Icon of St. Olga - meaning, history, what they pray for

The veneration of Princess Olga is closely connected with the name of her husband; their grandson, Prince Vladimir, who spread Christianity throughout the country, is also canonized. The icon of St. Olga is a reminder of who Rus' owes for becoming Holy. After all, it was the grandmother’s Christian upbringing that made itself felt when Vladimir was deciding what faith his subjects would accept.

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The life story of St. Olga

During her long life, Olga was destined to know not only the privileges of the princely title, but also the sorrows of an ordinary woman. But the Russian people have always been distinguished by patience and strong will, which among the best over time became sacred. The princess became the first Christian ruler that the country recognized.

Tradition has preserved an interesting story about the meeting of young Olga with Prince Igor, who later became her husband. He was crossing the river in a boat when he suddenly noticed that the driver was not a guy, but a girl in men's clothing. The girls' wise speeches kept him from attacking his maiden honor. And when the time came to choose a wife, Igor remembered a friend who struck him with wisdom.

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The exact date and place of birth of St. Olga has not been identified; it is believed that she was born near Pskov at the end of the 9th century. After marriage, nothing was written about Olga for a long time, from this we can conclude that there were no special shocks during that period. The crisis in her life begins with the insidious murder of her husband.

  • On the icons, Saint Olga is depicted already in the status of the ruler of the Russian lands, as evidenced by the corresponding clothes. In her right hand she holds an Orthodox cross (it has 8 ends, the Catholic one has only 4). The cross on many icons is raised high - the ruler, as it were, shows her enemies that her subjects are under the protection of Christ. In her right hand she often holds a small image of a temple.

The mass baptism of Rus' became a significant milestone in the history of the country. But Princess Olga was baptized much earlier, so it is wrong to present the fact of accepting Christianity as something unexpected. Prince Vladimir knew about him from early childhood, thanks to his grandmother.

According to legend, Olga was baptized by Emperor Constantine himself in the mid-10th century. That is, she was already aged (50-60 years old). Byzantine sources mention the only visit of the princess. However, her faith was strong enough to survive in a pagan environment.

On the icons, Princess Olga is called Equal-to-the-Apostles. Very rarely were women celebrated with such a title. It is given only for the spread of the Christian faith. Princely status alone is not enough here - you must have patience, show with your life what a Christian should be. At the time of her baptism, Olga had already established herself as a successful, wise ruler:

  • Established the western and southern borders of the country.
  • Developed trade relations with neighboring countries.
  • Stopped internecine wars.

Upon returning to her homeland, the saint began to preach Christ and build churches throughout the country. Son Svyatoslav remained a pagan - although he did not interfere with his mother, he made everyone who was baptized laugh. Olga patiently prayed for him and raised her grandchildren in the Orthodox faith. During her life, most of those around her retained the pagan faith, but the saint died in the hope that the light of Christ would shine over the entire country. They buried her herself according to Christian rites, in the ground.

What you need to know about the icon

It is generally accepted that in a special way the Holy Princess Olga patronizes girls and women bearing this name. It is considered correct for girls named Olga to carry with them a small copy of the icon of St. Olga and a written prayer, which is better to learn by heart and read it in moments of special danger or grief.

Icon of Saint Princess Olga

Every year on July 24, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the day of veneration of Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga. On this day, in those churches where there is an icon of St. Olga, or in your cell church, you can pray before the face of the saint, revealing your sorrows to her, and there is no doubt that the saint will definitely help.

For those who would like to bow before the face of Saint Olga, you should know that there is a list of the most famous churches where her icon is kept:

  • in the Sverdlovsk region, a parish in the village of Patrushi;
  • in the Kemerovo region, a parish in the village of Kalachevo;
  • in Moscow, the Church of St. Nicholas in Pyzhi and the Church of the Hieromartyr Nikita.

Also in Moscow, in the Church of St. Nicholas, there is a piece of the holy relics of Princess Olga.

The meaning of the holy image

Olga began to be revered as a saint only during the reign of her grandson, Prince Vladimir. There is a joint icon of Vladimir and Olga - they are facing each other, Prince Vladimir is holding a cross in his hand. In another open scroll with a prayer - it asks for a blessing for the people, this prayer is read by the priest during the blessing of the cross (the rite of serving the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great). The princess holds the church in her hands, as in her personal icons.

