Sunday schools at churches of the Russian Orthodox Church

What is the difference between Sunday school for children and regular school?

General education institutions do not protect children from the propaganda of violence, drugs, alcohol and premarital affairs. Schoolchildren have not yet developed immunity from worldly “dirt,” so in this case, parents and the church bear responsibility for the upbringing of each child, if they are entrusted with it.

Children's ministries will not replace family and parents, but they will show the little person that there are other values, a bright world of goodness and love under the name “Orthodoxy.” The importance of the church children's ministry cannot be overstated. The main tools for the spiritual education of children are the Word of the Bible and prayer service for children.

Orthodox schools accept children aged 6 years and older. Lessons in church institutions can be attended by both children and teenagers up to adulthood.

Parochial school class

The main subjects of church studies are:

  • study of Holy Scripture - the Bible, the Law of God; Catechism, Church History;
  • church singing and Orthodox etiquette;
  • doctrine of Orthodoxy, study of the Church Slavonic language;
  • rules of behavior at divine services, younger children come to the beginning of the Liturgy, because it is difficult for them to stand on their feet for three hours.

The purpose of classes at churches is to introduce children to the knowledge of the grace of Orthodox life and prepare for the transition to adulthood.

Attention! Special programs have been drawn up for conducting lessons in educational institutions at churches. They are fundamentally different from classes in secondary schools.

Temple educational institutions employ specially trained teachers who perfectly understand the psyche of children and their attitude to regular studies. The main difference from worldly institutions is the atmosphere of kindness, acceptance and general joy.

Classes in groups of children are conducted in the form of a game or in the form of a fairy tale, and for teenagers a variety of Bible quests, quizzes and even KVNs have been developed.

Pupils of the senior group are involved in local history work, collecting material concerning the history of the church and holy icons, the lives of saints.

The main task of Sunday school for children is to instill in its pupils a love for the Creator and humanity, for the church and its services through knowledge, creative activities, educational games, theatrical performances, travel to holy places and sacrificial labor.

Sunday school for children

Teenagers happily go on pilgrimage trips, returning from them spiritually renewed and strengthened. Orthodox holidays, religious processions, church concerts are open platforms for the development of the younger generation of Church ministers. Sunday institutions at churches are designed to awaken in children a thirst for communication with God through drawing, singing, games, and watching Christian films.

Sunday school can sometimes help change the character of a child living in an atmosphere of lies, drunkenness, hypocrisy and distrust of God.

Bible lesson. Two classes in Sunday church school in a group from 3 to 6 years old

Anna Kozlovskaya

Bible lesson. Two classes in Sunday church school in a group from 3 to 6 years old

Bible Lesson


GREETING: When the children arrive, add the word SHEPHERD to the board. Tell the children, “Today we will learn about the patient shepherd. A shepherd is a person who takes care of the sheep. One of the duties of a shepherd is to protect the sheep from danger.” (Hang a card with the word protect and a picture of a shepherd on the board.)

Then let the children choose educational ones
golden verse
game .
Repeat the “golden verse”
several times during this
lesson . Show the children where these words are found in the Bible (James 1:4)
. Tell the children: “In our
Bible story today you will learn that a patient man protects those around him.
CREATIVE ACTIVITY: Children will make a sheep doll that fits on their finger. Cut strips of white paper (3x8cm)

. Fold in half. Have children draw a sheep's face next to the fold line. Then tape the two edges together with tape. Put it on your finger. Let the children make as many dolls as they want.

ACTIVE PLAY: Let the children imagine themselves as sheep. Let one of the children take turns being a shepherd. Let the shepherd lead the sheep to good pasture and water.

BOOKS AND PICTURES: Prepare books and pictures that show Jesus as a shepherd. “Jesus once said that He is the good shepherd. He wants to take care of us and protect us from danger. We are His sheep and lambs."

WORSHIP TIME: Sing a few songs about Jesus. Then pray: “Thank you, God, for Jesus, who is our good Shepherd. Help us to be patient. In the name of Jesus. Amen."

