Name days in January according to the church calendar, list of female and male names

May 31, 2021 at 12:05 pm

What names are suitable for January babies? How to choose girls' names according to the Saints for January? — we’ll talk to you about this and much more today. So, if you want to name your daughter in honor of the Shrine, then first you need to open the Orthodox Saints. There are a lot of female names in January: Arina, Maria, Irina, Ulyana, Yulia, Melania, Anastasia.

In January, unlike other months of the year, there are a lot of female names that can be used to call a “January” girl. But the Saints are not just a calendar with names; the Saints indicate the days of veneration of the Saints and great holidays. It should be noted that choosing a name according to the Saints must be approached with great responsibility.

Character of a girl born in January

The girl celebrating her name day in January was born in a harsh time. This is the very middle of winter, and the young body will need all its strength to withstand the long cold months.

Such a climate leaves an imprint on the newborn’s disposition. She grows up as a patient child, rarely cries, but watches a lot of what is happening.

Her poise makes parents proud of their little one, and her thoughtfulness comes in handy when it's time to go to school.


If a baby decides to study, then nothing can distract her from this process. When a January girl has made any decision at all and sees a clear goal, she relies on her strength to achieve it and adamantly pursues victory.


So it is in friendship. Girlfriends are always confident in their January friend. They know that the girl will always come to the rescue, support, and reassure. In general, he will do everything to console and surround his friends with care.


When obstacles arise on the way to a goal, a girl born in January does not seem to notice them. Sometimes it seems that the girl is simply inattentive or, perhaps, too self-confident that she does not see the problem that is rising to its full height.

However, this is only an external impression. In fact, the January girl took the problem into account, thought it over and long ago made a decision on how to deal with it. Only her calm disposition prevents her from showing emotions.

Her success in business rests on prudence. Her poise makes her a valuable employee. When a woman born in winter occupies a leadership position, she becomes an attentive but strict boss.

Negative qualities

Character weaknesses include love of flattery, and also pride. And if nothing can be done about the first one (women love compliments, especially well-deserved ones), then pride can be pacified.

Lucky names for girls that can impart humility to character traits, meekness can be one of the following:

  • Aliya;
  • Maria;
  • Josephine;
  • Miroslava;
  • Taya;
  • Ursula;
  • Sonya;
  • Olivia.

Celebrities with the name of the day January 14 - Bogdan

Bogdan is a Slavic name, meaning “given by God.” This name is popular in Poland and Slovakia.

Bogdan was given secret knowledge about the laws of the universe, the ability to understand the secrets of nature and influence the elements. One of the most powerful names in energy, but this energy is characterized by rigidity and the need for mandatory compliance with divine laws. This name hides a secret; it holds an inexplicable power that may or may not reveal itself to Bogdan over time. It all depends on how seriously Bogdan approaches choosing his path.

Usually Bogdan is distinguished by outstanding abilities, but these abilities will benefit him only if he fulfills his destiny.

Bogdan may have abilities in parapsychology and clairvoyance, healing or magic. He can become an outstanding researcher of the occult.

Meditation of the day January 14

To regain strength, Bogdan needs to take a walk in the oak grove on his name day. Leaning against a powerful tree, he will be able to feel how the oak pumps out bad energy from him and fills him with good.

Dream on the night of January 14

The hyena, despite its not very good “reputation,” is a mystical beast. In a dream, one can reveal the names of liars, enemies or traitors. There is even such a belief: if you hang an image of a hyena or put a figurine of this animal on the table, then the person who treats you badly or harms you will immediately ask you to remove the image of the hyena.

Talisman of the day January 14

Oak leaf made of silver.

Now they sell T-shirts, jeans and backpacks with oak leaves, all of them are an estate amulet for Bogdan.

What name is suitable for a girl born in January?

Today, many young mothers strive to give their daughters beautiful, modern names that would sound original and elegant.

Especially for them, below is a ranking of the most popular names for girls over the past year:

  • Sofia;
  • Anna;
  • Pauline;
  • Ksenia;
  • Love;
  • Elizabeth;
  • Christina;
  • Alexandra;
  • Victoria;
  • Alice.

Old female names are coming back into fashion again. Many parents, thinking about what to name their daughter, turn to the roots and give preference to traditions.

If you like this idea, check out the following options:

  • Antonina;
  • Varvara;
  • Zlata;
  • Lyubava;
  • Pelagia;
  • Rebecca;
  • Lala;
  • Vesta;
  • John;
  • Stephanie.

Name meaning and character

But if you are not inclined to go through popular girl names for your daughter, but prefer to make a choice, understanding what it means, then below is a table with a breakdown of the origin and the most outstanding character traits of the bearer of this name.

NameOriginWhat a character
Tatiana, Tayaorganizer - GreekLoves order in everything. Accurate to the point of pedantry.
He always finishes what he starts.

Sociable, especially with the opposite sex. Does not tolerate competitors.

Anastasiareborn - GreekA selfless, unforgiving girl.
Dreamer. She works hard and loves to do handicrafts.

Loves to help. Incorruptible. Doesn't forgive betrayal.