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The cross is the center of the composition as a sign that both made a lot of effort to spread Christianity. Details may change:

  • St. Vladimir is holding a scroll in his hands, and the cross is in Olga’s hands.
  • Everyone holds a small cross in their hands, the figures are frontal.
  • Prince Vladimir leans on his sword.
  • Both saints are depicted in years; the prince has a long thick beard, sometimes gray.

If you have any doubts, you can always check with the seller in the church shop to find out who is depicted in the image.

The significance of the activities of St. Olga’s contribution to Russian history cannot be overestimated. The icons show the image of a determined woman. How much courage you need to have to radically change your life, to remain faithful to your chosen path until the very end. It is difficult to say how the fate of the fatherland would have developed if Vladimir had chosen a different faith. Largely thanks to his grandmother’s instructions, he formed an opinion about Christianity and a desire to be baptized. The prince continued the work of his Equal-to-the-Apostles relative.

Few people know about this, but the princess herself composed prayers. It is appropriate to read them in front of the icon of St. Olga. She helps widows protect themselves from offenders (the saint herself was like that), and softens the hearts of enemies. You can ask for help in trade, raising children and grandchildren, or in any other worthy cause.

Pious works at home

Princess Olga arrived home with a large luggage of icons and liturgical books. Several Orthodox priests also came to Rus' with her, who were to convert the people of Kiev, who had until then worshiped idols, to Christ. By Olga’s command, the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was erected in Kyiv on the grave of the first Christian, Prince Askold, in which an icon brought from Constantinople was placed.

Holy Princess Olga also worked hard to glorify the Most Holy Trinity in Rus'. There is a legend that not far from her native village on the banks of the Velikaya River she was honored to see three shining rays descending from the sky and then predicted that a temple in honor of the Holy Trinity would be built in that place and that over time a large trading city would rustle. She herself installed a worship cross on the shore and founded a temple, which marked the beginning of the construction of Pskov.

In Kyiv itself, the godly ruler built the Church of St. Sophia, which was consecrated in 960. His main shrine was the cross with which the Patriarch of Constantinople blessed her in holy baptism. It was made from the Life-Giving Tree of the Lord, and many miracles of healing were performed through it.

Temples of St. Olga

The story of the baptism of Rus' is known to everyone, but the grandchildren have not forgotten about their deceased grandmother. He built a special temple to house her body. When the relics were raised, they turned out to be undamaged by time, although two decades had passed. A stone tomb was made for them. According to legend, there was a window in the sarcophagus that itself opened to those who had enough faith.

This is the first discovery and veneration of relics in the history of Russian Christianity. Unfortunately, the shrine has not survived to this day. In the 13th century they were hidden from the Tatars and found again only 4 centuries later. The relics of St. were completely lost. Olga at the beginning of the 18th century. But the churches of St. There are many Olgas all over Russia - from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. Each one contains an icon of a preacher of Orthodoxy. Although the saint was called Elena at baptism, she is remembered under her own Russian name, which thanks to her was included in the calendar.

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  • Particularly instructive is the story of the princess’s relationship with her son, who never accepted Christ. The Lord, of course, hears the prayers of parents for their children. But He does not bring anyone to Himself by force. The first step must be taken by the person himself, open his heart, express a desire, if not to be baptized, then at least to get to know God better. Unfortunately, one’s own prayer cannot convert anyone to faith. Of course, you can pray for your loved ones, hoping for God’s mercy.

Concern for the spiritual enlightenment of the people

Having before her the example of one of the most powerful states at that time - Byzantium, Princess Olga understood that for the prosperity of the state, it was not enough just to worry about its economic well-being and military strength. She realized that only a community of spiritual life could unite its inhabitants and become a reliable basis for the formation of a nation.

The Lord helped her make the right choice, and, leaving the state in the care of her now quite grown-up son, Olga, at the head of a large fleet, went to Constantinople to see with her own eyes the earthly fruits brought by faith, and at the same time resolve pressing diplomatic issues and demonstrate military power.

Which image is better

Icons of St. Olgas today are distinguished by great diversity. Most inexpensive ones are made by printing. The base can be cardboard or wood. If you want to make a unique christening gift, you can contact an icon painting workshop, but the price will be tens of times higher. Today, images are made using ancient technology, decorated with precious stones, and placed in expensive frames. Thanks to the manufacturing method, the image will be preserved for many years.

  • Icon of Saint Helena
  • Icon of Saint Alexandra - find here
  • Icon of the Mother of God of Kozelshchanskaya -

But what makes the icon of Princess Olga a shrine is not its price. It becomes dear to the human heart because it makes you think about eternal things - the fate of your soul in eternity, about loved ones, and teaches you to turn to the Lord in all matters. Therefore, it is not the cost that is important, but attention to the person, his faith, and the prayers that will be said in front of the image.

