Goals, objectives and structure of the World Russian People's Council

“People's Council” is an all-Russian social movement created in October 2005 truly “from below”, in contrast to many parties and movements that were created as a political project funded by interested forces. Founded under the auspices of the Russian Orthodox Church, its goal is the unity of the Russian people.

What is the People's Council

VRNS (World Russian People's Council) is a meeting place for people and a public platform where everyone is united by one goal - caring for the future and present of Russia. The movement plays a big role in the formation of civil society. At the moment, there are several regional branches across the country, and 21 cathedral congresses have already taken place since the organization was created.

Goals and objectives

According to the charter, the goals of the ARNS are:

  1. Cultural, spiritual, economic and social revival of Russia and the Russian people.
  2. Strengthening Russian statehood, strengthening the role of the Orthodox Church in the life of society.
  3. Interaction of the country's traditional religions with the Orthodox Church, moral improvement of society, exclusion of religious extremism and intolerance.
  4. Peaceful non-violent unification of the Russian people.

According to the charter, the tasks of the ARNS are:

  1. Joining efforts to solve national problems.
  2. Fostering the sacred duty of military service in the name of the honor and dignity of the Motherland, its freedom and integrity.
  3. Implementation of measures to improve the health of the nation with the assistance of other interested bodies.
  4. Practical assistance and support in matters of establishing a national school and protecting the Russian language.
  5. Protection, in accordance with the procedure established by current legislation, of the rights and interests of Russians living outside the Russian Federation.
  6. Organization of events to develop decisions on the most important issues in the lives of the peoples of Russia.
  7. Development and implementation of programs that promote the formation of Orthodox identity, friendship and interethnic understanding, patriotism and civic responsibility.
  8. Support for popular initiatives and all possible assistance in the revival of Russia and Russians, regardless of their place of residence.
  9. Providing practical, scientific and methodological assistance to the self-organization of Russians into communities and cultural centers.
  10. Organization of gatherings for the study and dissemination of information about all aspects of the life of Russians in the world.
  11. Development of friendly relations between the peoples of Russia and other countries to establish peace without violence.
  12. Formation of a national system of upbringing and education at all levels.
  13. Solving the problems of reuniting Russians as a divided nation.

Ideology of the organization

VRNS is far from intending to impose another artificially invented “ism” on the people. Ideological views are based on traditional values ​​and approaches for Russian civilization.

The basis of the ideology is:

  • spirituality;
  • conciliarity;
  • solidarity;
  • justice;
  • patriotism and healthy nationalism;
  • sovereignty;
  • pan-humanity.

The program does not actually mention the tasks of combating the “Jewish-Masonic conspiracy” and “Zionism.” The demands that are common to the “right-left” opposition and put the VRNS on a par with “statist” organizations come to the fore. The program guidelines promulgated at the founding congress (February 15, 1992) expressed demands for freezing prices, resignation of the president and government, etc.

The actions of the program “Transformation of Russia” (saving the Fatherland) at the Second Council Congress (June 12-13, 1992) were as follows:

  1. The constitutional removal of the current government is a national betrayal.
  2. Refusal of “shock therapy”.
  3. Return to a planned economy with the simultaneous development of Russian national entrepreneurship.
  4. National proportional representation in the fields of government, art, science and media.

Subsequently, the latter provision was present in all program documents of the Council. The main goal of the VRNS is the transformation of the country, taking as a basis “the traditional spiritual and moral values ​​of Russian civilization.”

The organization opposes:

  • Russophobia;
  • uncontrolled immigration;
  • totalitarian sects;
  • lawlessness;
  • corruption;
  • gay pride parades;
  • any other actions the purpose of which is “to undermine the country, its spiritual and moral values ​​and culture.”

General program theses of the ARNS

M.G. Delyagin characterizes the Council as the vanguard of the struggle of Russian society for the family against the propaganda of various types of perversions: from sexual to political.

National relations:

  • Russia is a multi-ethnic mono-national state;
  • a nation is the ethnic groups that create and support the state;
  • the basis of national policy is a single all-Russian nationally proportional representation in government at all levels;
  • the creation of a new Russian community through the strengthening of the existing Russian nation.


