Twelfth holidays of troparia and kontakion: description, history, meaning

In the Orthodox tradition, much is not fully understood and, in principle, unknown to modern people. This illiteracy is not caused by a lack of spirituality as such, but by long decades during which Orthodoxy was not a part of people’s everyday life, did not participate in their upbringing and did not influence the formation of personal qualities.

Everyone without exception has an idea about holidays such as Easter or Christmas. But about many others - no. For example, practically no one will answer the question about what the twelve feasts, troparia and kontakia are, except people who attend any special classes or those close to the church. Of course, there are not very many such people.

What are the twelve holidays?

Meanwhile, the twelve feasts, the troparia and kontakion of which occupy a special place among the texts of church services, are nothing more than the twelve most important celebrations for Christians after Easter.

These holidays are dedicated to certain events and milestones in the earthly lives of Jesus and the Virgin Mary, or, as they say in Orthodoxy, the Mother of God. These days are among the especially revered, great holidays. Each date has its own pre- and post-celebrations, as well as giving. In other words, each celebration is multi-day, has a beginning, a beginning, a culmination and an end.

What dates do they include?

The troparia and kontakia of the greatness of the twelve feasts are dedicated to the most important events in the earthly life of Jesus and, of course, the Mother of God.

The following celebrations open the list:

  • Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
  • Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

The list of revered dates continues:

  • Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the temple.
  • Nativity.
  • Epiphany.

Following Baptism, the Meeting of the Lord is celebrated. It is followed by:

  • Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
  • Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.

This holiday is popularly called Palm Sunday in Rus'. Following this, the Ascension of the Lord is celebrated. The holidays end:

  • Day of the Holy Trinity.
  • Transfiguration.
  • Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

These are precisely the events - the twelve feasts, troparia and kontakion for which are easy to find in any church store.

When should the troparia and kontakia be read for the twelve feasts?

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Troparia and kontakia for the twelve feasts are short hymns that reveal the essence of the event to which they are dedicated. If the content of the troparion of the holiday is more aimed at briefly describing this or that holiday or saint, then the kontakion is intended to glorify them - it lists the virtues of the saint of God, which glorified him throughout the Christian world. The troparion and kontakion of the twelfth feast are its main hymns - anyone who has attended a service at least once could not help but notice that they are regularly repeated, reminding those praying of the importance of the remembered event.

The most important troparia of Orthodox holidays

The annual cycle of services contains twelve holidays, the troparia and kontakion of which every Orthodox Christian should know. This is the Nativity of Christ, Baptism, Presentation, Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, Ascension, Pentecost, Transfiguration of the Lord, Dormition and Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, Entry of the Virgin Mary into the Temple. They are celebrated by the Orthodox Church annually in honor of significant evangelical events that represent the basis of the Orthodox faith.

The troparia of these holidays are small monuments of musical and literary art, written at the dawn of Christianity by church writers and theologians.

When should the troparia and kontakia be read for the twelve feasts?

The troparion of the holiday is not only church, but also home prayer. There are no strict rules regarding the private reading of these short prayers, but every regularly praying Orthodox Christian knows that reading the troparion and kontakion of the twelfth feast on the corresponding day is an ancient, pious and soul-saving custom. It is especially recommended to insert kontakia and troparia into the Rule for Holy Communion.

Listen to the video of troparia and kontakion for the twelve feasts

Orthodox texts of troparia and kontakions for the twelve feasts

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary – September 8/21

Troparion, tone 4

Thy Nativity of the Virgin Mother of God, joy to proclaim to the whole universe: from Thee has arisen the Sun of righteousness, Christ our God, and having destroyed the oath, given blessing, and having abolished death, given us eternal life.

Kontakion, tone 4

Joachim and Anna were reproached by childlessness, and Adam and Eve were freed from mortal aphids, Most Pure One in Thy Holy Nativity. Then Thy people also celebrate, having been freed from the guilt of sins, always calling upon Thy: the Mother of God and the nourisher of our life gives birth to barren fruits.

Exaltation of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross - September 14/27

Troparion voice 1st

Save, O Lord, Thy people and bless Thy inheritance, granting victories against resistance and preserving Thy Life through Thy Cross.

Kontakion, tone 4

Having ascended to the cross by will, grant to Your namesake new residence Your bounty, O Christ God; make us glad in Thy power, giving us victories as adversaries, aid to those who have Thy, weapons of peace, invincible victory.

Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple - November 21 / December 4

Troparion, tone 4

On the day of God's favor, the transfiguration and the preaching of human salvation, the Virgin clearly appears in the temple of God and announces Christ to everyone. To that we too will cry out loudly: Rejoice in seeing the Creator’s fulfillment.

Kontakion, tone 4

The most precious temple of the Savior, the valuable palace and the Virgin, the sacred treasure of the glory of God, is today introduced into the house of the Lord, co-leading with grace, even in the Divine Spirit, which the Angels of God sing; This is the Heavenly Village.

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - March 25 / April 7

Troparion, tone 4

The day of our salvation is the greatest, and the sacraments have been revealed since the ages; The Son of God is the Son of the Virgin, and Gabriel preaches grace. In the same way, we cry out to the Mother of God: Rejoice, full of grace, the Lord is with you.

Kontakion, tone 8.

To the chosen Voivode, victorious, as having been delivered from the evil, let us write thanks to Thy servants to the Mother of God, but as having an invincible power, free us from all troubles, let us call Thee: Rejoice, Unmarried Bride.

Christmas - December 25 / January 7

Troparion, tone 4

Thy Nativity, Christ our God, rises up into the world's light of reason, in which the stars who serve as stars learn to bow to Thee, the Sun of truth, and lead thee from the heights of the East. Lord, glory to You!

Kontakion, tone 3

The Virgin today gives birth to the Most Essential, and the earth brings a den to the Impregnable; Angels and shepherds praise, while wolves travel with a star; For our sake, the Young Child, the Eternal God, was born.

Epiphany - January 6/19

Troparion, tone 1

In the Jordan I am baptized to Thee, O Lord, Trinitarian adoration appeared: For the voice of the parents testified to Thee, naming Thy beloved Son, and the Spirit, in the form of a dove, announced the affirmation of Thy words. Appear, O Christ God, and enlighten the world, glory to Thee.

Kontakion, tone 4

Thou hast appeared this day to the whole universe, and Thy light, O Lord, has appeared upon us, in the minds of those who sing Thee; You came and you appeared, the impregnable Light.

Presentation of the Lord - February 2/15

Troparion, tone 1

Rejoice, Blessed Virgin Mary, for from You has risen the Sun of Truth, Christ our God, enlighten those in darkness. Rejoice also, O righteous elder, received into the arms of the Liberator of our souls, who gives us resurrection.

Kontakion, tone 1

You sanctified the womb of the Maiden with Your birth, and blessed the hand of Simeon, as befitting, before you, and now you have saved us, O Christ our God; but die in battle, life alone, Lover of Mankind.

Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ – August 6/19

Troparion tone 7th

Thou art transfigured on the mountain, O Christ God, showing Thy disciples Thy glory, as unto a man; May Your ever-present light shine upon us sinners too, through the prayers of the Mother of God, Light-Giver, glory to You.

Kontakion, tone 7

You were transfigured on the mountain, and as the host of Your disciples, You saw Your glory, O Christ God; Yes, when they see You crucified, they will understand that suffering is free, and the world will preach that You are truly the Father’s radiance.

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary August 15/28

Troparion, tone 1

At Christmas you preserved your virginity, at your dormition you did not abandon the world, O Mother of God: you reposed yourself to the belly, Mother of the Being of the Belly, and through your prayers you delivered our souls from death.

Kontakion, voice 2

In the prayers of the never-sleeping Mother of God, and in intercessions, the immutable hope, the grave and mortification cannot be restrained: like the Mother of the Life, repose to the life, indwelling the Ever-Virgin Womb.

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday) - the last Sunday before Easter

Troparion Tone 4

Having been buried in You by baptism, O Christ our God, we have been made worthy of immortal life by Your resurrection, and we cry in song: Hosanna in the highest, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

Kontakion, tone 6

On the throne in heaven, worn by the lot of the earth, O Christ God, Thou didst receive the praise of Angels and the children’s chanting of those calling Thee: Blessed art Thou, who cometh to call Adam.

Ascension of the Lord - 40th day after Easter

Troparion Tone 4

Thou art exalted in glory, O Christ our God, having brought joy to the disciples by the promise of the Holy Spirit, informed by the former blessing, for Thou art the Son of God, the Redeemer of the world.

Kontakion, tone 6

Having fulfilled his concern for us, and having united us on earth with the heavenly, He ascended in glory, Christ our God, never departing, but remaining persistent, and crying out to those who love Thee: I am with you and no one is against you.

Pentecost (Trinity) - 50th day after Easter

Troparion tone 8

Blessed are you, Christ our God, who are all wise fishers of things, having sent down to them the Holy Spirit, and with them you caught the universe, Lover of mankind, glory to you.

Kontakion, tone 8

When the tongues of the Most High descended, dividing the tongues, and when the fiery ones were distributed, they all called into union; and with agreement we glorify the All-Holy Spirit.

All Saints - first Sunday after Pentecost

Troparion, tone 4

Even as Thy martyr throughout the whole world, Thy Church has been adorned with scarlet and fine linen, with the blood of Thy one, O Christ God; Send down Thy bounties upon Thy people, grant peace to Thy living and great mercy to our souls.

Kontakion, tone 8

Like the firstfruits of food, the God-bearing martyrs offer to You, the Planter of creation; by those prayers in the deep world Thy Church, Thy life has been preserved by the Mother of God, Omni-merciful.

