“How does the Church relate to abortion for medical reasons.” Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov.

Causes of great trouble

There are several reasons for this exorbitant increase in the number of abortions. These are the disasters that our people have experienced and are experiencing over the past more than 100 years. But, of course, there is also a direct informational and psychological impact on our people in order to prevent these atrocities from decreasing. I remember that not so long ago in the State Duma of the Russian Federation some lady deputies foamed at the mouth and defended, in their words, “a woman’s freedom to dispose of the fruit of her womb.”

It turns out from these verbiage that the freedom of a Russian woman does not consist in having wealth, a loving, caring husband, a large family, also consisting of several wonderful little ones. And to kill your own children before they are born!!!

Useful materials

The entire way of life of today's people makes a special contribution to the increase in the number of abortions. When the desire to achieve certain earthly benefits and a corresponding position significantly prevails over the desire to have children.

For example, this is how our system of education and subsequent employment is structured. When young people at the age most convenient for conception and childbearing are forced to study for a long time, and then achieve something else, endlessly postponing the conception and birth of a child that prevents them from doing so, even if they want to have children. Well, unwanted pregnancies are often terminated through abortion.

The general propaganda of fornication and debauchery also contributes to this infanticide. When corrupted youth, and others too, love to “ride” in this dirty business, but then do not like to “drive the sled” in the form of inevitable consequences. Koi are also eliminated in the same way as in the previous case.

This state of affairs is the greatest problem, which is the most terrible danger for our people! Because if this problem is not solved, then after a while he will simply disappear.


  1. Answers of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II to questions from the News of Alsace newspaper: “All these facts are unacceptable for Orthodox Christians, for whom abortion has at all times been equated with murder
    . [www.pravoslavie.ru/press/5043.htm]
  2. Archbishop Angelo Amato, Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: The media hides “the tragic reality of the facts,” the Archbishop said, “For example, abortion is called 'voluntary interruption of pregnancy' and not the killing of a defenseless human being.
    (The media hides the tragic reality...abortion is called "termination of pregnancy at will", not the killing of a defenseless human being) . [www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2007/apr/07042401.html]
  3. A group of Catholic and Protestant leaders in the United States: “The direct and intentional taking of innocent human life in abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and embryonic research is rightly understood as murder.” considered murder")
  4. Orthodox encyclopedia. Article "Abortion". Induced abortion is considered by all religions of the world as murder of a child.
  5. [ccconline.ru/#2270 Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2270]
  6. [ccconline.ru/#2271 Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2271]
  7. [ccconline.ru/#2272 Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2272]
  8. [www.religare.ru/2_41362.html The Pope again called abortion a sin]
  9. Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede, [www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_20090711_aborto-procurato_it.html Chiarificazione sull'aborto procurato], "L'Osservatore Romano", Anno CXLIX n. 157 (11 July 2009), p. 7.
  10. 123
    Kathleen Sweeney. The Protestant Churches on Abortion: Complex, Contradictory, and Challenging. www.nrlc.org/news/1999/NRL199/sween.html
  11. The Bible about unborn children www.vsmresources.com/ru/life/unborn.html
  12. [www.rusk.ru/newsdata.php?idar=409465 In the USA, a Baptist pastor supports abortion]
  13. Grunnan P-A. Love, truth and grace / translated from Swedish. V. Volodina - St. Petersburg: Svetoch, 2000. - P.73
  14. [news.invictory.org/issue10594.html Church leaders in Sweden fight against abortion]
  15. [www.rusk.ru/newsdata.php?idar=183135 A doctor who killed unborn babies was shot dead in the USA]
  16. Letter 180 (188). To Amphilochius, on the rules, first canonical letter. Rule 8. www.lib.eparhia-saratov.ru/books/03v/vasily/vasily1/186.html
  17. St. Gregory of Nyssa On the structure of man. Ch. 29. Proof that the same reason for the existence of soul and body archive.is/20121225122752/mystudies.narod.ru/library/g/greg_nyss/ustroen/29.htm

Attitude of the Orthodox Church

One of the few healthy forces in our society actively, consistently and steadily fighting this danger is the Orthodox Church.

