The text of the prayer and akathist to the Economist icon and how the Housebuilder helps

4.5 / 5 ( 2 voices)

Kontakion 1

Chosen from the foundation of the world to the Most Holy Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, who truly gave birth in the flesh to Jesus Christ, our Savior and God, the Lady of the whole universe, who dearly loved the race of the saints of Christ and took their holy monasteries under Her sovereign protection, we offer praise. You, O our All-Honorable Mother Abbess, protect and save us from all enemies, visible and invisible, and let us call You:

Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin, Holy Mount Athos and the entire universe of Orthodox monasteries, All-Honorable Abbess.

Ikos 1

Angels in the flesh are all reverend fathers and mothers, youths and virgins, who have shone forth among the saints from time immemorial, and who now Orthodoxy march into heavenly villages under the radiance of the Honest and Life-giving Cross of Christ, on earth, in the vale of tears and sorrows, under the sovereign patronage of the Mother of Christ God Our Most Honorable Abbess of the Orthodox monastic life, We joyfully cry out for her merciful intercession:

Rejoice, our most honorable Mother Abbess; Rejoice, hope of our salvation.

Rejoice, Guardian of the Holy Mountains of Athos; Rejoice, savior of the monks living there.

Rejoice, joy and glory of Christ's ascetics; Rejoice, Divine joy of the desert saints.

Rejoice, for through You all the saints are saved; Rejoice, for the whole universe is adorned by You.

Rejoice, O Lady of the visible and invisible world; Rejoice, to the villages of heavenly Paradise, Leader.

Rejoice, good beginning and glorious end to the lives of all the saints; Rejoice, holy joys of the Divine stream.

Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin, Holy Mount Athos and the entire universe of Orthodox monasteries, All-Honorable Abbess.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the sorrowful path of salvation for all His saints, our Lord Jesus Christ favored His Mother, the Most Honorable Virgin Theotokos, may She extend Her Divine cover of abbesses over all the holy monasteries of the Holy Mount Athos and the entire universe of Orthodox monastic salvation, so that all who are saved in reverence and holiness, Seeing this by faith, they continually cry out to the Savior God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Having the Divine mind, all reverend fathers and mothers, having loved the glory of heaven with all their souls, having hated the world with all its delights and trampled underfoot, marched in the labors of the saints behind Christ in the world of their lives, comfortably guided by His Ever-Virgin heavenly Abbess, Who is seen in the face by faith Her icons of saints touchingly cry out:

Rejoice, our salvation is paramount; Rejoice, our joy in this and in the future life.

Rejoice, wondrous Builder of our holy abodes; Rejoice, merciful Economist of monastic hostels.

Rejoice, flower of Divine vegetation; Rejoice, the joy of the universal resurrection.

Rejoice, Divine joy to all saints; Rejoice, decoration of Orthodox monasticism.

Rejoice, true Mother of our Savior; Rejoice, for in your flesh you gave birth to the Conqueror of hell.

Rejoice, for you have planted a spiritual garden on Athos; Rejoice, for you have guided those living there in reverence to heaven.

Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin, Holy Mount Athos and the entire universe of Orthodox monasteries, All-Honorable Abbess.

Kontakion 3

The power of the Most High overshadows all in reverence and holiness and in the truth of those who live, who have hated the vanity of this world and fled to the holy monastic monasteries and there in the form of an angel, having taken upon themselves the good yoke of Christ, holyly struggling, through all their life they incessantly cry out to the Most Holy Trinity: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

All the councils of saints: shining among the saints from time immemorial and now, having a fiery desire for salvation, performing feats of salvation in the monasteries of monastic life, in laurels, monasteries, hermitages, monasteries, cells and in every place of the whole universe, having a wondrous shield of salvation, the divine abbesses of the Mother God, they sing songs of praise to Her:

Rejoice, our gatherer among the sinful world; Rejoice, builder of our spiritual salvation.

Rejoice, you who saved the entire race of fallen Adam; Rejoice, thou who gave birth in flesh to the indescribable Savior and our God.

Rejoice, Most Honorable Nun, image of those who are saved; Rejoice, righteous Mother Superior of all of us who strive.

Rejoice, invincible Voevodo of the Orthodox faith; Rejoice, all-powerful divine fortress.

Rejoice, Mother of the Lord and our Blessed One; Rejoice, favored to all saints.

Rejoice, door of mercy for the penitent; Rejoice, hope in God of those who strive.

Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin, Holy Mount Athos and the entire universe of Orthodox monasteries, All-Honorable Abbess.

Kontakion 4

The reverend fathers and mothers left the storm of sin-loving doubts, having loved the thorny path of salvation, living in the midst of sorrows and hardships, for the sake of the Heavenly Kingdom, decorating with their God-pleasing life many places in the universe, where they founded the holy monasteries of monastic salvation, in which those who are saved always sing the Angelic hymn to Christ our God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing the holy words of the Gospel of Christ, the chosen one of heaven, despising all the vanity of this world and going on the holy path, bearing the good yoke of our Savior, by her life in the flesh became like a holy Angel, having a wonderful Abbess over all their holy abodes, throughout the entire universe, like the stars of heaven, shining, they always cry out to Neizha:

Rejoice, all-wise Mother Superior of Orthodox monasticism; Rejoice, salvation of God's chosen people.

Rejoice, pillar of virginity and ocean of mercy; Rejoice, eternal joy of heavenly joy.

