4 texts of prayers against conceit and pride and what holy men say about this sin

Many of us have been tempted more than once because of weakness of character and flesh. And it’s good if later a person repented and atoned for his sins with the help of prayer from pride and conceit, because his soul suffers from his sins, and to prevent this from happening, we need to figure out why we fall into the power of pride, arrogance and greed.

A greedy person dreams of becoming richer; vanity and ambition force him to do things that make him look better in his own eyes.

You can save yourself from all this by saying, as the basics of Orthodoxy say, prayers for pride. By turning to specific saints, sincerely reading prayer addresses in front of their faces against pride and selfishness, you can learn to admit your shortcomings, forgive and thank God for the lessons of life.

As Holy Scripture teaches us, the best remedy for selfishness and arrogance is love for your neighbors and the Lord God. Lack of humility, indifference to other people's misfortunes and the desire to be the best lead to the fact that relatives turn away from a person. And only sincere awareness of your mistakes, as well as daily reading of prayers, can clear your thoughts. When you learn to thank God for good and bad, your soul will be cleansed and your path will become clear.

How to pray to the saints?

The prayer from pride with which saints are addressed is not a magical ritual or a magic spell.
This is the daily spiritual work of a person, which requires sincere repentance, firm faith and the desire to change, to get rid of sin and the tendency towards it. A prayer addressed to John of Kronstadt could be like this:

“Holy Father, patron, who cares for people’s worries and great helper, John! Help me, a slave (proper name), for I am sinful and weak. Teach how to pacify rage and anger, not fall into pride and find true, but not false, humility. Do not allow me, slave (proper name), to stray from the path given by the Lord. Help me find enlightenment and get rid of the demonic temptations sent by the evil one! Forgive me, Father, my sins and show me the way to redemption, have mercy on me and bless me. Amen. »

You can pray to Saint Alexei like this:

“Man of God, holy saint of the Lord, Alexei! Teach me humility and meekness, show me how to avoid anger and pride, guide and enlighten me on the path of life. Do not let me fall into sin and deliver me from temptation. Help me, Saint Alexey! Amen. »

A prayer addressed to Sergius of Radonezh may sound like this:

“Reverend mentor and saint of the Lord, Saint Sergius! Teach me to love my enemies and forgive my neighbors. Direct them to deeds pleasing to the Lord, do not allow them to do what came from the evil one. Help me cleanse my soul from worldly filth, allow me to know the will of God. Forgive my sins and bless me for good deeds. Amen. »

How to get rid of pride for an ordinary person - tips and recommendations

Let us draw some conclusions from all of the above. How can a person fight the sin of pride?

  • realize that a person is sick with the sin of pride, has weakness;
  • make a decision - something urgently needs to be done about this, to get rid of this terrible sin. You also need to accept that only God can help you;
  • you need to start the fight with prayers and reading holy books; it will be useful to read the Bible, the lives of saints. You can turn to God in simple words. Only through your requests and effort will the Lord help you cope with this.
  • do some good deeds. Try to visit the temple more often. It is advisable to go to Divine Liturgy at least once a week. Confess your sins and receive communion.

Priest Andrei Tkachev tells the common man about pride and how to fight it:

What is the difference between pride and pride: signs, deliverance and how to deal with the feeling

Pride is a mortal sin that leads to complete spiritual oblivion, because a person not only shows his tactless arrogance, but denies the help and will of God. He often does not know what gratitude is and does not know how to appreciate what he has, considering it a given. As a rule, pride eats away from the inside, and if someone who has such a sin does not come to righteous faith, he will be doomed to certain death.

Signs of pride

Often a person does not even understand that he is consumed by pride and mistakes it for any other quality of character. Further, the problem worsens - and this sin completely takes possession of him. How can you recognize it in yourself and the people around you in order to be able to stop yourself in time and help others? To do this, you need to know and be able to distinguish the signs of sin, including:

  • excessive pride;
  • arrogance;
  • arrogance;
  • selfishness;
  • arrogance;
  • touchiness and irritability;
  • inability to accept and forgive;
  • ignoring God's commandments;
  • anger and hatred;
  • prejudice;
  • sarcasm towards others, humiliation, contempt;
  • vanity.

It is they that can often be confused with pride, sometimes even being mistaken for a virtue, but only when they take first place in character and begin to control a person. Then, as the facts show, he can no longer control himself on his own, and, as a result, he harms himself and his loved ones.

Fruits of Pride


the discrepancy between ideas about the world causes a surge of emotions in the soul such as: anger, resentment, hatred, contempt, envy, pity. And they, in turn, lead to the complete destruction of a healthy psyche, and therefore consciousness.