About types of celebrations

All twelve-year celebrations are divided into two types:

  • The Lord's - glorifying Jesus himself.
  • Theotokos – dedicated to the Mother of God.

The Lord's holidays are more important. In other words, services when the troparia of the twelve feasts are used, the text of which glorifies and describes the events of life in the world of Jesus, are the main, dominant ones. The services of the Mother of God are secondary in comparison with the Lord’s.

In practice, this is expressed as follows. If the Lord's celebration falls on a Sunday, then the service uses a collection of notes, troparia, kontakia, and the magnification of the twelve feasts. The usual Sunday Service texts and choruses are not used at all. In the same case, if the feast of the Theotokos falls on Sunday, then the services are combined together. In other words, both the Mother of God and Sunday services are given at the same time.

The most revered, main celebration in Orthodoxy is the Resurrection of Christ. This day is honored above all others.


Irmos of the 9th song of the canon of a particular holiday (as a rule, preceded by a special refrain), which on the day of the holiday and days associated with it (for example, during the post-feast period) replaces “It is worthy to eat” at the Divine Liturgy (in Church Slavic In books this replacement is noted as /... in Greek - Εἰς τὸ ᾿Εξαιρέτως...).

Appearance of the term

"Z." is associated with the widespread spread after the 12th century, during the period of the rule of the Jerusalem Rule, of the practice of performing “It is Worthy to Eat” at the end of the Matins canon. On the days of the most important holidays, when the chant “My soul magnifies the Lord” was canceled at matins, “It is worthy to eat” was also omitted at the end of the canon, therefore the chaos that concluded the canon was perceived as a replacement for “It is worthy to eat,” i.e. Z. In pre-Nikon Rus. In editions of liturgical books, the irmos of the 9th canon, which concludes the festive canon, is directly designated as “instead of Worthy” (see, for example: Ustav. M., 1610. L. 260 vol.; similar terminology is found in Old Believer monuments). However, in modern in the practice of the Russian Orthodox Church, the catavasia of the 9th song of the festive canon of Matins is not called Z. (this is probably due to the fact that “It is worthy to eat”, according to the post-Nikon Typikon, is canceled not only on the days of the most important holidays, but also always when a great doxology is sung at Matins) . However, in cases where “It is worthy to eat” is replaced at the end of the canons of Compline (at Compline from Monday to Thursday of the 1st week of Lent, on the days of Holy Week, on the day of Pentecost in the evening, on the forefeasts of the Nativity of Christ, Epiphany and Transfiguration) or the prayer service of the Irmos 9th song of the corresponding canons in Russian. In liturgical books, this irmos can be designated as Z. (see the chapters of the modern Russian Typikon on the Easter prayer service and on Compline on the day of Pentecost). In the Old Believer tradition, Z. is also considered to be the Mother of God at a prayer service, which on the days of great holidays and their after-feasts is replaced by the irmos of the 9th song of the festive canon (see: Charter [Bishop Arseny of Uralsky]. Uralsk, 1908. L. 108; Vygovsky Charter. Saratov , 1911. L. 13).

During the Divine Liturgy, the practice of singing the irmos of the 9 songs of the festive canons instead of “It is worthy to eat” (or other Mother of God hymns) after the exclamation of the anaphora spread relatively late; The formation of the liturgical system dates back to the 16th century. (see: Winkler. 1970; Taft. 1991. P. 118), its refinement continued until the 19th century. In Typicons and other statutory texts, instructions on liturgical laws began to be regularly recorded only in the 17th century.

The Typikon, now adopted by the Russian Orthodox Church, prescribes the singing of Z. at the liturgy of the holidays: Nativity of the Most Holy. Theotokos (here we also talk about the singing of Z. in general on all the Lord's and Mother of God holidays), the Nativity of Christ, the Annunciation of the Most Holy. Theotokos, Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, Easter, Half of Pentecost, Ascension of the Lord, Pentecost, Transfiguration of the Lord and Dormition of the Most Holy. Mother of God, as well as Maundy Thursday and Saturday. In modern Z. practice is also sung at the liturgies of all the other twelve feasts: the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, the Presentation of the Most Holy. Theotokos in the temple, Epiphany, Presentation of the Lord and, in addition, on Lazarus Saturday.

In addition to the days of the twelve feasts themselves and Easter, Z. are also sung during liturgies during periods of after-feasts, up to and including the dedication (the Typikon contains corresponding instructions only for the holidays of the Nativity of Christ, the Ascension of the Lord, Pentecost, the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary). At the same time, the Z. of Easter is not sung on the days of Mid-Pentecost and the celebration (but not the after-feast) of this holiday, since on these days the Z. of Mid-Pentecost is sung.

In modern Greek In practice, Z. is performed only on the very day of this or that holiday and on the day of its giving, while during periods of after-feasts, if at Matins there is “My soul magnifies the Lord,” the usual “It is worthy to eat” is sung at the liturgy (see: Ρήγας Γ. Τυπικόν. Θεσσαλονίκη, 1994. Σ. 128-129. (Λειτορυγικὰ Βλατάδων; 1); Βιολάκης. υπικὸν. Σ. 38-39). In addition, the choice of Z. in Greek. traditions are different from Russian. Thus, on the Transfiguration of the Lord, the troparion of the 7th canto of the 2nd festive canon is used as the Z. the day of the holiday Z. is served by the irmos of the 1st canon of the holiday, and on the next day and on the giving away - the irmos of the 2nd canon (see: Βιολάκης. Τυπικὸν. Σ. 125, 126, 145, 146; Τυπικόν τῆς ἄθω ἱερας μονῆς τοῦ ἁγίου Διονυσίου. ῞Αγιον ῎Ορος, 2004. Σ. 132, 140, 159, 165).

Since Z.’s place in the service is analogous to “It is worthy to eat,” it is often likened to this chant in structure. Just as “It is worthy to eat” consists of the refrain “It is worthy to eat” and the irmos of the three song of Good Friday “The most honorable cherub,” so to Z., the irmos of the 9th song of the festive canon, is usually added a chorus preceding it, taken from the 9th song of the same canon. In modern rus. The Typikon speaks of the chorus as part of the Z. only in the description of the service for the Nativity of St. Theotokos, but in practice Z. always, with the exception of Lazarus Saturday, the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, Maundy Thursday and Saturday and the Half of Pentecost, includes a chorus (including on Pentecost, although the canon of this holiday, according to standard editions of the Triodion, does not has no special choruses). In Russian singer in manuscripts, choruses were most often not notated; they began to be recorded in the post-Nikon period (early the chorus of Z. Easter; see: [Sinodal] Obikhod. M., 1902). In the Old Believer tradition and modern times. Greek practice plural Z., performed in post-Nikon Russian. traditions with a chorus do not have a chorus.

On the days of the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great, instead of “It is worthy to eat,” the troparion “Rejoices in You” is sung (except for Maundy Thursday and Saturday, as well as the case when the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary or its celebration coincides with one of the Sundays of Great Lent), which is in some liturgical monuments may also be called Z.

Z. in the Russian singing tradition

to midday XVI century, as a rule, were not distinguished from the notated Irmology. Nevertheless, in the form of a Z. cycle in the order of 8 voices (from Z. Easter, 1st tone to Z. Nativity of the Virgin, 8th tone) znamenny chant was found in the manuscript of the 1st quarter. XVI century (RGB. F. 173. I. No. 231. L. 101-103). From the end XVI century are systematically recorded separately as part of the monthly and Lenten Stichirares or in the form of a cycle of Z. travel chant, recorded in travel or znamenny notations (RSL. F. 354. No. 140; RNL. Solov. No. 690/763, etc.). In the XVI-XVII centuries. this chant was the most widespread (see: RGB. F. 379. No. 18. L. 92 vol. - 98, last quarter of the 17th century; for decoding see: Pozhidaeva G. A. Singing traditions of Ancient Rus'. M ., 2007. pp. 536-557). The melos of some of the Z. travel chants has an indication of the place of origin, for example, “Trinity translation”, “Kirillovsky translation”, “Solovetsky translation” (RGB. F. 379. No. 18. L. 92 vol., 94, 95 rev. - 96). In rare cases, the author's name is inscribed. Thus, the composition of Z. Ascension of the travel chant of the Solovetsky Monastery is attributed to the charterer Nikodim (RSL. F. 354. No. 144. L. 388-388 volume; see: Parfentyev N.P. Ancient Russian singing art in the spiritual culture of the Russian states of the 16th-17th centuries: Schools, centers, masters (Sverdlovsk, 1991, p. 40).

Probably to the end. XVII century in Russian singer Z. traditions were sung in a large chant similar to the Gospel stichera of a large chant in 2 versions, one of which, shorter, was called the middle chant (GIM. Sin. chants. No. 105, 135, 219; RNL. Kir.-Bel. No. 663/920, XVII century; BAN. Tselepi 9, 1st half of the XVIII century). All R. XVII century Demestinal Z. Easter and Ascension also appear (Z. Easter: RNB. Pogod. No. 382. L. 10 vol. - 11; for decoding, see: Uspensky N.D. Samples of ancient Russian singing art. M., 1971. With 91-92; RGB. F. 354. No. 144. L. 388, 564 vol. - 565, mid-17th century [Pskov translation]; decoding see: Monastic chants of the 16th-17th centuries / Translation of the hook letter G A. Pozhidaeva, M., 2002, pp. 94-113). In the 2nd half. XVII century polyphonic Z. travel chant (Z. Ascension - GIM. Syn. chant. No. 220. L. 133 volume - 134) and demeste chant (Z. Easter, Ascension, Pentecost - RSL. F. 379. No. 81. L) are recorded 86-87 vol.; see transcript: Pozhidaeva. 2007. pp. 671-692).

