What is Old? Meaning of the word Old, definition of the term

In Dahl's dictionary

primordial, pre-construction, ancient, long-standing, long-standing, old, ancient. The Old Testament, all biblical books written before the birth of Christ, are equally recognized by Jews and Christians. Ancient Denmi, Eternal, God. The old man, born in ancestral sin and not reborn spiritually, according to the New Testament. | Obsolete, decrepit, deteriorated from long use. A dilapidated old man, a dilapidated house, dilapidated clothes. Dilapidated North shabby, especially about clothes, thin, full of holes. Dilapidated, dilapidated, fairly or too dilapidated; dilapidated, -shenek, completely dilapidated. Dilapidation, old age, antiquity, decrepitude, disrepair after disrepair. | Dilapidated, decrepit, decrepit m. dilapidated month, the moon is on the wane, in decline, esp. towards the end of the week, last quarter of the moon; opposite sex new, on new, new moon, new moon. The month is in decay, in decay, in decay. Cut a tree into decay, into decay; what was cut down on the new plant rots. The moon turns from old to young. Old Testament, relating to the Old Testament. Ancient Recluse church. m. long-time cell recluse. Old Law cf. the law of Moses; Old Law, relating to this law. The Old Lawist, the one who accepts this law and lives according to it, is a Jew. An old cave dweller who was escaping in a cave; attached to the name of St. John, April 19. Vetukh m. old. decrepit rag, rag, rag, scrap of worn-out clothing, linen; wiping. The rags will be collected. the same, rags, cast-offs of all kinds. Rags collect Same; trade in rags, rags, for wiping, for making paper, etc.. He who has not seen anything new is happy with old things. He who does not have a shirt is glad to have a rag. Hello, in rags: don’t squish it, wear it! ridicule. There are twigs and rags in the princely chambers. The new patch will wipe off the rags. | Graze, plowed land that requires grounding or rest; opposite sex novelty, virgin soil, fallow land, pledge, fallow. | Old, Lon grass, last year's grass, unmown, sib. vetysh. The rags must be burned out with a stick, otherwise it will not allow the young to grow. | Arch. small birch forest, birch forest. Vetoshnik m. Vetoshnitsa w. selling old, worn clothes, or rags, rags, to paper mills. Vetoshnikov, Vetoshnitsyn, belongs to him, to her. Raggy, relative to the rags. A rag row where they sell used clothes. To rag, to sell second-hand clothes, or rags, rags. Racking, rags cf. the trade of a rag-raider. To rag something, to hem, to tuck rags under clothes, or on the inner side of fur, a fur coat, for strength. To become rags, to be rags, hemmed with rags. Thin and prefabricated furs are worn out. Finish the fur, finish the work. I wore out all the rags, wore them out. To slander with a serpyanka. Re-thread the fur coat after mending. Spent the whole evening. Vetoshene Wed. action, this work, marking rags. Decay, about a person: grow old, become decrepit; about a thing: to wear out, become unusable from time to use. Decaying, falling into disrepair, comp. according to verb. The stone has become weathered, weathered, loosened. The clothes had deteriorated to the point of being unusable, completely worn out. The house was dilapidated, and so was the owner. We will all become too old. Tver is falling into disrepair. wear out, about clothes.

Meaning of the word dilapidated

Examples of the use of the word dilapidated in literature.

And the holy Abba knew that those were the old Hellenic-Roman gods—Jobish, Mercurius, Apollo and Venus, and Bacchus.
Then the Lord temporarily took me out of there and brought me to the Seventh-day Adventist Church, where the Old Testament is studied carefully, but they interpret it to fit their theories and dogmas.

Looking at the familiar and painfully close: the stones of the old city, the slow waters of the Syr Darya, the greenery of a dilapidated acacia grove.

Algerian women in shabby white bedspreads, ragged workers and peddlers, dirty beggars with sightless eyes fixedly turned to the sun made their way through this smug crowd.