  • everything is in the interests of the nation, the state, the person;
  • the Russian superethnos is the defining force of Russian society;
  • taking into account ethnic factors when developing and drawing up plans for the development of territories in the social and economic spheres;
  • the formation of representative government bodies corresponding to the structure of society;
  • automatic imposition of strict restrictions on the civil, personal, socio-economic and political rights and freedoms of persons entering the public service.


  • the growth rate of the indigenous population of a territory is the main indicator of the effectiveness of regional management;
  • the presence of at least three children by the age of 35 in the absence of censures for their provision is the main non-professional criterion when determining the career growth of an official.


  • socially oriented business under framework state planning;
  • corruption means the receipt by an official of funds or benefits in a certain amount outside the scheme established by law and not recorded by the tax authorities within three days by paying the expected tax on him.

Social sphere - medicine and education are public goods, not market services.


  • I World Russian Council (May 26, 1993)
  • II World Russian Council (February 1, 1995)
  • III World Russian Council (December 1995)
  • IV World Russian Council (May 5, 1997)
  • Russia: the path to salvation (conciliar meeting) (October 9, 1998)
  • V World Russian People's Council (December 6, 1999)
  • VI World Russian People's Council (December 13, 2001)
  • VII World Russian People's Council (December 16, 2002)
  • VIII World Russian People's Council (February 3, 2004)
  • IX World Russian People's Council (March 9, 2005)
  • X World Russian People's Council (April 4, 2006)
  • XI World Russian People's Council (March 5, 2007)
  • XII World Russian People's Council (February 20, 2008)
  • XIII World Russian People's Council (May 21, 2009)
  • XIV World Russian People's Council (May 25, 2010)
  • XV World Russian People's Council (May 25, 2011)
  • XVI World Russian People's Council (October 1, 2012)
  • XVII World Russian People's Council (October 31, 2013)
  • XVIII World Russian People's Council (November 11, 2014)
  • XIX World Russian People's Council (November 10, 2015)
  • XX World Russian People's Council (November 1, 2016)
  • Festival of National Sports (December 2, 2016)
  • XXI World Russian People's Council (November 1, 2017)

History of the movement

ARNS is a young organization, just over twenty years old. The formation of the movement proceeded quite easily and quickly; it carries out its activities freely.

Organization and creation

The founding meeting of the first regional branch of the VRNS in the Russian Federation took place on February 13, 1996 in Volgograd. It was a community of Orthodox, national-patriotic and human rights organizations, aware of the need to unite forces in order to achieve a goal that was meaningful to all. The motto was the famous call of Kuzma Minin (the founder of the Nizhny Novgorod militia in 1612) - “Together for one thing!”

In 2007, the movement became interregional, and on July 21, 2005, it was assigned special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. At the same time, the Representative Office of the Council to the UN ECOSOC was created. The organization transformed into an all-Russian movement on December 10, 2011.

Further fate

One of the first high-profile cases was the defense of the Patriarchal Compound of the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist in Sokolniki. A group of raiders set out to seize church buildings to turn them into a recreation center for businessmen and a casino. Despite all the financial, corruption and administrative resources of the opponents, the four-year struggle for the Compound ended in favor of the Cathedral.

Over the past years, many other victories have been won. The organization defended the State Academic Russian Concert Orchestra “Boyan” and succeeded in bringing to trial the organizers of anti-Russian and anti-Orthodox blasphemous exhibitions in Sakharovsky. Thanks to measures of informational, legal and public influence, obscene language in cinema and on television was banned, and the distribution rights of 147 films containing obscene language were revoked.

Current situation

Today, the VRNS is expanding both in a “horizontal” direction and in a “vertical”, hierarchical direction, creating a regional network of branches based on the personal participation of people in the Council. The organization includes representatives of different parties, faiths and nationalities, united by the desire to help Russia get out of a disastrous situation.

The movement is a large, seriously organized and dynamically developing force that has managed to build relationships with many allies and is working to consolidate the Russian people around everything that is dear and sacred to them.


  • Bishop Savva of the Resurrection was elected deputy head of the World Russian People's Council // Moscow Diocese of the Moscow Patriarchate. 04/08/2016.


