What does the flame of a candle lit for practice tell us?

The flame of a burning candle is of great importance in fortune telling. Candles are very mysterious and interesting. Candles themselves date back to the Paleolithic era, when they were created to symbolize people, animals, or the sun and moon. Nowadays, candle magic has become something of an art. Many people are interested in what the flame of a burning candle means. Reading the flame of a candle can be easily done, and today we will talk in detail about what the flame of a burning candle means. Today we will talk about what it means if a candle burns with a high flame, a low flame, and what if a candle burns with a blue flame. Read the next article on pages.

The candle burns with a high flame

This is a great sign. There is enormous energy behind the work of spells. A high candle flame can denote a strong intention, which can have a great impact and help in promoting the work and the speedy fulfillment of the desire. You need to monitor and find out if the high flame will continue the entire time the candle burns. The large flame may subside, but it may come back, so don't worry. A large candle flame that fades to a low flame can mean that your spell will work very quickly at first.

A high candle flame can denote a strong intention, which can have a great impact and help in promoting the work and the speedy fulfillment of the desire

Beliefs about church candles

The one set for the health of a dead person will not burn, but it is not worth checking. The one who set it up himself will not last long in the world of the living.

It is customary to store the remains of wedding candles in the red corner, near the icons. Whose is smaller will die earlier. They are lit during quarrels and other difficult life moments. According to another sign, the one holding it higher will be a leader. There is a superstition according to which black magicians use inverted church candles, resorting to the help of dark forces.

The candle burns with a low flame

A low flame is not a positive sign, it could mean something is blocking magic. This may indicate strong resistance to work. The spell may have been incorrect, or a different spell may have been needed. You need to make sure that the candle wick is not very short when you start the candle spell. A wick that is too short can cause a weak flame and may go out if the wax collects around it very quickly. If the candle burns with a low flame, then it may be best for you to choose another day for the ceremony.

The opinion of the clergy

The Holy Fathers are outraged by the fact that magicians, psychics, and sorcerers mercilessly exploit church paraphernalia. The Church has negative experience of the consequences that arise for everyone who interacts with occult practices. The clergy consider the combination of Orthodox attributes and magical rituals unacceptable.

That is why the church opposes all kinds of treatments and cleansing with the help of candles. The latter are sacrifices to God. By lighting a candle, a person turns to the Lord with prayer. And by betting on sorcerers, he can lose his faith, his soul, and his life. The priest must heal the soul, and the body must be healed by the aesculapian. By turning to magicians and their methods, a person exposes himself to danger and spreads traditions unacceptable to a Christian.

The clergy answered the question: “Why does a church candle smoke at home?” They answer that an Orthodox Christian is obliged to take care of his soul (with prayers and repentance), and not to search for “secret signs” and cleanse the “mythical aura.” If the candle crackles or black smoke comes from it, this only indicates the low quality of the product.

The candle flame crackles

When the flames start going crazy and making sounds, it means the spirit is talking to you and has a message for you. You must monitor the height of the flame and how it burns to know if the message is negative or positive.

If it's a crossover or curse spell and the flames crackle or eliminate with a hiss, you may have encountered some resistance from your target. If you are asking for money and the candle is hissing or crackling, you need to pay attention and find out whether you have a feeling that your petition will be granted or not.

When the flame starts going crazy and making sounds, it means the spirit is talking to you and has a message for you

Noisy candles indicate communication or interference from outside forces. If the burn is uneven, then it is a sign that someone or someone is trying to work against you. You will need to add extra concentration to the spell as well as energy. Or you may decide to leave if you feel there seems to be more resistance. It is sometimes said that hissing, hissing and whistling carry messages from spirits and ancestors and therefore the need to listen to them and hear what they say.

Working with a candle

When performing a ritual with a candle, you should protect yourself and the room. The wax, melting, absorbs all the evil vibrations of the surrounding space. Therefore, it should not get on your hands or floor. The candle can be placed on a saucer. Or cut out a circle from whatman paper and put it on a candle - this way the wax will drip onto the paper. After the ritual, all attributes must be removed from the premises.