In the XVIII - beginning. XX century Z. travel and large (in 2 versions) chants have been preserved in the chant. manuscripts of the Old Believers-Bespopovtsy. In the priestly Old Believer tradition, travel chants were probably used very rarely; In written sources, as a rule, only Znamenny chant is recorded. The cycle of Z. travel chant was also published in the publications of the synodal “Usage of Musical Singing” (for example: M., 1772. L. 123-132), but in the 19th century. it is also replaced by the Z. of the usual Znamenny chant.

In addition to znamenny chant, the synodal “Usual Practice of Musical Singing” contains cycles of Greek chant (M., 1902. L. 34 vol. - 38), which became widespread in the 18th century. (RNB. Tit. No. 1996. L. 58 pp.).

Z. of the Kyiv chant are known (RNB. QI702. 18th century. L. 21 pp.).

Author's harmonizations and compositions to Z.'s text were written by Archpriest. Pyotr Turchaninov (Zadostoiniki. St. Petersburg, 1901), A. A. Arkhangelsky (Singing at the Divine Liturgy: App. St. Petersburg, 1892. P. 48-74, 101-118), A. D. Kastalsky (M.[: P. Jurgenson], 1897-1904), deacon. Sergiy Trubachev (tunes TSL: Irmologii. M., 1983. P. 427-475), P. G. Chesnokov (M.[: P. Yurgenson], 1909) and others (see: Code of tunes. P. 414 -416).

The largest number of harmonizations were composed for the text of Z. Easter (see: Easter chants. St. Petersburg, 1998. Coll. 8. pp. 50-70).

In the Greek tradition

Z. are sung in a slow irmological chant according to the model of katavasiya in the corresponding voice (see: in the liturgy of Mon. Nektarios: Μουσικὸς θησαυρὸς τῆς λειτουργίας. ῞Αγιον ῎Ορος, 1931. Σ. 523-556).

Lit.: Skaballanovich. Typikon. Vol. 3. P. 46-47; Winkler G. Die Interzessionen der Chrysostomusanaphora in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung. I // OCP. 1970. Vol. 36. P. 301-336; Taft RF The Diptychs: (A History of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. Vol. 4). R., 1991. P. 118-119. (OCA; 238); Eliseeva E. Yu. The genre of worthy people in ancient Russian. singer art (based on manuscripts of the 2nd half of the 16th-19th centuries): Dipl. slave. / SPbGK. St. Petersburg, 2002; Zakharyina N. B. Rus. liturgical chanters books of the 18th-19th centuries: Synod. tradition. St. Petersburg, 2003. P. 109, 110, 115; Pozhidaeva G. A. Pevch. traditions of Dr. Rus'. M., 2007. P. 671-692; Tyurina O. A. Gospel verses of the Greater Banner as a model for the work of chanters (on the example of the cycle of zastoistniks) // Vestn. PSTGU. 2007. Ser. 5. Vol. 1. pp. 60-71; Lukashevich A. A. Peculiarities of presentation of travel chants using the example of Zadostoyniks // Brazhnikov Readings - 2008 [in print].


What is the structure of the celebrations?

Troparia and kontakia of the twelve feasts with translation from Church Slavonic into ordinary modern spoken language, sold in retail kiosks at churches, will clearly and easily explain to every parishioner the order of worship. After reading them, it is quite possible to figure out what exactly is happening at the service, and not look back at the others, waiting for the moment at which you need to cross yourself and bow.

The structure of each of the great festivals includes several days. They are opened by the pre-celebration period - the period of preparation for the solemn date. In addition to this there are:

  • post-feast – the time of development and beginning of commemoration of the event;
  • giving is the climax with solemn worship.

Giving can be combined with Saturdays or weeks and Sundays. The forefeast, that is, the preparatory period, can last from one day to eight. After-feast is the development of celebration. That is, if the celebration as a whole lasts a week, then this period continues until the last, most majestic service. Giving is the last day of celebration and the final, majestic solemn service dedicated to it.

Do their dates change?

The troparia of the twelve feasts in Church Slavonic are dedicated to two types of celebrations:

  • The first is non-transitionable celebrations, that is, having a constant date.
  • The second is moving holidays, which accordingly do not have a constant calendar date for celebrations.

The permanent feasts of the Lord, that is, having a fixed connection to the calendar, include:

  • Exaltation of the Holy Cross.
  • Nativity.
  • Baptism.
  • Transfiguration.

The Lord's moving holidays are:

  • Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.
  • Ascension.
  • Pentecost.

All five of the Mother of God celebrations are classified as immovable (immovable), in other words, they are tied to calendar dates.

Troparions of the Twelve Feasts

troparion - a short chant dedicated to a holiday or saint


Thy Nativity, O Virgin Mother of God, is a joy to proclaim to the whole universe: from Thee has arisen the Sun of righteousness, Christ our God, and having destroyed the oath, given blessing, and having abolished death, given us eternal life.

Holy Mother of God! You were born, and all people rejoiced, because Christ, our God, our light, was born from You. He lifted the curse from the people and gave a blessing; He abolished the torment of death in hell and gave us eternal life in heaven.


Save, O Lord, Thy people, And bless Thy inheritance, Granting victories to the enemy, And preserving Thy residence through Thy Cross.


The day of God's favor is the transfiguration and the preaching of salvation for men; in the temple of God the Virgin clearly appears and announces Christ to everyone. We too will cry out loudly:


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Today the Virgin Mary came to God’s temple, and people learned that God’s mercy would soon appear, God would soon save people. We will praise the Mother of God like this, Rejoice, You give us the mercy of God.

CHRISTMAS (January 7)

Thy Nativity, Christ our God, arises the world's light of reason: in it, for the stars who serve as stars learn to bow to Thee, the Sun of righteousness, and to lead Thee from the heights of the East. Lord, glory to You.

Your Nativity, Christ our God, illuminated the world with truth, because then the wise men, who bowed to the stars, came with the star to You as to a real sun, and recognized You as a real sunrise. Lord, Glory to You.


In the Jordan I am baptized to You, O Lord, the Trinity adoration appears: for the voice of your parents testifies to You, naming Your beloved Son, and the Spirit, in the form of a dove, announces your words of affirmation.

Appear, O Christ our God, and enlighten the world, glory to Thee.

When You, Lord, were baptized in the Jordan, people recognized the Holy Trinity, because the voice of God the Father called You the beloved Son, and the Holy Spirit, in the form of a dove, confirmed these words. You, Lord, came to earth and gave people light, glory to You.


Rejoice, blessed Virgin Mary, for from You has risen the Sun of Truth, Christ our God, enlightening those in darkness; Rejoice also, O righteous elder, being received into the arms of the Liberator of our souls, who gives us resurrection.

Rejoice, O Virgin Mary, who has received the mercy of God, for from You was born Christ our God, our sun of truth, who illuminated us dark people. And you, righteous elder, rejoice, because you carried in your arms the Savior of our souls.


The day of our salvation is the most important, and since the beginning of time the mystery has been revealed: the Son of God is the Son of the Virgin, and Gabriel preaches grace.

In the same way, we cry out to the Mother of God: Rejoice, full of grace, the Lord is with you.

Today is the beginning of our salvation, today is the revelation of the eternal mystery: the Son of God became the Son of the Virgin Mary, and Gabriel speaks of this joy. And we will sing to the Mother of God; Rejoice, merciful one, the Lord is with you.


Assuring the general resurrection before Your passion, You raised Lazarus from the dead, O Christ our God.

In the same way, we, like children, bearing the sign of victory, cry out to You, the Conqueror of death: Hosanna in the highest, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

You, Christ God, before your suffering, raised Lazarus from the dead, so that everyone would believe in their resurrection. Therefore, we, knowing that we will rise again, sing to You, as the children sang before: Hosanna in the highest, glory to You, who came for the glory of God.

ASCENSION OF THE LORD (40th day after Easter, Thursday)

Thou art exalted in glory, O Christ our God, having brought joy as a disciple, by the promise of the Holy Spirit, by the former blessing communicated to them: for Thou art the Son of God, the Redeemer of the world.

You, Christ God, rejoiced your disciples when you ascended into heaven and promised to send them the Holy Spirit, You blessed them, and they truly learned that You are the Son of God, the Savior of the world.

DAY OF THE HOLY TRINITY. PENTECOST (50th day after Easter)

Blessed are you, Christ our God, who are wise fishers of phenomena, having sent down to them the Holy Spirit, and with them you caught the universe, Lover of mankind, glory to you.

You, Christ God, made simple fishermen wise when you sent them the Holy Spirit. The apostles taught the whole world. Glory to You for such love for people.


Thou art transfigured on the mountain, O Christ God, showing to Thy disciples Thy glory, as unto man; May Your ever-present light shine upon us sinners too, through the prayers of the Mother of God, Light-Giver, glory to You.

You, Christ God, were transfigured on the mountain and showed the apostles Your Godly glory. Through the prayers of the Mother of God, show Your eternal light to us sinners. Glory to You.


At Christmas you preserved your virginity, at your dormition you did not abandon the world, O Mother of God, you reposed in the belly, Mother of the Being of the Belly, and through your prayers you delivered our souls from death.

You, Mother of God, gave birth to Christ as a virgin and did not forget people after death. You began to live again, because You are the Mother of Life itself; You pray for us and save us from death.