If a person, realizing his vice, wants to lose its influence on his life, then the question invariably arises: “How to get rid of pride?” It cannot be argued that doing this is easy enough, because in order to overcome this difficult path, you need to understand yourself, understand the causes of sin and, most importantly, make every effort to eradicate it, since you will have to fight with yourself.

Getting rid of this vice is the road towards yourself and God, and every step must be verified and precise. To do this, you need to remember the basic rules, namely:

  1. love the world around you as it is;
  2. learn to accept any circumstance that happens in life, without complaints or offense, and always thank the Almighty for what he has sent, for all this is a sign of something new;
  3. be able to see the positive sides of any situation, even if they are not always obvious at first glance, because understanding often comes with time.

We advise you to study Is it possible to give icons as a gift?

But sometimes it happens that a person is no longer able to overcome pride on his own.

At such moments, it is important to turn to “senior comrades” for help: to hear their wise advice and accept it. This will not only help in a difficult struggle, but will also provide an opportunity to move further along the path of self-knowledge

The most effective way to fight sin is to serve: your loved ones, society, the world, the Lord. After all, devoting himself to others, a person begins to change himself, because the world around him becomes different - purer, brighter, righteous. No wonder the great sages of the past said: “Change yourself - the world around you will change.”

Pride of humility

A successful fight against a serious vice leads to humility. And then life takes on new colors. After all, humility is:

  • internal self-restraint (spiritual freedom);
  • the absence of arrogance and pride, which is replaced by meekness, patience and prudence;
  • recognition of God and peace in the soul;
  • an indicator of knowledge and inexhaustible strength;
  • harmony in everything.

“If you think you don’t suffer from pride, then you really do suffer from it.”

It often happens that people deny their sin, passing it off as imaginary virtues. To do this, you need to know the main differences in order to be able to correctly and timely determine the significance of the defect.

In most cases, a person consumed by pride does not want to admit it and passes it off as pride, while talking about a high virtue that helps him achieve everything in life himself and explore the world on his own. This is a huge misconception. What is the difference between pride and arrogance:

  • pride is a manifestation of the spiritual strength and inner dignity of a person, which are expressed in respect for oneself and for everything dear, as well as in the ability to protect and preserve it;
  • pride is an external manifestation of selfishness, which carries disrespect for others and undeserved exaltation of oneself in the eyes of others.

How to pray correctly

With an obstinate character and exaltation over other people, it is necessary to ask for mercy from the Lord and the saints if a person himself is not able to cope with these vices. In order for the Higher powers to hear and bless with deliverance from pride, it is necessary to correctly conduct the prayer ritual:

  • First of all, you need to make it a rule to read the Gospels daily. It is in them that an example of the true humility that Jesus Christ demonstrated by giving his life on the cross for sinful people is given. The Word of God has great power to soften people's hearts and bring them to repentance.
  • If a person has realized the problem and strives with all his heart to get rid of pride, it is recommended to visit an Orthodox church and talk with the priest, telling him about his sin. It is also important to repent with all your heart and truly want to change.
  • If you decide to pray to a specific saint, you should purchase an icon with his image and read prayers in front of the image.
  • There, in the church shop, they buy candles and light them at the time of the prayer ceremony.
  • It is important that nothing distracts a person when reading texts, so the ritual is carried out early in the morning or in the evening, before going to bed, locked in a room.
  • It is better to memorize the words of the prayers so as not to be distracted by reading from the prayer book. It is necessary to pronounce the text slowly, thinking about every word spoken.
  • You should not expect an instant effect from the ritual; getting rid of sin is a long process and depends on how much a person wants to cleanse himself of vice and is ready to improve under the blessing of the Lord and his saints.

In the event that a person receives deliverance from sin, one should not forget to thank the saints. It is recommended to visit the temple and order a thanksgiving prayer.

How to get rid of pride: Orthodoxy, Catholicism

Pride in Orthodoxy is one of the eight sinful passions, along with gluttony, fornication, greed, anger, sadness, despondency and vanity.

In Catholicism, pride is one of the seven main sinful passions, along with gluttony, fornication, greed, anger, despondency and envy.

Before answering the question of how to get rid of the sin of pride, it should be noted that pride and pride are not at all the same thing. Pride is, in general, the most common characteristic of any sinner. We all get proud from time to time. Pride is that great degree when this sinful passion turns into a dominant characteristic of a person and fills it. These people usually don’t listen to anyone, they say about such people: “There is a lot of pride, but little intelligence.”

How to recognize pride

If a person is greedy, then he wants to be richer than others. If he is envious, then he does not allow the thought that someone lives better; if he is angry, then he gets irritated when the other does not recognize his merits. If a person is suspicious, he cannot forgive; if he is touchy, he retains evil for a long time. All this comes with pride.

