How to fast on Wednesdays and Fridays: what you can eat

Believers who have recently been baptized ask many questions regarding church life. They are especially concerned about how to fast correctly on Wednesday and Friday. After all, for most this is a completely new life experience. Many do not understand why additional abstinence in food is needed, since there are already enough long fasts in the year. But if a person decides to observe two weekly ones, how to do it correctly? You will find the answer to these and many other questions in the article.

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What is fasting

Speaking about church customs and rituals, we should not forget that many of the first Christians were Jews. This religion had well-established traditions, which in terms of strict observance were equal to legal laws. Therefore, the followers of the new teaching decided that it was not worth eradicating customs, it was better to make sure that they smoothly merged into Christianity.

But before delving into the historical aspect, let’s figure out why it is generally necessary to fast every Wednesday and Friday. Are there really not enough days in the year for abstinence? After all, in Orthodoxy there are 4 multi-day fasts, with a total duration of 180 to 212 days (depending on the duration of Peter's fast, which depends on the date of Easter in a particular year).

  • Most holy fathers are firmly convinced that abstinence is simply necessary to maintain spiritual health. After all, the devil is cunning, he uses every opportunity to tempt a person and lead him astray from the path of obedience to God. Fasting is a kind of spiritual practice, it is an exercise for the soul.
  • On Wednesday, members of the Christian church remember the betrayal of one of Christ's disciples, namely Judas. Friday is dedicated to the crucifixion of the Savior.

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Many churchgoers are too focused on what they can and cannot eat.

But these days you should not only exclude certain foods from your diet, but also avoid sinful acts:

  • avoid overeating;
  • refrain from unkind thoughts;
  • do not speak evil words;
  • do not do bad things;
  • It's time to begin the sacrament of repentance.

This aspect is much more important than eating a certain food. After all, a person consists not only of a body, he has a spiritual, divine principle. Only for many, life is subordinated to the dictates of the flesh and is spent in search of pleasure. It is weekly fasting that is one of the tools for spiritual growth. It allows the Christian to restore the correct hierarchy - the spirit should rise above the body.

One day post July 2021

The numbers 17,19,24,26,31 are distinguished. Cooking with the addition of vegetable oil and fish products is allowed. Peter's Fast lasts from 1 to 11 inclusive. They fast intensively on the 3rd, 5th, and 10th.

Believers celebrate the Nativity of John the Baptist, Peter and Paul.

The tradition of fasting

According to the records of the church historian Tertullian (lived in the 3rd century), fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays was designated by a word that means “military guard.” This is not without reason - the author compared Christians with the soldiers of the Lord. According to the treatise, abstinence from food lasted until the 9th hour (according to modern times - up to 15 hours). These days the services were special.

The choice of time is not accidental - it was at 9 o’clock that the Savior died on the Cross, according to the Gospel of Matthew (chapter 27, verses 45-46). In ancient times, people completely refused not only food, but did not even take water. Today the rules have changed somewhat; believers fast throughout the day, giving up some foods. Christians of the first centuries brought all the food that they did not eat during these days to their bishop. The priest gave them to those who were in need.

If in our time the tradition of fasting days is quite established, then at first it was the voluntary choice of the believer. But even then the fast ended with the reception of Communion. True, the holy gifts were kept in every home. Gradually, Wednesday and Friday became days of meetings, when believers studied the Holy Scriptures together.

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Already in the 4th century St. Epiphanius writes that Wednesday and Friday are obligatory fast days, along with Pentecost. Those who ignore them oppose themselves to God, because Christ fasted, setting an example for us. In the 5th century, the Apostolic Rules were written down, according to which abstinence is obligatory for everyone - both clergy and laity, and the punishment for non-compliance is excommunication and deprivation of the priesthood.

One day post June 2021

The numbers 5,7,12,14 are highlighted. Cooking with the addition of vegetable oil and fish products is allowed. The 15th is set aside to remember deceased relatives.

Orthodoxy celebrates the Ascension of the Lord and Trinity.

In the last week of the month, believers keep the St. Peter's Fast. It is allowed to prepare fish products with the addition of vegetable oil.

How to fast on Wednesdays and Fridays correctly

The vanity of life, intemperance in food, drunkenness, harm the human soul. The Christian needs to awaken within himself the will to do good through the practice of abstinence. What is eaten on Wednesdays and Fridays depends on the strictness of a particular period of the church year. You should exclude meat and dairy products at any time:

  • meat products;
  • milk and all its derivatives (kefir, butter, yogurt, etc.);
  • eggs.