BIBLE STORY : Little Lamb Lost

This story is similar to one that Jesus told His friends.

“M-e-e-e! M-e-e-e! I want to eat!"

- the sheep cried.

“M-e-e-e! M-e-e-e! I'm thirsty!"

- the second sheep cried.

“M-e-e-e! M-e-e-e! I want to play!"

- the little lamb cried.

"Okay, friends,"

- said the good shepherd. “I will take you to green pastures and watering places, where you can eat, drink and play. Let me count you while you leave the pen!”

And he counted all the sheep. The good shepherd had to take care of a hundred sheep!

“Ninety-one, ninety-two, ninety-three, ninety-four, ninety-five, ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred. All my sheep are here. Let's go friends!

They had fun that day just like every day. The good shepherd was washing the wounds of the sheep and combing the wool, when suddenly he heard a crunching sound in the bushes. He raised his head and saw two large, shiny green eyes in the foliage!


- the big hungry wolf growled. “Rrrr, here are just a few fat, tasty lambs for my lunch. I'm so hungry! Rrrr! Rrrr! Rrrrr!”

“No, wolf. You will not harm my sheep. Get out of here before I hit you with this stick. I love my sheep. I'm a good shepherd!

The wolf ran away as fast as he could.

That evening, when the sheep returned to the fold, the good shepherd counted them again. “Ninety-one, ninety-two, ninety-three, ninety-four, ninety-five, ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety-eight, ninety-nine!” Something happened. One little lamb was missing!

"Oh no!"

- said the good shepherd. “It’s late, it’s getting dark. I'm tired and hungry. But I can't rest until I find the little lost lamb. What if he got hurt? What if a hungry wolf finds him? I have to go back."

(Use appropriate movements.)

He looked behind the bushes. He looked between the large stones. He looked up at the top of the hill. He looked down onto the plain. He listened. He heard a faint cry.

“M-e-e-e! M-e-e!”

The scream grew louder.
M-e-e!” Even louder.

“M-e-e-e! M-e-e!”

The good shepherd followed the cry until he found the little lost lamb.

He bent down, took the lamb in his arms and carried it into the pen.

Who is my Good Shepherd? Who is your Good Shepherd? Can you guess? You know? The Lord is my Good Shepherd, and He is also your Good Shepherd.

Jesus cares for us just as the good shepherd in this story cared for his sheep. He knows us all by name. Our Good Shepherd sees to it that no one harms us.

STORY: Andrew's Good Shepherd.

“Andrey, today is such a good day! Let's go to grandma!

- Mom said.

"Okay, Mom,"

- said Andrey.
"With joy! Grandma is sick. Maybe she will feel better. I know I'll take the pictures from Sunday School and tell her the story we were told in church last Sunday ."
“She will really like this, Andrey. Great idea. What is this story? - Mom asked.

“It was the best story of all – the story of the Good Shepherd.”

“Who is the shepherd?”

- Mom asked.
(She knew, of course, but she wanted to see if Andrey knew.)
“Well, a shepherd,” Andrey answered, “is a man who takes care of the sheep. He feeds, waters and protects them. He takes care of the sheep all the time. Just imagine, mom, that you and I are sheep. Who is our shepherd?


- Mom asked.


- said Andrey.


- Mom asked.


- said Andrey.

"I give up,"

- Mom said.
“Who is our shepherd?”
“Ay-yay, shame on you, mom! You should know who always takes care of us. The Lord is my Shepherd, remember?”


- Mom said.
“Here comes grandma’s house!”
Grandma was so happy to see the guests and she loved the story of the Good Shepherd! She was very proud of Andrei!

But Andrey didn’t really want to sit at home on such a beautiful day. Mom and grandma wanted to talk about a lot.

“Can I walk a little, Mom, while you talk to Grandma?”

"I think yes,"

- Mom said. “Up the street you can walk to the post office, and down the street you can walk to the grocery store. Don’t go any further because this is an unfamiliar area and you can easily get lost.”

