Check car number according to feng shui

» Feng Shui » Feng Shui number meanings



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The Feng Shui technique is not only about arranging a home or placing furniture in the right places, it also helps a person achieve his goal thanks to the ordinary numbers that surround him. If you choose the right number for your own phone, car and home, you can significantly improve your financial and spiritual situation. According to Feng Shui, a number plays a significant role in a person’s destiny.

Feng Shui number meanings

Favorable numbers

On the day of the beginning, you need to determine what exactly they are, lucky numbers.

  1. Unit. It is generally accepted that 1 helps to tune in to the desired energy level and quickly find a way out of difficult situations. Even the ancient monks were convinced that 1 promotes the development of intuition.
  2. Number 3. In Feng Shui there is an opinion that the number three promotes good luck and success. If your life is surrounded by 3, it will help you discover your spiritual sensuality and find the love of your life.
  3. Number 5. As is known from Feng Shui, 5 connects a person with all natural elements. As a result, water, air, earth and fire will bring those good things into your life that you really need.
  4. The number 6 should surround those people who want to succeed in business or gain material well-being. Six is ​​especially important for those who are trying to build their own business, because it will bring wealth.
  5. Number 7 is necessary for those people who need discipline and want to change for the better. Seven helps you achieve inner harmony with yourself.
  6. The number 8 is a universal positive number. Eight is able to improve relationships at work or in the family and with others, making your life happier.
  7. The number 9 according to Feng Shui opens a person's mind. As a result, he begins to acquire the wisdom he has long dreamed of.

Numerology and cars

In order to find out the characteristics of your car, you need to know the license plate number.

Its calculation is quite easy. To do this, you need to sum up all the numbers in the license plate. For example, the car number is 1 7 3. Therefore, to get the total number, all the digits are added and the sum is 11. Thus, the car code is the number 2 (1+1).

Based on the vehicle code, you can easily determine its nature and behavior on the road. Your car's license plate number can confidently tell you how it will behave on the road. Numerology will reveal whether he is inclined to get into various unpleasant stories and accidents.

How quickly can it become unusable? What kind of malfunctions is it prone to?

Housing number

Sometimes situations happen when a young couple dreams of owning their own home. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the number of your home.

The ideal option is the number 28. It is generally accepted that number 28 is capable of bringing harmony to a house or apartment, revealing the inner potential of residents and helping them achieve their goals. This number will also help you fulfill your most cherished desires. The combination of these 2 numbers can even help you financially. It is believed that a house or apartment with number 28 always attracts money like a magnet, which improves the material well-being of the residents.

Feng Shui experts are convinced that the numbers 1, 8 and 6 have positive magical meaning. Moreover, it does not matter at all in what order they are in relation to each other. They mean future achievement of success and good luck in all endeavors. The same designation applies to the floors of the house. As you know, 68 and 48 are responsible for monetary profit. But, you should remember that the number 48 will only help if you work hard.

You also need to remember about such a number as zero. Most people are convinced that 0 does not bring any changes to their lives - neither positive nor negative. But the practice of Feng Shui has slightly different knowledge. It is believed that 0 means harmony and helps to establish a spiritual connection between people.


If you notice a series of failures, you need to check the housing number. If such a problem exists, you just need to remove the number from the door. Then the negative energy will weaken.

In the practice of Feng Shui there are several other ways to improve your life. By choosing black doors, you can neutralize negative magical energy. Moreover, the black door looks much more presentable and stylish.

You can also install a mirror in the corridor, because it absorbs all the negativity. But the mirror should not stand opposite the doors. Otherwise, it will reflect the positive energy of your home.

Feng Shui of your car. How to improve your safety on the road.

Road safety.
Since ancient times, travel has been full of dangers. The world does not stand still, and a modern driver or autotourist who gets behind the wheel of a car may think that he is completely safe. But is it. A horseshoe falling off a horse was hardly a bigger nuisance for our ancestors than a car breaking down for us. And our roads leave much to be desired. When traveling on a bad road in difficult weather conditions, we cannot feel completely safe on the road .

Ways to protect yourself and your loved ones from harm, perhaps, appeared even earlier than the first travelers took to the road. People turned for protection to the gods or the forces of nature, to various materials that could bestow strength or their own energy. In general, as many people as there are, so many opinions.