There is a more stringent degree of abstinence, when fish products, vegetable oil and all food that is boiled or fried are also prohibited. This type of fasting is called dry eating; during this period, a limited number of foods are allowed:

  • nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • fresh as well as pickled and pickled vegetables;
  • honey;
  • bread;
  • greenery.

To know exactly how to fast on Wednesday and Friday, you should purchase a church calendar. The dates and degree of abstinence are indicated there.

One day post January 2021

One-day January fast days include 1,18,23,25,30. It is allowed to cook dishes with the addition of vegetable oil and fish.

Strict fasting days continue from 2 to 6. 18th, religious celebration of Epiphany Eve. It is supposed to be carried out in complete strictness, refusing food and all kinds of entertainment programs. Orthodoxy is preparing its soul for the Baptism of the Savior. Believers spend the entire next day in prayer, visit the temple, and bless the water. At dawn you are supposed to take a swim; it is believed that the water that flows from the tap is blessed and has healing properties.

Who does not have to fast?

If a believer has health problems, relaxations are possible. You need to inform your doctor about your faith, he will tell you what degree of fasting will not harm the body. Pregnant women, the elderly, manual workers, military personnel, athletes during training camps, and children under 7 years of age may not fast.

If in doubt, you should consult with your confessor about how you personally should observe weekly fasts. Also, several times a year they are canceled for everyone, during those periods when the so-called continuous weeks take place:

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  • After the Nativity of Christ (Christmastide);
  • Before the beginning of Lent (14 days before, on the week of the Publican and the Pharisee);
  • Everyone’s favorite Maslenitsa (also before Lent, only meat is excluded from the diet, other food of animal origin can be eaten);
  • Bright Week (immediately after Easter);
  • Trinity Week (after the holiday of Trinity).

There are also instructions about this in church calendars.

One day post April 2021

Believers fast for the entire month. The 6th day will be set aside to remember deceased relatives.

The church allows you not to fast on the 7th and 21st. Because religious celebrations fall on them. Annunciation of the Mother of God and Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.

The preparation of fish products is allowed, and the consumption of red wine is allowed. The Lenten period ends with the celebration of Easter.

Lenten recipes

Although on Wednesdays and Fridays you cannot eat meat and sausages, you can still prepare a wide variety of salads and soups. If fish is allowed, it serves as the main dish. It can be stewed, fried, baked. But if oil and fish are prohibited, then you will have to use your imagination.

  • Okroshka is a good first choice. Since dairy products are prohibited, water is used as a basis. Cucumber and tomato are ground on a grater. Fresh herbs are chopped with a knife. Use salt and pepper as seasoning.
  • Buckwheat is interesting because it can be prepared without cooking. To do this, it is recommended to fill it with water in the evening and leave it under the lid. By morning it will swell and the main dish is ready. A vegetable salad is suitable as a side dish.
  • Lenten salad based on beets. Boil the beets, peel and pass through a coarse grater. Chop the nuts. Prunes are soaked in warm water, then cut into small pieces. Lenten mayonnaise is suitable for dressing.
  • Vitamin salad is prepared from carrots, radishes and apples. The ratio of ingredients is taken to taste. Vegetables are finely grated and mixed. You can season the dish with chopped garlic and lemon juice.

As you can see, even on days of strict abstinence you can eat tasty and varied food.

  • How to properly fast before Easter;
  • See here how to properly take communion and confess in church;
  • How to properly confess in church:

One day post September 2021

The numbers 4,6,11,13,18,20,25,27 are distinguished. Cooking with the addition of vegetable oil and fish products is allowed. The exceptions are the 11th and 27th.

Believers fast in all severity, dedicated to the religious celebration of the Beheading of John the Baptist and the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord.

The Mother of God does not fast on Christmas Day.

Dry eating practice

An Orthodox believer is obliged to observe the practice of fasting on every third and fifth day of the week, giving up eggs, meat products, fish and milk. Such abstinence, lasting 24 hours, involves dry eating - food (nuts, various fruits) prepared using a cold method.

The degree of severity is determined by the spiritual superior or the person personally. However, when preparing a Lenten diet, it is necessary to take into account the lifestyle and general health of the believer.

The priests do not have a unanimous opinion on this matter. The clergy adheres to one of two positions:

  • Strict fasting is characterized by the consumption of bread, dried, raw vegetables without the use of vegetable oil. Only berry juices and water are suitable for drinking; wine is strictly prohibited.
  • A less restrictive option allows you to eat baked foods. Here believers can drink instant teas and coffee.

On a note! In the Didache chronicle there is no explicit indication of whether fast days in Orthodoxy are obligatory or whether they are a personal choice of everyone. In ancient times, the Pharisees and Romans observed dietary abstinence at their own discretion.