Vanity makes a person look better than he is. Ambition, pretentiousness, star fever, envy act like a drug.

Arrogance is giving special importance to one's personality. Complete confidence in one’s correctness, unwillingness to forgive, stubbornness and lack of humility.

How to spot signs of pride:

  • if the failures of others delight, but happiness darkens;
  • if your own mistakes cause anger and irritation;
  • if there is indifference to the needs of others, and your needs come first;
  • if comments about shortcomings offend, but advantages delight;
  • if failures in business make you sad, but God’s providence does not please you.

Pride is a sign of egocentrism, everything should revolve around one person, and this does not allow personality to develop and causes constant conflicts with family and friends.

Prayer against pride

If you want God to really answer your prayer, pay attention to the following details. These details have been noticed by people through constant practice and finding ways to attract God's attention to themselves over the years! You can get acquainted with the results in people’s lives in the special section “Real Stories of People’s Lives” or by coming to a service, where you will hear the real life stories of those people who have already won what they prayed for

These details have been noticed by people through constant practice and finding ways to attract God's attention to themselves over the years! You can get acquainted with the results in people’s lives in the special section “Real Stories of People’s Lives” or by coming to a service, where you will hear the real life stories of those people who have already won what they prayed for

Below is the text part of the church service:

Prayer is personal communication with God, a conversation with God. Conversation with God (prayer) is the foundation of a relationship with God.

Sometimes when I pray, I don't want to hear, but I hear people in the room repeating after me. This shows that there is a lack of relationship with God.

A person repeats the pastor’s prayer because he does not yet know how to do it himself. We say: “Pray!”, but the person remains silent.

We ask that you close your eyes during prayer so that you can concentrate! If a person prays with his eyes open, he looks somewhere, he begins to look at the pastor, people, notices who is entering or leaving, considers what color the pastor’s tie is. So what's going on? A person does not pray, he is cold and passive.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: During prayer, close your eyes and concentrate!

It’s easy to take a prayer and read it, but this is simply repeating someone else’s prayer. The prayer that pleases God is the prayer that comes from within a person.

How did David pray? Real prayer is when, going through a difficult moment, I speak in my own words, pouring out everything that worries me, I concentrate and already imagine how God answers me and imagine what I will do. THIS IS IMPORTANT: prayer comes from within a person

Here I am writing you an example of a prayer that you can use when you begin to pray. While reading this prayer, concentrate and imagine that you wrote it yourself, and everything you read comes from you, from inside your heart.

And be sure to develop this prayer, add your own words that you want to say to God. Pour out your heart! Remember, God wants sincerity from you, and He will help you no matter how terrible a sinner you are.

The main thing is to make a decision to fight to change, and the Lord God Jesus Christ will help you!

THIS IS IMPORTANT: All people are sinners, but God wants sincerity from us!

Prayer against pride

Oh, my God and my Father, I turn to You in prayer and ask, in the name of Jesus Christ, to take away my pride. You know, my God, how sometimes pride creeps into the heart and does not allow you to move forward. Lord, I know that pride does not come from you, and I do not want to have this pride.

We advise you to study Icon of God

“When pride comes, so does shame; but with the humble comes wisdom” (Prov. 11:2).

Lord, You know that people achieve something and become proud, they think that it is their merit and begin to look at others arrogantly. Lord, deliver me from this. I am nobody and nothing before You.

Lord, help me remember this and never elevate myself in front of others, but rather consider others higher than myself.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I bind all pride and command you, get away from me. From today I will forget what it is, and pride will never touch my heart. I don't want to die because of her:

“Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18)

In the name of Jesus Christ, I completely renounce all pride and refuse to think that I am doing anything myself. You do all this, Lord, I am nobody, I am just an instrument in Your hands.

And by Your mercy, I cope with this or that task that You give me. I declare I am immune to this pride.

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen!

Orthodox Life

That person who does not fight the passion of vanity or does it half-heartedly, not with all zeal and selflessness, will not notice how the fatal satanic spirit of pride takes possession of the soul.

The most deadly consequence of pride for the soul is that it is deprived of the grace of God and remains completely defenseless against the attack of evil spirits and the passions listed above.