  1. Vorontsova I.V.
    Russian religious and philosophical thought at the beginning of the 20th century. - M.: PSTGU, 2008. - P. 30. - 424 p. — ISBN 978-5-7429-0370-3.
  2. ↑ 2.02.1 About the World Russian Council (Moscow, May 26 - 28, 1993)
  3. ↑ 3.03.1 Charter
  4. A representative of the ARNS in New York took part in the UNICEF event // Russian Orthodox Church. 01.10.2007; A representative of the ARPC at the UN took part in the UNICEF forum “Developing a culture of peace: is peace a human rights issue?” // Patriarchia.ru. 10/23/2008; In New York, at the headquarters of the UN Children's Fund, a forum was held “Developing a culture of peace: is peace a human rights issue?” // Russian Orthodox Church. 10/23/2008
  5. A representative of the Moscow Patriarchate took part in the annual session of the Economic and Social Council of the UN // Russian Orthodox Church. 07/25/2008
  6. An unofficial information session of the Tripartite Forum on Interreligious Cooperation for Peace was held at the UN headquarters in New York // Russian Orthodox Church. 04/20/2007
  7. A representative of the Moscow Patriarchate took part in the conference “Strengthening cooperation of the United Nations with world religions” // Russian Orthodox Church. 12/18/2008
  8. The representative of the ARNS at the UN took part in the work of the Committee of Religious Non-Governmental Organizations at the UN // Russian Orthodox Church in the United States of America. 2010
  9. A meeting of the consultation group was held to develop a draft UN resolution on issues of interreligious dialogue // Russian Orthodox Church in the United States of America. 2010
  10. A representative of the ARPC to the UN attended the UNESCO high-level meeting “Peace and Dialogue of Cultures” // Russian Orthodox Church in the United States of America. 2011
  11. Konstantin Malofeev was elected Deputy Patriarch of the VRNS // Pravoslavie.Ru. – 2021. – April 12. – Date of access: 12.4.2019.
  12. Conciliar word of the XV World Russian People's Council // Patriarchy.ru. – 2011. – May 26. – Date of access: 6.5.2018.
  13. Resolution of the II Stavropol Forum of the World Russian People's Council // Patriarchy.ru. – 2013. – December 22. – Date of access: 19.3.2018.
  14. Conciliar word of the VIII World Russian People's Council (2004) // “Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate”, 2004.02.04.
  15. Future generations are the national treasure of Russia. Program document of the XIII World Russian People's Council // Patriarchy.ru. – 2009. – May 23. – Date of access: 6.5.2018.
  16. Conciliar word of the XIX World Russian People's Council on the topic “The Legacy of Prince Vladimir and the Fate of Historical Rus'” // Patriarchy.ru. – 2015. – November 11. – Date of access: 6.5.2018.
  17. Word of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill at the XVII World Russian People's Council // World Russian People's Council. – 2013. – Date of access: 22.2.2018.
  18. Lebedev V.V.
    Section “Natural resources - the path to wealth or poverty? Prospects for economic development of Russia" // World Russian People's Council. – 2007. – March 6. — Date of access: 22.2.2018.
  19. ↑ 19,019,119,219,3 Report of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill at the 20th World Russian People's Council // Patriarchy.ru. 01.11.2016.

Social and political activities

In its activities, the organization is guided by the understanding of the need for fundamental changes in the situation in Russia only through peaceful means. According to the charter of the VRNS, the head of the Council is His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', with the blessing and under whose chairmanship annual council meetings are held.

Topics of councils held since 1993:

  1. Russian conciliar thought.
  2. Through spiritual renewal to national revival.
  3. Russia and Russians on the threshold of the 21st century.
  4. Health of the nation.
  5. Russia on the eve of the 2000th anniversary of Christianity. Faith. People. Power.
  6. Russia: faith and civilization. Dialogue of eras.
  7. Faith and work: spiritual and cultural traditions and the economic future of Russia.
  8. Russia and the Orthodox world.
  9. The unity of peoples, the cohesion of people is the key to victory over fascism and terrorism.
  10. Faith. Human. Earth. Mission of Russia in the 21st century.
  11. Wealth and poverty: historical challenges of Russia.
  12. Future generations are the national treasure of Russia.
  13. Ecology of the soul and youth. Spiritual and moral causes of crises and ways to overcome them.
  14. National education: formation of an integral personality and a responsible society.
  15. Basic values ​​are the basis of the unity of peoples.
  16. The frontiers of history are the frontiers of Russia.
  17. Russia as a country-civilization. Solidarity society and the future of the Russian people.
  18. Unity of history, unity of the people, unity of Russia.

