Origin and meaning of the word "Lust". Unexpected discoveries

In modern society, lust has long ceased to be a problem. But not because she was defeated, and “Mara, upset and saddened, immediately disappeared,” but because such a state has long become the norm. Moreover, it is cultivated in every possible way in society. And Mara - the god of passions and carnal desires - still continues to enslave the minds of people. Why is this happening? The fact is that sexual pleasures drain a huge amount of vital energy. And weak and sick people are much easier to manage. Therefore, lust and the cult of sex are instilled in every possible way in our society with the help of the media and other methods of unstructured management. In addition to the fact that people’s consciousness is deliberately focused on the topic of sexual relations all the time, many myths and outright lies are also created around this topic. How to avoid falling into this dangerous trap, what are the causes of lust and how to deal with it?

Lust. The first reason is energy.

The energetic cause of lust is stagnation of energy in the second chakra. The energy, rising through the channel, “gets stuck” in the second chakra, Svadhistan, and strives to find a way out. It cannot go higher for one simple reason: a person has already created the habit of regularly spending energy at the level of the second chakra and therefore any increase in energy motivates him to take similar actions. It is important to dispel one of the very common myths that a person supposedly has some kind of separate “sexual energy” that needs to be regularly released. This is another lie. There is only one energy in the human body, it is universal, and it is only our choice through which chakra we will spend it. Or rather, the choice is not always ours. In addition to the fact that the cause of addiction can be a blockage of energy channels, our “conscious” choice is often influenced by subtle entities - larvae. These creatures have the ability to influence our consciousness and create motivations that are beneficial to them. They force a person to perform this or that activity in order to obtain pleasure, during which a colossal waste of energy occurs - this is what the larvae feed on.

This applies to almost any addiction, but the waste of energy through the lower three chakras occurs in maximum volumes, so most often larvae act at this level. It is important to understand when lust arose, and this happens for two energetic reasons. Firstly, a person has excess energy. Secondly, most likely, he became a victim of a larva, which seeks to “spoil” him by losing energy. And here it is important to clearly define that the desire to spend energy is not your desire, but the desire of the “larva”, which skillfully manipulates our thoughts and motivations. It is important to disidentify this desire with yourself and understand that this is the manipulation of the “larva”. However, the larva did not appear just like that. At the level of the second chakra, a person has accumulated energy, and then a larva appears that wants to consume this energy. Thus, to solve the problem of lust, one should raise the energy from the second chakra higher. Let's talk about how to do this further.

Expert opinion

However, aside from brain chemistry, which cannot be tested on your own, how can you tell if what you're feeling is love or a fleeting sexual attraction? Simone Humphrey, Doctor of Psychology, and Signe Simon, Doctor of Philosophy, conducted many years of joint work in which they analyzed the differences in the behavior, sensations, and desires of a person in a state of exclusively sexual attraction and real deep love. Some of their findings will help you understand exactly what feelings you are experiencing.


  • https://nlo-mir.ru/religia/43138-pohot.html
  • https://intrigue.dating/samoe-pikantnoe/chto-takoe-pohot-i-pochemu-my-ne-mojem-izbavitsya-ot-nee/
  • https://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/ruwiki/673136
  • https://www.syl.ru/article/292557/pohot—eto-chto-takoe-znachenie-slova-pohot
  • https://www.oum.ru/literature/raznoe/pokhot-prichiny-i-metody-borby/
  • https://intrigue.dating/otnoshenija/chto-vy-ispytyvaete-osnovnye-razlichija-mezhdu-pohotju-i-nastojashhej-ljubovju/
  • https://zen.yandex.ru/media/psycholife/liubov-i-strast-a-vy-znaete-v-chem-raznica-5b4ce15116c0f400a96fdc4e
  • https://e-legance.ru/raznica-mezhdu-lyubovyu-i-poxotyu.html
  • https://yaroslav-samoylov.com/psihologija-otnoshenij/kak-otlichit-lyubov-ot-strasti.html

The second reason is mental.

As already mentioned, for a number of reasons, in modern society, motivations for sexual pleasures are deliberately created. The fashion for early and “free” sexual relations is being promoted. If a person from an early age regularly wastes energy on sexual entertainment, by the age of 25–30 he will simply waste all his potential. Moreover, he simply will not be able to develop adequately, because what kind of development can we talk about if the energy regularly merges at the second chakra? The fact is that if the energy does not rise above the second chakra, then human consciousness is unlikely to ever be able to rise above primitive animal instincts. And this, again, is very beneficial, because people with this level of consciousness are easier to manage and manipulate.

It is worth noting that high intelligence and creativity, as well as the ability to meditate and engage in serious spiritual practices, are due to the activity of the pineal gland. And its peculiarity is that it grows rapidly in childhood and exactly until puberty begins. Thus, the earlier a person begins to be interested in sexual pleasures, the less likely it is that he will develop harmoniously and generally achieve anything in this life. That is why the cult of sex is especially actively inculcated among teenagers. Also, the pineal gland produces the hormone melatonin, which helps restore and rejuvenate body cells. And the higher a person’s sexual activity, the more inhibited the function of the pineal gland is, and due to melatonin deficiency, the person ages faster and begins to get sick. For these and many other reasons, the cult of sex is implanted in society.