What does it help with?

According to tradition, according to which Saint Olga is endowed with special wisdom, a prayer addressed to her helps a person make a wise decision in any situation that arises. In addition, Saint Olga is asked in prayers for the well-being of Russia, its protection from dangers and to soften the hearts of enemies.

Turning to Saint Olga in prayer also helps in strengthening faith and resolving family conflicts.

Important! Among believers, stories of miraculous healing from mental illnesses through prayer in front of the icon of St. Olga are passed on from mouth to mouth. Speaking about how prayer to Saint Olga helps, we can say that you can turn to this saint with problems in any area of ​​life.

Prayer to Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga

O holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olgo, the first saint of Russia, a warm intercessor and prayer book for us before God. We resort to you with faith and pray with love: be your helper and accomplice in everything for our good, and just as in temporal life you tried to enlighten our forefathers with the light of the holy faith and instruct me to do the will of the Lord, so now, in the heavenly lordship, favorable With your prayers to God, help us in enlightening our minds and hearts with the light of the Gospel of Christ, so that we may advance in faith, piety and love of Christ. In poverty and sorrow, give comfort to the needy, give a helping hand to those in need, stand up for those who are offended and mistreated, those who have gone astray from the right faith and are blinded by heresies, and ask us from the all-generous God for all that is good and useful in temporal and eternal life, so that having lived well here, we will be worthy of an inheritance eternal blessings in the endless Kingdom of Christ our God, to Him, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, belongs all glory, honor and worship, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olgo, accept praise from us, unworthy servants of God (names), before your honest icon, praying and humbly asking: protect us with your prayers and intercession from misfortunes and troubles, and sorrows, and fierce sins; We will also be delivered from future torments by honestly creating your holy memory and glorifying God, glorified in the Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages.

The widow's prayer for protection, for help, for illumination and softening of offenders (compiled by the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olga)

O most merciful Lord my God Jesus Christ, my soul clings to You, and Your right hand has accepted me: incline Your ear to me and hear my prayer. And give me a way to find, so that I may please You: for I thirst for the source of salvation.

Be my helper and do not leave me. God my Savior, for my Father and my mother abandoned me, and deprived me of a spouse; He fathered only one son, and he is disobedient and unfaithful, and people are also unfaithful. You, Lord, have called me alone to hope.

But, Lord, I have placed my hope in Thy mercy and in the abyss of Thy bounties, and, running to You, I pray: teach me to do Thy will and save me from this obstinate generation, the multitude of unfaithful people. Even if they have gone astray from Thy grace, but Thou, Master, for the sake of Thy love for mankind, do not despise them, but visit them and call them to reason, and bring them to their knowledge. Just as you have appropriated from me what was anciently cherished to Your heritage, so, Lord, heal this people, who are sick with unbelief, and, turning to Yourself, attract them, so that even those who were once enlightened by You will glorify Your Most Holy Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit to generation, and to generation, and forever.

The princess's spiritual sadness

However, the hour has not yet struck for Rus' to emerge from the darkness of paganism and be illuminated by the light of the Orthodox faith. The chronicler reports that there were quite a few boyars and warriors in Kyiv who hated the Wisdom of God, and among them was Prince Svyatoslav, Olga’s son, who had matured and become stronger by that time.

No matter how much his mother instructed him in the true faith, no matter how much she persuaded him to accept baptism, he invariably continued to persist. However, those close to him who turned to Christ did not interfere with this and did not allow others to mock them. Over time, all power passed to the son, and his pious mother devoted herself entirely to serving God and doing charity. She was engaged in state affairs only on those days when Svyatoslav was on campaigns with his squad.

Canonization and general church veneration

The canonization of the “chief of faith in the Russian land” took place at a council in 1547. There, her universal veneration was confirmed even in the pre-Mongol period. From this moment its history and its iconography begin. It is also important to note that in the entire history of Christianity, among the six women canonized as Equal-to-the-Apostles, Saint Olga was also awarded this honor.

The icon, the meaning of which becomes clear from its composition itself, represents the saint of God holding a cross in one hand, symbolizing faith, and in the other an image of a temple - a symbol of her missionary work and the spread of Christianity in pagan lands. The same symbols can be seen on the icons of other bearers of faith, for example, Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Tamara.

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