The Monk John Climacus believes that pride most closely connects a person with demonic forces and testifies to the spiritual infertility of the soul: “A proud monk has no need for a demon, he himself has become a demon and adversary for himself.” In addition, pride can become the cause of falling into prodigal sins, (as well as) hardness of heart, demonic possession and even mental disorders: “Pride is the rejection of God, a demonic invention, the contempt of people, the mother of condemnation, the fiend of praise, a sign of the sterility of the soul, the driving away of God’s help, the forerunner of insanity, the cause of falls, the cause of demons, the source of anger, the door of hypocrisy, the stronghold of demons, the repository of sins, the cause of unmercifulness, ignorance of compassion, a cruel torturer, an inhuman judge, an opponent of God, the root of blasphemy.” “Pride is the extreme misery of the soul, which dreams of itself that it is rich, and, being in darkness, thinks that it is in the light.” “The proud are like an apple, rotten on the inside but shining with beauty on the outside.”

It is especially easy for demons to deceive people rooted in pride: “When the demon of pride has established itself in his servants, then, appearing to them in a dream or in reality in the form of a bright Angel or a martyr, he gives them the revelation of the sacraments and, as it were, the gift of gifts, so that these damned ones, deceived, are completely lost their minds."

There are different degrees of obsession with pride: “The beginning of pride is the root of vanity; the middle is humiliation of one's neighbor, shameless preaching of one's works, self-praise in the heart, hatred of reproof; and the end is rejection of God’s help, reliance on one’s own diligence, demonic disposition.”

It is interesting that the spirit of pride can be hidden even behind the thanksgiving of God and other people and caused by it: “Let us hear, all who want to escape this ditch: very often this passion receives food from thanksgiving, for it does not at first incline us shamelessly to reject God. I saw people thanking God with their lips and exalting themselves in their thoughts. The Pharisee clearly testifies to this when he said: “God, I thank You (Luke 18:11).”

Many do not see their sins and consider themselves completely innocent, because pride can fill the place of all other vices. Often people realize their passion only at the moment of approaching death: “One venerable man said to me: “Suppose there are twelve dishonorable passions; if you arbitrarily love one of them, that is, pride, then this one will fill the place of the other eleven.” “I don’t know how it happens that many of the proud, not knowing themselves, think that they have achieved dispassion, and already upon leaving this world they perceive their wretchedness.”

The most obvious sign of pride is the rejection of reproof: “He who rejects reproof reveals passion, but whoever accepts it has been released from its bonds.” “One wise old man spiritually admonished a proud brother, but this one, blinded, said to him: “Forgive me, father, I am not proud.” The wise old man objected: “How can you, my son, more clearly prove that you are proud, if not by saying: “I am not proud”?”

Pride makes our prayer and all other virtues useless: “Pride is the loss of wealth and labor. You cried, and do not save, no doubt, because you cried with pride; cried out... to the Lord, and did not hear them (Ps. 17:42), no doubt because they did not cut off the reasons for what they prayed against.” “Darkness is alien to light, and the proud is alien to all virtue.”

According to St. John, it is pride that is one of the reasons for persecution and hatred against Christians, for “the thief does not love the sun; The proud one humiliates the meek.”

It is much more difficult to fight pride than other passions, for the reason that a person does not see it in himself. Therefore, St. John writes that “whoever is captivated by pride needs the help of God Himself; for human salvation is vain for such a thing (Ps. 59:13).” St. John considers monks to be the best fighters against pride, and therefore he lavishes them with a lot of praise: “A monk, in fact, is one who has an unascending eye of the soul and an immovable sense of the body. A monk is one who calls invisible adversaries, even when they flee from him, to battle and irritates them like animals. A monk is one who is in continuous admiration of the mind for God and saving sadness. A monk is one who has the same skill for virtues as others have for passions. A monk is a constant light in the eyes of the heart. The monk is an abyss of humility into which he has cast down and in which he has drowned every evil spirit.”

Trying to explain the process of the emergence and struggle with vanity and pride, the monk, as if on their behalf, says: “We have neither beginning nor birth, for we ourselves are the bosses and parents of all passions. Contrition of heart, born from obedience, often fights against us. We do not tolerate being subordinate to anyone, which is why we, having wished to be in charge in heaven, retreated from there. To put it briefly, we are the parents of everything that is contrary to humility, and what promotes it resists us. However, if we appeared in heaven in such power, then where will you run away from our face? We very often follow the patience of reproaches, the correction of obedience and lack of anger, forgetfulness of malice and service to others. Our offspring are the downfalls of spiritual men: anger, slander, vexation, irritability, outcry, blasphemy, hypocrisy, hatred, envy, bickering, self-will, disobedience. There is only one thing that we do not have the strength to resist. Being strongly beaten by you, we will tell you this: if you sincerely reproach yourself before the Lord, then you will despise us like a spider’s web.” “You see,” said pride, “that the horse on which I ride is vanity.” The venerable humility and self-reproach will laugh at the horse and its rider and with sweetness they will sing this victorious song: Let us sing to the Lord, gloriously we will be glorified: the horse and rider will be cast into the sea (Ex. 15:1) and into the abyss of humility.”