About service on the Lord's holidays

On the Twelve Feasts of the Lord, thematic troparia and kontakia are read and sung. That is, regardless of what day of the week or other Christian holiday the celebration falls on, it has priority.

Special points can be considered the following:

  • when serving on Sunday or Monday, the hymn “Blessed is the Man” is sung at Vespers, but not at other times;
  • antiphons are necessarily included in the liturgy;
  • during the Small Entrance, the deacons read a prayer verse in front of the Royal Doors, after which it is time for the troparion and kontakion of the specific celebration;
  • Vespers is celebrated with a detailed ceremonial entrance and prokemeny;
  • During the liturgy, only one Apostle is served and one daily Gospel is read.

Of course, the features include the appearance of the serving clergy and the decoration of the churches, corresponding to the theme of the celebration.

Troparion and kontakion for the small entrance

The singing of troparions and kontakia at the small entrance is the most difficult part of the liturgy to change from a statutory point of view. Many novice regents experience serious difficulties precisely when singing troparions and kontakia at the liturgy, especially at daily services, when a large number of hymns (often in different voices), the texts of which are found in various books, are relied upon. In this regard, we consider it necessary to pay serious attention to this issue and set out in detail all the rules and features associated with the singing of troparions and kontakions at the liturgy.

General instructions for singing troparions and kontakions are as follows:

a) First all the troparions are sung, only after the last troparion is sung the kontakia follow.

b) The order of singing the troparions is determined by their status: first the Lord's troparia are sung (Sunday, the Cross, the Lord's feasts), then the Theotokos and, finally, the troparions to the saints. However, this rule does not apply to the order of singing troparions to the saints. Although in the Church there is a distinction between saints by rank (in accordance with the order of removal of particles at the proskomedia), one should not change the order of singing troparions and kontakions depending on the status of the saints and their affiliation with one or another clergy. For example, if a service is being celebrated to the Archangel Michael (September 6) or to St. John the Baptist (February 24, May 25), then the troparion of the Menaion should not be sung before the troparion of the temple or the day of the week.

c) The order of singing kontakions almost always coincides with the order of singing the corresponding troparia, with the exception of one kontakion of the Lord or the Theotokos, which relies on “And now.” Before the penultimate kontakion, “Glory...” is always sung, and before the last one, “And now...”. If according to the Rule there is only one kontakion, then “Glory, even now” is sung before it.

d) On “And Now” in the case of the Lord’s or the Mother of God’s feast, as well as on the forefeast and afterfeast of the twelve feasts, the kontakion of the given holiday (or forefeast) is always sung. In other cases, in the Church of the Lord and the Mother of God, the kontakia of the temple are often sung, and in the church of the saint, the kontakion “Representation of Christians...” is often sung. It is important to note that a kontakion dedicated to a saint is never sung on “And Now” (the exception is the daytime kontakion on Saturday “As the firstfruits of nature...”, since it contains a prayerful appeal to the Lord and the Mother of God).

e) By saint, “whose temple is,” the Church Charter means the saint to whom the altar where this service is performed is dedicated, and not the one to whom the main altar of the temple is dedicated and whose name the temple itself is named. So if there are several chapels in the temple, then troparia and kontakia at the entrance are sung in accordance with who (or what holiday) the altar is dedicated to, where the service is performed.

f) The troparion and kontakion of the day of the week are sung only when the canons of the Octoechos are sung at Matins (see Chapter 52 of the Typikon, Saturday, with the words “be aware of this too”). Consequently, the daily troparion and kontakion are sung only in the case of the daily service (if the saint is sixfold, without a sign, or two saints), except for the period before and after the twelve feasts. Also, daytime troparia are sung in the case of a saint with great doxology, but with the exception of Saturday, since in the case of doxology on Saturday, the canons of Octoechos are not sung at matins.

g) “Rest with the saints...” is sung only in the case of a service of the sixfold or to a saint without a sign in the Charter (see Chapter 52 of the Typikon, “see” 33rd, 40th, 42nd, 43rd). At the same time, on Sunday the funeral kontakion is never sung (see chapters 2, 3, 4, 5 of the Typikon). “Rest with the saints...” is not sung on ordinary days, including Saturdays, if there is a vigil or polyeleos or great doxology. “Rest with the Saints...” is never sung during the forefeast, afterfeast, and during the singing of the Colored Triodion (except for Trinity Saturday) (see chapter 52 of the Typikon, “behold” the 40th, and the services of the Colored Triodion).

The regulation for singing troparions and kontakions upon entering the liturgy depends on in which church (the Lord's, the Theotokos' or the saint's) the service is being performed. In those few cases when the singing of the troparion and kontakion of the temple is not required at all (on the Lord's and Theotokos feasts, on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of Great Lent, on all Sundays of the Colored Triodion), the order of singing the troparions and kontakia at the liturgy is the same in all temples. However, in most cases, the singing of troparions and kontakions at the liturgy has its own characteristics in each of the three indicated types of churches (depending on when the troparion and kontakion of the temple are sung or when they are omitted). Therefore, it would be advisable to consider separately the rules for singing troparions and kontakions for each type of temple.

In the Lord's Temple

The troparion and kontakion of the temple are not sung on all the Lord's and Theotokos' holidays, on the days of the twelve feasts, on all Sundays, during the periods before or after the Lord's twelve feasts, during the entire period of singing the Colored Triodion, as well as on Wednesday and Friday, if a daily service is performed or with great doxology. In addition, the kontakion of the temple is not sung on Saturday if a daily service is being performed.

General instructions

a) Per week (Sunday)

1. The Twelfth Feast of the Lord (except for the Week of Vai): troparion of the holiday, “Glory, even now”: kontakion of the holiday (for example, September 14).

2. The Twelfth Feast of the Theotokos (except for the Annunciation): Sunday troparion, troparion of the holiday; “Glory”: Sunday kontakion, “And now”: holiday kontakion (see, for example, September 8, “If it happens in a week”).

3. The Lord's or the Mother of God's non-twelfth feast: troparia: Sunday, feast and holy Menaion; Sunday kontakion, “Glory”: kontakion of St. Menaion, “And now”: kontakion of the holiday (see, for example, August 1 or November 27, “If it happens in a week”).

4. Forefeast or afterfeast of the Lord's or Mother of God's feast: troparia: Sunday, feast (forefeast), Holy Menaion; Sunday kontakion, “Glory”: kontakion of Saint Menaion, “And now”: kontakion of the holiday (forefeast) (see, for example, September 8, “If it happens in a week”).

5. Giving of the Twelfth Feast (of the Lord or the Mother of God):

- if the service to Saint Menaion is sung:

troparia: Sunday, holiday, Holy Menaion; Sunday kontakion, “Glory”: kontakion of Saint Menaion, “And now”: kontakion of the holiday (see, for example, November 25, “Also in the week”);

- if the service to the saint is not sung:

Sunday troparion, holiday troparion; “Glory”: Sunday kontakion, “And now”: holiday kontakion (see, for example, September 12, “If it happens in a week”).

6. If the service is to a saint (anyone): Sunday troparion, troparion of a saint; “Glory”: kontakion of Saint Menaion, “And now”: Sunday kontakion (see chapter 52 of the Typikon). In the case of two saints

Troparia and kontakia are sung in succession to both saints, and on “Glory” the kontakion of the second saint is sung.

b) On weekdays

7. The Lord's or Twelfth Feast of the Theotokos: troparion of the feast, “Glory, even now”: kontakion of the feast (for example, September 8, 14).

8. The Lord's or Mother of God's non-twelfth feast:

- if the service to Saint Menaion is sung:

troparia of the holiday and the Holy Menaion; “Glory”: kontakion of Saint Menaion, “And now”: kontakion of the holiday (see, for example, August 1 or October 1);

- if the service to the saint is not sung:

troparion of the holiday, “Glory, even now”: kontakion of the holiday (see 8th temple chapter).

9. Forefeast or afterfeast of the Lord's feast: troparia of the feast (forefeast) and the Holy Menaion; “Glory”: kontakion of Saint Menaion, “And now”: kontakion of the holiday (forefeast) (see, for example, September 15). If two saints

, then troparia and kontakia are sung in succession to both saints, and on “Glory” the kontakion of the 2nd saint is sung.

10. Forefeast or afterfeast of the Theotokos feast: troparia: temple, feast (forefeast), Holy Menaion; kontakion of the temple, “Glory”: kontakion of St. Menaion, “And now”: kontakion of the holiday (forefeast) (see September 9 and chapter 52 of the Typikon). If two saints

, then troparia and kontakia are sung in succession to both saints, and on “Glory” the kontakion of the 2nd saint is sung.

11. Giving of the Twelfth Feast (of the Lord or the Mother of God):

- if the service to Saint Menaion is sung:

troparia of the holiday and the Holy Menaion; “Glory”: kontakion of Saint Menaion, “And now”: kontakion of the holiday (see, for example, November 25);

- if the service to the saint is not sung:

troparion of the holiday; “Glory, even now”: kontakion of the holiday (see, for example, September 12).

12. Vigil or polyeleos to the saint: troparion of the temple, troparion of the saint, “Glory”: kontakion of the saint, “And now”: kontakion of the temple (see, for example, September 26 and chapter 52 of the Typikon).

13. The doxology to the saint on the day of the week (except Saturday), when the Octoechos is sung at Matins:

- Monday, Tuesday and Thursday:

troparia: temple, day (on Thursday - two daily troparions), Holy Menaion; Kontakion of the day (on Thursday - two daily kontakia). “Glory”: kontakion of the saint, “And now”: kontakion of the temple (see chapter 52 of the Typikon);

- Wednesday and Friday:

troparia of the day (“Save, Lord...”) and Saint Menaion; “Glory”: kontakion of the saint, “And now”: kontakion of the day (“He ascended to the Cross...”) (see Chapter 52 of the Typikon).