When does Lent begin and end in 2021?

dates of Lent depend on the time of Easter April 19 in 2021 .

Lent lasts 49 days (six weeks and Holy Week), so it begins in 2021 on Monday, March 2 . The end of Lent is Saturday, April 18 , on the eve of Easter.

Food diary for Lent 2021 - 2019

In 2021 and 2021, there are 4 large Lenten periods: Easter, Petrov, Assumption, Christmas.

The special fast days designated in the Orthodox calendar are strictly observed. Only the consumption of dry foods, baked or boiled fruits and vegetables, and food without oil is allowed. It is allowed, subject to partial strictness, to prepare lean liquid and boiled food with the addition of vegetable oil. You can take the approximate menu from the provided diary as a basis. The menu can be expanded and improved. But be sure to adhere to the Orthodox calendar.

Diary of food during the very strict Easter and Dormition Lent.

Diary of food during Christmas and Peter's fast.

Is it possible to set aside a Friday day for the holiday?


Answer: There are three opinions on this question.

First opinions. This is forbidden and this opinion was conveyed by Abu Toib At-Tabari from Imam Ahmad, as well as from Ibn Munzir and from some Shafiites, and he conveyed this opinion to Ibn Munzir and Ibn Hajr that it is forbidden to keep the prayer on Friday from Ali as well as Abu Huraira from Salman Al-Farisi and from Abu Zarra.

The author of the book says that Asar Abu Huraira and Abu Zarra are authentic, but as for Asar Ali and Salman al-Farisi, these two Asar are not reliable. In the footnote comes as for Asar Ali ibn Abi Tolib comes from Ibn Abi Shayb with two isnads, in the first isnad al-Harith Al-Awar who is a liar and in the second isnad Imran ibn Zabyan who is a weak transmitter and in addition his Sheikh Hakim ibn Saad is unknown transmitter. As for Asar Salman, Abdu Razzak cites him in his Musannafi with an interrupted isnad. That is, these two asaras are not reliable.

Ibn Hazm says: “We do not know that any of the companions contradicted these companions in the opinion that one cannot keep fast on Friday.” And the first opinion in the matter was chosen by al-Sanani and al-Shaukani. And this opinion is correct and the correctness of this opinion is indicated by the hadith of Abu Hureyra in Bukhari and Muslim, which is mentioned in chapter number 673 .

In Sahih it came from Juwayriyah bint al-Harith, may Allah be pleased with her, that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, visited her on Friday when she was fasting. He asked her: “Did you fast yesterday?” She said, "No." He asked: “Are you going to fast tomorrow?” She said, "No." He said: “Then break your fast.” Hammad ibn al-Ja'd said: “I heard Qatada say: Abu Ayyub told me that Juwayriyyah spoke to him and he told her to break her fast, and she did so.” (Bukhari, 1850).

That is, an order came from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) then break your fast (break your fast) and this basis in the order indicates obligation.

Second opinion. Keeping a fast on Friday is not advisable, and this is the opinion of the majority of scientists, and they used the same arguments as the supporters of the first opinion.

Third opinion. It is advisable to keep fasting on Friday this way and this is the opinion of Imam Malik and said ad-Daudi says this hadith about the prohibition of fasting on Friday did not reach Imam Malik, and if he had reached him, then Imam Malik would not have contradicted him and that that keeping a fast on Friday is desirable is the opinion of Abu Hanifa.

As for the wisdom of why it is forbidden to keep the eid on Friday, it is possible because it is one of the Muslim holidays, and as you know, the eid is not kept on the holiday.

[Transcript editor's note]:

Friday is considered a Muslim holiday, and it is known that fasting is prohibited on holidays. Some theologians consider this prohibition categorical. However, most theologians believe that fasting on Friday is not prohibited if Friday falls on days when a Muslim regularly observes voluntary fasting. This opinion is confirmed by a hadith narrated from the words of Ibn Mas'ud, which reports that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, fasted for three days every month and rarely broke his fast on Fridays. This hadith was narrated by Ahmad, Abu Dawud, at-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah, and at-Tirmidhi called it good. See “Ithaf al-Qiram”, page 193.

There are many generalized hadiths indicating that one cannot fast on Friday except on the day before or after.

You should know that Friday is forbidden for fasting for the reason that it is the day of Eid in Islam, and fasting is prohibited on the days of Eid. And the argument that this day is Eid is the hadith from Ibn 'Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him), who reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said about Friday: “ Verily, Allah made this day Eid for Muslims. And whoever comes to Friday prayers, let him bathe, and if he has incense, let him anoint himself with it. And use siwak.” Ibn Majah 1098. Sheikh al-Albani called the hadith good. See Sahih al-Jami' 2258.