Rejoice, refuge for the repentant sinner; Rejoice, treasure to the poor ascetic.

Rejoice, you who cover the entire universe with love; Rejoice, thou who castest Satan into hell with the glory of heaven.

Rejoice, Divine joy of Angels and men; Rejoice, for you have brought crying to the demon forever.

Rejoice, only hope of the Orthodox faith; Rejoice, Mother of the Lord and our All-Glorious.

Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin, Holy Mount Athos and the entire universe of Orthodox monasteries, All-Honorable Abbess.

Kontakion 5

Having lived the godly life of the righteous woman and having reached the Heavenly Fatherland with joy, the holy angels rejoice in the Lord forever; We, their brethren, strive in holy abodes, singing songs of praise to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the chosen one of the Lord the fleeting glory of this world: wealth is fickle, happiness is fleeting, sorrows, sorrows and despair and all sorts of misadventures exist in the dream of this life companion, in the end, bodily death is inevitable for all people, but with holy faith the eternal settlements are contemplating, having loved the narrow and sorrowful path monastic life, where the Most Holy Mother of the Lord Himself abbesses, guiding Her saving spiritual children, who cry out to Her in praise:

Rejoice, the only salvation of our souls; Rejoice, heavenly consolation for all those who mourn.

Rejoice, Holy Mountains of Athos, Enlightener; Rejoice, Patroness of the entire universe.

Rejoice, reliable refuge for all who repent; Rejoice, quiet refuge for those fleeing troubles.

Rejoice, Lavra of the Pechersk Builder; Rejoice, Protectress of the Pochaev monastery.

Rejoice, Economist of the Lavra of Athanasius of Afonskogo; Rejoice, book of Christ's Testament of Novosion.

Rejoice, you who have gathered all the saints into one; Rejoice, you who have shown Orthodox Christians the path to heaven.

Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin, Holy Mount Athos and the entire universe of Orthodox monasteries, All-Honorable Abbess.

Kontakion 6

The preachers of the grace-filled life equal to the angels appeared in the flesh, the reverend fathers: Anthony the Great, Pachomius, Macarius, Theodosius and other reverend fathers and mothers, whose lives followed the host of all the saints, heirs of the former paradise abodes with all the saints, and we, now imitating them, in the rank of Angels Living, we sing praises to the Savior of the world: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The image of life equal to the angels has risen for all who seek salvation far from all the vanities of the world, by the example of Christ Himself and our God and His Most Pure Mother, the Ever-Virgin Mary the Theotokos, the Forerunner of the Lord John and many saints, whose lives are imitated by all saints, under the sovereign leadership of the Lady of the universe, the Most Honorable Abbess of Orthodox monastic monasteries, Mary the Mother of God, praised by all the saints with wonderful praises:

Rejoice, Orthodox monastic Mother Abbess; Rejoice, their angelic life is eternal salvation.

Rejoice, good Teacher on the path of heavenly life; Rejoice, Mother Superior of the monastic homeland.

Rejoice, quick protection for the orphaned; Rejoice, for as an ascetic you always prepare crowns for the saints.

Rejoice, loving all the righteous; Rejoice, you who have mercy on repentant sinners.

Rejoice, for Your love is likened to God’s love; Rejoice, for through You every creation in the Lord is saved.

Rejoice, joy of divine joy; Rejoice, protection and salvation of the whole world.

Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin, Holy Mount Athos and the entire universe of Orthodox monasteries, All-Honorable Abbess.

Kontakion 7

I wish to improve the sorrowful path to heaven, may our Lord Jesus Christ favor His Mother, and may he preside over all Orthodox monastic monasteries throughout the entire universe, leading to the villages of the heavenly paradise the hosts of the chosen ones, seeking salvation and singing to our Savior God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

The reverend fathers and mothers showed a new life in the image of an angelic life, having forsaken all the sweets of the sinful world and loved to march to Heaven along the path of the King of Glory, Christ our God, through sorrow and suffering, and was a homeless martyr, enduring all the evil of the Kingdom for the sake of God, which she received , and now a host of saints walk in this way, led by the Mother of God, as the Most Honorable Abbess of their venerable life, exalted by their praises:

Rejoice, Mother of the Lord, the All-Righteous Judge; Rejoice, chosen to be Abbess from all eternity.

Rejoice, you who has surpassed the purity of your body; Rejoice, having adorned Heaven with the holiness of Your soul.

Rejoice, gospel of the Heavenly Fatherland; Rejoice, spiritual leader of Orthodox monasticism.

Rejoice, zealous prayer book for all Orthodox; Rejoice, good builder for the chosen saints.

Rejoice, quiet haven for all who travel; Rejoice, chamber of blessed old age.

Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin, Holy Mount Athos and the entire universe of Orthodox monasteries, All-Honorable Abbess.

Kontakion 8

Christ's chosen ones have a strange life, having abandoned bodily passions and pleasures, having loved the path of sorrows and suffering: in deserts, on islands, in rock crevices, in oak forests with animals, living like angels, where by the will of God they built holy abodes, in which I sang through all my life like cherubs to the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All the Almighty God became in the minds and hearts of His chosen saints, according to what was said: “Wonderful is God in His saints,” glorifying His saints, gathering them from the midst of the sinful world, placing them in holy abodes, so that His holy name may glory in them with the saints of the Angels forever, and the Lady Theotokos, the All-Good Mother of the Lord, wisely admonishes those who humbly praise Her mercies from troubles and sorrows:

Rejoice, Most Honest of all creation and the entire universe; Rejoice, sweetest one, for you are the village of God.