If the ritual is carried out with salt, it will help to “seal” negative energy. After cleaning the house, you should also get rid of it. All attributes can be thrown into a trash container or buried. But under no circumstances should you leave them at home (even in the trash can).

When “burning” a negative, you should definitely pay attention to the smoke and color of the wax. If a church candle smokes, an accumulation of negative energy has been detected at home or in an apartment. After the ritual, be sure to wash and rinse your hands with running water. This way the energetic dirt will be washed away.

The candle flame goes out quickly

If the candle flame goes out before the candle burns out, it may mean that the spell/work is meeting a lot of resistance. The spell may be weak or it may have failed, or the spell may have ended before the candle finished.

If the candle goes out and only a small amount of wax is visible from below, the job may be successful, but not as successful as you had hoped. Be sure to think about how the candle might affect the target, and if it burns strongly or poses a fire hazard and then goes out, it could be a warning to stop working and start again.

If the flame suddenly goes out without warning (perhaps a gust of wind), then this is a sign that an opposing force has brought an end to the work. You will need to open the circle, make sure you are grounded, and then leave it as is. This is an indicator that your spell, petition, or whatever you have been working on will not come true.

How to protect your home?

You can protect your home from negative energy-informational influences with the help of amulets. After cleaning the apartment is completed, you can hang an amulet above the front door (or place it in the red corner). The most effective talismans are prepared with your own hands. This could be a herbal sachet, a braided cord or an amulet.

Recently, the fashion for doll amulets has returned. Sewn with your own hands, they can protect the whole family or a specific relative.

Minerals, wooden or metal amulets are often used to neutralize bad emissions. But all amulets need cleaning. They take the negative impact on themselves, so once every six months they should be kept in running water.

If the amulet cannot be washed (for example, a sachet made of herbs), it is enough to bury it in coarse salt. Leave the amulet there for about a day, take it out and return it to its original place. And throw the salt into the street.

Candle flame moves

The flame that moves around the wax can indicate what the spell is trying to work on. The flame can move towards the front of the candle to work on a physical problem, back to work on a spiritual or non-physical problem, to the left it will work on a past problem. The wick and flame can change position from front to back, then from right to left. You must watch the position of the wick in the candle and how it may move during the spell. If the flame deviates from the named candle (perhaps when divining on two candles), then this is a negative sign.

We recommend reading: Blue and blue candle meaning

Cleansing options

There are several cleaning methods that involve a church candle. But their essence is to go around the entire apartment and burn out negative energy. Therefore, it is very important to go around all corners - especially the joints of the floor and wall, ceiling and wall. This is where you can most often see black smoke from a church candle.

The walk starts from the front door. Carefully treat the hallway (even the door handle) and move counterclockwise around the apartment. Move the candle along walls, furniture, and household appliances. Clean all the corners, dark corners of the house, toilet and bathroom. Such a ritual is the basis for all other methods of neutralizing a home from negative vibrations.

Method 1

. For the office, living room, kitchen, nursery, use a new candle. After the room has been cleansed by the flame, leave a candle in it. Light a new one and go to the next apartment. This will leave one burning candle in each room. They must burn to the end. The remaining cinder must be removed from the apartment (ideally, buried).

. While walking around the apartment with a candle, you can read a prayer. And the assistant following should sprinkle every corner with holy water. Leave the candle to burn out at the front door, from which the round began.

Method 3.

To cleanse yourself after an unpleasant guest or scandal, pour a handful of salt into the room where the negativity was released. It can be placed on a table or chair. Place a candle on the salt and light it. The wax, flowing down, will fall on the salt. After the candle burns out, it and the salt should be immediately removed from the house.

