The history of the prayer May God rise again, which helps with the full text in Russian

The Orthodox prayer “Prayer to the Honest Cross” (May God rise again and His enemies be scattered...) is one of the most effective and well-known prayer requests (for example, like the prayer “Our Father”). Such prayers are used by Orthodox people in any life circumstances and for any purpose.

It is advisable to read the prayer “May God rise again” near an icon of Jesus Christ or at his crucifix. This is a very powerful prayer - cleansing and saving the soul.

Jesus Christ - the prayer “May God rise again” is read in front of the icon

Text of the prayer in Old Church Slavonic

May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence.

Like smoke disappears, let them disappear; As wax melts in the presence of fire, so let demons perish on behalf of those who love God and sign the sign of the cross, and say in joy: Rejoice, Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, driving away and the demons have the power upon you of our Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and trampled underfoot the power the devil, and who gave us Your Honest Cross to drive away every adversary.

Oh, Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever.



Prayer to the Honest Cross of the Lord

Mark yourself with a cross and say a prayer to the Honest Cross:

May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear; just as wax melts in the face of fire, so let demons perish from the face of those who love God and signify themselves with the sign of the cross, and who say in joy: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, drive away the demons by force on you of our Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and straightened the power the devil, and who gave us His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen.

Will be squandered

- they will scatter, run away.
- demons, devils.
- one who overshadows, imposing a sign on himself.
- speaker.
Most honorable
- highly revered.
- victorious, gained the upper hand.
- crucified.
- adversary, enemy.
- life-giving, resurrecting.

In this prayer to the Venerable Cross, we express our belief that the sign of the cross is the most powerful means of driving away demons, and we ask the Lord for spiritual help through the power of the Holy Cross. The Cross is called Life-Giving

because Jesus Christ, being crucified on the Cross, thereby delivered people from eternal death in hell and granted eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Words of the devil who descended into hell and trampled upon the power of the devil

mean that Jesus Christ after His death and before the Resurrection was in hell, from where He brought holy people (for example, Adam, Moses) into the Kingdom of Heaven and thereby showed that He trampled on, or destroyed, the power of the devil.


May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may all who hate Him flee from Him. As smoke disappears, so let them disappear; and as wax melts from the fire, so let the demons perish before those who love God and are marked by the sign of the cross and exclaim in joy: Rejoice, Most Honored and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, driving away demons by the power of our crucified Lord Jesus Christ on you, Who descended into hell and destroyed the power of the devil and gave us You, Your Honest Cross, to drive away every enemy. Oh, Most Revered and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, help me with the Holy Lady the Virgin Mary and with all the saints in all ages. Amen.

Or briefly:

Protect me, Lord, by the power of Your Honest and Life-giving Cross, and save me from all evil.
- fence, protect.


Protect me, Lord, by the power of Your Honest (Honorable) and Life-giving Cross, and save me from all evil.

This prayer should be said just before going to bed, after kissing the cross worn on the chest and protecting yourself and the bed with the sign of the cross.


Text of the prayer in Russian

May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may all who hate Him flee from Him.

As smoke disappears, so let them disappear; and as wax melts from the fire, so let the demons perish before those who love God and are marked by the sign of the cross and exclaim in joy: Rejoice, Most Honored and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, driving away demons by the power of our crucified Lord Jesus Christ on you, Who descended into hell and destroyed the power of the devil and gave us You, Your Honest Cross, to drive away every enemy.

Oh, Most Revered and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, help me with the Holy Lady the Virgin Mary and with all the saints in all ages.


Prayer to the Life-Giving Cross (May God rise again...)

This prayer also has a second name - “May God rise again...”. Her story is complex, scary and tragic, but it contains the true calling and power of God’s Word that has passed through the centuries to proclaim the righteous Orthodox faith that saves everyone who comprehends its gifts.

The Life-Giving Cross, which is spoken of in the prayer, is the wooden pillar on which Jesus Christ was crucified. Christian people have been offering prayers to him for many centuries in order to protect themselves from various negative influences:

  • diseases;
  • evil;
  • evil eye and damage;
  • dangers;
  • troubles and sorrows.

