29 Bible quotes that will strengthen you and help you resist temptation.

Jesus Christ Quotes in Aramaic

Quotations from Jesus preserved in Aramaic and translated into Greek. Details here: the language of Jesus and the words of Jesus on the cross.

Rise up, girl. — Greek translation “ταλιθα κουμ” (Talitha koum). Words spoken after the daughter of a Jewish leader was declared dead. Jesus said, “Why are you crying? The beauty is not dead, but simply sleeping." He then said, “Rise up, girl.” This is one of the very few quotes securely preserved in Jesus' native language (Mark 5:38–42)
"טלתא קומי" (Ţlîthâ qûm)
My God, my God, why did you leave me? — Greek translation “ελωι ελωι λεμα σαβαχθανι;” (Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?) according to Mark (Mark 15:34), or “ηλι ηλι λεμα σαβαχθανι;” (Eli, Eli lama sabbachthani?) according to Matthew (Matt. 27:46). Words spoken during the crucifixion. It appears that Jesus was quoting King David from the Old Testament in his own language (Psalm 21:2).
» «אלהי אלהי למא שבקתני»

Sayings of Jesus Christ, in which he revealed the true essence of his teaching to selected disciples from Persia, India and Palestine
About Heavenly Father - the Absolute.
The Eternal Judge, the Eternal Spirit created the unique and indivisible soul in the world; She alone, created, contains and lives everything.

There is only He alone, who wants and creates; He exists from eternity, there is no end to His existence, there is nothing like Him either in heaven or on earth.

The Great Creator did not share His power with anyone, much less with a soulless thing, as you were taught, for His omnipotence alone controls.

He willed, and the world appeared; With one Divine thought He gathered the waters and separated the dry land of the globe from them. He is the cause of the mysterious life of man into whom he has breathed a piece of His being.

The miracles of our God began to appear from the first day the world was created; whoever does not see them is deprived of one of the best gifts in life.

The secret of nature is in the hands of God, since the world before its appearance existed in the depths of Divine thought;
he became bodily and visible by the will of the Almighty. About the great Heavenly Sacrifice.
The Creator commanded me to convey to you, my beloved children: “Heavenly law is against the offering of human sacrifices to idols or animals; for I, on My part, sacrificed to man all the animals and everything that is in the world.

Everything was dedicated to man, who is in direct and close union with Me, his Father. Therefore, the one who deprives Me of My son will be strictly judged and punished.

Don't worship the sun; it is only part of the world created by Me for man.

The sun rises to warm you as you work; and it comes to give you peace, as I have established.

Only Me, Me alone, owns everything you own, everything that is around you, above you or below you.”
About the laws of knowledge of the Absolute.
... man is not endowed with the gift of contemplating the image of God and creating the entire host of deities based on similarity with the Eternal.

Moreover, it is incompatible with human conscience to place the greatness of divine purity below animals or objects made by the hand of man from stone and metal.

The Eternal Lawgiver is one; there are no other gods besides Him.
He has not shared the world with anyone else, does not talk to anyone about his intentions. About the ancient times of natural law
While the peoples did not have priests, natural law governed them, and they preserved the integrity of their souls.

Their souls were in God, and in order to converse with the Father, there is no need for the medium of any idol, or animal, or fire, as you use it here.

So, your teaching is the fruit of your delusions, for, wanting to get closer to the God of Truth, you create false gods for yourself.
Jesus about his earthly mission.
I do not proclaim about a new God, but about our heavenly Father; He existed before every beginning and will exist after the eternal end.

I talked about Him with the people who, like an innocent child, are not able to understand God only by the power of their mind and penetrate into His divine and spiritual greatness.

But just as a newborn finds its mother’s breast in the dark, so your people, led astray by your false teachings and religious rites, had an innate impulse to recognize their Father in the Father, of whom I am the herald.

I am an Israelite, and on the day of my birth I saw the walls of Jerusalem and heard the sobs of my brothers being enslaved and the cries of my sisters being carried away to the Gentiles.

And my soul was painfully sad when I saw that my brothers had forgotten the true God; As a child, I left my father's house to settle among other nations.

But, hearing that my brothers had fallen under even greater suffering, I returned to the country of my parents in order to again call my brothers to the faith of their ancestors, which preaches patience to us on earth, and there to encourage us to achieve complete and supreme bliss in heaven.

They do not destroy what was given by our Heavenly Father and was destroyed by sinners; but I advised to cleanse your heart from all filth, for it is the true temple of God.

And I tried to restore the laws of Moses in the hearts of people. And I tell you that you do not destroy their true meaning, for they teach not revenge, but forgiveness, only the meaning of these laws is perverted.

I always spoke only about the King of Heaven, and I taught the people to worship him.
About the temple of the human Spirit.
Fear your God, bow your knees to Him alone, and offer only to Him the sacrifices that you have received from your profits.