Human rights protection

Activities of the organization in the field of human rights protection:

  1. The cathedral achieved the allocation of budget funds for the reconstruction of the monument to Minin and Pozharsky in Moscow.
  2. Initiation of the restoration of the regimental Church of the Transfiguration Regiment and the reconstruction of the Passion Monastery.
  3. Seeks the return of the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands to the Moscow Kremlin on the Spasskaya Tower.
  4. Seeks the restoration of the double-headed eagle above the Kremlin towers.
  5. Organizes sports tournaments and competitions, youth military-patriotic camps.
  6. Initiation of a number of criminal cases against the head of the department of modern trends of the Tretyakov Gallery Andrei Erofeev and the director of the Sakharov Museum Yuri Samodurov for holding the exhibition “Forbidden Art”, as well as against a group of feminists who staged an action in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.
  7. The movement initiated a series of prosecutorial checks into the exhibition “Apples Fall Simultaneously in Different Orchards” for the presence of pornographic products, as well as in connection with the possible presence of a crime in the actions of the Voina group, which organized an action at the Biological Museum in 2008.
  8. On April 17, 2008, the organization appealed to the authorities in defense of the Patriarchal Compound in Sokolniki.
  9. In October 2010, a rally “For Russia without dirt” was held on Bolotnaya Square in Moscow. The main demand of the protesters is the introduction of a ban on holding gay pride parades in the country.
  10. On April 29, 2012, with the participation of members of the VRNS, a repetition of the provocative action in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was prevented.


The cathedral is the initiator of the “Imperial Ribbon” campaign. As planned, such a symbol on a bag or clothing should become an identification mark of Russian nationalists. The idea was a complete success. In the fall of 2010, tens of thousands of ribbons were distributed; they could be seen on many participants of the Russian March in different cities of the country.

The imperial ribbon is a small ribbon in the colors of the imperial flag, which was the official banner of the Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th century. In the nineties of the 20th century, the “Imperial Flag” became a symbol of the Russian national movement. In addition to nationalists, it is used by the “Other Russia” movement.

Notable initiatives:

  1. “Hillary List” in response to “Magnitsky List” (2012).
  2. All-Russian religious procession “Memory of Grateful Descendants”, dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the victory of the People’s Militia under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky.
  3. Initiating the collection of signatures for an appeal to the Moscow City Duma deputies, containing a request to pass a bill to the capital's parliamentarians prohibiting the promotion of homosexuality (2012).

The movement publishes newspapers “NS”, with a circulation of one hundred thousand copies, and “New Generation”, with a circulation of ten thousand copies. Newspapers are distributed free of charge and are available for downloading electronically. The organization has its own website and TV channel “NS”.

pathological speech

The ideologists of the World Russian People's Council purposefully created a special dialect of pathological speech. This dialect is characterized by an elevated clerical style of speech and vagueness.

The language of metapolitics: identity, values, originality, cultural code, national view, Orthodox culture, Orthodox civilization, traditional religions, worldview choice.

The language of liberalism: development, social development, civil society, human rights, tolerance.

Symbols of unity: solidarity, cohesion, conciliarity, cathedral, the basis of unity, an integral personality, all of humanity.

Tautology: self-awareness, self-awareness, self-knowledge, self-development, self-expression.

The language of secularization: spiritual-cultural, cultural-spiritual, Orthodox culture.


space exploration
In the year of the 50th anniversary of the first man's flight into space, we accept the task of space exploration as an obedience given to man from above. Space is not only our pride, but also our responsibility to the fate of all humanity[12].


Youth, rebirth.


Solidarity: solidary society, solidary ideal, solidarity.

Cohesion: human cohesion, community cohesion, social cohesion, socio-political cohesion.

Challenge: challenges, historical challenges, civilizational challenges.

Conciliarity: the idea of ​​conciliarity, genuine conciliarity, restoration of conciliarity, Russian conciliarity, traditions of Russian conciliarity, conciliarity and sovereignty, principles of conciliarity, conciliar thought.

Responsibility: social responsibility.

Identity: preservation of identity, Russian identity, civilizational identity, spiritual identity, national identity.

