Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Polina

When is the day of the angel Polina according to the Orthodox calendar?

Each representative of the name Polina needs to know about the day of veneration of the angel whose name she bears.

Unlike other names, Polina celebrates the holiday on the eve of Epiphany. According to signs, on this day the snow is removed and thrown into the well.

Usually Polina celebrates her name day on January 18, if she is named after the Venerable Apollinaria. If she was named after the martyr, then her feast day falls on April 4. If in honor of the New Martyr Tupitsyna, then the holiday takes place on October 13.

Polina can spend her holiday in church, confessing, taking communion, cleansing herself of sins with her thoughts, and then celebrate the occasion with her family by organizing a small holiday.

The main thing is not to honor the angel with noisy festivities unworthy of him.

Pelageya - “sea”

The name owes its appearance to the Greek Pelagios, which in the female version sounds like Pelagia - “sea”. It is identical to Marina, which is of Latin origin. Perhaps Polina and Pelageya may not seem like ideally consonant names to some, but in Christianity Polina is often baptized with the name Pelageya. In addition, the calendar is replete with the names of revered holy martyrs and venerable martyrs with this name: - On April 5, the holy martyr Pelagia is venerated; - May 17 - Pelagia of Tarsus; - June 26 - Venerable Martyr Pelagia (Zhidko); — June 30 — Pelagia (Balakireva); - October 21 - holy martyr Pelagia of Antioch, who was a student of the hieromartyr Lucian of Antioch, and Pelagia of Antioch in Palestine; - November 3 - Venerable Martyr Pelagia (Testova); — February 12 — Pelagia Diveevskaya.

Despite the fact that others “hear” balance in the gentle name Polina, women who wear it often have a choleric character and are unable to restrain internal tension for a long time. The girl, named Pelageya, is phlegmatic at first glance, but with age her tolerance also comes to an end. “Sunny” or “sea” Polina is decent, modest, but impulsive.

Polina's birthday

Every baptized person is named after a saint. After this event, he receives an angel after whom he is named.

The angel whose name the person bears prays to God to save the soul of this person, atonement for his sins from God. Therefore, every believer needs to remember and honor his patronizing angel on his name day.

So, Polina must celebrate her name day once a year and honor the saint in whose honor she is named.

Profession and business

Prudence, caution and purposefulness are the main driving forces for a girl’s career growth. Polina strives for public recognition, so she is looking for ways of personal recognition. Education, the ability to adapt, and stand out greatly help her in this. The profession of a fashion designer and art expert is considered successful for her. Success comes from working as a television presenter and actress. The professions of an animator, florist, hairdresser, jeweler, and photographer give such a woman pleasure.

Achieving your goals and self-realization in your career is most often hampered by marriage, attachment to home, and ordinary surroundings.

Suitable professions

Thanks to the qualities of his character, he can become successful:

  • journalist;
  • advertising agent;
  • economist;
  • leader;
  • social worker.

The meaning of the name Appolinaria in Orthodoxy

Polina in Orthodoxy is Appolinaria. This name is of ancient Roman origin and denotes the patronage of Apollo, who in Ancient Greece was the god of the Sun and a mentor of art.

The name Appolinaria comes from the masculine Appolinarius, meaning freed. Today the name denotes a resident of the city. The colloquial form of the name is Polinaria.

The girl Polina or Appolinaria is distinguished by her kindness and responsiveness. She always cares about those around her and enjoys playing with other children since childhood. Likes to strive for excellence in housekeeping and studies. She takes comments hard, especially regarding her activities. She perceives them with cruelty and severity if her “I” was hurt.

Appolinaria likes to receive warmth and affection. She herself loves to give it to everyone around her. He is a very responsible person who does not waste words. She is distinguished by self-discipline, punctuality and a certain pedantry, which can sometimes greatly anger her friends and acquaintances, since she can be so carried away by the task that she can easily turn into a bore.

She is unpretentious in her studies. Can easily complete any task, but expects praise for the work done.

In fact, Polina is a good-natured and sympathetic person, not petty. Someone else's misfortune is not alien to her. She is always ready to help and provide any support. During her lifetime, she often becomes a psychologist, teacher, rescuer, doctor, and a person in a profession where communication with people and help come to the fore. She also loves animals and often helps them.

