatory [nuclear] strikes. The main battle will take place between the United States, Europe and China, which will mutually bleed each other, eliminating governance, defense, power potential and ruining the economy. After the war, only Russia will have integrity and power potential for global leadership. Meeting the universal request of the peoples, she will announce world patronage, proclaiming the formation of the Holy Russian Empire. At the same time, he will leave behind himself, as a global Power, autocracy: on weapons, on the state-information apparatus, on the military-scientific-industrial complex, and, most importantly, on the Church of Christ.

Over time, the Holy Russian Empire will include the entire territory of North America and Eurasia. Russia will include in Asia: Mongolia, part of China up to the Przhevalsky Ridge and the Great Wall of China, Korea, the islands of Kyushu and Hokkaido of Japan. Moreover, most of the population of Japan will be washed away by waves in a series of underwater eruptions. In the Middle East, Russia will literally fall into the Indian Ocean. The part between the Russian (Black) and Mediterranean seas, the Suez Canal, the Red (Red) and Arabian seas, and above the Indus River will go to it. In Europe, Russia will be joined by the original Slavic-Russian lands: part of Turkey, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Albania, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, East Germany (Bavaria), Scandinavia (Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark), as well as Greece and Italy below the Arno River. In North America, lands above 60 degrees will go to Russia, namely: the US state of Alaska, part of Canada, Greenland and Iceland. The Orthodox Church will occupy a dominant position. The highest power and Priesthood will be exclusively with the Great Russians. Those who resist will be evicted into deserted spaces by the Grace of God. Holy Russia, which reigned with Christ for a thousand years and never bowed to the beast, will shepherd the nations with a rod of iron.”

Prepmch. Hieronymus of Sanaksar (+ 6.О6.2001)

I foresee a lot of sarcastic comments about this article. But anyway, I’ll end it with some beautiful verses:

Rev. Seraphim Vyritsky

A thunderstorm will pass over the Russian Land. The Lord will forgive the sins of the Russian people

And the Holy Cross with Divine Beauty will shine again on God’s Temples.

Abodes everywhere will be reopened

And Faith in God will unite everyone and the ringing of bells will awaken all of our Holy Rus' from sinful sleep to salvation.

The formidable adversities will subside; Russia will defeat its enemies. And the name of the Russian, Great People will thunder throughout the universe like thunder

Elder Jonah's prophecies about the next war

Elder Jonah is famous for his miraculous actions at the Odessa Holy Dormition Monastery. He died relatively recently (in 2012). Both Orthodox and non-believers respected the elder because his heart was filled with selfless kindness and love for people. He was born in 1925 near Kirovograd (a city in Ukraine). His family lived poorly, but were happy with what they had. Although they said at school that there is no God, his mother taught differently.

Working hard in different places, without even finishing school, by the age of forty Vladimir fell ill with a dangerous disease - tuberculosis. At that moment, the man realized that death was near and it was worth thinking not only about material, but also about spiritual values. While in the clinic, he saw how many people were suffering and dying. Jonah made a vow to God that if he survived, he would devote his life to God and become a monk. And so it happened.

Before his death, the elder predicted the third world war. He said that in 2013 everything will begin and in one neighboring state, which is smaller than the Russian Federation, disorder will begin. All this will happen for two years and a military conflict will begin, it will end in a big wave that will scatter throughout the world. Afterwards, a new Russian Tsar will begin to rule.

Video: prophecies of Elder Jonah

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