Rejoice, holy cover of our life; Rejoice, Divine source of the sweetest sweetness.

Rejoice, all our hope of salvation and peace; Rejoice, according to God, all our hope in earthly life.

Rejoice, for Your Son and Lord has risen; Rejoice, for He will resurrect all flesh.

Rejoice, Even the Heavenly Hosts sing praises; Rejoice, praised according to your dignity by all the saints.

Rejoice, great joy of my salvation; Rejoice, Divine consolation for the whole world.

Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin, Holy Mount Athos and the entire universe of Orthodox monasteries, All-Honorable Abbess.

Kontakion 9

All earthly wisdom has despised the holy saints, like the holy fools of Christ for the sake of appearing, running and wandering on earth, not having anywhere bodily rest, the Kingdom for the sake of Heaven, which we have received, and we, imitating them in our lives, deeds and love for the Lord, Whom we praise, angelically singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The Rev. Fathers, Pachomius the Great, Anthony the Great, Macarius of Egypt and all the Orthodox monks, who shone forth among the saints, appeared in the vicar of the wisdom of the Lord, for with their holy life equal to the angels on earth and words of salvation, they saved many hosts of disciples, true servants of Christ throughout the entire universe, by the will of the Most Holy Trinity , under the sovereign abbess of the Lady Theotokos, with all my heart she always praises this:

Rejoice, Sovereign Lady of the Universe; Rejoice, Abbess of our salvation.

Rejoice, all-loving Daughter of God the Father; Rejoice, you were honored to be the Mother of the Son of God for your holiness and humility.

Rejoice, beautiful Palato of God the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, O All-Rich in Love in Heaven and on Earth.

Rejoice, nun, most honorable Cherub; Rejoice, Mother of God, greater than Seraphim.

Rejoice, all-wise teaching of the Apostles of Christ; Rejoice, wonderful patience of the holy martyrs.

Rejoice, justification of all saints; Rejoice at our help in earthly suffering.

Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin, Holy Mount Athos and the entire universe of Orthodox monasteries, All-Honorable Abbess.

Kontakion 10

Although to save the human race, our Lord Jesus Christ descended from Heaven into the vale of weeping and sorrows and through His suffering of Divine life set an example for all the saints who wish to achieve heavenly eternal peace, praising Him in holiness and truth with angelic voices: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

The wall of the Divine fortress appeared, our All-Honorable Mother Abbess, protecting, saving, covering all the holy monasteries of monastic life in the Holy Mount Athos and throughout the entire universe, from the dawn of the Christian faith until the day of the Last Judgment of Christ, saving Her venerable ones with Divine mercy, those who ever praised Her these words of generosity:

Rejoice, Most Holy Mother Abbess; Rejoice, source of the spiritual resurrection.

Rejoice, thou who covers the entire universe; Rejoice, thou who delightest the holy Church of Christ.

Rejoice, prophetic glory and crown; Rejoice, and my life has a blessed end.

Rejoice, you are redder than heaven and sweeter than paradise; Rejoice, image of holy life.

Rejoice, loving Your lot Athos; Rejoice, you who adorn Jerusalem and Zion.

Rejoice, Mother of the Merciful Judge; Rejoice, you who shed Your tears for the world.

Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin, Holy Mount Athos and the entire universe of Orthodox monasteries, All-Honorable Abbess.

Kontakion 11

All the saints in the heavenly villages of paradise bring all-contrite singing, with the saints the Angels praising and exalting the Most Holy Trinity: “Holy, Holy, Holy,” they cry, and we, Orthodox foreigners, by faith seeing this, cry unceasingly to our God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Having received the light-receiving candle of Orthodox life, the council of saints, who have shone forth from time immemorial and are now marching on the heavenly path, possessing the Almighty Lady in the Lord, the Mother of Immanuel, joyfully cry out to Her with praises:

Rejoice, you who give us the image of humility; Rejoice, our Gatherer in the abode of salvation.

Rejoice, Abbess of Holy Mount Athos; Rejoice, Mother Superior of all holy monasteries.

Rejoice, nun, most honorable in your life; Rejoice, Voevodo, most powerful in battle.

Rejoice, guardian of the children of the church; Rejoice, Savior of the living and the dead.

Rejoice, blessed Mother of the orphans; Rejoice, pleasant joy in the sorrow of those who exist.

Rejoice, salvation of Orthodox Christians; holy bounties Divine Ocean.

Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin, Holy Mount Athos and the entire universe of Orthodox monasteries, All-Honorable Abbess.

Kontakion 12

Our All-Sweet Savior always bestows grace upon all His servants who labor in reverence and holiness in the field of earthly life; Already, a host of saints glorified by the Orthodox Church, in the villages of paradise, sing the Most Holy Trinity with all the Heavenly powers, and we, imitating them, cry out to God, wondrous in the saints: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing all the Lord’s mercies and generosity to us, unworthy monks, ever sent down, and the all-honorable abbess of our All-Blessed Lady Theotokos over all our abodes, we rejoice divinely and rejoice, for we have been honored to achieve salvation in those abodes, where a host of venerable ascetics have already reached the Heavenly Kingdom, With their holy prayers, by the grace of God and under the holy Protection of our Heavenly Mother Abbess, we will reach the villages of paradise for the labors of salvation, praiseworthy, singing the words:

Rejoice, Most Holy Virgin Mary; Rejoice, Helper of our salvation.