There are many well-known facts that reveal the miraculous power of the Cross. Back in 326, Tsar Constantine, who faithfully fought for the revival of Christianity, wished to erect temples on the land where Jesus was born, lived and died.

He also wanted to find the structure on which the Great One was crucified. His mother, Queen Elena, helped him in this noble cause. After an overwhelming search, she met with the weak Jew Judas, who told about the place where the Cross was located.

So in a deep cave on which a pagan temple stood, three crosses were discovered. But no one knew which of them caused the terrible torment of the Son of God. And suddenly the Savior himself gave the answer to this question, pointing to the healing effect of the structure. In order to find out the real Cross, the following was done:

  • it was brought to a seriously ill woman - and the disease instantly left her forever;
  • placed on the deceased - and after touching him, the deceased came to life.

The best article for you, go to: Prayer to Saint Polyeuctus of Melitino

After this, Queen Helena brought one part of the Cross to her son, and left the other in Jerusalem. Since then, by uttering sincere, sincere words in prayer: “May God rise again, and be wasted against Him...”, a person receives powerful heavenly protection from any misfortunes. After all, the great divine power of Jesus remained on the Cross forever, that He accepted suffering and death on it for the entire human race.

The Life-Giving Cross has become the main symbol of Christianity, for with prayer on the lips its power increases, because through it the Almighty grants His protection to everyone, and it is unquestioning.

Explanation of prayer

Will be squandered

- they will scatter, run away.
- demons, devils.
- one who overshadows, imposing a sign on himself.
- speaker.
Most honorable
- highly revered.
- victorious, gained the upper hand.
- crucified.
- adversary, enemy.
- life-giving, resurrecting.

In this prayer to the Venerable Cross, we express our belief that the sign of the cross is the most powerful means of driving away demons, and we ask the Lord for spiritual help through the power of the Holy Cross.

The Cross is called Life-Giving

because Jesus Christ, being crucified on the Cross, thereby delivered people from eternal death in hell and granted eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Words of the devil who descended into hell and trampled upon the power of the devil

mean that Jesus Christ after His death and before the Resurrection was in hell, from where He brought holy people (for example, Adam, Moses) into the Kingdom of Heaven and thereby showed that He trampled on, or destroyed, the power of the devil.

In what cases is the prayer to the Holy Cross recited?

You can read a prayer to the life-giving Cross of the Lord in the most difficult moments of life, when it becomes scary, and the situation seems hopeless, when it seems that no one will help or support except our Lord. And indeed, those who sincerely believe in God’s help and support will certainly receive it.

The petition can be pronounced in Church Slavonic, however, if not all words and phrases are clear, you can read the prayer to the Honorable Cross of the Lord in Russian.

The peculiarity of this prayer is the appeal directly to the Cross, which has become not only an attribute of death, but also a symbol of eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven. That is why he received the name life-giving.

Prayer in the Christian life. What is prayer? About prayer

Prayer is the most important part of the spiritual life of every believer. Through prayer, a person turns to God, asks him and asks for forgiveness from him. In other words, prayer is nothing more than a person’s way of talking with God. About prayer...

The basis of the life of an Orthodox Christian is fasting and prayer. Prayer, said Saint Philaret of Moscow, “is a conversation between the soul and God.” And just as in a conversation it is impossible to listen to one side all the time, so in prayer it is useful to sometimes stop and listen to the Lord’s answer to our prayer.

Prayer does not require a specific time, place, circumstance or form. It can be verbose - long, and laconic - short. The prayer can be said at any time of the day or night, and anywhere. A person can pray under all circumstances of his life: when he is sick or healthy, when he is happy or sad, when he succeeds or fails, when he is in the company of his enemies or in the circle of his friends, when he is abandoned by everyone, or when he in the midst of your beloved family. But God’s temple serves as a special place of prayer. On Sundays, as well as on weekdays, if time permits, we should go to church to pray, where our brothers and sisters in Christ - Christians - gather to pray together, all together. This kind of prayer is called church prayer.

