Ryazan Trinity Monastery Diocesan monasteries of the Russian Orthodox Church


Russia Ryazan region Ryazan Trinity Ryazan Monastery Map loading in progress...

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54.624723; 39.686869

Russia, Ryazan, Mikhailovsky district

Ryazan, Ryazan region




Trinity Monastery

(other names:
Holy Trinity
in the name of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity
) is a male monastery in Ryazan. Belongs to the Ryazan and Kasimov diocese of the Moscow Patriarchate. The monastery has 11 inhabitants (2007).

In 1812, the famous architect Matvey Kazakov (1738-1812) was buried at the Mikhailovskoye cemetery, located within the walls of the monastery (liquidated in 1941).

The most revered icon of the monastery was the icon of the Feodorovskaya Mother of God, copied from the original miraculous Feodorovskaya-Kostroma icon of the Mother of God, given to the monastery as a gift in 1852. The miraculous icon is named in honor of the father of Alexander Nevsky - Grand Duke Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, who bore the name Theodore at baptism. The icon was constantly with Alexander Nevsky and was his prayer image. It is believed that in 1613, Archbishop Theodoret of Ryazan and Murom blessed Mikhail Romanov with an authentic icon of the Theodore Mother of God and, in honor of this event, ordered the copy located in the monastery. Currently there is no information about the location of the icon.

Since 1998, the monastery has published the newspaper “Holy Gates”.

History of the monastery

The monastery is located in the west of Ryazan and the history of its origin is shrouded in mystery. But still the main milestones of its early history can be outlined.

  1. The monastery appeared no earlier than the 14th century.
  2. The main event in the life of the monastery at that time was the visit of his saint. Sergius of Radonezh, he spent the night here.
  3. St. Sergius carried out an important diplomatic mission to reconcile the Moscow and Ryazan principalities, and this embassy was successful, since the monk reconciled the two princes.
  4. A visible embodiment of this was the marriage between Prince Fyodor Ryazansky and Dmitry Donskoy’s daughter Sofia.

Holy Trinity Monastery of the city of Ryazan

The further fate of the Trinity Monastery in the city of Ryazan was as follows:

  • during the Time of Troubles, the monastery was destroyed; from the description of 1628 it follows that there was one wooden Trinity Church, two cells, and one hieromonk lived in it;
  • visible changes began in the Holy Trinity Monastery in Ryazan only in 1695, when, with the money of the steward Ivan Verderevsky, a stone Trinity Church was built instead of a wooden one, and the monastery itself was surrounded by a brick fence;
  • in 1697, a stone bell tower was built directly opposite the temple;
  • in 1752, the second stone Sergius Church was built on the site where the Church of St. John the Baptist had previously been;
  • in the 18th century, the Slavic-Latin school was located within the walls of the monastery for four years;
  • The 19th century brought new changes, a new entrance gate, a two-story stone fraternity building, a treasury building were built, and a parochial school was opened.

Before the revolution, they managed to build a hotel for pilgrims at the holy gates and a new two-story fraternal building with 10 cells.

Interesting fact! The Ryazan Trinity Monastery has never been particularly crowded; in 1763, 15 monastics lived here, and at the beginning of the 20th century - 20.

In 1919, the monastery was officially closed, but the churches remained active as parish churches until 1940. Afterwards, they housed various institutions: workshops, a driving school, and even for some time churches were used as living quarters.

Monastery in the 17th and 18th centuries

From the 14th to the 16th centuries, these lands were constantly subject to invasions by the Tatar-Mongols. Therefore, the fortresses with the monastic archives contained in them have not been preserved, as well as documents with records relating to them. Subsequent mentions of the monastery are found only from the end of the 16th century in the Scribe books.

In 1697, a cathedral church and a bell tower were built at the Trinity Monastery in Ryazan. It was located in the northern part of the monastery, on the side where the Pavlovka River flows. The fence and towers of the monastery were built of brick at the same time as the church and bell tower.

The total length of the fence was 436 m. The roof on it was made of iron and painted with copper. Initially there were four towers, but in 1826 a fifth was built on the southeast side. Each of them has a diameter of 3 m and a height of 3.5 m (to the eaves). The vaults of the towers are crowned by a dome with a sharp spire. In the courtyard of the monastery there was a cemetery where members of noble families (princes and boyars) were buried.