Easily communicates with strangers, finds common interests and makes useful contacts. She makes a devoted friend who will always come to you in difficult times.

He is a very caring and loving person, a reliable and loyal friend to loved ones. She has no health complaints, but she may have problems with the respiratory system. Therefore, Polina should take care of herself, her diet, her lifestyle, in particular, she should not overcool.

Origin and meaning

The female name Polina is common in Russia, popular among newborn girls. There is quite a lively and varied interest in its origin and interpretation. The name is associated with the ancient Greek sun god Apollo and gives it the meaning “solar”, “dedicated to Apollo”. The French version of the origin leads to the names Pauline (Pauline) - the feminine form of Paulin (Russian version - Peacock) and Paul (in Russian - Pavel). In this case, the name means “small”, “modest”.

Apollinaria Tupitsyna martyr life

Appolinaria Tupitsyn is one of the new martyrs canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church. Born in 1878 in the Volgograd region.

She lived simply, but was able to get a good education at the Wel gymnasium. After her she was a nurse, and then a housekeeper and nanny. She devoted her free minutes to her spiritual development, praying in church.

Witnesses called her an actively anti-Soviet person, since since 1936 she had gathered people around her and rallied against the Soviets. During her propaganda, she prayed and healed people in word and deed.

A year later she was detained and imprisoned in the Moscow Butyrka cell. Having found out what she was doing, the investigator had enough indicators of false witnesses and so she was shot. Her body was buried in a place where thousands of monks and clergy were present.

In 2009, she was numbered among the new martyrs , to whom ordinary people more than once turn for help. As in life, today people turn to her not only to heal the soul and body, but also for help in restoring injustice and fighting power.

Polina: what awaits the owner of the name?

Among Russian names there is one unusual thing: it is common, but at the same time quite rare, this is the female name Polina. This beautiful name sounds originally Russian, Slavic.

Is this so, what does the name Polina mean, where did it come from, how is it translated - in a word, we will find out everything about the name Polina.

First of all, Polina and Pelageya are not the same thing, they are completely different names: Wikipedia gives different meanings and characteristics, but they are similar only in sound. The interpretation of the name Polina is ambiguous; it has two different versions.

The first option is the most popular: if you stick to it, then the origin of the name Polina has ancient Greek roots and traces its history back to Apollo, the sun god beloved by the Greeks. So the name Polina means “sunny”. The second version also has a right to exist; according to it, the name originally sounded like Appolinaria. If you believe this version, then the translation of the name Polina is “liberated.”

This is not an Orthodox name, so in church Polina will be baptized, calling her Apollinaria or Paulina, sometimes Pelageya. But the name Polina is not in the calendar, so Polina’s name day is not celebrated.

But if the girl is named Apollinaria or something else at baptism, then Polina can celebrate the day of the angel on those dates that, according to the church calendar, correspond to the church name. There are foreign forms of the name Polina: Polly, Pavlina, Peilan, Polina, Paulina.

Affectionate and short forms: Lina, Polya, Polinochka, Polyasha, Polisha, Pasha, Pasya.

A quick description of the name Polina indicates that the girl has a cheerful character, she is active and brave, this girl cannot be called shy. In her early years, the baby pleases her parents every day, resembling a sweet angel - Polina is so beautiful, smiling and cheerful.

She is never capricious, very obedient, modest, but not fearful. While other children are playing with dolls, little Polya is looking for adventure: rescuing a puppy, removing a kitten from a tree, pulling out weeds in the garden - in general, looking for useful activities.

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At the same time, in childhood, any meaning of the name Polina suits her - both “sunny” and “liberated”, because, firstly, the girl really glows with joy and energy, and secondly, she adores freedom and is not constrained by fears or excessive shyness .

It is extremely important for a child to be praised, approved and appreciated for his achievements, even small ones. And what matters is not so much how much she was appreciated and what she actually achieved, but rather her feeling that she is doing something for a reason. If Polya does something, for example, draws or learns a poem, and none of the adults notice this, then the child gets the feeling that all this is in vain.

And the desire to continue disappears, and self-confidence falls. As the name Polina shows, it is extremely important for a girl to receive support from her parents, especially from her mother, because she focuses on her mother first and foremost, taking all the qualities from her.

