6 strong texts of prayers for children’s obedience to parents and who to turn to

There are no children who grow up without screaming. Why do small children often cry and scream a lot? There are many reasons for this, some of which are still a mystery. Most often, not being able to say, this is how the baby reacts to our world, due to his weakness, reminding of himself, of his problems, ailments, problems in the body, so as not to be forgotten. And often the cause of screaming, sometimes hysterics, is the baby’s uncontrollable nervous system, which is far from perfect.

Kids subtly feel changes, external energies, they are sensitive to any changes. Sometimes the appearance of just a stranger can cause a child to become capricious and cry hysterically. Adults are perplexed... Where to look for the reason? And the reason is a violation of the baby’s energy biofield. Often the basis of screaming is the evil eye, excessive praise. We’ll talk about how to make a child cry using spells and prayers today.

The power of Orthodox prayers

Parental prayer for children has the power of a talisman. It can be said in your own words, but there are many canonical prayers approved by the church fathers. The power of prayer appeals to God has been tested for centuries. Orthodox priests recommend that mothers pray for their children throughout their lives, starting from the prenatal period.

Daily maternal prayer, which has become a familiar ritual, will be a reliable shield from adversity and illness for helpless children, for mature accelerators, and for children graying with age. Disobedient children bring a lot of grief to their parents.

If a son or daughter is rude to parents, leaves home, takes things or money without asking, or succumbs to the influence of bad friends and acquaintances, then this causes great concern to the parents. Lacking life experience, he/she can get into serious trouble that threatens health and life. Prayers for children's obedience can enlighten the mind of a beloved child and protect them from a rash act.

Who to pray for children's obedience

In order for a child to obey his parents, you can pray:

  • to Jesus Christ;
  • Mother of God;
  • saints;
  • guardian angel

The most effective appeal is to the Almighty. All events in a person’s life occur according to the will of the Lord. Children's disobedience occurs most often due to parental oversight in upbringing. The sinful lifestyle of the father and mother is mirrored in the behavior of the children. You need to pray to Jesus Christ with a repentant heart, realizing your sins before God.

The Most Holy Mother of God is sensitive to parental concerns for their children. There is a special icon “Education”, in front of which you should pray in case of conflicts with children.

For a disobedient son or daughter, you can pray to the holy saints Sergius of Radonezh, Matrona of Moscow. St. Sergius of Radonezh, the greatest Orthodox ascetic, was the founder of the famous Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Through the prayers of Matrona of Moscow, miracles were and continue to be performed during her life and after her death.

In the Orthodox prayer book there is an appeal to all the saints, which will help to find mutual understanding with children. A guardian angel is always next to a person. But not everyone hears his voice. A mother's fervent prayer to her guardian angel gives a chance to protect her child from misfortune.

Causes of baby crying

Let's consider the reasons for crying in children, those that are present in ordinary healthy children:

  • Crying is a child's protective shield.
  • Children's sensitivity to external energy fields is incredibly high. Therefore, the slightest changes from the outside (pressure drops, magnetic storms, phases of the moon, the appearance of strangers, bursts of energy from the outside, the negative impact of another plane - all this is subtly perceived by the child’s psyche and biofield.
  • The child is in close connection with the mother, everything that she experiences and how - everything is reflected in the baby’s behavior. That is why any negative impact on the mother and her mood is immediately reflected in the behavior and well-being of the child.
  • Children who are noisy from birth can express their protest against this world in this way; the desire of this soul was not taken into account when sending it to Earth.
  • The child does not accept something in this world: the bed is not in the right place, there is too much or little light, it is cold or often too hot, it can be boring, but he cannot express his disagreement. The cry is a manifestation of his dissatisfaction.
  • This way the baby can develop and acquire the necessary skills. It has been proven that calm children who sleep a lot lag behind restless children in development. After all, in a hurry to explore the world, in a short time you must master most of your skills.
  • The character of a child is already formed in the first days of life, and perhaps already at conception. Someone will be born phlegmatic, someone choleric, sanguine... you can’t knock a tear out of someone, but someone will let them in anyway. Well, sometimes moodiness comes with the first breath
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