She does not share the opinion of some medical and political figures who speculate on the concept of “zygote”. But contrary to them, it teaches that from the moment of conception a new person is conceived.

Therefore, the forcible removal of this human fetus at any stage of its development is nothing more than murder, with all the ensuing consequences.

By the way, until recently, in many Christian countries, abortion was considered not only a spiritual sin, but also a criminal offense.

Repentance for those who have had an abortion

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Christians call on women who have had an abortion, as well as men who took part in the decision to have an abortion, to repent. In the Orthodox and Catholic churches there is a sacrament of repentance (confession), where the believer confesses in the presence of a priest. Moreover, in the Catholic Church, only a bishop or a priest authorized by him can accept confession about abortion, except in cases of confession in danger of death. In a number of Protestant churches, after an abortion, repentance is also necessary, both during private confession and during general confession, where one can talk about the sin committed without indicating exactly what sin was committed (Augsburg Confession, article 11: On Confession).

Repentance also includes correcting, as far as possible, a sinful act by deed. In the case of abortion, you can, for example, adopt a child, dissuade someone from having an abortion, organize a pregnancy help center, etc.

Spiritual aspects

However, let's talk about the spiritual component of this sin. In this regard, it is burdened by several circumstances at once. Firstly, a mother kills her own child, which, of course, is extremely disgusting and inhumane! Secondly, the soul of this unborn child, as if it was not baptized, goes to hell to be tortured.

Let us dwell in more detail on this part of church teaching. In the Russian Orthodox Church there are those who think wrongly and falsely teach that, supposedly, the souls of unbaptized infants, as those who have not done evil, go to heaven. It is impossible to agree with this, since this false teaching clearly contradicts Orthodoxy.

According to which we are all conceived and born, although without personal sins, but with original sin.

As the prophet and psalmist David says about this: “Behold, I was conceived in iniquity, and my mother gave birth to me in sins” (Ps. 50: 7).

David was conceived and born from legally married parents. What kind of lawlessness and sin is he talking about? And about the firstborn, in which we are all born, and which is washed only in the Sacrament of Baptism. If he is not washed by this Sacrament, then unbaptized infants, as having this sin, go to hell.

Who is responsible for the abortion according to the church?

If the father of the family consented to the abortion, he bears responsibility for this on an equal basis with the woman who underwent the abortion. If a woman has an abortion without telling her husband, this situation may become a reason for divorce.

In addition, the doctor who performed the abortion is considered to have committed a sin. The Church is agitating for the state to give doctors the right to refuse to perform an abortion on grounds of conscience. The doctor must also take full responsibility for making a woman a diagnosis that makes an abortion necessary.

Where do the souls of aborted children end up?

Now is the time to talk about what place of hell they are going to. In the Orthodox Church there is no specific, conciliarly approved teaching about this place. But based on Holy Tradition, one can express a well-founded opinion that this place is like Abraham’s bosom, where there is no hellish torment, but there is also no heavenly joy.

This also abolishes the above false teaching that “God is merciful, therefore infants who do not have personal sins are worthy of heaven.” They really have no personal sins, but they also have no virtues. Therefore, God, as not only merciful, but also righteous, gives them an appropriate place - without torment, but also without joy.

But this applies only to those babies who were not forcibly removed from the womb. Those who, for example, died as a result of a miscarriage or, having lived a little, died unbaptized. Those who were killed by abortion naturally suffer because of this.

And indeed, if a child, born but then abandoned by his parents, especially his mother, suffers because he was rejected, then how much more should the baby suffer, to whom the parents (primarily the mother) did not even give life!