Enter your temple, your heart, illuminate it with good thoughts, patience and unshakable trust, which you should have for your Father.

And your sacred vessels are your hands and eyes; think and do what is pleasing to God, for by doing good to your neighbor, you are performing a rite that decorates the temple, the abode of the One who gave you the day.

God created you in His image, innocent, with a pure soul, filled with kindness, destined to be not a place for the birth of evil intentions, but a sanctuary of love and justice.
About the mercy of God.
God the Father makes no distinction between his children, who are all equally dear to him.

As a father would do with his children, so God Himself will judge people after their death according to His merciful laws.

He will never humiliate His child by forcing his soul to move, as in purgatory, into the body of an animal.

Just as a stone or a grain of sand, almost insignificant in comparison with a person, awaits the resigned moment when a person takes it in order to make some useful thing out of it, so a person must wait for the great mercy that God gives him, rewarding him according to his decision.
About the life of the Spirit after the death of the body.
Anyone who regains his original purity, having received the forgiveness of sins, will have the right to contemplate the majestic image of God after death.
About idols and idolatry.
For, in order to please the stones and metals, he [man] sacrifices people in whom a particle of the spirit of the Most High dwells.

He humiliates workers by the sweat of their brows in order to gain the favor of a parasite sitting at a luxuriously decorated table.

Those who deprive their brothers of divine bliss will be deprived of it themselves; both Brahmins and Kshatriyas will become Shudras of Shudras, with whom the Eternal will always be.

Do not worship idols, for they will not listen to you; do not follow the Vedas, in which the truth is distorted; Do not always consider yourself first and do not humiliate your neighbor.

And I tell you: leave your idols and do not perform rites that separate you from your Father and connect you with priests from whom heaven has turned away.

They turned you away from the true God, and their superstitions and cruelty lead you to depravity of spirit and to the loss of all moral sense.

If your idols and your animals are powerful and truly have supernatural power, well!
- Let them strike me with thunder on the spot. About human virtues.
Help the poor, support the weak, do not harm anyone, do not covet what you do not have and what you see in others.

Not only do not perform human sacrifices, but generally do not slaughter any animal to which life has been given, for everything was created for the benefit of man.

Do not steal other people's goods, for this would be stealing from your neighbor items obtained by the sweat of your brow.

Do not deceive anyone, so that you yourself are not deceived. Try to justify yourself before the final trial, when it will be too late.

Do not be immoral: it defiles God's laws.

Do not defile your heart, I tell you, for the Eternal Being constantly dwells in it.
Become Teachers.
You will achieve supreme bliss by not only purifying yourself, but also by guiding others on a path that will enable them to acquire primal perfection.
Ask and you will receive.
But our Lord God, who has no equal, is one, omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, possesses wisdom and all enlightenment.

It is to Him that you need to turn to receive consolation in sorrows, help in your labors, and healing from illnesses. The one who hopes will not be refused.

When you want to turn to Him, become children again, for you know neither the past, nor the present, nor the future, and God is the master of time.
About good and evil.
The Eternal Spirit is the soul of everything animate, and you are committing a grave sin by dividing him into the Spirit of Evil and the Spirit of Good, for he is exclusively the God of Good,

who, as the father of the family, does only good for His children, forgives them all their actions if they repent.

And the Spirit of Evil lives on earth, in the hearts of people who pushed the children of God astray from the path of duty.
About morality and earthly power.
Earthly power is short-lived and subject to many changes. There would be no benefit for a person to be indignant against it, for one power always inherits another power; This will last until the end of human life.

Do you not see that the powerful and rich are sowing a spirit of rebellion against the eternal power of Heaven?

...there are sick people who must be cared for by chosen people in authority, using the means given to them by the holy law of their heavenly Father.

But whoever acts differently, transgresses the limits of power over his subordinates, puts his life in danger, offends the Great Judge, harms his dignity and the opinion of people.

Live according to your position and destiny, so as not to disturb social order and remember that disorder reigns in your heart and mind.
About false teachers and false prophets.
Do not believe in Miracles performed by the hand of man, for only He who owns nature alone is capable of performing supernatural deeds, while man is powerless to restrain the fury of the winds and the shedding of rain.

But there is a miracle that can be performed by a person: this is when he, full of sincere faith, decides to uproot all bad thoughts from his heart and, in order to achieve his goal, no longer walk along the paths of lawlessness.

All deeds done without God are only gross delusions, temptations and sorceries, and only indicate to what extent the soul of the one doing it is full of shamelessness, lies and vices.

Do not believe the soothsayers: God alone knows the future. He who trusts in fortune-tellers desecrates the temple of his heart and proves his lack of understanding of his Creator.