Small steady candle flame

A low flame burn indicates less energy powering the spell. A small but constantly burning flame is a very good sign, although it signals that you need to be focused and patient. You will likely get a positive result, although there may be some delays. You must remain persistent and focus on your goal. If the candle flame increases in size as you work on the spell, this is a sign that the energy behind it is growing.

Is there damage in the house?

Sometimes people don’t even realize that in their apartment there is a whole hotbed of clots of negative energy. There are several signs by which you can determine whether there is damage in the house.

  1. Dishes constantly break, chains break, buttons fly off.
  2. Electrical appliances burn out, furniture (stools, chairs) breaks.
  3. The plaster is crumbling, the wallpaper is cracking and tearing.
  4. There are often scandals and quarrels in the family.
  5. Plants dry out and die for no apparent reason.

If these signs appear, you should carry out a general cleaning of the room. A burning candle (especially a church candle) will help to carry out a ceremony to cleanse the house of negativity.

But even after the ritual is completed, for the future it is necessary to remember that:

  • at night it is necessary to remove crumbs and leftover food from the dining table;
  • do not leave dirty dishes;
  • Immediately after coming home, wash the soles of your shoes.

Such simple tips will help minimize the appearance of an alien energy information field in the house.

The candle flame flickers quickly

There are times when a candle flame dims and then gets brighter again and again, as if someone flips a switch. In some magical traditions, the constant flickering of a candle flame indicates the presence of spirits.

If you use a candle for religious work with angels, gods or higher spiritual guides, this means that the call was successful and your prayers were answered. The flickering flame of a candle is subtly trance-inducing, so you can use it as a great opportunity to save the fire for other additional insights.

We recommend reading: Black candle meaning when to light

Preparing for the ritual

How to clean your apartment with a church candle? First of all, you should free yourself from negative energy. Sometimes magicians advise fasting for 2-3 days before the ritual. But you can just take a shower and wash away the negativity. To enhance the effect, rub your body with salt (lightly so as not to injure the skin) and rinse with running water.

You should first remove chains, rings, bracelets, and earrings. Metal also accumulates negativity, so all jewelry can be kept in water.

Wear comfortable clothes (without numerous buttons, zippers, fasteners) - such that they do not restrict movement. Open the windows and doors (if it is a private house) - this is done so that energy can circulate freely throughout the home.

Before cleaning the house with a church candle, you should wipe all reflective surfaces (especially mirrors) with a damp cloth. Every object in the house is a carrier of one energy or another. Water will help neutralize negative vibrations.

You need to throw away trash, old shoes, and unnecessary things from your home. There should be no broken dishes or broken pieces of furniture left in the room - positive energy leaks through such defects.

The candle flame burns and does not go out until the morning

A candle flame that does not go out and continues to burn means that you need to continue sitting because you have not finished your work yet.

A candle flame that does not go out and continues to burn means that you need to continue sitting because you have not finished your work yet.

Try to understand the message that the candle gives if it does not go out. There is a chance that you skipped a certain step or missed an important message when performing a candle magick ritual. There is a helping spirit or guidance that is trying to remind you of what you have forgotten. When you feel ready, try turning it off again.

If the candle “cries” and swells in the form of figures gather on it.

It’s important to look at how these surges make you feel. Sometimes they make up simply speaking figures and pictures, sometimes just incomprehensible casts. Here it is important to ask yourself: “What do you think this is about for you, what is this about in your life?”

And listen to yourself. The answers usually come from within, and come quickly. If you were given these signs, they will also give you a decoding. And the first information that comes, while you are not yet using your head too much, is usually the most useful and correct.

The candle flame does not light up at all

This has happened to me many times. If the candle refuses to light, it means that the spell will not help you achieve the desired results. The results may have already been determined or are beyond your control. You need time, such as a few days or weeks, to refocus your intention before you try the spell again. Instead of a spell, you can do a fortune telling to find out more about what is blocking you. You may need spiritual cleansing and meditation before you can continue with the spell.

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