Abbots and governors of the monastery

In total, over the years of existence of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Ryazan, it was ruled by 54 abbots and governors in the rank of abbot, archimandrites and bishops. Among them were several famous personalities and saints.

  1. Saint Gabriel (Gorodkov) was rector of the monastery from 1815 to 1817, then served as rector of the Oryol and Nizhny Novgorod theological seminaries. He returned to Ryazan as Archbishop of Ryazan and died here in 1862. Glorified in the Cathedral of Ryazan Saints in 1987. Now his relics are in the Nativity of Christ Cathedral in Ryazan and there is a particle of his relics in the monastery itself.

    Saint Gabriel (Gorodkov), Archbishop of Ryazan

  2. Metropolitan Arseny (Moskvin), ruled the monastery from 1829 to 1830, was subsequently consecrated Bishop of Tambov and Shatsky (1832), and died in 1876 as Metropolitan of Kyiv and Galicia.
  3. Bishop Vladimir (Blagorazumov), ruled the monastery from 1902 to 1906, being Bishop Mikhailovsky vicar of the Ryazan diocese. Known as the author of many theological works. He died in 1914 in Nizhyn.
  4. Archbishop Irinarch (Popov), became the first suffragan bishop in the Ryazan diocese in 1868 and ruled the Trinity Monastery until 1877, until his death. In addition, before that he was the first bishop of Riga, vicar of the Pskov diocese.

The name of the famous Moscow architect Matthew Kazakov is also associated with the Trinity Monastery. He was buried in the monastery cemetery, but his grave has not survived.

Monastery in the 19th century

In 1826, a new carved iconostasis was installed in the Church of the Trinity Monastery in Ryazan. After its installation, the inside of the temple and the dome were decorated with paintings. Near the fifth tower, located in the southeast, a carriage house, granary, glacier, stable and hay barn were built.

In 1830, in order to avoid the collapse of the bell tower, it was decided to erect a whole series of buttresses along the western wall. A year later, on the eastern side of the outside of the temple, an image of the Holy Trinity was created, and on the sides of it in false windows (niches) they depicted St. Sergius of Radonezh and St. John the Baptist.

In 1833, the gate chapel, which was located on the north side, was plastered and whitewashed. A small iconostasis and three icons were installed inside. In 1845, a new iconostasis was installed in the Sergius Church, as well as new icons in one of its tier.

Current state

The return of the monastery buildings took place in stages:

  • in 1994, the rectory building, which until 1996 housed the Ryazan Theological School, was returned;
  • 1995 was the year when, by decree of Patriarch Alexy II, the Holy Trinity Monastery was reopened;
  • in 1997, both churches and all remaining buildings were transferred.

The brethren of the monastery number 12 people, services are held in three churches, and a brick fence has been erected around the monastery. Restoration work at the Trinity Church began in 2012, and has now reached the final stage.

Description of the monastery in the 18th-19th centuries

From the autumn of 1749 to 1753, an Arithmetic School was created in the monastery. There were several classes in it:

  • grammatical;
  • rhetorical;
  • syntactic;
  • pyitic;
  • faric;
  • infimic (infima and fara are the initial, basic stages of learning the Latin language).

In 1795, a hospital was opened at the Trinity Monastery in Ryazan. And six years later, the abbot’s cell was rebuilt and a new stone foundation was made. In 1810, it was decided to replace the main gate, located under the bell tower. This decision was caused by the fact that during floods the water came right up to the gate and made movement difficult. On the northern side of the fence, new passage gates were erected, which were crowned with the image of Sergius of Radonezh blessing the monks.

Patronal holidays

The main holiday of the monastery is associated with the Holy Trinity, and it is transitory, depending on when Holy Easter is celebrated. Therefore, you need to follow the calendar when this holiday comes.

Otherwise, the holidays are associated with which thrones are consecrated:

  • July 18 and October 8 St. Sergius of Radonezh.
  • all dates associated with the name of Saint John the Baptist (Nativity, Beheading, Finding of the Head, Conception, Council of John the Baptist);
  • March 27 and August 29, honoring the icon of the Mother of God “Root Sign”;
  • July 8 commemorates the blessed princes Peter and Fevronia of Murom.