Belief in sorcerers and their soothsayers destroys the natural simplicity of man and his childish purity;
the power of the underworld takes possession of him and, inducing him to commit all kinds of crimes, induces him to worship idols. About mothers and wives.
It is not good that a son pushes his mother away to take the first place that belongs to her. He who does not honor his mother, the holiest being after God, is not worthy of the name of son.

Listen to what I want to tell you: honor the woman, the mother of the Universe; in it lies the whole truth of Divine creation.

She is the foundation of all that is good and beautiful, she is the source of life and death. The entire existence of a person depends on it, for it is a moral and natural support in his works.

She gives birth to everything in pain, in the sweat of her brow; she watches your growth, and until your death you cause her the greatest languor. Bless her, honor her, for she is your only friend and support on earth.

Honor her, protect her; By doing this, you will gain her love and her heart and will be pleasing to God. That is why you will be forgiven many sins.

Love also your wives and respect them, for they will be mothers tomorrow, and later the foremothers of the entire race.

Submit to the woman; her love ennobles a person, softens his hard heart, tames the beast and makes him a lamb.

A wife and mother are an invaluable treasure that God gave you, they are the best decoration of the Universe, and from them everything that inhabits the world will be born.

Just as the God of Powers once separated light from darkness and dry land from waters, so a woman has the divine gift of separating good intentions from evil thoughts.

That is why I tell you that after God, your best thoughts should belong to women; a woman for you is a divine temple in which you will very easily receive complete bliss.

Draw your moral strength from this temple; there you will forget your sorrows and failures, regain the lost strength you need to help your neighbor.

Don't humiliate her; By doing this you will only humiliate yourself and lose that feeling of love, without which nothing here on earth exists.

Protect your wife and she will protect you and your entire family;
whatever you do to your mother, wife, widow or other woman in sorrow, you do for God. Faith will save the world.
The human race is perishing due to lack of faith, for darkness and storm have led the flock of people astray, and they have lost their shepherds.

But storms do not always continue, and darkness does not always hide the light; the sky will soon become clear, heavenly light will spread throughout the earth, and the flock, brought into confusion, will gather around the shepherd.

Do not try to look for straight roads in the dark for fear of falling into some ditch, but gather your last strength, support each other, place all your trust in God and wait for the first glimmer of light to appear.

He who supports his neighbor strengthens himself, and he who defends his home defends his people and his country.

Be assured that the day is near when you will be freed from darkness;
gather into one family, and your enemy will tremble with fear, as he does not know what the mercy of the great God is. Testament of Jesus.
The Creator commanded me to tell you, my beloved: “Children, do not despair, for I have heard your voice, and your cries have reached Me.

Weep no more, O My beloved, for your weeping touched the heart of your Father, and He forgave you, as He forgave your ancestors.

Do not leave your family to plunge into debauchery, do not destroy the nobility of your feelings and do not worship idols that will remain deaf to your voice.

Fill My temple with your hope and patience and do not deviate from the faith of your fathers, for I alone showed them the way and showered them with blessings.

You will raise up the fallen, give food to the hungry and help the sick, so that you will be completely pure and righteous on the day of the final judgment that I am preparing.

If you want to do deeds marked by piety or love, do them with a generous heart, and let not a single action of yours proceed from the hope of profit and commercial calculation.

These kinds of deeds will not bring you closer to salvation, but will lead you to moral failure, in which theft, lying and murder are considered courageous actions.
About Judgment Day.
God's wrath against man will soon break the bonds, for he has forgotten his Creator, filling the temples with abomination, and the crowd worships the creatures whom God has subjected to it.

On the day of the final judgment, the Shudras and Vaishyas will be forgiven for their ignorance; on the contrary, God will severely punish with his wrath those who have assumed rights over them.

And it is not against pieces of stone, metal or wood, completely soulless, that the wrath of God will be freely unleashed; but it will fall on people who would have to be destroyed for all the idols they have made in order to save them.

But woe to you who oppose men, if this is not the mercy you expect, but the wrath of God. Woe to you if you expect Him to testify to His power with miracles.

He will not only destroy idols in His wrath, but those who will erect them; their hearts will become the prey of eternal fire, and their torn bodies will satisfy the hunger of wild animals.

God will drive out the animals that have polluted His flock. But He will return to Himself those who were lost, who did not recognize in themselves that small heavenly particle that dwelt in them.

And I say to you: fear the day of judgment, when God will impose a heavy punishment on all who order to seduce His children from the true path, to fill them with superstitions and prejudices,

on those who blinded the sighted, transmitting the infection to the bearers of good, preaching the worship of objects that God subjugated to man for his own good and help in his work.

(The list of sayings of Jesus Christ is given from the text of “The Life of Saint Issa, the Best of the Sons of Men” (“Tibetan Gospel”) - see “Appendices”)

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