Constant involuntary concentration on the topic of sexual relations leads to the fact that this becomes the main motivation of a person. According to the principle “what you think about is what you become.” Advertising with naked bodies constantly motivates us not so much to buy a product, but rather leads us to constantly concentrate on the corresponding images. Today it is difficult to find a film or series where the theme of vulgarity is not present and the corresponding scenes are not shown. This also does not happen by chance. Thus, in order to defeat lust, you should protect your consciousness as much as possible from relevant information. First of all, stop watching TV. If you at least watch movies on the Internet instead, this will already protect a person from a large amount of harmful information. Ideally, stop watching movies altogether.

You should also limit communication with people who are fixated on the topic of sex. Firstly, there is also an energetic aspect, because in the process of communication we exchange energy, and the energy of a sexually preoccupied person will bring the same motivations into our lives. Secondly, conversations on such topics again lead to a concentration on base instincts. If it is impossible to avoid such communication due to reasons beyond a person’s control, then you should try to change the topic of conversation or not get involved in the process of such discussions.

If lustful thoughts arise in the mind involuntarily, then you should “educate” your mind. It is important not to try to fight these thoughts, because when you fight, you will only concentrate on it even more. We attract not only what we like, but also what we don’t like. Therefore, when trying to fight these thoughts, you will, on the contrary, see around you only things related in one way or another to lust, and this will lead to nothing but irritation and disharmony. What to do? You need to try to redirect your attention. Don't fight unnecessary thoughts. And cultivate useful thoughts in yourself. So, in a garden bed regularly cultivated by a farmer, there is simply no room for weeds. But simply removing weeds without sowing anything in return is a stupid and pointless activity. By occupying your mind with some positive thoughts or reflections, you simply will not leave room for lust.


Speaking about temptation, it is worth starting with the one who takes the most active part in it and who, accordingly, is called the tempter. So let's look at Matthew 4:3, which says:

Matthew 4:3 “And the tempter came to him [Jesus] and said, If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.”

The above passage describes one of the temptations Jesus faced in the desert. His tempter was none other than the devil, who for this reason is called the tempter. He is also named in 1 Thessalonians 3:5, where it says:

1 Thessalonians 3:5 “Therefore I [Paul] could not bear it any longer, but I sent to inquire of your faith, lest the tempter tempt you, and our labor be in vain.”

The tempter is engaged in tempting and testing, achieving the fall of the person he is tempting. As is clear from the above, it is the devil who does this.

The third reason for lust is karmic

Oddly enough, lust can also be due to karmic reasons. By and large, everything in our lives is, one way or another, determined by karma, and lust is no exception. Any human addiction has a karmic component. A person gets hooked on some bad habit only because he himself previously got someone hooked on the same thing, or, in extreme cases, something similar. There are many examples in life of how alcohol sellers regularly drink alcohol themselves, and how computer game sellers spend their time playing “shooting games” all day long. Thus, such karma often manifests itself even during one life. But, one way or another, the fact remains - if a person has ever made his business on some kind of human passion, he himself will “get hooked” on this passion.

Thus, the karmic reason for lust may be that the person himself previously contributed to someone else’s degradation through sexual entertainment. Moreover, it is not necessary that he made a business out of it. Perhaps he simply transmitted similar motivations to the society around him. Therefore, when someone tries to bother you with conversations on such topics, do not rush to get angry, most likely, you yourself have been in this person’s shoes before and told people the same thing. And in order to untie the karmic knot, you should try to explain to the person what harm he causes to himself and others. By the way, this is the way to solve the karmic cause of lust - spread knowledge about self-development, a healthy lifestyle and methods of dealing with such addictions, then sooner or later you will create for yourself the kind of karma that will allow you to defeat lust.

When sexual desire takes perverted forms

Normally, any person has an innate sexual attraction to a member of the opposite sex. But lust is lust that can pervert it, turning it into a constant need for sex, which does not recognize any conditions or barriers.

Allowing this to develop, a person gets stuck in the ability to receive momentary pleasures, gradually descending to perverted needs and sometimes not even understanding why he is so drawn to minors, old people, dead people, animals and other endless lists that can interest a psychiatrist. But it all starts with indulging your desires!



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  • James Jerman, Anthony Weir. Images of Lust: Sexual Carvings on Medieval Churches
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  • Shawn R. Tucker. The Virtues and Vices in the Arts: A Sourcebook
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  • Thomas Aquinas
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  3. Lust // Archimandrite Nikifor.
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  4. 1 2 3 Roberta Milliken.
    Ambiguous Locks: An Iconology of Hair in Medieval Art and Literature. — McFarland, 2014-01-10. — 301 p. — ISBN 9780786487929.
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