Religious theory of human origins: no proof required

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libre27 October 2012 6907
How can we explain the striking similarity between monkeys and humans? A variety of answers have been given to this question in the past, each more contradictory than the other. Many scientists not so long ago, about two hundred years ago, believed that apes were a breed of some kind of wild “orangutans”, that is, “forest people” (orangutan in Malay means “forest man”). Orangutans are found in South Asia - on the islands of Sumatra and Borneo). Some naturalists even believed that orangutans pretended to be mute and unable to understand human speech for fear that they might be turned into slaves and forced to work backbreakingly. In a separate article we have already looked at the behavior of monkeys.

The ancient Egyptian god Khnum sculpts the first people from clay on a potter's wheel.

In some books published at the beginning of the last century, you can read fables about orangutans supposedly working on ships as sailors, etc.

This is how apes were depicted in past centuries, who were mistaken for forest wild people.

Man evolved from monkeys

Churchmen approached the question of the similarity of monkeys with humans . For them, to accept that apes are people also means to accept that God, who created people in his own image and likeness, must be like monkeys. Therefore, churchmen categorically rejected the idea that anthropomorphic monkeys are wild people. Instead, the church fathers argued that orangutans were humans in the distant past. But they sinned before God, who turned them into animals as punishment. The belief in this version was so strong that some churchmen, according to surviving legends, went to Africa to preach the Bible among the monkeys in the hope that they could again be transformed into people and reconciled with the almighty “creator.”

The idea that man appeared on Earth by supernatural means, that he was created by God, is a relic of a very distant past.

Pros of the concept

This concept explains quite simply the entire world order, the central figure of which is man. All human activities related to art, scientific work or spiritual aspirations are explained by the will of the Creator.

A number of modern scientists are on the side of creationism. The theory has developed significantly along with its founders, representing scientific creationism.

They are:

  • Georges Leopold Cuvier , who lived in the early 19th century. He was an explorer and naturalist. He conducted numerous excavations and made great contributions to paleontology. Conducted experiments and performed autopsies. Became the founder of comparative anatomy. He tried to fit scientific discoveries into creationism. He explained the differences between the found fossils and modern animals by periodic global catastrophes on the entire planet. When, under the influence of large-scale shifts in the earth's crust, the entire animal and plant world was completely destroyed. There were only small areas left that were not affected by the disaster. The surviving animals and fauna gradually migrated to free areas. And extinct species remained in the form of fossils. According to his reasoning, there were at least 30 disasters that occurred.
  • His theory was later expanded upon by Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz and Alcide Dessalines D'Orbigny . They were of the opinion that after every full-scale destruction of all life, divine power intervened. With its help, some animals and plants were recreated and significantly supplemented.

Everything that adherents of this theory of world order need to know is written in the Bible. It contains all the answers that explain the structure of the world. Those inexplicable phenomena that science denies take place in this theory.

Man and all his activities have a certain meaning, laid down and under the control of the Creator.

Various theories of human origins

Different peoples have preserved many different tales about the origin of man . The most ancient of them tell that the first people fell to Earth from the Moon, that they grew up on trees, hatched from an egg laid by some wonderful bird, etc. At a later time, with the development of crafts, when people all more and more begin to act as craftsmen, creators of various objects, legends appear in which it is stated that the first people were created by some heroes or gods: carved from wood, carved from stone, etc. Among the ancient peoples who knew how to make pottery, the idea arose that the first people were made of clay by gods. Thus, in ancient Egypt they believed that a god named Khnum sculpted the first man on a potter's wheel.

According to ancient Greek legend, the god Zeus , like a potter, sculpted people from clay, and the goddess Athena “ensouled” them, that is, brought them to life.

The Greek god Zeus sculpts the first people from clay, and the goddess Athena “animates” them.

general description

Currently, there are several philosophical and ideological concepts that explain the origin of all life on earth, including humans, as well as the surrounding world and outer space, including our planet. One of them is Creationism, from lat. creationis - creation. This concept arose during the birth of religions and became an integral part of it.

The essence of the concept:

  1. The central figure is the Creator . He performed an act of creation with his will and created everything around him from nothing. All living and inanimate nature was created complete and did not change anymore. Currently, the Creator continues to manage all processes.
  2. Creationism rejects the process of evolution and keeps its own calendar . According to this concept, the age of the Earth is no more than 10 thousand years.
  3. The main book that explains the essence of the worldview is considered to be the Bible , which is a reliable source on issues of natural science.

All leading religions of the world also adhere to creationism.

At the end of the 18th century, science began to develop. The pioneers of the emerging scientific world began to study the morphology of humans and animals, the simplest physiological processes, as well as the reproduction and development of organisms.

Then the theory of Creationism split into two branches:

  1. Orthodox —Proponents stick to the basic tenets, believe in creation from nothing, and ignore and deny scientific evidence. They deny modern space science, evolution and theories about the geology of the earth.
  2. Evolutionary - the concept attempted to combine religious teachings and the theory of evolution. Allows for the process of changing species, but explains them from the point of view of the purposeful will of the Almighty. It also does not exclude the origin of humans from anthropoid apes. Only consciousness and the spiritual part of it are still the result of divine creation.