Andrey knew how to whistle. So he walked down the street whistling a tune.

“Can you whistle?”

– someone asked him in a quiet voice.


- Andrey answered.
"What is your name?"
"My name is Vadim. I live down the street, around the corner. I can't whistle, but I have a parrot who can talk. Come with me and I’ll show you!”

“Mmmm, mom said that... Okay, I'll go."

- said Andrey.
“Mom won’t know anything anyway.”
Andrei forgot that God sees everything we do. God knows when we do wrong.

Mom spent some time with her grandmother. Mom called Andrei: “Andrei, Andrei, it’s time to go home.”

Nobody is answering.

Mom went out into the yard. She looked up the street, then she looked down the street. Andrey was nowhere to be seen. She called again: “Andrey, Andrey.”

No answer.

Grandma was sick, and mom didn’t want her to worry, so she said: “I’ll look for Andrey, grandma. He always listens to me. I'll just walk down the street and find him. Goodbye!"


- said the grandmother. “I'm sure you'll find him soon. Any boy who loves Jesus like Andrew will never do anything wrong."

But mom searched and searched for Andrei. She asked several people if they had seen her little child. Nobody has seen. It was already getting dark. Dad will be home soon. Mom is tired. Mom was scared! "Please, Lord, help me find my little child,"

- Mom prayed.

Suddenly she saw a policeman. He was leading a little boy by the hand. The little boy was very tired and crying. This little boy was Andrey!

That evening Andrew prayed, “Thank you, Lord, for being my Good Shepherd, even when I am such a bad lamb. From now on, I will always obey my mother."


Item: Lamb, which will be very similar to the real one.


1. Draw and cut out one lamb for each child from cardboard.

2. Give each child a piece of soft fluffy light-colored fabric (9.5 x 5 cm., which will be glued to the lamb; a small piece of cotton wool to glue to the tail; a black pencil (chalk) to draw four hooves, an eye, a nose and a mouth.

3. Make a lamb ahead of time to use as a sample.

Class activity: “Have any of you ever touched a lamb? He is so white, soft and fluffy. He looks as if he is wearing a soft fluffy fur coat. His tail is also soft. These little lambs you have are white, but they are not soft. So let's first glue a soft, white coat on our lamb. Apply glue to the area limited by the lines. Carefully glue the fabric.

Now let's give our lamb a nice soft white tail. Each of you has a piece of cotton wool. Apply glue to the tail and glue a piece of cotton wool. Make sure the cotton sticks to the lamb and not to your fingers.

Now let's draw four small legs for our lamb.

Something is missing. I wonder why. Right! The lamb needs an eye, a nose and a mouth. Let's see if you can draw a lamb's face.

Look how cute our lambs are. No wonder the good shepherd was so patient and went such a long way to find this lost little lamb. The Lord is my Shepherd, and your Good Shepherd too!”

ENDING: Talk about the Good Shepherd, Jesus. Remind the children that He is with them wherever they are. Say the golden verse

together. Then end with a prayer.



WELCOME: When the children arrive, have them look at the board. Tell the children about Bible
Scholars Club (See Section 4)
Pay attention to the children that they will learn “golden verses”
Show them the rewards they will receive when they learn poetry. Then have each child choose one of the following : During this unit, you will use Bible
jigsaw to help children learn
the golden verses
. Look in Section 4 for the jigsaw puzzle for Proverbs 8:7,
the golden verse.
for today's
lesson ( "My tongue will speak the truth"
Always open your Bible to the place where the verse is written. Underline the verse. “These words will help us always remember that we must tell the truth and be true to what we say. In our Bible story today you will learn about a mother who made a promise to God and was faithful to that promise.
She told the truth and did what she said she would do." CREATIVE ACTIVITY: Write a “golden verse”

in broken letters on lined sheets of paper. Have the children trace the letters. Read the verse to the children. Then have the children read it to you.

FAMILY LIFE: Find clothes that the children can dress up in. Tell the children: “In our Bible story today, you will learn about a mother who made clothes for her son. She promised to do it and kept her word."