Feng Shui is a practice of favorable development of space, allowing one to find favorable flows of energy and use them for the benefit of a person. Numerous fans of this ancient Taoist practice, which in itself can be called a universal amulet, still have heated debates about whether it is possible to create harmonious feng shui in a car. How to determine sectors in the car interior? How to improve your safety on the road ?

Laws of Feng Shui of a car.

First of all, you should remember that according to the laws of Feng Shui, the car itself should be favorable for you. By what criteria is this determined? Everything is very simple - for the eastern type of people, a streamlined car will be optimal, for people of the western type - a square-shaped car.

How to choose a favorable car color?

The favorable color of the car is no less important - red, blue, green and black colors are recommended for the eastern type. Western – white silvery brown, all shades of yellow and beige.

How to determine sectors in a car? But this, unfortunately, is not possible - after all, the car does not have a constant position in space. Today you parked it with the hood facing east, and tomorrow with the hood facing south. However, it is quite possible to make driving as safe as possible. To do this, it is enough to place protective talismans on the windshield and rear window of the car that will help avoid accidents, ward off thieves and other ill-wishers from you, and most importantly, attract Good Luck, which will accompany you along the way.

Mascots for cars.

There are no special protective talismans for cars in Feng Shui practice. However, in the machine you can use talismans such as the yin-yang sign or continuous luck nodes. You can place an umbrella on the rear window, which is a powerful talisman of protection. In addition, you can print out hieroglyphs with the meaning “protection” and place them on the glass (so that they do not interfere with your view on the road).

What numbers are favorable for the car?

license plates may be more or less favorable to your vehicle and affect road safety just as much as uniforms or mascots. In order to find out whether your car number is favorable, you need to add all the numbers of the license plate (including the region number) and letters so that the result is a single-digit number from 1 to 9. Below is a correspondence table so that the result is a single-digit number number from 1 to 9. Below is a table of correspondence between letters and numbers.


Eg. Your car number is o625nzh. region number 25. Find the numerical values ​​of the letters using this table Letter O = 7, letter H = 6, letter Zh = 8. Now add up all the numbers 7 + 6 + 2 + 5 + 6 + 8 + 2 + 5. As a result, we get 41 But this number is two-digit. To bring it to a single digit, we add up the numbers that make it up 4+1=5. This number will be the key to deciphering the favorableness of the car number.

1 is a favorable number, the car will last a long time;

2-risk of accidents and minor accidents;

3-the car will “help” you, very good for businessmen;

Phone number

Different meanings of numbers

In Feng Shui, those people who do business and often discuss money over the phone should pay special attention to the Feng Shui phone number. Correct numbering can improve your financial situation.

Feng Shui practitioners are confident that things will go well if the number contains 7 or 9.

You should not use a phone number that contains 4 or 2. They will disrupt all your plans and you will not be able to achieve success or good luck in your endeavors. Number 4 means that the call will rarely be accepted by another person, because it only brings unpleasant news.

Pay attention to phone numbers that contain the numbers 1 or 3 - these numbers always have positive energy and always bring favorable news.

Threes and fives help lovers to constantly stay together; lovers will always compromise. 3 helps to establish contact with children, and 5 improves balance in a person’s soul. Their combination is especially positive.

If you want to open your own business and get a lot of money, then pay attention to 6 or 8.

Creative people should pay attention to 7 - it allows you to develop spiritually.

Feng Shui number meanings

The Feng Shui technique is not only about arranging a home or placing furniture in the right places, it also helps a person achieve his goal thanks to the ordinary numbers that surround him. If you choose the right number for your own phone, car and home, you can significantly improve your financial and spiritual situation. According to Feng Shui, a number plays a significant role in a person’s destiny.

Feng Shui number meanings

Number of the car

It is also important to know the favorable feng shui numbers for the car. Choosing the right car number can be a talisman for life, and the wrong choice will lead to frequent accidents.