How is the antinomy resolved between the so obviously compilatory nature of the Holy Scriptures and the Old Testament and the dogma of its divine inspiration?

How is the antinomy resolved between the so obviously compilatory nature of the Holy Scriptures and the Old Testament and the dogma of its divine inspiration?

Following the New and Old Testaments, the Apocrypha entered the literature of a variety of peoples - from Persia to Western Europe and from Ethiopia to Russia.

We must be able to see in it not only the cloudiness of biblical faith, but also what made the Apocrypha a link between the Old and New Testaments.

It included books of the Old Testament, commentaries on them, apocrypha and documents reflecting the life of the villages.

There are autophilosophical autographs, autographs on mythological subjects with their theological interpretation, on themes of the Old Testament, autographs inspired by parabolas from the Gospel, autographs on legendary and historical subjects.

Great Khakan, the Conqueror of Okoem, and all his life he will wear my winged horses around his neck as a sign of good luck, and will pass it on to his son, and he will give it to his son, and he will be pursued by the alien dark people and forced to give them his daughter and a hryvnia as a dowry, and they Kaan will put a talisman with horses on his overgrown thick neck, and all his life victories and good luck will accompany him, and he will pass on the horseshoe of the talisman to his son, and the son will pass it on to his son, and when he dies without leaving offspring, he will be buried along with the horse and his wives , weapons and decorations, and will be covered with earth, and a high mound will be erected, sharply sloping, with a flat-faced stone woman, the Guardian of Fate, on the top, where a year later, according to the custom of the ancestors, a crooked sword-jigurda will be stuck, and many, many, many For years, my golden winged horses will rest in that nameless mound, until one day they see the bright bright sun again, and they are taken reverently in their hands, and they are cleansed from the dust, and they are carefully put on their necks, and they fly with them, winged gold-letter embroidered brocades

In the wavering flicker of candles, an old priest with a yellow-edged beard serves the Lenten service, sensitively reading the prayer of St.

The general idea of ​​Wellhausen's theory, derived largely from Astruck, de Vette and Graf, is that the Old Testament was subjected to considerable modification, adjustment and unsuccessful imitation by the priest-legislators under the leadership of Ezra during the time of the second Temple.

He exhausted himself with long prayers and fasting, and secretly placed chains on his old flesh.

The lesson consisted of memorizing several verses from the Gospel and repeating the beginning of the Old Testament.

Source: Maxim Moshkov library

In Vasmer Max's dictionary

vetokh also vetokh “last quarter of the lunar cycle”, Ukrainian. dilapidated, old Russian, old Slav. old παλαιός (Klots., Supr.), Bulgarian. old, vekht, Serbohorv. vetah, vetah, Czech. vetchý, slvts. vetchý, Polish wiotchy. Related Lit. vẽtušas, ltsh. vęcs “old, elderly, dilapidated”, lat. vetus, vetustus, Greek ἔτος “year”, Old Indian vatsás “one-year-old (about an animal)”, Alb. vjet "year"; see Trautman, BSW 356; M. – E. 4, 517; Valde2 830. Along with u̯etos “year” the i.e. is reconstructed. *u̯etus-, *u̯etuso- “old, elderly” (see Persson, IF 26, 63; Glotta 6, 90 et seq.), while Buga (RFV 67, 246) and Endzelin (SBE 52) derive lit. word from *u̯etuḱsos. •• (Here is the Sogd. wt̲šnyy “old” from Ir. *wat(u)šana-; see Semerenyi, ZDMG 101, 1952, pp. 204 – 205. – T.)