SPECIAL INTEREST: Ask someone to come into the classroom and show the children some of the following: 1. how to weave; 2. how to sew; 3. how to knit; 4. how to embroider. This must be someone other than the teacher or assistants.

Tell the children: “In ancient times, people made their own clothes. They made their own fabric on a loom. Then they sewed their own clothes. And after that they decorated the clothes with embroidery.”

WORSHIP TIME: Sing a few favorite songs. Then pray: “Thank You, Father, for Your words in the Bible . Help us to learn them so that we can do what You want us to do. In the name of Jesus. Amen."


Anna keeps her promise

“I have no children: neither a boy nor a girl. I'm so lonely. Please, God,” Anna prayed, “I will promise You.” I promise You that if You give me a boy, I will give him to You. When he is old enough, I will bring him to Your temple to live there and help Your servant Eli. I promise!"

And of course, very soon Anna had her own child! It was a boy, and she named him Samuel. It was such a tiny and cute baby. Can you imagine a baby with big brown eyes and rosy cheeks? Anna was the happiest mother in the whole world. She bowed her head and prayed: “Thank you, God. Thank You for my child Samuel. I won't forget my promise. I promised that if You would give me a boy, I would give him to You to live in Your temple with Your servant Eli. And I will do so!”

When the time came, Anna kept her promise! She folded all of Samuel's clothes. She put all his toys away. And then she brought Samuel to the temple to live there.

Every year Hannah visited Samuel. And every time she visited her son, she brought him a gift - new clothes that she made with her own hands! Every year Samuel grew and grew, and the clothes that Anna made for her child had to be bigger and bigger! And every year Samuel thanked God more and more.

WORKBOOK: Use page 15 from Workbook 2. Have the children decorate the outerwear. Older children can cut it out themselves. Then have the children color and cut out Samuel. Let the children play with their paper dolls of Samuel.

Let the younger children decorate their outerwear. Then, while teachers and assistants cut out clothes for them, they can decorate Samuel. Help the children cut out a paper doll of Samuel. Let them play with the doll.


What is a promise?

“What’s in that big box, Mom?”

– Andrey asked.
"I know it's for me because it has my name on it."
"Andrey! You can already read! Yes, the big box has your name on it. What does it say on the second big box?” - Mom asked.

"I don't know. Maybe this is Tanya’s name?

– Andrey asked.

"Right again,"

- Mom said. “These are surprise boxes. One for you, and the second for Tanya. I promise that on the first rainy day you will receive your boxes with a surprise.”

“Oh, mommy!”

– Tanya squealed.
“I hope it rains tomorrow!”
But the next day there was no rain. And the next day there was no rain, and the next. “If it doesn’t rain soon, the flowers will wither and so will I.” I can’t wait to see what’s in these boxes,” Andrey cried.

“I can’t wait either. Andrey, what if mom forgot about her promise?”

“This can’t be, Tanya. When mom promises something, she always does it!”

The next morning, rain pattered on the window. “Oh, what a boring day,” said my mother, “it’s a pity that I can’t get out of the house today.”

Suddenly the phone rang! Ding-ding-ding!

It was dad calling. “Today is such a cloudy day. Would you like to come to my work with the kids so we can go have lunch together?”

“Oh, with pleasure,” my mother replied, “but wait, I’ll ask the children.”

When mom asked Andrey and Tanya, she was surprised. Instead of jumping up happily, as she thought, they were sad. Suddenly mom remembered her promise and two large boxes that could be opened on the first rainy day. She ran back to the phone.

“Dad, I'm sorry, please. I promised something and I have to do it. I'll call you back later."


Item: Outerwear in three sizes to teach children that no matter the time, we must deliver on what we promise.


1. Using the pattern on page 20 of the Pattern Book, draw and cut out outerwear in three sizes from cardboard. Each child will have clothes in small, medium and large sizes.