14. Doxology to the saint on Saturday, when the Octoechos is not sung: the troparion of the temple, the troparion of the saint, “Glory”: the kontakion of the saint, “And now”: the kontakion of the temple (see Chapter 52 of the Typikon).

15. Holy six or unsigned (one or two):

- Monday, Tuesday and Thursday:

troparia: temple, day (on Thursday - two daily troparions), saints of the Menaion (one or two); kontakion of the day (on Thursday - two daily kontakia), kontakion of the saints of the Menaion (one or two), “Glory”: “Rest with the saints...”, “And now”: kontakion of the temple (see chapter 52 of the Typikon);

- Wednesday and Friday:

troparia of the day (“Save, Lord…”) and the Saints of the Menaion (one or two); kontakion of the saints Menaion (one or two), “Glory”: “Rest with the saints...”, “And now”: kontakion of the day (“Ascended to the Cross...”) (see chapter 52 of the Typikon);

- on Saturday:

troparia of the temple, day (“Apostles, martyrs and prophets ...”) and the saints of the Menaion (one or two); kontakion of the saints Menaion (one or two), “Glory”: “Rest with the saints...”, “And now”: kontakion of the day (“Like the firstfruits of nature...”) (see Chapter 12 of the Typikon).

Special cases (exceptions)

c) Fixed holidays

16. Church New Year - indict (September 1): troparion of the indictment, troparion of the Theotokos (“Rejoice, O Joyful...”), troparion of St. Simeon. “Glory”: kontakion of St. Simeon, “And now”: kontakion of indictment.

17. Renewal of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ (September 13): troparia: Renewal, pre-celebration of the Exaltation, Hieromartyr Cornelius. “Glory, even now”: Kontakion of Renewal.

18. Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica (October 26): troparion of the shaking, troparion of the saint; “Glory”: kontakion of the saint, “And now”: kontakion of the shaking.

19. Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary (December 26): troparion of the feast (of the Nativity of Christ); “Glory, even now”: kontakion of the Menaion (“Like before the star…”).

20. Cathedral of St. John the Baptist (January 7): troparion of the Epiphany, troparion of the Baptist. “Glory”: kontakion of the Forerunner, “And now”: kontakion of the Epiphany.

21. Transfer of the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands (August 15): troparions of the Image and Dormition. “Glory”: kontakion of the Image, “And now”: kontakion of the Assumption.

d) Funeral services

22. Meat and Trinity ecumenical parental Saturdays: troparion “In the depth of wisdom...”; “Glory”: “Rest with the saints...”, “And now”: “For you and the wall...” (see Typikon, chapter 49, service on Meat Saturday).

23. Demetrius Saturday, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Saturdays of Great Lent (as well as on all those Saturdays when parastas is performed at Matins): troparia: “Apostles, martyrs...”, “Remember, Lord...”. “Glory”: “Rest with the saints...”, “And now”: “For you and the wall...” (see Typikon, chapter 13).

e) Lenten Triodion period

24. Weeks about the publican and the Pharisee, about the prodigal son, meat and raw foods: Sunday troparion. “Glory, even now”: kontakion of the Triodion (see Typikon, chapter 49, the Sunday service about the publican and the Pharisee).

25. Saturday 1st of Great Lent: troparions of the temple and the great martyr Theodore. “Glory”: kontakion of the Great Martyr Theodore; “And now”: kontakion of the temple.

26. Weeks 1 and 3 of Great Lent: Sunday troparia and holidays (that is, Triodion). “Glory, even now”: Kontakion of the Triodion (see Typikon, chapter 49).

27. 2nd Sunday of Great Lent: troparia: Sunday and St. Gregory. “Glory”: kontakion of the saint, “And now”: kontakion of the Triodion (which is found according to the 3rd song of the canon).

28. Weeks 4 and 5 of Great Lent: troparia: Sunday, Triodion. “Glory”: Triodion kontakion, “And now”: Sunday kontakion.

29. Praise to the Most Holy Theotokos (Saturday Akathist): “What is secretly commanded...”; “Glory, even now”: “To the elected Voivode...”.

30. The Resurrection of Righteous Lazarus (Saturday of Lazarus): troparion “General Resurrection...”; “Glory, even now”: Kontakion of the Triodion (“Christ is the joy of all...”).

31. Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Week Week): “General Resurrection...”; “Glory”: “Enthroned by You...”, “And now”: “On the throne in heaven...”.

Note. If on the indicated Saturdays or weeks a polyeleos, vigil, temple or twelfth (Candlemas, Annunciation) feast, pre-or post-feast of the twelfth feast occurs, then one should be guided by the corresponding Mark chapters of the Typikon (January 30, February 1, 2, 24, 9, 25, March 26), as well as temple chapters.

f) Period of the Colored Triodion

32. Easter Week and Bright Week: “Christ is Risen...” ( once

), “Preceding the morning even about Mary...”; “Glory, even now”: “Even to the grave...”.

33. Sunday of Antipascha: troparion of the holiday, “Glory, even now”: kontakion of the holiday.

34. Antipascha Week: troparia of the holiday and the Holy Menaion; “Glory”: kontakion of Saint Menaion, “And now”: kontakion of the holiday.

35. 3rd Sunday after Easter: troparia: “When He descended...”, “Noble Joseph...”, “To the myrrh-bearing women...”. “Glory”: kontakion of the Triodion (“Rejoice to the myrrh-bearers...”), “And now”: “Even to the grave...”.

36. 3rd Week after Easter: troparia: “Good-looking Joseph...”, “When He descended...”, “To the myrrh-bearing women...”, St. Menaion. “Glory”: kontakion of St. Menaion, “And now”: kontakion of the Triodion (“Rejoice in the myrrh-bearers...”).

37. Weeks 4 and 6 after Easter: Sunday troparion; “Glory”: kontakion of the Triodion, “And now”: “Even to the grave...”.

38. Monday and Tuesday of the 4th week; Thursday, Friday and Saturday of the 5th week; Monday and Tuesday of the 6th week of Easter: troparia: Sunday (of the past week) and Holy Menaion. “Glory”: kontakion of Saint Menaion, “And now”: kontakion of the Triodion (last week).

39. Mid-Pentecost, Ascension of the Lord, Pentecost, days of these holidays, Day of the Holy Spirit: troparion of the holiday, “Glory, and now”: kontakion of the holiday.

40. After-feast of Mid-Pentecost, Ascension of the Lord, Pentecost: troparia of the holiday and the Holy Menaion; “Glory”: kontakion of Saint Menaion, “And now”: kontakion of the holiday.

41. 5th week of Easter: troparia: Sunday (4th tone), Mid-Century. “Glory”: kontakion of the Triodion, “And now”: kontakion of the Midsummer.

42. Giving of Easter: Sunday troparion (5th tone), “Glory”: kontakion of the Week about the blind man, “And now”: “Even to the grave...”.

43. 7th Sunday after Easter, holy fathers of the First Ecumenical Council: troparia: resurrection (6th tone), Ascension, fathers. “Glory”: kontakion of the fathers, “And now”: kontakion of the Ascension.

44. Sunday of All Saints: troparia: Sunday (8th tone), saints. “Glory, even now”: kontakion of the saints.

Note. If a great saint happens during the week of the Colored Triodion or on the Feast of the Lord (Apothenia, Ascension, Pentecost), then one should be guided by the corresponding Mark chapters of the Typikon (April 23, May 8, 25), as well as the 48–58th temple chapters.

In the Church of the Virgin Mary

The troparion and kontakion of the temple are not sung on all the feasts of the Lord and the Theotokos, on the days of the twelve feasts, and during the periods before or after the feasts of the twelve feasts of the Theotokos. In addition, the kontakion of the temple is not sung during the entire period of singing of the Colored Triodion, as well as on Saturday, if a daily service is being performed.

General instructions

a) Per week (Sunday)

1. The Twelfth Feast of the Lord (except for the Week of Vai): troparion of the holiday, “Glory, even now”: kontakion of the holiday (for example, September 14).

2. The Twelfth Feast of the Theotokos (except for the Annunciation): Sunday troparion, troparion of the holiday; “Glory”: Sunday kontakion, “And now”: holiday kontakion (see, for example, September 8, “If it happens in a week”).

3. The Lord's or the Mother of God's non-twelfth feast: troparia: Sunday, feast and holy Menaion; Sunday kontakion, “Glory”: kontakion of St. Menaion, “And now”: kontakion of the holiday (see, for example, August 1 or November 27, “If it happens in a week”).

4. Forefeast or afterfeast of the Lord's feast: troparia: Sunday, feast (forefeast), temple, Holy Menaion; Sunday kontakion, temple kontakion, “Glory”: kontakion of St. Menaion, “And now”: kontakion of the holiday (forefeast) (see, for example, September 15, “If it happens in a week”).

5. Forefeast or afterfeast of the Theotokos feast: troparia: Sunday, feast (forefeast), Saint Menaion; Sunday kontakion, “Glory”: kontakion of Saint Menaion, “And now”: kontakion of the holiday (forefeast) (see, for example, September 8, “If it happens in a week”).

6. Giving of the Twelfth Feast (of the Lord or the Mother of God):

- if the service to Saint Menaion is sung:

troparia: Sunday, holiday, Holy Menaion; Sunday kontakion, “Glory”: kontakion of Saint Menaion, “And now”: kontakion of the holiday (see, for example, November 25, “Also in the week”);

- if the service to the saint is not sung:

Sunday troparion, holiday troparion; “Glory”: Sunday kontakion, “And now”: holiday kontakion (see, for example, September 12, “If it happens in a week”).