Rejoice, All-Generous Abbess of all; Rejoice, you are the first in reverence.

Rejoice, covering the whole world with a blanket of mercy; Rejoice, nourisher of strange orphans.

Rejoice, teacher of chastity to young people; Rejoice, good sorrowful one for all people.

Rejoice, joy of the race of the forefather Adam; Rejoice, quiet haven of salvation.

Rejoice, our all-generous Mother Abbess; Rejoice, good beginning and end of our chant.

Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin, Holy Mount Athos and the entire universe of Orthodox monasteries, All-Honorable Abbess.

Kontakion 13

O our All-Sung Mother Abbess, Glorious Lady Theotokos! Accept this prayer of ours, which we now offer to You with all our souls, and grant us, in the rank of angels, to reach the Heavenly Kingdom, where all the holy Angels sing with unceasing voices the praise of the Most Holy Trinity to our God: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1st, kontakion 1st.)

Ikos 1

Angels in the flesh are all reverend fathers and mothers, youths and virgins, who have shone forth among the saints from time immemorial, and who now Orthodoxy march into heavenly villages under the radiance of the Honest and Life-giving Cross of Christ, on earth, in the vale of tears and sorrows, under the sovereign patronage of the Mother of Christ God Our Most Honorable Abbess of the Orthodox monastic life, We joyfully cry out for her merciful intercession:

Rejoice, our most honorable Mother Abbess; Rejoice, hope of our salvation.

Rejoice, Guardian of the Holy Mountains of Athos; Rejoice, savior of the monks living there.

Rejoice, joy and glory of Christ's ascetics; Rejoice, Divine joy of the desert saints.

Rejoice, for through You all the saints are saved; Rejoice, for the whole universe is adorned by You.

Rejoice, O Lady of the visible and invisible world; Rejoice, to the villages of heavenly Paradise, Leader.

Rejoice, good beginning and glorious end to the lives of all the saints; Rejoice, holy joys of the Divine stream.

Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin, Holy Mount Athos and the entire universe of Orthodox monasteries, All-Honorable Abbess.

Kontakion 1

Chosen from the foundation of the world to the Most Holy Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, who truly gave birth in the flesh to Jesus Christ, our Savior and God, the Lady of the whole universe, who dearly loved the race of the saints of Christ and took their holy monasteries under Her sovereign protection, we offer praise. You, O our All-Honorable Mother Abbess, protect and save us from all enemies, visible and invisible, and let us call You:

Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin, Holy Mount Athos and the entire universe of Orthodox monasteries, All-Honorable Abbess.

(After the akathist a prayer is read)

The meaning of the Economissa icon in Orthodoxy

The history of the Economissa icon began at the end of the 10th century, after the founding of the monastery on Holy Mount Athos by Elder Athanasius. One of the years turned out to be a bad harvest, bringing famine to the holy land. Almost all the monks left the monastery.

Afanasy lasted the longest, but one day he decided to leave the monastery grounds. But the monk’s way was blocked by an unfamiliar woman who called herself the Mother of the Lord and told him to go back. Surprised Athanasius did not believe the Mother of God. But the Mother of God ordered the monk to hit the stone with his staff, from which a miraculous spring immediately began to flow. After this, the Mother of God said that from now on she would guard the monastery, becoming its Economist (House Builder).

Returning to the monastery, the elder saw full bins. Hunger left the monastery, the monks returned to the Holy Mountain. Since then, need has bypassed the Lavra. And the monks captured the image of the Mother of God-Economissa by painting an icon.

The House Builder belongs to the iconographic type of the All-Tsaritsa. The meaning of the icon can be judged by the features of the image of the Virgin Mary seated on the throne:

  • The Queen of Heaven is wearing royal robes;
  • the crown above the head of the Mother of God is held by two angels;
  • the maforium of the Virgin Mary is decorated with three stars located on the head and shoulders;
  • on both sides of the Virgin Mary there are saints: Athanasius of Athos with a miniature copy of the Lavra and Michael of Sinad with a scroll in his hands;
  • the God-Infant sits on the left hand;
  • the right hand is raised to bless Saint Athanasius.

Some icons depict monks building the monastery at the foot of the royal throne. A little to the left is the appearance of the Mother of God to Saint Athanasius.

The veneration of the “Housebuilder” icon takes place once a year, coinciding with the day of remembrance of St. Athanasius of Athos - July 18 according to the new calendar (July 5 according to the old style). The miraculous icon is a connecting link between the spiritual and material spheres of a person’s life, helping to establish oneself in faith. From the beginning of its existence, the holy image never left the Lavra, becoming famous for many miracles, healing and saving people from hunger.

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos before Her icon called “Ekonomissa or Abbess of Mount Athos”

Kontakion 1

To the Most Holy Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, chosen from the foundation of the world, who truly gave birth in the flesh to Jesus Christ, our Savior and our God, as the Lady of the universe, who dearly loved Christ and took their holy abodes under Her sovereign protection, we offer praise. You, our All-Honorable Mother Abbess, protect and save us from all enemies, visible and invisible, and let us call You: Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin, holy Mount Athos and the entire universe of Orthodox monasteries, All-Honorable Abbess!

