How to find out who has caused damage and carries garbage under the front door - effective rituals

Any type of damage is a way of controlling a person, instilling thoughts and forcing him to take actions that are unusual for him in his normal state. Under the influence of black magic, a person ceases to be like himself. He begins to dynamically destroy his own biofield and the energy of loved ones, gradually plunging himself into loneliness and despair.

Damage is always caused intentionally, unlike the evil eye. An ill-wisher is most often jealous of a person or wants to take revenge for a past insult.

How to find out on your own who did the damage

In order to find out who sent the damage, you will need the patronage of a person who is related to secret knowledge.

It won’t be difficult to make sure that there was and is an invasion. There are a number of signs to know about this:

  1. Uninvited guests in the form of rats, mice and cockroaches will begin to appear in the house of a corrupted person. This living creature always comes to dark places.
  2. Spots of unknown origin may appear on the human body.
  3. All the sores begin to worsen, and new ones will not keep you waiting.
  4. Nightmares appear, after which depression, isolation and constant fears arise.

It seems that all of the above is not so scary, but some types of damage can seriously undermine your health. In addition, there is a certain type of magical intervention called death damage. The purpose of such a ritual is to achieve death. The deterioration in health will occur gradually, but over time, not a single doctor will be able to answer the question of why a person is dying before our eyes.

Important! When a person has a black seal, he often loses his pectoral cross. It is also worth paying attention to the well-being in the church.

Usually a corrupted person begins to yawn in the temple. This is considered the main sign to find out whether there is damage.

Previously, people who were suspected of being damaged were specially taken to the temple. There is a version that damage is dirt, and upon entering a church, a person begins to try to get rid of it, without knowing it. And the pharynx is one of the indicators.

How to find out who caused damage in a dream

This method of recognizing the offender is considered the oldest and most effective. In addition, it is particularly simple. The ritual does not require special skills or magical knowledge. The only thing needed is faith in the magical ritual.

Before you go to bed, you need to relax and think carefully about the current situation. You can’t guess and imagine in your head the image of the offender who caused damage. This will only confuse thoughts and scatter them in the wrong direction.

So, the person goes to bed and tries to completely relax. Next you need to say the words:

“I walk in long rows, I look out for everything with my own eyes. I see Saint Samson sitting. He is the messenger of God. And I ask him: Oh, most holy Samson, send me a prophetic dream. Let him show me his face and his little soul sold to the unclean, and help me recognize my enemy. The whole Holy Trinity will help me. Amen!".

It is advisable to fall asleep immediately after casting the spell. The ritual will help you see in a dream the person who sent the nightmare. In the morning you should not touch your head, this will help drive away sleep. The day before you need to prepare a sheet of paper and a pen. To immediately write down everything that was shown by higher powers in a dream. The ritual, with the help of which you can see in a dream who caused the damage, is still popular in villages and remote villages.

How to find out who did the damage using church candles and needles

For this ritual you will need to buy two candles from the church. Afterwards you need to return to the house and begin a ritual that helps you find out who caused the damage. One candle needs to be lit, and the second one needs to be broken and a piece of wax melted. Liquid wax is poured into a bowl of cold water. At this stage, you can already try to interpret the wax figures.

To make the ritual more clear, three needles with the words are stuck into the frozen wax:

“A sharp needle into wax, and the enemy is on my doorstep!”

A bowl of water and wax should be left near the front door overnight. The next morning after the ritual, you can expect the result. The person who caused the damage will definitely prove himself. He may call or even come. The needles that were used during the ritual should be buried in the ground and the water should be poured out. It is also advisable to throw out the bowl in which the water was poured.

How to recognize damage and find out who caused it using wax

To carry out this sacrament of exposure, you only need water and wax. These two attributes are considered the strongest assistants in the magical world among related items.

It is very important to take care of the quality of water and wax. The wax must be beeswax, and the water must be clean and from a spring.

Water must be poured into a clean bowl. The wax needs to be melted. You can do this in the microwave. Next, the wax is poured into the water. You need to wait until the wax melts. Next, you will have to make an effort to unravel the silhouettes, which will help you find out who caused the damage.

If you see a figurine of the moon or a flower, then the sorcerer is a woman. And if it seems that there are geometric shapes or large animals in the water, then most likely the man caused the damage.

Important! Sometimes the ritual does not work the first time. There is nothing wrong with this; it can be done several times.

You also need to carefully examine the numbers and letters made of wax on the water. Magic can go in a confusing way and show the first letters of the name or date of birth of the person who caused the damage. You can find out any information during the ceremony.