Every Orthodox Christian must pray daily, morning and evening, before and after eating food, before starting and at the end of any task (for example: before teaching and after teaching, etc.).

In the morning we pray to thank God for preserving us last night, to ask for His Fatherly blessing and help for the day that has begun.

In the evening, before going to bed, we also thank the Lord for a successful day and ask him to keep us during the night.

Before and after meals we pray to thank God for His gifts and ask Him to bless and sanctify the food.

In order for the work to be done successfully and safely, we must also, first of all, ask God for blessings and help for the upcoming work, and upon completion, thank God.

Unfortunately, many people forget about the necessity and importance of prayer, and resort to it only in cases of feeling hopeless. However, even in these cases, as practice shows, God does not forget about the person and gives him his love and support. But not a single prayer will bring anything good to a person if he simply reads it without thinking about what is said. Therefore, it is extremely important, when turning to the Creator in prayer, to truly feel every word.

God is the best of interlocutors; he will always hear a person and help him. You should not be embarrassed to talk to God even about the most secret things that are in your soul. The main thing is to do it with true faith in God.

“True prayer does not consist in words and saying them, but true prayer consists “in spirit and in truth” (John 4:23). When we pray to God, we must stand before Him not only in body, but also in spirit; and say prayer not only with your lips, but also with your mind and heart; and not only bow our heads and knees, but also our hearts before Him; and raise our intelligent eyes to Him with humility. For all prayer must come from the heart; and what the tongue says, the mind and heart must say.” Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk.

And no matter what happens during the day, everything happens according to the will of God; all, without exception, are circumstances in which the Lord wished to place you, so that you could be His presence, His love, His compassion. His creative mind, His courage... And, besides, whenever you encounter this or that situation, you are the one whom God put there to carry out the ministry of a Christian, to be a part of the Body of Christ and the action of God. If you do this, you will easily see that sometimes you will have to turn to God and say: “Lord, enlighten my mind, strengthen and direct my will, give me a fiery heart, help me!” At other times you will be able to say, “Oh my God, thank you!”

In the Christian catechism, that is, in the instruction on the Christian faith, it is said about prayer this way: “Prayer is the offering of the mind and heart to God and is a person’s reverent word to God.” Prayer has extraordinary power. “Prayer not only defeats the laws of nature, not only is it an insurmountable shield against visible and invisible enemies, but it even holds back the hand of the Almighty God Himself, raised to defeat sinners,” writes Saint Demetrius of Rostov.

In the New Testament, prayer is a living connection between the children of God and their infinitely good Father, with His Son Jesus Christ and with the Holy Spirit. The grace of the Kingdom is “the unity of the entire Holy Trinity with the entire spirit.” Thus, prayer life is a constant and natural presence in the presence of the Trisagion of God and in communion with Him. Such vital communion is always possible because through baptism our being has become one with Christ. Prayer is Christian because it is communion with Christ and grows in the Church, which is His Body. Its dimensions are the dimensions of Christ's love.

“Prayer is not telling God our needs. Prayer is the condition under which Divine power can contact our spirit and act in us. God is omniscient and knows us better than we know ourselves.” Archimandrite Rafail (Karelin) (XX century).

When to say a prayer?

It is especially important to turn to prayer words when a believer feels negative demonic influence, which can manifest itself in a variety of forms. Anxiety, lack of self-confidence, and the desire to take the path of forbidden actions and desires may indicate that a person himself cannot cope with the temptations of the devil.

In this case, you need to read the prayer “May God rise again.” It will help overcome all doubts and fears, and those who turn to the Lord for protection will receive it in full if the words of the petition are sincere.

Its text is small, but has enormous power and is capable of working real miracles. The content is understandable and accessible to most, although it is pronounced in Church Slavonic. If its general meaning is not entirely accessible, the prayer will be more understandable if its text is in Russian.

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