2. Cut out clothes of the same size from cotton fabric, wrapping paper or colored paper. For every cardboard clothing there must be a fabric or colored paper clothing of the same size.

3. Finish each size outerwear by gluing the fabric or colored paper garment onto the cardboard.

Classwork: “Anna prayed (Bow your head as in prayer)

: “Please, God, I don’t have children: neither a boy nor a girl. I'm so lonely. I promise You that if You give me a boy, I will give him to You to live in Your temple. I promise!"

God gave Anna a boy. She named him Samuel and kept her promise.

When Samuel grew older, Hannah took Samuel to the temple to live there and serve God. Anna kept her promise. Every year she made clothes for Samuel and brought them to her son. Samuel grew and grew, and the clothes had to be bigger and bigger. Today we will make with you clothes that were just for Samuel when he was very little. We will also make clothes for Samuel when he is older. And we will make clothes for Samuel when he became very big! We will all imagine ourselves as Anna and learn what it means to keep a promise.”

Place fabric clothing on top of cardboard clothing. (Write “Samuel’s mom kept her promise.”

on the finished garment.)

ENDING: Give your parents the “golden verse”

with a note explaining what the
Scholars Club .
Ask parents to help their children learn the golden verse
. Remind children to always keep their promises. End with a prayer.

Bible Lesson


PRAYER: “Lord, we thank You that You love all people. You love adults and children. You love even bad people because You believe that they can change and become good. Thank you. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: You can play the game “Pass the Bundle”

You prepare in advance a package consisting of several layers, inside of which there are cards with the words of the golden verse. In the last package along with the card, put some small prize (candy, lollipop, etc.)
. Children sitting in a circle pass the package to each other in turns. When the teacher, standing with his back to the children, claps his hands, the child holding the package unfolds the top layer and takes out a card. Place the card on the floor and read the word of the verse. Let the children repeat after you. After this, the game continues. The surprise will go to the one who unfolds the last layer. After this, repeat the entire golden verse together.


One day Jesus came to the city of Jericho. There were always crowds of people around Jesus. Some people couldn't even see Jesus because of the crowd, let alone hear what He was talking about with others. In this city lived a man named Zacchaeus. He was very short, but he was very rich. Zacchaeus did not have a single friend. People didn't like him because he cheated others for money. Zacchaeus really wanted to see Jesus, but the crowd wouldn't let him in. People pushed Zacchaeus away and called him Shorty. All the people were sure that Jesus would not even want to talk to Zacchaeus. “Who knows, Jesus knows what kind of person Zacchaeus is!”

- people thought.
No matter how hard Zacchaeus tried, he could not get one step closer to the Lord. But suddenly he smiled to himself and ran along the street along which Jesus was walking. Having overtaken the crowd, Zacchaeus saw a tree. Quick as a cat, he climbed up the fig tree and began to wait for Jesus to come. Now no one will stop him from seeing Jesus Christ, about whom people talk so much. Or maybe even Jesus will come closer to the tree and Zacchaeus will even be able to hear Him. Suddenly he saw a crowd of people, among whom Jesus was walking. People were supposed to walk next to Zacchaeus, but suddenly the crowd went straight to the fig tree on which the short rich man was sitting. Jesus walked up to the fig tree, raised his head and said, “Zacchaeus, get down from the tree, because I need to come and visit you.”
Zacchaeus almost fell from the tree in surprise. Nobody loved him, he had no friends, not even just comrades. And suddenly Jesus wants to come visit him. Zacchaeus changed, became good and began to help poor and needy people.

CRAFTS: Make a Zacchaeus on a Tree


BOOKS: Show the children today's story from the Children's Bible .

END: End the session with a short prayer .

Classes resumed from 02/07/2021.

New academic year 2020/2021

Enrollment is open for Sunday school for adults (from 16 years old), studios, and courses. The classes are taught by Archpriest Alexy Davidenko and Priest Alexander Bovanenko.

Check the class schedule by phone. (Alexander Volodin).