Ikos 1

Angels in the flesh are all reverend fathers and mothers, youths and virgins, who have shone forth among the saints from time immemorial and who now Orthodoxy march into the heavenly villages under the radiance of the Honest and Life-giving Cross of Christ, on the earthly field, in the vale of tears and sorrows, under the sovereign patronage of the Mother of Christ our God , Most Honorable Abbess of the Orthodox monastic life. We joyfully cry out to this merciful intercession: Rejoice, our Most Honorable Mother Abbess; Rejoice, hope of our salvation. Rejoice, Guardian Mountains of Athos; Rejoice, there are monks living there, Savior. Rejoice, joy and glory of Christ's ascetics; Rejoice, Divine joy of the desert saints. Rejoice, for through You all the saints are saved; Rejoice, for the whole universe is adorned by You. Rejoice, countless worlds about God the Lady; Rejoice, the infusion of heavenly paradise to the Leader. Rejoice, good and glorious end of all the saints’ lives; Rejoice, holy joy of the Divine stream. Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos the Virgin, Holy Mount Athos and the entire universe of Orthodox monasteries, All-Honorable Abbess!

Kontakion 2

Seeing the sorrowful path of salvation for all His saints, our Lord Jesus Christ favored His Mother, the All-Honorable Virgin Mary, may She extend Her Divine cover of the abbess over all the holy monasteries of Mount Athos and the entire universe of Orthodox monastic salvation, so that all who are saved in reverence and holiness, by faith Seeing this, they continually cry out to the Savior God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Having the Divine mind, all reverend fathers and mothers, with all their souls, loved the glory of heaven, but hated the world with all its delights and trampled on their feet, marching in the labors of the saints behind Christ in this world of life, comfortably guided by His Ever-Virgin heavenly Abbess, Who is seen by faith in the face Her icons of saints touchingly cry out like this: Rejoice, our salvation is the main thing; Rejoice, our joy in this and in the future life. Rejoice, wondrous Builder of our holy abodes; Rejoice, Economisso merciful of monastic hostels. Rejoice, flower of Divine vegetation; Rejoice, the joy of the universal resurrection. Rejoice, Divine joy to all saints; Rejoice, ornament of monasticism. Rejoice, True Mother of our Savior; Rejoice, for in your flesh you gave birth to the Conqueror of hell. Rejoice, for you have planted a spiritual garden on Athos; Rejoice, for you have guided those living there in reverence to heaven. Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin, holy Mount Athos and the entire universe of Orthodox monasteries, All-Honorable Abbess.

Kontakion 3

The power of the Most High overshadows everyone, in reverence and holiness, and in the truth of those who live, who have hated the vanity of this world and fled to the holy monastic monasteries, and there, in the form of an angel, have taken upon themselves the good yoke of Christ, holyly laboring, through all their life they cry unceasingly to the Most Holy Trinity To God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having a fiery desire for salvation, all the councils of saints who have shone forth among the saints from time immemorial, and now performing feats of salvation in the monasteries of monastic life, in laurels, monasteries, hermitages, monasteries, cells and in every place of the whole universe, having a wondrous shield of salvation - the Divine Abbess of the Mother God, they sing songs of praise to Her: Rejoice, our Gatherer among the sinful world; Rejoice, Builder of our spiritual salvation. Rejoice, you who saved the entire race of fallen Adam; Rejoice, thou who gave birth in flesh to the indescribable Savior and our God. Rejoice, Most Honorable Nun, image of those who are saved; Rejoice, righteous Mother Superior of all of us who strive. Rejoice, invincible commander of the Orthodox faith; Rejoice, all-powerful Divine Fortress. Rejoice, Mother of the Lord and our Blessed One; Rejoice, auspicious for all saints. Rejoice, door of mercy for the repentant; Rejoice, hope in God of those who strive. Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin, holy Mount Athos and the entire universe of Orthodox monasteries, all-honorable Abbess.

Kontakion 4

The reverend fathers and mothers left the storm of sin-loving doubts, having loved the thorny path of salvation, living among sorrows and hardships, for the sake of the Heavenly Kingdom, having adorned with their God-pleasing life many places in the universe, where they founded the holy monasteries of monastic salvation, in which those who are saved, ever sing the Angelic Song to Christ our God : Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing the holy words of Christ's Gospel, the chosen ones of heaven, despising all the vanity of this world, went on the holy path, bearing the good yoke of our Savior through their life, becoming like a holy Angel in the flesh, having a wonderful Abbess over all their holy abodes throughout the entire universe, like shining stars of heaven, they always cry out to Neizha: Rejoice, all-wise Abbess of Orthodox monasticism; Rejoice, salvation of God's chosen people. Rejoice, pillar of virginity and ocean of mercy; Rejoice, eternal joy of heavenly joy. Rejoice, refuge of repentant sinners; Rejoice, treasure to the poor ascetic. Rejoice, you who cover the entire universe with love; Rejoice, thou who castest Satan into hell with the glory of Heaven. Rejoice, Divine joy of Angels and men; Rejoice, for you brought crying to the demon forever. Rejoice, only hope of the Orthodox faith; Rejoice, Mother of the Lord and our All-Glorious. Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin, holy Mount Athos and the entire universe of Orthodox monasteries, All-Honorable Abbess.