7. If the service is to a saint (anyone) during the period of singing the Octoechos: troparia: Sunday, temple, saint; Sunday kontakion. “Glory”: kontakion of Saint Menaion, “And now”: kontakion of the temple (see chapter 52 of the Typikon). In the case of two saints

Troparia and kontakia are sung in succession to both saints, and on “Glory” the kontakion of the 2nd saint is sung.

b) On weekdays

8. The Lord's or Twelfth Feast of the Theotokos: troparion of the feast, “Glory, even now”: kontakion of the feast (for example, September 8, 14).

9. The Lord's or Mother of God's non-twelfth feast:

- if the service to Saint Menaion is sung:

troparia of the holiday and the Holy Menaion; “Glory”: kontakion of Saint Menaion, “And now”: kontakion of the holiday (see, for example, August 1 or October 1);

- if the service to the saint is not sung:

troparion of the holiday, “Glory, even now”: kontakion of the holiday (see 8th temple chapter).

10. Forefeast or afterfeast of the Lord's feast: troparia: feast (forefeast), temple, Holy Menaion; kontakion of the temple; “Glory”: kontakion of Saint Menaion, “And now”: kontakion of the holiday (forefeast) (see January 2). If two saints

, then troparia and kontakia are sung in succession to both saints, and on “Glory” the kontakion of the 2nd saint is sung.

11. Forefeast or afterfeast of the Theotokos feast: troparia: feast (forefeast), Holy Menaion; “Glory”: kontakion of St. Menaion, “And now”: kontakion of the holiday (forefeast) (see September 9 and chapter 52 of the Typikon). If two saints

, then troparia and kontakia are sung in succession to both saints, and on “Glory” the kontakion of the 2nd saint is sung.

12. Giving of the Twelfth Feast (of the Lord or the Mother of God):

- if the service to Saint Menaion is sung:

troparia of the holiday and the Holy Menaion; “Glory”: kontakion of Saint Menaion, “And now”: kontakion of the holiday (see, for example, November 25);

- if the service to the saint is not sung:

troparion of the holiday; “Glory, even now”: kontakion of the holiday (see, for example, September 12).

13. Vigil or polyeleos to the saint: troparion of the temple, troparion of the saint, “Glory”: kontakion of the saint, “And now”: kontakion of the temple (see, for example, September 26 and chapter 52 of the Typikon).

14. The doxology to the saint on the day of the week (except Saturday), when the Octoechos is sung at Matins:

- Monday, Tuesday and Thursday:

troparia: temple, day (on Thursday - two daily troparions), Holy Menaion; Kontakion of the day (on Thursday - two daily kontakia). “Glory”: kontakion of the saint, “And now”: kontakion of the temple (see chapter 52 of the Typikon);

- Wednesday and Friday:

troparia: day (“Save, Lord...”), temple, Saint Menaion; Kontakion of the day (“He ascended to the Cross…”). “Glory”: kontakion of the saint, “And now”: kontakion of the temple (see chapter 52 of the Typikon).

15. Doxology to the saint on Saturday, when the Octoechos is not sung: the troparion of the temple, the troparion of the saint, “Glory”: the kontakion of the saint, “And now”: the kontakion of the temple (see Chapter 52 of the Typikon).

16. Holy six or unsigned (one or two):

- Monday, Tuesday and Thursday:

troparia: temple, day (on Thursday - two daily troparions), saints of the Menaion (one or two); kontakion of the day (on Thursday - two daily kontakia), kontakion of the saints of the Menaion (one or two), “Glory”: “Rest with the saints...”, “And now”: kontakion of the temple (see chapter 52 of the Typikon);

- Wednesday and Friday:

troparia: of the day (“Save, Lord...”), temple, saints of the Menaion (one or two); kontakion of the day (“He ascended to the Cross…”), kontakion of the saints of the Menaion (one or two), “Glory”: “Rest with the saints…”, “And now”: kontakion of the temple (chapter 52 of the Typikon).

- on Saturday:

troparia: temple, day (“Apostles, martyrs and prophets...”) and saints of the Menaion (one or two); kontakion of the saints Menaion (one or two), “Glory”: “Rest with the saints...”, “And now”: kontakion of the day (“Like the firstfruits of nature...”) (see chapter 12, 52 of the Typikon).

Special cases (exceptions)

c) Fixed holidays

17. Church New Year - indict (September 1): troparion of the indictment, troparion of the Theotokos (“Rejoice, O Joyful...”), troparion of St. Simeon, kontakion of the indictment. “Glory”: kontakion of St. Simeon, “And now”: kontakion of the temple.

18. Renewal of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ (September 13): troparia: Renewal, pre-celebration of the Exaltation, Hieromartyr Cornelius. “Glory, even now”: Kontakion of Renewal.

19. Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica (October 26): troparion of the shaking, troparion of the saint; “Glory”: kontakion of the saint, “And now”: kontakion of the shaking.

20. Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary (December 26): troparion of the feast (of the Nativity of Christ); “Glory, even now”: kontakion of the Menaion (“Like before the star…”).

21 . Cathedral of St. John the Baptist (January 7): troparion of the Epiphany, troparion of the Baptist. “Glory”: kontakion of the Forerunner, “And now”: kontakion of the Epiphany.

22. Transfer of the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands (August 15): troparions of the Image and Dormition. “Glory”: kontakion of the Image, “And now”: kontakion of the Assumption.

d) Funeral services

23. Meat and Trinity ecumenical parental Saturdays: troparion “In the depth of wisdom...”; “Glory”: “Rest with the saints...”, “And now”: “For you and the wall...” (see Typikon, chapter 49, service on Meat Saturday).

24. Demetrius Saturday, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Saturdays of Great Lent (as well as on all those Saturdays when parastas is performed at Matins): troparia: “Apostles, martyrs...”, “Remember, Lord...”. “Glory”: “Rest with the saints...”, “And now”: “For you and the wall...” (see Typikon, chapter 13).

e) Lenten Triodion period

25. Weeks about the publican and the Pharisee, about the prodigal son, meat and raw foods: Sunday troparia and the temple. “Glory”: kontakion of the Triodion, “And now”: kontakion of the temple (see Typikon, chapter 49, service on Sunday about the publican and the Pharisee).

26. Saturday 1st of Great Lent: troparions of the temple and the Great Martyr Theodore. “Glory”: kontakion of the Great Martyr Theodore; “And now”: kontakion of the temple.

27. Weeks 1 and 3 of Great Lent: Sunday troparia and holidays (that is, Triodion). “Glory, even now”: Kontakion of the Triodion (see Typikon, chapter 49).

28. 2nd Sunday of Great Lent: troparia: Sunday, Church and St. Gregory; Kontakion of the Triodion (which is located on the 3rd song of the canon). “Glory”: kontakion of the saint, “And now”: kontakion of the temple.

29. Weeks 4 and 5 of Great Lent: troparia: Sunday, temple, Triodion; Sunday kontakion, “Glory”: Triodion kontakion, “And now”: temple kontakion.

30. Praise to the Most Holy Theotokos (Saturday Akathist): “What is secretly commanded...”; “Glory, even now”: “To the elected Voivode...”.

31. The Resurrection of Righteous Lazarus (Saturday of Lazarus): troparion “General Resurrection...”; “Glory, even now”: Kontakion of the Triodion (“Christ is the joy of all...”).

32. Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Week Week): “General Resurrection...”; “Glory”: “Enthroned by You...”, “And now”: “On the throne in heaven...”.

Note. If on the indicated Saturdays or weeks a polyeleos, vigil, temple or twelfth (Candlemas, Annunciation) feast, pre-or post-feast of the twelfth feast occurs, then one should be guided by the corresponding Mark chapters of the Typikon (January 30, February 1, 2, 24, 9, 25, March 26), as well as temple chapters.

f) Period of the Colored Triodion

33. Easter Week and Bright Week: “Christ is Risen...” ( once

), “Preceding the morning even about Mary...”; “Glory, even now”: “Even to the grave...”.

34. Sunday of Antipascha: troparion of the holiday, “Glory, even now”: kontakion of the holiday.

35. Antipascha Week: troparia: holiday, temple and holy Menaion; “Glory”: kontakion of Saint Menaion, “And now”: kontakion of the holiday.

36. 3rd Sunday after Easter: troparia: “When He descended...”, “Good-looking Joseph...”, “To the myrrh-bearing women...”. “Glory”: kontakion of the Triodion (“Rejoice to the myrrh-bearers...”), “And now”: “Even to the grave...”.

37. 3rd Week after Easter: troparia: “Good-looking Joseph...”, “When He descended...”, “To the myrrh-bearing women...”, temple, Saint Menaion. “Glory”: kontakion of St. Menaion, “And now”: kontakion of the Triodion (“Rejoice in the myrrh-bearers...”).

38. Weeks 4 and 6 after Easter: Sunday troparion; “Glory”: kontakion of the Triodion, “And now”: “Even to the grave...”.

39. Monday and Tuesday of the 4th week; Thursday, Friday and Saturday of the 5th week; Monday and Tuesday of the 6th week of Easter: troparia: Sunday (of the past week), the temple and the Holy Menaion. “Glory”: kontakion of Saint Menaion, “And now”: kontakion of the Triodion (last week).

40. Mid-Pentecost, Ascension of the Lord, Pentecost, days of these holidays, Day of the Holy Spirit: troparion of the holiday, “Glory, and now”: kontakion of the holiday.