How to find out who has jinxed or caused damage using a nail

The ritual with a nail is also simple and accessible to everyone who wants to know the name of the one who caused the damage. For a magical ritual you will need a very ordinary nail, which needs to be driven into the threshold of the house, saying the words:

“I call you the offender, I call you with my nail. If you don’t come to me yourself, then in six months you’ll go to your grave, I’ll hammer the coffin lid with the same nail! It's been said. Made!".

You need to understand that this ritual refers to black magic. The decision about whether this method of exposure is needed or not is made by everyone for themselves. It's impossible to give advice here.

After the ritual, you can wait for the visit of the person who did the damage. In villages in the past, the ritual was more black and sinister. To carry it out, a nail from the cemetery was required, which had to be pulled out of the coffin lid. The modern interpretation of the ritual does not require such tricks. Because among decent magicians it is considered a great sin to invade other people's graves, much less pull out nails. It is better to act within the framework of white magic and simply pursue your goal of finding out the name of the person who caused the damage.

How to find out who has jinxed you by appealing to higher powers

Believers can ask for help from Higher powers in order to find out the name of the offender. You need to buy seven candles in the temple and ask for holy water. You also need to buy an expensive icon of Jesus Christ. At home you need to retire and drink a little holy water. Next, you should read the Lord's Prayer 7 times. When reading, you need to ask higher powers to show the image of the person who caused the damage.

After some time, the offender will definitely appear on the doorstep of the house or reveal himself by calling.

Other ways to understand who caused damage

Another way to find out who caused the damage came from Ancient Rus'. To implement this, you will need a regular bunch of keys. The ritual is performed on the full moon. You need to boil water in a saucepan.

Next you need to throw the keys into the water and say the words:

“Whoever brought me evil will come to my doorstep tomorrow!”

The keys should boil in water for about 10 minutes. Then they can be pulled out, but the water needs to be poured outside. Behind the threshold of the house. Previously, people believed that an unexpected ill-wisher would come to visit. And the person who performed the ritual will be very surprised by whoever comes. This ritual always allows you to find out who caused the damage.

Spell for sleep

A sleep spell will help you find out who stabbed you in the back. Using this fairly simple method, it is quite possible to determine the appearance of the person who is harming you. The ritual is performed at night before bedtime. First you need to relax and concentrate on your desire. Then read the following sleep spell:

“I go to bed, keep my eyes open. I see everything, I hear everything, I notice everything, I call Saint Samson to me. Do not refuse my request, show me your mercy. I pray you, Saint Samson, show me a prophetic dream at night. Show me the appearance of my enemy, show me his name. Amen".

After reading, you should try to fall asleep immediately. If you did everything correctly, then in a dream you will be able to see the image of someone who is plotting evil against you. You may be shown some things or clues related to this person. In some cases, in a dream you can even see the facial features of an ill-wisher. In the morning, analyze your dream and draw conclusions.

How to send damage back to the one who did it

In addition to the fact that damage can be removed, it can be sent back to the person who caused it. There are several ways to send mail to the person who sent it.

One method is casting with wax. To carry out the return you will need a bowl of water, a metal mug for melting and wax. You need to use a piece the size of your fist. While melting the wax, you need to say the words:

“Queen bee, take and take away my sadness. My corruption has long gone into the water, and I received (a) long-awaited freedom!

Next, you need to pour out the water and wax, saying the words:

“I pour out the water and return all my sorrows, all my sorrows to you. You will take them back tenfold and grab my grief!”

For the next ritual you will need a mirror. The mirror should be large. At dusk you need to place a candle near the mirror, look at your reflection and say:

“I go out onto the road and get baptized, I go to a good cause. In front of me is the Mother of God, and behind me are all the angels of heaven. We walk and speak with loud voices. We give you your damage. And you will live with her and endure all the sorrows. Until you experience what I experience. Until repentance comes to your head!”

After the ceremony, you need to extinguish the candle and hide the mirror.

Damage can also be transferred using woolen thread. To carry out the ceremony you will need a ball of woolen thread. The damage will be transmitted to him who did it.

The essence of the ritual is that you need an assistant who will actually transfer the damage. You need to hold a lit candle in one hand and a thread in the other. The thread, starting from the tip, is wound around the person from head to toe. The length should be enough for the whole body.

Conspiracy words:

“All the rot leaves his body and transfers onto the thread. And from the thread and into the hands of the one who dared. No sooner said than done!”

When the victim of damage is wrapped in threads, you need to start unwinding them and twisting them into a ball again. After the ritual, you need to find a deserted intersection and burn the ball on it. Eyewitnesses and those who have already performed the ritual say that the balls burn with an extraordinary fire. They take away the damage, and what happens to the flame is difficult to describe in words.

In addition to the fact that the damage will be transferred to the ball of thread, it will also go back to the sorcerer.

An assistant in carrying out an independent ritual of removing damage should be a very close person who will not have doubts or unnecessary questions.