Interesting fact

Some elders saw the image of this suffering in the form of a terrible, monstrously icy and freezing desert, in which there is the blue body of a trembling baby... This is the image of that child who is completely, absolutely deprived of parental, maternal love!

This makes clear the deep guilt of parents, especially mothers, who decide to have an abortion. This is nothing more than the mortal sin of murder, for which a severe, hellish punishment is due. In addition, the woman who committed this sin often bears her punishment already on earth in the form of medical complications from abortion, often leading to the fact that she can no longer have children.

Abortion and Christianity

Christians believe that the human soul arises at the moment of conception. The vast majority of Christian denominations consider abortion to be the murder of a child in the womb. Some representatives of Protestant churches in Europe and the United States allow the possibility of abortion at the request of a woman.

Society Social problems Abortion Controversy around the issue of abortion

1. Attitude towards abortion in Orthodoxy

The position of the Orthodox churches regarding abortion does not differ. The official position of the Russian Orthodox Church is formulated in the “Fundamentals of the Social Concept”: XII.2. Since ancient times, the Church has considered the intentional termination of pregnancy as a grave sin. Canonical rules equate abortion to murder. This assessment is based on the conviction that the birth of a human being is a gift from God, therefore, from the moment of conception, any encroachment on the life of a future human person is criminal. On the responsibility of the father: The father, along with the mother, bears responsibility for the sin of killing an unborn child, if he consents to an abortion. On the right of the husband to dissolve the marriage: If an abortion is committed by the wife without the consent of the husband, this may be grounds for dissolution of the marriage. On the responsibility of the doctor: Sin also falls on the soul of the doctor who performs the abortion. The Church calls on the state to recognize the right of medical workers to refuse to perform an abortion for reasons of conscience. Exceptional cases: In cases where there is a direct threat to the life of the mother if the pregnancy continues, especially if she has other children, it is recommended to show leniency in pastoral practice. A woman who terminates a pregnancy in such circumstances is not excommunicated from Eucharistic communion with the Church, but this communion is conditioned by her fulfillment of her personal penitential prayer rule, which is determined by the priest receiving confession.

1.1. Attitude towards abortion in Orthodoxy

Attitude to abortifacient contraception
According to the official position of the Russian Orthodox Church, the use of intrauterine and hormonal contraceptives that have an abortifacient effect, that is, causing the death of a human being in the embryonic, transitional or fetal period of life, is equivalent to committing an abortion.
From the “Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church”: Some of the contraceptives actually have an abortifacient effect, artificially interrupting the life of the embryo at the earliest stages, and therefore judgments related to abortion are applicable to their use. The statement of the Church-Public Council on Biomedical Ethics under the Moscow Patriarchate “On the sin of infanticide”, adopted in 2000, states: The Council on Biomedical Ethics states that all hormonal drugs, as well as other contraceptives, the “contraceptive” effect of which is based on the prevention implantation of a fertilized egg are abortifacients, and their use is tantamount to abortion, since it destroys life that has already begun. 2. Attitude to abortion in Catholicism

The official position of the Catholic Church was formulated in the papal encyclical “Humanae vitae” in 1968. Catechism of the Catholic Church: Human life must be respected and protected to the fullest extent from the moment of conception. From the very first moment of his existence, a person must be recognized for all the rights of the human person, among which is the inviolable right of every innocent creature to life. Since the 1st century, the Church has proclaimed the moral evil of any artificially induced abortion. This teaching has not changed. It remains unshakable. Deliberate abortion, that is, desired as an end or as a means, is deeply contrary to the moral law. The Church applies the canonical punishment of excommunication to this crime against human life. Anyone who performs an abortion, if the goal is achieved, is subject to excommunication latae sententiae binding by the force of the law itself, already because of the very fact of committing a crime. In 2007, Pope Benedict XVI reaffirmed the view that abortion is a sin. In 2009, in connection with the debate among Brazilian archbishops regarding the excommunication of a raped 9-year-old girl caused by an abortion, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith reaffirmed the Church's position on the sinfulness of all abortions.