Tradition: traditional religions, cultural and spiritual traditions, spiritual and cultural traditions, national traditions, religious traditions, spiritual tradition, continuation of tradition.

Values: spiritual values, basic values.

Self-realization: favorable conditions for work and self-realization[13].

Peace and harmony: The Church of Christ... must create peace and harmony with special energy[14].

Existential: “Having mentioned the spiritual, existential value of fatherhood and motherhood, no less attention should be paid to the material conditions required for the full development of children”[15].

Code: “The Council calls for strengthening the political, cultural, economic ties of peoples... peoples united today by a related culture, the Russian language, as well as the Cyrillic alphabet, which has become a unique graphic code

our civilizational community”[16].


Conquer the hateful strife of this world

Our ideal, on the contrary, is a solidary society, a society of social symphony, where different strata and groups, different peoples and religious communities, different participants in political and economic processes are not competitors fighting each other, but co-workers. And competition in such a solidary society is encouraged as competition, but not as a struggle for survival. Saint Sergius of Radonezh teaches us “to overcome the hateful discord of this world by looking at the Holy Trinity”[17].


combination of incongruous

  • Tradition and modernization
    : “There is a third way, proposed, as it seems, by the Council. This is modernization based on tradition, the royal path, truly Orthodox”[18].
  • Conservation and development


And each individual person, and entire peoples and groups of peoples are free to choose their own path - the path of cultural creativity, the path of development and, speaking in religious language, the path of collaboration with God. The freedom given to us by the Creator excludes the presence of a single, unalternative path of development, in which some peoples succeed while others lag behind[19].

equal dignity for all cultures

We must affirm the equal dignity of all cultures and civilizations, excluding any attempts at dictatorship and unilateral imposition of political norms and cultural standards, strive for mutual understanding and equal, mutually enriching cooperation[19].

meeting in Havana

Along with new dangers come new hopes. The meeting in Havana with Pope Francis showed the high interest in dialogue with the Russian Orthodox Church on the part of the Catholic world on the entire range of issues that we are discussing today[19].

dialogue of peoples

The true alternative to this process (the collision of the globalist project and all traditional cultures) is... a new dialogue of peoples, carried out on fundamentally new grounds. This is a dialogue aimed at restoring value unity, within the framework of which each of the civilizations, including ours, Russian, could exist while maintaining its identity.

Only within the framework of such a dialogue will we be able to find answers to questions about how to defeat terrorism, how to protect the traditional family and the right of unborn babies to life, how to ensure migration balance, defeat hunger and epidemics, how to respect each other’s beliefs, understanding that freedom there must be moral restrictions.

I believe that the World Russian People’s Council could make a significant contribution to the development of this new dialogue of peoples”[19].

Structure and leadership

VRNS branches operate in 45 regions of the country. The movement includes more than 250 different associations and public organizations, including human rights, Orthodox, veterans, military-patriotic, creative, cultural-historical, family and parental, sports and other citizen associations.


  • Vladimir Evgenievich Khomyakov;
  • Oleg Yuryevich Kassin.

The honorary coordinators and members of the Central Council are:

  • Krutov A.N., Ch. editor of the magazine “Russian House”, president of the “International Foundation of Slavic Literature and Culture”;
  • Soluyanov A.P., Major General of the Airborne Forces, prototype of the song of the Lyube group “Batyanya-Kombat”, Hero of the Soviet Union;
  • Margelov A.V., President of the Airborne Forces and Special Forces Assistance Fund named after. Army General V.F. Margelov, son of the legendary creator of modern airborne forces, Hero of Russia;
  • Krupin V.N., co-president. Writers' Union of Russia;
  • Greshnevikov A.N., State Duma deputy of the 1st-5th convocations;
  • Burlyaev N.P., People's Artist of Russia, President of the Golden Knight film forum;
  • M. Kalashnikov (V. Kucherenko), famous futurologist writer;
  • Vinogradov B. A., deputy Minister of Education from 1998 to 2002, State Duma deputy of the 4th convocation;
  • Borodina A.V., candidate of pedagogical sciences, author-developer of the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” and many others.

Departments of the ARNS

Within the framework of the ARNS there is an expert center, a department for interaction with youth, and a human rights center.