Divine service at the Holy Trinity Monastery

Contact Information:

Postal address: 390013, Ryazan, Moskovskoe highway, 10

Phones: 8-(4912) 34-81-71; 8-915-615-21-94. Fax:8-(4912) 34-81-71 ext. 203 Website address: https://trinityrzn.ru

Viceroy : Archimandrite Andrey (Krekhov)


The monastery arose no later than the first half of the 14th century, since back in 1386 the Monk Sergius of Radonezh, visiting Pereyaslavl of Ryazan with an embassy mission, stayed overnight in the monastery, which was located on the outskirts of the city.

The monastery ensemble took shape during the late 17th – early 20th centuries. The first stone building on the territory of the monastery was the cold cathedral church in the name of the Life-Giving Trinity, built on the site of the previous wooden church and consecrated in 1695. The second, Sergius Church was erected in 1752 to replace the wooden St. John the Baptist Church, and had chapels in honor of the Baptist of the Lord John and Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God. On the northern side, above the main entrance gate of the monastery, there was a three-tiered bell tower (1697), and the appearance of the monastery was completed by the abbot's (1855) and fraternal (now refectory; 1903) buildings and a two-story stone chapel erected in 1858 in the western gate , which later received the name “Holy Gates”. The territory of the monastery was surrounded by a brick fence with five towers, built at the end of the 17th century, inside which there were numerous outbuildings. Outside there was a monastery vegetable garden, trees and shrubs were planted, flower beds were laid out, and on the south side there was a vast orchard with an apiary. Not far from the monastery there were floodplain lakes, the water in which was distinguished by its purity and good taste. There were several springs on the territory of the monastery itself. At the mouth of the Pavlovka River there was a monastery mill.

The main shrine of the monastery was the miraculous Theodore Icon of the Mother of God.

Numerous healings were performed from the icon, evidence of which is recorded in the monastery chronicle. After the closure of the monastery during the years of Soviet power, the image ended up outside the monastery. Currently, it is located in the Boris-Gleb Cathedral in Ryazan, and the monastery houses a copy of the Theodore Icon, made in 1998, also famous for its miracles. To this day, the venerated Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, preserved from pre-revolutionary times, remains in the monastery, before which an akathist is performed weekly.


Holy Trinity Cathedral. The most ancient temple in the monastery. Its foundation dates back to 1685. It is not distinguished by outstanding architecture, but the building is strong, taking into account the loads on it that were associated with use during Soviet times (perestroika, extensions, and so-called reconstruction). Worship services began there in 2000. The Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh is a unique building, a warm temple (felt is used as filler in the walls). Divine services have been held there since 1995. Small Church in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God “Znamenie-Korchemnaya” and St. of the Blessed Princes Peter and Fevronia of Murom is located on the second floor in the Holy Gates. Services there began in October 2000. Shrines

In the external wooden carved cross of the monastery there is kept a piece of the Holy Sepulcher. Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Icon of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called. Icon of St. Sergius of Radonezh with particles of the relics of these saints. Particles of the relics of the Ryazan saints:

Hieromartyr Misail, Saint Theodoret, Saint Gabriel, Saint Meletius, Honorable remains of the Ryazan bishops:

Archbishop Alexy Titov (1733-1750) Archbishop Anthony (1621-1637) Bishop Gury of Luzhetsky (1554-1562) Bishop Mikhail (1548-1551) Metropolitan Stefan Yavorsky (1700-1722) Modern life of the monastery

Divine services are held daily: in the morning at 8.30, in the evening at 17.00. On Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, early mass is celebrated in the morning - at 6.15 (on weekdays) or at 6.30 (Saturdays and Sundays). Following the example of the Holy Trinity-Sergius Lavra, akathists are read during evening services every week:

- on Sunday - to St. Sergius, Abbot of Radonezh;

- on Friday - to the Mother of God “Rejoice Unbrided Bride”;

- on Wednesday - to the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God.

The monastery holds unction twice a week: on Friday evening after the evening service and on Saturday at 7.30.

The number of brethren of the monastery: in the priesthood - 10 people, novices - 11 people, laborers - 20 people.

There is a small hotel for pilgrims; visitors are offered meals and, if possible, overnight accommodation. The monastery has a library with a book collection of about 1,400 copies. There are texts of the Holy Scriptures, the works of St. fathers, liturgical literature, books on various areas of theological knowledge and other books for spiritual and edifying reading, periodicals.

The monastery also has two church-monasteries: the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in the village. Abryutino and the Church of St. ap. John the Theologian in the village. Plakhino. There is a monastery economic yard in the village. Ekimovka, Ryazan region.