As can be seen from the above, the most powerful weapon against pride is self-reproach, which is supported in a Christian by regular confession. Therefore, those who reject the modern practice of frequent confession are wrong. It is only important to distinguish self-reproach from suspiciousness, uncertainty and cowardice, behind which, as a rule, hides the same pride and other passions with which an unspoken “peace treaty” is established.

Also, in order to defeat pride, according to the saint, we must always remember that our very good deeds are the gift of God, since only with the help of His grace can we accomplish them. And to exalt yourself with other people’s adornments is unworthy and insane: “Exalt yourself only with those virtues that you performed before your birth, and those that you performed after your birth were given to you by God, like birth itself. Whatever virtues you corrected without the help of your mind are yours alone, because God gave you the mind itself. Whatever feats you showed without a body are only attributed to your diligence, for the body is not yours, but God’s creation.”

It is also important not to forget that the end crowns the deed and that it is still unknown whether we will not ruin the rewards for the exploits of our entire lives by some late fall. There is an example in the Gospel that someone reclined at a wedding, but was later condemned: “Do not trust in yourself until you hear the last saying about you, remembering that the one who reclined already at the wedding supper was bound hand and foot and thrown into pitch darkness" (Matthew 22:13).

It is also important to read books that tell about the virtues of the holy fathers, whose exploits seem to exceed nature itself: “If we compare our deeds with the deeds of these great lamps, we will find that we have not yet embarked on the path of their careful living, and have not kept our vow , as it should."

And finally, it is necessary to constantly remember your sins: “Pride,” the monk teaches, “is born from forgetting one’s sins, and, on the contrary, from remembering them humility is gained.”

Separately, the monk speaks about the generation of pride - blasphemous thoughts, which the confessor is ashamed to admit: “Above this, we have heard that from an evil root and an evil mother comes the most evil offspring, that is, from bad pride the unspeakable blasphemy is born. Therefore, it is necessary to bring it out into the open, for this is not an unimportant thing, but the most fierce of our enemies and adversaries. And, what’s even worse, we cannot say, open, or confess these thoughts to a spiritual doctor without difficulty. Therefore, they often plunged many into despair and hopelessness, destroying all their hope, like a worm in a tree.” “This godless spirit not only blasphemes God and everything divine, but also utters shameful and dishonorable words in us, so that we either give up prayer or fall into despair.”

The monk believes that the person himself is not to blame for the occurrence of such thoughts, but they are instilled in a person by demons, since they can arise even in church, during the performance of the Sacraments: “Often during the Divine Liturgy and at the most terrible hour of the performance of the Sacraments, these vile thoughts are blasphemed Lord and the Holy Sacrifice being performed. From here it is clearly revealed that these ungodly, incomprehensible and inexplicable words are not uttered within us by our soul, but by a God-hating demon who was cast out of heaven because he attempted to blaspheme God there too. And if these are my dishonest and absurd sayings, then how can I, having accepted this heavenly gift, worship? How can I bless and at the same time curse?”; “No one should think that he is guilty of blasphemous thoughts, for the Lord is a knower of the heart and knows that such words are not ours, but those of our enemies.”

Blasphemous thoughts attack not everyone, but more so those who zealously strive to please God: “When we stand for prayer, these unclean and unspeakable thoughts rise up against us, and at the end of the prayer they immediately leave us; for they are not in the habit of fighting those who do not arm themselves against them.” Blasphemous thoughts can drive those who zealously strive for virtue to despair, “inspiring them that for them there is no hope of salvation and that they are more damned than all infidels and pagans.”

Also vulnerable from such thoughts are not only people who are proud of their exploits and achievements, but also the simple and meek: “This demon often tries to attack the simplest in mind and the gentlest, who are more worried and embarrassed by this than others; It can be rightly said about them that all this happens to them not because of their exaltation, but because of the envy of demons.”

The monk advises fighting blasphemous thoughts not by intensifying ascetic deeds, for the evil spirit “has exhausted others with fasting, without giving them the slightest weakness,” but by ignoring their manifestation: “Whoever despises this enemy is freed from his torment; manages to fight with him, then he will prevail. He who wants to conquer spirits with words is like someone who tries to block the winds.” “Whoever is bothered by the spirit of blasphemy and who wants to get rid of it, let him know without a doubt that it is not his soul that is guilty of such thoughts, but an unclean demon who once said to the Lord Himself: I will give all this to you if you worship me (Matthew 4: 9). Therefore, we, despising him and regarding the thoughts he puts in as nothing, will say to him: Follow me, Satan, I will worship the Lord my God and serve Him alone (see Matt. 4:10); but your illness and your words will turn on your head, and your blasphemy will come down on your top in the present age and in the future (see Ps. 7:17).”