Sides of character

As the meaning of the name Polina demonstrates, this girl is bright, free and “sunny”. She grows up beautiful, nature generously gifts her with unusual facial features, amazing eyes and extraordinary energy.

But even if a girl doesn’t have ideal facial proportions, she knows how to present it in such a way that everyone will gasp. She has been taking care of herself since childhood, loves to take care of her body and hair, dreams of cosmetics and perfume from an early age, and knows how to dress tastefully, even if there is no money for expensive clothes.

But there is one peculiarity: the young lady hates housekeeping and especially cleaning. This duality is the secret of the name Polina. She really takes very good care of herself, she can take a shower several times a day, and for her washing a mug is torture and hard labor.

Everything connected with dirt and garbage causes disgust and disgust in a girl.

Polina, as evidenced by the characteristics of this name, may not pay attention to the disorder around her, and she would rather not notice it than begin to clean it up.

True, after marriage all this can change radically, and the birth of the first child will make a woman completely unrecognizable in terms of life and order.

Another rare, wonderful quality that distinguishes her character: the name Polina is characterized by confidence and, on the contrary, she does not tend to doubt. She knows how to make all decisions literally with lightning speed, without much thought.

Thanks to this quality, Polina is often the first and wins, achieving results while others are thinking. However, there is one caveat that means that sometimes this leads to errors. But even mistakes do not frighten the girl: she learns from them, drawing conclusions and gaining valuable experience.

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Polina is independent, she feels every right to manage her life, her name gives her courage and willfulness. If you decide something, you shouldn’t try to convince her otherwise.

He hates being pressured and can't stand moralizing. She strives for a bright life, likes to exaggerate, and is very emotional. Prone to reckless actions.

If you offend her, it can instantly break off all relationships. Uncompromising, brave, desperate.

Business sphere

As the history of the name shows, this girl is smart, quick-witted, and has an excellent memory. All this, with a high degree of probability, can mean that the girl will graduate from school and even university with excellent results, but in fact, everything depends on herself, on her desires.

The girl, whose name is Polina, as the meaning of the name shows, is very willful, and if she gets bored with the institute, she can leave it without hesitation without receiving a diploma. What does it matter if she is talented, brave, active and full of life? The girl craves adventure, a bright and eventful life and strives for this with all her soul.

She does not set a goal to obtain a prestigious education. She also doesn’t strive to earn money, she’s ready to be content with little, and ideally wants to be provided for by a loving man. She will be happy to engage in her hobbies, self-development, read her favorite books, go to cultural events and simply live.

As for fun, Polina loves birthdays, name days, New Year and other holidays, loves to be the center of attention and receive gifts. But working hard is not her thing. She is a true lady who is not cut out for hard work.

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The girl is talented and loves creativity. She can become interested in photography, painting, acting or dancing, and then, as if by itself, the hobby will turn into a profession.

Polina, as the meaning of the name shows, has such a character that both fate and her life turn out well, no matter what she does. Luck smiles on her, she is lucky. She can paint her paintings with pleasure and organize exhibitions, without trying to sell her work for big money.

The girl is also ready to work in a low-level position in order to provide herself with the minimum necessary income, but at the same time not overwork and have free time for herself. Can be a consultant or salesperson in a women's store, work on telephone calls, be a teacher or nanny, a hairdresser, a manicurist. Too much responsibility and hard work are not for her.

Love of my life

The description of the character and characteristics of this person shows that she is extremely emotional, but this is inside, and outwardly the woman does not like to show her feelings, trying to protect herself. She knows perfectly well what it means to love, knows how to be faithful and devoted, dreams of a beautiful wedding and a harmonious family.

Looking for a handsome, extraordinary, wealthy man. She will love him with all her soul, adore and obey him, but she will also demand a lot from him. A man should be her not only lover and husband, but also a father, girlfriend, and older brother.

1. Polina has ideal compatibility with the following names: Dmitry, Igor, Alexey, Pavel, Vladimir, Ignat, Daniil, Stepan, Borislav, Andrey, Kirill, Eduard.

2. Average compatibility of Polina: Mikhail, Oleg, Vladislav, Maxim, Semyon, Timur, Timofey, Vyacheslav, Fedor.

3. Low compatibility: Konstantin, Leonid, Ivan, Anton, Boris, Ruslan, Victor, Nikolay, Yuri.

A name is not just a formal name given to a person. It predetermines character, outlines the lines of fate and the future, and can tell about very, very many things.