3. Attitude towards abortion in Protestantism

Until the end of the 60s of the 20th century, the position of the Protestant churches was united: they condemned abortion, believing that the child in the womb of the mother should be protected. John Calvin, one of the leaders of the Reformation, made the following statement: The fetus, although hidden in the womb, is already a human being. Therefore, if he is deprived of a life that he has not even enjoyed yet, then such an act is nothing other than the greatest crime. If killing a person in his own home - in the safest place - is considered more blasphemous than taking his life in the field, then what do we call it a crime when the fetus, while still in the womb, is already deprived of life, without ever seeing the light of God? Martin Luther, founder of the Lutheran Church, spoke out in defense of the conceived child: Undoubtedly, what God created at this moment must be continued in posterity. In the 1960-1970s, a split began among Protestant churches on the issue of abortion. For example, some Presbyterians in the United States supported freedom of abortion, and a number of other churches followed suit. This in turn led to the founding of pro-life faith groups. Currently, in Protestantism, the issue of abortion is a subject of debate. In addition to critics, there are also cautious supporters. Lutheran theologian Per-Anders Grunnan, condemning abortion, stipulates that “abortion is permissible for Christians only when the life of the mother is in danger.” In general, anti-abortion positions are strong in Lutheran countries. Nevertheless, there are Lutherans who openly practice abortion, for example, Dr. George Tiller, who was killed in the church

4. Repentance for those who have had an abortion

Christians call on women who have had an abortion, as well as men who took part in the decision to have an abortion, to repent. In the Orthodox and Catholic churches there is a sacrament of repentance - confession, where the believer confesses in the presence of a priest. Moreover, in the Catholic Church, only a bishop or a priest authorized by him can accept confession about abortion, except in cases of confession in danger of death. In a number of Protestant churches, after an abortion, repentance is also necessary, both during private confession and during general confession, where one can talk about the sin committed without indicating what kind of sin was committed. Augsburg Confession, article 11: On confession. Repentance also includes correcting, as far as possible, a sinful act by deed. In the case of abortion, you can, for example, adopt a child, dissuade someone from having an abortion, organize a pregnancy help center, etc.

5. Holy Fathers on conception and abortion

The church writer Tertullian called abortion a crime and equated it with infanticide: Since we are once and for all prohibited from murder, it is not allowed to destroy even the fetus when blood is still being formed in a person. To prevent a person from being born means to kill him prematurely, and there is no difference between whether someone removes a soul that has already been born from the body, or destroys one that is being born. Man is already the one who has to become a man; and the whole fruit is already contained in the seed. Saint Basil the Great denounced both those who promoted abortions and the women who resorted to them: those who give drugs that poison the baby are murderers, just like those who take poisons that kill the fetus. Saint Gregory of Nyssa speaks of the existence of man from the moment of conception: Since man, consisting of soul and body, is one, we assume one common beginning of his composition, so that he is neither older nor younger than himself, and not first in him is bodily, and then other. On the contrary, we affirm that by the foreknowing power of God, in accordance with the teaching set forth somewhat above, the entire fullness of human nature was brought into being.