  1. 4 on a car is a symbol of danger, so drivers should avoid it. It is especially dangerous if the number contains not just one 4, but a combination of several 4s.
  2. Number 2 helps to strengthen the negative energy of 4. As a result, you are guaranteed constant dangers and stressful situations.
  3. The number 0 brings harmony and tranquility. But whether to choose it or not, everyone decides for themselves.
  4. 1 develops intuition and a sense of harmony. It is believed that a car with a license plate containing 1 will never bring trouble on the road.
  5. 8 and 9 have a good meaning, which is to improve the financial situation of the driver. As a result, his work will bring in more money than before. If the number contains these numbers, then breakdowns and accidents can be avoided.

What does your apartment number say? Lucky number.


Phone number. What depends on the phone number in our lives.

The meaning of numbers in Feng Shui


Lucky numbers in feng shui

Are you planning to buy a car, are you thinking about how to set up your own business, or have you just decided to change your phone number? Take your time! Remember that even an ordinary number is a symbol, and any symbol has its own energy, good or bad.

Sometimes inexplicable strange things happen in life. For example, in the old apartment there might have been persistent bad luck in love affairs or a career that didn’t develop, but after moving to a new house things went uphill sharply. Or, as soon as you changed your mobile phone number, amazing ideas and solutions immediately began to come to mind one after another. Not every person will be able to grasp the hidden relationship between these events and get to the bottom of the truth. But this is important!

Pay attention to the numbers that surround you if you cannot change some situation for a long time. It is quite possible that you are surrounded by “black” numbers that slow down and block your spiritual energy and hinder your luck. If you find that your address, phone or car number consists of “black” numbers, then a reasonable solution would be to change them to “white” ones. If this is not possible, then you need to try to at least mitigate the negative impact of numbers with the help of other, positive ones.

Let's find out which numbers in Feng Shui are called “white” and which ones carry negative vibrations. Any number, even the largest one, consists of a certain number of units. And any number can be broken down into its components. For example, the number 756 is three digits: 7, 5, 6. This is how numbers are arranged according to Feng Shui, and then each digit is checked. It’s good if all the numbers in the number have a positive interpretation.

Interpretation of lucky numbers according to Feng Shui

  • Number 1 is a good number, a sign of unity. For Taoist monks, this figure is a symbol of the beginning, a kind of source. This is a “white” number in the practice of Feng Shui, it brings good luck. Literally it means “honor and gain” and is one of the most favorable numbers.
  • Number 3 is another positive number in Feng Shui, promoting growth in any business, in love, in career, etc. This number can impart spiritual strength and attract success.
  • The number 5 is a symbol of balance. In the East, this figure personifies all five elements, their complete unity, the harmony of intercourse. Feng Shui considers this number to be neutral, but if it is adjacent to other positive mathematical signs, it enhances the meaning and power of each of them.
  • Number 6 is the main sign of material success according to Feng Shui, abundance, wealth. This figure should definitely appear in your rooms if you strive to accumulate great wealth and dream of reaching a new level of prosperity.
  • Number 7 is a sign of stability, constancy, confidence and calm. A wonderful number that denotes depth of knowledge and steadfast steadfastness. The interpretation of Feng Shui advises strengthening the influence of the previous number thanks to the number 7 in order to quickly achieve all the desired earthly benefits.

  • The number 8 is the highest symbol of the totality of everything that a person strives for. This number is suitable for you to attract prosperity to your home and great wealth, as well as success in any business, constant development and rapid growth of all endeavors. A number representing complete abundance.
  • Number 9 is the number of spiritual wisdom, a sign of enlightenment and self-improvement in Feng Shui. This is a number that will be very favorable for spiritual, creative people who strive for deep knowledge and higher goals. Brings with it good physical and mental health, means longevity.

What do car numbers mean in Feng Shui?

Lucky combinations of numbers according to Feng Shui are made up exclusively of “white” numbers, and negative numbers should not be found among them. Such a number will be favorable for its owner, will give the car positive vibrations, and will protect it from troubles, accidents and breakdowns. The meaning of a car license plate according to Feng Shui is easy to interpret if you break it down into its component numbers.

The number 4 is considered an extremely undesirable symbol in a license plate. In Feng Shui, it means death, a difficult (or even insurmountable) obstacle on the way. Drivers should remember this to avoid having a negative number on their license plate. You should be especially careful when driving if there is more than one four in the license plate. It is advisable to change such numbers to protect yourself. But you can reduce or even completely neutralize the negative impact of the single digit 4 in your license plate by placing it between other, positive numbers.

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