Victoria, Nikavictory - lat.Assertive, active, knows how to achieve results by any means necessary.
Strives to expend minimal effort. Likes to be lazy.

He has a rich imagination and natural charm. In marriage he values ​​equality.

Allagoddess - Arabic
able to do everything - Gothic.
Since childhood, he has been distinguished by arrogance and intolerance to other opinions.
Able to work, she always strives for success, despite fatigue.

Independent even with her beloved man. It's hard to get along with her.

Vasilisa, Vasilenaruler - GreekA kind girl who knows how to empathize and console the suffering.
Soft, modest by nature, she is stubborn if she decides to take any action.

Loves children, any kind. A wonderful mother and housewife.

Ninaroyal – Assyrian.She does not strive for leadership positions, but her pride does not allow her to lag behind.
Easily deserves respect thanks to his innate sense of tact.

Demanding of herself and loved ones, even small children.

It is important what zodiac sign the girl was born under. After all, character is formed, among other things, under the influence of zodiac constellations.

Celebrities with the name of the day January 14th – Angela

Angela - this name is called Greek, and then it means “messenger”, sometimes it is associated with the Latin language, and then it means “angelic”.

Angela is one of the names that provides a direct connection between a person and their guardian angel.

Angela was given knowledge not only about her future, but also about the future of her loved ones. She can receive information by consciously contacting the bank of cosmic information, and be a person who implements the most advanced technologies in life. If we are talking about dance, this is an incredible avant-garde that causes horror among ordinary people; if we are talking about literature, it is complete “blank verse”. Well, as for technology, here the cards are in hand: it is guaranteed first places in the world of inventions and discoveries.

It is no coincidence that Angela’s progressive views are not always adequately perceived by those around her - relatives and colleagues.

Meditation of the day January 14

The sound of bells will help cleanse the space in which Angela is located. The entire life of a person, from birth to death, was accompanied by the ringing of bells for many centuries. This tradition was lost after 1917, along with the belief and knowledge of the great cleansing power of bell ringing. It was believed that it was the ringing of bells, and not the clock, that measured time. Ringing bells reduces aggressiveness, improves health, and normalizes blood pressure.

To clear the room, you need to ring the bell for several minutes. You can also get a miniature belfry - it’s not such an expensive pleasure, but the effect of combining the sounds of different bells is enormous! There is only one thing... It is not so easy to call competently to have an effect. You can come to this intuitively, although enrolling in a “bell ringing course” is also a good idea. It is no coincidence that bell ringers used to be mystical figures, characters of epics and legends, capable of penetrating into other worlds. In that fairy-tale world, you need to climb a white magic bell tower, ring the magic bell and make a wish - then it will come true.

Talisman of the day January 14

Cedar is considered a “receiver” of cosmic energy, a huge battery that can store energy. Cedar wood beads or bracelets help maintain emotional balance. Cedar rings, if worn on the little fingers, calm the heart and open the soul to meet people.

Dream on the night of January 14

Seeing yourself as a bell ringer means profit; ringing a bell means driving away evil.

To dream that a bell has been stolen is a very bad name day dream, predicting losses.

Names for girls in January according to zodiac sign

The zodiac constellation Capricorn rules over January until the 20th. The patron of girls born during this period is Saturn. He brings stability and self-confidence to the girl’s destiny.

There is little that can force her to change her decision, and it is also unlikely that anything will force Capricorn to doubt his own abilities.

Name for Capricorn

The Capricorn girl grows up as a proud, independent child, but this does not prevent her from having a crowd of admiring fans around her. They are attracted by the tenderness hidden from prying eyes, but every now and then breaking through. She is betrayed by timid glances and some uncertainty in gestures, although this rarely happens.

A Capricorn woman often finds family happiness only after 30 years, when she gets rid of self-doubt. At the same time, there was a career takeoff. She becomes a reliable partner, a loyal friend.

For a girl born under the sign of Capricorn, names that inspire confidence and give some lightness of character are suitable.

  • Natalia;
  • Irina;
  • Maria;
  • Tatiana;
  • Julia;
  • Melania;
  • Evgenia;
  • Anfisa;
  • Euphrosyne.

Name for Aquarius

The planet that patronizes everyone born after January 21, Uranus, develops rebellious feelings in winter girls. They seek to challenge truths, crave freedom and refuse to be submissive.

Aquarius girls greedily absorb knowledge. The teacher who has earned authority in their eyes will receive the most diligent student. The girl will not only study herself, but will force the whole class to follow her example.

She is endlessly charming, ambitious and smart. The explosive mixture of these qualities attracts the most prominent men to her.

An Aquarius woman needs a strong partner who can withstand her pressure, otherwise an uncontrollable avalanche of emotions will simply crush a weak personality. Authoritarianism is her trademark.

For girls who were born under the star of Aquarius, smooth names are suitable, smoothing out the sharp corners formed under the influence of Uranus:

  • Alice;
  • Valeria;
  • Vladislav;
  • Nika;
  • Stanislava;
  • Agnia;
  • Ksenia;
  • Margarita.