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  • induced abortion from lat. abortus - miscarriage - artificial termination of pregnancy. By modern medical standards, abortion is performed as
  • advocates freedom of abortion Orthodox Encyclopedia See also: Abortion and Christianity Although in general pagan society did not consider abortion a crime
  • abortion providers in Atlanta and Birmingham, and against a lesbian bar. Pro-life movement Abortion and Christianity Controversy around the issue of abortion Right
  • relatives and two adopted ones. Pregnancy as a result of rape Abortion and Christianity Rebecca Kissling: I was conceived by rape Rus. www.pravmir
  • President of the Russian Federation. Abortion and Christianity For life festival Controversy around the issue of abortion Right to life Pro-life Pronatalism FOR banning abortion Pro - life
  • people, and we all make mistakes Abortion and Christianity Gianna Jessen Controversy around the issue of abortion Right to life Prolife My mother had an abortion when she was 8 months old
  • allows voluntary abortions because it is contrary to religious beliefs, since Fiji is a stronghold of Christianity and at the same time a minority
  • abortion undefined Orthodoxy and peace. Date accessed September 28, 2013. Pro-life movement Abortion and Christianity Controversy surrounding the issue of abortion Oden
  • protecting the rights of those who cannot speak for themselves Abortion and Christianity Controversy around the issue of abortion Right to life Prolife Avortement : la dissidente
  • pro-choice is a social movement defending a woman’s right to have an abortion, as well as a corresponding ethical and political position. Opponents of prochoice
  • concepts of the Russian Orthodox Church Abortion and Christianity Adoption and raising children in same-sex couples Hereinafter the translation is given according to the Russian text:
  • of the year. It emphasized the sanctity of marriage and banned the use of artificial birth control and abortion. According to some historians, the encyclical
  • experienced a lot. He brought Christianity to Kalya, where it took root and coexists with local beliefs in Orisa and the gods of Manny. Decisive, smart
  • prohibited in other European countries: abortion, euthanasia, prostitution, same-sex marriage, use of soft drugs, etc. At the same time, there has been an increase
  • The country was part of the Srivijaya Empire. Main article: Christianity in Brunei Christianity spread to Brunei when the country was a British colony
  • in the history of Russia, in the formation and development of its spirituality and culture, respecting Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism and other religions that constitute an integral
  • to future generations and correcting unfair trends in trade, competition and distribution. Christianity as one of the foundations of political
  • He identified as new enemies of Christianity: abortion, euthanasia, denial of sexual duality and the family based on marriage. Betori approved the ban
  • constitution can be interpreted as a ban on abortion. Also, marriage in the new constitution is interpreted as a union of a man and a woman, and therefore some critics
  • and analysis of the activities of politicians from the point of view of traditional values, as well as preventing the adoption of laws promoting homosexuality, abortion and euthanasia
  • Since its existence, Christianity has spread in other provinces and among other ethnic groups. For Christianity there is neither Greek nor Jew
  • by Otto Dix from the album City 2006 Antichrist - song by the band Abort Brain 2011 The Antichrist - song by Slayer from the album Show No
  • The Knights of Columbus is a continuation of the work of Christopher Columbus, who brought Christianity to the New World. Founded on March 29, 1882 by Catholic priest Michael
  • God-likeness, different revelation of one’s personality and creativity. That is why Christianity categorically prohibits abortion, the killing of unborn children, but very
  • time, the manifesto also contains a number of controversial positions, most notably support for abortion rights. Originally published with a small amount
  • contains the words of God's Grace and Defender of the Faith Although the Canadian government's official references to Christianity are becoming less frequent, the former is open
  • climate, environmentalism, abortion rights, wealth redistribution, gender equality and gay rights. United Churches may
  • contraception. The difficulty and danger to a woman’s health and in many countries, the criminality of abortion, as well as the negative attitude towards it in society. Declared
  • Russia, advocates the development of competition and support for small and medium-sized businesses. Advocates for restricting abortions in Russia using international
  • Selective abortions are carried out, but there are also cases of murder of newborn girls. Sometimes this is associated with the one-child policy and other cultural characteristics:

Abortion and Christianity:

medical abortion and the church, will the sin of abortion be forgiven, the sin of abortion forum, in what cases does the church allow abortion, the consequences of abortion Orthodoxy, when abortion is justified, abortion is a sin Orthodoxy, how to beg forgiveness from God for abortions

Consequences of abortion Orthodoxy.