Kontakion 5

The righteous woman lived a godly life and reached the Heavenly Fatherland with joy; they rejoice, in the Lord, with the holy angels throughout all ages; we, their brethren, labor in holy abodes, singing songs of praise to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the chosen one of the Lord, the fleeting glory of this world: wealth is fickle, happiness is fleeting, sorrows, sorrows and despair, and all sorts of misadventures are the ever-present companions of this life, and in the end, bodily death is inevitable for all people. With holy faith, I contemplate the eternal settlements, having loved the cramped and sorrowful path of monastic life, where the Most Holy Mother of the Lord Himself abbesses, guiding Her saving spiritual children, who cry out in praise to Her: Rejoice, the only salvation of our souls; Rejoice, heavenly consolation for all those who mourn. Rejoice, holy Mount Athos, Enlightener; Rejoice, Patroness of the entire universe. Rejoice, reliable refuge for all who repent; Rejoice, quiet refuge for those fleeing troubles. Rejoice, Lavra of the Pechersk Builder; Rejoice, Protectress of the Pochaev monastery. Rejoice, Economist of the laurels of Athanasius of Afonsky; Rejoice, book of Christ's Testament of Novosion. Rejoice, you who have gathered all the saints into one; Rejoice, you who have shown Orthodox Christians the path to heaven. Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin, holy Mount Athos and the entire universe of Orthodox monasteries, All-Honorable Abbess.

Kontakion 6

The preachers of the rich life equal to the angels appeared in the flesh, the reverend fathers: Anthony the Great, Pachomius, Macarius, Theodosius and other reverend fathers and mothers, whose lives the host of all the saints followed, the heirs of the former paradise abodes with all the saints, and we now imitate them, living in the rank of Angels , we sing praises to the Savior of the world: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The image of life equal to the angels has risen for all who seek salvation: far from all worldly vanities by the example of Christ Himself and our God and His Most Pure Mother, the Ever-Virgin Mary the Theotokos, the Forerunner of the Lord John and many saints, whose lives are imitated by all reverends and under the sovereign leadership of the Lady of the Universe, the Most Honorable Abbess Orthodox monastic monasteries of Mary the Mother of God, praised by all the saints with wonderful praises: Rejoice, Orthodox monastic Mother Abbess; Rejoice, their angelic life has eternal salvation. Rejoice, Good Teacher on the path of heavenly life; Rejoice, Mother Superior of the monastic homeland. Rejoice, quick protection for the orphaned; Rejoice, for you always prepare crowns for the saints as an ascetic. Rejoice, loving all the righteous; Rejoice, you who have mercy on repentant sinners. Rejoice, for Your love is likened to God’s love; Rejoice, for through You every creation in the Lord is saved. Rejoice, joy of Divine joy; Rejoice, protection of all peace and salvation. Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin, holy Mount Athos and the entire universe of Orthodox monasteries, All-Honorable Abbess.

Kontakion 7

I wish to improve the sorrowful path to heaven, may our Lord Jesus Christ favor His Mother, and may he preside over all Orthodox monastic monasteries throughout the entire universe, leading to the villages of the heavenly paradise the hosts of the chosen ones, seeking salvation and singing to our Savior God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

The reverend fathers and mothers showed a new life in the image of the Angelic Life, forsaking all the sweets of the sinful world and loving to march to Heaven along the path of the King of Glory, Christ our God, by suffering on the cross, and was a martyr without blood, enduring all the evil of the Kingdom for the sake of God, which she received, and Now hosts of saints walk in this way, led by the Mother of God, as the Most Honorable Abbess of their venerable life, exalted by them with praises: Rejoice, Mother of the Lord, Judge of the All-Righteous; Rejoice, chosen among the abbess from all eternity. Rejoice, you who has surpassed the purity of your body; Rejoice, having adorned Heaven with the holiness of Your soul. Rejoice, gospel of the Heavenly Fatherland; Rejoice: spiritual essence of Orthodox monasticism. Rejoice, zealous Prayer Book for all Orthodox; Rejoice, Good Builder for the chosen saints. Rejoice, quiet haven for all who travel; Rejoice, chamber of blessed old age. Rejoice, unmarried Bride; Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin, holy Mount Athos and the entire universe of Orthodox monasteries, all-honorable Abbess.

Kontakion 8

They have a strange life, Christ's chosen ones, having abandoned bodily passions and pleasures, having loved the path of suffering on the cross in the desert, on islands, in clefts of rocks, in oak forests, living with animals like angels, where by the will of God they built holy abodes, in which I sang through all my life like cherubs to the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All Almighty God was in the minds and hearts of His chosen saints, according to the saying: “Wonderful is God in His saints,” glorifying His saints, gathering them from the midst of the sinful world, placing them in holy abodes, so that His holy Name may glory in them, with the saints the Angels forever , and the Lady Theotokos, the All-Good Mother of the Lord, wisely abates, saving from troubles and sorrows those who humbly praise Her mercy: Rejoice, Most Honest of all creation and the entire universe; Rejoice, sweetest one, as God's village. Rejoice, holy cover of our life; Rejoice, Divine source of the sweetest sweetness. Rejoice, all our hope of salvation and peace; Rejoice, for God is our hope in earthly life. Rejoice, for Your Son and Lord has risen; Rejoice, for He will resurrect all flesh. Rejoice, even as the Heavenly Hosts sing praises; Rejoice, praised according to your dignity by all the saints. Rejoice, great joy of my salvation; Rejoice, divine consolation to the whole world. Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin, holy Mount Athos and the entire universe of Orthodox monasteries, All-Honorable Abbess.