  • An expert center identifies the importance of certain problems in society and suggests ways to solve them.
  • The Human Rights Center counters threats against followers of Orthodoxy. People who have suffered from any attacks due to national and religious intolerance can also contact it.
  • Representatives of the youth department hold meetings with youth activists and supervise the activities of ARNS youth organizations.

Allies and partners

Partner organizations:

  1. International Foundation of Slavic Literature and Culture.
  2. All-Russian public organization "Anti-Alcohol Front".
  3. All-Russian public organization of veterans “Combat Brotherhood”.
  4. All-Russian public movement “Business Women of Russia”.
  5. International Cossack Economic Union.
  6. Organization for the promotion of Orthodox and military-patriotic education “Styag”.
  7. International Union of Public Associations of Veterans of the Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies.
  8. Russian Imperial Historical Society.
  9. Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.
  10. Movement in support of Orthodox shelters and children's educational institutions "Bees".
  11. Foundation for promoting the unification of the Russian people “Russians”.
  12. Political party "Great Russia".
  13. Political party "Motherland: Common Sense".
  14. Socio-political movement of the social majority of Russia “YAR”.
  15. Interregional patriotic youth social movement "New Frontier".


  1. [www.patriarchia.ru/db/text/389514.html “Moskovsky Komsomolets” published a refutation of S. Bychkov’s articles about the World Russian People’s Council / News / Patriarchia.ru]
  2. 123
    [vrns.ru/o_sobore/ About the cathedral]
  3. [www.patriarchia.ru/db/text/77467.html World Russian People's Council (VRNS) / Organizations / Patriarchia.ru]
  4. [www.pravenc.ru/text/155146.html Volgograd and Kamyshin Diocese]
  5. [www.patriarchia.ru/db/text/1170651.html JOURNALS of the meeting of the Holy Synod of May 31, 2010 / Official documents / Patriarchia.ru]
  6. [www.kavkaz-uzel.ru/articles/217602/ Caucasian Knot | A branch of the World Russian People's Council has been created in Stavropol]
  7. [www.patriarchia.ru/db/text/3180753.html A branch of the World Russian People's Council is being created in Novosibirsk / News / Patriarchia.ru]
  8. [tass.ru/arhiv/754261 TASS: Archive - The head of the Ministry of Regional Development spoke in favor of opening branches of the Russian People's Council in all subjects of the Russian Federation]
  9. [www.pravostok.ru/blog/regionalnoe-otdelenie-vsemirnogo-russkogo-narodnogo-sobora-sozdano-v-khabarovske/ The regional branch of the World Russian People's Council was created in Khabarovsk]
  10. [volbusiness.ru/v-vologodskoj-oblasti-sozdano-regionalnoe-otdelenie-vsemirnogo-russkogo-narodnogo-sobora.html A regional branch of the World Russian People's Council has been created in the Vologda region | Vologda news]
  11. [www.patriarchia.ru/db/text/3664160.html The founding meeting of the regional branch of the World Russian People's Council took place in the Kemerovo region / News / Patriarchia.ru]
  12. [www.patriarchia.ru/db/text/3676528.html The founding meeting of the regional branch of the World Russian People's Council took place in the Tyumen region / News / Patriarchia.ru]
  13. [www.patriarchia.ru/db/text/3702735.html The founding meeting of the branch of the World Russian People's Council in the Kaliningrad region took place / News / Patriarchia.ru]
  14. [smolensk.rfn.ru/rnews.html?id=58457 Smolensk State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company / A regional branch of the World Russian People's Council has been created in the Smolensk region]
  15. [www.patriarchia.ru/db/text/4140828.html The founding meeting of the regional branch of the World Russian People's Council was held in Murmansk / News / Patriarchia.ru]
  16. 123
    [vrns.ru/o_sobore/ustav.php Charter]


  • [vrns.ru vrns.ru] - official website of the World Russian People's Council
  • [mospat.ru/index.php?mid=161 World Russian People's Council on the official website of the Moscow Patriarchate]
  • [pravaya.ru/govern/392/644 Priest. Dimitry Poznansky. Two theocracies. Kyiv, July 6, 2004]
  • [www.ubrus.org/data/library/pages/551/Main.htm Code of moral principles and rules in business] Adopted at the final plenary meeting of the VIII World Russian People's Council
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