Social position of the Protestant churches of Russia ROSHVE. Trump, Evangelicals, Baptists, Abortion, Gay Marriage, Freedom 2021 Evangelicals and other observant Christians came to. In what cases does the church allow abortion? The wife had an abortion and repented of this sin. Is the husband sinful? Orthodoxy. Autocracy. Nationality. Information and analytical service. How to beg God's forgiveness for abortion. Europe recognizes itself as Christian and chooses abortion and... Since Antiquity, abortion has been condemned by Hippocrates. Initially, there was no consensus on abortion in Christianity, because.

Will the sin of abortion be forgiven?

The Russian Orthodox Church talked about when it is possible to manifest. M., 2002. Abortion and Christianity. Christians believe that the human soul arises at the moment of conception.

Abortion is a sin orthodoxy.

Ontological aspects of the problem of abortion in the medical context. Ancient Christians had this practice: they cannot have more children. She had a choice: either she has an abortion or dies. When is abortion justified? The Russian Orthodox Church proposed to secure the right to life of the RBC embryo. 09/03/2018 — The wife had an abortion and repented of this sin. Is the husband who did not interfere with the abortion sinful, and should he repent of this sin?

Medical abortion and the church.

Abortion and religion Radio Liberty. Position of Christian denominations. 4. Features of the legal right of a doctor to refuse to perform an abortion. 1. The moment of emergence of the right to. Abortion: what is happening and what the Patriarch of Orthodoxy is asking for. With such a diagnosis, any obstetrician will recommend abortion. In 374, after Christianity was recognized as the official religion.

Abortion in Christianity is What is Abortion in Christianity?.

No conscience: Archpriest Smirnov condemned women for medical abortions Orthodoxy religion Christianity. MORAL ASSESSMENT OF ABORTION IN MODERN RELIGIONS. Abortion Eastern Christianity's opposition to abortion has a long history. Considering the possibility of abortion is morally acceptable only if... Medical termination of pregnancy at short term. Some legal aspects of artificial termination of pregnancy ​abortion K.A. Chernega, Citizen and Law, N 9 10, September October 2002

Department of Charity, Social Service, etc.

European law and culture are based on Christianity, and Christianity condemns abortion. Therefore, public opinion plays a role. Thanks to her, abortion was legalized in the United States. Then she goes public. Abortion from a Christian perspective. Not many topics have given rise to as many debates, disagreements, and rhetorical disputes as​. Trump's redemptive mission Nezavisimaya Gazeta. In the online bookstore Read the City you can order the book Should You Have an Abortion? Semenik D. at a low price. Free shipping worldwide.

TOPIC 5. Features of legal problems of the artificial.

The lack of a common opinion in society on this issue has formed different attitudes of religions towards abortion. Christianity's opinion. Christianity is not. XII. Problems of bioethics Russian Orthodox Church. Is it possible to completely eliminate the phenomenon of abortion? In Europe, where Christianity dominated, abortion was strictly prohibited. 7 STORIES ABOUT ABORTION Holy Nativity Church. The church also calls on the state to guarantee the right of doctors to refuse to perform an abortion for Christian reasons.


From a Christian point of view, the embryo becomes separate from Thus, abortion at any stage of pregnancy is. Biden was denied communion in the Catholic Church because of him. Christians are strongly opposed to abortion. Is this the position of the Church? The Church is also trying to eventually ban abortion for everyone. How does the Church view abortion for medical reasons? The basis of the doctrine of the Church of Christians of the Evangelical faith as a whole further refers to abortion, manipulation of the origin of human life in.

Abortion and Christianity.

Christianity is a religion that includes a number of precepts and 2 Abortion and Christianity The Path to the Church. - Access mode. ROC: Abortion for medical reasons cannot take place. Christianity, including the Russian Orthodox Church, considers abortion a grave sin and opposes it, and the virus has nothing to do with it, one priest in.

Abortion and Christianity: translation into English, examples.