Kontakion 9

Having despised all earthly wisdom, the saints, like fools of Christ, appeared for the sake of Christ, running and wandering on earth, not having anything bodily, having received it anywhere, and we imitate them in life, deeds and love for the Lord, Whom we praise, singing angelically: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The venerable fathers Pachomius the Great, Anthony the Great and Macarius of Egypt and all the Orthodox monks appeared in the spirit of the wisdom of the Lord, shining among the saints, for with their holy life equal to the angels on earth and with words of salvation they saved many hosts of disciples, true servants of Christ, throughout the entire universe by the command of the Most Holy Trinity under the sovereign abbess of the Lady Theotokos, with all my heart I always praise this: Rejoice, sovereign Lady of the universe; Rejoice, Abbess of our salvation. Rejoice, all-loving Daughter of God of the Fathers; Rejoice, you were honored to be the Mother of the Son of God for your holiness and humility. Rejoice, beautiful Palato of God the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, O All-Rich in love in heaven and on earth. Rejoice, nun, Most Honest of the Cherubim; Rejoice, for the Mother of God is Greater than the Seraphim. Rejoice, all-wise teaching of the Apostles of Christ. Rejoice, justification of all saints; Rejoice, our help in earthly suffering. Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin, holy Mount Athos and the entire universe of Orthodox monasteries, All-Honorable Abbess.

Kontakion 10

To save the human race, our Lord Jesus Christ descended from heaven into the vale of weeping and sorrow and through His suffering of Divine life set an example for all saints who wish to achieve eternal rest, praising Him in holiness and truth with the voices of angels: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

The wall of the Divine fortress appeared, our All-Honorable Mother Abbess, protecting, saving, covering all the holy monasteries of monastic life in the holy Mount Athos and throughout the entire universe, from the dawn of the Christian faith until the day of the Last Judgment of Christ, saving Her venerable ones with Divine mercy, those who ever praised Her these words of generosity: Rejoice, Most Holy Mother Abbess; Rejoice, source of the spiritual resurrection. Rejoice, thou who covers the entire universe; Rejoice, thou who delightest the holy Church of Christ. Rejoice, prophetic glory and crown; Rejoice, and my life is blessed, of course. Rejoice, more beautiful than heaven and sweeter than paradise; Rejoice, example for holy living. Rejoice, loving Your lot Athos; Rejoice, you who adorn Jerusalem and Zion. Rejoice, Mother of the Merciful Judge; Rejoice, you who shed streams of tears for the world. Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin, holy Mount Athos and the entire universe of Orthodox monasteries, all-honorable Abbess.

Kontakion 11

All the saints in the heavenly villages of paradise bring the all-contrite singing, with the saints the Angels praising and exalting the Most Holy Trinity: “Holy, Holy, Holy,” they cry, and we, Orthodox foreigners, seeing this by faith, cry unceasingly to our God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

The councils of saints received the light-receiving candle of the Orthodox life, with all the saints who have shone from time immemorial, already ahead, so even now they march on the heavenly path, having the Almighty Lady of the Lord, Mother Emmanuel, as the Abbess of their venerable life, with joy they cry out to Her with praises: Rejoice, giving us an image of humility; Rejoice, our Gatherer in the abode of salvation. Rejoice, Abbess of Holy Mount Athos; Rejoice, Mother Superior of all holy monasteries. Rejoice, all-honorable nun in her life; Rejoice, most powerful in battle. Rejoice, Savior of the living and the dead; Rejoice, blessed Mother of the orphans. Rejoice, pleasant joy in the sorrow of those who exist; Rejoice, salvation of Orthodox Christians. Rejoice, holy bounties of the Divine Ocean; Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin, holy Mount Athos and the entire universe of Orthodox monasteries, All-Honorable Abbess.

Kontakion 12

Grace always bestows, Our Most Sweet Savior, upon all His holy servants, who strive in reverence and holiness in the field of earthly life, for already hosts of Orthodox saints of the Orthodox Church in the paradise villages sing the praises of the Most Holy Trinity with all the Heavenly powers, and we imitate them, crying out to the Wonderful One in the saints To God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing all the Lord’s mercies and generosity to us, unworthy monks, ever sent down, and the all-honorable Abbess of our All-Blessed Lady Theotokos over all our monasteries, we rejoice Divinely and rejoice, for we have been granted salvation in those monasteries, where many hosts of venerable ascetics have already reached the Heavenly Kingdom, With their holy prayers, by the grace of God and under the holy Protection of our Heavenly Mother Abbess, we will reach the heavenly villages for our labors of salvation, praiseworthy, chanting the words: Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin; Rejoice, O Helper of our salvation. Rejoice, All-Generous Abbess for all; Rejoice, you are the first in reverence. Rejoice, covering the whole world with a blanket of mercy; Rejoice, nourisher of strange orphans. Rejoice, Teacher of chastity to the young; Rejoice, O good Sorrow for all people. Rejoice, joy of the race of the forefather Adam; Rejoice, quiet haven of salvation. Rejoice, our all-generous Mother Abbess; Rejoice, good beginning and end of our chant. Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin, holy Mount Athos and the entire universe of Orthodox monasteries, All-Honorable Abbess.