There is always a debate among people and magical circles about whether it is worth returning the damage. Some people believe that returning a spell is like being like the one who cast it. In addition, such rituals are often equated with sin, as well as the ritual of causing damage itself. There is another camp of dissenting audience, which believes that there is nothing wrong in the act, and this is only retribution for the crime committed. And to damage a person is a crime and interference in life.

Seeing a henchman in a dream

How can you find out on your own who caused the damage through a dream? This ritual should be performed on one of the twelve church holidays. When going to bed, say the following words:

After casting the spell, you need to immediately go to bed. You cannot talk to anyone or go to the kitchen to drink water. At night you will have a prophetic vision in which the image of a villain will appear.

What will happen to the one who caused damage?

It is believed that as soon as a person feels that he has been damaged, he should immediately begin to remove it, regardless of the desire to find out who caused it. To do this, you can seek help from a professional. But finding a knowledgeable magician and not a charlatan is not easy, so you need to be careful. After the damage is removed, you can send it back or find out the name of the enemy. These steps are optional. But everyone is equally interested in the question of what will happen to the one who took sin on his soul. First of all, the sorcerer will feel that his spell has broken.

There is a very subtle and important nuance. After the magician learns that the damage has been removed, he will try to return it. To do this, he can come to visit and ask for any item, starting with a handful of salt that has run out, ending with a pen to write down a phone number. Under no circumstances should you give any items to an enemy. This will open the way for him to clean energy, and everything will return to normal.

Attention! To protect themselves, magicians advise not to give anything to anyone or take anything from anyone for three days after the ritual to remove damage.

This method will guarantee that the damage will not return. In this case, the most unfortunate cases often occur. Close relatives appear, tearfully asking for a loan and so on. But you can’t give anything to anyone. Otherwise, the damage will return and it is unknown whether it will be possible to remove it again.

In general, the person who caused the damage will not experience any negativity. The fact is that the proverb that evil is punishable does not always work. And retribution, of course, will come. But this will happen later, and the answer will have to be given to higher powers at the end of the earthly journey.

Black method of identifying an offender

If you are not afraid of dark power, you can practice a ritual from the arsenal of dark magicians and psychics and thus find out your potential enemy who has damaged you. Sorcerers call the ritual discussed below simple, but very, very dangerous, therefore it is not recommended for beginners.

The ritual is carried out exclusively on the territory of an active cemetery - in the daytime it is worth visiting it and looking for an old and rusty nail there. It will be especially good if you find it on an abandoned and old grave - the main thing is not to pick it up or pick it up with your bare hands. Therefore, first take a piece of black fabric with you and use it to take the nail, wrapping it without touching the iron.

Next, near your house, nail it near the door frame and at the same time say:

“Yes, you are my sworn enemy, who has cast a spell on me - come to me with your feet and the will of the deceased in three days. If he doesn’t come, he’ll die in six months. These words are connected by a cemetery and a coffin, a dead man and a nail - my enemy is waiting for you, you are a welcome guest for me.”

When you perform such magical actions, the person who deliberately harmed you with magical rituals will definitely cross your threshold. The main thing to remember is that with such a ritual you bind the enemy to yourself and call on the dead person for help, you are ready to harm him and you will have to pay for all this. Therefore, be sure to leave at the grave of the deceased from whom the nail was taken or simply leave a ransom in the graveyard - sweets and small money. And you shouldn’t hold a grudge against your enemy, don’t try to take revenge on him - this will draw negativity onto you, and thereby you harm yourself.

Waxing at home

Here is a standard ritual. Much has already been written about him. However, there are nuances. To carry it out you need:

  • two church candles;
  • Holy water;
  • spoon.

With the help of this ritual, you can remove damage aimed at eliminating it from life very quickly. It all depends on the energy level. It is recommended to cast three times seven times in a row. This means the following: perform seven rituals in total. Each time you need to heat it three times and pour the wax into the water. And the ritual itself goes like this:

  1. Light one candle.
  2. Read the Lord's Prayer.
  3. Break off a piece from the second one.
  4. Place the wax in a spoon and warm it over the fire of a burning candle. Remove the wick.
  5. While it is drowning, ask the Lord to cleanse your soul and body.
  6. When the wax has completely melted, pour it into a container (bowl or bowl) with water. Hold it above your head.
  7. Take out the hardened lump and examine it.
  8. Repeat two more times. Keep it in the area of ​​the heart and abdomen.

Each of the seven rituals at home is carried out with a new pair of candles. Remaining wax should be collected in a plastic bag or tightly closed jar. When you finish all the rituals, take everything to the graveyard and bury it in an old grave. Be sure to order a funeral service for the person buried in this place.

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