What is Old? Meaning of the word Old, definition of the term


The Old Testament is a biblical term that has a double meaning: 1) firstly, it refers to the agreement that God concluded with various representatives of ancient humanity in order to preserve the true faith through them in the midst of the error that was spreading everywhere. The covenant received a very definite character of a mutual agreement in the person of Abraham, who acted as the founder of the chosen people, who were supposed to take on a special historical mission - to be the bearer of true religion among the pagan world. Abraham was promised that for his preservation of the true faith, numerous descendants would come from him, into whose possession a vast country would be given - “from the river of Egypt to the river Euphrates.” Circumcision began to serve as a visible sign of acceptance of the covenant. This was the first, personal stage of the agreement. Its second stage has a national character; it began after the Jews left Egypt. At Mount Sinai, God concluded with the Jewish people, through Moses, a Covenant, which was supposed to serve partly as a confirmation of the previous ones, partly as a necessary completion of them - and the expression of this covenant was the Sinai legislation. The purpose of the covenant was to distinguish the Israeli people from the rest of humanity and make them a chosen kingdom in which they could the seeds of true faith, destined to subsequently spread to all humanity, will be preserved and developed (Deuteronomy, XXIX, 10 - 13, 18). Jehovah, the King of all the earth, becomes primarily the king of the Israeli people, receives supreme power over them, becomes their lawgiver, whose regulations the people are obliged to accept and sacredly observe. If the agreement is observed, Jehovah promises the chosen people his special protection and will rule them through special laws capable of ensuring for them the enjoyment of the invaluable benefits of true religion, as well as all the benefits of freedom, peace and prosperity. The totality of such relations between Jehovah and the chosen people is “theocracy,” and the Old Testament, in this sense, is synonymous with theocracy or government. The entire subsequent history of the Israeli people was an expression of this theocracy, as a result of which biblical history itself, BC, is often called “the history of the Old Testament.” The strict guardians of the covenant were the prophets, who, with their fiery speech, mercilessly castigated all the covenant breakers, not sparing the princes, nor the mighty of this world in general. Only thanks to the prophets, the idea of ​​his chosenness was finally so strengthened in the consciousness of the people that they could preserve their national existence until the time when the old theocracy was replaced by the newly proclaimed “Kingdom of God” and the Old Testament gave way to a new covenant, which had a completely different task. - 2) In the second sense, the Old Testament means the collection of sacred books that make up the first, pre-Christian part of the Bible, in contrast to the New Testament, as a collection of sacred books of proper Christian origin. About the composition and titles of these books. This part of the Bible is called the Old Testament due to the very content of the books included in it, which have as their subject a presentation of the Old Testament economy in various phases of its historical development. First is historical literature, with its almost epic simplicity in the story of primitive times, and adjacent to it is ritual-legal literature, corresponding to the beginnings of the national-political stage in the development of the people. Then, again after a series of historical books, corresponding to the highest stage in political development, there appears political literature, expressing the full flowering of inner spiritual life, and, finally, it is replaced by didactic literature, corresponding to the period of national old age, with its practical wisdom and bitter disappointments in life. From this side, the Old Testament books constitute the same precious source for the history of the national development of the ancient Jewish people, like the literature of any other people, with the great advantage that the thread of this development is carried out in it with clarity and the greatest consistency. The name V.Z. appeared very early; it is found in ap. Paul in 2 Corinthians, where he talks about “reading the Old Testament” (III, 14). The word "covenant" is a translation of the Greek diaJhkh, which in the West found its expression in the word test amentum. As for the relationship between the Old and New Testaments, the internal organic connection of their content is clearly expressed in the famous Latin couplet: Vetus Testamentum in Novo patet, Novum autem in Vetere latet, i.e. e. The Old Testament is revealed in the new, but the New is hidden in the Old. Both of the presented sides of the Old Testament have been the subject of numerous studies, and the first side can actually include biblical historical literature, in which many works are directly called “the history of the Old Testament” (for example, the famous work of Kurtz, “Die Geschichte des Alten Bundes ", 3rd ed. 1864). The second, literary side has also been the subject of many historical and literary studies and even more critical ones, especially those that have multiplied since the beginning of this century, under the influence of so-called biblical rationalism. The works of Jul are known from entire courses on the history of Old Testament literature. Furst, “Geschichte der bibl. Literatur. "(1867 and 1870); Noldeke,"Geschichte der altest. Literatur” and others A.L.

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