Earlier, Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov said on the Soyuz TV channel that there are such Christians in quotes: they kill. About abortion Pravoslavie.Ru. Key words: Abortion, integrative medicine, ontological approach, Already in the era of early Christianity, abortion was identified with murder. Migration flows of southern Christians from tropical countries. Beginning of article: Abortion for medical reasons. Fifth. The eighth article in the series: Is Christianity a religion of suffering? Many.

Sin or not? What major religions have to say about abortion.

How compatible are these concepts? ✦ Let's consider this issue from the position ✞ of the Russian Orthodox Church ✞ based on. What awaits a woman who decides to have an abortion in Louisiana BBC. A significant shift in the center of Christianity from the so-called countries. Christianity in Europe is the rise of Christians in these countries and abortion in Nigeria is 93%. Sunny children: abortion or birth Medical Internet. Abortions at Hope are performed primarily in the early stages of pregnancy in the first trimester. Such operations are usually...

Why does the Church oppose abortion? Orthodox.

Christians believe that the human soul arises at the moment of conception.
The vast majority of Christian denominations consider abortion to be murder. Conversations about faith: is IVF always a sin? News from Izhevsk and. In the era of early Christianity, abortion was equated with killing a person. In the Christian tradition, the question of when occupies a significant place. how to beg God's forgiveness for abortions, in what cases does the church allow abortion

How to pray and atone for your fall

Therefore, those who have repented of this lawlessness must bring deep repentance to confession in the churches of the Orthodox Church in order to earn forgiveness. In order not to repeat this sin under any circumstances and, in addition, to take care of the souls of the babies they aborted.

First of all, such care should be expressed in constant repentance for this, prayer (which can only be personal, because the Church does not pray for the unbaptized) and alms for murdered babies.

When their parents (primarily the mother) perform such virtues, they show their love for these children. And the hotter this love, the faster it will melt the aforementioned icy desert, warm the baby and give him hope.

And the last one is that through the prayer and alms of the parents, the soul of this person, by the destinies of God, can be brought out of hell and in due time will be honored with the Kingdom of Heaven.

This is where it comes in handy that these babies have no personal sins. And the virtues they lack must be completed by their parents, especially their mother.

After all, all those good deeds that we do in memory of the deceased are imputed not only to us, but also to them, in particular, to these babies. To whom their parents make up for the lack of these good deeds with their prayer for them and alms.

When serving the latter, you must definitely say: “For the repose of the babies killed (by me).” Then she will be imputed to them. The mother’s short prayer for them sounds like this: “O Lord, rest the souls of the babies I killed.”

Here is a more complete prayer:

“Remember, O Lord of mankind, the souls of Your departed servants, the infants who died in the womb of Orthodox mothers accidentally from accidental actions from a difficult birth, or from some carelessness, or who were deliberately ruined and therefore did not receive Holy Baptism. Baptize them, O Lord, in the sea of ​​Thy bounties and save them with Thy ineffable grace, and forgive me, a sinner (name), who committed the murder of babies in my womb and do not deprive Thy mercy. Amen. God, be merciful to me, a sinner. (bow to the ground) Lord, have mercy on my children who died in my womb, for my faith and tears, for the sake of Your mercy, Lord, do not deprive them of Your Divine Light.”

However, the effectiveness of such prayers depends not on their length, but on the depth of repentance and the strength of love of the repentant parents. Only this, I repeat, can melt that icy desert and, perhaps, give those poor children the Kingdom of Heaven!

To church after an abortion

Does the Church forgive abortion? It really depends on the situation. First of all, it should be noted that the church does not subsequently reject such women. They must repent through prayer and participation in the so-called saving Sacraments. If during pregnancy a serious threat to women’s health arises and it is necessary for medical reasons to terminate such a pregnancy, the church shows its leniency in this situation. The likelihood of receiving leniency is especially high if this woman already has children.

In any case, a woman must go to confession after an abortion. The fight against abortions, which are committed due to a woman’s lack of finances and social protection, should be waged more actively in our society, because this can truly be called a problem.


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