41. After-feast of Mid-Pentecost, Ascension of the Lord, Pentecost: troparia: holiday, temple and Holy Menaion; “Glory”: kontakion of Saint Menaion, “And now”: kontakion of the holiday.

42. 5th week of Easter: troparia: Sunday (4th tone), Mid-Century. “Glory”: kontakion of the Triodion, “And now”: kontakion of the Midsummer.

43. Giving of Easter: Sunday troparion (5th tone), “Glory”: Kontakion of the Week for the Blind, “And Now”: “Even to the grave...”.

44. 7th Sunday after Easter, holy fathers of the First Ecumenical Council: troparia: resurrection (6th tone), Ascension, fathers. “Glory”: kontakion of the fathers, “And now”: kontakion of the Ascension.

45. Sunday of All Saints: troparia: Sunday (8th tone), saints. “Glory, even now”: kontakion of the saints.

Note. If a great saint happens during the week of the Colored Triodion or on the Feast of the Lord (Apothenia, Ascension, Pentecost), then one should be guided by the corresponding Mark chapters of the Typikon (April 23, May 8, 25), as well as the 48–58th temple chapters.

In the temple of the saint

The troparion and kontakion of the temple are not sung on all the feasts of the Lord and the Mother of God, on the days of the twelve feasts, on the feasts of the vigil saints, and also on Saturday, if a daily service is performed. In addition, the troparion and kontakion of the temple are omitted on weekdays during the performance of the daily service or to the saint with great doxology, if the saint of the temple coincides in rank with the saint of the day of the week (in the Archangel Church - on Monday, in the Church of the Baptist - on Tuesday, in the Apostolic Church and in the Church of St. Nicholas - on Thursday).

General instructions

a) Per week (Sunday)

1. The Twelfth Feast of the Lord (except for the Week of Vai): troparion of the holiday, “Glory, even now”: kontakion of the holiday (for example, September 14).

2. The Twelfth Feast of the Theotokos (except for the Annunciation): Sunday troparion, troparion of the holiday; “Glory”: Sunday kontakion, “And now”: holiday kontakion (see, for example, September 8, “If it happens in a week”).

3. The Lord's or the Mother of God's non-twelfth feast: troparia: Sunday, feast and holy Menaion; Sunday kontakion, “Glory”: kontakion of St. Menaion, “And now”: kontakion of the holiday (see, for example, August 1 or November 27, “If it happens in a week”).

4. Forefeast or afterfeast of the Lord's or Mother of God's feast: troparia: Sunday, feast (forefeast), temple and Holy Menaion, kontakion: Sunday, temple. “Glory”: kontakion of Saint Menaion, “And now”: kontakion of the holiday (forefeast) (see, for example, September 8, “If it happens in a week”).

5. Giving of the Lord's or the Twelfth Feast of the Theotokos:

- if the service to Saint Menaion is sung:

troparia: Sunday, holiday, Holy Menaion; Sunday kontakion, “Glory”: kontakion of Saint Menaion, “And now”: kontakion of the holiday (see, for example, November 25, “Also in the week”);

- if the service to the saint is not sung:

Sunday troparion, holiday troparion; “Glory”: Sunday kontakion, “And now”: holiday kontakion (see, for example, September 12, “If it happens in a week”).

6. If there is a vigil for a saint: the Sunday troparion, the saint’s troparion, the Sunday kontakion. “Glory”: kontakion of the saint, “And now”: “Representation of Christians...” (see Chapter 3 of the Typikon).

7. If a saint having a polyeleos or doxology, or six-fold, or without a sign: troparia: Sunday, temple and holy Menaion, kontakion: Sunday, temple. “Glory”: kontakion of the saint, “And now”: “Representation of Christians...” (see chapter 2 ,

4, 5th Typicon).
In the case of two saints,
troparia and kontakia are sung in a row to both saints, and on “Glory” the kontakion of the 2nd saint is sung.

b) On weekdays

8. The Lord's or Twelfth Feast of the Theotokos: troparion of the feast, “Glory, even now”: kontakion of the feast (for example, September 8, 14).

9. The Lord's or Mother of God's non-twelfth feast:

- if the service to Saint Menaion is sung:

troparia of the holiday and the Holy Menaion; “Glory”: kontakion of Saint Menaion, “And now”: kontakion of the holiday (see, for example, August 1 or October 1);

- if the service to the saint is not sung:

troparion of the holiday, “Glory, even now”: kontakion of the holiday (see 8th temple chapter).

10. Forefeast or afterfeast of the Lord's or Mother of God's feast: troparia: feast (forefeast), temple, holy Menaion; kontakion of the temple; “Glory”: kontakion of St. Menaion, “And now”: kontakion of the holiday (forefeast) (see chapter 52 of the Typikon). If two saints

, then troparia and kontakia are sung in succession to both saints, and on “Glory” the kontakion of the 2nd saint is sung.

11. Giving of the Twelfth Feast (of the Lord or the Mother of God):

- if the service to Saint Menaion is sung:

troparia of the holiday and the Holy Menaion; “Glory”: kontakion of Saint Menaion, “And now”: kontakion of the holiday (see, for example, November 25);

- if the service to the saint is not sung:

troparion of the holiday; “Glory, even now”: kontakion of the holiday (see, for example, September 12).

12. Vigil to the Saint:

troparion of the saint, “Glory”: kontakion of the saint, “And now”: “Representation of Christians...” (see, for example, September 26).

13. Polyeleos to the saint: troparia of the temple and the saint, kontakion of the temple; “Glory”: kontakion of the saint, “And now”: “Representation of Christians...” (see chapter 52 of the Typikon).

14. Doxology to the saint on the weekday:

troparia: day, temple, holy Menaion; kontakion: day, temple. "Glory": kontakion of a saint. “And now”: “Representation of Christians...” (see Chapter 52 of the Typikon).

15. Doxology of the saint on Saturday: troparia of the temple and the saint, kontakion of the temple; “Glory”: kontakion of the saint, “And now”: “Representation of Christians...”.

16. Service to a saint (or two saints) sixfold or without a sign on all days except Saturday:

troparia: the day of the week (on Thursday - two), the temple and the saints of the Menaion (one or two), kontakion: the day of the week (on Thursday - two), the temple, the saints of the Menaion (one or two), "Glory": "Rest with the saints ...”, “And now”: “Representation of Christians...” (see chapter 52 of the Typikon, “see” 7th, 17th).

17. If there is a service of six or no sign on Saturday

troparia: daily (“Apostles, martyrs...”), saints of the Menaion (one or two), kontakion of the saints of the Menaion (one or two).
“Glory”: “Rest with the saints...”, “And now”: “Like the firstfruits of nature...” (see chapter 52 of the Typikon, “see” 38th). Special cases (exceptions)

c) Fixed holidays

19. Church New Year - indict (September 1): troparion of the indictment, troparion of the Theotokos (“Rejoice, O Joyful...”), troparion of St. Simeon. “Glory”: kontakion of St. Simeon, “And now”: kontakion of indictment.

19. Renewal of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ (September 13): troparia: Renewal, pre-celebration of the Exaltation, Hieromartyr Cornelius. “Glory, even now”: Kontakion of Renewal.

20. Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica (October 26): troparion of the shaking, troparion of the saint; “Glory”: kontakion of the saint, “And now”: kontakion of the shaking.

21. Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary (December 26): troparion of the feast (of the Nativity of Christ); “Glory, even now”: kontakion of the Menaion (“Like before the star…”).

22. Cathedral of St. John the Baptist (January 7): troparion of the Epiphany, troparion of the Baptist. “Glory”: kontakion of the Forerunner, “And now”: kontakion of the Epiphany.

23. Transfer of the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands (August 15): troparions of the Image and Dormition. “Glory”: kontakion of the Image, “And now”: kontakion of the Assumption.

d) Funeral services

24. Meat and Trinity ecumenical parental Saturdays: troparion “In the depth of wisdom...”; “Glory”: “Rest with the saints...”, “And now”: “For you and the wall...” (see Typikon, chapter 49, service on Meat Saturday).

25. Demetrius Saturday, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Saturdays of Great Lent (as well as on all those Saturdays when parastas is performed at Matins): troparia: “Apostles, martyrs...”, “Remember, Lord...”. “Glory”: “Rest with the saints...”, “And now”: “For you and the wall...” (see Typikon, chapter 13).

e) Lenten Triodion period

26. Weeks about the publican and the Pharisee, about the prodigal son, meat and raw foods: Sunday troparia and the temple. “Glory”: kontakion of the temple, “And now”: kontakion of the Triodion (see Typikon, chapter 49, service on Sunday about the publican and the Pharisee).

27. 1st Saturday of Great Lent: troparia of the temple and the Great Martyr Theodore, kontakion of the temple. “Glory”: kontakion of the Great Martyr Theodore; “And now”: “The representation of Christians...”.

28. Weeks 1 and 3 of Great Lent: Sunday troparia and holidays (that is, Triodion). “Glory, even now”: Kontakion of the Triodion (see Typikon, chapter 49).

29. 2nd Sunday of Great Lent: troparia: Sunday, Church and St. Gregory; kontakion of the temple. “Glory”: kontakion of the saint, “And now”: kontakion of the Triodion (which is found according to the 3rd song of the canon).

30. Weeks 4 and 5 of Great Lent: troparia: Sunday, temple, Triodion; Sunday kontakion, temple kontakion. “Glory”: Kontakion of the Triodion, “And Now”: “Representation of Christians...”.