Polina is a unique name, endowed with magical, strong energy. The life of this woman will be long, filled with incredible events and many adventures that can be described in books.

This woman will always be happy! Vasilina Serova

Source: https://www.Ustupalov.ru/imya/polina-znachenie.html

Some features of the name day holiday

Not everyone knows how to celebrate the day of remembrance of their divine protector. Name day is a spiritual holiday. The hero of the occasion and his relatives remember the patron saint and his deeds, thereby the heavenly protector does not forget about his ward and pray for him.

On the day of the angel, Polina can go to church, confess, take communion, and cleanse her heart and thoughts. You need to visit your godparents. Of course, you can arrange a small banquet with friends. The main thing is not to turn the celebration of the memory of the patron saint into a noisy and drunken feast.

It’s not always and not so easy for everyone to celebrate Angel’s Day - Polina. According to the church calendar, the date may fall during the celebration of Lent, then you need to put the corresponding dishes on your table, and also move the celebration to the weekend.

In our country, the custom of celebrating name days has a long history; hundreds of years ago, Christians considered this holiday one of the most important in life; they honored their spiritual patron with reverence. And although many traditions were forgotten during the Soviet era, in recent decades everything has returned to normal. And the spiritual education of the next generation depends on how we observe this tradition now, what example we show to our children.

The mystery of the name

Polina's secret is that she is either very self-critical or extremely self-confident. With age, this feature becomes less pronounced, as the girl gains life experience and can already objectively distinguish between good and evil. Her parents play an important role for her. They must teach Polina from an early age that there are no good or bad people. If she understands this, then internal experiences will stop tormenting her.

An important role for Polina's parents

When raising a daughter, it is better to show as little severity and rudeness as possible, since in the future the child may become very constrained.

When a girl can overcome herself, she will become very confident, which makes it difficult for her to gain understanding from the outside. This is the whole absurdity - Polina’s life can be full of either internal experiences or selfishness. She will feel happiness only if she finds the balance between her own oppression and pride.

Compatibility and marriage

The meaning of the name Polina evokes signs of a subtle, gentle and cheerful nature, which at any cost will maintain a long relationship with her lover. For her, first of all, it is important that he is happy and does not experience discomfort, and for this she is ready to sacrifice her personal space and interests. Polina has a negative attitude towards frivolous relationships and wants to meet that young man to whom she can devote her whole life.

Polina dreams of meeting a young man for life

Most often this is:

  • Alexander;
  • Arseny;
  • Valery;
  • Benjamin;
  • Victor;
  • Vyacheslav;
  • Gleb;
  • Eugene;
  • Nikolai;
  • Sergey.

The names listed are mere statistics and do not carry any specific meaning. It is quite possible that Polina's lover will not be included in this list.

Polina is in no hurry to get married, but when she finds her one and only, she tries to make him feel better than other men. For his sake, she is able to endure any troubles in family life, just to maintain relationships and trust between each other. As for the children, Polina appears to them not only as a mother, but also as a close friend, and from childhood she teaches them to be independent. She was created to educate, because she does it very well. Polina believes that the most significant thing in life is the truth, not a lie, and she follows the same principle in relationships with her loved ones.

Celebrities named Polina

  1. Polina Annenkova (1800–1876) – Frenchwoman, wife of the Decembrist Ivan Aleksandrovich Annenkov.
  2. Pauline Viardot-Garcia (1821-1910) - famous French singer.
  3. Polina Astakhova (1936 - 2005) - Soviet gymnast. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1960).
  4. Polina Kumanchenko (born 1910 - Ukrainian actress.
  5. Polina Dashkova (born 1960) is a Russian writer.
  6. Polina Strepetova (1850 - 1903) - famous Russian theater actress.
  7. Polina Barskova (born 1976) is a Russian poet.
  8. Polina Zhemchuzhina (1897 - 1970) - Soviet party and statesman.
  9. Polina Kutepova (born 1971) is a Soviet and Russian actress.
  10. Pauline Macabies (born 1986) is a French biathlete.
  11. Polina Fedotova is a Russian pianist and music teacher.
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