And the argument that this is the day of Eid and one cannot fast on it, unless on the day before or after, is the hadith from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), who reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said : “Verily, Friday is the day of 'Eid! So do not turn the day of your Eid into a day on which you fast, unless you fast the day before or after it.” Ahmad 15/157. Sheikh Ahmad Shakir and Shu'ayb al-Arnout confirmed the authenticity of the hadith.

Also, 'Ali ibn 'Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “Whoever wishes to observe a voluntary fast every month, let him fast on Thursday and not fast on Friday, since this is the day of eating, drinking and remembrance of Allah.” Ibn Ibi Shaiba 3/44. Imam al-Shaukani called the isnad good.

Qais ibn Sakan said: “One day, people who were fasting on Friday passed by Abu Dharr (may Allah be pleased with him), and he said to them: “ I swear, you better break your fast, for, truly, this day is Eid!” “Ibn Abi Shaiba 2/160. Sheikh al-Albani called the isnad authentic.

Thus, the basis of fasting on Friday is that it is condemnable and prohibited. And the exception is fasting on this day with the day before or after. According to Abu Hurayrah, it is reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said : “Let none of you fast on Friday except the day before or after it.” al-Bukhari 1985, Muslim 1144.

As for the one who observes his specific fast, such as fasting every other day, fasting on the day of Arafah or Ashura, fasting for three days every month, and this day falls on Friday, then there is no problem in this, as many scholars have said. As an argument, they cited the following hadith: It is reported from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “ Do not choose Friday night for night prayer (qiyam) from other nights, and do not choose Friday for fasting from other days, unless we are talking about a fast that one of you observes on other days.” Muslim 1144.

Ibn Qudama said: “It is not advisable to set aside Friday for fasting, except if it coincides with the fast that a person usually observes, such as if a person fasts every other day and the day that he fasts falls on Friday, or a person who has the habit of fasting on the first or last day of the month, or in the middle of the month.” Source: Al-Mughni, 3/53.

An-Nawawi said: “The scholars of our madhhab said: it is not advisable to set aside Friday for fasting, but if someone combines it with the previous or subsequent day, or it coincides with the day on which he usually fasts, or if he has vowed to fast on that the day when his loved one is cured, or the day when so-and-so returns, and that day falls on Friday, then fasting is not undesirable.” Source: al-Majmuah Sharh al-Mazhab, volume 6, page 479.

Shaykhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said: “The Sunnah says that it is undesirable to set aside Rajab for fasting, and it is also undesirable to set aside Friday for fasting.” Source: Al-Fatawa al-Kubra, volume 6, page 180.

Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen said: “As for Friday, it is not Sunnah to fast on this day, and it is not advisable to set aside it for fasting.” Source: Al-Sharh al-Mumti, volume 6, page 465.

Hafiz Ibn Hajar said, listing the reasons why fasting on Friday is not blameworthy: “It is permissible to fast on Friday with the day before or after; or if it falls on Friday on one of the days on which this person usually fasts, like one who fasts white days (three days in the middle of the lunar month, the 13th, 14th and 15th of each month according to Hijri); or who usually fasts on a certain day, such as the day of 'Arafah, which coincides with Friday. It is also permissible for the one who gave lunch to fast on this day if Zeid (the name is given as an example) returns or so-and-so is healed (even if this happened on Friday).” See “Fathul-Bari” 5/418.

When the scholars of the Standing Committee were asked about fasting on the day of 'Arafah, which coincided with Friday, whether it is possible to fast only on this day without the day before or after, they replied: “It is legal to fast on the day of 'Arafah, even if it falls on a Friday, without fasting until that day.” But then they concluded: “However, if he fasts on the day before Friday, it will be better, since this is a precaution and corresponds to two hadiths.” See “Fataawa al-Lajna” No. 6655.

They are referring to the following two hadiths: "Fasting on the day of 'Arafah serves as atonement for the sins of the past and present year." Muslim 1162.

The same applies to someone who fasts from the month of Ramadan. “It is permissible for a Muslim to fast on Friday to make up for the days of fasting from Ramadan, even if he fasts only on Friday.” Source: Fatwa Lyajna Daima, volume 10, page 347. [End of note].


Source: Commentary on the collection of hadiths of Ibn Hajar Askalani “Bulugh Al Maram” “Fath ul-'Allam fi dirasat ahadith bulugh il-maram hadisiyan wa fikhiyan ma'a zikri ba'dil masail al-mulhaqa.” (Help from the Knowledgeable One in studying the hadiths of “Bulugh ul-Maram” from the point of view of hadith studies and fiqh, as well as mentioning some additional issues).


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