Creationism lost its dominant influence on science by the middle of the last century due to the rapid development of all areas of science.


Author: Andrey Petrik

The most important question about the origin of man has not yet found its unanimous and clear opinion. The most important knowledge about the essence of a person turned out to be quite blurred for many people. And without a person’s clear understanding of his roots, it is impossible to move forward correctly. Without knowing his true essence and place in life, a person cannot find the right vector of development. On this important issue, there has been a division into several opposing camps, where everyone is completely convinced that they are right. At the same time, some firmly speak about their Divine origin. Others confidently rely on Darwin's theory and claim that man descended from apes. Here we can only note that at least one camp of opinion is completely mistaken.

In other words, in the most important knowledge of the essence of man, there is a mass delusion. To begin with, we can consider Darwin's theory. The title itself already notes that this is only a theory and a version of only one person. The fact that this theory was massively introduced into the consciousness of people does not at all indicate its truth and veracity. After all, just recently, all people were sure that the Earth was flat, and a person with a different point of view was simply burned at the stake.

But for many people, their own Divine origin is also difficult to perceive. It so happened that the most important knowledge about its origin does not have its clear and clear understanding. Disagreements about the origins of man never find common ground. Supporters of Darwin's theory would even like God to appear to each of them and personally prove to them his existence. But now even science, in its deep research, is already finding evidence of the existence of a Supreme Mind. Therefore, atheism is not at all a sign of progressiveness, since it limits the understanding of the true essence of man. And the biggest mistake would be to claim that man descended from a monkey. The question is quite acute. Did man descend from a monkey or does he still have Divine origin? The answer to this question will give that fulcrum, starting from which, a person can find the right path in life.

God Frequency - Love

At all times, various prophets and saints constantly spoke about the Soul, Love and God. At different times, these special people often spoke about the Soul as the main essence of a person. Without perceiving the existence of his Soul, a person signs of indifference to himself. A person who has recognized the existence of his Soul immediately has a question: who created his own Soul? Here everything begins to converge on God as the Creator of the human Soul. But recognizing that the human Soul was created by God, one should also recognize one’s own Divine origin. Recognizing the existence of your Soul, you need to perceive its path in Eternity, understanding human life as development in school. Some come to Earth for development, others with their own special task. However, the environment created for people is not at all conducive to the development of the Soul. Everything is arranged in such a way that only a negative environment is created for a person to suppress his Spirit and pollute his Soul. As a result, man is led away from God and his true Divine essence.

The question of the origin of man did not arise at all for the prophets and saints, since they absolutely knew about their relationship with God. All these people were on the same frequency with God and this frequency was Love. By analogy with a receiver, the Soul of each person can also be tuned to a different frequency. Here lies the important thing that the prophets of the past tried to convey. It is the transition of the human Spirit to the energy of Love that connects it with God.

Religion does not formulate its position on this issue very clearly, sometimes defining a person simply as a servant of God. And a huge number of religions and spiritual practices also do not provide a clear understanding of the origin of man. Fortunately, true knowledge about the essence of man has come today in the dictations of the Creator himself, in Revelations to the people of the new century -

Even numerous spiritual practices are too vague and often substitute genuine spirituality. Spiritual practices and increased spirituality should be based in their essence on the word Spirit. Many spiritual practices have nothing to do with genuine spiritual growth. Spirituality means raising the frequencies of the energies of the Spirit to the height of the vibration of Love (fire energy). It is called fiery energy because when the Spirit moves to this vibration, warmth and even heat is felt in the chest. Love is the state of the human Spirit. This energy first cleanses a person’s Soul from everything negative, saving him from duality. Subsequently, the enormous inner potential inherent in the Creator is revealed in man. Only one key can reveal the potential of God in a person - Love.

God is Love and Wisdom, and He can act only with these qualities. Any Father wants his children to be like Him and have the same qualities. Therefore, a person’s accumulation of wisdom and transition to the frequency of God is the path to God. In this true endeavor of a person, he will be given lessons and tips, whether it be a chance meeting or a book. Helping a person in spiritual development is always ongoing, but it is because people do not understand these lessons that numerous mistakes occur.

This misunderstanding is facilitated by various religious misconceptions and deliberate lies about the origin of man. Controlling intelligent animals is not difficult at all. Some can be confused, others can be bought, and others can simply be intimidated. You just need to convince people of their animal origin. It is impossible to rule over the children of God. That is why people are convinced of their animal origin, deceiving deliberately and thoughtfully. If people learn about their Divine origin, then they will immediately have to reconsider the entire system of control over people. Therefore, people’s understanding of their Divine essence will be limited in every possible way.

The main secret is that man is a part of God, he contains all the potential of the Creator and all his enormous capabilities. But only the transition to higher energies allows us to unlock this potential. The frequency of God is Love and it makes a person free and like God, revealing the enormous inner potential inherent in the Creator. This Divine potential was revealed to varying degrees by saints and prophets. They showed people numerous miracles and the potential of God inherent in every person. Only the frequency of God – Love – allows one to reveal this potential of God in a person. The prophets and saints of the past constantly spoke about this, calling on people to reveal the enormous potential God had placed within them.

Author: Andrey Petrik

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