Kontakion 13

O our All-Sung Mother Abbess, Glorious Lady Theotokos! Accept this prayer of ours, which we now offer to You with all our souls, and grant us, in the rank of Angels, to reach the Heavenly Kingdom, where all the saints, Angels and men, sing with unceasing voices the praise of the Most Holy Trinity to God: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos and the 1st kontakion)

How to pray correctly and what to ask for in front of the image of the “House Builder”

There are many wonderful stories associated with the Economissa icon. Many people strive to get to Mount Athos, wanting to venerate the miraculous image. But to visit the holy place you need a special permit, which is not very easy to obtain, and only men are allowed on the mountain.

But there are several lists written from the Housebuilder. One of them is located in the Moscow All Saints Church. In addition, Economissa icons can be purchased in almost every church shop.

Praying before the image of the “House Builder”, they ask for help:

  • improve living conditions;
  • improve financial affairs;
  • improve family relationships;
  • get a decent job or advance in your career.

Not only poor, disadvantaged people can turn to Economissa. The sacred image also helps wealthy people who want to start a new business or expand an existing business, since thanks to the opening of a new business, jobs appear for those in need. The main condition is to conduct business honestly, without causing harm to anyone.

Prayers before the icon of the Mother of God provide moral support, relieving despondency and depression. Prayer requests are also read when sinful thoughts and desires arise.

As when addressing any holy image, during prayer in front of the Economissa icon, certain rules are followed:

  • choose a secluded, quiet place for prayer;
  • pray in the morning or evening before going to bed;
  • a lamp or church candle is lit in front of the icon;
  • when reading sacred words, strictly adhere to the written text;
  • read the prayer text sincerely, with deep faith in the Lord, delving into the meaning of what is written.

While reading the prayer, it is important to remember that you should not magically expect miraculous enrichment. An Orthodox Christian, first of all, must take care of the salvation of his soul, and not beg for money from the Lord. And the Almighty, through the holy image of the Mother of God, will certainly show his mercy, blessing you to build a house or get a good job.

Akathist to the Mother of God Economissa

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A miraculous image, the “Economissa” icon is popularly known as the Housekeeper and is one of the five existing icons on Mount Athos, belonging to the main earthly destiny of the Queen of Heaven.

Text of prayer before the icon of the Mother of God

Every year on July 18, a solemn service dedicated to the Mother of God “Economissa” is held in all churches. The festive service includes the reading of a troparion and a special prayer.

But a prayer request can be made not only on a holiday, but also when there is a special need for the help of the Mother of God. They begin to pray with the obligatory bow to the holy image. First, the words of the troparion are pronounced, which sounds as follows.

Troparion, tone 4

Representation is terrible and shameless, / do not despise, O Good One, our prayers, / All-sung to the Mother of God, Merciful of the faithful to the House-Builder, / establish Orthodox residence, / save our country, / and protect all Orthodox Christians living in it and// you gave birth to God, O One Blessed One.


Wonderful and undaunted protection, do not reject, Good, our prayers, Mother of God, glorified by all, Merciful Manager of the affairs of believers, strengthen the Orthodox states, save our country and protect all Orthodox living in it, since You gave birth to God, the Only Blessed One.

Then they begin to read the prayer.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before the icon of Her “Economissa”

“Oh, Most Pure Lady Theotokos, Our Most Honorable Mother Abbess of all Orthodox holy monasteries of monastic life, in the Holy Mount Athos and throughout the entire universe! Accept our humble prayer and bring it to our all-generous God, may He save our souls with His grace. Look at us with Your merciful eye and work out our salvation in the Lord Himself, for without the mercy of our Savior and Your holy intercession for us, we cannot accomplish our salvation, like an eye. I hope our life is in the vanities of the world, for the time of the harvest of Christ is drawing near and the day of the Last Judgment has arrived . We, the accursed, are perishing in the abyss of sinful negligence for our sake, according to what was said from the holy fathers, the first leaders of the angelic life in the flesh, as the last monastics, through the negligence of their life, will become like a worldly man, which has come true today, for our last monasticism floats with its life in the sea of ​​life , in the midst of a great storm and bad weather, for our holy monastery remains in peace, for for the sake of our sins the all-righteous Judge our Lord Jesus Christ was so pleased, but we, unworthy, did not “Mom, where should I bow my head?”

After reading the prayers, they tell the Mother of God about their problem, thanking the Queen of Heaven and the Lord for all the blessings available.

Miraculous image of the Queen of Heaven

Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Economissa"

The miraculous icon is kept in the Great Lavra on Mount Athos. The Queen of Heaven is depicted sitting on a throne with the Infant Jesus. To the right of Her is the Venerable Confessor Michael, Bishop of Synad, and to the left is the Venerable Athanasius of Athos. In his hands is a symbolic image of the Lavra, which the Mother of God and Jesus herself bless with a priestly gesture.

St. Afanasy Afonsky

Saint Athanasius is the first organizer of monasticism on Mount Athos. Long before his appearance, hermits labored on the peninsula. However, Saint Athanasius was the first to found a communal monastery in this place, which is now called the Great Lavra. It is with the care of the monk for the arrangement of the monastery that the appearance of this icon is connected.

July 18 is the day of celebration of the memory of St. Athanasius of Athos, as well as the patronal feast of the Great Athonite Lavra.

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