Main subjects:
  • Holy Scripture, Orthodox worship, Christian cultural heritage, Iconography
  • Introduction to basic church sciences (biblical studies, liturgics, church history), Temple building, Church music
  • Introduction to Biblical History
  • Reading with explanations of the book of Psalms
Starts at 13:00.

On Sundays. For free.

Address: B. Nikitskaya, 22.

Recording and information:


Alexander Volodin

  • “Christianity - Paths of Development” - a course of conversations with a priest, tea drinking, on Tuesdays, after the prayer service.
  • “Gospel readings” and a conversation with the priest, tea drinking, clergy in the refectory of the House - on Thursdays, after the service of custom prayers with the reading of the akathist.
  • Theater studio "Vest" - staging performances for children's Sunday school for Christmas and Easter (by agreement).
Start after prayers at approximately 19:00.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Parish house: Moscow, Bolshaya Nikitskaya st., 20, building 1.

Entrance from Voznesensky Lane.

Recording and information:


Alexander Volodin

Timetable of classes

13:00 — 15:00Introduction to basic church sciences (biblical studies, liturgics, church history).Archpriest Alexy Davidenko22
13:00 — 15:00Introduction to Biblical History.Priest Alexander Bovanenko22
18:00 — 22:00“Meetings on Nikitskaya” (3 times a month)Galina ShepelevaPriest's house
18:00 — 22:00“Youth meetings” (once a month)Archpriest Alexy DavidenkoPriest's house
14:00 — 19:00English languageMaria Valerievna FominaPriest's house
19:00 — 22:00Ringing courses (with participation in religious services)Vasily Viktorovich VakatovPriest's house
14:00 — 17:00English languageMaria Valerievna FominaPriest's house
17:00 — 22:00Fine art studioOlga Nikolaevna MalyaginaPriest's house
17:00 — 22:00Studio "Historical Ballroom Dance"Alina Dobrynina22
19:00 — 21:00MotohorGeorgy Ugrekhilidze22
19:00 — 22:00Ringing courses (with participation in religious services)Vasily Viktorovich VakatovPriest's house
14:00 — 17:00English languageMaria Valerievna FominaPriest's house
17:00 — 22:00Fine art studioOlga Nikolaevna MalyaginaPriest's house
17:00 — 21:00Church singing school (with participation in services)Kapitolina KhojaevaPriest's house
14:00 — 19:00English languageMaria Valerievna Fomina22
19:00 — 21:30Gospel readingsPriest's house
19:00 — 22:00Bell ringers coursesVasily Viktorovich VakatovPriest's house
19:00 — 21:00MotohorGeorgy Ugrekhilidze22
19:00 — 21:00Author's course "Vocation"Anastasia Vladimirovna Moshennikova22
14:00 — 19:00English languageMaria Valerievna FominaPriest's house
17:00 — 22:00Historical ballroom dance studioAlina Dobrynina22
19:00 — 21:00Church singing school (with participation in services)Kapitolina KhojaevaPriest's house
17:00 — 20:00Theater studio "Vest"Sergey and Galina IshchenkoPriest's house

The purpose and main idea of ​​the lesson

You have a topic, for example, “The Lost Sheep” (Luke 15:3-7) First, identify ONE main idea for yourself. In this biblical story, you can find many truths - the main ideas that you would like to convey to children. But there is a golden rule: “ONE LESSON - ONE MAIN THOUGHT.”

Therefore, determine it for yourself immediately and write it down. How to choose it? Should I take the one that is written in the manual? The one that you think is most important? By what criteria to choose the main idea of ​​the lesson:

1. Your main idea should be responsive to your children's needs. You know your group of students. If these children are non-believers, then their main need is for a relationship with Christ. If your children have already repented, then for them the main idea in the same story may be different.

2. Trust in the Holy Spirit. You can't know everything, but God can. Based on the main idea, determine for yourself the purpose of the lesson: 1. What children should learn (1 fact, 1 truth that concerns each child personally) 2. How should they respond to this truth? And then your entire lesson is built to achieve a specific goal.

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