At the same time, the monk insists that there is no other way to combat blasphemous thoughts: “Whoever would like to defeat the demon of blasphemy in any other way would be like someone trying to hold lightning with his own hands. For how can one overtake, compete and fight with one who suddenly, like the wind, flies into the heart, instantly utters a word and immediately disappears? All other enemies stand, fight, hesitate and give time to those who struggle against them. This one is not like that: he just appeared and already retreated, spoke and disappeared.”

It is also important not to be afraid to tell your confessor about such blasphemous thoughts: “One careful monk, suffering attacks from this demon, exhausted his body with fasting and vigil for twenty years; but since he did not receive any benefit from this, then, having described his temptation on paper, he went to a certain holy man and, handing it to him, threw himself face down on the ground, not daring to look at him. The elder, having read the scripture, smiled and, raising his brother, said to him: “Put your hand on my neck, child.” When this brother did this, the great man said to him: “On my neck, brother, let this sin be, no matter how many years it lasted and will continue in you; just charge him with nothing.” Afterwards, this monk assured that he had not yet left the elder’s cell when this passion disappeared. The one who was in temptation told me this, giving thanks to God.”

However, the monk notes that the spirit of blasphemy most attacks those who love to condemn their neighbors. Whoever stops this evil activity is freed from blasphemy: “Let us stop judging and condemning our neighbor, and we will not be afraid of blasphemous thoughts, for the cause and root of the second is the first.”

Archimandrite Markell (Pavuk), confessor of the Kyiv theological schools

Pride in Orthodoxy is a great sin that leads a person into complete spiritual oblivion

Orthodoxy believes that pride is a sin that will lead a person to complete spiritual oblivion. It corrodes a person from the inside; having such a sin, the person will be doomed to certain death.

The worst thing is that the sin of pride in a person completely takes possession of him, thereby aggravating the situation. How to get rid of pride, and how to help others with this problem? To do this, you need to know what signs of pride a person has.

Manifestation of pride in a person:

  • arrogance;
  • arrogance;
  • selfishness;
  • touchiness;


a source of negative thoughts and emotions that adversely affect a person’s condition

  • irritability;
  • pride;
  • anger;
  • hatred;
  • vanity.

What does pride lead to? In most cases, pride is a source of negative thoughts and emotions that have a very detrimental effect on a person’s condition and behavior. In another way, we can say that a person’s pride does not allow him to live normally.

All these signs that appear in a person as a result of his pride will lead to the complete destruction of a person’s healthy psyche, and therefore consciousness.

From pride and conceit

Having risen to virtue and purified your mind, you achieved what you desired and the extreme, having adorned your life with dispassion, and accepted a fair amount of fasting with a clear conscience, in prayers, as if you were bodiless, while remaining, you shone like the sun in the world, blessed Alexie.

The house of your parents, as if it were alien, you settled in it like a beggar, and after the repose of the crown of glory, you appeared marvelously on earth, Alexie, the man of God, an angel and a joy to man.

Oh, great servant of Christ, holy man of God Alexis, stand with your soul in Heaven before the Throne of the Lord, and perform various miracles on the earth given to you from above by grace! Look mercifully at the people standing before your holy icon, tenderly praying and asking for your help and intercession. Stretch out your honest hand in prayer to the Lord God, and ask us from Him for forgiveness of our sins, voluntary and involuntary, healing for those who suffer, intercession for those suffering, consolation for the grieving, ambulance for those in need, and for all who honor your peaceful and Christian death and a kind answer to the terrible judgment of Christ.

To her, saint of God, do not disgrace our hope, which we place in you according to God and the Mother of God, but be our helper and protector for salvation, and, having received grace and mercy from the Lord with your prayers, let us glorify the love of mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit in the Trinity glorified and worshiped God, and your holy intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Lord, do not let me dream of myself as being the best of any of the people, but think of myself as the worst of all and not condemn anyone, but judge myself strictly. Amen.

Vanity and humiliation

A long experience of humiliation does not mean that a person can be given up on. On the contrary, by overcoming imbalance, we gain wisdom and become stronger than we could have become without this strengthening experience. All mental “illnesses” are surmountable. Our weaknesses are simply those mental “muscles” that need to be worked on first, turning weakness into strength.

Often when we see others being criticized, we can easily recognize the critic's subjectivity. But if our person is criticized, then we begin to take the criticism seriously. A kind of “coupling” occurs when the hallucinations of the critic seem to coincide with the hallucinations of the humiliated one.