No less than the Zodiac, the child’s fate is influenced by the name he is given at baptism.

Church names for girls in January

Christians choose names for girls at baptism according to the Saints. Thus, the priest appoints a patroness for the baby from among God’s saints, numbered among the saints.

In January, the following saints are venerated (by date):

  1. –––––
  2. –––––
  3. Ulyana.
  4. Anastasia.
  5. –––––
  6. Claudia.
  7. Nativity.
  8. Anfisa.
  9. Antonina.
  10. Dominica.
  11. Varvara.
  12. –––––
  13. –––––
  14. –––––
  15. Ulyana.
  16. Irina.
  17. –––––
  18. Evgenia.
  19. –––––
  20. –––––
  21. Vasilisa.
  22. Antonina.
  23. –––––
  24. –––––
  25. Tatiana.
  26. –––––
  27. Agnia.
  28. Elena.
  29. Neonila.
  30. Antonina.
  31. Ksenia, Maria.

When choosing a name according to the calendar, it is absolutely not necessary to rely on the day on which your daughter was born.

Traditionally, it is customary to choose one of the names included in the interval between the dates of the baby’s birth and her christening.

You just need to familiarize yourself with the possible options, find out their meanings, those saints whose names you liked, and then inform the priest from the church parish about your choice.

List of male names

Basically, most parents, well before the birth of their child, already choose a name for him. But it happens that when they see the baby for the first time, they radically change him. In addition to the name chosen by the parents for the child, after baptism he may have a guardian angel. It happens that the church name does not coincide with his real name.

Thus, during the service, the clergyman tries to protect the child from possible negative influence from enemies, as well as from possible damage in the future. After all, it is often the church name that is used to carry out magical rituals. How does a priest choose a name for a child? In January there are a large number of angel days with male names. It is on them that priests rely when choosing for baptism. Parents can also take this into account.

Church ministers allow you to look not only at the names that fall on the baby’s birthday, but also those that are a couple of days ahead.

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Among men's name days in January they celebrate:

  • 01.01 – Ilya, Grigory, Timofey;
  • 02.01 – Ivan, Anton, Ignatius, Daniil;
  • 03.01 – Mikhail, Leonty, Nikita, Sergey, Peter;
  • 04.01 – Fedor, Dmitry;
  • 05.01 – Ivan, Vasily, Makar, Pavel, Naum;
  • 06.01 – Nikolay, Innokenty, Sergey;
  • 08.01 – Vasily, Alexander, Grigory, Efim, David, Joseph, Dmitry, Konstantin, Mikhail, Leonid, Nikolay;
  • 09.01 – Tikhon, Stepan, Fedor;
  • 10.01 – Arkady, Alexander, Efim, Leonid, Ignatius, Nikanor, Peter, Nikolai;
  • 11.01 – Georgy, Veniamin, Ivan, Fadey, Mark;
  • 12.01 – Lev, David, Joseph, Makar, Jacob;
  • 13.01 – Peter, Mikhail;
  • 14.01 – Bogdan, Alexander, Vasily, Grigory, Vyacheslav, Ivan, Nikolay, Mikhail, Peter, Trofim, Platon, Fedot;
  • 15.01 – Kuzma, Vasily, Mark, Peter, Modest, Sergey;
  • 16.01 – Gordey, Vasily;
  • 17.01 – Aristarchus, Alexander, Artem, Denis, Arkhip, Efim, Karp, Joseph, Mark, Clement, Nikanor, Pavel, Nikolai, Prokhor, Stepan, Semyon, Terenty, Timofey, Thaddeus, Trofim, Philip;
  • 18.01 – Joseph, Grigory, Lukyan, Semyon, Matvey, Roman, Sergey;
  • 20.01 – Vasily, Afanasy, Ivan;
  • 21.01 - Vasily, Victor, Georgy, Vladimir, Grigory, Evgeny, Dmitry, Emelyan, Ilya, Ivan, Yulian, Mikhail;
  • 22.01 - Zakhar, Peter, Pavel, Philip;
  • 23.01 – Grigory, Anatoly, Zinovy, Pavel, Makar, Peter;
  • 24.01 – Vladimir, Vitaly, Joseph, Nikolai, Mikhail, Stepan, Fedor, Terenty;
  • 25.01 – Ilya, Galaktion, Makar, Peter;
  • 26.01 – Maxim, Afanasy, Yakov, Peter;
  • 27.01 – Andrey, Adam, Aristarkh, David, Benjamin, Ivan, Joseph, Ilya, Makar, Moses, Mark, Pavel, Stepan, Sergey;
  • 28.01 – Gabriel, Benjamin, Gerasim, Ivan, Mikhail, Maxim, Pavel, Prokhor;
  • 29.01 – Maxim, Ivan, Peter;
  • 30.01 - Anton, Victor, Ivan, Georgy, Savely, Pavel;
  • 31.01 – Afanasy, Alexander, Vladimir, Evgeny, Dmitry, Emelyan, Efrem, Kirill, Hilarion, Maxim, Mikhail, Sergey, Nikolay.

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