31. Praise to the Most Holy Theotokos (Saturday Akathist): “What is secretly commanded...”; “Glory, even now”: “To the elected commander...”.

32. The Resurrection of Righteous Lazarus (Saturday of Lazarus): troparion “General Resurrection...”; “Glory, even now”: Kontakion of the Triodion (“Christ is the joy of all...”).

33. Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Week Week): “General Resurrection...”; “Glory”: “Enthroned by You...”, “And now”: “On the throne in heaven...”.

Note. If on the indicated Saturdays or weeks a polyeleos, vigil, temple or twelfth (Candlemas, Annunciation) feast occurs, the pre- or post-feast of the twelfth

About service on the feasts of the Mother of God

On these days, thematic troparia of the twelve feasts are read in Church Slavonic. When the service falls on a Sunday, it is combined with a day off. However, if the celebration falls on Saturday, an exclusively solemn service is performed.

A special feature of these celebrations is the celebration of All-Night Vigils. Distinctive moments directly during the services themselves include:

  • performance of thematic stichera;
  • at the end of Prokeme Vespers, the festive proverbs are read;
  • The troparion is sung three times during the Blessing of the Loaves, and the Sunday troparion is sung twice, at the joining of services.

Also, the distinctive moments when adding the Sunday service are that the weekend antiphon of the current voice is read in a single celebration, but the Gospel, like the prokeimenon, is festive.


There are twelve major holidays a year, or twelve in Slavic. That is why the major holidays are called twelve.

The biggest holiday is Easter.

Easter is counted separately.

For every holiday there is a special holiday prayer. This prayer is called the troparion

. The troparion talks about what mercy God gave people on the holiday.

Troparion for the Nativity of the Virgin Mary.

Thy Nativity, O Virgin Mother of God, is a joy to proclaim to the whole universe: from Thee has risen the Sun of righteousness, Christ our God, and, having destroyed the oath, I have given a blessing; and having abolished death, he gave us eternal life.

This troparion can be simply said this way: Most Holy Theotokos! You were born, and all people rejoiced, because Christ, our God, our light, was born from You. He lifted the curse from the people and gave a blessing; He abolished the torment of death in hell and gave us eternal life in heaven.

Troparion of the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Today is the day of God's favor, the transfiguration, and the preaching of salvation to men; in the temple of God the Virgin clearly appears and announces Christ to everyone. To that we too will loudly cry out: Rejoice, fulfillment of the Creator’s vision.

Today the Virgin Mary came to God’s temple, and people learned that the mercy of God would soon appear, that God would soon save people. We will praise the Mother of God like this, Rejoice, You give us the mercy of God.

Troparion of the Annunciation.

The day of our salvation is the most important, and since the beginning of time the mystery has been revealed: the Son of God is the Son of the Virgin, and Gabriel preaches grace. In the same way, we cry out to the Mother of God: Rejoice, full of grace, the Lord is with you.

Today is the beginning of our salvation, today is the revelation of the eternal mystery: the Son of God became the Son of the Virgin Mary, and Gabriel speaks of this joy. And we will sing to the Mother of God; Rejoice, merciful one, the Lord is with you.

Troparion of the Assumption.

At Christmas you preserved your virginity, at the Dormition you did not forsake the world, O Theotokos, you reposed in the belly, Mother of the Being of the Belly; and through Your prayers You deliver our souls from death.

You, Mother of God, gave birth to Christ as a virgin and did not forget people after death. You began to live again, because You are the Mother of Life itself; You pray for us and save us from death.

Troparion of the Nativity of Christ.

Thy Nativity, Christ our God, rises up into the world's light of reason: in it, for the stars who serve as stars learn to bow to Thee, the Sun of righteousness, and lead Thee from the heights of the East, Lord, glory to Thee.

Your Nativity, Christ our God, illuminated the world with truth, because then the wise men, who bowed to the stars, came with the star to You as to a real sun, and recognized You as a real sunrise. Lord, Glory to You.

Troparion of Baptism.

In the Jordan I am baptized to You, O Lord, in threefold adoration appeared: for the voice of your parents testified to You, naming Your beloved Son, and the Spirit, in the form of a dove, announced your words of affirmation. Appear, O Christ our God, and glory be to Thee who enlighten the world.

When You, Lord, were baptized in the Jordan, people recognized the Holy Trinity, because the voice of God the Father called You the beloved Son, and the Holy Spirit, in the form of a dove, confirmed these words. You, Lord, came to earth and gave people light, glory to You.

Troparion of the Presentation.

Rejoice, blessed Virgin Mary, for from You has risen the Sun of Truth, Christ our God, enlighten those who are in darkness; Rejoice and you, righteous elder, are received into the arms of the Liberator of our souls, who gives us resurrection.

Rejoice, O Virgin Mary, who has received the mercy of God, for from You was born Christ our God, our sun of truth, who illuminated us dark people. And you, righteous elder, rejoice, because you carried in your arms the Savior of our souls.

Troparion of Palm Resurrection.

Assuring the general resurrection before Your passion, You raised Lazarus from the dead, O Christ our God. In the same way, we, like youths, bearing the sign of victory, cry out to You, the Conqueror of death: Hosanna in the highest, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

You, Christ God, before your suffering, raised Lazarus from the dead, so that everyone would believe in their resurrection. Therefore, we, knowing that we will rise again, sing to You, as the children sang before: Hosanna in the highest, glory to You, who came for the glory of God.

Troparion of Holy Pascha.

Christ rose from the dead, trampling down death by death and giving life to those in the tombs.

Christ rose from the dead, conquered death by His death and gave life to the dead.

Troparion of the Ascension.

Thou art exalted in glory, O Christ our God, having brought joy as a disciple, by the promise of the Holy Spirit, by the former blessing communicated to them, for Thou art the Son of God, the Redeemer of the world.

You, Christ God, rejoiced your disciples when you ascended into heaven and promised to send them the Holy Spirit, You blessed them, and they truly learned that You are the Son of God, the Savior of the world.

Troparion of the Holy Trinity.

Blessed are you, O Christ our God, who are wise fishers of phenomena, having sent down to them the Holy Spirit, and with them caught the universe; Lover of humanity, glory to Thee.

You, Christ God, made simple fishermen wise when you sent them the Holy Spirit. The apostles taught the whole world. Glory to You for such love for people.

Troparion to the Transfiguration.

Thou art transfigured on the mountain, O Christ God, showing Thy disciples Thy glory, as unto a man; May Your ever-present light shine upon us sinners too, through the prayers of the Mother of God, Light-Giver, glory to You.

You, Christ God, were transfigured on the mountain and showed the apostles Your Godly glory. Through the prayers of the Mother of God, show Your eternal light to us sinners. Glory to You.

Related Sections
  • Old Testament
  • New Testament
  • Troparions for the Twelve Feasts
  • Prayers

How were the twelve feasts established?

At the beginning of the formation of the religion, attempts were made to single out particularly important solemn days, on which those that were decisive for the formation of Christianity as a whole are remembered. Accordingly, each of the twelve festivals has its own special history of establishment.

The history of these celebrations is inextricably linked with the formation of the church calendar as a whole. All twelve holidays identified in Christianity have their roots in the time of the Resurrection of Jesus. It was the Resurrection that became the very first and most significant event for believers. It was a kind of founder of the calendar of church festivals.

It is from the bright Resurrection of the Lord that all other events begin, to which the troparia of the twelve feasts are dedicated. Of course, chronologically, events begin with the appearance of an Angel to the Virgin Mary, bringing the good news. However, during the formation of Christianity, the most significant was the miracle of the Resurrection. Thus, it was this event that became the most important in religious rituals.

The remaining holidays were added as believers studied the life of Jesus. Of course, the texts of the Gospels played an important role in this. It is quite natural that the greatest curiosity was aroused by the details of the appearance of Christ in this world, the events of his life. Women, of whom there were also quite a few among the first Christians, were concerned about the problems of motherhood and, of course, everything that happened to the Virgin Mary was more important to them.

The apostles and other early followers did not arouse such keen interest among believers. Presumably, it was precisely because of this that the twelve feasts were singled out as separate, especially revered dates in the church service.

The first documentation of the holidays occurred during the reign of Constantine the Great Porphyrogenitus, a Roman emperor and Christian, who did a lot for the formation of the faith and the formalization of its canons.

Why are these holidays important?

The importance of the twelve main holidays in the Orthodox tradition does not lie in the fact that they serve as a kind of fundamental core of the church calendar, its formative circle.

These days are important for the formation of the spirituality of parishioners and their enlightenment. After all, the more believers know about the worldly life of those who are revered in churches, the more reverently and sincerely they perceive the service. This is a feature of human perception. Accordingly, holidays are important to strengthen the faith of parishioners and this is their main meaning.

What do they do on these holidays?

For the first time, rules of behavior in everyday life, so to speak, everyday prescriptions, were documented during the reign of Constantine the Great. The very first rule of behavior that emerged during the holidays was a ban on trading. This instruction has not reached our time; it was abolished.

Many rules and regulations concerned Sunday. In different historical eras, church rules prohibited performances by artists, legal proceedings, and public works. But over time, the restrictions subsided, the essence of the understanding of the festivals changed.

On a holiday, it is not recommended to work, including around the house. Of course, it is not forbidden to carry out urgent matters. For example, the church does not forbid preparing breakfast or picking up litter that has fallen on the floor; there is no need to exaggerate the instructions. However, general cleaning, washing or other chores that can easily be postponed are not recommended.

Of course, on the days of celebrations, it is necessary to visit temples, and not just laze around. These days are given over not to idleness, but to a person’s spiritual work on himself, reflection and prayer.

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