For example, a dominant boss scolds a subordinate, reaching the point of tyranny, and towers over the person who depends on him. And the subordinate, actively participating in the “game” not on equal terms, is humiliated, establishing himself in the position of a weak junior manager. The subordinate perceives this as an “objective” reality, a “common” space in which this single process of humiliation and elevation occurs between two subjects. All this feels so realistic, as if it really were an objective reality. And the reciprocal hatred of the boss also seems justified and appropriate.

However, this whole situation occurs in the head of the subordinate. There is no “objective” reality where the boss, in the role of alpha male, humiliates the subordinate. These are all subjective perceptions, dualistic mind games that most people play in their heads every day.

What's really going on in the boss's head doesn't matter. The boss's subjective experiences do not go beyond his head. If a boss masturbates in public to please his vanity, this is his “national” problem. The subordinate only hears the timbre of the voice, sees facial expressions, and characterizes all this in accordance with his life experience. And if in his experience there is a psychological trauma of humiliation, it is naturally projected into a new, similar situation.

In psychology, there is a term “classical conditioning”, which refers to the process of developing a conditioned reflex. Perhaps you have heard a joke about laboratory monkeys?

Conditioned reflexes occur when, for example, we react to a neutral situation emotionally because in our head it is associated with another situation from the past, where we have already shown exactly these emotions.

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That is, when a subordinate hates the Boss, perhaps he actually hates his father, or a bully classmate who in the past subjugated our subordinate, suppressing his psyche. Perhaps the boss's comments were innocent, but some subtly similar shades of his actions awakened repressed feelings in the subordinate and caused an inappropriate reaction.

That is why it is advisable to maintain healthy self-esteem in a child, because the child’s consciousness is not yet able to fully realize the illusory nature of mental duality. Trauma inflicted in early childhood is repressed into the unconscious and can haunt the individual throughout his life. After all, it is in childhood that our basic ideas about the world and society are developed. It is extremely difficult to change them in adulthood.

Pride - what is it?

Pride is one of the greatest sins. It is never independent and gives rise to a certain number of other sins associated with it. Pride arises from vanity, which is associated with the search for feigned honor and praise, and a strikingly elevated self-esteem in addition. A proud person thinks that he is superior to other people, many of whom he despises. He is also unable to admit his mistakes, which ultimately leads to troubles for those around him.

This sin is expressed in arrogance, disrespect for others, their lives and feelings. From which we can conclude that pride contains not only complete sin, but also acts as the beginning and source of all other sin and evil. Quite often, a smart, intelligent and educated person turns into a fool because of his pride. People who are overcome by the lust of pride tend to boast of achievements, taking them for personal

They do not take into account the help of the environment and higher powers

Signs of pride

Often a person does not even realize that he is submitting to pride and believes that this is some other side of his character. But in the future, all this becomes more complicated and, as a result, this sin completely involves a person.

A person does not control his actions, cannot stop extolling himself, and, in contrast, insulting and humiliating others. Pride consists of excessive self-love, as well as anger and hatred, irony, vanity, arrogance and frequent boasting of achievements. These components are often perceived as positive qualities when they rejoice in the soul, being in the dominant positions of consciousness. Passions act in such a spirit that a person loses self-control and is directed towards causing harm.

There are certain cases when the Almighty calls upon people precisely those vices that they see in others. People will never be able to completely objectively assess their surroundings, since they are not able to delve into the thoughts of both their loved ones and their enemies. In reality there are only passions, but not repentance.

This category of people is constantly offended, and the grievances are constantly increasing and growing. The slightest deviation from their life plan leads to worsening irritability. At the same time, such individuals gloat over the grief and failures of other people, they are satiated with anger and hatred.

An indication of pride

  • Frequent touchiness and intolerance towards other people, or rather towards their imperfections.
  • Constantly blaming others for your life problems.
  • Uncontrolled irritability and disrespect for other people.
  • Constant thoughts about your own greatness and uniqueness, and therefore superiority over others.
  • The need for someone to constantly admire and praise you.
  • Absolute intolerance to criticism and unwillingness to correct one’s shortcomings.
  • Inability to ask for forgiveness.
  • Complete confidence in one's own infallibility; the desire to argue and prove one’s merits.
  • Lack of humility and stubbornness, which lies in the fact that a person cannot accept the lessons of fate with dignity and calm.

When pathos grows, the joy in the heart fades and is replaced by dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction. Only some people, noticing all these negative signs of pride in themselves, begin to resist, while others become its victims.