Important events from the life of the monastery

Discovery of St. monastery on December 25, 1995 by decree of His Holiness the Patriarch and the Holy Synod.

From June 1998 to the present, the newspaper “Holy Gates” has been published in the monastery.

In September 1999, a Sunday school was organized at the monastery.

06/16/2000 The Trinity Cathedral Church was consecrated by His Eminence Simon.

In July 2001, the miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Kazan-Vyshenskaya” was in Ryazan. Her religious procession through the churches of Ryazan began from the Holy Trinity Monastery.

Patronal holidays.

October 8 – memory of St. Sergius of Radonezh;

July 18 – discovery of the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh;

March 27, August 29 – icon of the Mother of God “The Sign-Korchemnaya”;

July 8 – memory of St. blessed princes Peter and Fevronia of Murom.

Patronal feasts of the Council of the Baptist and Baptist John.

Directions to the monastery.

Near the monastery, within one stop, there are two railway stations: Ryazan-1 and Ryazan-2; regional bus station "Central" (village of Mervino), from which you can walk to the monastery or take public transport (stop "TD "Bars")).

How to get there by public transport

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery (Ryazan) is located within walking distance from the Prioksky bus station. From the central bus station, where buses from Moscow arrive, and one of the 2 railway stations of Ryazan, you need to take trolleybus No. 1, 10, 17, bus or minibus No. 41 or 75, going to the stops “Ploshchad Lenina” or “Sobornaya” "

There you can already see the bell tower and domes of the Assumption Cathedral. Walking along the ancient Cathedral Street, the traveler will see a monument to Prince Oleg Ryazansky. Behind him there is an arch, after passing through which he will enter the alley leading to the bridge over the Kremlin moats.

Next you need to go around the bell tower on the right side. A part of the wall with a wooden gate will open. Next to them the visitor will find a sign with the name of the monastery. Upon entering the territory, the guest will see the Brotherhood on the right; to the left of the path there are 2 main churches of the monastery.


Since October 21, 2015, the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery has been headed by Abbot Euthymius (Shapkin). He received his spiritual education at the Ryazan Seminary, and his secular education was previously received at an art school. Before moving to the monastery, he was a monk in the St. John the Theologian Monastery.

He was ordained deacon on April 13, 1997, and, immediately after that, priest on April 24, 1997. Out of obedience, he restores icons, using the skills acquired at art school.

Information for pilgrims

The Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery is located on the territory of the Kremlin in Ryazan. Pilgrims can find numerous excursions here; city festivals and open-air concerts are often held on the territory of the museum. This will not give you the opportunity to experience monastic solitude. You can join the shrines in temples.

There is no source of holy water on the territory of the monastery, nor is there a public refectory. Next to the Cathedral of the Exaltation of Christ, which belongs to the diocese and is located next to the complex of monastery buildings, you can buy products from the St. John the Theologian Monastery, located in the village of Poshchupovo. These are bread, pies, gingerbreads.

On the morning of the weekend, the Ryazan diocese treats parishioners and pilgrims with hot tea.

The monastery offers pilgrims various forms of social service. You can learn about them and about excursions to holy places organized by the diocese at the stand located at the entrance of the cathedral.

A visit to the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery will allow you to become familiar with the shrines and early pages of the history of Ryazan. The monastery is developing, the buildings are being restored, and participation in its life will become an important matter for every Christian.

Article design: Oleg Lozinsky

Interior decoration

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery (Ryazan) allows you to fully appreciate the interior decoration of the operating Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral, which is open to parishioners. The fraternal buildings are closed to visitors; the Church of St. John the Evangelist has not yet been completely reconstructed. The temple was erected at the turn of the 17th – 18th centuries and consecrated in the early years of the eighteenth century.

Funds for the construction were provided by the Ryazan merchant M. Nemchinov. The building was erected as a pillarless quadrangle, complemented on the eastern side by a three-part apse, crowned by one small dome with a blue dome. The decoration of the cathedral is very modest; it has a cornice with a belt of false apses and triple columns at the corners of the quadrangle.

The fact that the building belongs to the Naryshkin Baroque style is emphasized by carved platbands and multi-colored tiles on the windows. A modest tiled belt also decorates the apse. The high iconostasis has been recreated and the ancient paintings have been restored.

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