You can deal with pride before it grows to gigantic proportions, figuratively speaking, before it takes power over your soul and mind. And we need to urgently get down to business, but how to deal with pride?

Strong saints who protect against pride

Pride in Christianity is one of the most serious sins. The first rebel to rebel against his Creator was Lucifer. Out of his vanity and conceit, he decided that he could become like God, for which he was cast down to earth from Heaven.

The problem is that pride, as a rule, does not appear alone; it is accompanied by many other vices - anger, envy, greed, dislike for one’s neighbor, exaltation over other people. A proud person, in achieving his goals, does not disdain even the most unworthy methods and does not feel guilty for what he has done, since he considers himself head and shoulders above others.

However, first of all, the person himself suffers from such a sin, since he loses God’s blessing and falls under the influence of dark forces. Even if it seems that everything is going according to plan, and a lot is achieved, sooner or later, this turns into losses and destruction of the spiritual personality. Priests of our time and the past recommend fighting pride before it leads to irreversible consequences.

Not every person who is struck by this vice can objectively assess his spiritual state and understand that he has been taken over by pride. This problem can be recognized by the following signs:

  • A person is annoyed and upset by the success of other people, he cannot come to terms with the fact that someone lives richer than him.
  • He is offended if those around him do not recognize his merits, it is difficult for him to forgive the offenders, he carries evil within himself for quite a long time, even if he has been asked for forgiveness.
  • The desire to look better than those around him forces him to buy expensive clothes, cosmetics and spend money on branded accessories.
  • The happiness of friends and neighbors upsets, but the grief and failures of others bring a feeling of joy and satisfaction.
  • One’s own needs and whims are above all else, and the needs of other people are of little concern.
  • Your own mistakes and mistakes lead to irritation rather than self-analysis.

Pride is accompanied by egocentrism; such a person wants the whole world to revolve around him, and if everything does not go according to plan, he becomes furious, which over time destroys the soul and leads to constant conflicts with others.

You can get rid of such a vice as pride with the help of special prayers that are read to the saints.

Helps cope with vanity and arrogance:

  • John Chrysostom;
  • John of Kronstadt;
  • Saint Alexy;
  • Reverend King David.

What is pride

The study of pride is at the intersection of psychology, philosophy and ethics. Pride is the opposite of humility. A proud person is incapable of making compromises, concessions, or sacrificing something (sometimes himself).

There is no shame in being proud of well-deserved successes, but constantly inserting your “I” into the topic is not good. A proud person looks at everything with contempt. And in fact, he does not respect himself, although he positions himself almost as the creator of the whole world.

Pride is attributing great merits and merits to oneself, overestimating oneself against the background of belittling the dignity of other people. A proud person believes that only he is worthy of attention, praise, and admiration. Because of his beliefs that the inner world of other people does not deserve attention, and people can and should be treated like things, the bearer of pride receives hatred from his environment and persecution.

What else is dangerous about pride?

  • A person forgets that he is not perfect, that failures happen to everyone, and circumstances do not always turn out the way we want.
  • The more pride is nourished and developed, the less a person conducts an internal dialogue and the more he blames the universe itself, and does not see his fault in the causes of failures.
  • After this, the process of self-destruction of the individual, withdrawal from reality, often begins, and the experiences themselves, negative emotions, have a destructive effect on the body.
  • Pride does not allow making concessions and provokes conflicts. As a result, friends and loved ones turn away from the person, but the proud person himself does not understand that it was he who betrayed everything for the sake of his pride.
  • If pride is combined with cruelty, then a tyrant will appear before us.

Types of pride

Sin such as pride is divided into several types. There is an age-related type of pride, which consists of inattention to children, because they believe that due to their youth they are still very stupid and naive. As an alternative, young people mistake old people for degraded people who do not understand anything in the age of modern technology, with outdated views on life.

  • The pride of knowledge is manifested in the “promotion” of oneself among the most intelligent and forced to vegetate among the fools due to circumstances.
  • The pride of beauty is more characteristic of women who consider themselves to be the most charming and beautiful, and consider other representatives of the fairer sex not worthy of attention.
  • Pride, which led to wars and the extermination of entire nations, is national. People believe that their nation, as the smartest and strongest, should rule on Earth, and that some other nations should not exist at all.

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There are also a number of pride that relate to certain areas of human life and contribute first to the development and then to the spread of harmful ideas that negatively affect people’s behavior and do not give them the right direction in life. People “infected” with such pride are no longer able to live normally, since they unreasonably extol themselves and show aggression towards others. These people’s mental health gradually deteriorates, and their souls become increasingly mired in sin.

  • 7 deadly sins;
  • Prayer for help in business to the Mother of God;
  • How to name sins in confession.
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